12 Days of Christmas Sale December 5 – December 16

12 Days of Christmas Sale
December 5 – December 16
On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: The best Caddis patterns on the market from DFI.
On December 5, 10% off all caddis patterns in the DFI
On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave
to me: Emergers that catch fish like a gill net. On
December 6, 10% off all emerger patterns found in the
DFI catalog.
On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: Humpilators from DFI. December 7 is Humpy
Wednesday. All Humpilator patterns are 10% off. This
is one of the greatest stimulator-type patterns on the
market, with a perfect hook-down and wing-up on
every cast. With sizes #16 - #10, these patterns will
hook you fish. You will be covered for whatever
species of trout you want to pursue!
On the Fourth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: A bunch of hours of dry fly excitement. On
December 8, we are offering all Fly Magic and Tie
Magic at 25% off. Take advantage of huge savings on
some great insights, fly tying, and beautiful fish being
caught. All videos have wonderful music written by
Nathan Brumley and feature fish music videos. We
have never had our videos this low, so don’t miss out
on some Tie/ Fly Magic!
On the Fifth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: No, not 5 golden rings but mayflies! Hands down,
the best mayfly selection of patterns on the market
from DFI. December 9, 10% off all Single Upright
Wing, No Hackle, Searcher, and Parachute patterns. If
you need to match a hatch anywhere, rest assured DFI
will have the pattern, color, and size you will need to
chase a hatch!
On the Sixth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: A complete dry fly fishing system from DFI. On
December 10, 10% off all empty boxes, custom boxes,
and custom destination boxes. Why visit the fly shop
every trip you go on when you can have every fly you
will need for whatever season you fish conveniently
found in a DFI custom box?
On the Seventh Day of Christmas my true love gave
to me: Stimulators, stimulators, and more stimulators
from your friends at DFI. On December 11, 10% off all
Stimulator patterns in our catalog. We have been
fishing DFI stimulators for about 18 years now, and you
will not find a more diverse group of flies that will fish at
all elevations, rivers, streams, and lakes. Don’t start
your season without some them; it could be a
lackluster spring without them!!!
On the Eighth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: Late Fall and Winter magical flies. On December
12, 10% off all Midge patterns found in our catalog. If
you are a serious dry fly fishing enthusiast in colder
climates, these patterns will put some serious trout in
your net.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: Umpqua Tippets, Leaders, Bugfloat, and
Bugometer from DFI. On December 13, 15% off all
fishing accessories, Umpqua leaders and tippets are
the finest leaders on the market with no line memory
and very supple. The Bugometer would be a great
stocking stuffer for anyone who enjoys fly fishing. Get
geared right next season with fly fishing accessories
from Dry Fly Innovations.
On the Tenth Day of Christmas my true love gave to
me: Some fantastic stoneflies from DFI. On December
14, 10% off all patterns found in our stonefly catalog.
This includes the Joe’s Stone, Joe’s Tiger Stone, Slow
Stone, and every other stone in between. These
patterns are devastating over rainbows, browns, cutts,
and hybrids. Take these flies to any salmon fly hatch
around the world and just watch your catch ratio go
through the roof. They have been tested over the
smartest fish in the west with tremendous success!
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my true love gave
to me: Ants and Friends that are the most deadly
terrestrial patterns out there. On December 15, take
10% off all Ant and Friend patterns including Bullet
Head Hoppers, Black Ants, and Beetle Bugs. Tired of
buying Terrestrials that fall apart after three casts; no
worries DFI has you covered. These patterns were
designed for rugged use for cutthroats, rainbows,
brownies, and more!
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my true love gave
to me: Fly tying DVD’s found inside DFI’s fly tying
library. On December 16, 35% off every single pattern
that is found in our library. From Upright Wing Mayflies
to Bullet Head Hoppers all DVD’s are on sale. If you
are looking for some new patterns to add to your
repertoire, look no further—we have the tie and the