St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community
235 South Pine Drive, Fullerton, CA 92833-3294
Order of Friar Servants of Mary
Week of March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent;
I will make a new covenant; I will write my law upon their hearts .
(Jeremiah 31:31-34) or Ezekiel 37:12-14.
Third Scrutiny
We, the Catholic Community of St Philip Benizi, enriched by our cultural diversity, recognize, accept, and
respond to the call to live the Gospel Message of Jesus
Christ. We are nourished through Word and Sacrament,
energized through participation in various ministries and
social gatherings, and compassionately serve our brothers and sisters in need.
Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de San Felipe
Benizi, enriquecidos por nuestra diversidad cultural, reconocemos, aceptamos, y respondemos al llamado para vivir el Mensaje Evangélico de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nos alimentamos
con la Palabra de Dios y los sacramentos, nos energizamos a
través de la participación en diversos ministerios y reuniones
sociales, y con compasión servimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad.
Mass Schedule Monday / Lunes – Saturday / Sábado: 8:30 a.m. (English) Tuesday & Thursday / Martes y Jueves: 6:30 p.m (Español) Sunday Eucharist Vigil Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. (English) 12:30 p.m. (Español) 4:30 p.m. (Indonesian) (2nd & 4th Sunday) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Confessions (Confesiones): Saturday – Sábado: 3:30 p.m. ‐ 4:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Donald Siple, O.S.M. Parochial Vicar: Rev. David Gallegos, O.S.M. Vicar for Faith Forma on ‐ In Residence: Rev. Gerald Horan, O.S.M. Deacon: Richard Glaudini Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna Contact Us Parish Office: (714) 871‐3610 Fax (714) 871‐5827 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: Faith Forma on Office: (714) 870‐0561 St. Vincent de Paul Office (714) 871‐9317 NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS (NUEVO HORARIO DE OFICINA): Monday—Thursday (Lunes—Thursday): 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Now open during lunch. Friday (Viernes) : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday (Sábado): 9:00 am to 12:00 pm OFFICE IS CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. For your convenience we ask you to make an appointment when wishing to see one of the priests. Para su conveniencia le pedimos que haga una cita si desea ver a uno de los sacerdotes. March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Daily Readings
Parish Calendar
Date Time Ministry/Loca on Mon March 23 9:30am—Parish Book Club— Room 4 5:30pm—Madres Cris anas ‐ Room 1 5:30pm—CGS Mee ng—Room 3 7:00pm—Indonesian Choir Prac ce—Church 7:00pm—Legion of Mary — Room 3 7:00pm—Parish Book Club—Room 4 7:30pm— Grupo de Oracion—Library Tue March 24 8:00am—Fullerton/Buena Park/Swat Training—P. Hall & Parking Lot 9:00am—English Bible Study ‐ Faith Forma on Room 9:00am – Madres Cris anas ‐ Room 1 7:00pm – Confirma on Year 1 & 2 ‐ Parish Hall and Room 2 7:00pm – Inquiry ‐ Faith Forma on Room 7:00pm – Jovenes Para Cristo ‐ Room 1 7:00pm—Spanish Bible Study—Library 7:00pm—Confirma on 2—Parish Hall Wed March 25 9:30am – Overeaters Anonymous ‐ Room 2 6:00pm—Faith Forma on Mee ng—Faith Forma on Room 6:00pm—Fes val 2015 Mee ng—Room 1 7:00pm—English Choir Prac ce—Church 7:00pm – JPC Choir Prac ce ‐ Room 3 7:00pm—St. Vincent De Paul Society Mee ng—Room 2 7:00pm – Youth Group ‐ Youth Room 7:00pm—Small Faith Sharing Group—Room 1 7:30pm – Grupo de Oracion—Library Thu March 26 9:00am – Small Faith Sharing Group ‐ Room 2 6:00pm—Filipino Ministry Monthly Mee ng—Room 3 7:00pm—Adult Bible Study (English) — Pro Sanc ty Center 7:00pm – English Adult Sacraments ‐ Faith Forma on Room 7:00pm – Jovenes Para Cristo ‐ Parish Hall & Room 2 7:00pm—RCIA Inquiry Session—TBD 7:00pm – Spanish Adult Sacraments ‐ Library 7:00PM—Spanish Adult Choir—church Fri March 27 6:00pm —Desolata (English) ‐ Church 7:00pm —Alanon ‐ Library 7:00pm —Siervos de Maria—Faith Forma on Room 7:00pm —Desolata (Spanish) ‐ Church Sat March 28 3:30pm – Confessions ‐ Church 4:00pm – Talleres de Oracion y Vida ‐ Room 3 Sun March 29 PALM SUNDAY (DOMINGO DE RAMOS) 10:30am – Spanish Choir Prac ce ‐ Room 3 5:30pm – Spanish Choir Prac ce ‐ Room 3 Pray for the Sick
Amanda Muller, Emjolee Mendoza Waters, Na vidad Corral, Fr. John Bradley, , Julio Guevara, Le cia Gonzales, Clark Denolo, Mary Horan, Stephanie Haugh, Manuel Espinosa, Jaime Gomez, Gilbert Herrera, Connie Marquez, Francis Ogaban, Maria Naranjo de Cortez, Celia Castañeda, Delcie Boubel, Nelly Nyquis, Elmer Leon, Mario Garcia, Pietro Pietrantonio, Camil Kosek, Lilly Campos, John Poores, Jill Lucas. If you would like to add your name, a family member or friend to our parish sick list please call the parish office at (714) 871‐3610. Names will be removed on a monthly basis. Thank you for your a en on in this ma er. The Recently Deceased
+ Nely Rico + Maria del Rosario de Gu errez + Erica La olias + Virginia Angel + Miguel Garcia + Daisy Guido + Sister Joanna Valen no + Nellie Rivero + Jim Haugh + Stephanie Baughman Gallegos Monday:
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Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession);
Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24;
Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]
Saints & Special Observations
Fifth Sunday of Lent; Third Scrutiny
St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
The Annunciation of the Lord
Weekly Mass Schedules
Monday, March 23 8:30 a.m. + Ken Salbadore Tuesday, March 24 8:30 a.m. Inten on of Laura Sunderman 6:30 p.m + Maria Isabel Alejo Wednesday, March 25 8:30 a.m. Inten on of Boyd and Philip Becker Thursday, March 26 8:30 a.m. Inten on of Gloria Veloria 6:30 p.m. + Eliodoro & Ema Ramirez Friday, March 27 8:30 a.m. Inten on of Mike Duncan Saturday, March 28 8:30 a.m. + Ignacio Manzo 5:00 p.m. + Ambrosio V. Umali Sunday, March 29 8:30 a.m. + Jack Zugelder 10:30 a.m. + Dominico & Carolina Pietrantonio 12:30 p.m. Inten on of Estela Barrera 6:30 p.m. For SPB Parishioners March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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Holy Week 2015
(Semana Santa 2015)
Friday, March 27:
Sunday, March 29:
6:00 p.m. “VIA MATRIS”, Our Lady at the foot of the Cross
7:00 p.m. “DESOLATA”, el camino de nuestra Señora de los Dolores (Español)
Thursday April 2:
5:00 p.m. (English)
8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (English)
12:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)
St. Vincent de Paul Collection
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayers
7:00 p.m.
Solemn Liturgy (Liturgia Solemn) (Bi-lingual)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 p.m.— 12:00 a.m.
(Adoración al Santísimo de 9:00 p.m.—12:00 a.m.)
Friday, April 3:
Collection for Holy Land
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayers
3:00 p.m. Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (English)
5:00 p.m. Spanish Divine Mercy Novena (Novena de Divina Misericordia)
6:00 p.m. Celebración de la Pasión de Cristo (Spanish)
7:00 p.m. Spanish Live Stations of the Cross (Via Crusis en Vivo en Español)
Saturday, April 4:
Collection for the needs of the Parish
8:30 a.m. Morning Prayers
No Confessions on Holy Saturday
7:00 p.m. Easter Vigil (Vigilia Pascual) (Bi-lingual)
Sunday, April 5:
Collection for the needs of the Parish
8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. in English
12:30 p.m. (Spanish) 3:30 p.m. (Indonesian)
22, 2015
2, 2014
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Treasures from our Tradition
As we approach Holy Week, the creative juices of the ancient church of Jerusalem begin to shape our journey. In
old Jerusalem at this season of the year, the attempt was made to recall the events leading up to Christ’s passion. Those
attempts were based not only on time, with celebrations of events as close to the day and hour as possible, but also on
people’s best guesses as to the actual place of these events. Vast numbers of pilgrims flooded the city during the forty
days of Lent, many of them catechumens in their last stages of preparation for initiation. The fourth-century Spanish nun
Egeria wrote a delightfully detailed diary of her experience of this lively and aerobic liturgy, which involved hearty
singing, strong preaching, and nimble processions across vast and arduous terrain.
Much of this energy was lost over the centuries, with the procession of palms a noteworthy exception. Northern climates had to reinterpret this Jerusalem liturgy, using forsythia, willow, or olive branches, but to this day the entry into
Holy Week by a community on the move accompanied by joyful song hearkens back to a venerable tradition. Egeria’s
letters were rediscovered a little more than a hundred years ago, but they reveal a pattern of prayer: full, conscious, active participation, to which we have a right and a duty. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Living God’s Word
“I will be their God, and
they shall be my people.” This statement is at
the heart of the new covenant God established
with the house of Israel.
God promised to
“remember their sin no
more.” This Lenten season has offered us opportunities to recall the
covenant God established at the moment of our baptism. In that moment, we
became the people of God. Too often we forget this covenant and turn away from God. Lent is all about returning to the Lord with our whole heart. As the living word
of God is proclaimed today, let us remember the faithfulness of our God and offer thanks for the gift of the Lord
Jesus, who, as today’s letter to the Hebrews tells us, is
“the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.”
Create a clean heart in me, O God. — (Psalm 51 or Psalm 130) If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit. — (John 11:1‐45 [3‐7, 17, 20‐27, 33b‐45]) LOVE AND DEATH Unhappy is death without the love of the Savior; Unhappy is love without the death of the Savior. —St. Francis de Sales RISK I risk being wrong if I trust too much. But I risk living it torment if I don’t trust enough. —Anonymous From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term “new covenant” he was
actually doing something quite radical. For the Jewish people, there was
only one covenant, the one made between the Lord God and Israel through
Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest that God would somehow
supersede the covenant with a new one would have sounded audacious to
Jewish ears. But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the Gospel of John, is continually portrayed as superseding the past, establishing
the reign of God in a new way. And in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus the
“new covenant” speaks the language of his “new commandment” of love
when he tells of the dying grain of wheat, and of our own need to die to
self in order to be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to enter
into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as an excellent symbol of
the kind of dying and self sacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that new covenant written deep within our hearts.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
Basándose en las palabras de Jesús, Mariano de Blas, compuso su canto: “Entre tus manos”. Este hermoso canto nos
recuerda que “hay que morir para vivir”, es decir, que no es nada fácil ser discípulo de Jesucristo. El mismo Jesús nos
pide que nos neguemos a nosotros mismos (Mateo 16:24); que carguemos la cruz para seguirlo (Marcos 8:34); que perdamos nuestra vida por su nombre (Lucas 9:24). Todo esto porque Jesús reconoce que el grano de trigo debe morir para
dar vida, para multiplicarse (Juan 12:24).
El canto: “Una espiga dorada por el sol”, de Cesáreo Gabaráin, nos recuerda que los cristianos somos trigo del mismo sembrador. Es Jesús quien nos siembra, nos cultiva, nos cosecha, nos tritura, nos amasa, y nos hace un solo pan consagrado a Dios. Somos granos de trigo que, unidos formamos el pan de la comunión que es comunidad. Para esto, cada
uno debe morir a sus egoísmos y preferencias. Morir a sí mismo tiene sentido cristiano, sólo si es para trabajar unidos y
en la misión de Cristo, la cual es salvación del mundo y construcción del Reino de Dios.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Vivamos la Palabra
Oh Dios, crea en mi un Corazon puro. “Yo seré su Dios y ellos
—(Salmo 51 (50) o Salmo 130 (129)) serán mi pueblo”. Esta
declaración está en el mismo
centro de la nueva alianza
que Dios estableció con la
casa de Israel, a quien
prometió que iba a olvidar
“para siempre sus pecados”.
Este tiempo de Cuaresma
nos ha ofrecido
oportunidades de recordar la
alianza que Dios estableció en el momento de nuestro
bautismo. En ese momento nos convertimos en pueblo de
Dios. Demasiado a menudo nos olvidamos de esta alianza
y nos alejamos de Dios. Todo el propósito de la
Cuaresma es nuestro regreso al Señor con todo nuestro
corazón. Al escuchar la palabra viva de Dios proclamarse
hoy recordemos la fidelidad de nuestro Dios y démosle
gracias por el don del Señor Jesús que, como nos dice
hoy la carta a los hebreos, es “la causa de la salvación
eterna para todos los que lo obedecen”.
Si el grano de trigo cae en erra y muere, de mucho fruto. —(Juan 12:20‐33 o Juan 11:1‐45) AMOR Y MUERTE Infeliz es la muerte sin el amor de Salvador; Infeliz es el amor sin la muerte del Salvador. —San Francisco de Sales RIESGOS Si confio demasiado, me arriesgo a equivocarme. Pero si no confio lo soficiente, me arriesgo a vivir atormentado por el sufrimiento. —Anonimo Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company
Cuando el profeta Jeremías creó el término “nueva alianza” hacía algo muy
radical. Para el pueblo judío, sólo había una alianza, la que el Señor Dios había
hecho con Israel por medio de Moisés en el Monte Sinaí. Cuando Jeremías dice
que de alguna manera Dios va a reemplazar la antigua alianza con una nueva,
seguro que sus oyentes pensaban que era algo muy atrevido. De ese modo Jeremías es un predecesor de Jesús, quien, en el Evangelio de Juan se presenta siempre como alguien que reemplaza el pasado, estableciendo el Reino de Dios de
una manera nueva. Y en el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús, “la nueva alianza” habla con el lenguaje del “nuevo mandamiento” de amor cuando menciona
el grano de trigo que muere y nuestra propia muerte al egoísmo para poder resucitar con Cristo. Al finalizar la Cuaresma y al prepararnos a entrar en la Semana
Santa, el grano de trigo que muere es un símbolo excelente del tipo de muerte y
autosacrificio al que los discípulos están llamados, un símbolo de esa nueva
alianza escrita en lo más profundo de nuestro corazón.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
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Walk4Life La Habra
La Habra
Saturday, March 28 — 4K and 5.5K Walk
Registration at 8 am …
Prayer, Welcome, Walk at 9 —11:30 am.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
900 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631
Please join us in walking for those who cannot walk, talk or defend themselves
Sponsored by La Habra Life Center
579 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631
562-691-9395 —
For the Women’s Council Spring Tea
Saturday, April 11, 2015
St Philip Benizi Hall
Door opens at 12:30 p.m.
Program begins at 1 p.m.
Tickets go on sales after Mass at the Parish Office
Beginning on March 14 and 15.
No Tickets will be sold at the door
Deadline for reservation is Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Sponsored by Women’s Council
Proceeds for Parish Scholarship Fund and Parish Needs
Please consider …
Hosting a Table
Being a Model
Being a Server (Men, we need you)
Donating items for opportunity drawings
(such as restaurant gift cards, cultural and
sporting event tickets or specialty items)
Celebrating over 35 years of service to families in need
Registration is Free. Pre-Registering at is appreciated
Also visit us at to pre-order your T-shirts. T-shirts are $10
Registration starts at 8 am. Walk starts at 9 am from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Additional T-shirts will be available on the day of the event while they last
If you are able to, please collect pledges from friends or family members and
bring on day of event. Use blank sheets for sponsors. Checks made out to La
Habra Life Center are tax deductible.
Sacred Heart Women’s Retreat
Sacred Heart Women’s Retreat
“Remain in My Love”
Conducted by the Sacred Heart Sisters at the
Sacred Heart Retreat Camp, Big Bear Lake.
May 1-3. The retreat will include communal
and private prayer, celebrations of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Come be refreshed by
the love and company of our Lord Jesus Christ. Donation $100.
For information call 909-866-5696 or
For additional information contact :
Mary Ann Ringkamp at (714) 535-1397 or
Joyce Miller at (714) 525-7412
Women’s Council Upcoming Events …
March 25th (Tuesday) - “Lenten” General Meeting
March 28th and 29th - Salt & Pepper Restaurant Fundraiser.
April 11th (Saturday) - Sprint Tea/Fashion Show.
(Ticket Sales available in March)
Month of April - Scholarship Application will be available.
May 26th (Tuesday) - Dinner/Scholarship & General Meeting.
May 28th (Thursday) - Catholic Woman of the Year
Luncheon (Reservations required)
Call Patty for more information at (714) 992-1784
Saint Philip Benizi Catholic Church is pleased to offer a preven ve health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community‐
based preven ve health screenings, will host their affordable, non‐
invasive and painless health screenings on 4/15/2015. Five screen‐
ings will be offered that scan for poten al health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aor c aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arter‐
ies in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibril‐
la on or irregular heart beat which is closely ed to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60‐90 minutes to com‐
plete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 dis‐
count off any package priced above $129, please call 1‐888‐653‐6441 March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Page 7
OFFICE NUMBER: 714 870‐0561 Below is the schedule of Penance Services in different parishes in our deanery including Penance Service. Please plan to a end to one of the following; OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday:11:300 AM ‐ 7:00 PM Friday & Saturday Closed Sunday 8:00 ‐ 11:00 AM Monday, March 23 —St. Jus n Martyr, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 24—St. Mary’s, 7:00 p.m. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Wednesday, March 25—St. Anthony Claret, 7:00 p.m. RITE OF SENDING AND RITE OF ELECTION Thursday, March 26—St. Boniface, 7:00 p.m. This Sunday our parish celebrated the Rite of Sending with our Tuesday, March 31—St. Puis V, 7:00 p.m RCIA catechumen, and Candidates, who are now comple ng the period of catechesis and forma on in living the Catholic life. In this Rite of Sending, the godparents Arriba esta la lista de diferentes parroquias que tendrán servi‐
and sponsors, who represent St. Philip community cios de confesiones individuales. Por favor de tomarse un in the RCIA process, play a significant role by empo y reconcíliese con el Señor durante la cuaresma. a es ng to their readiness to begin preparing to receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. STATIONS OF THE CROSS
The community then sends our Catechumen, who wishes to be Fridays during Lent
bap zed, to the Bishop to celebrate the Rite of Elec on at St. 6:00 p.m. English
Columban Church in Garden Grove. Those who are already 7:00 p.m. Spanish
bap zed, our Candidates, are also sent to Bishop to join the March 27th—Mary at the Cross/Desolata lead by Secular Servites. RCIA candidates from other parishes to be welcomed and rec‐
ognized by Bishop Kevin, and to celebrate the Rite of Call to YOUTH NEWS
Con nuing Conversion. All those who are bap zed are called to this con nuing conver‐
sion to Christ. As a parish community we will walk the Lenten journey of repentance and conversion together with our Cate‐
chumen and Candidates. Please support them with your love and prayers. FORMACION DE LA FE
HORARIO DE OFICINA; Lunes a Jueves: 11:30 A.M.—7:00 P.M. Viernes y Sábado: Cerrado Domingo: de 8:00 A.M. —11:00 RITO DE ENVIO Y RITO DE ELECCION Este domingo nuestra parroquia celebrara el rito de Envió con los catecúmenos y candidatos, quienes han cumplido su perío‐
do de catequesis y formación en la vida de la fe Católica. En el Rito de Envió, los padrinos y acompañantes, quienes represen‐
tan a la comunidad de San Felipe en el Proceso del Rito de In‐
coación Cris ana. La Comunidad entonces los envía al obispo para celebrar el rito de Elección, en donde son recibidos y re‐
conocidos por el Obispo Kevin como aspirantes a celebrar el Rito del Llamado a con nuar su Conversión. Todos los bau za‐
dos son llamados a este llamado de con nua conversión a Cris‐
to. Como comunidad parroquial estaremos caminando con ellos en la Cuaresma, una jornada de arrepen miento y conversión junto a nuestros catecúmenos y candidatos. Por favor apóyelos con su amor y sus ora‐
ciones. March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
“Proud to be Catholic ~ Living Our Faith” ‐ Thank you to all the families who pledged last week to support the mission of the church to teach, preach, minister and serve in the name of Jesus through their financial contribu on to the 2015 Pastoral Services Appeal. If you have not yet made your pledge, you may do so this weekend. Plenty of envelopes are available at entrance of the Church. Or you can stop by the parish office during office hours. Any ques ons give us a call at (714) 871‐
3610. “Orgulloso de Ser Católico” muchas gracias a todas las familias que ya han hecho sus promesas para apoyar la misión de la Iglesia de enseñar, predicar, ministrar y servir en el nombre de Jesús a través de su apoyo económico a la Campaña de Ser‐
vicios Pastorales 2015. Estamos acercándonos a nuestra meta, gracias por su apoyo. Si alguien no pudo hacer su promesa este fin de semana aun lo pueden hacer. Hay sobres disponi‐
bles en la entrada de la iglesia y en la oficina parroquial para sus promesas. Si enen alguna pregunta no dude en contactar‐
nos al (714) 871‐3610. Pro Sanctity’s Festival of Faith
Preparing for Palm Sunday
For children, ages 3-10
(Other children may come as helpers)
Saturday, March 28, 2015, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Pro Sanctity Retreat Center
205 S. Pine Dr.
Fullerton, CA 92833
For more info: [email protected]
Or (714) 449-0511
St. Philip Benizi Youth Ministry
Page 8
All news request for publication to our bulletin must …
1. All be sent to //[email protected].
2. Be received before 11:00 am Tuesday (before Sunday).
3. Be precise (we have limited spaces).
Continuing an Easter Tradition - Easter Lily Donation
We are asking for donations of Easter lily’s which will
be included in our Easter environment. If you would
like to donate a lily in memory of a loved one, please
bring your lily to the parish office during office hours
on March 30th, 31st, April 1st and on Thursday, April
2nd before noon.
Estamos pidiendo donaciones de lirios de Pascua que
seran utilizadas en nuestra decoracion de Pascua. Si
usted desea donar un lirio en la memoria de un ser
querido, por favor traiga su lirio a la oficina parroquial durante las horas de oficina el 30 de Marzo, 31, 01
de Abril y el Jueves 2 de Abril, antes de mediodia.
Please note that fresh flowers arrangements left at the Shrines
during Lent will be removed from the church. Thank you for
your understanding and cooperation.
Tenga en cuenta que las flores frescas / ramos de flores que
dejen en los Santuarios de la Virgen de Guadalupe o cualquier
otro Santuario, durante la Cuaresma será retirado de la iglesia.
Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.
Orange Catholic Youth Conference
Roman Catholic
Diocese of Orange
1:00 PM - 8:30 PM
13280 Chapman Avenue
Garden Grove, California 92840
www.orangeyoucatholic. com or (714) 282-3055
A Bible Study For Teens
With Father Don Siple, O.S.M.
April 13th, 20th, 27th & May 4th, 2015
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Our Lady of Sorrow Lamp “2015”
This week the following lamps are dedicated to:
Mary Co Kaw
March 22, 2015
St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community
Pastoral Staff
Page 9
Devotions & Sacraments
Pastor: Fr. Donald Siple, OSM
Parochial Vicar: Fr. David Gallegos, O.S.M.
Vicar for Faith Formation (Diocese of Orange) in residence Fr. Gerald Horan, O.S.M.
Deacon: Dick Glaudini
Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna
Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata
Parish Business Manager: Marybell Bravo
Parish Church & Ministries Coordinator: Gloria Wheeler
Parish Office Receptionist: Maria Guevara
Parish Bulletin Editor: Marc Camba
Hall / Maintenance Coordinator: Benito Gonzalez
Faith Formation Director: Maria Barrientos
Faith Formation Office Secretary: Marivel Alvarado
Youth Minister: Martin Dinh
Confirmation Coordinator: Joan Patten
Stewardship: George & Debbie Kamer
Pastoral Council: Fr. Donald M. Siple, OSM
Finance Committee Chairperson: Ted Johnson
Indonesian Community : Deacon Philip Hardjadinata
Filipino Ministry President: Shirley Costales
Presidente del Consejo Hispano: Felipe Segura
Parish Music Administrator (English Liturgies): James Post
Music Coordinators (Spanish Liturgies): Jose Luis Meza
Altar Server Coordinator: Kyle Snyder & Melissa De La Torre
Lector Coordinator: Jim Duncan & Blanca Guardado
Wedding Coordinator: Lucy Aviña
Womens Council President: Patty Hallmeyer
Secular Order Servants of Mary: Paulette Martin, OSSM
Comunidad Nuestra Sra de los Dolores: Patricia Segura, OSSM
St. Vincent de Paul Society President: Ed Curry
Marthas Coordinator:
Trudie Hess / Eileen Chauvin / Sharon Pugh
Jovenes Para Cristo: Gumaro Ledesma
Grupo de Oracion: Samuel Garcia
of the month and every Eighth of Each Month (For Vocations)
after 8:30 a.m. Mass—6:00 p.m.
EXPOSICION DE SANTICIMO SACRAMENTO ~ El primer Viernes del Mes y cada Día Ocho del Mes (Por Vocaciones) después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. a 6:00p.m.
ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ First Saturday of the Month
at 8:30 am Mass
Mes a las 8:30 am.
3:30pm to 4:30pm
a 4:30pm
BAPTISM ~ Celebrated in English the 3rd Sunday of the
month at 3:00pm. Please call the Parish Office, a month before
you wish to schedule your child’s baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class on the First
Friday of the Month at 7:00 p.m.
BAUTISMO~ Se celebran en Español el 2do Domingo de
cada mes a las 2:00 p.m. Por favor de llamar la oficina parroquial, un mes antes del mes que le gustaría bautizar a su hijo/a.
Padres y Padrinos necesitan asistir a una clase pre-bautismal
el Primer Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 pm
MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be married should contact
a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a
date for their wedding.
MATRIMONIO ~ Parejas planeando en casarse debe de contactar un Sacerdote o Diacono por lo menos 6 meses antes de
la fecha en cual le gustaría llevar acabo su boda.
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