May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 520 Raymond Street • Bismarck, ND 58501 • 701-223-1033 FROM MSGR. RICHTER Friends of the Cathedral, Happy Feast Day on our parish feast of Pentecost! May the consolation of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and minds! One of the great challenges for a pastor of a big parish is to communicate enough. Over the years I have heard many fine leaders and managers say that when you think you have communicated enough, communicate some more. Up to this point, we have been communicating through our fine weekly bulletin, our excellent website, Facebook, announcements at the end of Masses on weekends and postings at the entrances of the church. I thought that was communicating enough, but it is clear that we need to communicate more. So, we will. Presently, we are installing two large monitors – one in the gathering space on the elevator wall and the other on the south wall of the east entrance. These monitors will be 24/7 rolling bulletin boards displaying any and all current parish announcements and information. I trust that it will help keep all of us better informed. In addition, I am replacing our other outdated video/audio equipment. A new, larger monitor is being installed in the side chapel. It should improve the picture. The present monitor will be installed in one of the classrooms off the cafeteria. Also, we will no longer be using the TV to show the God’s Share video. It has served its time. It will be replaced with a 16 foot projector screen and rear video projector. Lastly, we are updating the sound system in the cafeteria. We have many events – faith formation classes, social gatherings, Legislators’ Dinner with the bishops, retreats, parent meetings, etc. - that require the use of the sound system. An updated system will serve us well. May you stay with Jesus in your heart this week! CLERGY Bishop........................................ Most Reverend David D. Kagan Rector..............................................Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Richter Parochial Vicar..................................................Fr. Jared Johnson Permanent Deacons.................Richard Fettig, Randal Schmidt, Ralph von Ruden, Tony Ternes, Woodie Wolf THIS WEEK @ CATHEDRAL MASS INTENTION TIME MONDAY, MAY 25 (MEMORIAL DAY) Mass.............................................. +John Weisgerber........ 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration.........................................10:00 AM-9:00 PM TUESDAY, MAY 26 Mass.............................................+Paul Fleischacker........ 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................................+William Shypkoski........ 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration...........................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Mass.............................. Rose Mary & +Joseph Kraft........ 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass........................................................ Babe Belzer........ 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration...........................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM THURSDAY, MAY 28 Mass............................................. +William Hettinger........ 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass..........................................Real Presence Radio........ 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration...........................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM FRIDAY, MAY 29 Mass......................................................... Kyle Jahner........ 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................................. +Marcel Lavent........ 8:00 AM SATURDAY, MAY 30 Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass........................................................ Tyler Jahner........ 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation.............................................. 4:00 PM Vigil Mass........................... +John & +Wanda Skoropat........ 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:30 PM SUNDAY, MAY 31 Mass......................Jessy Meier & Megan Quaschnik........ 8:30 AM Mass...................................... Cathedral Parishioners...... 10:00 AM Mass...........................Becky & Derek Wald & Family...... 11:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration...........................................2:00 PM-9:00 PM (+ Indicates Deceased) Welcome to all newcomers. To register or obtain additional information about the parish, contact the parish office or visit CATHEDRAL SCHOOL NEWS No school at Cathedral on Monday, May 25 due Holy Father’s prayer intentions for May: to Memorial Day. The last day of school will be Friday, May 29 (No 9:00 AM School Mass). School Masses will resume in August. The sick: Sharon Roach, Dee Broxmeyer, Mary Sue Lucht, Alex Naslunds to Visit - Our PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. & Kathryn Bichler, Craig Moilanen, Marie Stiegelmeier, Andy Dosch, Michelle Duppong, Jeanne Karhoff, Margie Sokolnicki, Jean Weisgerber, Steve Naumann, Sky Stevens, Patricia Eysaldt, Gene Buen, Luke Kilzer, Loretta Lord, Grace Hartman, Irene Svihovec, Sarah Dolbinski, Don Berger. To obtain a prayer blanket, contact the parish office. The deceased: Lucille Gustin, Dianne Heen. May they rest in peace. NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 30 5:00 PM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Ethan Leingang, Evan Leingang, Ean Leingang Mark Haugen Duane Eichele, Laurie Hagerott, Bill Knudson, John Loomis, Dawn Mull, Dennis Renville, James Ryberg Becky Deichert, Sandra Kadrmas, Clint Leingang, Dianne Leingang, Anna Cleta Martin, Amanda Seitz Sharol Haugen, Delnita Kraenzel Sunday, May 31 8:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Comm. Hospitality Lectors Joseph Curry, Christopher Curry, Andrew Curry Kari Stromme Mary Ann Carlson, Sandy DeForest, Matthew Fischer, Matthew Kurtz, Ben Martinek, Kleo McLeod, Nadeane Silbernagel Allan Dvorak, Carolanne Dvorak, Jason Heen, Jana Heen, Darin Morman, Jennifer Morman Tim Fay, Patrick Forster 10:00 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Daniel Balcom, Rachel Neff, Adam Thorson Christine Hogan Sonia Ciavarella, Paul Dieter, Cheryl Kruger, Kathy Olson, Cheryl Rising, Diane Roller, Jennifer Schroeder, Benjamin Vetter Jeffrey Gross, Connie Gross, Raumi Kudrna, Ryan Kudrna, Steve Windish Leroy Huizenga, Glen Wald 11:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Benjamin Ciavarella, Noah Fettig, Joseph Preszler Tom Stebner Bryon Hoag, Geri McIntee, Stephen Schnaible Cori Flanagan, Wil Kittler, James Magelky, Joel Ross, Amanda Ross Lectors Mary Cate Mannion, Theresa Waltz Please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 223-1033 with any changes. Congratulations to our senior graduates! The St. Mary’s Central High School graduation ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 31. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS missionaries, Brent and Jessica Naslund and their children Cameron and Chloe, will be making a trip to North Dakota this summer to visit family and friends. They will be speaking about their work in Kenya at all Masses next weekend followed by a reception in the gathering space. Thank you to all who helped serve and clean up after the graduation brunch last Sunday: Jerry Haider, Stan and Phyllis Dolbinski, Molly Herrington, Tiffany Goulet and Ben Martinek. Your assistance was greatly appreciated! Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day. We pray that all of you have a safe and blessed weekend. Lighthouse CD of the Week: Drawing Strength from Our Lady of Sorrows - Speaker and author Kimberly Hahn, wife of Dr. Scott Hahn and mother of six, is a convert to the Catholic faith. Although honoring Mary was difficult for Kimberly to initially understand, she began to encounter Mary’s loving guidance in little ways on a daily basis. In this presentation, she reflects on the joys and sorrows that Mary prayerfully experienced during her time on Earth, and shares how her example leads us closer to Christ. Check the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosks in the church for this and other titles. The Diocese of Bismarck would like to extend an invitation to attend the 4th annual Blue Mass Tuesday, May 26 at 6:00 PM Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Bishop David D. Kagan will preside. The name “Blue Mass” originated from the color of the uniforms worn by law enforcement personnel and other emergency responders across the country. The “Blue Mass” is an opportunity to honor the memory of those who lost their lives in service for truth and justice. We remember and pray for all active, retired, and deceased law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel who have served in these invaluable disciplines. Please come and join us as we offer a Mass to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty protecting our communities and those men and women who continue to serve today. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00 PM in room #3. Check out their website at to learn how you can help reach out to those in need. Bismarck Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 PM at Cathedral. Our speakers will be Brent and Jessica Naslund who are the African missionaries for the Diocese of Bismarck. Bring a guest and join us! This is the last meeting until Sept. 2015. For more information, call Rita at 701-321-1211. Simplify your weekly offering by enrolling in Faith Direct - This secure program works directly with your bank, credit, or debit card in the same way as other electronic funds transfer systems you may already conduct (such as utility bills or your mortgage payment). It is a hassle free, simple solution for today’s busy families. For more information about Faith Direct or to enroll, go to our website,, and click on the “Parish eGiving” tab or call the parish office at 223-1033. COMMUNITY NEWS Employment Opportunities - For a list of current job openings at Light of Christ Catholic Schools, go to www. or the ND Job Service website. Youth Minister - St. Mary’s and Ascension Parishes in Bismarck are seeking a full time Director of Youth Ministry who will help their young people to grow in faith and love of God by providing them opportunities to encounter God through worship, prayer, community and service. Responsibilities involve coordinating events and activities for the junior high and senior youth groups. Qualifications: Catholic in good standing; classes and/or experience in Youth Ministry; background in scripture, Catholic theology, spirituality and catechetical methods; knowledge of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development stages of youth; ability to relate and build positive relationships with youth; successful completion of diocesan background check. For questions or to apply, send a cover letter and resume or contact Steve Braus, 806 E. Broadway Ave., Bismarck, ND 58501, 223-5562 or [email protected]. Deadline: Until filled. Church of the Ascension is seeking a Parish Manager who uses creativity and energy to encourage staff and parishioners in the opportunities to grow, share their faith and be of service to others by witnessing Christ’s love. This person supports the Pastor in the management and stewardship of the parish’s physical, financial and personnel resources. A strong commitment to service and an ability to foster collaboration among staff and volunteers is required. Qualifications: Business Administration or accounting degree with at least 5 years of supervisory or management experience. Individual must be computer skilled, knowledgeable in office procedures, with experience in church accounting software and communication products preferred. Individual must have the ability to organize and implement procedures as they relate to the church environment. Above average oral and writing skills are also necessary. This person is to possess a keen appreciation of the Catholic faith and complete a background check as required by the Diocese of Bismarck. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Search Committee, Church of the Ascension, 1905 S. Third St., Bismarck, ND 58504. IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE Stocks and bonds, especially if appreciated in value over the years, can cost you a lot of capital gains taxes, but they can also make substantial gifts to Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. Consider such a gift in your Will. COMMUNITY NEWS St. Mary’s Cemetery Memorial Day Flower & Wreath Placement: St. Mary’s Cemetery will allow placement of flowers and wreaths beginning May 16 through June 7, 2015. Your Worldwide Marriage Encounter did not end on your Weekend! Join us for Marriage Encounter Community on Sunday, June 14 at 6:30 PM at the home of Ken and Janine Kessler, 1940 N. 20th St., Bismarck. For more information, call Kennen Huck at 527-3269 or Diane at 527-3265. Bring your notebooks, the kids and an appetizer to share! Spanish Masses - The Church of Corpus Christi in Bismarck is going to offer the mass in Spanish for the Hispanic community in Bismarck and Mandan on the third Sunday of the month beginning in June at 1:00 PM. All are welcome. The address is 1919 N. 2nd in Bismarck. For the summer, the dates are June 21, July 19, and August 16. More masses will be scheduled in August. Volunteers are needed as lectors, servers, sacristans, and to help with music. If you have any questions or to volunteer, please call or text Fr. Terry Wipf at 701-2261609 or email [email protected]. Misa En Espanol - La Iglesia de Corpus Christi en Bismarck, ofrecerá la Santa Misa en español para comunidades hispana en Bismarck y Mandan. Éstas se celebrarán, cada tercer domingo del mes a 1:00 pm. Iniciaremos en el mes de junio. Todos son bienvenidos. La dirección en Bismarck es 1919 N. 2nd. Fechas en verano: 21 junio, 19 julio, y 16 agosto. En el mes de agosto programaremos más misas en agosto. Necesitamos voluntarios para: lectores, monaguillos/monaguillas, sacristanes, y ayuda con la música. Por favor, llamar para cualquier pregunta, o para ser voluntario Padre Terry Wipf (llamada o texto 701-226-1609) o email twipf@ SACRAMENTS For information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral, please go to our website,, and click on the Liturgy & Sacraments tab. CONTACT US Parish Office......................... 519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Office Hours...........................................Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Phone............................................................................. 701-223-1033 Website........................................................ Facebook.................... Fax.................................................................................. 701-223-1438 Faith Formation Office.................................................. 701-222-2259 Submit bulletin announcements no later than Tuesdays at noon via mail, fax, or email [email protected]. View our bulletin online at 222-3937 Brenda Smith, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI 226-1124 • Water & Fire Damage Carpet & Area Rug Cleaning Kevin Gilchrist, DDS 1929 N. Washington St. | Bismarck, ND 58501 t: 701.222.1213 | [email protected] Jerry Thomas 2400 Vermont Ave., Bismarck • 701-258-3777 Lavata Becker Broker Associate, CRS, GRI Oaktree Realtors, LLP 2021 E Main Ave Bismarck ND 58501 Cell: 701-527-1393 Email: [email protected] Total Tree Care Trent Schweitzer, Certified Arborist Bismarck 701-400-7111 Licensed & Insured FRONT STREET LIGHTING 907 East Front Ave., Bismarck, ND Phone: 223-2355 Toll Free: 1-888-304-0779 Fax: 223-2359 215 W. Main Bismarck 222-0000 “Tires, Brakes, Shocks, Oil Changes-With Main Street Tire You Are Good To Go!” 904 E. Front Ave Bismarck, ND Fax: 258-7419 [email protected] 701-258-2727(ASAP) 1103 Front St., Bismarck 701.224.8800 Dining Room: Lunch Tues.-Sat. 11am-3pm; Dinner 5pm-10pm Lounge: Tues.-Sat. 11am-Midnight Closed Sunday and Monday Plumbing, Heating & Air Keith Benz, Owner Mike Gietzen, Owner 2302 E. Divide Ave. Bismarck, ND 701-223-7322 2330 Tyler Parkway Bismarck, ND 701-223-1100 2510 Vermont Avenue Bismarck, ND 58504 Phone: 701.222.2155 Fax: 701.222.3422 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Childcare Pre-K to High School (Infant thru REGISTER NOW! Call 354-7067 Daniel M. Churchill, Pharm.D., R.Ph. Located inside Dan’s Supermarket NW Bismarck 701-224-0339 Dedicated to Caring Service • Premium Vitamins, Supplements & Natural Products • Weight Loss Consultation • Sports Nutrition 2941 N 11th St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Next to North Anytime Fitness, AIM Physical Therapy & Red Carpet Car Wash 701-751-6375 • • [email protected] Experience the {FULL} Life! Preschool) available at LaMere Learning Center 223-0103 3000 N 14th St • Bismarck Full-service retirement community • 701-557-9289 3000 N 14th St • Bismarck 222-4444 250-9001 “GET THE PROFESSIONAL LOOK” Tax • Wills • Probate • Real Estate Business Transactions • Personal Injury (701) 258-4000 Sean O. 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