* • 12/The Observer-Dispatch — Thursday, Feb. 26,1987 Oneida Ltd* reports $7*26 million loss By WENDY BARRETT workers and sold throughout the United Kingdom. Future plans for th$ building have not. yet been deter mined. • Discontinuing slower "moving • Closing its tableware manufacflatware and holloware patterns. ; turing plant in Northern Ireland last • Liquidating obsolete produc] December. The plant had been losing money for about five years, because it inventories at its tableware, china could not remain price competitive and wire facilities. • Writing off other nonproductive with other overseas producers. Wilassets, such as old equipment an( liam said. machinery. The plant had been operating at . "We really did clean house, and wi only 12 percent of its capacity, pro- think the company is now stream ducing 3.5 million pieces a year lined.'' Matthews said. "We have i opposed to the 16 million pieces it has more effective organization. We h9T the ability to make. tried to put our past mistakes behiyi Oneida Ltd. continues to use the us. and we're starting from go.7 — He said that should mean a profi pjant^as a warehouse, where products manufactured in the U.S. and~Canada~ ~fOT~thp~compnny~trr—1987.- but- h. are packaged by about 25 remaining declined to estimate what it might be: But restructuring is expected to bring profits '•• ONEIDA - Oneida Ltd. reported •yesterdav that it lost $7.26 million "during 1986. $1.23 a share. That's 5' i times its loss , But, it said, that loss resulted from during the same period a year ago. the very thing the company expects "It's been'-an up-down, spotty year. 'will help bring profits in 1987: comple- We're pleased it's behind us." said t i o n of a company-wide restructuring William Matthews, chairman and program that streamlined operations. . chief executive officer of. tfie tablei Unaudited figures released yester- ware, home furnishings and industrial ,day showed the loss amounted to $1.10 wire producer. a share for the 1986 fiscal year, which . Still, company revenues were up 'ended Jan. 31. That was nearly four last year. They totaled about $267 times greater than the $1.94 million million, a 5.9 percent increase from loss the company experienced in 1985. the previous year's sales of more than Gains during the first and third $252 million. Fourth quarter sales of .quarters of 1986 were overcome by $62.1 million also were up 2.8 percent —losses in-the~t>econd and-fourth-quar- - from the previous year Matthews said company operations tens. In the fourth quarter. Oneida Ltd, lost $8.36 million in profits, or actually were profitable during 1986. but anticipated restructuring costs and other writeoffs c h a r g e d against the fourth quarter created the Josses. Those costs amounted to $12.94 million, or $1.16 per share. Charges associated ' with restructuring -- in which certain operations and posiMATTHEWS t-rons—rere— discontinued —totaled $9.78 million. It cost the company another $3.16 million to write'off other assets not expected to contribute to future profitability. Matthews said it's difficult to estimate the long-term savings from restructuring. However, he outlined some of the moves the company made in the program last vear. Thev included:. ' • Eliminating 50 salaried and nonproduction positions at the Oneida Silversmiths Division. That move. -which_exacted short-term severance pay costs, should save the company about $2 million annuallv. he said. County shoulcbsave on saIe_o£Jb-on< comptroller says HELP! ByMARYCLYNE HELP! will try to answer questions, dodge red tape, solve problems. Write -to-HELP: Editor^The-Observer-Dis patch and Dailv Press. 221-223 Oriska•ny Plaza. Utica. NY.. 13501. No phone calls, please, and HELP! cannot make personal replies. Include name, address and telephone number. HELP! appears Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday. By MARJ PATRICK Miracle Maid HELP! I would like to purchase Miracle Maid cookware. The only way you can purchase them is through a representative. I have been unable to locate one in this area. I have also written to the company, in West Bend. Wisconsin, but have not received a response. Can'vou help? A.V.. Utica West Bend sold this division: we tracked these folks across the~Midwest to the Far Northwest, and got sent back to the .Midwest for a dealer. He is Gordon Morris. Route 5. Box 156. Little Falls. Minn.. 56345. and his phone number is 612-745-2295. If you write him. please include your phone number, his wife says. But in your case. A.V.. he'll be calling you first, as we have already given your number to him. It seems silly to Have to call Minnesota to buy a set of cookware. so if anyone knows of a closer salesman for this product than the gentleman, in Minnesota, do let us know. Pnotoby Gary Fcu^tan N E W , N A M E , SAME STORE — Employees of the ABC McCteary Sign Co. or Utioa place a new sign in position on the Howland department store at the Riverside Mall yesterday. The store at Riverside and the one at the New Hartford Chopping Center will be known as Steinbach. The two stores are part of the Howland-Steinbach division of the Amcena Corp. About 18 of the stores in the 29-store chain were known as Howland and the restSteinoacn. Iney win ail how have the Steinbach name. 4 Inmate: Knew Bosket by another niamer ^ Cutco c.utlery By MATTHEW WORTH HELP! has a whole handful of letters from ladies who knew how to get ahold of the Cutco cutlery people. B.B.K. of Ilion was looking for the company, and now we've found it in multiples, thanks to all who wrote. We have an address in Ohio, two in Pennsylvania and one in New York state. We'll publish the latter as it is good to keep business as close to one as possible. Besides, those who sent us the New York address reported satisfaction with the service. It is: Alcas Cutierv Corp.. 1116 East State St... Box 810. Olean. N Y . 14760. and the telephone number is 1-716-372-3111. Our thanks again to all the sharpies w ho responded to our cry for HELP! • Peter, Paul and Mary HELP! I would like to know if you can find me an address for the folksingers Peter. Paul and Mary so I could write them a fan letter. : L.M.B.. Whitesboro Our big black book lists 853 7th Ave.. New York. N.Y.. 10019 Give them our regards, too. while you're at it Muraphone HELP: On Feb. 3 you had an article about "Varta Battery" for a Muraphone cordless phone. I also have a Muraphone and wouid Hke any information you have for a replacement battery park. P L L.Rome Write to CDSC. 80 Pickett District Road. New Milford. Conn.. 06776. or call 1-203-355-317£. Most of those batteries have been recalled, and the _will <^>nd vou a cou model number of your phone Willie Bosket Jr. yesterday continued to deny he is the person recognized as the man who killed two people on a New York-City subway, attempted to'escape from state prison and assaulted an elderly half-blind man on a city street. The h e a r i n g , being held at the Oneida County Jail. is J to determine w h e t h e r Bosket is the same man who was convicted of murder, escape, assault and setting a fire in 198-5 at Midstate Correctional Facili- BOSKET ty. Under state law. Bosket could be ruled a per sistent felony offender and could be sentenced to life in prison. A prison inmate testified at yesterday's hearing that he knew Bosket by another name while both men were at the Auburn Correctional Facility in 19A2. Shakim J. Allah said he and Bosket lived in the same part of the prison for about six months and -became good friends. ~ Allah said he only knew Bosket by the name of Butch Smith and said all The New Hartford school board has unanimously decided to join the town in challenging a property tax refund to Sangertown Square. the inmates called him Smith. "I never Keared anybody call him Willie Bosket." Allah said. FROM THE ONEIDA COUNTY 25. of West Albany Street. Herkimer. During questioning by Assistant DOCKET...Henry E. were adjourned in contemplation of District Attorney Steven R. Fortnam. COURT Allah said he is serving two life Phelps. 25. of Elpis Road. Camden, dismissal. The pair was charged with sentences for murder. He was con- pleaded guijty to felony driving while using a truck owned by Norman victed in 1977 on Staten Island of intoxicated. He will be sentenced Barnard on Jan. 25 without asking murder and again in 1984 for the March 25. Barnard's permission. A third dekilling of a fellow inmate at Auburn. fendant. Robert P. Garcia. 19. of FROM THE UTICA CITY Bosket claims the man known by COURT" DOCKET...Catherine J. I^awrence Street, was fined $100 after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct, that name died in Milwaukee. Wis.', in 1985. A New York City newspaper Griffin. 37, of Kemble Street, pleaded a violation. He had been charged with reported hisfather. Willie Bosket Sr.. not guilty to fourth-degree criminal unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. died of gunshot wounds in a Milwau- mischief and two counts of haRichard Bidgood. 24. of West rassment. ...Mark A'. Aiken. 25. of kee hospital. Embargo Street, "Rome, was sentenced A series of state prison guards from Lincoln Avenue, pleaded guilty to a conditional discharge the Collins Correctional Facility in fourth-degree criminal sale of mari- * a°n d one-year h o u r s of He will be sentenced March 2. ' 2° community service Erie County also testified yesterday. juana. after pleading guilty to two counts of Bosket asked each of the officers ...A charge of fourth-degree criminal whether it was possible his name mischief against Mary Spells. 55. of forgery, a misdemeanor, for signing might be different. "Isn't it possible Neilson Street, was adjourned in someone else's name to a Coccia that the Willie Bosket you know..Brothers sales receipt on Dec. 10. contemplation of dismissal. might nof be Willie Bosket?" he ...Anthony B. Pelerossi. 24. of FROM THE ROME CITY COURT asked. Fourth Street. Rome, was fined $75 DOCKET...Ronald E. Richardson. Each correction officer said it was after pleading guilty to leaving the 32. of East Levitt Street. Rome. scene of a property damage accident possible the name was an alias. pleaded hot guilty -to—leaving-the- -and-speed-not-reasonable orprudentOne officer testified Bosket im=sce e of a pressed him as an intelligent man. but " P ™ " ^ in J ur >- accident a Feb. 4 on East Dominick Street. also a man who could not be trusted. misdemeanor, following too closely ...Richard F. Hallenbeck Jr.. 24. of "I would say Mr. Bosket was a very and speed not reasonable or prudent. East Bloomfield Street. Rome, was smart inmate who knew how to try to He was charged Monday on Erie sentenced to three years probation get around officers, but I always had Boulevard West.. He will return to after pleading guilty to criminal the feeling theae was an ulterior court tomorrow. ...The ca>«s against 'possession of a forged instrument, a motive." officer 1 Alpert L Schafer Kenneth Wheadon. 22. of Floyd misdemeanor. He originally was said— I " Avenue, and Robert Hitchcock Jr.. charged w\.h criminal possession of a • COURT REPORT • RECORDS the Carpor Co . arrangements by the Dre;za-Kowa'cryk Funeral Home Powell. Sarah E.. 80. of SMtviiie. former employee o'the MarcyPsychiatric Center, arrangements By tre Koerner Funeral Heme . Paid obituaries/page 13 DEATHS UT.ca arrangem-errts Funeral Home RorrvH. H«H'*. ?-l r' rv<v*.-w1 IV . n N.H* school board joins tax issue Oneida County taxpayers should realize "a very substantial savings" because the county has revised an upcoming bond sale. Comptroller David Townsend said yesterday. He doesn't know yet how much the savings will-be, but said it could be more than $500,000. The exact amount will depend on the interest rate set on the bonds when they're sold in April. The sale date tentatively is April 7. On Feb. 11. county legislators approved—a—bund—sat?; which was planned for. Feb. 24. But it was rescheduled so all $9.25 million of the bonds can be exempt from federal -income-tax under the new federal tax law. ToWrfeend said the county's bond adviser. attorney-Thomas Rothman of the New York firm of Willkie. Farr and Gallagher, researched the matter. The question was whether $2,375,000 of the bonds would be considered taxable bonds. If so. the -coiinty_wouid expect to pay higher rate of interest on them. The bonds are for reconstruction of the airpoi hangar to benefit Piedmont Aviatic Inc. Under the new law. the bonds migl have been taxable because they wei for a profit-making company, he sa; earlier. It will be the county's fir bond sale under the new tax rules. Yesterday, the Oneida Coun Board of Legislators helped pave tl way for the revised bond sale \ approving a public hearing on tl $2,375,000 in serial bonds, at Towf end's request. The hearing wilj_bel a.m. -MaTCTT~24 in the legislated chambers. Townsend said Rothman advis* him the bonds will be subject to t alternative minimum tax under tl new law.^Bufthat-would n o t c t purchasers as much as fully taxat bonds would, he said. The county also plans to. s< $8,655,675 in bond anticipation not (BANS), dated March 13 and payat May 29. The short-term financing needed because earlier BANS coi due March 13. and the long-tei bonding won't he available to car the debt until April. • - ~ . ! • • ; > ' „•' •: '•- • , '•' •• 5 ' *'.-."--" Groves Funeral Home DombfowUi. Catherine R-, 82 of Ut'ca arrangements by the Drezja-Kowa'czyk Funeral Home Fleteher. Clarence E.. 65 ot Virg r*a formerly of SauQuOt. arrangements by the J Dona'd Sm in Funeral Home Gamaey, Etfwyn M.. 84 oi Lake Worth. Fia . formerly o< Utica retted emp'dyee of the postal serv ce in utca. arrangements by the Mack Stephenson Funeral Home lantana. Fia At issue is a judicial hearing officer's ruling that the mall was overass^ssed from 1982 to 19S4 and paid too Jonet, Henry, of Utca arrangements much in taxes. The town of New by the Fr'iedei and Wi'iiams Funeral Hartford, the school district and Home McClueaey. Paul J . $8 of Wh tesbo"Oneida County stand to lose thouro emp'oyee of Kersey-Hayes arrangesands of dollars if the appeal fail*. ments by the Orejza-Kowaczyk Funeral School board President Elaine Kal- Home Mink. Thomas Lee. 63 of Bouckvye. vo said members called a special ret.red electrical techncan for General meeting to talk with town representa- Eiectr*. arrangements by the Burgess tives and with Albany lawyer John Funeral Home Ketto. Sam. 7i. off9i2 Catherine S t . Tabner. representing both groups. Ut>ca. retired mason for the Broadacres A loss in state Supreme Court could Skii'ed Nursing Facility, arrangements1 by • the Sca'a an<j Roefaro Funera CMHC the school to refund more than -HCW» " "$700,000 to SangertdwnY owners. PWchomoy, Stephen. 68. of t038 Oriskany S t . Lrt»ca. former employee of Pyramid Corp. of Syracuse. ^Tg~~rrarMo;'.-Trt~retf *v$f>e serv:c# diViS'On at Remington Arms Co a'rariQOTC by ;b<? c J A'pp'e- 2 Cutway Clements. RD V Box 156. Scharman Road. Or.skany Feb 24. 1937, a daughter Dzigtel — To Charles and Sharon Atkinson Oz>g ei. 1146 Post S t . Clinton, Feb. 23.1987. adaughter. City ot Utic 1 Common Council meet* tag with Department Head*. City Comptrol'er. 7 p.m ; City Treasurer. 8 p.m.. City Hail. Utica SUNY Collage of Technology at Utfca/Rome College Council, Room A226. AdfPiPistration/iibrary/Ciassroom Ai-Anon, Presbyterian emjreh. MairT Street. Camden. 8 p m : Ado*i Children [7. -f, s , A*f%•• i.r Aituhuvcs GC'ttrg P<?'?<»r. A? Gn-rvteo St N c * Harmed M ' ) J5.m Home Friendship Group. Mtdstato Correct 6-* nai Facility. Marcy Psychiatric Center campus. 6 p.m. St Ann s Church parish ST E L I Z A B E T H house. Clark Mills Road. Whitesboro. 8 p m.; St. Helenas Catholic Church. Chirillo — To Dan ei and Deborah Premo and Park streets. Shernii. 9 30 Oeska Chirjuo. 8336 Wa *er Road. a m s Methodist Church. Oxbow Road. Utca.Feb 18 '.987. a daughter Peterboro.8p m Halt — To Russell and Theresa Alcoholics Anonymowe: Central Murphy Ha'i. 10 Thomas Drive. Rome. Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. 700 Feb 17.1987. a son Court S t . 8 30 p m . Back to Bas cs Laftey — To Kev.n and Miche'e Group. First Presbyterian Church. 1605 LaVanna Laffey. PO Box 153 New York Genesee S t . Utica. 5'30 p.m M * s Feb 2< 1987. a daughter Diet Workshop, J.C Penney tracing Larkin — To T.mothy and Daneen room. Sangertown Square. 5 15 p.m and Cook Larkn. RR 3 Box 506. A'der 7pm Out of T o w n Creek Feb 2*. 1967. adaughter * Narcotic* Anonymous, The Happy Ogle — To Audra Doak Og'e 131 Eran* — To Fred and Laur>e Furner Together Group. St. Francs de Sales Evans (formerly ot SauquO't). 38 Walnut parish center. Eagle and Elm Streets. Louisa St. Feb 2*. 1987. a son Ut<a. 7 3 0 p m Pogode — To Gary and Dana Weaver St. Auburn. NY. Feb 16.1987. a son Pogoda 37 Mendereon S t . New York MI»e>V- To Christine Miller. 407 N. Overeaten Anom/mowt, St Ei<2abeth Wajhngton S t . Herk.mer. Feb 8.1987. Hospital. 7 p m M.us. Feb 2*. 1967. a daughter Style* — To P a t r c a Styles. 1002 ason Recovery, Inc. First Presbytenan Taylor Ave Ut>ca. Feb 21.1987. a son • Church parish house. 7 30 p m Gvyt 'H Gale Singtee Club, Club iSt LuKe s - M e m o n a i ' Paeqwak Ceputo, tenor. Metro Res- Monarch. 16 Erie Blvd . Yorkvilte. 8 30 Burnt — To David and I'Sa Alter* taurant. Vartck and Columbia Streets. p m Burns- 23 Marvin Si, Cuo!oa-f*tv-?&- Vtxx <*t> w tArfrrr^ion-frro to tfnrM?r IJofS C K * of PeerfM** (*>eT'»r« Rrxpatrons. $2 50 to others. reseivatiOM taurant. Schuyler Street. Ut>ca- 6 30 198'*. adaughter ' * pm Clement* — To James and Pamela required.) • BIRTHS 1987. adaughter. Myngerford - - To Martm and Cheryl Paynr H-jr^^''^' 1 F^ ' "-"•>" **->A Cassviue. f-eb 23. 15«a?. a OaugMer Nolan — To Wiiijam and Bobbe Wyckofl Noian. Box 71 St>ttviiie. Feb 24.1987. adaughter. Potenski — To Roger and Rob n Maniey Potenski. Box 210. Westmoreland Road. WTMesboro. Feb 24. 1987. a daughter Putnell — To John and Barbara Nelson Pusneii. Boyd Mobile Manor. Rome Feb 23.1987 a son Syhretter — To Rick and Cheryl Rotach Sylvester. Box 44 S'Ck'er's Trailer Park. Whitesboro. Feb 23. 1987. adaughter • TONIGHT Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com forged instrument, a felony, for p sessing a check with a forged sig; ture on Dec. 12 at Norstar Bank. David C. Schoff. 31. of Stam Park South, pleaded not guilty petit larceny, a misdemeanor. He charged with taking two Bon J tapes from Zayre's Department St Tuesday. He will return to co tomorrow. ...James G. Weiler. 34 Ringdahl Court. Rome, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxica and driving with .10 of a percent more of alcohol in his blood, b misdemeanors, unlawful possessioi marijuana, unlicensed operator : failure to yiefdjduring a left turn. was charged' Monday on Wri Drive. He will return to court Ma / Joseph M. Jacopelle. 22. of P Avenue. Syracuse, was fined $4-50 .had.his driver's license revoked six months after pleading guilt) driving while ability impaired unlawful possession of raarijui Charges of driving with* .10 c percent or more of alcohol in blood and failure to keep right v dismissed. He was charged Jan. 1! 1400 East Dominick St. Kirkland United Way falls short CLINTON Kirkland has The Town c fallen nearl United "Way. said the presider nf thfdrivp missed our goal." said Presider Brian Clarke. "Naturally w are disappointed." The campaifrn. he said. rais< between $4£.500 and $49,500 < its $o'2.000 goal. The board will use its erne gency fund to meet the shoi fall. Clarke said The biggest shortfall, abo $3,000. came in payroll dedu lions from town residents wor ing in Utica. he said. ,, This year's goal was 10 pt cent higher than the $47.0 raised last year. The Kirkland United W, contribute? to 22 national, ar and loc.il .igrnrits
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