Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 RESEARCH PAPER ISSN: 2249 –4820 CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY INTERFACE An official Journal of ISCB, Journal homepage; Domino C- and N-alkylation: Synthesis and structure analysis of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives Krunalkumar Mehariya, Dilip Detroja, Anamik Shah* National Facility for Drug Discovery Centre, Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005, Gujarat (India) E-mail: [email protected] Received 3 April 2015; Accepted 29 April 2015 Abstract: In the present investigation, domino protocol for the synthesis of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H- pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives (18 a-b) was realized via C- and N-alkylation of 3-methyl-1-phenyl1H-pyrazol-5-amine (15), corresponding primary amine (16) and formaldehyde (17). The compound was characterized by spectroscopic techniques and confirmed by X-ray crystallographic studies. Keywords: Domino, C-alkylation, N-alkylation, pyrazole Introduction Since last century, heterocyclic compounds represent an importance class of biologically and pharmaceutically active molecules. Pyrazole ring containing natural products natural sources, plants, animals, microbial and marine molecules like skeleton consisting, for example 4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (1), 3-N-Nonylpyrazole (2), 1H-pyrazole3-carboxylic acid (3), (s)-3-pyrazolylalanine (4), Difenamizole (5), Celecoxib (6), Phenazone (7), Withsomnine (8a), 4’-Hydroxywithsomnine (8b), 4’-Methoxywithsomnine (8c), Pyrazofurin (9), Pyrazofurin B (10), Nostocine A (11), Chemistry & Biology Interface Formycin (12), Formycin B (13), oxyformycin B (14) have therapeutic potentials[1-10]. Some of Pyrazole ring a wide range of biological properties, such as antimicrobial11, analgesic12, anti- inflammatory13, anticancer14 and antioxident15, Hepatitis C virus16. Pyrazole derivatives were also found in natural products17, as potential antivirals18, antifilarial19 etc. Hydrazones and corresponding hydrazides derivatives of pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid groups possess antimicrobial activity20. Since, they contribute to the activities of many biologically important compounds of pyrazole derivatives having phenyl substituted were reported to 157 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 possess high affinity and selectivity for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor21. O Me HN N HO N N H N N O OH C9H19 3 2 1 N O HO Me N Me Me O N N H NH2 4 F F F Me HO O O NH2 N OH NH HO HO O OH N OH N N Me O 7 NH2 NH2 NH O N OH N N N Me N 11 10 9 8a, R=H; 8b, R=OH; 8c, R=OMe; S 6 O N N O O HO Me N N 5 R N NH O OH N N O HO 12 N NH OH OH NH2 N NH O O HO OH N NH OH 13 HN NH O O HO N NH (1° or 2°) and the formaldehyde (CH2O) reaction than same/other compound with the active functional group (here, α CH-acidic compounds in pyrazol skeleton) can tautomerization to the enol form, after which it can attack the iminium ion than involves in intramolecular bond formation and generate complex molecule. I n study of Domino reactions as processes of two or more bond-forming during intramolecular reactions under identical conditions often proceed via highly reactive intermediates. In fascinating way Domino reaction is built up synthetic effectiveness and the development of new chemical entities. It is allow the formation of complexity into molecules with excellent regioselectivity, starting from simple substrates in a single transformation consisting of several steps25-26. In light of our work regarding the synthesis of chromeno-pyrazoles in the presence of Zn[Lproline]2 catalyst27 and coumarinyl chalcone28 derivatives was achieved via microwaveassisted high-throughput method. Herein, we prepared 5-benzyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-4,5,6,7tetrahydro-1H- pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine via domino one-pot protocol. OH 14 Figure 1 In view of the diverse pharmacological profile of condensed pyrazoles, we have synthesized a 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazol derivative utilizing 3-methyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol5-amine, benzyl amine and formaldehyde in ethanol at room-temperature with their subsequent ring closure by C-alkylation and Scheme 1 Preparation of 5-benzyl-3-methyl-1N-alkylation to afford the title compound. The phenyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d] alkylation reaction has long been a very useful pyrimidine stage for the development of such techniques. Me R NH A wide range of reactions have been reported Me N NH N O Ethanol by C-alkylation and N-alkylation in indole and N + N + rt H H N pyrrole produced by regiooselective synthesis N R H 17 in heterocyclic chemistry22. 16 15 2 2 In an attempt to begin an experimentally convenient approach to preparative C-alkylation and N-alkylation via an intramolecular Mannich type cyclization23-44and Domino reaction (Scheme-1). Mannich reaction is one of the most important for C-C bond and C-N bond formation during reactions in organic synthesis. The mechanism of the Mannich reaction starts with the formation of an iminium ion from the amine Chemistry & Biology Interface R= H, 4-OCH3 18 a,b Scheme 1 Experimental All chemicals were of analytical grade and used as received. The progress of the reaction was monitored by TLC.The IR was recorded on Shimadzu FTIR-8400 spectrometer (KBr Pellet method, 400–4000 cm-1). Melting point was 158 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 recorded by open capillary method. Reactions were monitored by thin layer chromatography technique using silica gel-G plates of 0.5 mm thickness and spots were observed using iodine and UV. Mass spectra were recorded on Shimadzu GC-MS-QP-2010 model using direct injection probe technique. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on Brukeravance400 MHz spectrometer determined in DMSO-d6. General Synthesis of 18(a-b) The preparation of the compounds 18(a-b) were carried out with 3-methyl-1-phenyl-1Hpyrazol-5-amine (1.0 mmol, 1.0 equiv) (15), corresponding primary amine (1.0 mmol, 1.0 equiv) (16) and formaldehyde (2.0 mmol, 2.0 equiv) (17) in ethanolic solution, which was allowed to stir for 4 h at rt. After completion of reaction as indicated by TLC, the solvent was removed by filtration to leave the crude product which was again recrystallized with ethanol to get pure compound. Crystallization of the products from ethanol by slow evaporation afforded the crystals of the products 18(a-b) suitable for X-ray crystallographic analyses. mp ˚C; MS: m/z 334; IR (KBr): ν = 3220 (NH), 1600, 1595, 1555, 1534, 1050; 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): δ 3.50 (4H, m, 2×CH2), 3.73 (3H, s, OCH3), 3.82˗3.83 (2H, d, J = 5.60 Hz, CH2), 5.98 (1H, s, NH), 6.88˗6.90 (2H, d, J = 8.28 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.18˗7.21(1H, s, J = 7.28 Hz, ArH), 7.26˗7.29 (2H, d, J = 8.24 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.39˗7.43 (2H, t, J = 7.60 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.71˗7.73 (2H, d, J = 7.8 Hz, 2×ArH); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DMSO-d6):12.11, 55.48, 63.19, 98.93, 113.54, 120.11, 124.78, 128.91, 129.90, 130.69, 139.49, 142.68, 144.95,158.28. X-ray Structure Determination The crystals of 18(a-b) were mounted by Loctite Super Glue and mounted on fibers for data collection. All measurements were made on a Rigaku SCX mini diffractometer using graphite monochromated Mo-Kα radiation. The crystalto-detector distance was 52.00 mm. Details of crystal data and structure refinement for all structures have been provided in Table 1. The data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects. An empirical absorption correction was applied which resulted in transmission factors ranging from 0.594 to 0.970 for crystal structure 5 - b e n z y l - 3 - m e t h y l - 1 - p h e n y l - 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 - 18a and 0.462 to 0.976 for crystal structure tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine 18b. The data were corrected for Lorentz and (18a): White solid; Yield 90%; mp 144-146 polarization effects. The structure was solved ˚C; MS: m/z 304; IR (KBr): ν = 3200 (NH), by direct methods29 and expanded using Fourier 1599, 1589, 1560, 1529; 1H NMR (400 MHz, techniques. DMSO-d6):1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): δ 2.02 (3H, s, CH3), 3.54 (2H, s, CH2), 3.63 (2H, The non-hydrogen atoms were refined s, CH2), 3.84˗3.85 (2H, d, J = 5.76 Hz, CH2), anisotropically. Hydrogen atoms were refined 6.00˗6.01 (1H, d, J = 5.08 Hz, NH), 7.18˗7.20 using the riding model. The final cycle of full(2H, d, J = 7.20 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.22˗7.26 (2H, d, matrix least-squares refinement on F2 was based J = 15 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.27˗7.39 (2H, m,2×ArH), on 7392 for crystal structure 18a and 7949 7.43˗7.46(2H, d, J = 11.6 Hz, 2×ArH), 7.48˗7.51 for crystal structure 18b observed reflections (2H, d, J = 9.92 Hz, 2 × ArH); 13C NMR (100 and 415 for crystal structure 18a and 451 for MHz, DMSO-d6):12.13, 63.29, 98.90, 120.12, crystal structure 18b variable parameters and 122.55, 124.81, 126.51, 126.78, 126.91, 127.08, converged. Neutral atom scattering factors were 128.50, 138.94, 139.48, 141.99, 145.64, 149.20. taken from Cromer and Waber30. Anomalous 5-(4-methoxybenzyl)-3-methyl-1-phenyl- dispersion effects were included in Fcalc31, the 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d] values for Δf′ and Δf″ were those of Creagh and pyrimidine (18b): White solid; Yield 95%; McAuley32. The values for the mass attenuation Chemistry & Biology Interface 159 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 coefficients are those of Creagh and Hubbell33. All calculations were performed using the Crystal structure crystallographic software package except for refinement, which was performed using SHELXL-9734.Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 are represents the ORTEP35. Results and Discussion The crystals of 18(a-b) crystallize in triclinic space group, P-1 (#2). The bond distances and bond angles in all the compounds are in excellent agreement with the expected values for the corresponding dimensions. In molecule of 18a (Fig. 3) benzyl amine ring and 18b (Fig. 6) 4-methoxy benzyl amine ring present into the pyrazole skeleton. Table 1 Summary of crystal data and structure refinement parameters for compounds (18 a-b) 18a18b CCDC Deposition Number CCDC1059157 CCDC 1059157 Empirical FormulaC19H20N4C22H20N4 Formula Weight304.39334.42 Crystal Color, Habit colorless, block colorless, chunk Crystal Dimensions, mm 0.790 × 0.400 × 0.400 0.790 × 0.400 × 0.310 Crystal Systemtriclinictriclinic Lattice TypePrimitivePrimitive Lattice Parameters a = 9.423(2) Å a = 10.177(4) Å b = 13.664(3) Å b = 13.073(5) Å c = 14.656(3) Å c = 14.494(5) Å α = 110.922(4)° α = 92.04(2)° β = 95.792(4)° β = 109.20(3) ° γ= 107.324(4)° γ = 101.64(1) ° V = 1636.6(5) Å3 V = 1773(2) Å3 Space GroupP-1 (#2)P-1 (#2) Z value44 Dcalc1.235 g/cm31.253 g/cm3 F(000)648.00712.00 -1 -1 µ(MoKα) 0.756 cm 0.800 cm ω oscillation Range -120.0 - 60.0° -120.0 - 60.0° Exposure Rate 10.0 sec/° 10.0 sec/° Detector Position52.00 mm52.00 mm 2θmax 55.0° 55.0° No. of Reflections Measured Total: 16284 Total: 17275 Unique: 7392Unique: 7949 Rint0.05850.0884 0.1434 R1 (I>2.00σ(I)) R (All reflections) 0.2019 0.4220 0.4210 WR2 (All reflections) 0.46, -0.40 0.64, -0.38 Largest diff. peak and hole, e. Å-3 Goodness of Fit 1.0481.213 Chemistry & Biology Interface 160 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 Table 2 Bond Lengths (Å) Bond distances (Å) 18a Bond distances (Å) 18b C1-C21.373(5)C1-C21.366(8) C20-C211.383(6)C14-C151.346(6) N1-N21.379(5)N1-N21.375(5) N5-N61.383(4)N5-N61.378(6) N3-C301.454(5)N3-C101.445(6) N7-C121.451(5)N7-C301.460(5) N4-C311.464(5)N4-C111.496(6) N8-C131.471(6)N8-C301.473(6) C26-C281.492(6)C7-C121.479(6) C7-C101.498(5)C27-C321.498(8) N3-H30.860N3-H30.860 N7-H70.860N7-H70.860 C10-H10A0.960C12-H12A0.960 C28-H28A0.960C32-H32A0.960 O1-C171.360(7) O2-C371.355(7) O1-C201.397(7) O2-C401.421(9) Table 3 Bond angles (°) Bond angles (°) 18a Bond angles (Å) 18b N2-N1-C20118.3(3)N2-N1-C1118.4(4) N6-N5-C1119.0(3)N6-N5-C21118.6(4) N6-N5-C9110.6(3)N2-N1-C9110.6(4) N2-N1-C38110.2(3)N6-N5-C29110.7(4) N3-C30-N4112.6(4)N3-C10-N4113.6(4) N7-C12-N8112.70(4)N7-C30-N8114.2(4) C17-O1-C20119.4(5) C37-O2-C40118.7(5) Table 2 and Table 3 give the list of Bond Lengths and Bond Angles of non-hydrogen atoms respectively. The bond lengths and bond angles are in excellent conformity with the standard values. The crystal structure 18a 1.379(5)Å for N1-N2, 1.383(4) Å for N5-N6 and crystal structure 18b 1.375(5)Å for N1-N2, 1.378(6)Å for N5-N6 is near to that of a typical Aromatic N=N bond (1.35 Å). (1.47 Å). The crystal structure 18b 1.397(7)Å for O1-C20 and 1.421(9)Å is O2-C40 is near to that of a typical C-O bond (1.43 Å).The crystal structure 18a 0.860Å for N3-H3, N7-H7 and the crystal structure 18b 0.860Å for N3-H3, N7-H7 is near to that of a typical secondary amine N-H bond (0.99Å). The crystal structure 18a 0.960Å for C10-H10A, C28-H28A and The crystal structure 18b 0.960Å for C12-H12A, C32-H32A is near to that of a typical alkyl – CH3 group of C-H bond (1.09 Å). The crystal structure 18a 1.454(5)Å for N3-C30, 1.451(5) Å for N7-C12 and crystal structure 18b 1.445(6)Å for N3-C10, 1.460(5)Å for N7- The bond length of crystal structure 18a of C30 is near to that of a typical alkyl C-N bond 118.3(3)° for N2-N1-C20, 119.0(3)° for N6Chemistry & Biology Interface 161 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 N5-C1, and crystal structure 18b 118.4(4)° Fig. 3 represents the ORTEP of only one for N2-N1-C1, 118.6(4)° for N6-N5-C21 is molecule (18a) with ball and stick drawn at near to that of a typical C-N-C bond angle 50% probability. (120°, sp2 hybridized atoms, pyrazol ring of N=N bond directly attached with aromatic benzene ring Carbon atom). The bond angle of crystal structure 18a 112.6(4)° for N3-C30-N4, 112.70(4)° for N7-C12-N8 and crystal structure 18b 113.6(4)° for N3-C10-N4, 114.2(4)° for N7-C30-N8 is near to that of a typical C-N-C bond angle(120°, sp2 hybridized atoms).The bond angle of crystal structure 18b 119.4(5)° for C17-O1-C20, 118.7(5)° for C37-O2-C40 is near to that of a typical C-O-C bond angle(120°, sp2 hybridized atoms). Fig. 4 Packing diagram of the molecules (18a) Fig. 2 represents the ORTEP of the molecule when viewed down the a* axis. The dashed (18a) with thermal ellipsoids drawn at 50% lines represent the hydrogen bonds probability. Table 4 Possible hydrogen bonds 18a18b Donor H Acceptor D...A Donor H Acceptor N3 H3 N8 3.048(5) N7 H7 N4 N7 H7 N4 3.005(5) N3 H3 N8 D-H H...A D-H...A D-H H...A D-H...A 0.86 2.60 113.55 0.85 2.50 113.45 0.86 2.58 111.63 0.88 2.55 111.60 Chemistry & Biology Interface 162 D...A 3.045(5) 3.025(5) Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 The D–H and H–A distances are essentially standard values and are not derived from the experiment. The structure exhibits in crystal structure 18a and 18b both inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonds of the type C–H…N and N–H….C. These hydrogen bonds link the molecules into chains and help in stabilizing the crystal structure. The observed hydrogen bonds are listed in Table 4. Fig. 5 represents the ORTEP of the molecule (18b) with thermal ellipsoids drawn at 50% probability. Fig. 7 Packing diagram of the molecules (18b) when viewed down the a* axis. The dashed lines represent the hydrogen bonds Fig. 6 represents the ORTEP of only one molecule (18b) with ball and stick drawn at 50% probability. Table 5 Torsion Angles (°) (Those having bond angles > 160 or < 20 degrees are excluded.) 18a18b atom1atom2atom3atom4 angle atom1atom2 atom3atom4 angle C11N8C12N7-66.9(4) C11N4C10N3-65.2(4) C29N4 C30N3 -67.3(4) C31N8 C30N7 -64.5(4) C12N8 C13C14-167.2(3) C10N4 C13C14-173.6(3) C30N4 C31C32-172.7(3) C30N8 C33C34-176.1(4) O1 C17 C18 C19 -179.8(5) O2 C37 C38 C39 -179.7(5) Chemistry & Biology Interface 163 Vol. 5 (2), March – April 2015 Chemistry & Biology Interface, 2015, 5, 2, 157-165 However, intermolecular hydrogen bonds for crystal structure 18a N3-H3-N8, N7-H7-N4 and crystal structure 18b N7-H7-N4, N3-H3-N8 this order is likely the cause of the apparent short H…H contacts involving the 5-amino pyrazole skeleton. The pyrazol skeleton of crystal structure 18a [N1/C26/C27/C38/N2], [N5/C7/C8/C9/N6] and crystal structure 18b [N1/C7/C8/C9/ N2] and [N5/C27/C28/C29/N6] is planar because of aromatic ring. In supporting information Crystallographic data in tables of crystal data and figure for crystal of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d] pyrimidine derivatives (18 a-b) of the number of CCDC 1059157 for 18a and CCDC 1059157 for 18b, contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data can be obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via A study of the torsion angles, asymmetric parameters and least-squares plane calculations reveals that the six membered ring of pyrimidine of crystal structure 18a [C38/N3/C30/N4/C29/ C27], [C9/N7/C12/N8/C11/C8] and crystal structure 18b [C9/N3/C10/N4/C11/C8], [C29/ N7/C30/N8/C31/C28] in the structure adopts a flattened boat conformation with the atoms. The torsion angle of crystal structure 18a between the [C11/N8/C12/N7] is -66.9(4), [C29/N4/ C30/N3] is -67.3(4) and crystal structure 18b between[C11/N4/C10/N3] is -65.2(4) and [C30/ N8/C31/N7] is -64.5(4) are showing that the two groups are staggered in six membered ring. Conclusions The torsion angle between the phenyl carbon atoms and alkyl carbon atom of crystal structure 18a [C30/N4/C31/C32] is -172.7(3), [C12/N8/ C13/C14] is -167.2(3) and crystal structure 18b [C10/N4/C13/C14] is -173.6(3), [C30/N8/C33/ C34] is -176.1(4) this shows that the benzene ring with alkyl carbon atom is not coplanar this shows that the benzene ring with alkyl carbon atom is not coplanar. In conclusion, we have achieved a convenient and efficient domino protocol for the synthesis of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo derivatives via Domino C- and N-alkylation and an intramolecular Mannich type cyclization reaction. 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