Counselor Registration - Biblical Worldview Student Conference

Counselor Registration (1 per counselor - attach to Household Registration)
Counselor name:
Name tag name
Birth date
Cell phone #
E-mail address
Shirt size
Roommate preference
We reserve the right to place any two conference attendees in a room assignment together.
We will do our best to match up attendees by the information found on the BWSC application.
New to BWSC
Special medical
or dietary needs
Pastor reference
Exclude from
counselor directory
Sending separately
As a BWSC counselor, I agree to abide by the following, unless I am providentially hindered.
1. Be on time and present for all classes.
2. Be responsible to see that my students are also in attendance. If not, to check the dorms to see if they can be found. If the
search is futile, to report the names of the student(s) to the head counselor.
3. Review basic BWSC rules in a Monday night meeting with my students and made myself available for any questions or
counseling opportunities that may arise during the week.
4. Make sure students are in their rooms by "Lights Out".
5. If single, do not allow myself to focus on a member of the opposite sex and thereby distract from my duties as a counselor.
6. Conduct myself in such a manner as not to hinder my witness or counselor duties.
7. Sign up to chaperone during daily free time.
8. Enforce BWSC rules:
a. Dress code violations - send student to change and follow up to ensure they do.
b. Intervene if students are inattentive or distracted during lectures.
c. All other rules as needed.
I have read and agree with the terms of this application and COUNSELOR COVENANT.
Counselor signature ________________________________________________
Date signed
The BWSC Committee reserves the right not to accept an application based on applicant's past conduct at BWSC.