Knit • Episode 313NK Cable Knit iPad Sleeve Design by Cheryl Murray SIZE Fits Apple iPad™ tablet FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Width: 71/4 inches Height: 10 inches MATERIALS • Worsted weight yarn (170 yds/3.5 oz per skein): 1 skein in desired color • Size 6 (4mm) 16-inch circular and double-point needles or size needed to obtain gauge • Cable needle • 1 (7/8-inch) button • Stitch markers F suppliinesd at GAUGE 19 sts and 32 rows = 4 inches/10cm in Mock Rib pat. Anni Catalog es .com To save time, take time to check gauge. SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS Slip marker (sm): Slip marker from left to right needle. 4C below Make 1 (M1): Inc by making a backward loop on RH needle. 2 over 2 Right Cross (2/2 RC): Slip next 2 sts to cn and hold to back, work next 2 sts, work 2 sts from cn. 2 over 2 Left Cross (2/2 LC): Slip next 2 sts to cn and hold to front, work next 2 sts, work 2 sts from cn. PATTERN STITCHES Note: Charts are provided for those preferring to work pat sts from charts. Rnd 2: Knit. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 for pat. Minimum size Mock Rib (multiple of 2 sts) Wide Cable Panel (worked over panel of 24 sts) Rnd 1: *P1, k1; rep from * as indicated. Rnd 1: P2, k6, 2/2 RC, 2/2 LC, k6, p2. Knit • Episode 313NK Rnd 2 and all even-numbered rnds: Knit. Rnd 3: P2, k4, 2/2 RC, k4, 2/2 LC k4, p2. Rnd 5: P2, k2, 2/2 RC, k8, 2/2 LC, k2, p2. Rnd 7: P2, 2/2 RC, k12, 2/2 LC, p2. Rnd 8: Knit. Rep Rnds 1–8 for pat. SPECIAL TECHNIQUE 3-Needle Bind-Off: With RS tog and needles parallel, using a 3rd needle, knit tog 1 st from front needle with 1 st from back needle. *Knit tog 1 st from front and back needles, and slip first st over 2nd to bind off; rep from * across, then fasten off last st. Pattern Notes A slightly smaller size needle is used for this project to create a denser fabric for greater protection. IPad cover is sized to fit an Apple tablet. Add or subtract stitches to the Mock Rib pattern in multiples of 2 stitches to accommodate other tablet styles. Cover is worked from top opening to lower edge. IPAD SLEEVE Beg at center back, cast on 72 sts, pm on needle and join to work in rnds, being careful not to twist sts. Purl 2 rnds. Set-up rnd: K3, pm, k22, pm, p2, k8, M1, k2, M1, k8, p2, pm, k22, pm, k3—74 sts. Note: Slip markers as you come to them on following rnds. Rnd 1: K3, work Rnd 1 of Mock Rib pat to next marker, work Rnd 1 of Wide Cable panel to next marker, work Rnd 1 of Mock Rib pat to next marker, k3. I-Cord Button Loop Cast on 3 sts. *K3, slip 3 sts back to LH needle, pull yarn tightly across back of work; rep from * until I-cord measures 5 inches from beg. Bind off all sts. Use tail to sew cast on and bind off ends tog to form a loop. Sew loop securely to inside of center back of sleeve. Sew button to center front of sleeve. n ABBREVIATIONS beg begin/begins/beginning cm centimeter(s) cn cable needle dpn(s) double-point needle(s) inc(s) increase/increase(s)/increasing k knit k2tog knit 2 stitches together LH left hand M1 make 1 stitch mm millimeter(s) oz ounce(s) p purl pat(s) pattern(s) pm place marker rem remain/remains/remaining rep(s) repeat(s) RH right hand rnd(s) round(s) RS right side st(s) stitch(es) St st stockinette stitch tog together yd(s) yard(s) 4C below Rnd 2 and all even-numbered rnds: Work first and last 3 sts in St st, and rem sts in established pats. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Work in pats until 9 reps of Wide Cable panel are completed, then continue in pats working Rnds 1–7 of Wide Cable panel once. WIDE CABLE CHART FINISHING Knit first 18 sts of next rnd, slip next 36 sts to dpn. Turn work inside out so that RS are facing (36 sts on each needle). Close bottom edge using 3-Needle Bind-Off. STITCH KEY K on RS P on RS 2/2 RC 2/2 LC Minimum size 2 1 10" Next rnd: K25, p2, k7, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k7, p2, k25—72 sts. MOCK RIB CHART 71/4" Visit Annie’s to get all the supplies you need to make this project from the Knit and Crochet Now! TV show. Don’t wait! Start shopping TODAY!
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