Q7_14-04-2015_1:edek.qxd PS-FILE:

18 edulandia.pl
Wtorek 14 kwietnia 2015
Gazeta Wyborcza
EDUKACJA Próbna matura 2015
Zadanie 1.
Reporter: In our studio today we have a traveller, Thomas
mp3 files. You can either listen to them on your computer,
synchronize to a player or burn to CD. You pay per title, which
works really well for those who don’t want to spend money
every month on a subscription or membership, but want an
audiobook, for example, only for road trips.
Thomas: Good afternoon, it’s great to be here.
Reporter: Tom, you travel to places connected with famous
writers. Tell us about your travelling adventures.
Thomas: When I was a kid I often visited my family members
who lived in different countries. I travelled with my parents
a lot then and I fed up with it. As a teenager, I read a lot-mainly
biographies of famous writers, authors, poets and playwrights.
And then I came up with the idea to visit the places which are
related to particular authors.
Reporter: How do you travel?
Thomas: Most often I use my motorbike. Of course, it’s
impossible to get everywhere in this way. Sometimes I go by car
but I’m not very happy then. I love this feeling when I ride my
motorbike and feel the wind on my face.
Reporter: Where do you sleep when you travel?
Thomas: I always have my own tent with me so I’m an
independent tourist.
Reporter: Do you have any unexpected situations?
Thomas: Oh, a lot. Each time I set off I am sure something
unexpected will happen to me. Sometimes I get into nasty
situations but I try to forget them. However, there are also
incredible adventures which will never escape my memory.
One of them happened to me in Stavros, a Greek village. I came
there at night and it was so dark that I couldn’t see properly.
I put up my tent, I went to sleep immediately and I had a good
night’s sleep. When I woke up in the morning I was so surprised
when I saw a hen standing on my chest. It was very strange but
quite funny at the same time. It turned out that I was sleeping
next to a henhouse! What a perfect setting! Great, isn’t it?
Reporter: Oh yes, it is. What are your future plans?
Thomas: Well, I’m planning to continue my hobby despite
some problems which sometimes occur.
Reporter: Thomas, thank you for being with us.
Zadanie 2.
1 One
Listening to an audiobook while you drive, fly, or just relax
at home is a great way to fit good books into your life, even if you
don’t like reading. Luckily, even though there are big players in
the audiobook market, there are lots of other options that offer
free titles. This week we want to know which you think are the
best. Let’s hear your voice in the discussions! All you need to
do is to vote on our website and explain why this service is the
one you think is the best for audiobooks! We’re waiting for one
hour, so hurry up.
1 Two
Hello, everybody. I think that we all listening to this
programme really like reading books. However, no matter how
important books are in our lives, sometimes we just don’t have
enough time to read them. Jobs, school and spending time with
friends are really time-consuming. So, we have to find alternative
ways of absorbing our favorite stories. And audiobooks seem
to be kind of the perfect solution to the “no time” problem.
1 Three
I’ve tried a lot of them so far. A week ago I discovered ListenUp.
They are pretty new, but their sound quality is so much better
than in others. They give you the option of getting an m4b or
1 Four
Hello, I’ve been listening to your discussion for an hour and
decided to join in. I’ve got some audiobooks to workout with
–mainly adventure novels, some to put me to sleep, such as boring,
long biographies. However, when I try to listen to more serious
topics, I often have to rewind because I miss something important.
Then I just turn to print version – it’s better as I hear the words in
my head, in my own voice. So I think that only paper books help
to concentrate on what you're reading. Can the experts in the
studio share their opinion on that?
it electronically. You must be 13 years of age or younger on
September 1, 2015.
1 Tekst 5.
Good evening. Today I’m in a special place. I can’t believe
my eyes now. It’s pleasure to be here and watch such an incredible
event. I can see a lot of beautiful young ladies who are dancing
with their…fathers. Yes. This is a Father’s Day celebration
organized by our local school. The main street of our town is
filled with dancing couples. What a pity you can’t see it but
I hope you can feel the atmosphere. Now I’ll try to interview
some participants of the event. Excuse me, can I ask you some
1 Tekst 6.
Man: Sue, what do you think about this building?
Woman: Well, I like it. It looks quite modern and attractive.
Man: It’s the place where Roger Brown lived when he was
Woman: This famous writer?
Man: Yes. The building has been renovated that’s why it looks
Zadanie 3.
1 Tekst 1.
Woman: Ben, I’ve got an important meeting tomorrow and
I don’t know what to wear. Can you help me, please?
Man: Me? Are you sure?
Woman: Yes, I know you always wear outrageous clothes but
I trust you. Give me some advice, please.
Man: Well, my style is not for you, so don’t copy it, please. If
I were you, I would have your hair done differently.
Woman: Do you think so?
Man: Yes, and remember to wear nice jewellery. Something
not really eye-catching.
Woman: OK, thanks for your advice, Ben.
Man: I wish you good luck, Betty.
1 Tekst 2.
Lilly, it’s Jenny. Call me as soon as possible. This is very
important. The trip is today not tomorrow as I told you earlier!
Can you believe? Today! We are leaving in half an hour. I have
your tickets and my mum prepared sandwiches for us. Don’t
forget to tell your parents you will go back late in the evening.
Come quickly, Lilly.
1 Tekst 3.
Girl: Josh, what happened to you?
Boy: Well, I don’t feel well.
Girl: What’s wrong with you?
Boy: Ann, to tell the truth, it’s about tomorrow’s show. I’m
extremely nervous.
Girl: Come on! Don’t behave like a child! You are well-prepared
for the performance. You can’t give up now!
Boy: I feel sick when I think about the show. Everyone is going
to look at me. Mary will come…
Girl: Oh, I see.
Boy: Ann, help me, please. Tell Mrs Jones I broke my leg and
I’m very sorry but I won’t come tomorrow.
Girl: Josh, sorry, I can’t do this for you. I’ve got an idea. I’ll
tell Mary everything.
Boy: Oh, no, don’t do it, please!
1 Tekst 4.
Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good
writer who loves the news? If so, join us! We’re looking for 10
students to become the members of the Teenager Reporter
Team. The team will continue the tradition of reporting local
and regional news stories for our magazine so English at basic
level is necessary. Visit our website and complete the official
entry form. Be sure to read the official rules and share them
with your parents, who must sign your entry form and submit
like an office but, in fact, it’s very old.
Woman: What is there inside?
Man: In the past it used to be a dormitory. There is a room
where the writer lived when he was a student and wrote his
books. I’ve heard there is a great collection of his manuscripts
Woman: Oh, do you think it is open to public? Can we go
Man: Let’s see. Oh, it says it’s closed on Monday.
Woman: What a pity!
1 Zadanie 1.
1.1. P; 1.2. F; 1.3. P; 1.4. F; 1.5. F
1 Zadanie 2.
2.1. D; 2.2. C; 2.3. E; 2.4. A
1 Zadanie 3.
3.1. C; 3.2. B; 3.3. A; 3.4. B; 3.5. A; 3.6. B.
1 Zadanie 4.
4.1. C; 4.2. B; 4.3. A; 4.4. E
1 Zadanie 5.
5.1. C; 5.2. B; 5.3. C
1 Zadanie 6.
6.1. C; 6.2. D; 6.3. A; 6.4. B; 6.5. A
1 Zadanie 7.
7.1. D; 7.2. B; 7.3. E
1 Zadanie 8.
8.1. A; 8.2. C; 8.3. B; 8.4. A; 8.5. C.
1 Zadanie 9.
9.1. B; 9.2. C; 9.3. C; 9.4. B; 9.5. A
1 Zadanie 10.
ENTRY: Latest news! Last week I participated in an interesting
Our art teacher organized it in our school. We made different
things from used boxes, bottles, newspapers, etc. At the beginning
the teacher showed us how to make sculptures from paper. We
helped each other with painting our works of art. I made a beautiful
sculpture which looked like The Eiffel Tower. The atmosphere
was great and I was excited that I managed to create something
nice. I was really proud of my work of art. I think I will attend art
classes. I can draw quite well so I am going to master my skills at
it. Maybe I will become a famous artist, who knows?
Więcej sprawdzianów i informacji znajdziecie
na stronie edulandia.pl
Tylko uczeń może zobaczyć maturę
By zobaczyć, jak została poprawiona matura, trzeba złożyć wniosek
o wgląd w Okręgowej Komisji Egzaminacyjnej, której podlega szkoła.
Ale uwaga – maturzyści są pełnoletni, więc rodzice nie mogą ich
w tym wyręczać.
Wniosek o wgląd do matury można złożyć w OKE drogą ma ilową,
faksem lub pocztą tradycyjną. Taki wnio sek oprócz da nych te le a dresowych ucznia (imię, nazwisko,
PESEL), musi zawierać pełną nazwę i adres szko ły, w któ rej się
uczył. We wniosku powinny się zna-
leźć adres, numer telefonu i e-mail, co ma ułatwić OKE ustalenie indywidualnego terminu wglądu do
W przypadku matury wgląd do
pracy przysługuje tylko maturzyście. Jeśli to rodzice, a nie uczeń, zainteresowani są tym, jak poprawiono egzamin, to sami nic nie mogą
zrobić. Maturzyści są pełnoletni,
więc ich rodzicom nie udziela się
informacji dotyczących prac, nie
mogą też uczestniczyć we wglądzie
do matur.
Wnioski o wgląd są przyjmowane
i rozpatrywane od dnia ogłoszenia
wyników wg kolejności wpływu. Trzeba w nich zaznaczyć, z jakiego przedmiotu i na jakim poziomie (podsta-
wowym czy rozszerzonym) chcemy
przejrzeć egzamin.
Dyrektor OKE wyznacza dzień
oraz godzinę wglądu w ciągu nie więcej niż pięciu dni roboczych od otrzymania wniosku.
Na obejrzenie pracy dostaniemy
co najmniej 30 minut. W czasie wglądu do pracy obowiązuje zakaz wykonywania kserokopii i zdjęć oraz korzystania z urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych. Wolno natomiast sporządzać notatki, np. przepisać treść, która budzi nasze wątpliwości. Kartki
i długopisy ma zapewnić komisja.
Jeśli uznamy, że egzaminator się
pomylił na naszą niekorzyść, to kierujemy do dyrektora komisji wniosek o weryfikację sumy punktów.
Należy w nim podać: imię i nazwisko zdającego, PESEL i nazwę egza mi nu, któ re go wgląd do tyczył.
I co najważniejsze – numery zadań,
w któ rych su ma pun któw ma zostać zweryfikowana. Od tego roku
weryfikatorzy będą sprawdzać tylko wskazane zadania (oczywiście
można poprosić o ponowne sprawdza nie wszyst kich za dań na każdym z arkuszy maturalnych). Pozwoli to uniknąć sytuacji, w których
uczniowie naj pierw udowod ni li
błąd w jednym zadaniu, ale potem
w innym odbierano im punkty, bo
uznano, że wcześniej oceniono je
na wyrost.
Wniosek może być złożony osobiście lub przesłany do OKE drogą
elektroniczną, faksem lub pocztą tradycyj ną. Ale trze ba się spie szyć
– wniosek musi zostać złożony nie
później niż dwa dni robocze po dokonaniu wglądu.
Weryfikacji sumy punktów dokonuje się najszybciej, jak jest to możliwe, w ciągu nie więcej niż 14 dni od
wpłynięcia wniosku do OKE. Jeżeli
w wyniku weryfikacji sumy punktów
wynik egzaminu został podwyższony, zmiany nanosi się w dokumentacji egzaminu oraz systemach informatycznych. Zdający powinien zostać bezzwłocznie poinformowany
(telefonicznie, drogą elektroniczną
albo listem poleconym) o zmianie
wyniku. Dostanie też nowe dokumenty.