CALL FOR PAPERS Logistics – the Eurasian Bridge

International Institute for Logistics (Slovenia-Russia)
St. Petersburg State Economics University (St. Petersburg)
International Logistics Center of State University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk)
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
International Logistics Club (Moscow)
Central-Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Krasnoyarsk Region (Krasnoyarsk)
Faculty of Logistics of University of Maribor (Slovenia)
Board on Assistance of Business Development between the USA, Russia and CIS (USA, Las Vegas)
National University Lviv Polytechnic (Ukraine)
National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Polotsk State University (Belarus)
Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpaev (Kazakhstan)
Donetsk State University of Management (Ukraine)
Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (Novosibirsk)
Siberian State University of Communications (Novosibirsk)
Interregional Association “Siberian Agreement” (Novosibirsk)
Interregional Public Organization of Siberian Entrepreneurs “Siberia without Borders” (Krasnoyarsk)
Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization “Chinese Community” (China-Russia-Krasnoyarsk)
Siberian Branch of International Logistics Center (Krasnoyarsk)
International Exhibition and Business Centre “Siberia” (Krasnoyarsk)
are holding the X International
Theoretical and Practical Conference
Logistics –
the Eurasian Bridge
Date: 14 –16 of May, 2015
Conference is held in Krasnoyarsk
Dear Colleagues!
We would like to invite you to take part in the conference “Logistics – the Eurasian bridge” with presentation
of a paper or a report
Programme Committee
 Lukinsky V.S. – Chairman of the Program Committee – Doctor, Professor, Honored scientist, Head of the Logistics Department,
National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg
 Pyzhykova N.I. – Chairman of the Organizing Committee Doctor, Professor, Academician, Rector of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian
University, Krasnoyarsk
 Protsenko O.D. – Doctor, Professor, Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow;
 Sergeev V.I. – Doctor, Professor, President of International Logistics Center of State University – Higher School of Economics,
Head of Supply Chain Management Department of State University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow
 Dybskaya V.V. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Logistics Department of State University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow
 Uvarov S.A. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Technology System and Commodity Research Department, Saint Petersburg State
University of Economics and Finance, Saint Petersburg
 Sherbakov V.V. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Commerce and Logistics Department,
Economics and Finance, Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg State University of
 Zaitsev E.I. – Doctor, Professor of Logistics and Transport Organization Department, Saint-Petersburg State Engineering and
Economic University, Saint Petersburg
 Kurenkov P.V. – Doctor, Professor, Deputy Director, Moscow State University of Communications, Full member of International
Transports Academy, Moscow;
 Stepanov V.I. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Logistics Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow;
 Stadnik A.T. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Management and Logistics Department of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University,
 Krikavsky E.V. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Marketing and Logistics Department of National University Lviv Polytechnic,
 Dubnitsky V.I. – Doctor, Professor, Academician of The Academy of economic Sciences, Donetsk, Ukraine;
 Posylkina O.V. – Doctor, Professor, Head of the Economy of the Enterprise Department of National University of Pharmacy,
Kharkiv, Ukraine;
 Maley E.B. – Doctor, Professor, Head of Logistics Department of Polotsk State University, Belarus;
 Lipicnik M. – Doctor, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Logistics of University of Maribor, Celje, Slovenia
 Bukharova E.B. – Candidate of Economics, professor, Head of School of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies,
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
 Khrovat T. – Head of The Centre of Bioengineering and Tourism, Slovenia;
 Vasilyev M.Yu. – Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Logistics”, Moscow
 Chzhaokhun M. – Chairman of Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization “Chinese Community”, Krasnoyarsk
 Yudin V.A. – Doctor, Professor, President of Russian and East European Business Development Council, USA
 Kuimov V.V. - Doctor, Professor, Head of the Department of Commerce, Krasnoyarsk State Trade and Economics Institute,
 Khudykh N.P. – Chairman of the Central Siberian Trade and Industrial Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Region
 Malanin V.Y. – President of Interregional Public Organization of Entrepreneurs of Siberia "Siberia without Borders", Krasnoyarsk
 Bykadorov S.A. – Doctor, Professor, System Analysis and Project Management Department, Siberian State University of
Communications, Novosibirsk
 Lukinykh V.F. – Doctor, Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Department of Logistics KrasSAU, General
Director of Siberian Branch of the International Logistics Center, Krasnoyarsk
Subject Areas of the Conference:
Current problems of integrated logistics.
Logistic networks and systems in agribusiness.
Implementation of logistic models and methods in e-commerce.
Management of the territorial logistic systems.
Cross-cultural management in the Eurasian logistic systems.
Students’ analytical research works on logistics and supply chain management.
Program of the Conference:
Arriving and accommodation of the participants. Excursion around
the city. Students’ analytical research works contest.
09.00 – 10.00
Registration of the participants.
10.00 – 10.30
Opening of the conference. Plenary session.
10.30 – 12.45
Reports and presentations. Summarizing of Students’ analytical research works contest
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 16.00
Reports and presentations
16.00 – 17.00
Discussion. Closing of the plenary session.
17.30 – 21.00
Meeting with the representatives of the institutions and business-structures. Dinner. Concert.
10.00 – 13.30
Master Classes on the subject "Europe - Siberia - Asia: actual tasks of theory, methodology and practice
of logistic services". Performed by: doctor of economics, professor S.A. Uvarov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia);
Vice-president of European Logistics Association A. Antony (Hungary); Academitian of Croatian Academy of
Sciences M.I. Lipicnik (Slovenia), doctor of economics, manager O. Turovsky (Germany); doctor of economics,
professor T.N. Odintsova
13.30 – 14.30
14.30 – 19.00
Excursion to V.P. Astaphiev museum, Krasnoyarsk Hydro energetic Dam. Celebration.
09.00 – 16.00
Excursion to the Krasnoyarsk Stolby National Park. Dinner in the nature.
Requirements for the Papers:
 The volume of the materials should be about 5 typed pages, А4 format (210*291mm) including tables,
pictures, diagrams and bibliography.
 The text should be typed on the computer in a text editor WORD with expansion *.doc, MS OFFICE 2003,
script - Times New Roman, point size – 14, line spacing -1,0; red line – 1,27; margins – 2,0.
 Text placement: in the top right-hand corner the name of the author(s) is placed (in bold), on the next line –
scientific degree, title (in italics), next line – name of the organization, city. Below in the centre, in one line, write
down the title of the report (in bold). Further, in one line, write an abstract (6-10 lines) in italics, below, in one line –
3-5 key words. Further a gap should be left and then the text of the article. Bibliography comes after the main text in
one line.
 Pictures and diagrams should be clearly viewed and be in black-and-white (crosshatching, rendering in grey
of different shadows is allowed).
Application Form for Participation in the Conference
Full name
Date of birth
Organization (name, address)
Scientific degree
City, country
Post address
Phone (home, work)
Title of a paper or a report
Form of participation:
 presentation
 publication only
Necessity for hotel
 yes
 no
- arrival date / departure date
Participation applications and papers for publication are to be
submitted to the Organizing Committee by April, 10, 2015.
Requirements to materials representation:
For participation in the conference it is necessary to present by April, 10, 2015 the following materials to the
Organizing Committee:
a paper written according to the given requirements;
the application form for participation in the conference
Applications and papers are to be submitted by e-mail: [email protected].
Participation is free for the foreign participants!
Information for the Participants:
1. Opening of the conference is held on May, 14, 2015 in conference-hall of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian
University, address: 90, Prospekt Mira, Krasnoyarsk.
2. The Organizing Committee can assist in hotel reservation.
3. Proceedings of the conference are planned to be published to the beginning of the conference.
4. Nonresident participants can get proceedings by cash on delivery.
In case of questions address to:
 Logistics department of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University:
Prospekt Mira 90, office 1-19, Krasnoyarsk, 660049.
Telephone / fax number: 8(391) 227-24-61.
E-mail: [email protected]. Executive secretary - Pavel Shvalov
 Siberian Branch of International Logistics Center:
off. 407, 3, Ul. Maerchaka, Krasnoyarsk, 660075,
tel./fax: (8-391) 232-10-43, 245-88-90;
e-mail: [email protected]
(Vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee
Valery Lukinykh) +79029421043
E-mail: [email protected]