THE ABTO GAZETTE July, 2015 Volume 23 Number 7 Mailing address: P.O. Box 50428, Mesa, AZ. 85208 Visit at: Tim and Nancy Csabanya’s Module IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message Treasurer’s Report July Membership Meeting Glenn Sampson Award THE ABTO GAZETTE President’s Message July Gazette Have you noticed the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer!? Yes, we have finally reach that date we always look for ward to, June 21st because Fall is not far behind. But first we must get through these hot muggy months of July and August. There is good news: an air-conditioned environment to look forward to thanks to our friends at the Cardon Children’s Medical Center who allow our club to use their lecture room to conduct meetings for July, August, and September. Last month Rich Hull was our featured speaker and presented an excellent overview of the history of America’s love for the circus which lasted from the early 1900’s until the late 1950’s. Rich also showed off a few of the 1:24 scale circus trucks and equipment that he and his son are producing. His goal is to have a complete scaled circus train finished in about two years. I will be traveling for the month of July---first to attend the NGRC in Denver, July 6-11, and then on to visits with family members in MT, WA, and CA, returning to Phoenix on August 6th. Ken Hawkins, vice-president, will conduct the ABTO meeting on July 18th. He will also be the featured speaker, presenting the topic of maintaining your engines and rolling stock. This will be a worthwhile meeting as many of us neglect this area in our hobby. For the August meeting, I will report on the convention in general as well as share some highlights from my workshops on scratch building structures for G-scale layouts that I will be presenting at the convention. In September at our meeting, Dennis Busby will discuss another popular building method—using precision board. Plan to attend all three of these summer sessions. If you are interested in the running for office in ABTO or want to nominate someone else, now is the time to contact Rich Hull as he is gathering the names of possible candidates for the 7 positions available: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 3 Members-at-Large. The response to the Colorado Rail fans trip planned for September has been very positive. There are a few slots still open, so contact Rich Hull ASAP if you are interested in enjoying several days of fellowship with friends, seeing beautiful scenery, and generally having a fun time. In the meantime, have a cool summer whatever you do and wherever you go! Chief Engineer John Meyers CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Wednesday, Saturday, Saturday, Mon.-Sat. Wednesday, Saturday, July 15 6:00pm July 18 10:00am July 25 9:00am July 27-Aug. 1 10:00am Aug. 12 6:00pm Aug. 15 10:00am Board Meeting at Medtronic Membership Meeting at CCMC-Ocotillo Room Module Setup at Mesa Library Mesa Library-please see page 3 for more information Board Meeting at Medtronic Membership Meeting at CCMC-Ocotillo Room 2 THE ABTO GAZETTE CONTENTS President’s Message...……………………………… 2 Treasurer’s Report……………………………………..3 Upcoming Meeting Information...……………..3 Mesa Library—Modules Event…………..………3 July Meeting Information..………………….…….4 Nomination of Officers…...………………..….…. 4 June Meeting Minutes……………………………….5 Nominations for Glenn Sampson Award.…. 6 Meeting Photos……………………………………….. 7 ABTO Officers and SIG ‘s…………………………..8 Big Train Show Photos/Swap Meet Info..…..9 MARK YOUR CALENDAR: MODULE EVENT at: Mesa Library, 64 East 1st Street, Mesa, AZ. 85201 Setup Module—Saturday, July 25th———————-9:00am Run Trains—–—Monday-Thursday, July 27—30—–-10am-2pm, 2pm-6pm Friday, July 31st—-——————— 10am-1pm, 1pm-4:00pm Saturday, August 1st—————––-10am-3pm Teardown Module—Saturday, August 1st—–—-— --3pm There will be a sign-up sheet at the July Meeting. ABTO General Meeting & (Other Events) Tentative Schedule 2015 July 18 August 15 September 19 October 17 November 21 November 7 December 6 CCMC – Speaker—Ken Hawkins-maintenance on your locomotive CCMC – Speaker – John Meyers-3 methods for Building Structures with Wood CCMC—Speaker—Dennis Busby-Using Precision Board for Building Structures Mike Lewandowski Mike Temenski & Lynne McClure (Phoenix Round-About to host Tucson TGRS) (Christmas Banquet) December 12 & 13, 19 & 20 (Christmas Open House) 3 THE ABTO GAZETTE JULY MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday, July 18, 2015 Location: CCMC 1400 South Dobson Road Rosati Education Center-Bldg 1432 Ocotillo Room Mesa, AZ. 85202 Speaker: Ken Hawkins-Lubricating engines Schedule: 10:00am-12:00pm Food: Continental Breakfast /Snack RSVP: KEN HAWKINS @ [email protected] 623-640-6446 by Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Nominations Being Accepted for New Officer Team This fall is the time ABTO selects new officers for 2016-17. It is the ABTO Board that handles the day to day activities of our club and makes decisions the direction the club will go in the future. If you have a desire to give back to the membership of this club, please submit your name to be a member of the officer team for the next 2 years. Present board members can be nominated for another office and any club member can be nominated for any elected position in ABTO. You must be an active member for at least 12 months prior to the election. The following offices will be voted on: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 Member at Large. If you have a desire to be a Board member of ABTO, please submit your name and a brief paragraph as to why you are seeking the position you desire. Please submit this information to Rich Hull, [email protected] or mail your information to 25025 S. Lakeway Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The names will be reviewed by the nomination committee and announced at the September meeting. Nominations will still be accepted up to the October meeting. Eligible candidates will be announced in October and will be asked to make a short presentation to the membership at that meeting. The election will take place prior to the November meeting, with winners announced at that time. At the December Christmas party, the new Board will be officially introduced and will take office January 1, 2016. Remember, you can give back to this club by serving as a member of the Board. All of you have something to give back to this club. Let’s have a full slate of officers for this year’s election. 4 THE ABTO GAZETTE ABTO General Membership Meeting, June 20, 2015 at CCMC John M. opened the meeting at 10:00am. Old Business: A. Minutes: Were accepted as published in the Gazette. B. Treasurer’s Report: Mike T., treasurer’s report was accepted as published in the Gazette. Ken H. approved and 2nd by Vince Simpson. Mike T. reported that a deposit was made for the Christmas Dinner at the Ironworks Restaurant and also the balance for the curves for the modules is now paid in full. Net Income (2015 YTD)-$2400.00 C. The Publicity Chairman is open. Looking for a replacement. Contact Mike Q., if interested. New Business: A. Modules: Jim Kangas stepping down as co-chairman of Modules. B. November 7th Round About: Tentative schedules was announced. The layouts will be on the Westside. Will need members of ABTO to volunteer at homes. Tentatively at the last house, hopefully the Tucson group will be able to leave by 3pm. C. Update on Christmas Banquet: Ken and Kris Hawkins have made arrangements at the Ironworks in Glendale, where the banquet was held in the past. The cost will be $29.95 including the gratuity and tax. D. The 2015 PSR Convention will be held in Scottsdale, AZ. this year in September. New Business from the Floor: Roy Towne introduced Rob, who had worked on the computer system at the Cardon Railroad layout. Mike Temenski presented Rob with gift certificates for all of his work and time spent at the layout. An alternative system is being discussed. John Mazzoli mentioned that Helen Rabbit had donated a few engines to the Superstition Museum. John also had free tickets to hand out to members to enter the museum and also mentioned there was a small layout at the barn. Mike Q. asked members to contact him if interested in participating in the Christmas Open Houses. The sign-up sheet was passed around to all members for the Mesa Library Event. Rich Hull spoke about the upcoming trip to Durango. There are 24 people going—17 from ABTO and 7 from the Tucson Train Club. The deadline is by June 24th. Rich Hull also will be heading the Nominations Committee and if interested in holding an officer position, please contact Rich. October Meeting—officer nominations will be announced and each person would give a short presentation, November Meeting—vote for new officers. Nominations are being accepted for the Glenn Sampson Award, please contact Rich if you have a nomination. Rich Hull made a point-to-point presentation about his Circus Train Collection and history of Ringling Bros. Circus. Rich also had a collection of cars made by a 3D printer available for viewing. Very interesting presentation. James Ingram set up a small layout and spoke about the Automatic Control of DCC Trains. Will run after the meeting. Steve Gendler was introduced as a new ABTO member and he has a nice layout. Terry Haas mentioned that the Mesa Youth Museum will be holding an event and is interested in ABTO participating with the module. More information to follow. Raffle Winner-John Mazzoli Door Prizes—1-Mike Quaintance 2-John Meyers 3-Vince Simpson Meeting adjourned at 11:35am. Ken H. moved to adjourn and 2nd by Vince Simpson Minutes submitted by Ginny Morris, Secretary 5 THE ABTO GAZETTE Nominations being accepted for Annual Glenn Sampson Award The Glenn Sampson Annual Engineers Award was approved by the ABTO Board seven years ago. Jim Gardner was the 2014 recipient. This is the only award presented by the Club on an annual basis. The Board felt the club should recognize the work its members do on an annual basis. In approving this award, the Board stated, "We don't need many awards, just one and the club should play a role in who is picked to receive the award, thus the reason for presenting the idea of the Glenn Sampson Engineers Award. Glenn exemplified the true spirit of volunteerism in a club and had a tremendous ability to get along with all members. If there was work to be done Glenn was there." ABTO individuals need to nominate who they think should receive the award. They do this by naming the individual and in a no more than one page description explain why this individual should receive the award. These nominations would be submitted to Rich Hull. He will pick 2 other individuals, one who will be the President to work with him to pick the actual winner. This award will be presented at the annual Christmas Party. Your nomination needs to be in Rich's hands by November 8. You can e-mail your one page nomination to [email protected] or by regular mail: 25025 S. Lakeway Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. Phone: 602-684-1203 (cell) or 480-802-5308 (home). There are some rules: A person can nominate anyone including him/her self. Board members can be nominated. The rules are simple; you as a member just need to nominate that person who should receive this important award. Again, send your nomination to Rich Hull by November 8. Previous winners of engineers award: Jack Slinkard * Ennis Thompson * Glenn Sampson * Jerry McKenzie * Rich Hull * * Presented prior to being a board sanctioned project. Bob & Sandy Rauperstrauch Ginny Morris Bob Clark Jim Kangas Dennis Busby Jim Gardner 6 THE ABTO GAZETTE Photos by Don Sorenson James Ingram demonstrates the use of NCE-brand DCC ‘Mini Panel”. For more information, please go to 7 THE ABTO GAZETTE 2014/2015 Board of Directors President: John Meyers 602-841-7564 [email protected] Vice President: Ken Hawkins 623-640-6446-cell [email protected] Secretary: Ginny Morris 480-248-9130 [email protected] Treasurer: Mike Temenski 480-659-8410 [email protected] Directors at Large Daryll Smith 602-402-9458-cell [email protected] Steve Lewis 605-660-6911-cell [email protected] Mike Quaintance 480-721-7745 [email protected] ABTO LOGO ITEMS are available by special order. Also a vest is available. Please contact Ginny Morris if interested in ordering items. Pricing will be quoted at a later date. New SIGs and their Coordinators 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ Modules Painting/Airbrushing MTH 1/32 Scale Gandy Dancer Operating Sessions Cardon Children’s Medical 7/ Euro Trains 8/ Live Steam 9/ Model Building 10/ Photography Daryll Smith & Steve Lewis Need Someone Roy Towne Roger Crooks Glenn Saber Bob Rauperstrauch & Don Halver David Kitchin Stan Cornforth John Meyers Mike Quaintance SWAP MEETS & SHOWS Saturday, July 25th-9am—Summer Cactus Swap Meet, Phoenix, AZ Saturday, August 15th-9am—Beat The Heat Model Train Show, Prescott, AZ Saturday, Sept. 26th-9am—Grand Canyon Mini Swap Meet. Phoenix, AZ 8 THE ABTO GAZETTE Big Train Show Photos—Tim & Nancy Csabanya Module I enjoyed operating these trains during the Big Train Show-Ginny Morris 9 Arizona Big Train Operators 1633 E. Lakeside Drive Unit 1 Gilbert, AZ 85234 ARIZONA BIG TRAIN OPERATORS OBJECTIVES Membership in Arizona Big Train Operators (ABTO) is open to anyone with an interest in gardening and the creation & operation of large scale model railways. At our meetings, items of mutual interest associated with the hobby are discussed and demonstrated. Meetings are typically held at member’s homes, where they have the opportunity to showcase their railway creations. General meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of the month. ABTO MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION The renewal fee is $30.00 per year and the new membership fee of $35.00 per year entitles you to attend all meetings and events, to receive the monthly newsletter, and to have one name badge created for you. Additional badges may be purchased for $7 each. ABTO CONTRIBUTIONS ABTO BOARD MEETINGS Members are encouraged to contribute articles, letters, illustrations and/or photographs related to garden railroading for inclusion in the newsletter and/or posting on the club web site. Board meetings will be held on Wednesday prior to the general meeting of each month. Board meetings are open to members who are current on their dues and have an item for the agenda. If you plan to attend, call a Board member to confirm location, time and date Members who have hobby-related items for sale or trade may submit an advertisement for publication and/or posting at no charge. Please limit each ad to a maximum of four lines. Accompanying photos will be considered for publication as space allows. 10
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