May 17 - Christ`s Church Cathedral

May 17, 2015
252 James St. N.
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L3
905-527-1316 ext. 240
Please keep this as a handy reference to what is happening at your Cathedral.
Please pray for the following people during the week. (Names remain on the list for one month. Please submit a
new prayer request after that period of time if necessary.)
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Elaine Marshall; Sharon Matthews; Irene Maycock.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
In the world-wide Anglican Communion we pray for North Eastern Caribbean and
Aruba, West Indies, The Right Reverend Leroy Brooks, Bishop. In our diocese of Niagara we pray for St. Luke,
Smithville, The Reverend Eleanor Clitheroe-Bell, rector and the people of that parish. In the Anglican/Lutheran
prayer cycle we pray for Bishop Michael Oulton and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Ontario and Bishop Syd
Haugen and the people and rostered ministers of the Saskatchewan Synod. In our partner diocese of Cuba we pray
for the mission of San Juan Evangelista in Coliseo; The Reverend Gilberto Caballero Elizalde, rector and the people
of that parish.
Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Jenny Dawson; Donelle de Vlaming; Susan Andrews;
Wally Milton; Gordon Taylor; Alex Wright; Eric Mills; Scott Duggan; Richard Dawson; Bill Cooper; Heather Hayes;
Brandon Johnson; Steve Hopkins; Bev Holmes; Gerard Vallee; Jenny Street; Peter Hughes; Bev Chamberlain; Kim;
Lucinda; Keith; Mabel; Margaret; Jim & Glen; Irene & Ken; Alex & Betty; Barry & Margaret; Colin; Muriel; Isabel;
Janina; Dianne & Karl; Ardra & Kiri.
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of
God and in celebration of the life of Karen Ross and
Today, the Anglican Church of Canada marks its
her loving dedication to her faith in her Lord shown through
second Jerusalem Sunday. The 2013 General
her determined participation here at our Cathedral; given by
Synod affirmed the naming of the Seventh SunJudy Robertson and all others whose lives she touched.
day after Easter, commonly known as the Sunday
After Ascension, as Jerusalem from here forward.
The aim is to dedicate one Sunday a year, to raise
Nepal Earthquake Response
awareness, of the ministry and life of the Diocese
PWRDF has announced an initial grant of $20,000 in
of Jerusalem and the Middle East, to raise awarerelief funds for Nepal and is responding through the ACT
ness of its contextual struggles, and celebrate the
Alliance. The Alliance is working to distribute food,
“living stones” of our partners in the Gospel in the
water, shelter materials, medicine and more to those affected by
land of the Holy One. Envelopes are available on
the 7.9 magnitude earthquake and additional after shocks.
the narthex table if you would like to support the
healthcare ministries of the Diocese of Jerusalem.
On Sunday, May 24th we will celebrate The Feast
of Pentecost. As is our tradition, the Cathedral
congregation is encouraged to wear “flame
coloured clothing”.
The following gently used items are free to a good
home: folding wheelchair, folding walker and a bath
chair. If you are interested in any of these items and
you can pick them up please contact the church office at
[email protected] or 905-527-1316 ext. 240.
All donations to PWRDF between April 25 and May 25, 2015 for the
Nepal earthquake relief efforts will be matched, dollar for dollar, by
the Government of Canada into their Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund.
Donations can be made in the following ways:
By phone
1-866-308-7973 ext 355
By mail
PWRDF, The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden St.
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
(Please make cheques payable to PWRDF, Nepal Earthquake
Relief. ) Thank you.
Monday, May 18th
Victoria Day
 Cathedral Place closed for the
Tuesday, May 19th
 Holy Eucharist 7:30 am
 Salvation Army meal ticket prgramme
9:30 —11:00 am
Wednesday, May 20th
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
 Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm
Thursday, May 21st
 Brass Monkeys 9-11am
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
Saturday, May 23rd
 141st Diocesan Synod 9am (in the
COFFEE HOUR.....Many thanks to the members of the ‘St. Bede
Team for hosting coffee hour this morning. Please join us following the service for light refreshments in the narthex.
May 24, 2015
at Holland Park Garden Gallery
Ezekiel 37:1-4
Psalm 104:25-35, 37
Acts 2:1-21
John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15
Points will be credited to the Cathedral’s
account for every purchase if the Cathedral’s telephone number 527-1316 is
quoted at the time of sale. The programme is operated all year and will result in 5% for the Cathedral.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Sharyn Hall
The Very Reverend Peter Wall
Holland Park Garden Gallery has
two locations:
294 York Rd., Dundas
2243 Fairview St., Burlington
*Incense will be used at the 10:30
Remember to quote
527-1316 anytime you buy
garden products or flowers at
Holland Park Garden Gallery.
Sunday, May 24th
The Feast of Pentecost
Don’t forget, flame coloured clothing!
 8:30 Holy Eucharist
 10:30 am Choral Eucharist
 Regional Confirmation 4pm
Hamilton Sings!
Community Choir
Monday, May 25th
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
 Corporation meeting 7pm
Free Music &
Song Workshop
Tuesday, May 26th
 Holy Eucharist 7:30 am
 Salvation Army meal ticket programme
9:30 —11:00 am
Saturday, May 23, 9:30am-12:30pm
Delta United Church Gymnasium
47 Ottawa St. S., Hamilton
Wednesday, May 27th
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
 Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm
To register go to or
call 905-544-1302
Thursday, May 28th
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
Sunday, May 31st
Trinity Sunday
 8:30 Holy Eucharist
 10:30 am Choral Eucharist
Monday, June 1st
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
Tuesday, June 2nd
 Holy Eucharist 7:30 am
 Salvation Army meal ticket programme
9:30 —11:00 am
Wednesday, May 27th
 Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm
 Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm
Free for adults & older youth (14+)
No experience necessary!
Our “chief gardener” is looking for
new volunteers to augment the team.
No prior experience required! Can
you help? Please contact Jeni Darling. Thank you!
Please silence your cell phone and other
devices prior to the start of the service
and always maintain a respectful use of
all technology.
Please remember the Food Bank at
St. Matthew’s House. Donations of
non-perishable food items may be
placed in the basket in the narthex.
Thank you!
905-527-1316 EXT 240
[email protected]
Emergency on call clergy: