BRIDLINGTON ALEXANDRA BOWLING CLUB NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 Chairman Lynne Mitchell 01262 678965 Captain Jim Braidwood 07763 841046 Treasurer Tony James 01262 422022 Secretary Linda James 01262 422022 General Committee Members – in alphabetical order Derek Boyland 01262 409073 Pat Hunt 01262 670833 John Prosser 07814 634727 Pam Robertson 01262 604267 Phil Retallic 07592 020977 If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions you'd like raised on your behalf at any of the Committee Meetings please feel free to contact any one of the above Committee Members. Date of Next Committee Meeting 4th June 2015 A very warm welcome to all our members at the start of a new season, and a special welcome to any new members who have joined us since last year. Club Membership currently stands at 63 members. Friday 1st May 2015 Tour De ‘Teacake’ South Marine Drive is closed so there will be a ‘captive’ audience along it to the Spa, a great opportunity to hand out flyers advertising, on one side, a ‘Cuppa and a Teacake’ down at the Club and on the other, our Taster Session. We’re also having a cake stall so if you could help by donating a cake that would be much appreciated. Any cakes leftover will be available for sale at the Taster Session. ‘Bring a Friend’ - Taster Session Saturday 2nd May 2015 10.00am to 4.00pm Know of anyone who fancies to give bowls a try? Please encourage them to come along. Will Bowl Roadshow Monday 4th May 2015 10.00am to 3.00pm Free Compost - Residents are entitled to 2 free 15kgs bags of compost per car. If you have no need for yours but are willing to collect it and donate it to the Club, it would be much appreciated. Social and Competition Draw Suggestion this year is that we make the Competitions Draw a ‘bit of a do!’ -Social bowling afternoon followed by the Draw plus BBQ or Pie & Peas or Cream Tea. Lynne has put a sheet up on the Fundraising Noticeboard, with options and associated costs please indicate which you’d prefer. Friday 8th May 2015 4pm Hilderthorpe Coach and Car Park Sunday 31st May 2015 2pm Clubhouse Duties A gentle reminder for any new full members - it is expected that all Full Club members will participate in staffing the clubhouse on days when the Club is open for bowling. The duty rota for May is on the noticeboard, please feel free to pick up a copy. If you have any queries about your duty or would like to know dates of your duty beyond May, please contact Pat Hunt on 01262 670833. Raffle Many thanks go to Jeanne Hirst who has kindly donated an ‘England Football Shirt with signatures’ to the Club. The signatures represent the team that played against Switzerland late 2014. The shirt is to be raffled, tickets are £1 each, available in the Clubhouse and the draw will take place on 31st May 2015. All proceeds going to Club Funds. Trustees Derek Boyland and Alan Robertson were nominated and have subsequently been appointed as Trustees of our Bowling Club following the resignation of John Grant and the death of Don Robinson. This means we have four appointed Trustees ; Derek, Alan, Kate Heath and Paul Myers. Bonus Ball Thank you to everyone that has signed up for a number so far. It’s still not too late as the draw doesn’t start until Saturday 2nd May 2015. Interested – please see Linda. £10 prize goes to the ‘owner’ of the number of the bonus ball drawn in the official Saturday National Lottery Lotto Draw. If an ‘unsold’ number is drawn the prize money for that week will be rolled over as prize money for the following week. If you have signed up, your number will be drawn out of the hat during the tea-break at the social bowling session on Monday 27th April 2015. Well done to Elizabeth and Derek who got this year’s fundraising off to a great start raising £92.40 at their ‘Bring & Buy’ Coffee Morning. Disabled Toilet Please note that our disabled toilet is now an accessible toilet (i.e. it can be opened from the outside) and has been fitted with an assistance alarm. Instructions about the alarm and gaining access are posted on the toilet door, please familiarise yourself with these just in case you need to put them into practice. Club Shirts By a whisker this is the winning design. A supplier with the best price is being sought; details will then be on the Noticeboard to see who is interested in having a polo shirt and/or sweatshirt. Enquiries are also being made about having a badge that can just be sewn onto an existing shirt. Captain’s Report ‘Rain didn’t stop play’ The change in the weather didn’t stop us getting together for our annual photo opportunity and to see the green formally opened by the 2014 Lady Singles Champion, Maureen Hooper. A nice first get together spirits not ‘dampened’ by the wet afternoon. Polite reminder for all - Vets League games start at 2pm on a Wednesday afternoon, if we have a team (s) playing at home (there is a Fixtures Book on the noticeboard if you need to check) it is requested that the green be cleared of any other players by 1pm. The Team Captains this season are as follows: Wednesday Vets Evening Triples Division B - Tony James Brid A – John Prosser Division D - Dave Booth Brid B – Clive Turner Division F - Jim Braidwood Skips responsible for arranging (not necessarily providing) transport for their teams Friendly against Flamborough – Sunday 19th April 2015… … understand the green was rather challenging. Victory was ours in the end with 68 shots to 60, winning 2 rinks and losing 2. Future Friendly Fixtures Please add your name to the sign up sheets on the noticeboard if you want to be considered for playing, in the following: Sunday 17th May 2015 Away Leven East Street th Friday 19 June 2015 Home Scalby Ladies – Pam Robertson has kindly agreed to be Lady Captain for this fixture th Sunday 26 July 2015 Home Leven East Street th Sunday 9 August 2015 Home Flamborough Competition Entries need to be submitted by Sunday 24th May 2015
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