EASTERN TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL 1100 Mace Avenue - Essex, Maryland21221 Phone: 410-887-0190 http://easterntechptsa.weebly.com Kelly Bowers – PTSA President Thomas G. Evans – Principal Volume 43, Issue 3 February 2014 MISSION: The mission of Eastern Tech is to ensure that every student meets a rigorous standard of academic achievement as measured by local, state, and national criteria. Educators commit to: collaborating with parents and community; engaging students with relevance and rigor, supporting students to prepare for college/workplace. So that students will develop the following skills: Communication, Teamwork, Critical thinking, Creative problem solving, Technology. President's Message … GO GREEN ! Opt-‐out of paper newsletters. Get your Newsletter emailed, off the PTSA website http://easterntechptsa.weebly.com or off Edline. Please request to opt-‐out by emailing [email protected] include your child’s name and address. REMEMBER to LIKE the ET PTSA Facebook Page to receive important updates! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eastern-Technical-High-School/105002329635576 Instead of Google Search ~ use Good Search. Make Good Search your search engine and support Eastern Technical High School PTSA. www.goodsearch.com It is not too late to donate to Stampede and join Eastern Tech PTSA, please help us to reach our 1,000 membership goal. If you want to be eligible for PTSA scholarships, you must be a PTSA member for the 4 years you attend ET. PTSA is need of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering please contact me to discuss the positions and work performed or come to our meetings. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming: Bingo – Friday, March 7, 2014 -‐ Benefits Senior After-‐Prom Party PTSA meeting – Monday, March 10, 2014 at 7 pm ET Blood Drive – Thursday, March 20, 2014 from 2:30-‐8 pm -‐ appointments available After-‐Prom Party – Saturday, May 24-‐25, 2014 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon -‐ May Eastern Tech website – http://easterntechhs/bcps.org everychild.onevoice Kelly Bowers www.bcptacouncil.org www.mdpta.org www.pta.org PTSA President [email protected] **** PTSA Volunteers Needed **** Eastern Tech PTSA is very strong because we have awesome volunteers. Unfortunately, many volunteers that chair a committee are leaving at the end of this school year. We need volunteers to chair these committees and help these committees throughout the year. Many, if not all, of our volunteers that chair a committee started as the parent of a freshman or sophomore and learned the routine from parents of older students. We are in need of volunteers to chair and help with these committees: Nominating Recording Secretary Blood Drive in March PTA Council Representative Restaurant Nights Basket Bingo Scripts Program Vice President Scrips other committees We would encourage you to come and see what we do this year. The parents leaving at the end of this year will help the volunteers who take over next year. If we don’t get enough volunteers and someone to chair these committees, then PTSA will not be able to provide all the things to the teachers (breakfast, snacks for testing, luncheon, etc.) or students (scholarships, gifts cards for junior prom, prizes at the After Prom Party, newsletters, banners, etc.). Please consider chairing a committee or volunteering to keep ET PTSA strong. Please contact Kelly Bowers 410-‐866-‐1131 or [email protected] with questions. Thank you. ***************************************************************************** Attention: Freshman and Sophomore Parents The PTSA NEEDS YOU You may have heard by now that Eastern Tech is well known for the awesome after prom party the PTSA gives the seniors. The seniors and their guests enjoy an evening of free fun with lots of food, games, entertainment, and prizes. Much more than this, the seniors are in a safe, alcohol-‐ and drug-‐ free environment during those ‘high risk’ hours following the senior prom. The PTSA works year round fundraising and planning this incredible event. ET’s after prom is strong because of the parents who are so dedicated to keeping our students safe. The PTSA needs parents of underclassmen to join the after prom committee NOW so they can build on the good ideas and knowledge we’ve gained thus far and ensure the continued success of ET’s after prom program. If you would like your child to have a great after prom experience when they are seniors, join us now and be a part of carrying our tradition forward. To join the committee or would like more information, please email Vicki Pfannenstein at [email protected] by February 15th. From the Principal . . . “Thank you” to each of the seniors and senior parents who attended this year’s Senior 100’s Night. This is our annual kick-off to saying congratulations and good-bye to our senior class. We’re very proud of our seniors and look forward to each of them walking across the stage and receiving their high school diploma on May 29th at Towson University’s SECU Arena. In the event that some of our seniors and parents weren’t able to attend, I’d like to use this opportunity to share some important information about the 2nd semester for seniors. Most important to all of our seniors is the idea of finishing strong. It is important for seniors to maintain their academic focus during the second semester and to end the year with the good grades, attendance, and behavior you’ve maintained throughout your years at Eastern Tech. We want to remind our seniors that 75 Service Learning Hours must be met and that English 12 and EPI must be passed in order to receive your diploma. While this is not an issue for most, a few need the reminder. • Graduation – Thursday, May 29 at 7:00 PM at Towson’s SECU Arena. Graduates must be in line by 6:00 PM. Every senior will receive 6 tickets for guests. Every guest MUST have a ticket (even children). Tickets will not be sold for this year’s graduation. • “Mandatory” Graduation Rehearsal – In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, every senior must attend the graduation rehearsal. This is especially important this year as we need to hold the rehearsal at Eastern Tech, NOT Towson. Caps and Gowns are NOT required for this rehearsal. The graduation rehearsal will be held the morning of graduation, May 29 from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. Our rehearsal will be held in gym 1. • Senior Farewell Assembly – this is another “mandatory” event for all seniors this year. It will be held at Eastern Tech on Thursday, May 22 beginning at 8:30 AM in gym 1. Seniors must be in line in their graduation robes (no cap required for this event) by 8:00 AM. Each senior who is receiving an award will receive 2 tickets for parents/adult guests to attend. • Senior Prom – this year’s Senior Prom will occur on Saturday, May 24 at the Marriot Baltimore Inner Harbor. The prom begins at 7 pm and ends at 11 pm. Students must arrive by 8:00 pm. Once students leave prom they may NOT return. Prom ticket prices will be announced in the near future and opportunities for purchase will be made available. • After Prom Party - Sponsored and supported by Eastern Tech PTSA, the After Prom Party is available to EVERY senior. It will occur following the Senior Prom on May 24, 2014. Further information regarding the exact time and location will be made available in the next month or so. We hope that all seniors will be able to attend. • Senior Picnic - This is an optional event available to every senior and it is for “seniors only.” The senior picnic will be held on Friday, May 23rd at Renaissance Park from 11:30 – 2:00 PM. The cost is $5.00 per senior. Best wishes to each of our seniors. We look forward to a strong second semester from each of you. Thomas G. Evans Principal Yearbook Order Form 2013-2014 TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! YOU SHOULD PRE-ORDER TO GUARANTEE A COPY! WE ARE ORDERING FEWER COPIES THIS YEAR! Spring Sales Drive (January 1-April 30) Cost = $70.00 May 1 onward Cost = $75.00 1. Pay with your credit card ONLINE ONLY at any time by going to www.yearbooksonsale.com. Follow the instructions to purchase your yearbook. You do not need to send anything to the school. We will be able to track sales online. 2. Pay with cash or check made out to Eastern Tech High School. Students must bring this order form and their payment to Mrs. Talbott in room 121 before or after school only. Yearbooks will not be sold during the school day. DO NOT leave money in Mrs. Talbott’s mailbox or on her desk, as she cannot guarantee that it will be received. GIVE YEARBOOK MONEY TO MS. TALBOTT ONLY!!!! Please print the information below. Name: _______________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher: ___________________________________________ Grade: ________ Payment Type: Cash Check (Check #: _______) Please retain your copy of your yearbook receipt as you will need it as proof of purchase when the yearbooks arrive in the spring. Longaberger Basket ~ Vera Bradley Bingo Friday---March 7, 2014 St. Clare Hall 714 Myrth Ave. Doors will open at 6pm, Bingo starts at 7pm Our bingo helps support the Class of 2014 After Prom Party for Eastern Tech. Tickets are $18 in advance and $20 at the door. We will only reserve tables of 8 or more when paid for in advance. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase. For any further information needed, please contact Jennifer Ordak at 410-‐477-‐2409 or [email protected]. TICKETS ARE LIMITED SO GET THEM EARLY; WE HAVE SOLD OUT THE LAST SIX YEARS! Cut and return to PTSA MAILBOX Make all checks payable to: Eastern Tech PTSA Child’s Name: ________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher :__________________________________________ Number of tickets :____________________________________________ Home phone #: _______________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: $_____________________________________________ National Technical Honor Society BOOK DRIVE th Now – Feb 28 Donate your unwanted and gently used books to the National Tech Honor Society All books are being donated to the White Marsh Branch Public Library Donations should be dropped off to room 119, or left at the front office to the attention of Ms. Smith ************************************************************************************************** National Tech Honor Society Monday, March 3rd 5 -‐9 PM 5198 Campbell Blvd No flier needed Just tell them you are with NTHS SPECIAL REQUEST FROM THE PTSA AFTER PROM COMMITTEE Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends of Eastern Tech, We are committed to providing a safe, fun-filled, chaperoned event for seniors and their guests after the prom on May 24th from 11:30 pm - 3:30 am at the AMF Country Club Lanes. The party will be one of the last that our seniors will have to celebrate with their classmates and is sure to provide them with a wonderful memory of their farewell to high school days. The safety of our students impacts all of us. We are asking for the support of the entire Eastern Tech community to help fund the After-Prom event. Monetary donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Our goal is to have enough activities, entertainment, prize drawings, and food to keep the kids interested until the party is over. The more funding we have, the better the party will be. To make a donation, please complete the bottom portion and mail with your donation to ET or have your student drop it off to the school office. Please put donations in an envelope marked for PTSA/After Prom. We would like donations by April 20th if possible but will accept up to the day of the event. This event is made possible only through the combined efforts of our parents and community who provide support of this worthwhile cause. Thank you for any contribution you can give. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Sincerely, Vicki Pfannenstein, After Prom Chairperson Kelly Bowers, PTSA President ---------Cut Here, Return Bottom Portion with Donation -------Name as you want it to appear in the Program acknowledgements (Please print) Contact Person ______________________________Phone: _____________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code______________________________________________________ Donation: AMOUNT: $20.00 ________ $50.00 ________ $30.00 _________ other _________ Eastern Tech High School Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Gym 2 1100 Mace Avenue Baltimore, MD 21221 Please schedule your Life Saving Donation TODAY!! Contact Sheri Hipsley at 443-756-5041 [email protected] or go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Code: (053744). Alternatively, call 1-800-RED-CROSS!!! For questions on eligibility please call Donor Services at: 1-866-236-3276 Attention Senior Class of 2014 Order Form for Banners!!! EASTERN TECH HIGH SCHOOL Class of 2014 CONGRATULATIONS John Jones Love, Mom, Dad, Jason, & Nick Student’s Name as it should appear on Banner: (please print legibly!!) ______________________________________________________________________ Message to appear below name: (please print legibly!) ______________________________________________________________________ (Any message can be written, but please keep to approximately 40 letters – remember the more words the smaller the lettering will be) Contact Telephone Number and Email: ________________________________________________________ 1st Deadline - February 28 2nd Deadline - March 21 3rd Deadline - April 11 $25.00 $30.00 $40.00 Make Checks Payable to: Eastern Tech PTSA Banners will be hung in the High School in April. Banner Pickup will be at the Senior Awards. Banners are approximately 32 inches long and 15 inches high. They are White with Black and Orange letters (School Colors). If your child does not see their banner contact Doris [email protected] / 410-812-3140. Please make sure your child picks their banner up at the Senior Awards ceremony or graduation rehearsal. The first 3 lines are standard on all forms and not part of the number of letters you are allowed. CLASS OF 2014 – CAP AND GOWN PICTURES SENIORS: Lifetouch will be here on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 to take cap and gown portraits in the cafeteria. You should receive a post card in the mail with your portrait date and time. If you do not receive one by Friday, February 21, see Ms. Talbott in room 121. This is the ONLY time Lifetouch will be at ETHS for cap and gown pictures. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ CLASS OF 2015 – SENIOR PORTRAITS JUNIORS: Lifetouch will be here on the dates listed below to take your senior portraits. You should receive a post card in the mail with your portrait date and time according to the schedule below. STUDENTS WILL BE PHOTOGRAPHED ON DIFFERENT DATES AND TIMES. Date Location Should Receive Postcard BY… Thursday, May 15 Café Stage May 10 Monday, July 14 Café Stage July 10 Tuesday, July 15 (Make-‐Up Day ONLY) Café Stage July 10 Thursday, October 9 (Make-‐ Up Day ONLY) Café Stage October 1 If you do not receive a postcard with your appointment date and time, YOU SHOULD CONTACT LIFETOUCH AT 410-‐644-‐7700 or 1-‐800-‐445-‐1189. Name: Email: Phone #: Signature: Student Name: Date: Homeroom Teachers Name: Send Home with Student: YES or NO August 2013 – Questions please contact Lisa at [email protected] Percent Available # of Cards TOTAL Amount Retailer Amount 1-800-Flowers Advance Auto Parts Aeropostale AMC Theaters Gold Ticket AMC Theaters Amazon American Eagle Outfitters Applebee’s Arby's Barnes & Noble Bookstores* Barnes & Noble Bookstores* Barnes & Noble CollegeBookstores* Bass Pro Shops* Bath & Body Works* Bath & Body Works* Bed Bath &Beyond* Bertucci’s Best Buy* Bob Evans Boscov’s Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.* Buffalo Wild Wings Buffalo Wild Wings Burger King Burlington Coat Factory Chili's Chipotle Claire's/Icing/Afterthoughts Cold Stone Creamery Cracker Barrel* CVS (includes pharmacy)* Dave & Busters Denny's Dick's Sporting Goods Domino’s Pizza Dunkin Donuts Footlocker Game Stop/EB/EB Games Gap Card (Old Navy, Gap, Banana Rep.) Giant Food Store* Great Clips Groupon.com Home Depot* HomeGoods* iHop 12% 7% 7% 10% 8% 3% 10% 10% 8% 9% 9% 9% 9% 13% 13% 7% 10% 3% 10% 8% 9% 8% 8% 4% 9% 11% 10% 9% 8% 9% 7% 13% 7% 8% 8% 3% 9% 3% 14% 4% 8% 7% 4% 7% 8% $25 $25 $25 $9.50 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $10 $25 $10 $25 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $25 $25 $10 $10 $10 $10 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 iTunes iTunes JCPenney* Jiffy Lube Jo Ann Fabrics Journeys K-Mart* Kohl’s* L.L. Bean* Lands’ End* Longhorn Steakhouse (with Red Lobster) Lowe’s Home Improvement* Macy’s* Marshall’s* McCormick & Schmick’s Michael’s NIKE Noodles and Company NOOK by Barnes & Nobles* Old Navy Outback Steak/Carabba’s/Bonefish Grill Panera Bread Panera Bread Papa John’s Payless Shoe Stores P.F Chang’s Pizza Hut Red Lobster(Olive Garden/Bahama Breeze) Red Robin Regal Entertainment Single Ticket* Ruby Tuesday’s Safeway* Sears* Shell* Shoppers Food & Pharmacy* Spa Finder Sports Authority Starbucks Starbucks Subway Target TGI Friday's Ulta Wal-Mart/Sam’s Warehouse* Wawa (includes gas)* Wendy's OTHERS: 5% 5% 5% 8% 6% 10% 4% 5% 16% 16% 9% 4% 10% 7% 9% 4% 12% 8% 9% 14% 8% 9% 9% 8% 13% 8% 8% 9% 12% 10% 8% 4% 4% 2.5% 4% 12% 8% 7% 7% 3% 2% 9% 4% 2.5% 1.5% 4% $15 $25 $25 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $10 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $20 $25 $10 $25 $25 $ 9.50 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 TOTAL *Other amounts available – to see entire list of retailers, amounts and specifics, please visit http://www.glscrip.com/retailerlist/index.aspx **Retailers in bold have supported Eastern Tech with donations** WELCOME TO THE 2013 – 2014 SCHOOL YEAR [email protected] The Stampede is our annual fundraiser for Eastern Tech PTSA. In lieu of selling candy, gift-wrap or other items, we ask that each family make a monetary contribution to the PTSA. This money will be used for the running of the PTSA, including mailing the newsletter, scholarships for seniors, faculty appreciation, hospitality, after-prom party, and other PTSA-sponsored events. We are encouraging parents to make their contribution along with your membership dues. If each family would donate just $15, we could raise approximately $18,000, which would help us to do more for the students and school community. We will provide a 'breakfast party' for the homeroom class with the highest average amount per person collected through the month of October. Your PTSA…knows that parents want to help their children succeed academically, emotionally, and personally. We build bridges between home and school. Your PTSA…is run by volunteers and led by volunteers. We are accountable to our members. The annual dues are - $6.00 for ET students and $7.00 for each family member. Students must be a member every year to be eligible for PTSA senior scholarships. For each member that joins, a 'token of appreciation' will be given. Within a few weeks, your gift and membership cards will be given to your student to take home. Remember, your donation is tax deductible. You are also encouraged to ask your company for a matching donation, if possible. *** …and the WINNER is… your PTSA *** P Any parent (family member, friend) other than student, who joins the PTSA in August, September, October or November, will have the opportunity to WIN a gift card. If you join in August or September, your name will be entered to win a $50.00 gift card, join in October and you could win a $25.00 gift card, and join in November and you could win a $10.00 gift card. T Any teacher (faculty member, administrator, staff) who joins the PTSA in August, September, October or November will have the opportunity to WIN a gift card. If you join in September, your name will be entered to win a $50.00 gift card, join in October and you could win a $25.00 gift card, and join in November and you could win a $10.00 gift card. S Any ET student (sign up all of them) who joins the PTSA in August, September, October or November will have the opportunity to WIN a $10.00 gift card. A Anyone who waits until December will surely be welcome to join and will still receive a token of appreciation… but why wait when you can join now! Rev. 05/13 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE OTHER SIDE) 2013 - 2014 $6.00 for each Eastern Tech Student $7.00 for each family member STUDENT NAME________________________E-MAIL__________________________ GRADE __________ HOMEROOM TEACHER ____________________________ STUDENT NAME________________________E-MAIL__________________________ GRADE __________ HOMEROOM TEACHER ____________________________ ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER(S) JOINING PTSA FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR NAME: NAME: NAME: NAME: _____________________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ PLEASE NOTE: ALL PTSA MEMBERS WILL BE INCLUDED IN OUR E-MAIL NOTIFICATION LIST IF E-MAIL ADDRESS IS GIVEN. You may write one check for both Membership and Stampede. TOTAL STUDENT MEMBERS _______ @ $6.00 each = $___________ TOTAL ADULT MEMBERS _______ @ $7.00 each = $___________ TOTAL MEMBERSHIP $___________ Plus MAVERICK STAMPEDE DONATION $___________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $___________ FOR PTSA USE ONLY Cash Check # $ $ THANK YOU! Date Card Issued (MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: EASTERN TECH PTSA) Rev. 05/13 Eastern Tech PTSA W ednesday, M arch 26, 2014 6pm-9pm 8200 Perry Hall Blvd. W hite Marsh, MD 21236 Good for Takeout or Dine- In * .99 cent Kids Meals & 2 for $1.50 Drumsticks Eastern Tech PTSA W ednesday, M arch 26, 2014 6pm -9pm 8200 Perry Hall Blvd. W hite Marsh, MD 21236 Good for Takeout or Dine- In * .99 cent Kids Meals & 2 for $1.50 Drumsticks Eastern Tech PTSA W ednesday, M arch 26, 2014 6pm -9pm 8200 Perry Hall Blvd. W hite Marsh, MD 21236 Good for Takeout or Dine- In * .99 cent Kids Meals & 2 for $1.50 Drumsticks National Technical Honor Society and Law Related Careers Committee are co-‐hosting a Spaghetti Dinner When: Thursday, Feb. 13th Time: 6-‐9 pm Location: Richardson’s Farm 5900 Ebenezer Road White March, MD 21162 Cost is $10 per person. Proceeds benefit scholarships and the Baltimore Child Abuse Center. ***************************************************************** Snowball Dance – Saturday, March 22, 2014 PTSA will be helping by providing free coat check and serving refreshments at the dance. Donations are needed for the Snowball dance. Below is a list of items needed. If you can please drop off the donations at the school before Saturday at noon: Large Bags of Chips: (Doritos, Cheese Doodles, Popcorn, Chex Mix, Gold Fish, Cheez-It, Pretzels, Potato Chips) Large Bags of ice - If someone has any connections to an ice machine, we would be happy to bring coolers to fill up. Mini Cupcakes Mini Brownies Napkins Bakery Cookies 10 oz. cups (beverages 3500) Hawaiian Punch - Green or Blue (No Red) 5 oz. drink cups (snacks 500) Lemonade Ice Tea Apple Juice As always.......THANK YOU! Enjoy a fun evening and support Eastern Tech at On the Avenue at White Marsh Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5 – 9 PM ZBurger will donate 25% of the total dine-‐in sales to Eastern Tech PTSA. You must present this flyer to the cashier. Total: ___________ ETHS Families and Friends we encourage you to JOIN – last year we raised over $19,000. This year our goal is $30,000 – if we meet our goal Ms. Magladry will DYE her hair PURPLE. Eastern Technical High School will be hosting its 2nd annual Relay For Life Event through the American Cancer Society Location: ETHS Date: March 29th Time: 5:30-11pm Register as an individual or a team, or donate to a team. This is not just for students – families, siblings, friends and the community is invited GO TO our Website to register… Relayforlife.org/easterntechhighschool/md We are looking for the following types of donations to help make the night a success: Monetary donations, Gift cards/Gift certificates (Local Grocery Stores, Movie Theaters, and Restaurants), Food donations, Sponsorship of entertainment, activity, prizes, etc. __________________________________________________________ The Relay For Life Committee is also selling T-shirts to support our cause. T-shirts are $20 - all proceeds go to Relay For Life. They will be sold during all lunch shifts, or contact Ms. Magladry at [email protected] Just say “TECH” at Campbell Blvd in White Marsh Thursday, May 15, 2014 5 pm – 9 pm Yogi Castle will donate a percentage of all Eastern Tech sales to the PTSA for the After Prom Party! (Does not include the purchase of gift cards) The more TECH sales, the higher the percentage donated! Flyer is not required, but you must tell the cashier the “code word” – TECH at the time of purchase. EASTERN TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL www.edline.net/pages/eths 1100 Mace Avenue, Essex MD 21221 Phone: 410-887-0190 - Fax: 410-887-0424 Thomas G. Evans Principal Announcing: Parent – Teacher Conferences at Eastern Technical High School Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Conferences may be scheduled with your child’s teachers by completing the schedule below. In the Teacher’s Name column, please list the teachers with whom you wish to meet. If you prefer a telephone conference, check the Phone Conf. box. Have your son or daughter take this form to their teachers so that they can fill in a time they are available to conference. The teachers will sign this form and fill in the Room No. box with the location of where you should report for your conference. If you have checked a preference for a phone conference, teachers will sign to indicate that they have received your request for a phone call. In the spaces below, please list your phone numbers and the best time for the teacher to call you. Your son or daughter will then bring this form home to you so you can bring it with you on February 20, 2014. If an emergency arises and you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please email the teacher (addresses available on www.edline.net/pages/eths), or call the school (410-887-0190) and leave a message for the teacher. Student’s Name:______________________________________Parent’s Name: _______________________ Telephone No.: Day: ___________________________________ Evening:___________________________ The best time to reach me is: ________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name Time Phone Conf. Teacher’s Signature Room No. Please support Eastern Tech by eating at 5350 Campbell Blvd (Nottingham Square in White Marsh) Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5 – 10 pm Ledo’s will donate 20% of the total dine-in sales to Eastern Tech PTSA. If carrying out, you must tell the cashier to credit Eastern Tech. No flyer necessary Please take this opportunity to support us! Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Essex, Maryland Permit No. 5269 Eastern Technical High School 1100 Mace Avenue Baltimore, MD 21221 Important Dates: Monday, February 10, 2014 – PTSA meeting @ ET in the office conference room—Come join us. Monday, February 17, 2014 – Schools and Offices Closed – President’s Day Tuesday, February 18, 2014 – PTSA After-Prom meeting, contact Vicki, information enclosed Thursday, February 20, 2014 – 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm--Parent-Teacher Conferences--information enclosed Tuesday, February 25, 2014 – Ledo’s Restaurant Night, Campbell Blvd. No Flyer Needed. Say ET Friday, March 7, 2014 – Longaberger Basket Vera Bradly Bingo – Tickets available – Flyer enclosed Monday, March 10, 2014 - PTSA meeting @ ET in the office conference room--Come join us. Monday, March 17, 2014 – SIT Meeting @ ET in the Eastern Inn Thursday, March 20, 2014 – Blood Drive-appointments available-2:30-8pm details enclosed Saturday, March 22, 2014 – Snowball Dance Wednesday, March 26, 2014 – Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant Night, Flyer Needed, Enclosed Friday, March 28, 2014 – End of Third Marking Period Monday, March 31, 2014 – Schools closed for Students – Professional Development Day Saturday, April 5, 2014 – Junior Prom Thursday, April 10, 2014 – Distribution of Third Quarter Report Cards Friday, April 11, 2014 - Spring Holiday begins at the end of the school day. Monday, April 22, 2014 – Schools Reopen Wednesday, April 23, 2014 – ZBurger Restaurant Night, 5-9 pm Flyer needed, enclosed Monday, May 12, 2014 – PTSA meeting @ ET in the office conference room--Come join us. Thursday, May 15, 2014 – Yogi Castle, Campbell Blvd, 5-9 pm, No flyer needed. Say Tech Thursday, May 22, 2014 – Senior Farewell Assembly Friday, May 23, 2014 – Last Day for Seniors/Senior Picnic Saturday, May 24, 2014 – Senior Prom @ Marriott-Inner Harbor Saturday, May 24-25, 2014 – Senior After-Prom Party 11:30pm-3:30am AMF Bowling Lanes Monday, May 26, 2014 – School Closed – Memorial Day Thursday, May 29, 2014 – Graduation Rehearsal 8:30am Eastern Tech Gym Thursday, May 29, 2014 – Graduation Ceremony 7pm Towson University
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