Bembridge Parish News SERVING : • THE PARISH CHURCH • THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THE METHODIST CHURCH April 2015 Sherbourne Street – 1890’s METHODIST MINISTER: Revd. Frances Watson 12 Gordon Cl. Sandown Tel: 404804 VICAR: Vacancy ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev’d Linda Bushell Tel: 400261 [email protected] CATHOLIC PRIEST: Fr. Anthony Glaysher Tel: 812127 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Please inform the clergy of sick persons and other needs for visiting and prayers Editor: Anna Driver 1 The Ruskins, Kings Road, PO35 5NY Tel: 873283 – [email protected] (Copy deadline - 8th of the preceding month) Distribution Secretary: Mrs Jenny Austen 31 Beachfield Road Tel: 872701, [email protected] Advertising Manager: Mrs Olive Light 1 Trelawny Way, PO35 5YE Tel 874218 – [email protected] Hard copies of the Parish News are available locally, please buy a copy and support our advertisers to make continuance of this magazine possible 1 Bembridge Parish News No. 593 New Chapters Do you like reading? The congregation of St Michael's church is also beginning a new chapter. Congratulations on fifty good years of ministry. What opportunities for ministry will the next fifty years hold? We look forward to many further years of ecumenical fellowship with them and with our friends at the Methodist church. I always like to read a chapter of a good novel in the evening just to change my thought processes from work to rest. Sometimes though, when I've just read a superb chapter, it's hard to stop. The temptation is to stay up later, than is good for me, just to see what the next chapter will bring. What turns and twists and developments of the story will happen in this new chapter? It's something to anticipate and to look forward to. What joys and sorrows will the story hold and how will the characters cope with them? Sometimes I am even tempted to peep at the last chapter just to see how things turn out in the end. The village itself is changing with the building of forty new retirement flats, new houses and perhaps the development of the harbour. Each change calls for some sort of response and adaption as the new chapter begins. It is with all this, in mind, that I am thankful to the writer of my favourite hymn. 'God is working his purpose out.' It reminds us that each new chapter of life is overseen by a God who loves us and watches over us; and who will in the end make all things well. I don't need to peep at the last chapter in this case, as this, and every season of Easter, reminds me of the promise of forgiveness, renewal, rebirth and eternal life. And so we can continue to look forward to the future with both anticipation and excitement. I guess that's a bit like life in Bembridge at the moment. At this time we, at Holy Trinity, are looking forward to an exciting new chapter of Parish life. Having written a really good chapter alongside Andrew, we should now be looking to the future with eager anticipation. I wonder what exciting twists and turns are in store for us. The vacancy has been a time when we have continued to grow both spiritually and in fellowship as we have all pulled together to keep the variety and richness of Parish life thriving. Linda 2 HOLY WEEK and EASTER at HOLY TRINITY GOOD FRIDAY 3rd April 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm The Church will be open for private prayer and meditation 2.00pm The Liturgy of Good Friday A Service of readings, hymns and prayers where we accompany Jesus on his journey to the Cross MAUNDY THURSDAY 2nd April 7.30 pm Holy Communion in the Cloisters We shall try to recreate something of the atmosphere of the upper room where Jesus met with his disciples for the last supper by meeting in The Cloisters. We shall have a quiet reflective service of Holy Communion with space to think and pray. We shall eat and drink with Jesus, as his disciples did; to prepare ourselves to contemplate all that happened on Good Friday EASTER DAY 5th April 8.00 am Holy Communion Using the Book of Common Prayer in Holy Trinity Church 9.00 am Family Communion A short, less formal Communion Service suitable for all ages 10.30am Parish Communion HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Tuesday 21st April 2015 at 4.15pm in The Cloisters Tea will be served from 3.30pm The first part of this meeting is to elect Churchwardens and is open to anyone on the Church Electoral Roll. Nominations for Churchwarden must be given to the P.C.C. Secretary at least 24 hours before the meeting and cannot be accepted during the meeting. The remainder of the meeting is open to those on the Civil Electoral Roll of Holy Trinity. The meeting will review our last year’s activities, receive the accounts and elect members to the Parochial Church Council and Deanery Synod. If you wish to stand for the P.C.C. please obtain a nomination form from Mrs Sheila Low and return it to her before the meeting if possible. There will be an opportunity at the end of the meeting for parishioners to raise any issues for discussion. Sally Davies / Sheila Low 4 BEMBRIDGE WINDMILL WI At the February meeting Mark Earp entertained the members of Bembridge Windmill WI with tales of Eccentric Women of the Wight. All the stories were factual but may have received some embellishment over the years. The first story concerned Lucy Lightfoot left Gatcombe to follow her amour to the Holy Lands. She reached Cyprus, missed her returning amour and did not come back. Nevertheless some have reported feeling her spirit in the church at Gatcombe. There was an Isle of Wight woman swindler and a highwayman. Some women followed men into battle and a family of sisters smuggled rum in their bustles. The names of Lily Langtry and Rosa Lewis, owner of the Carlton Hotel in London, were both linked with royalty. Elizabeth Blount, poet and song writer, was a founder of the Flat Earth Society and Dorothy O’Grady, the Spy by the Sea in the 1940s, were included in the tales of eccentric women. This is just a taste of a really fascinating evening, filled with numerous stories that highlighted the many and various ‘eccentric’ and influential women that had at sometime in their lives been resident on or associated with the Isle of Wight. Also in February a small group were taken on a tour of the Apollo Theatre in Newport. Michael regaled the group with humorous stories of the history of the theatre as he led the way through the rabbit-warren-like building. The tour culminated with continued page 7 6 continued from page 5 a demonstration of the actors work based on a script of some 16 lines for two players. By keeping the words the same, but changing the stance and demeanour Michael showed how the meaning of a simple story could be turned around by an actor. “Excellent morning” was the general consensus! The April meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 20 April at The Cloisters The speaker will be Angela Hewitt of Naturezones, Isle of Wight. Visitors are always welcome, contact Sarah Atkins 873873 for more information, or just come along. Sherbourne Street 1890’s The picture of Sherbourne Street dates from the 1890s and shows a coal man delivering bags of coal to the family in the cottage with the ivy on the front of the house. At this time the village had three coal merchants, Prestons, Jordans and Orchards. Coal stocks were kept at the railway station having been brought in by sea from Newcastle by the ship “Allerwash” and unloaded by men with shovels. Sherbourne Street 1890’s century, from a private house to the Chinese business that is there now. In the past it has been an Antique shop run by a Jesse Fulljames and restaurants, The Square Rigger, Net, Fultons, China China and now Lu Shan – have I missed any? The old cottage is long gone, it was derelict when I was a boy in the 1940s. It is now the estate agency of Hose, Rhodes and Dickson. The house was originally called Palmerston Lodge and the home of a family with the name of ATTRILL... The house next door to the left has seen many changes over the last John Woodford – March 2015 8 Don’t Miss – More Dates for April 2015 The Elms Nursing Home Swains Road Bembridge THE ISLAND SAVOYARDS Are holding an Easter Coffee Morning THE REALLY USEFUL GROUP on Friday 3rd April from 10am to 12 noon SHANKLIN THEATRE APRIL 2-5 AT 7.30PM There will be a raffle, tombola and quiz MATINEE APRIL 6 AT 2.30PM PRESENT AN AMATEUR PRODUCTION BY ARRANGEMENT WITH EVITA TICKETS £15 UNDER 16’s £10 All will be made very welcome BOX OFFICE 01983868000 Bembridge Little Theatre Massed bands of HM Royal Marines Our forthcoming production ‘Over my Dead Body’ a comedy written by Derek Benfield Friday 17th April Royal Albert Hall Return travel to Isle of Wight Leave 9.30am is being performed in Bembridge Village Hall on th the 16 , 17th, and 18th of April, Cost £72.50 tickets priced at £7 each doors will open at 7pm For more details contact Tina Parsonage Tickets in advance will be sold at the Welcome Store at Lane End and at Splash in Union Street Ryde 01983 616257 or on the door. [email protected] 10 April at Carisbrooke Priory Open Door Speakers: April 2nd April 9th April 16th April 23rd April 30th Canon Alan Brown. (Communion) Anne Linington Margaret Smithson Robert Wynford-Harris Frances Watson Open Door Service every Thursday at 12noon followed by Lunch in the Dining room approx 1.00pm Priory Art Group meets Mondays All enquiries to Carisbrooke Priory Trust Phone: 01983 523354 Prayer Ministry available by arrangement Please ring 01983 523354 for appointment Email: [email protected] Website: BEMBRIDGE VILLAGE BAND We are holding our Annual Charity Concert on Sunday May 31st at 3pm in the Village Hall All Proceeds will go to HELP for HEROES Our theme this year is the 70th Anniversary of the end of WW2 so it will be a Celebration! Music will include: 633 Squadron Memory American Patrol Raiders of the lost Ark High on a Hill, and the CanCan! We will be supported as usual by The Bembridge Recorder Consort, The Jazztones, and The Bembridge Handbell Ringers. There will be chances to sing and dance if you wish! Admission is £5 on the Door There will be a Raffle and free refreshments We hope you will come and join us! Angela Holland 12 St. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH WALLS ROAD, BEMBRIDGE Joint Parish of St Mary’s Ryde with St Michael’s, Bembridge Parish Priest for both churches: Father Anthony Glaysher Tel: (01983) 812127 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office E-mail: [email protected] Parish web site: WEEKEND SERVICES ALL YEAR Saturdays: 6.00 pm Vigil Mass at Ryde Sundays: 7.45 am (said) Mass at Ryde 9.15 am (sung) Mass at Bembridge 9.15 am Mass at St Mary’s Ordinariate mass – Father Jonathan 10.00 am Mass at both at both Quarr Abbey and St. Cecilia’s Convent (sung) Mass at Ryde 11.00 am Mondays: 2.00 pm Rosary St Michaels, Bembridge Tuesdays: 9.30 am Rosary & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00 am (said) Mass at Bembridge 13 Report from St Michaels On 6th March the ecumenical Women’s World Day of Prayer was once again an enjoyable service organised by St Michael’s. The service came from the women of the Bahamas and a bright bowl of fruit and flowers reminded us of their sunny Caribbean culture. The same service continues to be held all around the world during this day. The Lent Study group continued during Lent at the home of Carolyn Holbrook in Swain’s Lane Monday 4pm Stations of the Cross took place at St Michael’s every Friday at 10am during Lent. Maundy Thursday 2nd April 8pm at St Mary’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of Feet Good Friday 3rd April Stations of the Cross 10am St Michael’s 7pm Tenebrae Service at St Michael’s Service of Solemn Passion St Mary’s 3pm Quarr Abbey and St Cecilia’s Abbey both have a service at 3pm Easter Sunday Mass at normal time 9.15 at St Michael’s Visit to Lisle Combe(St Lawrence) April 23rd 2.30pm Home of the poet and Catholic convert, Alfred Noyes 1880 – 1958 The house and grounds of this large Victorian property are available to enjoy during the visit. A talk on the poet’s life will be given in the drawing room and his famous poem “The Highwayman” will be dramatised by pupils from Priory School. Organised by the Catholic History Society. Tea will be served, cost £5. Booking essential as numbers will be limited. Yvonne Rowles 14 HOLY TRINITY CALENDAR Associate Priest: The Reverend Linda Bushell (400261) E-Mail: [email protected] website: Churchwardens: Mrs Sheila Low (874306) Mrs Sally Davies (872864) During the vacancy please contact any of the above for church matters SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00amHoly Communion at St Luke’s (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am Parish Communion with STEPPING STONES for children at Holy Trinity (Common Worship) 1st SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH (except January & Easter Day) 10.30amThank God it’s Sunday! Worship for all ages APRIL 2015 Wednesday 1st 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am MU Corporate Communion at St Luke’s THURSDAY 2nd MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.30pm Holy communion in the Cloisters FRIDAY 3rd GOOD FRIDAY 12 noon – 2.00pm Holy Trinity open for private prayer and meditation 2.00pm The Liturgy of Good Friday at Holy Trinity SUNDAY 5th EASTER DAY 8.00am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity (BCP) 9.00am Family Communion at Holy Trinity 10.30am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity Wednesday 8th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s SUNDAY 12th THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones at Holy Trinity Monday 13th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity tuesday 14th 7.00pm Taizé Worship & Prayer at the Methodist Church Wednesday 15th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s SUNDAY 19th THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones at Holy Trinity 15 Monday 20th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity Tuesday 21st 4.15pm HOLY TRINITY CHURCH – ANNUAL PARISH MEETING in the Cloisters, Tea will be served from 3.30pm. Wednesday 22nd 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s SUNDAY 26th THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones Monday 27th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity Wednesday 29th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s FUTURE DATE for the diaries: Sunday 24th May Rev Tim Daykin, BBC Radio Solent (Sunday mornings 6 – 9 am will be our special guest presenter at Village Songs of Praise on Sunday 24th May – Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge at 6 pm FUNERALS 9th February Lilian Jackson 13th February Mary Watton 16th February Brian Harris 17th February Keith Wilding 17th February Cavendish Morton 26th Michael (Sam) Lacey Parish Magazine Monthly Distribution We need a volunteer to deliver the magazine in and around Lane End (Life Boat end). If you can help please contact Jenny Austen, Tel. 01983 872701 or email: [email protected], as soon as possible. A Meditation Sit comfortably in a firm chair. Put your feet on the ground, hands relaxed on your legs. Spend a few moments mentally taking a tour around your body and relaxing any knots of tension you find. Feel your breath as it goes in and out. When you get distracted in the meditation this is where you return. 16 Rev. Frances Watson Ph. 01983 404804 Email: [email protected] APRIL 2015 CALENDAR MIDWEEK EVENTS AND SUNDAY WORSHIP Sunday 5th 10.30am Morning Worship John Wells, Local Preacher Sacrament of Holy Communion Friday 10th 7.30pm – 9.00pm Prayer Concert, An Evening of Concerted Prayer ** Sunday 12th 10.30am Morning Worship John Yates, Visiting Preacher Sunday 19th 10.30am Morning Worship Rev. Frances Watson Sunday 26th 10.30am Morning Worship Mrs June Parsons, Local Preacher ** An Evening of Concerted Prayer The evening will consist of times of open prayer, led prayers, silence, singing (unaccompanied) watching, waiting and listening to the word of God. Each section will last approx 6 or 7 minutes and we shall use creative ways to pray e.g. writing our requests, using a map of the world. For info email Andrew Hough at [email protected] ACTIVITIES AND GROUPS IN THE CHURCH Every Monday in month 2.00pm Monday Prayer Hour Every Wednesday in month 10.00am Café Church discussing the previous Sunday’s sermon and a look at the chosen Bible readings in more detail. An informal time learning from our joint experiences and different opinions. All Welcome 2.45pm Wednesday Welcome A pleasant time of friendly fellowship with a varied programme to which all are welcome. The community bus is available for transport. Further details from : Val Pollard 718740 Every Thursday in term time 10.00 am to 12 Noon Tots (During term time) Our church is situated in Foreland Road 17 ROCK SOLID RETURNS WHO IS IT FOR: SCHOOL YEARS 5 & 6 WHERE: Bembridge Methodist Church WHAT DO WE DO: GAMES ACTIVITIES AND FUN ! WHEN: Every Wednesday in term time 6.30–7.45pm HOW MUCH: 50p per person per evening WHY NOT FIND OUT MORE: [email protected] Supported by the Parish and Methodist Churches 18 St Helens Medical Centre A recent addition to the Surgery staff is our Falls Coordinator. Falls are very common; about 30% of over-65s and 50% of those over 80 suffer from a fall every year across the UK. These occur for a whole range of reasons, and it is important to identify these and to see what can be done to help prevent them from occurring. In this way older people can remain as independent as possible and avoid spells in hospital. Our Coordinator is able to offer support for these people, relatives and carers, both at the surgery or on home visits and, where necessary determine the most suitable and appropriate treatment for the patient. This addition to the Practice will be a great source of support for people in the community. If you would like to learn more, please call the on the Practice, telephone number 01983 871828 Patients are not always aware of the range of services or clinics that St Helens Medical Practice can provide. If you would like more information, visit the website or call or visit the Surgery. Finally, we are delighted to welcome Dr Mandy Briggs who joined the partnership on 2nd March. She will be looking after Dr Groves’ patients and is available on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Bembridge Library News Bembridge Community Library held a very successful Bookfair on Saturday 21 February, raising more than £100 towards essential funds. Organised by volunteers including Glynis Cunliffe, Chris Brennan, Chris and Nick Thornton, and Marion and David Perchard, the sale offered nearly new and good-condition books generously donated by library users and well wishers. Lead volunteer Chris Brennan said that the library has an extensive range of books for sale and users are always welcome to browse and buy. "Proceeds from book sales are a valuable source of income," said Chris. "We're now looking forward to organising our next event, our Easter Coffee Morning, to be held on Saturday 4 April at the library where apart from teas and coffees we will be offering live music, a cake stall, a bring and buy sale and a Tombola." 20 Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat News February Lifeboat action: The only call to action occurred on the morning of the 9th February, when the inshore lifeboat was requested to assist in the search for a man missing on Culver Cliff. After the man was found on the edge of the cliff, the lifeboat was requested to stand by, monitoring the situation for an hour and a half Crowds watch a demonstration whilst the situation was dealt with. launch of the all-weather lifeboat The lifeboat returned to station ‘Alfred Albert Williams’ in 2014 but was placed on a five-minute standby, should it be required. Thankfully, the situation was resolved and the man taken to safety and transferred to St Mary’s hospital. Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat Guild Annual General Meeting: Despite a smaller than usual number attending the AGM, there was an upbeat message as Guild members were informed that it had been a successful year for the Guild and the Bembridge lifeboat. Membership of the Guild continues to grow and during the past year a number of Guild members had been recognised and awarded by the RNLI for their service in supporting the lifeboats. The RNLI souvenir shop also had a successful year in terms of sales, being placed 22nd out of a table of 584 shops and branches nationally. The station is now well-established and growing as a tourist attraction with a total of around 50,000 visitors to the boathouse over the past year. In addition to that were 1,123 children and 203 adults in organised educational visit groups. The station enjoyed good reviews on TripAdvisor, the on-line review site, with 132 reviews, out of which 101 were described as ‘excellent’. Warners Bembridge Coast Hotel continues to support the lifeboat with the weekly raffles and tour groups to the station with approximately £10,000 having been raised over the last year. Sybil Snelling, after many years, retired as President of the Guild and took the post of Vice-President. John Margetson was unanimously elected as President. continued page 25 22 continued from page 24 The evening was concluded by the lifeboat coxswain, Steve Simmonds, giving an informative and entertaining account of the lifeboat action over the past year. Opening times for April: The offshore boathouse and RNLI souvenir shop will be open from 11am to 4pm from 1st to the 12th April (through the Easter holiday period) and from 2pm to 4pm for the remainder of the month. Ken Orchard Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat Guild Press Officer 01983 873139 EVENTFUL YEAR FOR BEMBRIDGE BOWLING CLUB 2015 sees Mr Alan Bugby and Mrs Ann Sothcott, both of Bembridge Bowling Club, host many County Bowls matches in their capacity of Men’s Isle of Wight Bowls President and Ladies Isle of Wight Bowls President respectively. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend these events, including gents and ladies league games and any county competitions played at the club. Officers/members of the club will be in attendance to answer any questions. A full list of the forthcoming events can be found on their website: www. The club will be holding an open day at the Mitten Road Green where experienced or anyone interested in playing bowls can attend to see what the club has to offer. Equipment will be available for anyone wishing to have a try on this day. OPEN DAY – SUNDAY 3RD MAY – 2PM MITTEN ROAD, BEMBRIDGE Telephone Contacts: Clubhouse: 872734 Club President Chris Emms: 875800 Club Secretary Clive Wade: 874855 House Manager Annette Halls: 872105 24 Bembridge Townswomen’s Guild On Tuesday March 3rd we arrived for our monthly meeting to find chairs and tables all laid out ready for action. This was going to be an AGM with a difference. There was a room full of interesting craft material and a lady eager to start us off being creative. The initial business of the evening went smoothly, minutes read and signed, financial report, correspondence and supper club. Ann brought us up to date with the Federation news, then we were ready to start. Joy Cleightonhills explained about her 1,000+ project and we all set to work creating the most amazing art work using wooden triangles and a wide variety of colours, textures and shiny bits and pieces. There was a lot of fun and laughter and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Once we had cleaned up our sticky fingers and had a welcome cup of coffee we returned to the business of the AGM. Phil our chairman gave a report on the previous year’s activities and Diane gave us a very clear yearly financial report. The competition winner for the whole year was Verena Sparrow and the best bloom winner was Gill Chubb. Then 10 year badges were presented to Val Pollard, Annette Halls and Dot Harrison. At the end of the evening, it was agreed a great way to organise the AGM. Phil concluded the evening with a reminder that next month we would be learning about the eccentric women of the Isle of Wight. The Guild meets on the first Tuesday of every month in the Methodist Church Hall at 7-30pm. Any lady wishing to join us would be made most welcome. Dot Harrison – Press Secretary tel: 872992 Ivy Sykes The family of Ivy Sykes would like to thank all those who attended her funeral on 27th February 2015, and who sent kind messages of sympathy. Ivy lived in Bembridge for 27 years and loved being part of village life. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. Debbie Mabbutt & Colin Woolley. 28 Meetings: Friday January 2nd at 7:15pm – A talk on Orchids Friday January 30th at 7:15pm – A demonstration by Rob Mew You will remember that our Chairman, Henry Harris, died in August. Very sadly, his wife Doreen, our Show Secretary, died in November. Doreen and Henry worked very hard as a team for many years to ensure the smooth running of the Horticultural Society, and rarely missed a Friday meeting. As Show Secretary, Doreen was responsible for organising the two shows in June and August. This involved a lot of hard work behind the scenes, but they were always the highlight of the Society’s year. Doreen herself was a keen exhibitor, winning many cups and certificates for flowers, veg, floral arrangements and cookery. In 2009, our Centenary year, she was reported in the County Press as being “pleased as punch” at winning trophies for her roses. So we have happy memories of both Doreen and Henry, but at the start of a new year with new members on the committee, it would be good to see some new faces at our meetings too, so please come along and support the Society. It has been running since 1909 and at the moment we meet fortnightly at 7.15 on a Friday evening for just over an hour. We have a speaker, “Best Bloom” competition, raffle and tea & biscuits. It’s all very reasonably priced and we offer a warm welcome. ThingstodoinJanuary 1) Plant new trees. The dormant season – from November to March – is the traditional time to plant trees, and in fact the only time to plant bare‐root trees. Most fruit trees and many roses are produced this way – and they’re much cheaper than those sold in a container. 2) Prune apple and pear trees. Again, the dormant season is the right time for this. Remove dead, diseased or damaged branches, keep the tree centre open and, as a general rule of thumb, cut back the previous year’s growth by about a third. 3) Protect citrus plants. As they’re not frost‐hardy, they need to be brought under cover, but don’t keep them indoors as they dislike changes of temperature and humidity. Keep them in a cool, well‐ventilated greenhouse or porch. Water well but only occasionally when the soil starts to dry out. 29
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