March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 520 Raymond Street • Bismarck, ND 58501 • 701-223-1033 FROM MSGR. RICHTER Friends of the Cathedral, Below is Pope Francis’ homily for Palm Sunday 2014. It offers us a stirring meditation for the holiest of weeks. Enjoy. “This week begins with the festive procession with olive branches: the entire populace welcomes Jesus. The children and young people sing, praising Jesus. But this week continues in the mystery of Jesus’ death and his resurrection. We have just listened to the Passion of our Lord. We might well ask ourselves just one question: Who am I? Who am I, before my Lord? Who am I, before Jesus who enters Jerusalem amid the enthusiasm of the crowd? Am I ready to express my joy, to praise him? Or do I stand back? Who am I, before the suffering Jesus? We have just heard many, many names. The group of leaders, some priests, the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, who had decided to kill Jesus. They were waiting for the chance to arrest him. Am I like one of them? We have also heard another name: Judas. Thirty pieces of silver. Am I like Judas? We have heard other names too: the disciples who understand nothing, who fell asleep while the Lord was suffering. Has my life fallen asleep? Or am I like the disciples, who did not realize what it was to betray Jesus? Or like that other disciple, who wanted to settle everything with a sword? Am I like them? Am I like Judas, who feigns love and then kisses the Master in order to hand him over, to betray him? Am I a traitor? Am I like those people in power who hastily summon a tribunal and seek false witnesses: am I like them? And when I do these things, if I do them, do I think that in this way I am saving the people? Am I like Pilate? When I see that the situation is difficult, do I wash my hands and dodge my responsibility, allowing people to be condemned – or condemning them myself? Am I like that crowd which was not sure whether they were at a religious meeting, a trial or a circus, and then chose Barabbas? For them it was all the same: it was more entertaining to humiliate Jesus. Am I like the soldiers who strike the Lord, spit on him, insult him, who find entertainment in humiliating him? Am I like the Cyrenean, who was returning from work, weary, yet was good enough to help the Lord carry his cross? Am I like those who walked by the cross and mocked Jesus: “He was so courageous! Let him come down from the cross and then we will believe in him!” Mocking Jesus…. Am I like those fearless women, and like the mother of Jesus, who were there, and who suffered in silence? Am I like Joseph, the hidden disciple, who lovingly carries the body of Jesus to give it burial? Am I like the two Marys, who remained at the Tomb, weeping and praying? Am I like those leaders who went the next day to Pilate and said, “Look, this man said that he was going to rise again. We cannot let another fraud take place!”, and who block life, who block the tomb, in order to maintain doctrine, lest life come forth? Where is my heart? Which of these persons am I like? May this question remain with us throughout the entire week.” We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world! May you know the closeness of Jesus this week. CLERGY Bishop........................................ Most Reverend David D. Kagan Rector..............................................Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Richter Parochial Vicar..................................................Fr. Jared Johnson Permanent Deacons.................Richard Fettig, Randal Schmidt, Ralph von Ruden, Tony Ternes, Woodie Wolf THIS WEEK @ CATHEDRAL MASS INTENTION TIME MONDAY, MAR. 30 Mass..................................... Marie Stiegelmeier............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................................ Patricia Jahner............... 8:00 AM Chrism Mass...................................................................... 11:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .1:00 PM-9:00 PM TUESDAY, MAR. 31 Mass.................................. Real Presence Radio............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................. +Kenny Schumacher............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM WEDNESDAY, APR. 1 Mass..........................................+Nora Anderson............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass........................................+Norbert O’Keefe............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM Penance Service at Cathedral....................................... 7:00 PM THURSDAY, APR. 2 - HOLY THURSDAY Tenebrae - Morning Prayer................................................. 8:00 AM Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper...+Jeff Heidt............... 5:30 PM followed by Adoration of Blessed Sacrament until Midnight Tenebrae - Night Prayer.................................................... 11:30 PM FRIDAY, APR. 3 - GOOD FRIDAY Tenebrae - Morning Prayer................................................. 8:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion........................ 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross........................................................... 8:00 PM Tenebrae - Evening Prayer.................................................. 8:30 PM No Eucharistic Adoration. SATURDAY, APR. 4 - HOLY SATURDAY Tenebrae - Morning Prayer................................................. 8:00 AM Easter Vigil Mass...... Tom & April Kraft & Family............... 9:00 PM No Eucharistic Adoration. SUNDAY, APR. 5 - EASTER SUNDAY Mass.......................................... +Lorraine Keller.............. 8:30 AM Mass...............................Cathedral Parishioners............. 10:00 AM Mass............................................+William Keller............. 11:30 AM No Eucharistic Adoration. (+ Indicates Deceased) Welcome to all newcomers. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL NEWS To register or obtain additional information about the parish, contact the parish office or visit Easter Break - There will be no school at Cathedral PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER FAITH FORMATION NOTES Holy Father’s prayer intentions for March: Universal: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. Evangelization: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. The sick: Sharon Roach, Dee Broxmeyer, Mary Sue Lucht, Deacon Ralph von Ruden, Alex & Kathryn Bichler, Craig Moilanen, Marie Stiegelmeier, Ron Knoll, Andy Dosch, Preston Keller, Michelle Duppong, Dan Campbell, Margaret Mackay, Dominic Solitto, Earl Larson, Rose Berger, Wayne Hilzendeger, Jeanne Karhoff, Grace Hartman, Genevieve Robinson, Margie Sokolnicki, Jean Weisgerber, Steve Naumann, Laurie Braun, Rita Schmidt. To obtain a prayer blanket, contact the parish office. Please pray for the deceased, especially Katherine Bosch. May her soul rest in peace. NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday, April 4 9:00 PM Easter Vigil Liturgical Ministers have been notified. Sunday, April 5 8:30 AM Altar Servers Joseph Curry, Thomas Curry, Christopher Curry, Andrew Curry Commentator Ralph Riedinger Jr. Ext. Min. of Holy Mary Ann Carlson, Jane Cleary, Michael Curry, Sandy Comm. DeForest, Matthew Fischer, Julie Gerving, Kay Koble, Dawn Krieger, Ben Martinek Hospitality Tanya Ekart, Taylor Ekart, Charles Gerhart, RoseMarie Gerhart, Randal Gerving, Timothy Nagel, Linda Schoepp, Michael Schoepp Lectors Nancy Dietz, Timothy Fay 10:00 AM Altar Servers John Armstrong, Isaac Armstrong, Daniel Balcom, Jacek Dojs Commentator Carla Hixson Ext. Min. of Holy Mark Armstrong, Cheryl Kruger, Kathryn Olson, Jerome Communion Richter, Lyle Ripplinger, Nicole Ripplinger, Kent Ward, Ryan Wilson Hospitality Peggy Anderson, Mark Anderson, Louis Ciavarella, Sonia Ciavarella, Scott Rising, Cheryl Rising, Ron Schatz, Michele Schatz Lectors Rita Ciavarella, Glen Wald 11:30 AM Altar Servers Damian Ternes, Casey Ternes, Mariah Vetter, Seneca Vetter Commentator Tom Stebner Ext. Min. of Holy Bryon Hoag, Robert McLeod, Cyndee McLeod Communion Hospitality Jay Fettig, Wendy Fettig, Alexander Hilzendeger, Kathi Hilzendeger, Kevin Hilzendeger, Mike Marquart, Diane Marquart Lectors Kris Lengenfelder, Jeanne Schnaible Please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 223-1033 with any changes. from Thursday, April 2 through Monday, April 6 for Easter break. Thank you to the following for helping prep, serve, and clean up after the meal for the Confirmation Candidate/ Sponsor Retreat on Sunday, March 22: Jerry Haider, Stan and Phyllis Dolbinski, Mary Marthaller and Mary Simons. We are grateful for your assistance. Adult Faith Formation - There are no Adult Faith Formation classes today, March 29 (Palm Sunday) or Sunday, April 5 (Easter Sunday). Classes will resume on April 12. Young Adults: Join us for our April Young Adults gathering on Friday, April 17 at the home of Jerome and Sara Richter, 402 W Avenue C. The evening begins with a social at 7:00 PM followed by our speaker, Fr. Josh Waltz, at 7:30 PM. Fr. Waltz serves as the Director for Vocations for the Bismarck Diocese. He will be giving the fifth talk in a five-part series on the Rules for Discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Previous attendance is not required. Childcare will be provided from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the lower level of the Cathedral. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Chrism Mass – Bishop Kagan will preside at the annual Chrism Mass on Monday, March 30 at 11:00 AM at the Cathedral. At this diocesan-wide celebration, all the priests of the diocese gather with the Bishop to renew their dedication to priestly service. Parishioners from all parishes are invited to attend this beautiful liturgy. At the Chrism Mass, the three different oils (Oil of the Sick, Oil of the Catechumens, and Sacred Chrism) used in the sacraments during the year are blessed and distributed by the Bishop to the pastors of the parishes in the diocese. Please note: The parish office will be closed on Good Friday, April 3. Good Friday Collection - Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives. As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Francis, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. For more information, visit Please be as generous as your abundance allows. Society of St. Vincent de Paul - The next St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting will be on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 PM in room #3. If you are interested or want to find out about the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please feel welcome to come to this meeting! Eucharistic Adoration This Week Area Communal Penance Services Monday, March 30............................. 1:00 PM-9:00 PM Tuesday, March 31............................. 9:00 AM-9:00 PM Wednesday, April 1............................. 9:00 AM-9:00 PM Thursday, April 2......................Following 5:30 PM Mass until Midnight (in gathering space) Friday, April 3.............................................. No Adoration Saturday, April 4......................................... No Adoration Sunday, April 5........................................... No Adoration Sunday, March 29................ 3:00 PM................ Ascension Monday, March 30............... 7:00 PM..........Corpus Christi Tuesday, March 31............... 7:00 PM................ St. Anne’s Wednesday, April 1............... 7:00 PM.................Cathedral No service this year at St. Mary’s Parish. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Bismarck Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00 PM at Cathedral. This is our spring potluck. Bring a dish to share and also invite a guest. For more information, call Rita at 701-321-1211. Monthly Food Collection will be next weekend. All items collected in April will be given to Salvation Army. Members of Cathedral Parish - In the month of April, parishioners whose last names begin with A and R will be called on to serve at funerals and receptions or to bring bars for these functions. Please be willing to help when called. Lighthouse CD of the Week: The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin - The Holy Shroud of Turin was called the greatest relic in Christendom by Pope John Paul II. In fact, the Shroud is the most studied scientific object in the entire world. Fr. Francis Peffley presents new and detailed scientific and medical evidence for the authenticity of the Holy Shroud. This presentation brings greater clarity as to the depth of the agony of our Lord’s sorrowful Passion, which he voluntarily took on for love of us. Check the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the gathering space for this and other titles. COMMUNITY NEWS Administrative Assistant - The Diocese of Bismarck has an full-time opportunity for an individual to provide professional program support for the Department of Finance and Parish Services and be part of the diocesan staff team. Must possess strong administrative and computer skills, particularly MS Office Suite. A two year college degree is preferred plus a minimum of five years increasingly responsible work experience. Qualities needed include ability to be highly organized, coordinate meetings, multi-task, meet deadlines, be detail-oriented, have a willingness to be flexible, and demonstrate an ability to maintain confidentiality. For a detailed position description and an application, please contact Laura Huber at [email protected] or 701-204-7196. Send application, cover letter, references, and resume to same. Good Friday (April 3) is a day of abstinence (no meat) and fasting. COMMUNITY NEWS Parish Manager - Church of the Ascension is seeking a Parish Manager. This person supports the Pastor in the management and stewardship of the parish’s physical, financial and personnel resources. A strong commitment to service and an ability to foster collaboration among staff and volunteers is required. Qualifications: Business Administration or accounting degree with at least 5 years of supervisory or management experience. Individual must be computer skilled, knowledgeable in office procedures-with experience in church accounting software and communication products preferred. Individual must have the ability to organize and implement procedures as they relate to the church environment. Above average oral and writings skills are also necessary. This person is to possess a keen appreciation of the Catholic faith and complete a background check as required by the Diocese of Bismarck. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Search Committee, Church of the Ascension, 1905 South Third Street, Bismarck, ND 58504. Light of Christ Catholic Schools is looking to hire a full time Janitor to provide day-to-day janitorial service. The position’s hours are from 1:00 to 9:30 PM, M-F with shared weekend requirements from September through May. Summer hours are 8:00-5:00. Duties include cleaning, light maintenance, and seasonal outdoor assignments. The ability to lift 50 pounds is required. This opening is at St. Mary’s Central High School. A successful candidate will be subject to background checks. Light of Christ Catholic Schools offers a competitive compensation package. If you are interested in working in a fast paced environment and have the ability to get along with young adults and coworkers, this may be the job for you. Apply to Light of Christ Catholic Schools, 1025 N. 2nd St., Bismarck, ND 58501 or [email protected]. Deadline: April 10, 2015. Light of Christ Catholic Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer. SACRAMENTS For information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral, please go to our website,, and click on the Liturgy & Sacraments tab. CONTACT US Parish Office......................... 519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Office Hours...........................................Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Phone............................................................................. 701-223-1033 Website........................................................ Facebook.................... Fax.................................................................................. 701-223-1438 Faith Formation Office.................................................. 701-222-2259 Submit bulletin announcements no later than Tuesdays at noon via mail, fax, or email [email protected]. View our bulletin online at 222-3937 Brenda Smith, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI 226-1124 • Water & Fire Damage Carpet & Area Rug Cleaning Kevin Gilchrist, DDS 1929 N. Washington St. | Bismarck, ND 58501 t: 701.222.1213 | [email protected] Jerry Thomas 2400 Vermont Ave., Bismarck • 701-258-3777 Lavata Becker Broker Associate, CRS, GRI Oaktree Realtors, LLP 2021 E Main Ave Bismarck ND 58501 Cell: 701-527-1393 Email: [email protected] Total Tree Care Trent Schweitzer, Certified Arborist Licensed & Insured 921 N. Washington St., Bismarck 701-400-7111 FRONT STREET LIGHTING 907 East Front Ave., Bismarck, ND Phone: 223-2355 Toll Free: 1-888-304-0779 Fax: 223-2359 215 W. Main Bismarck 222-0000 “Tires, Brakes, Shocks, Oil Changes-With Main Street Tire You Are Good To Go!” 904 E. 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