Solar Eclipse Science Quiz - Bryn Celynnog Comprehensive School

Week beginning March 23rd
Issue 8
Solar Eclipse
“The Solar Eclipse on Friday was
of huge interest to scientists
everywhere. The Earth, Moon and
Sun all lined up so that the Moon
casts a shadow on the Earth as it
covers the Sun. Only some of the
Many of our pupils had the opportunity to
Earth is in the shadow and Wales
view the long-awaited near-total eclipse of the was lucky on this occasion. Even
better it was conveniently
sun on Friday morning.
timetabled for lesson one! No
cloud cover meant that we could set up a solar projector
outside of HQ to view the eclipse in complete safety. We
managed to view from first contact to well after the
maximum 86% coverage. The light levels dropped to an eerie
glow and the weather turned chilly. It was a lovely
atmosphere outside HQ with a mix of all year groups and
quite a few excited teachers. I was of course a calm observer
as befits a Scientist. “ Dr. Murray, Science Teacher.
The Science department set up equipment
to allow learners to view the eclipse safely.
“I was really excited about the Solar Eclipse on 20th March
as it’s the first one that’s happened since I’ve been alive.
Dr Murray had set up a pinhole camera contraption
outside with binoculars, so that the image would be a lot
bigger than a normal pinhole camera. (I took a photo of
him with it.) Some students had also brought special
glasses to look at the eclipse safely. It got dark and eerie
and really cool (and cold!) It was amazing and beautiful. I
felt really lucky to see it because it’s not going to happen
again for ages.” Jakob O’Neill., Year 10 Pupil.
Science Quiz
“The online Science House Quiz went well with a good
number of entries. We were delighted that some of our
primary schools also joined in. The quiz was a
multiple choice format about famous British Scientists
and was to celebrate British Science Week. I
deliberately made the quiz very challenging! I scored
the house portion of the quiz by taking into account
how many people were entered from each house and
how many questions were answered correctly. The
results were as shown in the table on the right.
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Fourth Place
Well done to Wyvern who did win by quite a bit. “
Dr. Murray, Science Teacher.
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email [email protected]
Yr wythnos yn dechrau Mawrth 23
Rhifyn 8
Monday 30th March
Year 11
10am – 12pm
Mr Cogan
Thursday 2 April
Year 11 Child
Year 10 ICT
Year 11 ICT
Teachers at Bryn Celynnog
have organised revision
sessions during the Easter
break, prior to pupils’ upcoming
GCSE and A Level
10am—12pm Please find details of these
sessions in the table on the left.
Miss Whitcombe Mrs Phillips
If pupils or parents have any
Miss Edmondson
queries regarding the
Year 11 History Year 11 ICT
sessions please do not
hesitate to contact the school.
10am – 12pm
10am – 12pm
10am -12pm
Tuesday 7th April
Wednesday 8th April
Mr Nelson
Mr Davies
Year 11 ICT
Year 12 ICT
10am – 12pm
12pm – 2pm
Miss Bryant
Miss Bryant
We do hope all pupils take full
advantage of these
opportunities and are
encouraged to attend any
relevant sessions regardless of
who their regular teacher is.
Mr Davies
Thursday 9th April
Friday 10th April
Year 11 Business Year 11 ICT
10am – 12pm
10am – 12pm
Mr Davies
Miss Whitcombe
Year 10 ICT
Year 13 ICT
9.30am – 12pm 12pm – 2pm
Year 10 Child
Miss Bryant
Miss Bryant
Year 11 Welsh
9am – 11am
Miss Kalies
Friday 27th March
Ski trip
Monday 30th March—Thursday 2nd April
GCSE & A Level Revision Sessions
Tuesday 7th April—Friday 10th April
GCSE & A Level Revision Sessions
Thursday 23rd April—Friday 24th April
A Level Photography Exam
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email [email protected]
Miss Edmondson