March Mammal Madness Round 4 (Elite 8): Sexy Beasts Match Up Elephant Seal Winner Brown Bear Rationale/Details Elephant Seal: males stay mainly on beach in late Nov/early Dec. to establish dominance for breeding season….lasts thru March, even at end of breeding season they are about 2000lbs, can dive down 1 mile and have 3x hemoglobin as to allow them to make such dives Brown Bear: weigh about 1500lbs, Battle: intertidal zone, brown bear sees elephant seal as a buffet, elephant seal roars, brown bears roars and charges, as elephant seal rears head back to attack with its teeth, the brown bear slices the neck of the E. seal, as E. seal retreats to water, a transient orca comes on shore and bites E. seal, E. seal retreats back on sand away from orca and B. bear. March Mammal Madness Round 4 (Elite 8): Critically Endangered Match Up Tamaraw Winner Sumatran Rhino Rationale/Details Battle: semi-arid desert causing both organisms to be confused, circle each other, tamarw at 660lbs vs. rhino at 1800lbs, head butting, but tamaraw much lighter and rhino bowls over the tamaraw March Mammal Madness Round 4 (Elite 8): Mythical Mammals Match Up Minotaur Winner Yeti Rationale/Details Yeti: A 10' tall man like creature with shaggy white hair, home turf advantage of Himalayan Mtns, Minotaur: Half-man half-bull mythical creature that lived on the Greek island of Crete. Home turf – labyrinth. Gores vanara hanuman with horns. Battle: takes place in a mythical , misty forest, yeti smells the scent of a bull, minotaur ready with horns down ready to gore, yeti sees minotaur and still advances forward, minotaur runs towards yeti, yeti grabs minotaur by the horns, yeti twists its arms and breaks minotaur’s neck March Mammal Madness Round 4 (Elite 8): Mighty Mini Mammals Match Up LL Streaked Tenrec Winner Mongoose Rationale/Details Mongoose: Dwarf mongooses are territorial and mark their territories by doing handstands against vertical objects and wiping their anal glands downward to paste a secretion on the objects. They also mark each other with secretions – a process known as allomarking. In this way members of the group recognize one another, reproductive suppression by nondominant females. Tenrec : can regrow spines in less than 4 days Battle: takes place in a semiarid desert which is home turf to mongoose, tenrec moves up termite mound to attack mongoose, tenrec slips and underside is exposed, mongoose attacks underbelly and wins
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