CATHEDRAL WALK Pave the Path to St. Eugene’s

Pave the Path to St. Eugene’s
St. Eugene’s Cathedral is pleased to announce
a legacy brick campaign to commemorate
our 60th anniversary year in 2010.
By purchasing a brick in the Cathedral Walk,
you can become a permanent part of St. Eugene’s!
Legacy Bricks
In honor of St. Eugene’s 60th anniversary year in 2010, the current walkway will be updated with new concrete surrounding the bed of roses with bricks installed on the interior and exterior edges. Larger bricks engraved with the names
of the Bishops who have served the Santa Rosa Diocese and the Pastors who have served the parish will be imbedded in
the walkway.
You have the opportunity to participate by purchasing engraved bricks immortalizing your loved ones. Engrave a brick
for your family, for parish founding members, for former parishioners, for loved ones who have passed away, for school
classes and alumni, for parish ministries and groups and even for yourself. Bricks make a great gift to honor someone too.
Leave your personal mark permanently etched in the Cathedral Walk. Each donor brick will be engraved and set into the
Cathedral Walk*. Proceeds from brick sales will fund the new walkway and ongoing building maintenance costs.
Options & Pricing
❖Two paver brick sizes are available - 4x8” and 8x8”. The 4x8” brick accommodates three lines of inscription of up to 15
characters and spaces per line at a cost of $100. The 8x8” brick accommodates six lines of inscription for $175.
❖A Replica brick is a duplicate of your brick for display in your home, office or garden and is available at a cost of $48 for
a 4x8” and $75 for an 8x8”.
❖Donations towards the Bishop and Pastor bricks are also encouraged.
Inscription Ideas
❖ Single Names, such as Fred Smithfield
❖ Families, such as Potter Family / Harry, Mary / Ron & Ginny
❖ Founding Members, such as Founding Member / Ed Grant / 1950
❖ Memorials, such as In Memory Of / John Adams / 1924-2009
❖ School Classes, such as 4th Grade Class / 2009-2010
❖ Group Names, such as Women of the Word / 2010
* Inscriptions will be etched in blocked, all capital letters on red bricks with beige fill. Locations of bricks will be the decision of the parish and is
dependent upon the best fit within the walkway pattern. Locations will be announced upon completion of the walkway.
Order Form
To Make Your Donation & Label Your Brick, Please Fill Out This Form
1. Indicate the size of brick you want:
__________ 4x8” (up to 3 lines) for $100
__________ 8x8” (up to 6 lines) for $175
2. PRINT IN LEGIBLE CAPITAL LETTERS the inscription you would like engraved on the brick. Each line may have a maximum
of 15 characters. Spaces, hyphens & punctuation count as characters (same as a keyboard or typewriter).
Lines 1, 2 & 3:
Additional Lines 4, 5 & 6 for 8x8” Bricks:
3. LEGIBLY PRINT Your Contact Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _______________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ City & ZipCode: ______________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Indicate your Replica brick size:
__________ 4x8” Bricks for $48 each
__________ 8x8” Bricks for $75 each
Shipping Address : ___________________________________________ City & ZipCode: ______________________________
(for package delivery if different from mailing address)
5. Indicate Your Donation(s) for:
Bishop Bricks $____________________
Pastor Bricks $______________________
6. Calculate Payment: 4x8” Brick at $100 $______________________
8x8” Brick at $175 4x8’ Replica at $48
8x8” Replica at $75
TOTAL: $______________________
8. Payment Information: Make Checks payable to St. Eugene’s Cathedral
For Credit Card Sales Circle Card Type:
VISA or MasterCard (no other cards accepted)
Credit Card No. ____________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________
Name as it appears on card: ______________________________________________________________________________
Card Billing Address: __________________________________________________ City/Zip: ________________________
Cardholder’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________
9. Mail this form and check or credit card information to St. Eugene’s Cathedral, 2323 Montgomery Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Cash
payments may be made in the Parish Office. Copy this form for additional brick orders & donations. Order by December 15, 2009.