COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE CCFTC STAFF TOW PILOT CONVERSION COURSE GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR COURSE GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER COURSE COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE (CCFTC) COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS – 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page Index .................................................................................................. 2 Introduction .......................................................................................... 3 General ................................................................................................ 4 Training ............................................................................................... 4 Transportation .................................................................................... 4 Reporting In/Out .................................................................................. 5 Identification Cards .............................................................................. 6 Leave .................................................................................................. 6 Rations and Accommodations ............................................................. 7 Dress and Deportment ........................................................................ 8 Lounges/Messes .............................................................................. 8-9 School Services ................................................................................... 9 Laundry ............................................................................................... 9 Recreation ........................................................................................... 9 Postal Services .................................................................................... 9 Telephone Services ........................................................................... 10 Banking/Financial Services ............................................................... 10 Medical and Dental Services ........................................................ 10-11 Spiritual Welfare ................................................................................ 11 Smoking/Prohibited Items .................................................................. 11 Miscellaneous .................................................................................... 11 Dining-In…………………………………………………………………….12 Program Objectives ........................................................................... 12 ANNEXES Map of 19 Wing Comox .................................................................. Annex A Dress Regulations 19 Wing Officer's Mess..................................... Annex B Sketch of the Comox Valley ........................................................... Annex C Kit/Uniform Kit Requirements (for all candidates & staff) ................ Annex D Parking at 15 Hangar…………………………………………………...Annex E COURSE CANDIDATES Tow Pilot Conversion Course Joining Instructions.......................... Annex F Glider Pilot Instructor Course Joining Instructions .......................... Annex G Glider Pilot Instructor Refresher Course Joining Instructions ......... Annex H 2 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on being selected to attend one of the three CIC training courses offered at the Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre (CCFTC), and / or as a staff member at the CCFTC. The CCFTC located at 19 Wing Comox, near Comox BC. The school conducts a six week Air Cadet Glider Pilot Scholarship Course, a seven week Power Pilot Scholarship Course, and two three week Advanced Aviation Courses. Additionally, the school conducts Tow Pilot, Glider Pilot Instructor, and Glider Pilot Instructor Refresher Courses. The courses at offered at the CCFTC are designed around hard work, leadership, discipline and academic endeavour. Much will be expected of you during your stay. While you will find your course and employment challenging and demanding, you should also find them an extremely rewarding experience. These Joining Instructions will provide you with the information you need to prepare for your course and employment at the CCFTC and it is important that you read them very carefully. K.D. Stewart Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Officer Regional Gliding School (Pacific) 3 COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE CIC COURSE CANDIDATE / STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 GENERAL 1. Your actual employment dates will be provided by the RCSU Staffing Team and travel dates by the RCSU in Victoria. With hard work, dedication and co-operation, we will achieve our aims, and both you and the cadets will enjoy a rewarding summer. TRAINING 2. These Joining Instructions provide you with the information you require to prepare yourself for your courses and stay at the CCFTC, and it is important that you read them carefully. 3. Further information on the Tow Pilot Conversion Course, the Glider Pilot Instructor Course, and the Glider Pilot Instructor Refresher Course, is contained in Annexes F through H. In order to successfully complete your training you are required to complete the entire syllabus of training. This means that you must be present for the entire training period. TRANSPORTATION 4. Travel to / from 19 Wing Comox will normally be by the lowest practicable cost. All Staff and Course Candidates must travel in accordance with the Travel Instructions issued by the RCSU (P), or as directed by the CCFTC Admin O. Should a member wish to travel via POMV (privately-owned motor vehicle), this must be arranged in-advance with the Staffing Office at the RCSU. Note that, under current regulations, any voluntary POMV travel which is in excess of 500 kms (excluding ferry) will not be funded by the Crown. For example, a member choosing to drive from Williams Lake to Comox will receive no payment for travel expenses. For those who have agreed to travel via public transportation (normally bus or commercial air), then randomly choose to bring their own vehicle without prior authorization, or those who travel outside of their authorized day(s), no travel benefits will be paid. 5. If difficulties are encountered when travelling by commercial air (or any other RCSU-arranged travel), you must call RCSU Movements at 1-866-6688388 (24/7) for assistance. For all travel, including POMV, any delays should also be advised to the Admin O at the CCFTC (250) 339-8211 local 6968. 6. If you are sending any personal items of clothing, kit, or luggage by mail address it in large print as follows: Attn: (Rank, Surname, Initials) Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre Canadian Forces Base Comox PO Box 1000 Station Main 4 Lazo, BC V0R 2K0 7. For commercial courier shipments, please address as follows (do not send mail to this address!): Attn: (Rank, Surname, Initials) Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre Canadian Forces Base Comox Building 171 Materiel Distribution Centre Lazo, BC V0R 2K0 REPORTING IN / OUT 8. Clearing In. Upon arrival at 19 Wing Comox you are to report to the Military Police Section, adjacent to the Main Gate, and pick up your Restricted Area Pass and room key. Note that early arrivals to 19-Wing this summer may have temporary generic RA passes issued as the ID section has some technical issues with the summer-camp-specific printed passes. 9. Referring to the Map of 19 Wing Comox, at Annex A, you will find all of the locations marked that are mentioned in the instructions. 10. After arrival, you will be required to complete in-clearance in accordance with RCA Ops (Pac) Orders and Instructions Volume 6 – CCFTC Standing Orders. In-clearance will normally be completed on a non-interference basis during the first 2 days after arrival at the CCFTC and will include the following: a. verification and collection of documentation; b. Orderly Room (pay, claims, completion of PLCC & other administration); Note that your inbound travel timings should be logged on the travel worksheet during your in-routine; c. Flight Commander / Supervisor (in-briefing and review of TORs); d. Supply (issue of any equipment/material required for duties); e. Transport (for personnel operating a DND vehicle); f. Messes; and g. Military Police (personal vehicle registration). 11. Clearing Out. When you clear out, you will be provided with your partially-completed travel worksheet. Upon your return home, complete this sheet IMMEDIATELY with your actual return travel timings, and forward it to Regional Cadet Air Operations in Comox via the envelope provided. As an amplification of (5), note that travel outside of pre-designated days will result in your travel benefits being denied. Extenuating circumstances which alter prearranged travel can be considered, however, a desire to vacation in the local area prior to returning home would likely not be approved. Situations where travel is conducted outside of authorized day(s), and claimed as otherwise, must 5 never be contemplated, as fraudulent travel claims place the claimant at significant administrative action risk. 12. Your claim cannot be completed until your return trip itinerary is received by RCAOps and compared with your pre-arranged travel. You will be reimbursed by Direct Deposit once the claim has been reviewed by RCAOps, then forwarded to the RCSU for finalization. With the high volume of claims presented at summer’s end, processing can take up-to 12 weeks (after receipt of the completed travel worksheet). Enquiries for outstanding claims should not be made prior to 1 December 2015. 13. Dress. You may travel in civilian clothing. However, both Reporting In and Clearing Out will be completed while in uniform. Civilian Instructors (CI's) are expected to wear appropriate civilian attire when reporting in. (No sandals, tank tops, short shorts etc). IDENTIFICATION CARDS 14. All Course Candidates and Staff (including Civilian Instructors) must be in possession of a VALID Military ID card. ID Cards can be processed at 19 Wing, but an appointment must be made in advance. 15. If an ID Card is required, you must contact the CCFTC Orderly Room Chief Clerk, Ms. Joanne Conway at (250) 339-8211 local 8738, no less than two weeks prior to your scheduled arrival, in order to schedule an appointment. LEAVE 16. You will be required to be available for duty during the entire employment period. Leave for Reserve Force members or Civilian Instructors on Class B Duty may be authorized at the rate of one (1) day for each continuous fifteen (15) days of employment (upon the 30th day). It should be noted that this leave is subject to the approval of the Commanding Officer, will only be granted consistent with operational requirements, and shall be taken within the employment period. Leave for Regular Force members on Temporary Duty will be in accordance with your home unit policy and schedule, and ordinarily will not be granted during the course of your TD at the CCFTC. Note that during periods of Leave, members and CI’s are not entitled to crown-supplied rations or perdiem allowances. 17. You will be expected to have a Leave Plan submitted to your Supervisor within 24 hours of your arrival. Leave will be assigned in accordance with the requirements of your employment, and due consideration will be given to your requested dates. It is expected that a Master Leave Plan will be available no later than 27 June for the months of July and August. 18. Due to scheduling conflicts for the Tow Pilot Conversion Course Staff, course candidates are encouraged to consider 30/31 May and 15/16 June as potential dates for Leave. 6 RATIONS & ACCOMMODATIONS 19. Staff from outside the geographical area will be provided rations & quarters during their employment period. Staff members are to bring their own towels, as they will not be provided. Room assignments will be based on accommodation availability at 19 Wing according to rank and seniority. With the removal of BB6, accommodations are now extremely limited and most personnel should anticipate a roommate this year. 20. It should be noted that secure storage space is limited in the barracks. Therefore, you are advised not to bring a significant amount of extra clothing or electronic devices with you. 21. Meals will be provided at the Combined Mess, and are planned to provide both a varied and well balanced diet, suitable for all. If you have special dietary requirements to meet medical or religious restrictions, you are to inform both the RCSU Staffing Officer and the CCFTC Admin O as soon as possible so that special arrangements, if possible can be considered. VEHICLE PARKING 22. Refer to Annex A, for the location of the barracks in which you will be residing and the parking areas to be used. Note 1 – Parking at Quarters / General All course candidates and staff are to check with the Military Police when they arrive as to what parking areas are assigned to the building in which they are quartered. Any fines and / or towing and storage charges resulting from the improper parking of any vehicle will be the sole responsibility of the vehicle operator. This will include military vehicles which may be operated by a member of the CCFTC staff. Note – Parking at 15 Hangar All parking in the upper lot, and the four spaces closest to the hanger in the first row of the lower lot, are designated for permanent staff. Summer staff members may use any other spaces in the lower lot. As parking is limited, and in conjunction with demonstrating a positive fitness example to the cadets, staff members living on base are strongly encouraged to walk or bicycle to work at both 15 Hangar and Bldg 22. See Annex E for details. 23. For staff members wishing to bring their families with them, or have family members visit during their employment period, there are ample commercial accommodation facilities, including campsites, available in the local area. There 7 are no accommodation facilities for dependants at 19 Wing Comox, although camping may be available at the Tee Pee Park Camp site (at Air Force Beach). Contact the resident manager for further information regarding availability at (250) 339-5271. Annex C gives an overview of the Comox Valley for families and visitors. DRESS & DEPORTMENT 24. All staff must ensure that their DEU is complete prior to coming to the CCFTC. IAW regulations there will be no replacement or exchange of any items of uniform through the CCFTC Supply Section. The only clothing available to CIC Officers will be environmental clothing. 25. Normal dress of the day for military personnel is SS shirt / blouse with rank insignia, nametag and ribbons. For personnel undergoing flight training or hired for flight line duties, dress of the day is flight suits. Wedge caps or berets are the standard headdress worn at 19 Wing. CCFTC ball caps may be worn on the flight line only. Civilian Instructors may be issued certain kit / operational clothing from CCFTC supply for the duration of their contracts. 26. Additional requirements regarding the wearing of environmental clothing will be published in CCFTC weekly Routine Orders and briefed during inbriefings. 27. To obtain uniform articles, all CIC Officers should log-on to the Internet at:, and follow the instructions to order various DEU items. If you are unable to log-on, or your environment or rank is incorrect, you are to advise the RCSU (P) Chief Clerk, at 250-363-0904, for assistance. 28. The CCFTC is a lodger unit on a Regular Force Establishment, and therefore you are expected to conduct yourself in a professional military manner. Pay appropriate compliments, and be suitably attired in military and civilian clothing at all times. 29. For Reserve Force Members and Civilian Instructors, only crests and badges of the Cadet Organization and CIC, as authorized under current dress regulations, are allowed to be worn on flying suits / jackets. All others shall be removed prior to your arrival. Regular Force members may wear the approved crests and badges of their home unit. 30. Refer to Annex D for a complete list of kit/uniforms that are to be brought by all course candidates and staff members. LOUNGES/MESSES 31. All Staff and Course Candidates are required by regulation to belong to their respective Messes for the duration of their summer employment, and therefore are required to pay mess dues. When clearance procedures are being undertaken, it is mandatory to clear in and out of the respective mess. This 8 requires that your PLCC be initialled and dated by the Mess Manager. There may be an opportunity to sign-in as a group, and this will be advised on-arrival. 32. Officers and CI’s may use the 19 Wing Officers' Mess. All members are to acquaint themselves with the regulations governing dress and deportment in this establishment. The excuse of “ignorance”, when not in compliance with regulations will not be tolerated. Annex B describes these rules. 33. On final clearances prior to departure your PLCC must be signed off by the Mess Manger, and a receipt indicating full payment for mess dues/chits, etc., must be produced for the CCFTC Fin O. Without this receipt you will not be cleared out, and final pay and claim will be withheld until mess dues are paid. Note The Mess Managers have multiple duties, and are not always in the office during regular working hours (0730-1530 Mon – Fri). Before attempting to clear in or out of the Mess, check for timings. Friday afternoon is NOT the time to be clearing in or out of the Mess. It is also recommended that In Clearance at the Mess be staggered over the first two weeks following arrival, and that Out Clearance be staggered over the last two weeks of your employment. SCHOOL SERVICES 34. Laundry. Washing machines, dryers, irons, and ironing boards will be provided for your use in the barracks. Dry cleaning services are available twice weekly at the CANEX, but can also be located either in Comox or Courtenay. 35. Recreation. Recreational outings are planned for the students on regular “days off”. Staff members will be assigned supervisory responsibility for these recreational activities. Numerous sports, recreation, and outdoor activities are available for your use in the local area. A gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts and sports fields are located at 19 Wing Comox, while many other activities are available in the Comox Valley. 36. When riding bicycles or roller blades at 19 Wing Comox, a CSA approved helmet shall be worn. 37. Postal Services. Postal services are available at the school. Incoming mail will be distributed daily. The mailing address is: Rank, Surname & Initials Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre Canadian Forces Base Comox PO Box 1000, Station Main Lazo, B.C., V0R 2K0 9 38. Telephones. Pay phones are located in the barracks. If you wish to have a private telephone line and/or internet service installed in your room, you must contact Shaw Cable directly at 250-334-0888, and the 19 Wing Service desk 250-339-8211 loc 8841 for installation dates and times. 39. Banking / Financial Services: You will be paid in accordance with existing orders applicable to Reserve Force Pay categories on a bi-monthly basis. Electronic banking is mandatory. Please complete and return the Cdt 191- PAY AND ALLOWANCES – TRAVEL CLAIM DIRECT DEPOSIT REQUEST form and attach a VOID CHEQUE in your employment package, ensuring that all entries are accurately completed. Forward this information to: Attn: Staffing Officer Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific) PO Box 17000 Station Forces Victoria, B.C., V9A 7N2 40. Various financial institutions are available in the Comox Valley including branch offices of most major banks and two credit unions. 41. Medical & Dental Services. Medical services will be provided in accordance with Canadian Forces Administration Order (CFAO 34-45). a. sick parades are held daily and medical attention is available at all times on an emergency basis. Civilian medical consultations, if required, are billed to individual medical service/insurance plan accounts. Bring your BC or other Medical Services Insurance Card with you and the number of any supplemental Medical / Dental Insurance plan in place; b. procurement of some pharmaceuticals may be arranged through the Physicians Assistant employed by the School; and c. the military dental facility is for emergencies only. 42. If you wear prescription eyewear, you are encouraged to bring an extra pair with you. It is advisable that you bring a copy of your eyeglass prescription, in the event you require eyewear replacement due to loss or breakage. Reflective or “bizarre” glasses are not authorized to be worn while in uniform. 43. Eyeglass replacement is authorized only if glasses are broken or damaged due to employment. REFERENCES: CATO 16-07, QR&O Chap 9 art 9.09 and 9.07 and CFAO 208 and 34-45. Note Civilian Instructors may receive the emergency medical care necessary to preserve life, and relieve pain and suffering, until such time as they can be transferred to an appropriate civilian health 10 care facility. Costs associated with subsequent health care shall be covered by the individual’s personal insurance or provincial health care plan in accordance with CATO 23-05. 44. Spiritual Welfare: Religious services are available on base or in the local area. Times for various denominational services will be published in both School and 19 Wing Routine Orders. SMOKING / PROHIBITED ITEMS 45. Due to the well documented negative effects on the health of the smoker, and on those who may be close enough to inhale the associated “second hand smoke”, staff members are strongly discouraged from smoking. However, smoking is permitted in designated, open-air areas only, and must be screened off from the view of cadets. Note that “electronic cigarettes” are considered by the CF to be the same as “regular” cigarettes in terms of when and where they may be used. 46. In accordance with CATO 13-23, “involvement with illegal drugs, prohibited substances or drug-related paraphernalia will not be tolerated”. Any such suspected involvement by staff will be referred to the Military Police for investigation/prosecution. CCFTC employment will be immediately terminated, and the RCSU may take further employment related action. Amplification of these policies is provided in CATOs, RCSU MROs, and CCFTC Standing Orders. 47. Excess use or misuse of alcohol is inconsistent with employment in a youth organization. Consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication is not permitted at any time as staff must be capable of responding to emergencies and providing for the safety of the cadets at all times. Staff Members shall not consume alcohol nor be under the influence of alcohol, including suffering from “hangover”, when they are, or could reasonably expect to be, in contact with cadets. 19 Wing Standing Orders and Flying Orders, as well as CCFTC Standing Orders and Flying Orders amplify this policy. MISCELLANEOUS 48. All Aircrew shall ensure that their Pilot Licence and Instructor Rating (as applicable) are current prior to reporting to the CCFTC) for summer employment. Any member with an Instructor Rating which is approaching its expiry date must so advise the CCFTC Stds O, well in advance of the expiry date, in order to facilitate prompt renewal. Credentials will be verified on arrival, and any lack of compliance with this requirement is grounds for employment termination. 11 FORMAL DINING-IN 49. The CCFTC will be holding a Formal Dining-In at the 19-Wing Officers’ Mess 8 Aug 2015. This is a mandatory parade for all on-strength staff, and invited guests as approved by the CO CCFTC. This event will be the celebratory Depart With Dignity Ceremony for MCpl Mae Toews and MWO Tom Harper, both of whom are retiring after long service to the CAF and RCAOps. Cost is anticipated to be $60 including all taxes and must be paid to the CCFTC Fin O (Mr. Art Trto) by 24 July 2015. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 50. In addition to assisting Cadets to earn their desired qualifications, and successfully graduate from the courses, it is our collective aim and focus to assist in producing healthy, physically and mentally fit capable citizens, and future leaders. As staff members, it is our duty to provide them with both the focus and leadership by example, to ensure that all of our aims and goals are met. 12 ANNEX A TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 13 ANNEX B TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 OFFICERS’ MESS DRESS REGULATIONS 19 WING COMOX GENERAL The following Mess dress regulations shall apply except when superseded by standards requested for specific Mess functions: MILITARY DRESS Dress of the day or environmental clothing may be worn in all areas of the Mess except during special functions at which time the appropriate order of dress will be posted in the main foyer and at the entrance from the games room to the main lounge. Flying suits and CADPAT are not permitted in the main lounge during functions with semi-formal or formal dress without PMC permission. CIVILIAN DRESS The minimum standard for the Main Lounge is Casual dress DEFINITIONS Casual - Shall consist of clothing that is clean, in good repair and in good taste, appropriate to a social gathering. Sportswear (such as sweat suits and running shorts), and cut-off (non-tailored) shorts are not permitted. Semi-formal - Business suit or jacket and tie. Equivalent dress for ladies. Formal - Mess dress. Tuxedo or dinner jacket for male civilian guests, and equivalent dress for ladies. NOTES: 1. It is unacceptable for personnel to wear outer clothing such as overcoats, etc in the Main Lounge at any time. 2. Guests are expected to dress in good taste. It is the responsibility of the host member to inform his/her guests of dress requirements. 3. Sporting and recreational clothing may be worn in the back bar and games room only. Tank tops, half body suits and running shorts are not permitted in the back bar. 4. The PMC or Senior Regular Member present at functions is responsible for interpreting and enforcing these regulations, allowing for some interpretation of “good taste” among the broad age demographic of the Mess membership. 14 ANNEX C TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 THE COMOX VALLEY General 1. The Comox Valley is located approximately at the halfway point of the east coast of Vancouver Island. Travel to the Comox Valley can be undertaken reasonably easily by land, sea, or air. From the southern mainland of B.C. travel will be via BC Ferries from either the Horseshoe Bay or Tsawwassen terminals to Nanaimo or Victoria on Vancouver Island. Travelling north, Comox is an approximately 1.25 hour drive from Nanaimo, or 3 hours from Victoria. If driving from northern BC, Vancouver Island can also be accessed by taking the Prince Rupert ferry to Port Hardy, and then by driving 3 hours south to Comox. 2. With a combined population of approximately 70,000, this picturesque Valley extends from Fanny Bay in the south to the Oyster River in the north and is bordered on the westerly boundary by the Beaufort Mountain Range, with its breathtaking Comox Glacier and Strathcona Park, and on the eastern boundary by the Strait of Georgia, including Cape Lazo, Comox Harbour and Baynes Sound. Comprising three main communities encompassing the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox and the Village of Cumberland, it also includes several rural communities including 19 Wing Comox. It is also appropriately described as the Outdoor Capital of Canada. 3. The Comox Valley enjoys some of the most genial weather in Canada. The region enjoys short, mild winters and warm dry summers. July is the hottest month of the year, with an average maximum temperature of 23 degrees Celsius and an average minimum temperature of 12 degrees. January is the coldest month of the year, with a mean temperature of 2 degrees Celsius. May to August are the driest months in the Comox Valley (July receives about 1.1 inches of rain), while most rainfall occurs from November to January. Weather systems that bring heavier rainfall and storms generally pass over en-route to the British Columbia mainland. The mild, Mediterranean like, weather creates an optimum atmosphere for year round activities. 4. Recreation does not cease due to the changing weather patterns, it simply moves to other venues. The Comox Valley is one of the few places in Canada where, in the winter months, one can downhill or cross-country ski in the morning and golf in the afternoon. 15 ANNEX C TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 5. The Comox Valley is also well known for its economic stability and ability to weather most economic downturns. Its labour market extends from Deep Bay in the south to Oyster River in the north. A thriving service industry provides employment for approximately 20,000 people (70% of a labour force of 27,000). The main industries include retail (with over 600 outlets), a large Public Service sector which is anchored by 19 Wing Comox, a growing construction sector, and a growing year round hospitality and tourism industry featuring a myriad of outdoor activities including skiing in winter and golf and fishing throughout the year. The primary resource based industries, (forestry, fishing, mining and agriculture), also play an important economic role outside the Valley. 6. It is important to note that 19 Wing Comox is the largest employer in the Comox Valley, employing approximately 1600 public sector employees followed by the School District with 960. 7. Local attractions for staff, and recreational trips for students, include: a. Mt Washington, the largest ski area on Vancouver Island is also open in summer for chair lift rides, mountain biking, and hiking b. fishing opportunities are abundant for both fresh water and saltwater species. Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, and Pink salmon are commonly found in the Georgia Strait waters adjacent to the Valley, with bottom fish species such as Ling Cod, Greeling, Rock Cod and Snapper found in shallower water areas. Area lakes and rivers abound with various species of trout. c. there are numerous opportunities for golfers in the Comox Valley, where they can play the area’s eight courses: three 18 hole, three 9 hole and two 18 hole par 3 courses. d. parks are equally plentiful and the Comox Valley has over 40 regional parks offering campsites, picnic areas, nature trails and, most importantly, an expanse of clean sandy beaches. 8. At 19 Wing Comox you will find the Comox Air Force Museum, with exhibits reflecting the heritage, customs and traditions of Canada’s Air Force by focusing on the history of 19 Wing. 16 ANNEX C TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 9. Some of the special celebrations taking place in the Valley during the summer months are: a. Filberg Festival; b. Canada Day Celebrations; c. Canadian Youth Music Camp and recitals; d. HMCS Quadra, Sea Cadet CSTC Ceremonial Displays; e. Comox Valley Folk Fest; f. Comox Nautical Days; and g. 19 Wing Comox Armed Forces Day / Air Show. 17 ANNEX D TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF KIT / UNIFORM LIST Flying Gear: o o o o flight suit (s) flight jacket flying boots CCFTC Blue Staff ball cap (available at the school for purchase) Uniforms:. o o complete uniform, including full dress uniform and wedge mess kit (if employed during the CCFTC mess dinner – 08 August) Manuals: o o AIM Canada Any manuals and packages sent to you Other Items: o o o o o appropriate civilian clothing for off duty hours personal grooming items/towels binder notebook pens and pencils All candidates must ensure that their DEU is complete before coming to course. IAW regulations there will be NO replacement issued by the CCFTC Supply Section. The only clothing available to CIC Officers will be environmental clothing. To obtain uniform articles all CIC Officers MUST log on to the internet at:, and follows the directions for ordering DEU items. Delivery of said items may take up to 30 days. If you are unable to log on, or environment or rank is incorrect you are to advise RCSU (P) Chief Clerk, at 250-363-0904, for assistance. D-1 18 ANNEX E TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATE/STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 2015 Regional Cadet Air Operations (Pacific) Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre 15 Hangar Parking Space Allocation (Not to Scale) Hangar RCA Ops O Maintenance O Standards O Administration O Bicycles Handicapped Logistics O Chief Clerk Maintenance Maintenance D/RCA Ops O CWO Maintenance Maintenance Supply Tech Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 19 Garbage Bins Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open ANNEX F TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 TOW PILOT CONVERSION COURSE (TPCC) JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Congratulations on being selected for the Tow Pilot Conversion Course (TPCC) 2015. Course commencement dates are 0730 hrs on 25 May 2015 and 0730 hrs on 07 June 2015. You will be expected to travel on the day prior to your course date. The course will commence in the upper classroom of 15 Hangar. 2. This training is available to CIC Officers who meet the experience requirements outlined in each Annex for the selected course. Civilian Instructors are not eligible to take CIC Officer Qualification Courses; however, selected Civilian Instructors may be accepted for certain courses if they meet all prerequisites and there is an operational need at their Wing for this qualification. 3. Personnel requesting this training must be prepared to assist with spring and fall familiarization flying in the respective Wings and/or be available for employment at the CCFTC during the summer. PREREQUISITES 4. The course candidate must meet the following requirements: a. 100 hrs PIC on aeroplanes. Candidates who are provisionally selected pending completion of their 100 hrs are reminded that under NO circumstances will this requirement be waived; c. a valid Canadian Private Pilot (Aeroplane) licence or better; d. meet TC recency requirements, and additionally have flown a minimum of 5 hrs PIC on aeroplanes within the preceding 12 months. TRAINING PACKAGE 5. Candidates are strongly encouraged to diligently prepare for the Closed Book Exam, which shall be successfully (85%) completed prior to being authorized for solo flight. 6. The course study material is listed on the following pages. The Open Book Exam is to be completed and brought with you, as it will be reviewed early in the Ground School sylabus. 20 ANNEX F TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS – 2015 7. All candidates shall bring the following: a. log book(s); and b. Aviation Document Booklet 8. All candidates attending the course shall come well prepared, as course scheduling does not permit extra time for catch up. Your flying skills and academic knowledge must be of a high standard. TPCC - COURSE STUDY MATERIALS 1. All course materials can be found on the Air Cadet League of Canada, BC Provincial Committee website, at: . Course materials will not be distributed by Canada Post. 2. Publications used for this course are: a. A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005; b. RCA Ops (Pac) Orders and Instructions, Vol 2 and Vol 6; c. Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOI's) - C182; d. Aircraft Specific Avionics Instructions; e. Open Book Exam; and f. Aircraft Pilots Checklist (C182). 3. If you are unable to retrieve these documents from the website more than 15 days ahead of the start date of your training, please contact the CCFTC Orderly Room Chief Clerk, MCpl GM Toews / Ms Joanne Conway at: [email protected] or at (250) 339-8211 local 8738 for assistance. 21 ANNEX F TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS – 2015 TPCC STUDY PACKAGE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Read A-CR-CCP-242/PT-05 Chapters 1,2,4, (section 2), & 5(Section 1). 2. Read RCA Ops (Pac) Orders and Instructions Volume 2 – Regional Flying Orders. 3. Read the Aircraft Operating Instructions. 4. Study the Aircraft Checklist, (available on the BCPC Website). 5. Memorize the emergency checklist items, and the operating limits. These are all examinable, and many will be on the Closed Book Exam which must be passed prior to solo flying being authorized. 6. Complete the open book exam, and bring the completed answer pages with you. 7. Use the publications listed in this guide as references. 22 ANNEX G TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATE/STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR COURSE (GPIC) JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Congratulations on being selected for the Glider Pilot Instructor Course (GPIC) 2015. The course will commence at 0730hrs on 01 June 2015 and end 27 June 2015. You will be expected to travel on 31 May. The course will commence in the upper classroom of 15 Hangar. 2. The training is available to CIC Officers who meet the experience requirements outlined in paragraph four to these instructions. Civilian Instructors are not eligible to take CIC Officer Qualification Courses, however, selected Civilian Instructors may be accepted for the GPIC if they meet all prerequisites and there is an operational need at their Wing for this Qualification. 3. Personnel requesting this training must be prepared to assist with spring and fall familiarization flying in their respective Wings, and/or be available for employment at the CCFTC during the summer. PREREQUISITES 4. The course candidates must meet the following requirements: a. have accumulated 20 hours flight time in gliders including at least 125 flights or; b. have accumulated 10 hours flight time in gliders including at least 200 flights; and c. be a minimum of 18 years of age. TRAINING PACKAGE 5. The course study package is located on the following pages. All publications and study material sent with these Joining Instructions are to be completed and brought with you. You are strongly encouraged to prepare yourself for the numerous exams to be completed on the course. 6. All candidates shall bring the following: a. all log books; and b. Aviation Document Booklet. 7. All candidates attending the course shall come well prepared, as time does not permit extra time for catch up. Your flying skill and academic knowledge must be of a high standard. 23 ANNEX G TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 GPIC STUDY PACKAGE 1. All course materials can be found on the Air Cadet League of Canada, BC Provincial Committee website, at: . a. A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005; b. RCA Ops (Pac) Orders and Instructions, Vol 2 and Vol 6; and c. completed pre-course study package. 2. If you are unable to retrieve these documents from the website more than 15 days ahead of the start date of your training, please contact the CCFTC Orderly Room Chief Clerk, MCpl GM Toews / Ms. Joanne Conway at: [email protected] or at (250) 339-8211 local 8738 for assistance. 24 ANNEX G TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 GPIC - INSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL 1. You will prepare a 20-minute classroom lecture for presentation during the GPIC. This will prepare you for classroom instruction. The lecture will be evaluated. 2. Begin preparing your lecture now, as you will be extremely busy during the course. The details of the lecture that you must prepare are below, and an outline of the information to be taught is enclosed with these instructions. You will be teaching in a classroom equipped with a Smart Board, TV/DVD, and a Power Point capable computer. LENGTH AND STRUCTURE 3. The lecture shall be approximately 20 minutes in length, plus or minus 2 minutes. It shall have defined and obvious stages, including an introduction, body, confirmation and conclusion which closely follow the lesson plan. Your lesson plan, and the appropriate visual aids, shall be thoughtfully prepared to a high standard, and will be graded. 4. During the confirmation stage, you will be expected to assess how much material the students in the class have remembered. You may do this with verbal questioning, a pre-prepared written quiz, or in any other more creative manner, as long as the method is effective. 5. A copy of the marking sheet will be provided to you at the start of the GPIC for your reference. Throughout the entire lecture you are expected to make eye contact, use a clear and interesting tone of voice, have professional conduct, and avoid potentially irritating mannerisms (such as fidgeting or saying “um”). The material presented must be accurate and unambiguous. CONTENT 6. The enclosed Instructor Development Lecture Outline provides an outline of main teaching points that shall be covered in your lecture. You will need to consult applicable reference material in order to obtain the material to teach your lecture. Your main source of reference should be “From the Ground Up”. Gliding / Soaring related books may also be used as reference material. Interesting anecdotes, diagrams and pictures can often be obtained from other sources, such as the internet and flying magazines. Ensure that material used is factual multiple references are always a good idea. ANNEX G 25 TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 7. While Power Point may be used, the use of other creative, alternative, and effective methods of teaching is strongly encouraged. “Visual Aids” shall be taken to refer to diagrams, images, or models that accurately and interestingly correspond to the subject matter. Any handwritten information or drawings presented on the SmartBoard, Whiteboards, or the OHP, must be well produced, and be completely readable from all locations within the classroom. Training aids such as tow ropes, instruments, radios, maps, etc., may be requested, but you must give reasonable notice of your needs, well before the day of your class. 8. When preparing your lesson, assume that your audience will be cadets attending the glider course. If you have a lesson which builds on previously taught knowledge you may prepare your lesson with the assumption that the previous material was taught and understood by the class (i.e. no requirement to teach all of the parts of the airplane when discussing the effects of flaps), though a brief review or series of short questions would demonstrate good instructional technique. INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations Non–ACGP Aerodrome Operations Main Teaching Points a. b. c. Describe the structure of a SAC club (President, CFI, other positions such as financial and safety positions) Describe the daily routine at a SAC club Describe differences in “culture” or philosophy between the ACGP and SAC clubs Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. 26 ANNEX G TO GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR COURSE JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 2015 INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations Theory of Thermals Main Teaching Points a. describe a thermal – size, shape, speed, and height b. discuss the effect of terrain (slope and type – ie/ forest, mountains, fields) on the formation of thermals c. discuss the effect of the time of day on the formation of thermals Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations Finding Thermals Main Teaching Points a. visual indications of thermals (birds, dust, clouds, other aircraft) b. methods of flying for finding thermals (flying in a straight line, monitoring instruments, searching downwind) c. how to enter a thermal when you find it d. how to center in a thermal including speeds and angles of bank Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. 27 ANNEX G TO GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR COURSE JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 2015 INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations Ridge Soaring Main Teaching Points a. b. c. d. terrain requirements for ridge soaring wind requirements (strength and angle) how much lift is created (how high can you get) rules and technique for ridge soaring Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations FAI and SAC Badge System Main Teaching Points a. describe the badges/awards, including flight requirements and what the badges, etc look like b. describe how to claim badges/awards (how to record and report your flight) Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. 28 ANNEX G TO GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR COURSE JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 2015 INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations High Performance Gliders Main Teaching Points a. preparing to fly a new type of glider (what should you do ahead of time to prepare yourself, such as research or experience) b. contents of an aircraft flight manual c. flaps and retractable landing gear d. selected examples of high performance gliders and their features (choose however many you would like so that your class meets the time requirements) Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT LECTURE OUTLINE Understand Flight Operations: Off-field Landing Selection Main Teaching Points a. Describe conditions when a decision should be made to land away from the intended landing area (airport) b. Describe the best way to search for a suitable field, based on wind conditions and location c. Describe desirable and undesirable characteristics of a field d. Describe hazards associated with an off-field landing e. Describe recommended techniques for landing in a selected field Time: one 20 minute period. Notes: This class will require research online at the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) website ( or soaring books in advance of the start of the Glider Pilot Instructor Course. 29 ANNEX H TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATES & STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS - 2015 GLIDER PILOT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER COURSE (GPIRC) JOINING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL 1. Congratulations on being selected for the Glider Pilot Instructor Refresher Course (GPIRC) 2015. The course will commence at 0730hrs on 15 June 2015, and end on 27 June. You will be expected to travel on 14 June 2015. The course will commence in the upper classroom of 15 Hangar. 2. The training is available to CIC Officers who meet the experience requirements outlined in each Annex for the selected courses. Civilian Instructors are not eligible to take CIC Officer Qualification courses. However, selected Civilian Instructors may be accepted for certain courses if they meet all prerequisites and there is an operational need at their Wing for this qualification. 3. Personnel requesting this training must be prepared to assist with spring and fall familiarization flying in the respective Wings, and/or be available for employment at the CCFTC during the summer. TRAINING 4. The website link to the Glider Pilot Refresher Course pre-course package is shown on the following page. The Pre-Course Study Guide must be completed prior to arrival, and will be reviewed early in the course sylabus. 5. 6. All candidates shall bring the following: a. all log books; and b. Aviation Document Booklet. The publications used to complete this training are: a. ACGP Gliding Manual (A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005); b. RCA Ops (PAC) Orders and Instructions; and c. Excerpts from the Flight Instructors Handbook. 7. All candidates attending the course shall come well prepared, as time does not permit extra time for catch up. Your flying skill and academic knowledge must be of a high standard. 30 ANNEX H TO COMOX CADET FLYING TRAINING CENTRE COURSE CANDIDATE/STAFF JOINING INSTRUCTIONS 2015 (GPIRC) STUDY PACKAGE 1. All course materials can be found on the Air Cadet League of Canada, BC Provincial Committee website, at: . a. A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005; b. RCA Ops (Pac) Orders and Instructions, Vol 2 and Vol 6; and c. completed pre-course study package. 2. If you are unable to retrieve these documents from the website more than 15 days ahead of the start date of your training, please contact the CCFTC Orderly Room Chief Clerk, MCpl GM Toews / Ms. Joanne Conway at: [email protected], or at (250) 339-8211 local 8738 for assistance. 31
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