File - Bourchier Street Primary School

Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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On Monday the 23rd of March Junior school had their Grandparents Day. All Junior school students invited
their Grandparents to come to school with them that morning to see their classroom and meet their teacher.
Grandparents were able to stay in their grandchild’s classroom from 9am until 10am and were able to
observe and join in their grandchild’s classroom activities such as reading books, writing and colouring and
playing with play doh. Some Grandparents even got to go and see a Creative Arts lesson. Afterwards all
Grandparents were invited to our hall for a delicious morning tea. On behalf of Junior school I would like to
sincerely thank all the Grandparents that were able to come and join us for a fantastic morning.
Parent Teacher
Calendar of Events
Term 1 Calendar of Events
What’s On
24 – 27
Y 5 Angahook Camp
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews
No classroom program will operate on Friday
An alternate program will operate. Interviews
replace Friday’s learning program.
End Term 1 Students dismissed 2.30pm
First day Term 2
School Photos - Envelopes go home T 2
Fun Run – Victoria Park Lake
13 – 17 July
20 – 24 July
Last Thursday Stacey from the Responsible Pet Program came to visit the
Grade 1 and 2 students to teach us how to be responsible pet owners.
Stacey brought along her dog Spice, who some students were lucky enough
to get to have a pat. Some things we all learnt were that we need to look
after our pets by giving them fresh food and water, having a place for them
to sleep and a safe place for them to play and to make sure we are playing
with our pets everyday. We also learnt that when we see an angry dog, we
need to stop, put our hands down by our side, look at the ground and slowly
back away. All students enjoyed Stacey and Spice's visit and have come
away better pet owners than before!
Thankyou to families who have
booked an appointment for the
parent teacher interview. It is an
expectation that all students
attend these interviews with their
families as no classroom
program will operate on
Friday. An alternate program
will operate. Interviews replace
Friday’s learning program. These
interviews are an important part
of our home/ school relationships
which are vital to learning. Your
child’s learning aspirations will
be the focus.
2.30pm tomorrow
Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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From the Principal
Dear Parents
News around the School
Celebration of learning
Annual reporting to the school
This report is now available on our website at Our school
continues to provide strong educational outcomes for
our students. Our community perceptions of our school
are extremely positive. Parents view our school as a
safe and positive learning environment for children.
Parent Teacher Interview
We are holding Parent Teacher interviews this evening/
tomorrow to provide an opportunity for families to meet
with classroom teachers to discuss how their child/ren
have settled into the school year. Students are required
to attend the interviews with their parents and go over
the set goals for 2015 and give consideration to the
further areas of each child’s development.
Ride to school last week
Research indicates that exercising for 30 minutes on
most days can offer substantial benefits, even if those
30 minutes are broken up into two or three separate
sessions. The health benefits of regular exercise
Increased cardiovascular fitness
Increased muscle strength and flexibility
Improved joint mobility
Decreased stress levels
Improved posture
Strengthened bones
Decreased body fat levels.
On long rides, consider packing a couple of
high carbohydrate drinks or energy bars to help
fuel you for longer.
Make sure you pack plenty of water or sports
drinks when you ride, to prevent dehydration.
School Council
We welcome our new School Council representatives:
Sam Atukorala and Fiona Hudgson.
Listed below are the 2015 to 2017 School Council
Joy Lees
Sharon Harris
Gary D’Arma
Rowena Thompson
Jason Parker (Community Parent & Friends)
Sam Atukorala
Fiona Hudgson
DET (Executive Officer)
Judy Park
School Behaviour
At Bourchier Street Primary School, we continually
focus on strategies that promote positive hehaviour in
our students. Here are some useful strategies that do
work with children.
 Voice de-escalation (use a soft voice)
 Proximity to person (close to them)
 Broken record technique (repeat instruction 3
 Expect compliance
 Reward any move towards compliance while
ignoring any attitude or behaviour that arises
from compliance with a not or other gesture
 No blame, no shame environment where the
incident is not revisited
 Music is great for calming
Thanks to all the students who joined in the
Ride2school day where they enjoyed a drink, fruit and
sticker on arrival to school. It’s very important to keep
fit and keep on exercising!
Improving your performance with food
If cycling is a regular part of your exercise routine, a few
simple dietary adjustments could help improve your
performance, including:
Increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and
Make sure you eat foods like lean meats that
provide good sources of protein for muscle
building and repair.
QUOTE: Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.
Remember to smile and enjoy your week!
Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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‘Buona Pasqua’
from our Italian teacher
Ciao a tutti – Hello everyone.
This term, Foundation students have been learning
many Italian greetings. The following is a list of
the greetings and the English translation:
Ciao – Hello
Buon giorno – Good morning
Buona Notte – Good night
Mi chiamo … - My name is …
They have also been learning the Italian Colours:
Rosso – Red
Giallo – Yellow
Blu – Blue
Verde – Green
Arancione – Orange
Viola – Purple
In the last week of Term 1, they learnt about Easter
Celebrations in Italy.
Happy Easter is ‘Buona Pasqua’ in Italian.
So, I would like this opportunity to wish you all safe
and happy holidays.
Signora Nicolaci
As your chaplain at Bourchier Street, I would like to
firstly welcome our new families throughout the
whole school, especially those, who for the first time,
have children in preps.
Part of my responsibility is to assist you as parents in
any way that makes you feel welcome at our school.
As part of the well-being team, it is important to us to
be available to you to chat about any concerns you
may have.
Specifically, I can help with any grief and loss that
your family is experiencing, as well as children who
have any difficulty at school for any reason.
I have now been part of the Bourchier Street staff for
7 years, and am only too happy to meet with parents
to discuss any issue.
I’m available on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
so simply phone the school or visit me in my office
which is next to the canteen.
“Your children are important to me”
Richard Poole
Tuesday March 17th was Saint Patrick's Day! The
preps celebrated in style by having a green day!
They dressed up in green clothes and learned all
about Ireland and Saint Patrick. Miss K was very
excited to celebrate her country with everyone at
Bourchier Street! The preps moved from classroom
to classroom in the morning to do various Irish
activities! They decorated a shamrock in
Mrs. Dowells room; they made an Irish flag with
Miss Sutherland; they decorated a rainbow and pot
of gold in Miss Thompsons room; and they learned
how to Irish dance in Miss K's room! It was a great
morning and everyone had loads of fun! Miss K was
very appreciative to have a taste of home in
Bourchier Street! We hope everyone had a lovely St.
Patricks Day and we look forward to celebrating it
again next year!
Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
Student Absence
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Centrepay – Now at
Bourchier Street PS
No need to phone front office
100 Nixon Street, Shepparton 3630 PH: 58 214 333
If your child is absent from school for whatever
Email: [email protected]
reason, you do not need to phone the front
Centrepay is a free and voluntary bill-paying
office. Simply write a note to the teacher or fill
service for customers receiving Centrelink
out the absence forms which are occasionally
payments. It allows them to pay a variety of bills
in the newsletter and give to your child when
in easy instalments.
If you are going away on a planned trip, write a
Please call into the Office
note or speak to the teacher regarding dates
for more information
prior to going.
regarding Centrepay
Ensure your child is ill, not just tired, before
and how you can use this to pay your school fees.
keeping them home and remember to send
note of explanation on their return.
Bourchier St. Parents & Friend Page
[email protected]
Easter Raffle
The parents and friends would
like to thank all who supported
the Easter raffle by selling many
tickets. The school raised
$1400 which will help improve
the facilities of Bourchier Street!
Congratulations to:
1st prize Paniora Tunumafomo
2nd prize Aisha Hopkins
3rd prize Gwen Knowles
P&F are selling Hats & Bomber
Jackets in the Front office
2nd Hand Uniform Shop
Wednesday 9am to 9.30am
school hall foyer
If you are interested in running the
2nd hand shop please see Lyn in
the hall foyer
Please support the Community rewards
program for BSPS and the school will
receive a cash donation from IGA.
Ask at register and you will receive a receipt
with username and password.. Logon to
computer to register and nominate BSPS to
receive the points!
The more members Bourchier Street has
the more money they will receive to help
improve our school.
Road rules for parents…….
Cars ARE NOT TO PARK on the large centre strip on Balaclava Road, and that parents need to take note of the
time zones. Please do not pull into or across driveways of houses when collecting your child from school. Also
please do not stop in middle of road and allow children to jump out or in. This is very dangerous for all!
Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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A reminder to parents that you must hold a
current Working With Children Check (WWCC)
to be allowed to attend any school excursions
or be a volunteer at Bourchier St.
Please provide a copy of your WWCC card to
the front office or present for photocoping and
filing. Proof of receipt is not acceptable and we
must sight the actual card.
Thank-you to parents that
have already
provided a copy…
Wanted concrete
circular troughs
Every Friday Morning of school
 9am to 10.30am (or after
 Creative Arts Room
 Entry: 1 piece of fruit
Get out of the house and enjoy watching the
kids play, whilst having a cuppa and a chat
with parents. The Creative Arts room is the
perfect venue with lots of activities for the
kids to enjoy!
Kitchen in the Portables
30 Dunkirk Ave,
Ph: 58 213 125
Mon – Fri
7.30am to 5.30pm
7.30am to 12.30pm
We are looking at turning them into seating!
Within 4 meters of Bourchier Street
School entrance
Please be aware that new laws are
going to be enforced and fines of
$147 could apply to adults caught
wilfully breaking the law.
Thank you for your ongoing support to BSPS
Bourchier Street Primary School Newsletter No:-5 – 26th March 2015
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The 2015 season is approaching and we are keen to get as many Bourchier Street students registered to
play football in the upcoming season.
We have our committee and coaches in place and are very excited about the footy season ahead. It’s
great for children to be part of a team and be involved in weekend sport where the whole family can
come and cheer!
Registrations are still open and we are especially looking for Grade 3 & 4 students.
Training will be each Wednesday after school 3.30pm to 4.30pm on the school oval and the season begins
Term 2.
Please Phone: David Steigenberger 0439 329 021 President
Family Care Sporting Chance Scholarships for HCC holders
Applications close tomorrow, Friday 27th March 2015
When: Sunday 03 May 2015
Where: Victoria Park Lake
Timing: 12pm Timed Event
2pm Community Participation Ride
2pm – 6pm Community Festival Celebration
About the ride
The Powercor Tour de Depot is an exciting new community charity bike ride, created to raise
important funds for The Community Fund Goulburn Valley with 100 per cent of the proceeds
going directly to this worthwhile cause.
The Powercor Tour de Depot caters for people of all abilities and ages. The event includes a
10km ride through the town centre of Shepparton as well as a 20km timed event option for more
serious riders, which has a $500 cash prize. At the finish line there will be a community festival
including carnival rides, face painting, market stalls and a sausage sizzle.
How to get involved:
 Get involved, register and participate on the day with friends and family. Entry fees are
$20 for an adult, $10 for a child, $50 for families or $50 for the timed event. Entries into
the Timed Event receive free registration for the family into the Community Participation
Ride. Registrations are now open at
 You can sponsor a friend, family member or colleague to help us raise much needed
 Visit us on the day at Victoria Park Lake from 2pm onwards to enjoy the community
festival activities.
For further information on this event, please visit, or call
Bicycle Network on 1800 639 634