The The Purpose of the First Baptist Church of Carrollton is: To be a dynamic spiritual church empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with as many people as possible, To be a worshiping fellowship experiencing an increasing awareness of God and a growing response to His leadership, To nurture Christians toward spiritual maturity, To be a church whose members are Christ-like in their daily living. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH [email protected] (770) 832-6359 • (770) 832-6467 Fax Worship Broadcast: Radio Station 102.7 FM 102 DIXIE STREET Messenger VOLUME 65, NUMBER 16, APRIL 27, 2015 CARROLLTON, GEORGIA 30117 ESTABLISHED 1847 Birthday Present I knew exactly what she meant when she said it. At the time, we had been married 22 years, and with those years I have learned to read body language, interpret catty remarks, and even translate female hieroglyphics when needed. So, when she said of her approaching birthday, “I have enough (emphasis mine) jewelry,” I knew what she meant. You see, in recent years my quest for the perfect birthday present, Christmas gift, etc. has landed me in the jewelry store. I didn’t realize, until her comment, that she was ready for a gift that didn’t dangle from her neck or wrist, or attach itself to her fingers. I took the hint. Well, not only did she tell me what she didn’t want, she told me what she wanted. Hallelujah, what an easy shopping trip this will be! My wife is not one to get overly sentimental. She prefers a plant instead of flowers on Mother’s Day. She likes things that are useful and practical. Once I got her a new lamp pole for our walkway on her birthday, and you would have thought I was Brad Pitt. What did she want for her birthday when she said, “I have enough jewelry”? A fire pit. (And no, this was not a veiled reference to our romantic life.) You see, our daughter was having some girls over for her birthday a week or two later, and we were going to roast marsh mellows and make SMORES. We needed a fire pit. So, a quick trip to Target, and I was done with her birthday shopping. Our daughter wrapped it; I put a bow on it and bought a card. They only come in one color—black. If she doesn’t like it, what is she going to say, “I wanted a pink fire pit”? Recently, I got a text from Karen Vance with an attached picture. The text said, “Every girl’s dream is a Honda generator for her birthday from Tommy Vance.” The picture, of course, was of Karen sitting next to her gift, a shiny red Honda generator. Mayor Garner got the same text and his cynical response was, “I’ll bet Tommy leased it to her and he’s making Karen pay it back from her singing appearances.” Just as I wondered if the fire pit carried any symbolism, now I am left to wonder about the red generator. Generate what? Sparks? I am reminded of a Henny Youngman joke. A man said that he and his wife had discovered the secret to a happy, vibrant marriage. Two nights a week they go to a local restaurant. “Great food, a little music… She goes Tuesdays, and I go Fridays.” I know this: Karen Vance doesn’t lack for energy (neither does Tommy). If anyone doesn’t need a generator, it is Karen. She does marathons and triathlons in her sleep. I admire her enthusiasm for life. The word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words, “en,” “theos,” or “in God.” As Scott Butler said at a recent Rotary Club meeting, “enthusiasm is caught, not taught.” Karen is a good-will ambassador for God’s love, with or without a Honda generator. In case you don’t know her or what she does, Karen works tirelessly with cancer patients to inform and inspire them. My wife has been on the receiving end of Karen’s enthusiasm. Her enthusiasm (“in God”) is an inspiration (“God breathed”). So, do generators come in colors besides red? Tommy, I’m just wondering: Why red? First Baptist Church Baby Dedication Benjamin Charles Haley Sunday, May 3, 2015 March 16, 2015 Parents: Rob & Yvonne Haley 11:00 a.m. service Brantley Grae Herzog March 9, 2015 Parents: Matt & Cara Welch Herzog Children’s WAM3 Concert Adult & Youth Missions BBQ Wednesday, April 29 Wednesday, April 29 Performance: 6 p.m. Supper: 5 p.m. BBQ sandwich plates will sell for $8.00 per person with proceeds offsetting the cost of our Adult & Youth mission trips & projects. Please purchase your tickets from a deacon, staff member, or member of the mission team so that we will have an accurate number. Tickets will be sold at the door on April 29th, as well. Invite your friends & neighbors to enjoy BBQ & a wonderful performance by our children in WAM3 & Music Friends. GRADUATE PHOTOS NEEDED BY SUNDAY, MAY 3RD Youth & Graduate Day will be Sunday, May 17th. Graduates will also be recognized in the newsletter the week of May 3rd & in the worship guide on the 17th. If you are a high school, technical school, college or graduate school graduate, PLEASE SUBMIT A PHOTO to the office along with the following information NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, MAY 3RD. Email to [email protected] Graduating High School Seniors are invited to a luncheon in Burns Hall May 17th at 12:15 p.m. Please rsvp to John Callaway. Adult 4 Generations Class Fish Fry at Lake Wedowee Saturday, May 2 at the lake home of Herb & Mary Smith The Adult 4 Generations Sunday School Class will enjoy a delicious fish fry at the home of Herb & Mary Smith on Lake Wedowee, & a spin on the lake if desired! The fellowship will begin at 10 a.m. with lunch being served at noon. Please see Mary or Herb for directions or call the church office IN ADVANCE OF THAT DAY if you need a ride on our bus. Carter Culwell in Concert at FBC Sunday, May 3 in the sanctuary at 4:00 p.m. Carter Culwell is a senior at Carrollton High School and has been taking piano lessons from Jan Adams since the third grade. Carter joined the Carrollton Band Program in the sixth grade and began to study bassoon with Mike Maxwell. Carter has played bassoon in the Carrollton wind ensemble since his freshman year. In 2012, Carter was awarded the Five-Year National Winner in the Guild Piano Auditions. Carter has also performed at the GMTA State Auditions where he received the Award of Excellence in 2010, and Outstanding Performer in 2014 and 2015. Thursday, April 30th Girls’ & Guys’ High School Breakfast @ the Callaways All high school guys & girls will meet for breakfast at 6:45 a.m. at the Callaway’s house (323 Cedar St.). Sunday, May 10 Last Sunday Night Youth Games for the summer Wednesday, May 13 Last Wednesday for Youth Activities for the summer Friday, May 22 Youth Lock-In & Out 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. • $10 per student The festivities will begin at 8 p.m. at The Place, but there will be an 11 p.m. late arrival available for high school students. If a student does not want to stay all night, there will be a pickup time at The Place between 11:30 p.m. & midnight. All students must stay the entire evening or be picked up by a parent during the designated time (this includes students that drive). Sign up with John (to cover transportation throughout the night). June 13-19 GRADES 7-12 Carter is passionate about learning all aspects of music. Along with playing classical piano and bassoon, he enjoys playing guitar, improvising, and creating music with his rock band, Chapel. Chapel has two singles available on iTunes and Spotify. Carter also plays keyboard for the contemporary worship band at First Christian Church. Allendale, SC & Charleston area See John for details. Carter will be attending the Georgia Institute of Technology in the fall. He plans to keep up his classical music studies. Knoxville, TN • Grades 7-12 • See John. MISSION PILGRIMAGE July 20-25 UNIDIVERSITY 2015 In the Hospital as of 04/27/15 TMC: David Siviter Thank You Dear Friends, Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, donations, cards, and support during my mother’s illness and death. We love each of you and we are blessed to be in such a caring and loving church. May the Lord bless each of you. Elizabeth Holmes In Sympathy Our deepest sympathy is expressed to Ted Cantrell and family in the death of his nephew, Johnny Cantrell, Jr. of DeFuniak Springs, FL. First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast for Adult & Youth Mission Projects Sunday, May 3 • 9:30 a.m. • Burns Hall Wednesday night supper prices apply (see back page), with proceeds going to missions. The Vine, Fishermen, & Grace classes will furnish pastries. 2015 Deacon Selection This process will begin soon. If you do not wish to be considered for deacon, please contact the office asap. Membership lists will also be available on Wednesday evenings at supper for name removal. Age 3-Grade 6: Sign up for VBS at Look for the front page ad & link! Welcome New Members! Sunday, April 26, 2015 Jim & Agnes Mitchell 389 Garrett Circle • Carrollton, GA 30117 by letter April Artist of the Month: Greg Hendrix Greg Hendrix is a native Georgian who was born and raised in Carroll County. He attended West Georgia College and finished his degree in business at Carroll Technical College. In high school he was a member of the Carrollton High School Trojan Band where he played trumpet for four years. In addition to playing in the band, Greg studied organ with Patti Prichard. He was a piano student of May Boyd and Betty Sue Smith. He served as part-time organist at Tabernacle Baptist Church for several years before becoming organist at the First Baptist Church in Villa Rica, a position he held for years. Greg is a multi-talented artist who not only is a talented musician but is also an individual who creates artistry with flowers and home décor. Greg sings in the Adult Choir and plays in the Handbell Choir at First Baptist in Carrollton. His creations with fresh flowers often grace the sanctuary and add to the atmosphere of worship. Greg is owner and lead designer of Mountain Oak Florist in Carrollton. Senior Adult Top of the River Trip Monday, May 4 • Time: 5:00 p.m. Join us for good food & fellowship at this restaurant in Anniston, AL. Please contact the office to reserve your spot on the bus. Volunteers Needed for June Wednesday Night Suppers in Homes Homes are needed June 10 & June 17 at 5:00 p.m. (The church picnic will be June 3 at Smokerise Park.) Many thanks to Jim & Agnes Mitchell for offering their Lake Tisinger home in Bowdon for our potluck supper on Wednesday, June 24th! The host home will provide water & tea & ice. Attendees should bring covered dishes of vegetables, salads or desserts; FBC Hospitality Team will provide chicken & paper goods. Please contact the office or Dr. Davis if you are able to volunteer your home. Adult Sunday School Teacher & Director Appreciation Lunch Who: Adult Sunday School Teachers & Directors When: May 3, 2015, immediately following 11 a.m. worship What: This will be a time to learn about the strengths of the Sunday School programming here at FBC. We will hear from teachers about how to best facilitate a conversation, learn about new technology available, and have an opportunity to plan for the Summer and Fall. Please RSVP by April 30th to Katie Callaway at [email protected] May Team & Committee Meeting Day: Sunday, May 3 The following groups are on rotation to meet: VBS Team, Ambassadors Team, Missions Team, Bereavement Team, Youth Development Team, Ushers Teams, Bus Team, Children’s Ministry Team. On the calendar so far: Properties Committee at 12:15 p.m. in the Heritage Room; Worship Team at 5 p.m. at The Place; Trustees at 5 p.m. in the Heritage Room. If your group would like to meet, but is not on rotation, please contact the office with times & location. May 3 Duty Rosters Upcoming Meetings & Events Deacon of the Week: Melanie Haigood (April 27- May 3) Deacon on Patrol: Tommy Muse Lay Reader: Randy Brittain Greeters: 9:30: John Jackson, Tommy Muse, Cleve Entrekin Welcome Team: Parking Lots: Ed Smith (8:15), Steven Todd, Brandon Haigood (11:00) Welcome Center: Phyllis Willis Escort: Betty Giebeig Morning Ushers: 8:30: Homer Coker, Ann Buchanan, Ann Anderson 11:00: Skip & Jackie Yow, Coby & Mary Anne Smith Ambassadors: Ben Morris, Carl Brack Extended Nursery: Scott & Liz Duncan Children’s Church: Jake, Ashley & Ansley Underwood, Dylan Roulaine Open Arms Classroom: Andrea Chapman Grounds Team: May 2 Carl Brack, Craig Welch Offering Counter: March 4 Joan White Wednesday Night Menu: April 27 BBQ for MISSIONS! $8.00 per person to benefit Youth & Adult Mission Projects Church Staff Dr. Steve Davis, Pastor Dr. Glenn Eernisse, Associate Pastor of Music & Worship Rev. Henry Tyson Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care Rev. Jennifer Jindrich, Associate Pastor of Children Rev. John Callaway, Associate Pastor of Students Katie Callaway, Associate Pastor of Education & Spiritual Renewal Debbie Malloy, LPC, Dr. Ron Huggins, & Rev. Ed McGee, Counselors 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 29 Open Place/Grades 7-12/The Place BBQ Supper for Missions/Burns Hall The Bridge/Grades 7-12/The Place Prayer Meeting/Burns Hall Children’s WAM3 Spring Program/Burns Hall Youth Bible Study/Grades 7-12/The Place Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal/Music Suite Thursday, April 30 High School Guys & Girls Breakfast with the Callaways/ 323 Cedar Street Saturday, May 2 Adult 4 Generations Class Fish Fry/ Herb & Mary Smith’s Lake Wedowee Home Sunday, May 3 Early Worship Service First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast for Missions/Burns Hall Sunday School Young Adults/Drop-In Study/the Oasis Morning Worship Service/Baby Dedication Ceremony Properties Committee Meeting/Heritage Room Carter Culwell Piano Recital/Sanctuary Worship Team Meeting/The Place Trustees Meeting/Heritage Room Youth Games/Grades 7-12/The Place Monday,May 4 Deacon Prayer Breakfast/Burns Hall Sr. Adult Trip: Top of the River Restaurant/Anniston, AL Special Gifts Open Hands First Facts: In Memory of Hilda Nasser Given by: Susan Anderson April 26, 2015 Faith/Future Sunday School: ........................... 182 In Honor of Don & Nancy Hicks Given by: Buford & Jean Clements, Tom & Carol Williams In Memory of JoAnn Reynolds Given by: James & Ina Hopkins OLPH Annual Quiche Luncheon Thursday, April 30 Noon • OLPH Parish Center No reservations needed. A nursery will NOT be provided. Please join the ladies of Carroll & Haralson counties at this Ecumenical Luncheon. General Fund ................. $13,016.96 Required Weekly .............. $16,404.63 Required to Date ............ $278,878.71 Received to Date ............ $290,855.90 Non-Budget Missions ....... $1,075.00 To Date ............................ $15,424.80 Faith for the Future ......... $1,275.00 To Date ............................ $14,242.00 Total ............................ $1,014,825.98 Designated .................................... $0 To Date ............................ $15,908.98 TOTAL GIFTS ............... $15,366.96 READY TO EAT FOOD NEEDED FOR TRANSIENTS & HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS WHO COME TO OPEN HANDS FOR HELP. Vienna sausages, pop-top beans, etc., ready to eat tuna & crackers, snack bars, breakfast bars, peanut butter & jelly, water, individual dry cereal boxes, etc. THE MESSENGER (USPS 415-470) Published weekly except the weeks of July 4 and December 25 by First Baptist Church, 102 Dixie Street, Carrollton, GA 30117. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to 102 Dixie Street, Carrollton, GA 30117.
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