APPROVAL BLOCK CAO ____________ DF ____________ DE&DS__________ CITY OF BELLEVILLE Ray Ford, Manager of Engineering/Deputy Director Engineering and Development Services Report No. ENG-2015-04 April 13, 2015 To: Mayor and Members of Council Subject: CONTRACT ENG2015-06 – City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 Recommendation: THAT the tender submission from Len Corcoran Excavating Limited be accepted for CONTRACT ENG2015-06 City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 in the amount of $8,359,756.00 plus $1,086,768.28 HST for a total amount of $9,446,524.28 this being the lowest cost tender received and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the Acceptance Agreement on behalf of The Corporation of the City of Belleville and that the City Clerk be authorized to affix the Corporate Seal.” Strategic Plan Alignment: The City of Belleville’s Strategic Plan identifies nine strategic themes. This report aligns with all of the strategic themes which includes Infrastructure; Industrial and Commercial Development; Residential Development; Transportation and Mobility; City Centre Revitalization; Cultural and Recreation; Tourism and Waterfront Revitalization; Community Health, Safety and Security; and Environment. Background: CONTRACT ENG2015-06 City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 represents the first phase of the Downtown Revitalization and Redevelopment project. This tender includes the following work on Front Street from Victoria Avenue to Pinnacle Street and on Station Street from Pinnacle Street to Church Street: Report No. ENG-2015-04 -2- April 13, 2015 Complete replacement of the existing (circa 1880’s) watermain and water services with a new 300mm diameter watermain and new water services. Replacement of approx. 310 metres of existing sanitary sewer mains with larger diameter sewers to create pipe capacity for future development and redevelopment through intensification in the City Centre in accordance with OPA No. 23. Relining of approximately 235 meters of existing sanitary sewer to rehabilitate these pipes. Replacement of sanitary sewer lateral connections. Replacement of approximately 130 metres of 750mm diameter storm sewers to rehabilitate the storm sewer system. Complete reconstruction of the roads with new asphalt, concrete and decorative pavers; including new curb and gutters. Complete reconstruction of the sidewalks including concrete and decorative pavers. New planters with landscaping. New trees including engineered ‘soil cells’ to provide a favourable growing environment for the trees. Installation of new street lights including electrical ducts all in accordance with today’s electrical codes and requirements. Of the proposed three (3) construction phases proposed for the City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project, this first phase represents the most complex phase of the project. This phase includes not only replacement of the watermains; but also includes significant work on the sanitary sewer with several lengths being replaced to increase capacity; and includes replacement of a significate length of storm sewer. None of the other phases include this level of sanitary and storm sewer replacement work. This project will also require work through a very high volume intersection; Pinnacle Street/Front Street/Station Street. To attract as many bids as possible and secure the best price for the entire project, the following activities were completed: City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project was broken into three (3) Phases, with Contract ENG2015-06 being Phase 1, in order to allow a wider range of contractors (from small to large) to be able to bid; Contract ENG2015-06 was issued early in 2015 which is typically a favourable time of year to attract bids from a larger number of contractors; A “pre-tender notice” was issued in late January to advise contractors that this contract would be issued in March; Contract ENG2015-06 was issued on March 4, 2015 with a closing date of March 31, 2015 thus providing a bidding period of four (4) weeks. Typically we allow only two (2) to three (3) weeks for bidding on this type of contract. Notices and tender documents were sent to the local construction association office as well as many other construction association offices throughout the area and the GTA. Report No. ENG-2015-04 -3- April 13, 2015 As noted above, the project was tendered on Wednesday, March 4 2015, with a closing date of Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Tenders were received for Contract ENG2015-06 and were opened in Council Chambers, City Hall, immediately after the closing time with the following staff in attendance: Yasmina Jamal, Purchasing Supervisor Christine Fradley, Purchasing Assistant Mark Fluhrer, Director Recreation, Culture & Community Services Ray Ford, Manager Engineering/Deputy Director Engineering Development Services Denis Pianarosa, Project Manager (Build Belleville) In addition, there were three other individuals in attendance. Financial/Analysis: The following two (2) tenders were received and opened: Contractor H & H Construction Inc. Len Corcoran Excavating Limited Tender Submitted HST Excluded Tender Tax Amount HST (13%) Total Tender Submitted HST Included Net Contract Cost to City* $8,710,518.64 $1,132,367.42 $9,842,886.06 $8,863,823.77 $8,359,756.00 $1,086,768.28 $9,446,524.28 $8,506,887.71 *Contract Cost net of all HST rebates and credits The tender submissions were reviewed for accuracy and completeness and the following tender irregularity was noted: (1) The form ‘Statement “C”, List of Sub-Contractors’ included in the submission from H & H Construction Inc. was left blank. In accordance with the “Tender Irregularities” section of the Contract, this tender submission was rejected and no further consideration can be given to this tender submission. As a result of the tender evaluation, there is only a single tender submission which can be considered; that being the bid from Len Corcoran Excavating Limited. There were no tender irregularities noted with this bid submission. Report No. ENG-2015-04 -4- April 13, 2015 The work incorporated in CONTRACT ENG2015-06 is for the first phase of the City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project and is included in the overall project budget of $21,050,000.00. While this contract represents only the first phase of the Downtown project and there are sufficient budget funds in place for this first phase of the project, it is necessary to consider the remaining phases and project budget. As noted above, this phase is the most complex phase of the project with several sections of sewers requiring replacement and work to occur in the busy Pinnacle/Front/Station Streets intersection. This phase also requires maintaining access to McNabb Towers and Quinte Living Center which requires keeping the road open to a single lane of traffic. All of these factors have resulted in the contract costs as tendered for this phase. Until the tenders are issued and closed for the remaining two phases of the project, it will not be possible to establish or confirm the overall project budget as this will be dictated by market conditions and tender details of the Phase 2 and Phase 3 contracts.. Through the construction phase of this Phase 1 project, costs and constructability will be closely administered and monitored with impacts related to business continuity being assessed. During the final design of the Phase 2 and Phase 3 projects, the experience obtained through Phase 1 will be used to refine the design of these remaining two phases; such as making adjustments to construction staging in consultation with the DBIA or amending the design to address constructability issues, so as to adjust the final design of Phases 2 and 3 and make every effort to meet the project budget. Conclusion: It is recommended that CONTRACT ENG2015-06 City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 be awarded to Len Corcoran Excavating Limited in the amount of $8,359,756.00 plus $1,086,768.28 HST for a total dollar amount of $9,446,524.28 this being the only qualified bid received. Respectfully submitted, Ray Ford, Manager of Engineering/Deputy Director Engineering and Development Services RF/pmm
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