Telephone :256 41 4707 000 :256 41 4232 095 Fax : 256 41 4230 163 :256 41 4343 023 :256 41 4341 286 Email : [email protected] Website :w w w . f i n a n c e . ~ o ~ I n any correspondence on this subject please quote No. BPD 86/268/01 '. A Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development Plot 2-12, Apollo Kaggwa Road P.O. Box 8147 Kampala Uganda THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA All Local Government Accounting Oficers FOURTH QUARTER (APRIL- JUNE 2015) RELEASE FOR NON-WAGE RECURRENT CONDmONAL GRANTS TRANSFERRED DIRECTL Y TO TOWN COUNCILS - FY 2014/15 1. Please find attached the release schedule for Non-Wage Recurrent conditional grants transferred directly to the beneficiary institutions, under your Local Government Votes, for the Fourth Quarter (April - June 2015) FY 2014/15. 2. The grants that have been considered under this circular include the following: i) ii) iii) Urban Unconditional grant to Town Councils - Item 321402; Urban Equalization grant - Item 321463; and Urban Water (Operations and Maintenance) - Item 321424 3. The release for capitation grants to UPE and USE schools as well as the releases for Hospitals and Lower Level Health Units will be effected under a separate schedule. 4, Note that urban water sources under Item 321424 Urban Water Operations and Maintenance Grant, which have been considered under this release circulac include only those water sources which fall under the designated Town Councils. The details by water source are attached as Annex la. The funds for the water sources under urban centres which have not yet attained a Town Council Status, have been released under a separate schedule, to the Districts in which they fall. The affected districts are advised to remit these funds intact to the beneticaw urban water sources. 5 I have attached the details by vote and beneficiary urban authority under Annex Za for your ease of reference and follow-up. It is my duty therefore, to remind you that as the Accounting Oficer for the Local Government where the funds have been sent directly that, in line with the Public finance Management A d (PFM) 2015; and the guidelines on direct transfers, you are Mission 'To,firmrtlore soz,ndeconomic p01;c;es. tna.x,,nrre revenre mob,hmt,on. ensure @7cienrnilocatron ondoccounrabUr~pforpabhc resources so as lo ochleve the most rop~dnnda,s~mnble economlc prowlh anddevelopmenr '' held accountable for proper accountabilify and utilization of all the funds released directly to the beneficiary institutions under your local government. 6. Accordingly, you are advised to compile the acknowledgement receipt of funds released under this schedule and send a consolidated position to this Ministry, addressed to the Permanent Secretary/Scretary to the Treasury for the attention of the Accountant-General, within one month. Z You are also reminded to submit your Local Government Budget Performance Progress Report for Quarter Three of FY 2014/15 by the last working day of April 2015, which will be the basis for quarter one release for FY 2015/16, 8. This document will be posted on the Website: hhtto:// UQ: 9. The total funds released through this circular to the Districts and Municipalties amounts to UShs: 3,398,662,012/= (Uganda Shillings: Three Billion, Three Hundred Ninety Eight Million, Six Hundred Sixty Two Thousand, Twelve Only). 10, By copy of this release circular, the Auditor General is informed. The Accountant General and Commissioner/Financial management Services are hereby requested to release funds to you as per the attached schedule. For: PERMANENT SECRETAR Y/SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY Copy: The Hon. Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development The Head of Public Setvice and Secretary to Cabinet The Auditor General The Inspector General of Government The Permanent Secretary/Ofice of the Prime Minister The Permanent Secretaty/Ministry of Education and Sports The Permanent Secretary/Ministry of Water and Environment The Permanent Secretary/Ministry of Agric, Animal Industry & Fisheries The Ag. Permanent SecretaryIMinistry of Local Government The Secretary, Local Government Finance commission The Clerk to Parliament The Accountant General The Director, Parliamentary Budget Ofice The commissioner, Infrastructure and Social Services Department The Commissioner, Public Administration Department The commissioner, Financial Management Services The Resident District Commissioner, ,..... .............................. District ~ ~ ~~~~ "To,formulare sound economic policies. ,noximi:e revenrre mobilizorion, ensure eflcieoel ollocor!on and occot~nrobiIity/or public resources so os 10 achieve rlze most rapzd and srarainahle rconomrc grolvrh and devdopmenr " The LCV Chairperson/Mayoor,...........................,.,.Distrid/Municipa/ity Mission "To,Tomrrlotesound economic policres. marimire revenue mobilcorron. emure effictent oilocntio~ondoccounrobil;~r/orptlblic resources so os to oeh;evr !he most ~opido,tdst,,sa,!,obIreconomic grojvth m?ddevelopmenl" RECURRENT RELEASES: NON WAGE CY2014115 ........................................ APRIL 2014 VOTE Date:le/04/15 ESTIMATE GROSS ALREADY RELEASED APRIL AUTOMATIC ISHS'000) iSHS1 (SHSI lSHS) Adjumani Discricc Apac Districz Arua District BUgiri District Bundibugyo District Bushenyi District Busia District Gulu District Hoima District Iganga Discricc sinja Discricc Kabale District Kabarole District Kaberamaido District Kslangsla District Karnuli District Kamwenge District Kannungu District ~apchorwaDistrict Kasese District KaCskwi District Kapnga District Kibale District Kiboga District Kisoro Discricc Kitgum District Kocido District Kumi District Kyenjanjo District ~ i r aDistrict LUwerO District Masaka District Masindi District Mapge District m a l e District Mbarara District Momto District Moyo District Mpigi District Mubende District Mukono District Nakapiripiriti District ~akasongolaDistrict Nebbi District Ntungamo District Pader District Pallisa District Rakai District Rukungiri District APRIL 2014 Cont.. : Page 1 Date:18/04/15 .............--............... VOTE UUIDY APRIL GROSS RELEASED AUTOMATIC ISHSI iSHS1 ISHSI Sembabule District Sironko District sorofi District Toror0 District Wakiso District Yumbe District Butaleja District ~bandaDistrict Kaabong District Isingiro District Kalilo District Kiruhura District ~obokoDistrict Amolatar District murla District Manafa Districc ~ u k w aDistrict Mifyana District Nakaseke District limuru District Budaka District Oyam Distr~ct Abim District Narnutumba District Dokolo District Bulisa District MaraCha-Terego District Bukedea Bududa Lyantonde MUDAT District BUIKWE District BUYENDE District KYEGEGWA District LAMWO District OTUKE District ZOMBO District ALBETONG Districc BULAMBULI District B U ~ M ADistrict GOMBA District KIRYANWNGO District L W K A District NAMAYINGO District NTOROKO District SERERE District KYANKWANZI DISTRICT KALUNGU DISTRICT LWENGO DISTRICT APRIL 2014 Cont.. : Page 2 VOTE ALREADY APRIL ESTIMATE GROSS RELEASED AUTOMATIC iSHS'0001 iSHS1 iSHSi ISHS) BUKOMANSIMBI DISTRICT MITOOMA DISTRICT RUBIRIZI DISTRICT NGORA DISTRICT NAPAK DISTRICT KIBUKU DISTRICT NWOYA DISTRICT KOLE DISTRICT BUTliMBALA DISTRICT SHEEMA DISTRICT BUHWEJU DISTRICT AGAGO DISTRICT KWEEN District Arua Municipal Council Entebbe Municipal Council Fort-Portal Municipal Council Gulu Municipal Council Jinja Municipal Council Kabale Municipal Council Lira Municipal Council Masaka Municipal Council Mbale Municipal Council Mbarara Muninicipal Council Morofo Municipal Council Soroti Municipal Council TOrOt-0 Municipal Council KASESE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL HOIMA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MUKONO MUNICIPAL COUNCIL IGANGA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MASINDI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL N T U N G N MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BUSIA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BUSHENYI-ISHRKA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL RUKUNGIRI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL APRIL 2014; Page 3
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