ESC Region 12 School Counselor of the Year Application 2015 2

2015 Education Service Center Region 12
School Counselor of the Year
Nomination Application
Nominee: First/Last Name________________________________________________
Nominee’s work e-mail :_________________________________
and/or home email: _____________________________
Home Address______________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
School Name_______________________________________ District _________________________
School Address______________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
Grade Level(s) currently served_________ Total Years of Experience as a Counselor ___________
Years in Present Position__________ Person nominating (if not a self-nomination): ___________________
I hereby give my permission that any or all of the attached materials or photos that may be taken of
me can be shared with persons interested in promoting, in a variety of media, the ESC Region 12
School Counselor of the Year Award.
Signature of Nominee_________________________________________________________
Principal: First/Last Name_________________________________________________________________
Principal’s e-mail address:_________________________________
Phone # (____ )________________
Signature of Principal____________________________________________________________________
District Superintendent: First/Last Name_____________________________________________________
Superintendent’s e-mail address _______________________________Phone # (____ ) ______________
Signature of Superintendent__________________________________________________________
The person responsible for nominating a school counselor for the ESC Region 12 Counselor of the Year is
welcome to express their support for the nominee by attaching a brief letter of recommendation to this
The deadline for the full application to be received at ESC Region 12 is 5 p.m., May 20, 2015.
Please answer the following questions under each specific heading, or attach pages as
Educational History and Professional Development (Limit: Two double-spaced pages)
A. Beginning with the most recent, list colleges and universities and post-graduate studies, with
degrees earned and dates attended.
B. Beginning with the most recent, list counseling employment history, with time periods, and grade
C. Beginning with the most recent, list professional association memberships, offices held and other
relevant activities.
D. Beginning with the most recent, list staff development leadership activity and leadership activity in
the training of future counselors.
E. Beginning with the most recent, list awards and/or other recognition.
Professional Biography (Limit: One page)
What are the background, people and events that persuaded you to become a professional
school counselor ? Describe your most significant contributions and accomplishments in
Philosophy of Counseling (Limit: One page)
Describe your personal feelings and beliefs about counseling, including your own ideas of what
makes you an outstanding counselor. Describe the rewards you find in counseling. How are
your beliefs about counseling demonstrated in your personal counseling style?
The Counseling Profession (Limit: One page)
What do you do to strengthen and improve the counseling profession?
What is or should be the basis for accountability in the counseling profession?