National Level Trekking Cum Environment Awareness Programme

All The State Secretaries
State Associat ons of
The Bharat Scouts and Guides
lndian Union.
Circular No. : 6ol.aor s
: 2J'" April.
Sub.: National Level Trekking Cum Environment Awareness Programme for Rovers /
Rangers from 1 1'n to 17''' June 2015 at Yamnotri, Uttarakhand State.
Dear Sir/Madam.
We are glad to inform you that National Level Trekking Cum Environment Awareness.Programe for
Rovefs / Rangers will be organized at Yamnotri (Badkot), Uttarakhand State frqm 11 to 17 June
Details are as follows;
National Level Trekking Cum Environment Awareness Programe
for Rovers / Ranqers
1 1'n to 17'n June 2015 (07 days)
Govt. Degree College, Badkot, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand State
Date of Arrival
Date of Departure
to Reac h
Who can participate
Quota allocation
June 2015 before lunch
June 2015 after lunch
Trains are available up to Dehradun/Haridwar/Rishikesh. Rest of the
Journey by Bus/Jeep. Buaes/Jeeps are available from
Dehradun/Haridwar & Rishikesh up to Eadkoi, get down at Badkot
Bus Stand The Base Camp Govt. Degree College, Badkoi is
walkable distance.
For Assistance please Contact
'1. Pfof R S Aswal (Rover Leader, Badkot) - 09411331480
2. lMr Rahul (Staie Headquader, Uttarakhand) 09897965422
3. State Headquarters, Uttarakhand - A135' 2712321
Rover/ Ranger between 16 to 25 Years of age, corfpleled Nipun
Stage in Rovering / Ranger ng having sound health may be selected
accordrng to the quota allocatron to the State. Each cand date has lo
sLrpr-rl Pl'ysical I iiness Celrf cate t o'n lhe aooropr alc a.'Il'or ry
Unfit candidate should not be selected.
(Best Rover/Ranqer may please be selected)
Rs '100/- Dev. Fee & Rs 80/- Spl Fee, Total Rs 180/- per head from
Rover & Ranger and Rs 2001 Dev. Fee &Rs B0/- Spl Fee, Total Rs
280/- per head Adult Leaders to be paid at the time of Reglstrat on.
DDBP/24.04 20:t5
What to Carry
2 Sets of Correct & Complete Uniform as pef APRO
Track Suil Seeping Bag. Warm bedding Ruck sack
Parl & |
Sport/Trekking Shoe, Sleep ng mat, Ra n-Coat, P ast c-Sheet Plate
l,,4ug ,Spoon, Writing l\4aterials Note Book. First Aid ltt lunch Box,
P Cap. Pefsonal and Warm Cloth ng s toilet req!isltes Waterbottle, lorch and othef necessary rnaterial requ red for the trekking
Conaessiona 2nolsleeper Class Railway fare Ord nary Govt Bus
fare wil be re-imbursed on production of lrain trcket & bus ticket in
(Those who are trave I ng by Bus where there is no tra n
or gina .
route) No AC/Volvo fare will be paid . {Auto/taxi fare or Tatkal
fare is not admissible.)
Risk Certificate
fach candidate has to submit a Risk Certificaie (Encosed) duv
Last Date
signecl by the Parents and attesled by the Distlct Commissioner.
App icatlon along wlth risk and l\,4edical Certificate s to be ,3nded
over during Registration a ong with the deputatron letter of the State
NOTE: Without Medical Fitness Certificate, Risk certificate and
deputation letter of the State, participants will not be admitted in
the Camp
The name list of the selected candidates should reach the Bharat
Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delh at
[email protected]
wth a copy to State Seorelary,
Uttarakhand State at bsquttarakhand@qmail,com on of before 25'"
May 2015. lf your State is not utilizing the allotted quota, please
inform at the earliest (before 'loth May 2015) so that additional
quota mav be allotted to other needy States.
We personally fequest you to please select the right and physrcally fil candidates only for the
trekking programme for its success.
Copy subnritied to Hon'ble Ch ef National Comm ssioner, Bharat Scouls & Guides for information
Copyto; -A lhe Oii ce Bea e.s of lhe Bharat Scouts and Gu des, Nat onal Headquaflers
ITDBP/24 04.2015