Spring Teen Dance Dance the Night Away Teen Dance 6th - 8th Grade Students May 15, 2015 What: Teen Dance (casual attire) Where: Shawnee Park Center 835 S. West End Blvd. Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Event participation waiver on reverse side of flyer. Waiver MUST BE filled out and submitted at time of ticket purchase. Dress code will be strictly enforced! (No entry after 8:00 p.m.) Cost: $5.00 Live DJ & Concessions Tickets will go on sale May 11th at the Shawnee Park Center. Avoid day-of lines and buy in advance. Tickets will also be sold at the door on May 15th starting at 6:30pm. The dance will be chaperoned by Parks & Recreation staff & the Cape Girardeau Police Department For more information contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 339-6788 or [email protected] 573-339-6788 www.cityofcapegirardeau.org/parks [email protected] 573-339-6340 573-339-6788 www.cityofcapegirardeau.org/parks [email protected] [email protected] SpringTeen Dance Policies The following are NOT permitted and will result in denial and/or dismissal from event. Violation of any of these may result in the participant being sent home and suspended from further City of Cape Girardeau Teen Dances. Smoking Lighters Fighting Alcohol Matches Profanity Illegal Substances Knives/weapons of any kind Kissing/Inappropriate touching ALL DANCING SHOULD BE APPROPRIATE FOR A COMMUNITY YOUTH FUNCTION. Sexually explicit dancing such as freaking, grinding, or any other type of dance, which could be construed as vulgar or provocative is prohibited. This includes dancing styles that involve intimate or inappropriate touching. There will be no dancing from back to front. There will be no moshing or slam dancing. Dress Code (casual attire): The following clothing is NOT allowed: Oversized shorts/pants Visible undergarments Bandanas Strapless/spaghetti strap shirts Visible midriffs Clothing with inappropriate logos/writing Backless shirts Low cut necklines Skirt and short length must meet the tips of the fingers when arms hang to sides. Dance rules and dress code will be strictly enforced. Parents may be called to bring appropriate clothing. Anyone that violates the rules will be immediately asked to leave the dance and a parent will be contacted. City of Cape Girardeau staff reserves the right to determine appropriate behavior and dress code. Participants that are asked to leave will not receive a refund and based upon the severity of the violation City of Cape Girardeau Police Department may be notified. IMPORTANT NOTICE DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM AND CLOSE AT 8:00. DANCE ENDS AT 9:30 SHARP! PARENTS/GUARDIANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILD AFTER THE VALENTEEN DANCE ENDS. PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR STUDENT TO BE PICKED UP AT THIS TIME. STUDENTS ARE UNABLE TO LEAVE EARLY UNLESS THEY ARE CHECKED OUT BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN. NO RE-ENTRYS ALLOWED! EVENT PARTICIPATION WAIVER I _______________________________ give my child _____________________________ permission to attend Parent/Guardian (Print) Child’s Name (Print) the SpringTeen Dance on Saturday, May 15, 2015 from 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. at the Shawnee Park Center. Participant Birthdate: ________________ Age: _____ Grade: _____ School: __________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________ Primary Phone Number: ___________________ I agree to waive and release the City of Cape Girardeau and its employees from and against any and all claims, cost liabilities, expenses or judgments, including attorney’s fess and court costs arising from my (or my child’s) participation in the ValenTeen Dance or any illness or injury resulting there from, and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Cape Girardeau from and against any and all such claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except for any claims resulting from the sole negligence, gross negligence, or intentional conduct on the part of the City or its employees. I understand and agree that by signing this wavier, I am freeing the City of Cape Girardeau and its employees from any liability resulting from my child’s participation is this activity. I hereby represent that I understand and am familiar with the nature of the activities in which my child will participate in this recreation event. I personally read and understand this release. __________________________________ _______________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date
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