Evangelical United Church of Christ 700 East Spring St. Boonville, MO 65233 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Faithful Messenger 2015 NEWSLETTER CREW Production and Distribution Jennifer Friedrich Newsletter Assembly Crew Velma Flippin, Vernon & Neva Davis Les & Dorothy Chrisman, Kay Hirlinger and Jim Friedrich EVANGELICAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 700 East Spring Street; Boonville, Mo. 65233 Church Office 416 Seventh Street; Boonville, Mo. 65233 660-882-5501 Office Hours: Wednesday & Friday 10am - 12:00pm - 1:00pm - 5pm closed for lunch Church e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.boonvilleEUCC.yolasite.com www.facebook.com/EUCCBoonville Pastor: Rev. Glenna McVeigh - Interim Pastor - Cell 573-446-1445 Secretary: Jennifer Friedrich - Cell - 660-537-1079 9:00am - ADULT Sunday School 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays 9:00am - CHILDREN’S Sunday School 10:30am - Worship Service Open Communion: First Sunday of Each Month ___________________________ 2015 COUNCIL MEMBERS President: Janice Cary........................2015....................660-882-6229 Email: [email protected] Vice Pres.: Jim Snoddy .....................2016....................660-882-7286 Snoddy’s Store no. 660-848-2772 Secretary: Bob Brueckner.... ..............2015....................660-882-7261 Treasurer: Larry Sieckmann ..............2016....................660-882-7360 Email: [email protected] Samantha Gerhardt ............................2015....................660-621-0522 Email: [email protected] cell Ken Hirlinger.....................................2016....................537-864-1955 Email: [email protected] cell Russ Bradshaw..................................2016......................660-537-1272 cell Email: [email protected] Howard Simmons..............................2016......................660-882-7162 Financial Secretary: Betty Brueckner ............................660-882-7261 The Faithful Messenger GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST Easter is a special time of year for we Christians. It is not simply the ‘happily ever after’ ending of God’s story in Christ. It is rather a ‘joyful beginning”. The Risen Lord himself calls us to live in His joy now and forever. The Risen Lord represents a new beginning, a new life. Everything changed for Christians after the women found the tomb empty that first Easter morning. The angel of the Lord announced to the women that day, “He is Risen. Go tell..” That is the same message for us today. He is risen, and because of the fact Jesus lives, so shall we who know him as Lord and Savior. It is also our joy to be able to “go tell...” We are to carry the message today of the Risen Lord to the world. The resurrection is the joyful beginning of the victory of “Love” over sin and death. Join in the new beginning and live in the joy of Christ. You, too, like the women at the tomb, will be filled with awe! “Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bonds, for our offenses given. But now at God’s right hand He stands. And brings us life from Heaven. Therefore let us joyful be, and sing to God right thankfully, loud songs of hallelujah! Hallelujah! So let us keep the festival, to which the Lord invites us; Christ is himself the joy of all; the sun that warms and lights us. Now his grace to us imparts, Eternal sunshine to our hearts; The night of sin is ended. Hallelujah!” Author Unknown Love and Blessings, Pastor Glenna Glenna _____________________________________ LOOKING AHEAD †HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE† Sunday, March 29 PALM SUNDAY Tuesday, March 31 Ecumenical Ministerial Alliance Easter Service 7:00pm First Christian Church 301 4th St. Boonville, MO Thursday, April 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE W/ HOLY COMMUNION In Educational Bldg. 7:00pm Service Friday, April 3 GOOD FRIDAY Sunday, April 5 † EASTER † 7:00am “SonRise” Service w/ Breakfast to follow _________________________________ April 19 SEMI-ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Immediately following church service Sunday, May 10 MOTHER’S DAY Sunday, May 24 PENTECOST SUNDAY Monday, May 25 MEMORIAL DAY Please call Cacky Neckermann to start the Prayer Circle at 882-5184. Prayers to the prayer list may also be added by calling the Church Office at 882-5501. CALL OR EMAIL REQUESTS TO: Church email: [email protected] Church Phone: 660-882-5501 Geo. H. Friedrich, (Lakeview), Bob Brueckner, Marilyn Morse, Monte Booker, Gerlinda Miller, Ruth Henry, Beth McClary, Sherry Hagen & Family, Carl Palmer & Family, Tom Thurman, Linda Clark, Brandy Schrag, Jim Denny, Sawyer Quinlan, Ruth Zeller and Anna Mae Sieckman. ADDITIONAL PRAYERS * For our church family and community. * All those who are home or nursing home bound. * All those who are facing health and/or spiritual challenges. * Those serving in the armed forces and their families. * For Raj, his family and their continued ministry. ____________________________________________ A Note of Thanks.... Dear Ladies of the Church, Pastor Glenna and Eula Gowan, Thank you for your comforting words at my father-in-law, Fred Oerly’s service. As always thank you Eula for your beautiful and healing music, and last but not least, the delicious meal prepared by the ladies of the church. You all feed our bodies and our souls. Thank you for the many blessings of this church. Love, Karen Oerly & Sons FINANCIAL STATEMENT For February 2015 Please contact the church if you would like a copy of the Financial Statement mailed to you, or you may come by the office for a copy. Thank You. Previous Balance $ 45081.76 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Total Offerings Expenses Balance $ 1666.18 * Attn: 31 $67,549.92 Sale of Parsonage $ 988.00 * Attn: 32 Attn: 36 $ 527.26 $ 1353.00* Attn: 35 $ 117,166.12 -$ 3862.15 $ 113.303.97 Includes: Feb. 1 $50.00 Lift Fund; $183.00 Enervest Feb. 8 $100.00 Lift Fund Feb. 22 $680.00 Oerly Memorial Please consider using online banking for your gifts, if it is available to you. Set up your account as Payee: Evangelical United Church of Christ; Treasurer 416 7th St. Boonville, Mo. 65233 __________________________________________ A Church Lift Fund has been created for those who would like to donate to help with the purchase of our new lift. All amounts are accepted, but please be sure to memo your check donation to the “LIFT FUND,” so it will be put in the proper fund. If you are using cash, please use an envelope. LIFT FUND - $13,115.00 Total Expense for the Lift 8231.40 donations as of 3-15-2015 $ 4883.60 Total left on Lift Expense _____________________________________ Thank you Carol Cox for bringing our monthly donations to the NHN Food Pantry. For the month of March, she reports that $50.00 and 16 lbs of food were collected from our Congregation, and brought to the pantry! The Faithful Messenger COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES for February 2015 will be included in next months Newsletter ______________________________ IN HIS SERVICE FOR APRIL HEAD USHERS NO ONE SCHEDULED COUNCIL REP Bob Brueckner Cleaning the Church: Carolyn Koerner & Shirley Schneider Cleaning the Ed. Bldg: No One Scheduled We are in need of people to volunteer to be Head Ushers during the month of April. If you can help, please let the office know ASAP! Thank You! _________________________________________ WELCOME! Ethan Henry Kudlacz, son of Anna (Snoddy) & Daniel Kudlacz, was baptized and received into the body of Christ, on Sunday, March 15, 2015. We welcome him into the communion of this church and this family of God’s children. May he always know peace, love, light and laughter, through Jesus Christ our Lord. ___________________________________________ Youth News – April 2015 “Is it that time of year already!?!?!” By Kurt Grathwohl After enduring a winter of relentless cold, ice, and snow…could we finally be seeing spring??? With things FINALLY warming up and thawing out, plans are underway for our annual pilgrimage to Camp Aurora in June with our friends from Jeff City. We have planned the trip for June 6-10th. The list of projects is also coming together, so I don’t think the youth will be bored without having anything to do!! It is hard to believe that this will be our fifth trip down there already!! Along with David Kohler (youth leader at Central UCC-Jeff City) and myself…Brian Hagen and one other youth from David’s church will be earning our “one for the thumb” as the four of us have gone all five years that we have had this event at Camp Aurora!! Among the many tasks that we have to prepare the camp for the season, is cleaning the bathrooms and the cabins from all the dust and creepy-crawlies that have called the buildings home over the winter. As I just said about how the kids will have plenty to do…here is where you all can become involved in what they do…we are asking for donations of cleaning supplies (which will be stored in the Senior High Youth Room of the Ed Building) which will be hauled down to camp in June. Below is a list of what we are looking for: -LOTS OF TOILET PAPER AND PAPER TOWELS!! -Dish Soap -Black Trash Bags -Bleach -Toilet Bowl Cleaner -Kitchen/all-purpose cleaner -Broom/dustpans -String wet-mops These supplies will support the camp in ways that are not normally thought of. Camp Aurora is a small camp with a deep history. It is simple things like donating items like what are on the list above that can continue the ministry that the camp provides for countless youth, not just the 13 who have gone down over the previous four years from Boonville…but the many more that will be impacted, by their time down at Camp Aurora in the years to come, thanks to the work we have done. ___________________________________________ SEMI-ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, April 19, 2015 Immediately following church services. We hope you will make plans to attend! The Faithful Messenger WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP March 13, 2015 The EUCC Women’s Fellowship met Friday, March 13, 2015 at 1:15pm, in the Educational Building. There were 6 members present. Those attending were: Shirley Schneider, Carolyn Koerner, Velma Flippin, Pastor Glenna McVeigh, Dorothy Chrisman and Cacky Neckermann. Best PLEASE SAVE all your Snoddy’s Choice Price Bar Codes from any BEST CHOICE products. It must have the words ‘BEST CHOICE‘ on them. Put the Price Bar Codes in the small basket as you enter the church or in the Women’s Fellowship mail box in the Educational Building. The money supports our Mission Projects and Festival of Sharing. Thank You! Pres. Shirley Schneider opened the meeting with the group praying the Fellowship Prayer. The Scripture: James 1:17 ... Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God the Creator of all light and He shines forever without change or shadow. Thought for the day: We are too blessed to be stressed. The Secretary read the minutes. Corrections make.. William to Willie Branch and Albert Smith to Alberta Smith. Treasurers Report: Velma Flippin, gave the treasurers report as of the end of February 2015. Correction made, Last month should have read January 2015. The report was approved as read. Correspondence and cards sent: Letter was received from Emmaus Homes in Marthasville, Mo and the Newsletter from Coyote Hills. 3 Birthday and 1 Get Well card were sent. Bereavement Committee: None Pastor’s report: None Old/New Business: Dorothy Chrisman made a motion, seconded by Carolyn Koerner to donate $50.00 to the Lift Fund. Motion passed. To all of our church family who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month, we wish you God’s blessings. CCMH Extended Care - 11am- April 28 w/ Eula & Carolyn The next Shepherding Meeting - To Be Announced The next Women’s Fellowship meeting will be held Friday, April 10, 2015 @ 1:15pm. at the Ed. Bldg. Library. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer Respectfully Submitted Cacky Neckermann - Secretary Reach out to our homebound and nursing home friends, this Easter! Spring is here.... Walk closer with Jesus, by remembering those we love. with a visit or a card. Let them know you’re thinking about them. Riverdell Care Center 1121 11th St. Boonville, Mo. 65233 Annetta Hansett Sherry Hagen - Rehab Hartmann Village 615 Rankin Mill Rd. Boonville, Mo. 65233 Fern Jaeger Helen Taylor Golden Living Center 524 N Laura St. Maryville, Mo. 64468 Virginia Zimmerman Berry LakeView Care Center 1450 Ashley Rd. Boonville, Mo. 65233 George Henry Friedrich Home Bound Ruth Zeller Anna Mae Sieckman Please let the church office know if there are others that we need to include in this section. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3OFFICE OPEN 4 OFFICE OPEN 8:45am Yoga 7:00pm MAUNDY GOOD HOLY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 5:15pm SERVICE w/ Holy Choir Practice ? Communion in Educational Bldg. _________________________________H O L Y W E E K ______________________________________________ NO SSchool 5 6 8 8:45am Yoga 7am “SonRise” EASTER SERVICE w/ Holy Communion Choir Sings Breakfast to follow 12 7 OFFICE OPEN 9 8:45am - Yoga 8am - Men’s Fellowship 13 9am - Children’s SS 10:30am WORSHIP 14 8:45am Yoga 15 OFFICE OPEN 10 OFFICE OPEN 11 1:15pm Women’s Fellowship @ Ed. Bldg. 16 17 8:45am - Yoga 18 OFFICE OPEN NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE Food Pantry Collection 5:15pm Choir Practice ? 19 20 9am - Adult & Children’s SSchool 10:30am WORSHIP Choir Sings CONGREGATIONAL MEETING following church service 26 27 9am - Children’s SS 10:30am WORSHIP Church Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 10am- 12:00pm 1:00pm-5:00pm 660-882-5501 21 8:45am Yoga 22 23 24 OFFICE OPEN 8:45am - Yoga 25 OFFICE OPEN 6:30 CHURCH COUNCIL MTG 28 29 8:45am - Yoga OFFICE OPEN 11am CCMH Dev w/Eula & Carolyn 10am NEWSLETTER ASSEMBLY 30 8:45am Yoga FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/EUCCBoonville WEBSITE www.BoonvilleEUCC.yolasite.com April 1 April 2 April 3 IN HIS SERVICE FOR APRIL HEAD USHERS NO ONE SCHEDULED April 4 April 5 COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Janice Cary Cleaning Church - Carolyn Koerner & Shirley Schneider Cleaning Ed. Bldg. - No One Scheduled April 2, MAUNDY THURSDAY w/ Last Supper Communion in Educational Bldg. White April 7 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 17 April 19 April 5, 2015 EASTER White w/ Holy Communion Easter Breakfast to follow Liturgist - Nancy Casanova April 20 April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Liturgist- Marilyn Williams White April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Liturgist - Janice Cary White April 22 April 23 April 25 April 26 April 28 April 29 April 30 April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Liturgist - Gale Boller White LITURGISTS: A copy of the bulletin is available for you in the “Church Use Only” mailbox, after 5:00pm, Friday afternoons. You may also request that it be emailed to you. Just let the office know which way you would prefer to receive the information. Thanks ____________________________________________________ Please let the church office know if any of our information about Birthdays or Anniversaries is incorrect, so we can keep our records updated! Thank You... April 21 Brandon Ashpaugh Mallory Again “Raj” Chauncey Reynolds Kenneth Cramer Howard Simmons Angela Ward Lisa Barney Jayna Brady Floyd Schoennoehl Bud Overstreet Geo. H Friedrich, Jr. Sherry Nichols Aden Bergen Jake Nelson Jackie Sieckmann Ryan Casanova Wanda Campbell Sue Forbes Kristin Grathwohl Taylor Fisher Ruth Zeller Lois Johnson Betty Cramer Velma Flippin Don Farris Brent Kusgen Wilbur Farris, Jr. Debbie Bright Kathy Ray Eula Gowan April 4 Brad & Karla Zimmerman April 11 Russ & Patty Bradshaw Jim & Sherry Snoddy April 24 Michael & Christa Brueckner Ryan & Sarah Casanova April 30 Brent & Kathy Schneider
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