• •»» » •« » • >m * • - . THE FATBIOT •' Jo, r 1 1 THE f ATMOT 1 J L tofitmkw M, tfM Patriot Classifieds SPACIOUS CLEAN 3 * NEED A LAND SURbedroom fiat, Cayuga St.. VEYOR "^Property surOSEO AND RECON.OFFICE" SPACE for rent. Fulton, weir insulated- veying Corner staking, DITIONED outboard Downtown Location^one save on utilities-All ap- peculation tests, and. all Classifieds motor*- us«d boats and or two person office. pliances, 2 car garage, needs Carl Doug Lehr. trailers. Fine selection. J . Licensed Land Surveyor. Parking available Owner $390. 638-7162 anytime. C. Pierce. Inc., 900 S. 1st 10/7 Days 451-3333. Evenings will alter for tenant. $300 St.. Fulton. 502-4433. T.F. BROWN. BEIGE & blue 695-3333. T.F." per mo., utilities included. diamond-shaped pattern FULTON 2 room eificy., Call Abet! Real Estate. LOT ON RIVER near couch and chair, like 598-3000. T.F off street parking, un- FOUND- Beagle puppy $300. Barbie Minetto 150' x 650'. Call new, furnished with stove and black." vyh»te and tan. • 593-1122. 592-7558, 343- McDonald! $10. Call 592- ONE and TWO bedroom refng $175 plus- g a s , Owner </a1t 592-7617 or10/7 apartments 4466. T.F. 2443. available* security reqd. No pets. 593-2222. Holly Drive off Broadway, 635-3365. / 10/7 1978 CHEVY CHEVETTE, 2 BEDROOM furnished call 592-4178. THE ONLY WAY TO COVER ALL NEW YORK STATE T.F. FREE 4 nice kittens. 3 4 sp, 4 dr., runs very well, first floor Con do, end FULTON 2 bedroom, bedroom, un un- back black & white. 1 grey ULTON £ . . WITH A CLASSIFIED AD IT S SQ EASY body ruff. 79,000 mites. unit, enclosed patio, 1 BEDROOM downstairs furntshed-wit**^stove a n d t i g e r & white. 8. to 10 Asking $600. Call 593- overlooks park area .with apartment on Park St.; -in- refrig. Off street parkinj^~"we"ekrotd. -eiean. 6845 after 5 p.m. T.F pool. Orlando suburb, eludes heat, water, stove, Elec. and hot water ing to be hunters. 593Winterpark Florida. 20 refrigerator, washer and provided. Security SEWING MACHINES- min. to Disney World. dryer. Adults only, no deposit reqd, No pets. 1550. fully reconditioned and Asking $61,000. Ph. 592- pets, older person or $240 plus gas. 635-3365 EXPERT MEN'S 4 Women's Tailoring & guaranteed 2 years from ,5846. tO/14 couple preferred, lease 10/7 Alterations. Cortini s, 215 $9.95. Zig-zags with built and security deposit Cayuga S U Fulton. 593in buttonholer $29.95. HOUSE, 408 State St., 3 required. Call 592-2749. 1 BEDROOM upper fur8914 T.F. Freearms with everything bedroomHandyman 9/30 nished apartment, good built in $59.95. White, s p e c i a l , b a s i c imlocation, clean, parking. Singer, Brother. 593^755. provements completed, SMALL ONE BEDROOM $225 plus ttiJities. 592'25-WORD CLASSIFIED AD WANTED apt. with w/w carpeting, 9/3Qdouble size lot, good 5846 evenings. 10/7 WILL RUN IN 175 WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS stover refrigerator and air EASY . ASSEMBLY potentiar~ior; theyrrgtir IN NEW YORK,SJATE CITIES A TOWNS c o n d i t i o n e r . Hjas a^ • t , • • M. X om • • x « i -WORK4-$Z34- p'er 100. condition, star- buyer. For appointment, modern, full bathroom and' MISCELLANEOUS don t Guaranteed payment No ter or retirement home, call owner after 5 p.m. kitchen area. Excellent sales. Details-send stamone story, 2 bedroom Asking $32,000. Ph. 593"'if A spap*»'s parrc-e downtown West Side CARPET • STEAM ped envelope: ELANhouse in Fulton with buttt T.F. location with off street CLEANINGFast service, 9^52, 3418 Enterprise. Ft in porch- and targe.living parking'. $235 per mo. free estimates, Pierce. FL- 33482. 9/30 room, extra famHy room 1970 SCHULTZ MOBILE U plus elecfricty and $235 professional equipment, or dining room addition, home 12x65.3bedroom, 1. »2 9y personnel; TYPISTS SECRETARIES, garage and full 1/2 baths, stove, refrjg., security deposit. Call 593- qualified 8980 and ask.for Jim or reasonable rates. all office help, bonuses, basement, all appliances washer & dryer. 8x10 Tor info -call' Call 593-3484 and ask for* residential or co*npay—en Friday of week including 2 air con- porch addition. Interior in Tuiton Patriot ~ 9/30 m e r ci a I ;• vinyl f I o o r worked. • Qlsten Temditioners. Low taxes and very good condition. Must Bruce. t 2 0 : E. utility bills. Asking be sold and removed off . - . . . . . . - - - - - - waxing. Call Phillips, porary, ONE, TWO and THREE Cleaning Service 593Washington St., $42,500. Call 598-2298 af- land (building house) bedroom apts. Good 6954 after 10 a.m. T.F. : Syracuse. N.Y. 422-0273. ter 5 pitil •..:';.••• 10/7 $8,000 or best oftoc. Call location, near sch6ol and . . . .. . v . v w v- *•;.• Vem shopping^ One' month GOVERNMENT 2 'FAMILY h«5use with nights or weekends, or sec dep and references. FURNITURE AND * N -3000 9/30 Pets considered. Ph. 592- TIQUES repaired and J O B S List. $16,040 v large two story bam, 266 477-3179 days. • David K. Winfield • 5235, 592-7787 -or -564-/efintshed Insurance $59,230yyr: Now, hiring. W. 4th St. Garage good Urn Xtra UtoRty Iff -V T.F.^estimates. John Jones, Call T-805-€87^6000Vext. for storage or car repair. 10 ACRES of good land 5331 STUMP Chriitmis. Start no " -* •- V L _ ' W . Cayiiga S| M ;Fultdn, R - 3 2 7 0 . . " • • ' - ' • • 1 1 / 1 1 Parks 6 cars. Lot 51' front for. development in Town from an Ugly>tv«kp Jo fell 5934095 x 132 deep. Asking of Granby, Rt. 48 North. 1750 SQ.FT. Lower .Level 592-2019 after 5 pjrt.XJF; - - - - - of Chips .°. . . liter **.m. ROOFING me - - - - - - ' ' - '* •?j - - - Mfinpi Q-A -AM a g e s in$80,000 cash. Phone 592- City Water on site. Ap* rAHini'Bs1 Cn»»^... Factory, 215 9/30 5235 or 564-5331; 10/7 prox. 8 good building Cayuga St^ Fulton. Ph. OIL AND ADJUST your cluding children over age REMODELING lots. 100' x 700*. Terms 5934914. Ideal for any sewing machine in your one for catalogue-type ADDITIONS home. $3.49- parts and a s s i g n m e n t s . N o . e x available, 593-U22, 5B2T.F. service on all makes. perience necessary! Wiri j f.F. St., Fulton; 3 bedroom,. 1 -^ 5 5 8 3 4 M 6 6 122,500 . • . ; ' Drive in Service $1.50. soon be. interviewing, in 'J "Quality -Work! at bath, 21' living room,, APT, IN FULTON- One Call for home or shop ap- the Syracuse4rea. For an MOBUl home oh 4.» o c r i s T ' OT 3 dining room, kitchen in-, EXERCISE BIKE and a fair Frke" bedroom, off street exercise rower both for. appointment call 412-856eludes stove, refrigerator $2S;900 . . . . . and garbage disposal, $100. Console radio- p a r k i n g / u t i l i t i e s fur- pointment Ph. 593^8755 9192. 502 UTIC* ST. 3 bedrooms, 1 1 / 2 boitis. •amity room. fully c a r p e t e d , full record player $50. Ph. nished. No pets. Sec. NBC Sewing Ser^ce.TF , - - - - A CARIN© mother of 1 yf .'• 10/7 Dep: Required. Can 695- - - - basement, 1 car detached 592-5846. 6 0 3 5 . • • . . " • • T.F; M A G I C AT I T S B e s t With old would Uke to babysit garage, alum, sided, fenfor -an mtimat* . , _ .;•• •"..•*. , K a r v e l i F o r y o u r your toddlers. I live near. v 212 LEITCH ST. 4 bedrooms, •hclowd porch, lotj o* ced in back yard, forced 1976 DODGE ASPEN Lanigan School and have 3 BEDROOM Duplex, t Halloween, birthday party oreCa 1 Nancy- Hawthorne 598-6460. station wagonAuto, P S . , air gas heat, new winDovid K. Winfi.ld very flexible hours. If indows a n d s t o r m s . cruise cont, good tires 1/2 baths, fully carpeted, or any special event. 20 terested call Micrtele 593Available immediately. - and battery, new mufflef. ref.. stove, dishwasher, years exp. (315) 253-2240. Must' s e e to appreciate. garbage disposal, air 10/21 Priced under $40,000 Call 343-3832 or 593- $895. Call 502-9369 after conditioner, washer and - - - - - - - - . . . .~T 1077 dryer hookup. Large yard LONELY? Single, divor\%'«nt to sdl or r«mt 3053. . 9/30 4 : FOI with patio on local bus c e d v widower. Free Advertise ft on Bedroom Dwpiam T983 RENAULT car tan route. Available Nov. 1, details. SASE to Sfngles Patriot- classified page. with g q r a g * J 3 ACRES of good land and black in excellent CaH 593-6296 or 593-Network, Box 291. Red Ml 1122 10/21 CreekvN.Y. 13143 9/30 for development. City condition, asking $2,500 3355. U27SSI water a n d s e w e r or best offer. Call 593(available) on site. Part 6 2 9 6 - 5 0 3 - 3 3 5 5 . 10/21 city of Fulton, part town . . . . . « . . ' • • - _ ' HOCE^^THESIER of Volney. Good for GERMAN SHEPHERD^ $49,900 Appts., Duplexes or one- male, AKC reg., 3 years MMI. MTA1C COUNTRY . . . 3 bedrooms, Woodmode ki/crVei. a l l • family homes. (Terms old, obedience trained/ remodeled. J o t s of u e e s . Coll Pauline Spohn-59S-2465* 37SoTltconrJSt.()tS|St3possible). 593-1122. 592- natural guard dog. Call $49,900 . . ... 7558, 343-4466. TJF. 503-3365 after 5 pm.10/2t Lighting Showroom 1NVITINC!H 3 bedroom, home with fireplact in » 512 UTICA ST 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, sewing/iowfidry on Islovely neighborhood. Relax in the screened in patio '•;:• dockyard plus o a r a g e . Call lorrame or beautifully finished family 406m. 1 car garage. $54,900, Call Sophie Galiiri at 592-7292 AUCTION 12 NOON WEST SIDE OF FULTON Enjoy the income from_ "Srtllarge 3 family ptosiMffnTCi^TitifitiesaTI paid by Slate Route 09 East. Cotoaae, N.Y. Srtlina: Army the tenants. 2 - One bedrooms and 1 -Two bedroom Full Time Jeep w/snowptow; 12 d«uge dM. barrel shotgun; apartment. Large 'driveway. 168,000. Call Candy 12 gauge singtoihot; bows; ammo cans; CB equipWagner at 598-7 L04. ment; frost free refrig. w/top freezer;toveeaat;ofNEW ON THE MARKET! Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 REPLY TO fice tables and chairs; files; copy machine; capbath Victorian in excellent location. Large country FULTON PATRIOT tains chairs; coffee tablet; oak chairs; dishes; eleckitchen with lots of cupboards. Formal dining room trical supplies; steel and plastic plumbing fittings; with ceiling fan and woodstove. Wall to wall carBOX m —•— . overhead fans; natural gas hanging furnaces; 10* peting. Fenced in backyard with 1 112 car garage. FUITWI, HY. 1304S overhead door. 2 overhead door openers; 10 pr. $60,900. Call Sophie Gal in I at 592-7292 for comC/D BOX S . 13" snowtires; steam cleaner; overhead grease plete details. rack; greaae tank and hoeer. lead furnace; heavy INGROUND POOL WITH FENCED IN YARD duty metal sheMng; lockers; 2 wood ladders; R.R. comes with this 3 bedroom home with storage space jack; 2 hot tar trailer*; Army woodetove; air comgalore. Includes a woodstove for those. cool J 7 J 0 0 , call. Dan Ritchie IMMEDIATE OPEMNG wheelbarrow; hand tools; kj.and medium size 59J-7138. PRICE REDUCED! $42,000 for thh immaculate 3 coveralls; many other amaM to irootn%. gr*at kitclMn. Ca»«work»r' Position: Bachelor's Dcgr«* in Human bedroom, hath and half, »ir enndit^per. garag* Call <r*n* Arnold 592-2060. ^«rvlf«i qr Criminol Ju»tic». Expgriync* working with macadam Artve. Quick possession. Call 593-7141. children h«lpfol. S«nd rtswmt to: Catholic Charities S59000 $59,000 V ^ 2 STORY, 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS with « of Oswvgo County, 365 W. First St.. Fwlto« NY. # 3 KOtOOM roncH. country, eat-in kitchen plus dining room, city lot of 132.5 x 135 ft. Garage and basement. 13069. great room, fall bosement, attached garage. Carl Sonnie Capable of being a two family. Call Theresa C. at laff 592-4887 for complete details. Asking S28.SOO. Modge 592-5261. REDUCED TO $29,9eS. Owner will look at offers E0€ $$3,000 . . . . . on this 4 bedroom, J 1/2 bath older Victorian. Eatt i l JMLMBT ST. Great* westside location, 4 b e d r o o « in kitchen* pantry, screened-tn porch. Lots of runColoniol, » 1/2 baths, family room pUrs den . . . Iota of ning roomforthe large family. Call-Tony Decides at room Call Bonnie Hodge 592-5261. " 593-7141. i t t e O A K B R O O K MOBILE HOME. 2 bedrooms b ^ r o o * split,'fawHyrMMi, rfM, aad 1 bath on rented lot. Aluminum siding, storms large lacg* kttctwMi and iasulatsd. Asking $12,900. Call Larry Hint at PIOYEO ICCMBC YOU 0OTT HAVE A HttH MDOCO AUCTION MMI 564-6021. WfWW . • • • SCHOOL WPLOMA? Setting a Household w*h many tooto and antique 1972 MOBILE HOME ON ONE ACRE. 3 ranch toittt dntom kitchen. 2 faiMrf Now is your chance to study for the High glassware. Watsrtatt Jepfiaiinn dining set; gold 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 12x60. Several additions. Patio b*droom*. 2 1/2 both*,- perfect view . . . call cuatiioff couch w/2 matching oh^rs; La4 boy and shed. Beautifully treed lot. $15,000. Call Hodge 592-5261 School Equivalency Diploma (GED) with on swivel rocker fecHnerjmaple nutch; end table; Joanne Ray at $98-5869. L U S WOODED ACRES ON CHASE ployme*ht. Mands; dome trunk; single bed; servtoe for 6 RD. with approx. 100 ft road frontage. $9,000. Ask Cinainon psttem Syracuse chine; over 75 pcs. To qualify, yew nnist b* for Dorothy 593-7141. v RMU; also Heisey. F*mon. WeetQoaJind and LAND 3 acres in the Town of Volney. Priced at - A High School Dropotrt ottwr glass, ne^wwate; cast iron skillets and $9,000. Call Shirley-Vtnch 59*2192. 2 fNttU, good i other o o o t n m ; 5 HP hortsontat shaft BMenelne; PRICE REDUCED!! OWNER ANXIOUS,FOR -CHw*go 5 HP Mighty Mac compost shredder; McCuNough off street parking. y OfTKRS on this two family on West Side large -WitKin chain ewr. 10. rubber feed " - " ~ (JTPA) hoaat widi lots of roomy I Jl bedrooas and 1 bath Gov*rnni««t cat 594-UBt •p. 3 badrooma and 1 bath down. 16 * 3 2 inground tsi f s 21 1IBS pool aad' pool home (fenced in). Macadam Sf FrMsy, driveway. F«\ly inwlied and separate otilkiet make rhis a fantastic watet. $66300. Call Candy Wagner at 59S-7104. OfftCt HOURS WEST WIDE OF FULTON Large 3 family plm REAL ISTATE barn for itorap. 2 - 1 bedrooms, 1 - 2 bedroom 200 North Second Stood its. Always rented. House has been gone Now Voft 130S* and updated. City utilities all paid by Plenty of parking. $68,000. Call Candy at 59S-7104 for complete details. FOI SAU How to develop a good relationship with your mother-in-law It begins here! . . . From Goldberg's Beautiful Furnit ure Whether it is a coffee table, occasional chair or a dining, living or bedroom suite. Goldberg's have everything la furniture tor the newly weds' home. And for completeness of ' facilities, select home appliances from our showing of ranges.' refrigerators, freezers, washers. . whatever aids to gracious living you max desire. • . ' 129 Cavuga St., Fulton In sickness or in health . . It's so easy and pleasant to shop here, where you gel service and top notch quality,-be it.gifts. . Russell Stover candiesv.drugs or.sundries. Our v beauty headquarters is complete with, every new grooming product.plus alt the tried - and true favorites. And. remember, when there's illness ir> the family, everything for-sick, room is here at the Nyal Store, HARGRAVE PHARMACY Open doily Atfon.. -Fri ; $-9 Saturday V to 5.30 Sunday - 10 cf'.'nv-' to 1 p m. Hear the phrase "mother'of the person you love, •nd in-law" and the word ")o*e" part of the things you tov* often spring* to mint}were fostered by her Give her Througtfoat history, the every chance to be known at mother by marriage has been an individual: Isn't that what a figure of fun in folklore, you want? literature, even botany TKt . e Borrow from her wisdom • alternate name for the snake now and then. Put yourself in plant is "mother-in-law's your mother-in-law's place , tongue!" and think how an older perBut. joking aside, is it really' son would feel if there was' impossible to get along withnothing she could contribute your mother-in-law? A recent to fhe younger generation. So. book, "Between Mothers-in- . if she suggest* something in Law A Daughters-in-Law," by • good faith, give it a try. After Helen S. Arnstein (Dodd all. .under her tutelage, your Mead A Company) whiclTwas > spouse turned out pretty well! enee*pied in a past issue of 4 Shpuldshe nag and com"Bride's" magazine', ha* this _, advice for young people getting married today: behavror . may stem from 'unhappy experiences in her ,. ,*i Realize .that times have life" and may not necessarily changed Say* Arnstein, "The be a reflection on you.. The days are H>i»g |MW~wh«* a, mother-in-Taw. dropped by at ' "interfering • -irro*heV-m4*wV often doesn't have any outlets > her daughter-in-law's home, for her . abilities.' You, and lifted the lid -of the simmering pot to inspect her son's din- ' your spouse might be able to work on that. nCr. or commented on the e C h e c k ' , your..*.own dnhei stacked in the sink" behavior. ' C o u l d y o u Your • mother-iff-Uw. if unknowingly be doing; or she's like many women teday, saying something to upset holds a job and leads an. ac1 her? Arc you as critical of her tive Ijfe-with; little time or ways as she is of yours? energy left over 'to inspect "Speaking out." regardless of your 'home. Her. own home which generation 'does. it. is may be far from perfect! more likely to be successful if • Let go of preconceived done i t the.right time and impressions : notion*.. "First with tact '":'".'• ... can set the tone of a relation-" ' • Give it time. With_the ship."'claims Arnstein. Think right attitude, ptpbletfis often of your mother-in-law as your -resolve themselves simply, spouse's mother, instead of through living..-. .and (earassociating herewith the . ' " • stereotype. She is the mother " ning. Life formation workshop planned Complete Insurance Service nd Free Consultation . marriage' comes new responsibilities, we know that at the' start, insurance coverage to meet your many tireds can: be iori~ •'. fusing. That's '.why we <>ffer free mi vice r<> .*new(yweds.* on all facts of coverage, —• homeowners, tenants, life- anil auto insurance We- ca'nVtvlp plan. i>*i affordable insurance ••package's fust for vou -- -to. sv'rw yx>ur present needs and tn grow.wrlh your family. We've been- helpina Oswego County' riewlyweds meet their insurant e needs tor over r 100 \ears So. you-.kno-w'. \<iu can trust Streeter. The Worship Committe"e of First United Methodist Church of Oswego invites the public to a Spiritual Life Formation Workshop to be presented at-the church October 3- •* and 5. • The workshop leader will be the Rev. Evelyn Newman, a United Methodist minister who is Director of the Chapel in The Garden in Setauket. Nr.Y.. and is also Protestant •Chaplain at SUNY Stonybrook: . \ . . . ' • . The schedule of the workshop ts as follows: Friday evening. 7 p.m.; Saturday morning. 10 a.m. til noon; Saturates afternoon. 2 p.m. til 4 p.m. All sessions*w«ll be at Fust United Methodist Church, Rte. 104W. Oswego. The Worship Committee suggests a pre-registration for. the events of the weekend, with a fee of S7.5O. Those ioterested may phone FUMC at (315) 343-6335. Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Checks are payable to First United Methodist Church. INSIRAN'CKvm>s\\iiii IMK • N M O * * l MO CMOI IACCIB \L \ppk(>ACH: SY Am .315. WffRS 3,140,000 READERS Muldoon The Church of the Immaculate Conception. Fulton, was the setting Saturday for toe m a r r i a g e of Carolyn A*cioti ' MichaeH:-Mtri<Wftr The~Rcv. Joseph -•_ , ' . . Deacon Julius Kulak officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. John Cardinali of Fulton and the late'Louis J s Ascioti. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs! James Muldoon of Oswego. The bride was given in/marriage by net stepfather, .Mr. John. J. Cardinali Marie J . Parr, sister o i jhe bride was matron- of honor. Bridesmaids were Antoinette Ascioti. sister of the bride,^ Mary Kulak, cousin of the bride. Anne Poo tame and Cindy Wcjlski. friends of the bride and Michele Petliccia, the bride's niece?*?he junior bridestfeaki. Erin Taddejj and flower girt, Krista Taddeo, are -botfi nieces. ' James Izyk was best" man. Shatffi Muldoon. brother of groom, Anthony Ascioti. brother of bride. Richard Piazza, and Robert .Barzee, brothers-in-law ot groom and Tom Clark, friend, ushered, t h e ring bearer. Matthew Parr% is. nephew of the bride. ' . , ; . Following the reception at Wysoclfi's Lake Park Manor, the couple will vacation in Hawaii. The couple is employed by. Niagara Mohawk and will reside in Fulton. *. " ;, . Library plans computer use The Oswego City Library will be making Us micro computer available for public usage beginning October;I.'. Individuals interested in using the computer must have an adult library card or be accompanied by a parent orguardiari with an adult library card^j __:___-.__,-.__ AU individuals wishing to'use thecorhput^r must attend . a computer validation session Sign-up for validation registration will begin art September 22 Applrcdnts are. advised to allow one hour tor validation. Individuals will be allowed one hour per week access to the computer by signing up in advance at the city library. „ Individuals interested in thrs new. service should contact the Oswego City Library. 120 E. Second St, or call 341y 5867. . ~ ' -'- ' . . . - ' • - A Harvest Moon Ball will be held on October 4. 9 p.m. to I a.m. at Wine Creek Inn. City Line R d . Oswego: Dance and listen,-to ihe not-svi-long-ago sounds of Nick ^Sterios band. Fox trot, rh urn ba. samba, cha-cha; jitterbug. walti. polka, or just listen and converse in a relaxed atmosphere shared with friends and neighbors. This is a fund raising event sponsored by the Oswego County Council on ibe Arts assisted by funds, from the Miller Brewing Com- PiOy. * Advance tickets are available af i 6 each at-the" Water: front Gift Studio. Reserved dance floor perimeter tables for parties of it) or 12 are available lor $55 and $65 For further information call 342-1625. the Oswego County Council bn the Arts office. BEFORE WEDDING S150 Cox - Acquaviva . Patrick J . Acquaviva and Linda K. Brown .Cox were united in marriage July 4 in Mj. "Pleasant t Methodist v Church by Rev. Robert Johnson. Cathy Acquaviva, sister o f the groom, was maid of honor. Paul Moon, friend of the groom, was-the best man. Latin and JJhannan Brown, and Bonnie Cox. daughters -V of the bride, were the bridesmaids. Paul Cerkleuian. John Acquaviva, and Eric Clark were groomsmen. Chaz Na*ca. the groom's nephew* was ring bearer* After a reception at Mr. Mike's Clam Shed and a honeymoon in Virginia. Beach and-the Pocoiios. ihe. couple will reslQe in Fulurn*"" ' ——• •'• • Now thru October 1 1 Save 15°/o to 30% on all S e e u s for ,-.'. l*--.\ .j rr--'•/. f-\ «:?.. INVITATIONS PFALTZGRAFF r f ^ S ^ 3 : ;VAv p ENCLOSURES W ^ ' • THAMK YOGS . RECEPTION ITEMS Patterns in our stock! UnUed Mrthodisi Women to metH ; UnAed'Methodist Women of the North Cefftrat'N'eW",' York Conference bf the United Methodist Church will meet in Syracuse October 4'.at- Erwm United Methodist Church, 920 Euclid Ave.. to conclude existence as two separate conferences, elect new officers and announce plans for the, newly formed organization t h e two outgoing presidents, Mri. Marilyn Courtney. Geneva, and Mrs. "Shirley Backus. Harrisvill^. will conduct the meeting. Two conferences of the I'niied Meiftodisr Church in the New York West\Area./Ceptr»l New York.and Northern New York, recently united ut forrhihc North Central New T o r t C ° " f e r e n ^ e J O ? * -^'"Hgjj Meth<^d»st Women have ^w^€enc1uded~pTaTrs~fbr the u'nitirig'tTrnie two~witmeh's groups into one. This will be a group of about 10,000 " women'in approximately 400 local units in seven districts. Registration will begin at 9^.m..--with the meeting from 10-3. Erwin Church on Euclid Ave: is easily Teached froni Adams St. Exit from 18 r. Lunch reservations should be sent by S e p t e m b e r ^ to Mtekey Murray. 325 Kensington PL. Syracusej. N Y . 131IO. telephone 315-474-6302 or 315-474-4«0^r-Child <are will be provided by the host. church. TRe church is easily accessible for the handicapped. . . - _ • . . "Monday Nite Football Special:' Antipasta - U r g e Order Wings Phis Large Pizza 12.95 "To Go or Eat In" i\ Tut*.: Lasagna with Salad Bar 5.95 Rib Eve Steak 5.9! Kid.: All The Pasta. You Can Eat $Mfk*rt* •> Shads • Zitt - ft|tt«ei ' 4.25 With Salad Bar Rib Eve Steak 5.95 Tkgrs.: Fish Dinner Special -,3.95 Rib Eye Steak 5.95 fri.: Broiled SeafoodPTatreT Fish Dinner Special 'm*ii\ Fried Seafood Platter 9.3 Sit: Prime Rib with Salad Bar I.! • .'• Fried Chickerr %\ N.Y. Strip or Prime Rib 19 .SMB.: N.Y. Strip . 79 n Steak \ 5*9 Baked Harn 19 Lasagna ' 5.9 Rib Eye Steak 5.9! v.- Army Pvt. Bruce Clark, son of RichardClark of Rural Route a, Oswego. has participated in the Joint Chiefs of Staff exercise, "Gallant Eagle •86." ." Hosted by the U.S. Central Command, the exerplace at several locations in United. States.•* The purpose of the exercise was to provide a . simulated desert combat environment for training,. Manning and execution of Take Out Dinner* and Sandwiches Available jyrCANAL POINT ~^ • I ® 5 ? fw »'*f fw«»Oo 593 y(JO9 anes , After wedding time comes saving time. . .time to think ufsaving foi a home for the future^jor* your security. Start them off on their life of marriage with a savings account from the Fulton Savings Bank. It's easy for you. . .and easy for them to keep saying here at home at the Savings Bank. rt. Fulton - SUPER BUFFET *. •"• THURS. - FRI. - SAT. ~ 3 BIG NIGHTS .~"- * Mtmber«*C CANALViEW C £ N T € R - fULTON. NY VILLAGE QREEM-8AL0WINSVILLE. N Y |EE OVERS SHOPPING PLAZA—PHOENIX NY I . I F . ; < • . : :,••••• ; > • . - . - . \ 4:30-8:30 Each Night Now thru October 11. save 30% on place settings of Yorktowne. Village, Heritage, folk Art, Heirloom. Jtemembrance, Gazebo White or BHie. Bouquet. Garland. Wvndham. and Christmas Heritage and Christmas Heirloom. Then save 15% on all m-stock accessory pieces. But hurry, because stock is limited and this will be your only opportunity to v save on aH Pfaltzgraff patterns! * "w~ For Just Reservations accepted but not necessary - THURSDAY FRIDAY $595 PetPerspo SATURDAY Thursday: FAMILY NIGHT 109 East Broadway Fulton OPEN ThmJmy. Friday'tit 9 . SINCE 1905 59&-1800 592*459 • BUILDER • ' ' itmowu. • Call: 593-3782 . Help Wanted Local Electrical Co. - and Counter Help c-.: • . - . • • - : t 2 Send Resume Children under 12 - $2.00 Hot fudge sundae - 39$ Fridsy — Senior Citizens -* $4.95 From 4:30 5:30P.M. AUCTION 7 M L OCTOB THURSDAY, OCTI 00 •>••» r-w 109 East Broadway. Fulton 598-1800 Fultoff • P'»§» Pvi. Clark in exercise ^.'r -•: BELLS RING; FOR IEMI 175 NEW YORK STATE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Council on the Arts plans Ball • Mt»O<N«tH>.U«IONt.< MO *CCIt GOVERNMENT HOMES from $V #* "repair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1805-687-6000 «xt. K-3270 for current repo list. 11/4 PHONE 593-2939 or 592-2459 m roi ntio OF urn mmmm ot wen. ABEU ' • • \'f,
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