March 8, 2015 CATHEDRAL CHRONICLE 252 James St. N. Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L3 905-527-1316 ext. 240 Please keep this as a handy reference to what is happening at your Cathedral. Please pray for the following people during the week. (Names remain on the list for one month. Please submit a new prayer request after that period of time if necessary.) Parish Cycle of Prayer: Michael Fitzpatrick; Audrey Fleming; Jo & Shirley Fricker. Anglican Cycle of Prayer: In the world-wide Anglican Communion we pray for Meru, Kenya, The Right Reverend Charles Mwendwa, Bishop. In our diocese of Niagara we pray for St. Mark, Orangeville, The Venerable Peter Scott, Rector, The Reverend Richard Beaudoin, Deacon, The Reverend Ronald Pincoe, Deacon, The Reverend Mary Ranger and The Reverend Canon Lynne Thackwray, Honorary Assistants and the people of that parish. In the Anglican/Lutheran prayer cycle we pray for Bishop Ron Cutler and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and The Dean, council and congregations of the Northern Area of the Eastern Synod. In our partner diocese of Cuba we pray for the mission of El Salvador in Las Tunas, The Reverend Alexander P. Rodriguez Castellano, Minister in Charge and the people of that parish. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Jenny Dawson; Donelle de Vlaming; Katharine Greenfield; Susan Andrews; Wally Milton; Gordon Taylor; Alex Wright; Eric Mills; Scott Duggan; Richard Dawson; Bill Cooper; Heather Hayes; Brandon Johnson; Hugh; Lucinda; Keith; Mabel; Jim & Glen; Irene & Ken; Alex & Betty; Barry & Margaret; Colin; Gloria; Muriel; Isabel; Lucas; Dianne & Karl. Jamesville Children’s Centre Annual General Meeting Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 5:30-6:30 Light dinner will be served RSVP to [email protected] All are welcome! BISHOP’S LENTEN BOOK STUDY Every Wednesday Lent, 6-8:30pm March 11th - March 25th Join us in Myler Hall for a light dinner followed by a lively discussion and concluding with worship. Please sign the list on the narthex table if you plan to attend. CELEBRATING LIVES TRANSFORMED, TRANSFORMING LIVES TOGETHER On March 17, 1875, the incorporating Synod of the Diocese of Niagara was constituted. This anniversary challenges us to pick up the best threads of our history and weave a beautiful new tapestry. The 140th Anniversary Campaign, Celebrating Lives Transformed, Transforming Lives Together, picks up one such thread and invites us to take up afresh the act of making room for refugees, those without a country or home. In addition to this initiative, we hope to celebrate 140 years with local lay and clergy initiatives, receiving the gifts of all ages, in every region, liturgically, festively, creatively, faithfully, justly. For more information visit or pick up a brochure from the narthex table. Watch this spot for updates throughout the year. COFFEE HOUR.....Many thanks to the members of the ‘St. Veronica’ Team for hosting coffee hour this morning. Please join us following the service for light refreshments in the narthex. EVENTS AT A GLANCE Monday, March 9th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm NEXT SUNDAY March 15, 2015 Lent Four Mothering Sunday Tuesday, March 10th Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 Wednesday, March 11th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Bishop’s Lenten Book Study Series 6pm Presider: The Very Reverend Peter Wall Thursday, March 12th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Preacher: The Reverend Canon J Lefebvre Sunday, March 15th Lent Four (Mothering Sunday) 8:30 Holy Eucharist 10:30 am Choral Eucharist Simon Walker March 17, 2015 Christopher Dawes/Chroi March 24, 2015 Joel VanderZee Admission is $5 for each concert. Coffee & tea will be served. All are welcome! Thursday, March 19th Brass Monkeys 9-11 am Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Wednesday, March 25th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Bishop’s Lenten Book Study Series 6pm AN EPIC TELLING OF MARK’S GOSPEL Sunday, March 29 Christ’s Church Cathedral 7:00 pm. March 10, 2015 Wednesday, March 18th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Bishop’s Lenten Book Study Series 6pm Tuesday, March 24th Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am Thank you. Tuesdays starting at 12:15 Tuesday, March 17th Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am Monday, March 23rd Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Cathedral Corporation meeting 7pm The tradition at Christ’s Church Cathedral is to serve simnel cake, the traditional faire for Mothering Sunday, at coffee hour. Recipes are available on the narthex table for those who would like to provide a cake for coffee hour. LENTEN LUNCHTIME Organ Concerts @ St. James, Dundas 137 Melville St. Monday, March 16th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Sunday, March 22nd Lent Five 8:30 Holy Eucharist 10:30 am Choral Eucharist MOTHERING SUNDAY SUNDAY, MARCH 15TH This is a unique and moving presentation of the entire gospel of Mark from beginning to end told ‘by heart’ by a variety of Biblical Storytellers. The Dean is among the ‘tellers’; this promises to be a powerful way to begin Holy Week. IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN Easter will soon be upon us! Don’t forget: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Easter Flower Memorial Envelopes and Ester Offering envelopes are available on the narthex table Palm cross making - Friday, March 27th - 9:30 am Sign up for the Maundy Thursday Vigil, April 2nd (Sheet available on the narthex table.) Easter decorating, Holy Saturday (April 4th) at 9:30 a.m. Bring your BELLS to the Easter Vigil (Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 p.m.) Bring your favourite appetizer to share at the Resurrection Party following the Vigil. CONTACT US 905-527-1316 EXT 240 [email protected] Emergency on call clergy: 905-317-0546
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