Volume 10 Issue 4 April 2005 President’s Line Bill White Dear Club Members – An assortment of beverage bottles (soda pop, domestic beers, juices, Gatorade®, purified water), chip bags, milk jug, a condom in package sunk in mud bank, two softballs, two rubber balls, a Whiffleball® with roots growing through it, assorted bobbers, a golf ball from the KSU driving range, a bag of long grain rice, a few dead trout, strike indicators, yards and yards of monofilament, a partial sack of potting soil, a bag of charcoal, several stacks of Vegas cigar butts near the best fishing holes, and the front of a rural mailbox … these are just a few of our favorite things we found on the Slough Creek clean up this past weekend. About a dozen club members braved the cold to see if the trash was “biting”. I was not sure if there would be enough stuff to make it worth our while. We got a great haul; about eight 30-gallon trash bags full. think that people are creating new patterns but the literature would indicate otherwise. We all are basically tying “standard patterns” when facing fly-fishing history. This month we have crappie patterns. This opens the field to dries, wets, nymphs, flymphs, terrestrials, and streamers. Only a dozen or so flies are needed to enter, so lets get tying. With graduation coming on, gardens to put in, overtime at work, and all of the other commitments that crop up at Springtime, be sure to leave time for fishing and fly tying. As ever and keep fishing, Bill I especially want to thank everyone for the great turn out and the good job that was done. The creek looked a whole lot better. Also, a hearty thank you goes out to all who participated in the “For Women Only” program on the weekend of the 18th. Among fly tying, rod rigging, casting, fishing, and cooking, everyone seemed to be having a great time. We are having a great year. In the next few weeks we will have the Gar/White Bass trip to Fall River. Catching just one goodsized gar would make my whole spring. The Salida trout-fishing trip is a great deal … according to Neal Hall, travel, hotel, food, and license should cost less than $250. Finally, there is the May Day crappie fishing outing at Everett’s. Everett is planning different prizes as well as food. Club members at the Slough cleanup One area where I believe that the club could improve participation is with the fly swap. It does not matter if a person is tying a standard pattern or if the person is a beginner. This is an opportunity to share, not a fly tying contest. We often IN THIS ISSUE Programs: Alec Jackson, Ed Engle Seminars, Page 2 Activities: Calendar, Page 3 Fly Tying: Patterns for Salida Trip, Page 4 Trip Report: Arkansas River Colorado, Page 5 Everett Hodges helping with the Womens Fly Fishing Clinic. Next Meeting April 7th 7:00 P.M. Flatland Fly Fishers Website http://www.flatlandflyfishers.org/ 2 Flatland Fly Fishers April Meeting Steve “Troutmaster” Ryan Eric Schmidt and Neal Hall will give a presentation about the upcoming Salida, Colorado trip. We will be tying after the presentation. 2005 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Bill White [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Everett Hodges [email protected] SECRETARY Bud Johnson [email protected] TREASURER Bill Ethridge [email protected] ACTIVITIES Neal Hall [email protected] CONSERVATION Ken McCloskey Alec Jackson –Ed Engle Programs During the last week of February I was able to attend programs presented by professional fishermen and fly tiers Alec Jackson and Ed Engle. Both men have achieved a measure of fame as innovative fly tiers. Alec’s Northwest Steelhead patterns and the spey hook bearing his name are a staple of serious steelhead fishermen.Ed has become a master of the small fly, working the tailwaters of Colorado’s South Platte River. Although they each seek large trout, their flies have evolved to reflect the environment of the fish. Steelhead do not eat during the return to their native river, but can often be enticed to strike at a well presented fly.Tailwater trout feed heavily on huge numbers of insects and can become extremely selective. During last summer’s club program Alec spoke of the reasonable fly. His simple, well tied patterns reflect that philosophy. Ed’s very small flies also share that common purpose. After watching both men tie you can see this shared viewpoint. The flies they tie are constructed simply, often with only three or four components. Their flies are tied fast and easily yet simplicity does not restrict their effectiveness. It is always a pleasure to see an accomplished professional demonstrate his skills. While working at the vise both men were able to reflect on past experiences on and off the water. Hopefully Alec will be able to return to Wichita for a third time and again share his knowledge. A magazine article written by Alec Jackson can be read at the web site www.speyshop.com . Ed Engle’s day long seminar was sponsored by the Heart of America Fly Fishers of Kansas City. His book Tying Small Flies is a great starting point for anyone interested in fishing and tying small flies. Steve Webb [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Eric Schmidt [email protected] PROGRAMS Steve Ryan Pseudo Spey - Alec Jackson [email protected] WEBMASTER Songbin Chon [email protected] EDITORS Mike Carr & Steve Webb Alec Jackson [email protected] The Skunk - Alec Jackson Receive Newsletter by E-mail If you would like to receive your newsletter via e-mail, In Color Contact Eric Schmidt; Membership Flatland Fly Fishers 3 2005 Activities Calendar Neal Hall May 5 April 7 Monthly Meeting - Great Plains Nature Center 7:00 P.M. Monthly Meeting - Great Plains Nature Center 7:00 P.M. Carp Fishing: April 9 White Bass and Gar at Fall River: The spring fishing outing to Fall River will be on April 9 . We will meet at the usual place on Fall River. That would be directly east of Climax Kansas on the Wildlife refuge road. About 2.5 miles after you cross the bridge over Otter creek you will come to a place where the road divides Fall River and Otter creek. After you pass that point turn north at the next left access. That river access is where we will be. I call it the Fall River Steps and the Gar Hole because of the large area where the limestone has eroded to make water steps with about a 20-foot drop and a large hole where the fish congregate before they make their run on up the river. There is a place to camp if you are so inclined. The facilities are out your front door wherever it may be. I will prepare a shore lunch about 1:00 p.m. if there is enough interest to warrant it. Neal See page 8 for map th The Club is planning a summer carp-fishing program to happen in June. We haven’t set the date yet. This will be for a first rate carp-fisher person to come and give us a seminar on Saturday and then go fishing on Sunday. More on this as I work out the details. June 2 Monthly Meeting - Great Plains Nature Center 7:00 P.M. Neal Hall at the Slough cleanup, Sat March 26th April 21-24 Salida Trip I have contacted the Days Inn in Salida and have set up a block of 6 rooms for the Flatland Fly Fishers. They are going to let the Club have the, two-queen bed, rooms for two people for $39.99 a day plus continental breakfast. If you want to make use of these rooms for the planned club fishing trip on April 21st to the 24th you will have to call and make your own reservations. The phone number is 719-539-6651. Tell them you are with the Flatland Fly Fishers. They will hold these rooms for us until the middle of March after that there is no guarantee that you will get a room at that location for that price. Travel to Salida is usually by carpool. One year we had six of us load up in a suburban and head out at 10:00 p.m. We arrived in Canon City on Thursday morning ready to buy our licenses and start fishing up the canyon to Salida. Some chose to leave Wednesday morning and get to Canon City by 5:00, buy their licenses and fish that evening In the Canon City area. There are some nice Browns that will take a fly every now and then. You will need to find a place to stay on Wednesday night if you try this. Neal Start Keeping Fish at the Slough Everyone should start keeping some fish from Slough Creek the last stocking was this week, and the remaining fish will not make it through the summer. Everett Hodges presented Alec Jackson with this custom Salmon fly. May 1 Fishing at Everett’s Place: On May 1st we will have a special fishing outing for Crappie at Everett Hodges pond up by Newton. Bring your light rods and maybe your float tubes and we will see how many crappie we can clean out of his lake for him. It’s getting overrun Fly Swap for April meeting Fall River Patterns 4 Flatland Fly Fishers Flytying Flies for April Black Foam Caddis Emergent Sparkle Pupa X Caddis Hook: Dry fly 14-16 Thread: Black 8/0 Abdomen: 2mm Black Foam Wing: Deer hair Hackle: Brown Hook:Dry fly:14-16 Thread:Match underbody Overbody:Sparkle yarn Underbody:Half sparkle yarn, half fur Wing:Deer hair Hook:Dry fly 14-18 Thread:Tan Shuck:Amber zelon Body:Tan antron Wing:Natural deer or elk hair R.W. Dress Down Caddis Hot Butt Caddis Peacock Caddis Hook: Scud 12-18 Thread: 8/0 Brown Olive Body: Dubbed Hares Mask Rib: Thread Hackle: Grizzly Thorax: Red or Green Peacock Herl Head: Brass Bead Tied by Rory Wiske Hook: Dry fly 14-16 Body: Dubbed Wing: Elk or Deer hair Butt: Poly-yarn,hot pink,orange,or chartreuse Hook:Dry fly 14-16 Thread:Black Body:Two strands of peacock herl Wing:Deer hair Hackle:Brown and Grizzly Dark Caddis Mini Skunk Shop Vac Hook: Dry fly 10-20 Thread: Black 8/0, 6/0 Body: Black and Charcoal fibers Wing: Dark Dun or Brown Elk Hair Rib: Black palmered hackle (trimmed) Tied by Bill White Hook: Natural Bend size 14 Thread: Orange 8/0 Body: Twisted Peacock and Ostrich herl Wing: Polar Bear Tail: Red hackle fibers Collar: Black hwn hackle Tied by Everett Hodges Hook: Scud 18-20 Thread: Olive 8/0 Body: Olive Pheasant Tail wrapped Wing: White Z-Lon Rib: Copper Wire counter wound Tied by Mike Carr Flies from March Swap Salida Patterns Flatland Fly Fishers 5 Fishing the Arkansas River Colorado Eric Schmidt It was Saturday, the mountains were socked in with heavy clouds and the wind was howling through the valley. This was not good news for the fly fisher, but this was a fishing trip and we were not going to let the weather beat us. My fishing cohorts for the day and I decided that the river might be a little hard to manage, so we decided that the ponds just up-stream from the Salida fish hatchery would be the ticket. It took all of about 30 seconds before the now famous words from Spencer rang out above the whining of the wind, FISH-ON! After the day was spent, we released well over 100 fish. The best part was that fly pattern did not matter, as a matter of fact we tried to see what patterns didn’t work (they all did). This was a day that we had on the 2002 Salida trip. I highly recommend this trip, it is the best the club has, and I believe that the Arkansas River is the most underrated of rivers in Colorado. So if you can get away for a few days in April, join us in Salida for some of the best Brown Trout fishing in Colorado. For those who are thinking about or planning on going here are some helpful hints. Driving directions US 400 to Dodge City US 50 to Salida. 522 Miles Flyshops Salida ArkAnglers 7500 West Highway 50 Salida, CO 81201 http://www.arkanglers.com/ Anglers Junction “Junction” of Hwy 50 & 291 Salida, CO 81201 Royal Gorge Anglers 1210 Royal Gorge Blvd. Canon City, CO 81212 http://www.royalgorgeanglers.com/ Colorado Fishing Permits Daily Fishing Permit: $5.25 5 Day Permit: $18.25 Nonresident Annual Fishing Permit: $40.25 Equipment- The weather can be very unpredictable, so I would recommend a 3 or 4 weight rod for calm or normal fishing conditions. When the wind is blowing I use a 5 or 6 weight. Leaders and tippets ranging from 4x to 7x are necessary. Waders and boots with felt soles are a must. Floatant, strike indicators, and split shot are accessories that should be in the vest. Clothing- Weather changes rapidly in Colorado, so be prepared for it to do just that. Temps can range from below freezing at night to 60 degrees for daytime highs. Fleece jackets and pants are necessary. Also, your rain jacket should never be out of arms reach. I would recommend some gloves for mornings and cold days; I hear it can snow that time of year (55 inches in 2001). Continued on Page 6 6 Flatland Fly Fishers Fishing the Arkansas River Colorado Hatches- The mother’s day caddis is the bug of choice this time of year, but don’t plan on it. Be versatile. There are two types of caddis that could be hatching so make sure you know which one is present. The mother’s day caddis (Brachycentrus Occidentalis) is black to dark gray in size 14 to 16. The secondary caddis hatch (Hydropsyche Occidentalis) is slightly smaller and more of an olive to olive gray color in size 16 to 18. There may be no caddis present at all, like on rainy, cloudy, or snowy days, these are blue winged olive days. This is where versatility is important; you might fish both types of flies numerous times in a day. Nymph fishing is the most productive way to fish, which is the most successful. Fishing Tips- There is a lot of water to fish and something like 1,200 fish per mile, so you need to pick the spots that should be holding fish, fishing blind will not produce as well as reading the water. This is what I do. Look for current seams, this is where fast and slow water meet, fish the edge of the fast water. Also fish the spots directly in front of and behind boulders. If you find a riffle that has fairly even current, swing a soft hackle. Is you are fishing nymphs make sure you a weighting it enough to get it down fast, this could take as much as 4 bb size split shots. One last thing, DON’T wade through the water you should be fishing, fish the bank first then wade in and work your way out. Happy fishing! Flies Bead head pheasant tail-14,16,18 Bead head prince nymph- 12,14,16 Bead head copper john- 16,18, copper, green, chartreuse Caddis larva-14,16, green, brown Bead head sparkle pupa- 16, bright green Soft hackles- 14,16, peacock, pheasant tail, green, olive Elk hair caddis- 14,16,18, black, olive gray, olive Blue winged olive- 16,18 Flatland Fly Fishers 7 Board Minutes Flatland Fly Fishers Officers Meeting March 10th, 2005 All Board present except 2 1 Advisor present Everett advised that he would have more information on the requirements of a club for nonprofit corp., next meeting. Everett also advised that he was investigating the cost of liability insurance for the Flatland Fly Fishers club. A question was ask regarding who or what would be covered by such insurance, the officers, club members or just the club, if it is just the club it would seem to be of little value since the club has very limited assets. Everett will check and advise. The Board of Directors minutes for last month were published in the Flatland Fly Fishers newsletter. There was no vote to correct or approve. Eric Schmidt, membership, advised that the Flatland Fly Fishers club now has 90 paid up members. Ken McCloskey, Conservation, ask that everyone check the Kansas Wildlife website. March 26 Slough Creek clean up, plastic bags will be furnished. Steve Ryan, Programs/Education, program went well, a lot of people either tied or learned to tie the patterns that were listed in the Flatland Fly Fishers newsletter. Listing patterns, with pictures and material seemed to work well. Neal Hall, Activities, There were communications problems with the Midwinter event. One person needs to be in charge and responsible for each event this will eliminate a lot of the communication problems. Women’s Event, Fall River Fishing, Salida Trip. All are planned and published. Haven High School rod building went well and he will conduct the Casting Clinic tomorrow. Steve Webb/Mike Carr, Editors, Everyone very pleased with the Flatland Fly Fishers newsletter. They would like for everyone to send information, articles, pictures, etc., to them by the 20th of each month in order to be able to put it in to the next months new letter. Everything else is going OK. Songbin Chon, Website, 7 pages updated this month, needs Fishing reports or other information that is beneficial for club members to be sent to him via E-mail. OLD BUSINESS: Neal will advise choices for the Annual Picnic next meeting. Officers Job description are in the BI-Laws and Club operating procedures. Winter Program and Presenter needs to be firmed up within a month or so or it will be to late to get a good one. Also need to know if the Club will need to raise money for this event. Other issues will be discussed at the next Board of Directors meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Ken made a motion, seconded by Neal, to eliminate the 2005 Spring Event. Motion carried, there will not be a 2005Spring Event. If the Club wants one in 2006 plans need to be made and confirmed within the next month or two at most. Women’s Event: Nature Center doors will be open by 6:00 PM, starts at 6:30 PM, 3-18-05, Fishing 9:00 AM, 3-19-05 Slough Creek. Fish will be cooked for lunch. Fall River: Map will be published in the Flatland Fly Fishers newsletter, Neal will be there at 8:30 AM, Lake side lunch will be available. Salida Trip: 3 rooms are filled and 3 rooms are available, more if there is enough demand, those intending to participate in the trip need to advise Neal ASAP. Approximate cost $250. (Neal and Eric will provide a Powerpoint presentation at April Club meeting.) Crappie Fishing at Everett’s Pond, May 1, There will be no Alcohol allowed at this function. The Club will supply food and drink. Prizes will we awarded. Those who intend to participate must let Everett know ASAP. Club meetings and activities are for PAID members. The Flatland Fly Fishers Club welcomes visitors, but recommend that they join if they are going to attend meetings. Financial Report Bill Ethridge Assets Bank Balance $2416 Liabilities and Equity Opening Balance Equity $1414 Retained Earnings $344 Net Income $657 Current Balance $2,416 Gar Hole N37.72205 W96.16219 Climax To US 400 Flatland Fly Fishers P.O. Box 49164 Wichita, KS 67201 Flatland Flyfishers meet monthly at the Great Plains Nature Center, located at 6232 E. 29th St. N, Wichita, KS Wichita’s Only Dedicated FLY SHOP Receive a FREE raffle ticket for every $20.00 purchase* 1617 S. Longfellow, 316-682-8006 One blk. W of Rock & S. Harry
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