HOLY FAMILY CHURCH The Mother Church of Auburn 85 North Street, Auburn, New York 13021 phone 315-252-9576, cell 315-246-3112 E-Mail [email protected] March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Parish Office 315-252-9576 Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00-5:00 Closed on Fridays Pastor Ext. 10 Fr. John Gathenya Secretary Ext. 14 Karen Brennan Faith Formation Ext. 16 Nancy Smith Pastoral Minister Ext. 13 Helen Delaney Bookkeeper Ext. 15 Lisa Camardo Pastoral Council Chair Jennifer Furnia Finance Council Chair Robert Ringwood Co-Chair Laurie Piccolo 2015: The Year of the Family Are the marriages that we have the ones we envisioned when we took our wedding vows? Are our relationships, both within and outside of our families, fulfilling or have we settled for something less than what we would like? Are our homes a place where our children and we can escape the busyness, noise and negative influences of the outside world? Are our homes “domestic churches” where our Catholic values are practiced and taught to our children to prepare them for the peer pressure and moral challenges that they face everyday? Are our marriages a model for our children and all those whom we come into contact? Pope Francis has designated 2015 as the Year of the Family and we are asked to pray and reflect on ways to spiritually strengthen our families to model the Holy Family. We are pleased to be collaborating with the other Catholic faith communities in Cayuga County and St. Patrick Church in Jordan to offer two events that focus on the spiritual and emotional relationships of the couple-the core of the family unit. It is our hope that these events will help you discover God’s plan for your marriage, equip you with tools to enrich your relationships, give you insight to what your spouse is thinking and feeling, energize your life of faith and inspire you as you practice your Catholicism. The first event is Date Night with the Deacon to be held on Wednesday, March 25th from 6-9 PM at Curley’s. It is appropriate for couples in a serious relationship, engaged couples and married couples no matter how long you have been married. The cost is $15/person (includes a limited pub menu, non-alcoholic drink with dinner, tax and gratuity). Drinks will be available for purchase at the bar. It promises to be a fun event with a chance to intermingle with other committed Catholic couples while participating in an icebreaker activity. Following dinner Deacon Dennis and Cindy Donahue will lead an interactive reflection on “Living Out Your Pre-Cana.” Due to seating capacity the event must be limited to the first 20 couples. Please contact Don and Pat Cleaver at 253-6379 or [email protected] to make your reservation. St. Joseph School 253-8327 Principal: Susan Nedza Our second event is “Passion & Purpose for Marriage” presented by Dr. Allen Hunt accompanied by a musical guest to be held here at Holy Family Church on Saturday, June 13 th, from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. This presentation is recommended for engaged or married couples of any age, people who are thinking of marriage and singles wishing insight into male/female relationships. Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:15 am Dr. Hunt serves with Matthew Kelly as the Vice-President of Strategy and Content at the Dynamic Catholic Institute. He is a nationally known speaker and best-selling author whose books include: Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor: How I Discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church; Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody; and Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the Best Version-of-Yourself. Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30pm Baptisms By Appointment Marriages By Appointment auburnholyfamily.org and facebook.com/ auburnholyfamily Dr. Hunt stepped aside on July 1, 2007 as Senior Pastor at Mount Pisgah, a congregation serving more than 15,000 persons each week through all its ministries in Alpharetta, Georgia (outside of Atlanta). While there he helped to develop comprehensive ministries with children and students as well as a Christian School with over 1200 students; a Beacon of Hope pregnancy resource center and the Summit Counseling Center. On January 6, 2008, on the Feast of the Epiphany, Dr. Hunt converted to Catholicism culminating a 15-year journey that was effected by the prayers of Dominican sisters at the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, Connecticut who had been praying for him since he shared lectures with them during Lent in 1992. (continued on page three) Page Two Holy Family Church, Auburn, New York Sunday, March 22 9:00 am Teresa Foster - Family 11:15 am Joseph J. Janusz - Donald & Lorraine Arliss Monday, March 23 12:15 pm Carl Saurini - Tom and Dale Tuesday, March 24 12:15 pm Maureen Charles - Family Wednesday, March 25 12:15 pm Claireen Holmes Dennis - Jane Orofino Thursday, March 26 - No Mass Friday, March 27 12:15 pm William Kenny - Family Saturday, March 28 4:30 pm Eleanor Graney - Family Alvin Lasalle - Mary Evelyn, Tom and Dale Sunday, March 29 9:00 am Allan Nunez - Parents 11:15 am Bernard Newcomb - Carl Rizzo The Sanctuary Light will burn this week in memory of Richard M. Walsh at the request of the Family. FINANCIAL STEWADRSHIP FOR LAST WEEK Attendance 445 No. of Envelopes Mailed 452 No. of Envelopes Used 200 Last Week’s Giving $5874 Weekly Collection Goal $6650 (Under)/Over ($776) God Bless you for your generosity. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA): We are a gifted faith community and we are called on to share what we can to those in need. Some will be able to afford more than others, but to meet our diocesan goal we need every parishioner to give something. Until now we have made a sacrifice of $25,390.00 which is 90.60% of our total goal of $28,025.00. $2635.00 TO GO! Our parish is facing a challenge at this point in meeting our Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal. I am coming to you for help. If you are one of the 187 households who have already made a pledge, thank you, but if, per chance, you have not made your pledge, I am writing to urge you to do so. One of our goals this year is to increase the number of parish households which support the CMA. Our current participation rate is only 30.4%. Won't you help improve this participation? Any amount, large or small will help. Drop your contribution marked `CMA’ in the collection basket or at the office. If you can help your parish in this load, but do not want to contribute to the CMA directly, please place your check payable to Holy Family in the weekly collection and at the MEMO write “PARISH SPECIAL CARE” This will ensure that these monies are used to make up the difference. Please pray for the success of our efforts. Thank you. Fr. John ALTAR SERVERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sign-up sheets for the Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter, April 2 nd to 5th) are in the sacristy. Please sign up by March 23rd. March 22, 2015 PRESERVING OUR TRADITION AS COMMITTED STEWARDS: With 613 registered families at Holy Family, we should easily raise $300,000 and even more. Our true goal is to have a 100% participation in the Church Roof Campaign. As of Monday, March 16, we have received $105,305.43 in gifts and pledges! We are now at 35.1% of our desired goal of $300,000.00. Thanks to all of you who have helped us reach this point and our success depends on us! We would like to thank you all for your participation in the census. Parish Council is busy compiling the information and we are happy with the progress thus far. To date we have received over 150 completed census forms. We hope to have all forms handed in by April 1st. Please put your completed census form in the collection basket at any mass or mail it in to the rectory. We look forward to sharing the results with you and are very excited about the many parishioners offering to volunteer. FAITH FORMATION OFFERTORY PROCESSION this week at the 9 am Family Mass—4th Grade. Next week, the 3rd Grade class will bring up the gifts. OUR YOUNG PEOPLE’S NEWS: Congratulations on being named to the Dean’s List to Katherine Bachman, St. Lawrence University, Anna Bianco, and Emily Latanyshyn, Le Moyne, Leanne Maltese, St. John Fisher College and Matthew Trupiano, Boston University. Jackson Siddall’s weather drawing was featured in the Cloud Catcher section of The Citizen. Recent Citizen photos showed the Cayuga Lake Junior Grange members, Maria and Gracie Staehr, presenting an American Flag to the Ward O’Hara Agricultural and Country Living Museum during the open house for Holiday Traditions and the Yorkey family caroling and bringing Christmas gifts to ten homebound county residents. Maria and Gracie also helped at the 2015 Special Olympics. PREPARATION SESSIONS FOR FIRST PENANCE AND FIRST EUCHARIST: Preparation session today at 10 am for students in Room 16 and parents in Room 22 in the school. HANDS OF CHRIST AWARDS: Congratulations to our Class of 2015 winners: Grace Bachman, Jonathan Bell, Alexis Liberatore, Rebecca Mills and Mark Trupiano. The Hands of Christ is a recognition program sponsored by the Diocese of Rochester to affirm our high school seniors who have been the “Hands of Christ” in their church, home, school and community. GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME: Girl Scout Troop 688 will once again sell cookies after all the Masses next weekend. Cookies are $4.00 a box for all your favorites—Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Do-si-dos. Profits fund the girls’ activities and community service projects throughout the year. WELCOME OUR NEW CHURCH SECRETARY: If you call the church office the cheerful voice responding may be new to you! Our New secretary, Karen Brennan began working for us on March 16 and these are her working hours—9:00-5:00 Monday through Thursday! We are so fortunate to welcome her among Holy Family community and staff. Please stop by and say hello! We are also grateful to Margaret Lepak for stepping in as our interim secretary in our time of need from January until now! Page Three Holy Family Church, Auburn, New York BAPTISM: We welcome Harper Grace Betts to our Faith Community. Congratulations to all her family. BEHIND THE SCENES AT HOLY FAMILY: I would like to share some reflections and ideas about Lent that Giovina Caroscio gave to all of us who attended the Day of Prayer on March 7. One of the main focus points was that Lent is for Life. That our Lenten journey needs to be our life journey. Here are some ideas from a hand-out that we received: “What to Give Up…Give up complaining – focus on gratitude. Give up pessimism - become an optimist. Give up harsh judgments - think kindly thoughts. Give up worry - trust Divine Providence. Give up discouragement - be full of hope. Give up bitterness - turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred return good for evil. Give up negativism - be positive. Give up anger - be more patient. Give up pettiness - become mature. Give up gloom - enjoy the beauty that is all around you. Give up jealousy - pray for trust. Give up gossiping - control your tongue. Give up sin - turn to virtue. Give up giving up - hang in there! I hope you find these ideas helpful in your Lenten and life - long journey to God. OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 am Clothes Closet & Catholic Shop - School 5:30 pm First Penance Celebration - Church Wednesday 7:00 pm Parish Life Meeting - Rectory Thursday 6:00 - 7:00 pm Clothes Closet & Catholic Shop - School 7:00 pm Choir Practice - Church Saturday 3:30 pm Confessions ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, March 28 4:30 pm Sunday, March 29 9:00 am A. Blair, C. Ringwood, M. Staehr 11:15 am K. Duffy, G. Gorney, M. Gorney LECTORS Saturday, March 28 4:30 pm C. Tomandl, S. Marullo Sunday, March 29 9:00 am P. Ferrari, B. Ringwood 11:15 am J. Renahan, S. Weldon EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday, March 28 4:30 pm A. Lane, M. Lavey, J. Madden, P. Stolarow Sunday, March 29 9:00 am P. Allen, R. Bryant, M. Castiglione, T. Yoensky Nursing Home: H. Delaney 11:15 am M. Lawson, S. Mills, T. Nolan, K. Pines SACRISTANS Saturday: 4:30 pm - Sue Marullo Sunday: 9:00 am - Bill Tonzi Sunday: 11:15 am - Kelly Pines March 22, 2015 (continued from page one) Dr. Hunt volunteers his time for this event and receives no financial compensation for attending or presenting. All proceeds benefit the Dynamic Catholic “Catholic Moments” projects including Marriage Preparation, First Communion and Reconciliation programs. Last year they released Decision Point, their Confirmation program, free of charge to all Catholic communities. The program was well received nationally and was used by several parishes in our area. There will be 3 sessions with two 30-minute breaks between them. Topics will include Five Things Women Need to Know About Men, What Women Want Men to Know, and The Most Important Word in a Marriage. Following each presentation couples will be given a question to reflect upon and discuss with their partner. No one will be asked to share their feelings or answers with the group. Individuals attending the presentation will also be given a question to reflect upon. Dynamic Catholic also sent us 100 copies of Dr. Hunt’s Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the Best-Versionof-Yourself as part of their Parish Book Program. Copies will be available in the back of the Church beginning March 21st. We are asking for a donation of $1.00 per book (list price is $15.00) to cover the cost. In this book Dr. Hunt reflects on the nine “fruits of the Spirit” cited by St. Paul in Galatians 5: 22-23 and offers some practical suggestions for cultivating each in our lives. On behalf of Father John and Holy Family Church we invite you to get away together for a few hours to focus on your relationship. You will not be disappointed! God’s peace and blessings to you and your families, Don and Pat Cleaver LENTEN CELEBRATION OF MERCY AND RECONCILIATION: In an effort to highlight the importance of the Sacrament of God’s Mercy and Reconciliation in our life of faith and calling to awareness the need for conversion the diocese of Rochester has scheduled a special opportunity for every Catholic to celebrate individual confession in their parish on the same day during Lent! Day of Penance and Mercy: Tuesday March 24, 2015. This will be duly observed here at Holy Family but included is also a Penance service for our First Reconciliation candidates scheduled from 5.30 PM-7.00PM and we shall have the Lenten Communal Penance Service with individual reconciliation on Wednesday, 5.30 PM, April 1. Please take advantage of these two day of Mercy set apart to enable you celebrate reconciliation and forgiveness. On Ash Wednesday each year, we hear from the prophet Joel: “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God.” Please consider making use of the sacrament of penance by going to confession during this penitential season. It’s a most fitting time to be reconciled to God, especially if it has been a long time for you. I also hear confessions each Saturday from 3.30 to 4:30. STATIONS OF THE CROSS are celebrated 7:00 pm in the following Auburn Churches on Fridays during Lent: March 27~SS Peter & Paul and April 3~St. Alphonsus. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, AUBURN, NY 315-252-9576 06-0081
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