Peace May 2015 Offerings A Publication of Peace Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale Peace Lutheran Church 4512 France Avenue North Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Church Office: 763-533-0570 Office Administrator’s Hours: Tues. - Fri. 9:30-1:00 PM Email: [email protected] Fax: 763-533-0026 Day Care: 763-533-5517 —————————————— Mission Statement The mission of Peace Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale, as members of the body of Christ, is to: gather to receive and share Word and Sacraments; to worship and serve the Triune God; to minister to the needs of all members and the larger community. —————————————— Worship Service Times Sun., Worship at 9:15AM Sun. Education Hour at 10:30AM Nursery Available From the Pastor "A PAST TO REMEMBER, A FUTURE IN THE LORD'S HANDS!" WOW! Pastor Bode has taken a call to another part of God’s Kingdom. With the departure of Pastor Chris, many of you remember the day that he began at Peace Lutheran and others only know him because of his contact with you and your appreciation for his ministry during the past few years. Some probably ask: "Now what? Where do we go from here? What about the church?" My honest answer at this time is: "I don't know but I do know that the Lord already knows and that is good enough for me and it should also be good enough for you." —————————————— Staff Interim Pastor: Dan Matasovsky Organist & Director of Music: Leah Galaudet Peace Choir and Hand Bell Director: Jason Hernandez Director of Peace Praise Singers: Julia Fahey Interim Youth Director: Tom O’Neill Resource Coordinator: Jacalyn Schulze Office Administrator: Annette Flaig Webmaster: Stephanie Hofhenke Daycare Director: Rachel Kraus Pastor Chris Bode has been called by the Lord to serve in another part of the Lord's Kingdom. It has nothing to do with the people here or in New York. Don’t forget, God is the master planner of ministry for each one of us. You can only catch that vision if you realize that the church is not “our” church but it is the Lord’s Church and we are only servants in the Kingdom. You gather here for worship and opportunity to serve HIM. The leadership can be changed, the staff can be changed, and the pastor can be changed; but God's Kingdom because of the Lord Jesus Christ remains the same. You are saved by Grace through Faith as you look to the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. You are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus to live and serve as His Disciple. Eph. 2:8-10 (Pastor’s article continues on pg. 2) (Pastor’s article continued from page 1) Let me suggest a couple of initial items that need your attention: Pray daily that God would guide the future of His Church in this area. Talk with fellow believers about the direction of the Church. Share your thoughts with the leadership and Call Committee as the Church and the District assist in finding ‘the Pastor’ the Lord has in mind for the future. Don’t give up on regular worship or study of the Word of God as you seek guidance for your future. My task as vacancy pastor is to serve Peace Lutheran Church until a new pastor is installed. Let me assure you it is my privilege to serve as your vacancy pastor. Since I have an office in my home, much of my preparation work will be done there, but I will have office hours at the church once we have determined what days I need to be here at Peace for meetings, etc. I pray that you will faithfully worship, commune, and serve the Lord in the future. God calls each of you into His church for a reason and I pray that each of you will seek ways to serve Him in some capacity in the future. In the mean time, I will pray for you and I covet your prayers for my wife Mary and myself as together we build up the Body of Christ in this place. God’s Richest Blessings! Pastor Dan SMORES (Summer Midweek Outdoor Reflection Experiences): Our summer midweek SMORE services begin in June. A potluck meal will be held before each worship service starting at 6:00 p.m. This is a wonderful family opportunity for fellowship and worship. Bring meat for your family (hot dogs, polish sausage, etc. and buns) and a dish to share. Plates, napkins, cups, silverware, ketchup and mustard will be provided. Water will be available. Bring a blanket or chairs if you like, a few chairs are available. Grilling begins at 6:00 pm and worship service at 7:00 pm. After worship, s’mores are served. The service will move inside in case of bad weather. If you have any questions please contact a member of the Board of Worship. ------------------------------------ Prayer Shawl Ministry We extend a welcome to all knitters & crocheters. We meet the 3rd Thursday each month in the parish center at 10am. Please consider joining us. Any questions contact Lois Brue 763-504-2501 or Mary Lou Gorres 763-560-4875. If you know of someone who would like a prayer shawl please contact either Lois or Mary Lou at the numbers listed above. Prayer Shawls are available to bring to a friend or loved one. Please check with Annette in the Parish Center during the hours 9:30AM to 1:00PM Tuesday through Friday. Be sure to record in the registry book provided. Thank you. -------------------------------------- You are invited to our 2015 Trinity First School Spring Musical! May 21-10:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. This is an original production written by Terri Bentz with music by Rev. Tom Gundermann We are blessed by Concordia University - St. Paul to perform at the E.M. Pearson Theatre, located on their campus at 312 Hamline Ave. N. St. Paul (near the corner of Concordia Ave and Hamline Ave.) SERVING IN MAY Communion Preparers 10 Bill Lindig 24 Kay Niederloh Van Drivers 03 Bill Niederloh 10 Bob Frank 17 Gary Schmidt 24 Bob Wadsworth 31 Bill Niederloh Greeters 3 Ryan & Tiffany Schmidt & girls Peace Children 10 Berit Gerhardson, Wendla Young, Dale Behrens 17 Peace Youth, Bob & Vicky Frank 24 Peggy Gaspard, Betty Werner, Margo Burk 31 Darlene & Dale Hauschildt Elizabeth Reiter Lectors & Communion Assistants 03 Annette Flaig 10 Nancy Wadsworth 17 Youth 24 Steve Galaudet, Jeff Niederloh 31 Mark Hervey Children’s Message 03 Tom O’Neill 10 Tom & Heather MacPherson 17 Katrina Schmidt 24 Karen Pitschka 31 Annie Pitschka Welcome Center Hosts 03 Bonnie Lindgren 10 Roger & Carol Sandau 17 Katrina Schmidt 24 Lois Brue 31 Tamara Foley Ushers 3 Team 3: S. Van Tassel, G. Schmidt, K. Schmidt, A Wrayee, W. Mohr 10 Team 4: D. Spotts, J. Zimmermann, G. Johnson, N. Allshouse, W. Mohr 17 Team 5: D. Neumann, J. Wawrzyniak, P. Pitschka, Steve Galaudet, W. Mohr 24 Team 1: L. Tomperi, D. Hauschildt, C. Nelson, R. Vomhof, W. Mohr 31 Team 2. D. Minke, T. Flaig, J. Reiter III, J. Reiter Jr, W. Mohr Acolytes 03 Youth Sunday 10 Haiden Spotts 17 Tyler Eskro 24 Gabe Allen 31 Brynn Zimmermann Nursery Attendants 9:15AM-24,31 TBD 03 Jeff & Lisa Niederloh 10 Kay Niederloh & Rebecca Reiter 17 Karen Pitschka, Cynthia Odens Nursery Attendants 10:30AM -24,31 TBD 03 Jennifer O’Neill & Angela Bode 10 Tiffany Schmidt & Jodi Odens 17 Education Celebration Worship Video Recorders 03 Isabel Galaudet 10 Molly Mills 17 Kyle Johnson 24 Nick Allshouse 31 Rebecca Reiter Fellowship Time Hosts: 10-31 TBD 03 Perkins An Easter Thank You A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed their time, talents and support during Holy Week. In addition to our regular volunteers (lectors, children’s message presenters, candle bearers, ushers, communion assistants, greeters, welcome center hosts, nursery staff, communion preparation, van drivers, bulletin preparation). We had additional volunteers in many different and challenging roles. Several people shared their musical talents and provided us with wonderful music during multiple services. Others assisted during Lenten services with readings and acting roles (both speaking and silent). The Sanctuary was beautifully decorated and lovely flowers adorned the altar on Easter. We enjoyed a scrumptious Easter breakfast that was prepared by many, and families participated in an entertaining Easter egg hunt. God bless all of our talented volunteers! Alleluia! Resourcefully yours… Well, Sherman and I tried official off-roading on April 12th. I remember it as if it were just this week - oh, it was! My pulled back "muscle" and aching leg continue to remind me of the importance of trusting the signage popping up all around me. You know the type I mean; bright orange, often around huge digging vehicles or leading up to them, usually containing the word No in one form or another. (It's odd, isn't it, how often we might find ourselves begging God for a sign, just one sign, to direct us in His will for this or that thing in our lives. Then we seek, search, locate a possible indication but discern it as definitely NOT meant for us and continue to repeat the process until just the sign we thought would appear suddenly make itself known!) Last summer's construction hindered our appearance of a welcoming, accessible church. This year's has begun even earlier with multi-colored sidewalk sprays, asphalt roads disappearing into chunky dirt-filled ditches and previously clear cement covered paths morphing into sinking, uneven segments and miniature sink holes! I suppose Sunday's newly appearing signs, lack of appearing shrubs, trees and another entire block's access should have been an obvious clue that something had changed from the Holy Week walk before Easter. My usual - not so short - shortcut seemed no longer to exist! I had counted on a fairly safe thoroughfare at least until the end of school because of the placement of Lakeview Elementary and its promised clear access. Instead, Lake Drive ceased to exist at the nifty one-push pedestrian light traffic signal light! Two choices: turn left where the bright sign clearly warned "No Outlet" or give up, turn around and return home! Well, the choice was obvious - to me! Pastor Chris only had two Sundays left and I wasn't going to miss them or the Book Discussion Group. I am, after all, the leader! This sign couldn't possibly be meant for me; not today! I began the turn intending only to check it out. Surely those apartment buildings had a secret path known only to residents. Such a nice looking park butted right up next to the parking lot. And my Sherman is much more narrow than a car...we could squeak through almost anything...especially on the #4 power setting! Oops, what's this mean the battery bars are dropping a bit more quickly than expected. Where is that energy going? I'll deal with it later. At the moment an open space between two of the boundary logs around the park's perimeter have become visible! Now don't picture us as sneaking, exactly...we went boldly forth, confident that Peace Lutheran Worship was where we were meant to be in just about 15 minutes! It's what God wanted! Right? (At exactly what point did I mix up God's will and mine?) First hurdle - check! Making our way over some very uneven, bumpy and lurching ground. Trying to counterbalance my posture to prevent our tipping over while simultaneously figuring out how to describe my location to 911 dispatcher. Oh, I'm so sorry, Sherman! Perhaps that sign meant what it said...intended for me??? Phew - cut to the end of that phase; we made it, barely. Now on to through the neighborhood, up and around into the back parking lot and then the door; please God. I know I messed up! Battery don't fail me now! Ah...we are a wonderful, welcoming, comforting and celebrating Peace Family! Still uncertain how I would make it home again. Will deal with that later. I'm sure there'll be a sign (winking happy face)! God is good. He caused my need to be shared, moved two fine people to offer their companionship back across the field and right up to my door. It was a beautiful day, good conversation, safe passage. Even a misread, or refusal to acknowledge does not deter God's desire and love for each of us. Next time you seek a sign...keep an open mind and heart so that the Holy Spirit can be your Guide and Discernment. Jacki Schulze Bring Red Geraniums May 24th for Pentecost (check out Daycare Fundraiser article below ) Pentecost Sunday is May 24th. A sign of Pentecost is the color red which symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. It is suggested that we wear red clothing in celebration on Pentecost. Also, it is an ideal time to adorn the altar with red flowers. Red geraniums, a typical decoration for the Pentecost service, symbolize the renewal of life, the coming of the warmth of summer, and the growth of the church at and from the first Pentecost. On Sunday, May 24th, we are asking the congregation to bring in red geraniums to adorn the altar. Later, the flowers will be planted in the outside gardens to beautify the church property. May Daycare Fundraiser at Malmborg’s Greenhouse & Garden Center Pick up a form in the Coatroom off of the Narthex and bring it to Malmborg’s on Sunday May 17 or 23 and 10% of your pretax purchase will be donated to Children of Peace Daycare. . ARTFEST 2015 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST is the theme for Peace Lutheran’s ArtFest that will be displayed in the Sanctuary, May 3rd through May 31st. Information Maps are located in the Narthex on the orange table. Please take time to walk through and look at all the artwork. Thank you to all the artists who contributed their work! Perkins Donate Cookies Thank you to the Crystal Perkins for their generous donation of 75 cookies to Sunday morning fellowship time on the first Sunday of the month. Remember to bring this Newsletter article with you next visit for 20% off your entire bill. Lunch after Church Anyone? Would you like to get better acquainted with other parishioners? If you are interested in going out for lunch as a Peace group, please talk to Vicky Frank (763/535-1818) for more information. Peace members meet for lunch after services on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Peace Financial and Attendance Statistics for the last 4 weeks General Fund Weekly Needs Budget:$5,192 Actual Giving Totals: 04.12.15: $5,505.96 04.5.15: $8,054.37 03.29.15: $7,891.43 03.22.15: $6,266.75 Missions Weekly Budget: $403 Actual Giving Totals: 04.12.15: $280.50 04.05.15: $391.50 03.29.15: $225.50 03.22.15: $465.50 Attendance: 04.12.15: 126 04.05.15: 300 03.29.15: 157 03.22.15: 116 Peace’s general fund (this fund pays the monthly bills) is at present operating with a $36,000 cash deficit. Thrivent Choice Deposits: For the month of Mar. $1,049 Total for 2015: $1,832 Total since Dec. 2010: $22,204 CPR/First Aid Training FROM YOUR BOARD OF WORSHIP In order to meet the deadline for this may newsletter, it is being composed in the middle of April. Pastor Chris and family have now left us; we are trying to adjust to not seeing Pastor Chris in the pulpit on Sundays; and St. John Lutheran Church in Hamlin, NY is adjusting to having their pulpit occupied after a spell of not having a permanent pastor. We have formed a call committee to find a pastor to fill in the interim while the search for our next full-time pastor gets underway. We all should pray that these tasks are accomplished together with God's help. It is hoped that all of our members will continue to worship together on Sundays and attend other classes and programs that will be held through this transition time. At this time we anticipate the same schedule we have now will continue. Some special services that will be held this month are the Children's Service on May 3rd; the Music Sunday Service on May 10th; the regular service on May 17th and Pentecost on May 24th. These are just added attractions to our regular Sunday services and hope all members will plan to attend. Watch the bulletin for any additions or changes of events and times. So now let us all pray for peace and Peace Lutheran Church. God is watching over us and he will surely provide us with a new pastor in due time. Enjoy the flowers popping out of the ground and the leaves returning to the trees. Yes, God's creation again continues to marvel us. PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM ! There will be a CPR/First Aid Training session after the worship service on Sunday, May 17th. All ushers and anyone else interested should plan to attend. From Rachel Kraus Hello from Children of Peace Daycare and Preschool, Thank you all for the warm welcome to Peace Lutheran Church, and for sharing a special blessing with me on April 12th. I have enjoyed getting to know the families of Children of Peace. My favorite time of the day has been morning worship time. During worship I have the privilege of sharing a song, a prayer, and a short Bible lesson with the children. They are a great audience. A special thank you to Pastor Chris who joined us for one last worship time on Thursday April 16th. I am honored to be serving as your Daycare director. Warmly, Rachel Kraus From Leona Reuss Dear Friends at Peace, Thank you so much for the beautiful Easter Lily. I like to think the blossoms are like little trumpets proclaiming “Christ Is Risen.” I appreciate very much being remembered in this special way. Gratefully, Leona Reuss Peace Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES MN PERMIT 90921 4512 France Avenue North Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 763-533-0570 Change Service Requested MAY 2015 Save These Dates! Continuing 30 Hour Famine Fundraisers for Peace Youth The weekend of April 17th, the youth of Peace Lutheran spent Friday and Saturday fasting for the 30-Hour Famine. This served as the kickoff for a month-long fundraising event. All monies raised will help feed starving children around the world. To reach our goal of $1500 (feeds 3 kids for 1 year), we will be doing the following: 1. Penny Wars: Men vs. Women! Fill the jars out in the narthex with your spare change. Pennies count as positive points, with quarters/dimes/nickels/ dollars counting as negative points. If the girls lose, Izzy Galaudet will shave her head. If the boys lose, Tom will perform a dance routine for the entire church. 2. Car Wash: Come to Peace Lutheran on Saturday morning, May 8th, and get your car cleaned for Mother's Day! $5 for a wash, $10 for a wash and vacuum! 9am-11am, May 8th. Tell a friend! 3. Individual Fundraising: The youth will be asking friends, family and congregation members to individually support their efforts to raise a combined $1500. Please prayerfully consider personally contributing to one of our youth. Interim Youth Director, Thomas O'Neill
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