- -- PROCEEDING OF THE ORDINARY BOARD MEETING HELD ON 28th APRIL, 2015 AT 1130 HOURS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CANTONMENT BOARD, JALANDHAR GANTT. PRESENT Brig . R.K. Mahna, YSM ,SM Smt. Sneh Gupta Sh.Parshotam Lal Sh . SC Somani, SE Col.HS Sandhu, SM Col RK Kochhar Sh . SanjeevTrehan Sh. Suresh Kumar Smt. Puneet Kaur Sh . Rajinder Sharma President Vice-President Member Secretary Commander Works Engineer Nominated Member Nominated Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member NOT PRESENT Brig . A.K. Srivastva Sh.Girish Dayalan IAS Sh.Rajinder Kumar Sankar Sh. Bharat Atwal Health Officer Add . Deputy Commissioner Elected Member (with permission) Elected Member reminder dated 24.04.2015 issued requesting reply for perusal of the Board and the same is still awaited. -----------------<--------~--- -------------____.-/---___.,.>_______ .--/!---/'------_ /~ On briefing the issue action taken on Item No.6 dated 20.03 .2015, the CEO brought to the notice of the Board that the HQrs raised some queries about the identification of roads . Col. H.S. Sandhu pointed out that the reply could not be provided due to confusion of different roads as the members are referring to different road other than the referred to on the agenda . The CEO brought to the notice that reply may be restricted to the roads referred to in agenda. The Elected Members emphasised that the queries if any raised by the HQrs should be clarified expeditiously to enable the higher authorities issue necessary directions. Further, all the Elected Members present submitted letter of request addressed to the President Cantonment Board regarding opening of roads falling within the Cantonment limits, closed by Local Military Authorities. The President Cantonment Board clarified the Board that Old Noormahal road is vested on Class 'C' land which is under the management of Cantonment Board and that road has not been closed . /-----_ I /I~ /~ / .· ---- Addition in Nursery Section in Silver Oak Public School The CEO intimated that due to huge rush over the admission in Silver Oak Public School , the Elected Member requested to create additional section of Nursery class in Silver Oak Public School and same was allowed creating space by merging two section into one at higher stage . Before start of the meeting Smt. Sneh Gupta , Vice President suggested that the Board should pay homage to the departed souls in the recent earthquake, the Board paid homage to the departed souls in earthquake in Nepal and India by observing two minutes silence . Item No.16(A) Swachh Bharat ITEM N0.01 Shri Sanjeev Trehan, Elected Member suggested that the Jindal Company be engaged fo r collection of door to door garbage which will pay to the Cantonment Board for collection of garbage rather than imposing rates use charges the users for availing door to door collection charges and the Board should make liaison with the Jindal Company for this purpose . The CEO clarified that the company will be approached for getting detail of project for consideration of the Board . PROGRESS ON BOARD PROCEEDING To review the progress and action taken on proceeding of Ordinary Board Meeting held on 18.3.2015 &20.03 .2015 in the office of the Cantonment Board , Jalandhar Cantt. The Elected Members further also requested to arrange a skilled person to break the concrete slab over ~he drain with equipment for proper cleaning of main drain . The Board agreed to the proposal The CEO 1s authorised to engaged a skilled person and to make necessary expenditure 01. RESOLUTION ·:- Noted the action taken . Action taken on Item No.06 ITEM N0.02 Closu re of Road RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR TH E MONTH OF MARCH, . ted Members asked Smt. Sneh Gupta, V.P, Shri Sanjeev Trehan an~ s.hn Suresh Kumar, Elecnder the authority of the prog ress and action taken on Item No.06 , the CEO intimated the Board that u uesting providing refe rence resolution he has written a letter to the Sub Area on 25 .03 .2015 reihe LMA . Hence authority under which the roads have been closed. There was no response from · . 201 5 / I under:- To note and approve the Receipt and Expenditure for the month f M o page 1 of 26 Page 2 of 26 I . . arch, 2015 which 1s as = MARCH, 2015 _ Opening Balance as on 01.03.2015 Receipt during the month of March, 2015 Rs . 27,36 ,673.43 Rs. 11 ,03 ,73 ,978.00 ----------------------Rs. 11,31, 10,651.43 ----------------------- Expenditure during the month Closing Balance as on 31.01 .2015 Rs 2,63,42,789.00 Rs . 8,67,67 ,862.43 ----------------------Rs . 11,31,10,651.43 ----------------------- _......-<..___ 03. Resolution :- Considered and noted. In this connection statement of Receipt and Expenditure and individual payment vouchers for the month of March, 2015 and is placed on the table for consideration and approval. _____/'---------_____/'---------- 02. RESOLUTION -The Board scrutinized the individual payment vouchers, considered and approved ~ the monthly accounts. _ - /1 ____ ~ ITEM N0.03 CATTLE NUISANCE/SALE OF ANIMALS . . · Off J 1 dhar Gantt to impound To note and approve the action of the Chief Executive icer, a ~n t .d cantt cattle in the Cantt Board Cattle Pound , sell in public auction and send unclaimed cat~eMou s~ ~ . limit/Gaushala, Pinjara Pole (Regd .) , Jalandhar City during the months of February an arc ' 015 . . . Id d sent to Gaushala, Pinjara Pole In this connection details of the cattle impounded, so an ended below·(Regd.), Jalandhar City, Cattle Fine and Composition Fee realized there of are as app · Month & Year Nos. of cattle Impounded in the pound Feb., 2015 March,2015 By Mil. By CB Person 01 23 Staff Nil Nil Month & Year Feb., 2015 March, 2015 Month & Year Feb , 2015 March, 2015 B.F. 06 01 Cattle Fine Nil 250.00 Total of Nos. cattle Send to Gaushala, J.City of No. cattle sent outside Gantt limit 06 17 Nil Nil 07 24 Composition Fee Nil 12500.00 Feeding Char es Nil 490.00 aid of No. cattle auction ed No. of cattle died of No. cattle standing in pound of No. claimed the by claimant - Nil Nil Income of Auction Nil Nil Feeding Expenditure 1225.00 10290.00 Nil Nil The Board is further informed that in compliance to CBR No.11 dated 20.03 .2015 a meeting was held with Shri Kimti Bhagat, Chairman , Punjab Gau Sewa Commission in the office of Cantonment Board on 30.03 .2015 in the presence of Smt. Puneet Kaur, Member Gantt Board discussing the issue in detail. The Hon'ble Chairman suggested that to check cattle nuisance the Board employees may round up stray Gau Dham and the same may be sent by the Board to the Gau Ashram maintained by the Punjab Govt./Commission at different location . The detail report is placed on the table along with all the relevant papers. 01 02 Total Nil 13660.00 Total 1300 .00 12015 00 -- Nil 05 - ~ ~ _____/~ Shri Sanjeev Trehan, Shri Suresh Kumar, Shri Rajinder Sharma Elected Members and Smt. Sneh Gupta, Vice President, expressed their deep concerned over the cattle nuisance in Cantonment area and suggested that to deal with the violators by initiating action under PP(E) Act to prevent the cattle nuisance. Further the Elected Members namely Shri Sanjeev Trehan and Shri Suresh Kumar suggested that before starting the action under PP(E) Act, the Self Finance Scheme/Project for allotment of lands for dairies at village Subhana on no profit no loss basis to the affected persons. The CEO informed that he will put up the details for consideration of the Board . The CEO brought to the notice of the Board that a team comprising four persons of cattle catchers along with one Sanitary Jamadar under the supervision of Sanitary Inspector has been constituted and special vehicles will be required to be hired for the purpose and the cattle will have to be transported to the Gaushalas maintained by the Punjab Gau Sewa Committee with the prior informati?n to the D.C./SSP of the District. The Board resolved that special . vehicle be hired for transporting cattle to the Gaushalas as and when required . The Elected Members also raised the issue of stray dogs and requested that necessary steps be taken to prevent the dog biting . The CEO suggested that Board should liaise with some NGO dealing in the subject and steps be taken as per their advice. The Board agreed to the suggestions. _____/' ~ ___-/------_____/'~ _____/',,~ , __/, ~ __/, '~ /.~ __/, ' ~ _/ ITEM N0.04 REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF VOLUNTRY RETIREMENT BY SH. INDER KUMAR VIJ, E&M SUPERVISOR OF JALANDHAR CANTONMENT BOARD. Referenc.e application dt.09.04 .2015 of Sh . lnder Kumar Vij, E&M Supervisor, Cantt Board Jalandhar regarding withdraw the request for voluntary retirement w.r.t. CBR No. 31, dt 20 03 .2015 . s · The Board is informed that request dated 16.02.2015 of Sh . lnder Kumar Vi' E&M for pre-mature retirement was considered and accepted by the 8 d .d J, upervisor, 20.03.2015 waiving off notice period beyond 30th April 2015 .Furth oa;h vi e. CBR No 31. dated accordingly vide this office letter No . JCB/AcctVRetirement/ 2015189 /Cerd e individ ual was intimated 08.04.2015 . · ated 07.04 .2015 , received on _ /, - ~/ .Now, the individual , vide his application dated 09 .04 20 15 1 . requesting to withdraw his earlier request seeking voluntary retir Peaded with compelli ng reason rules/ instructions issued by th e GOI in this regard . ement, which is permissible under th e Page 4 of 26 Page 3 of 26 / / / -- = Hence, it is recommended that the request of the individual I applicant to withdraw the request for voluntary retirement be accepted and permitted to continue his post. 06. Resolution :- Considered and resolved that the DA @ 107% be paid to Cantt Board employees w.e.f. 01 .07.2014 as per above said notification after obtaining approval of the Directorate, Western Command, Chandigarh for which necessary proposal be sent to the Directorate, Defence Estates , Western Command, Chandigarh . In this regard all relevant papers are placed on table for perusal of the Board. 04. Resolution:- Considered and resolved to accept the request of the official allowing him to withdraw the request for voluntary retirement and to continue to perform his duties in the existing post. ITEM N0.07 ITEM N0.05 TENDER:MANNING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY INSTALATION NEAR DAK BUNGALOW. ENHANCEMENT OF DEARNESS ALLOWANCE@ 07% FORM 100% TO 107% WEF 01.07.2014 TO GANTT BOARD PENSIONER AND FAMIL y PENSIONERS. Reference C.B.R. No. 09 dated 20 .03.2015. The State Govt. of Punjab has enhanced Dearness Allowance from 100% to 107% w.e.f. to its Pensioners vide Pb. Govt. Notification No.3/2/97-FPl/259 , dated 20 .03 .20 15· According to the instructions received vide DG DE Delhi Cantt letter No.2351/C/L&C/72(PC-Vol-lll 26 date? . .0B.1990 , the same has to be paid to the Gantt Board pensioners on the said terms and conditions as specified in the state Govt. of Punjab letters ibid . But, decision for release of arrear of Dearness allowance of enhanced rate from 100 % to 107 % w.e.f. 01 .07.2014 to 31 .03 .2015 . ' o .o 7 .~0 1 4 1 __/'"--------- It is recommended that in view of the CBR No. 04 dated 18.03.2015 payment of arrear be made to the pensioners of the Cantt Board subject to the availability of funds with the Board . The amount of arrears included is Rs. 16,37,204.00 approximately. Budget provision exists . ~~ _.---/ In .this. connection all relevant papers along with case file No · 1/51 is placed on the table for Co ns1'derat1on ____.-/~ _.--/ ~ 05. Resolution·- Co ·d . C tt Board 1 pensioners w.e.'f. 01 ~7 ered and resolved that the arrears Dearne~~ Al'.owanc~ be paid to a·~ability of 2014 funds with the Board: · to 31.03 .2015 as per above said not1f1cat1on subject to the avai _ /'' _/'~ __/'. '------[EM N0.06 __/· ~ GRANT OF DEAR JALANDHAR CANTT NESS ALLOWANCE ---~~~lW.E.F. 01.07.2014. TO THE CANTONMENT BOARD 01 07 2 The State Govt of p . 07% w.e.f. · · 01.4 their ernplo e has enhanced payment of DA by 7% from 100% to 1 same is admissible to the caiu vide Notification No.3/2/97-FP1/259 dated 20 .03 .201S . of e ement on the said terrns oard employees under the provision of para 14 of the Merno_ibid It is ~cont1 metnded that DA to th!n~ conditions as specified in the State Govt. of Punjab lette1 val of the irec ora e Defence Estates sub· antt Board employees be. granted with the prior appro Ject to the availability of funds with the Board . 1 th' table for . n. is connection all re1e consideration of the Board. Vant Papers along with ca se file No .1/51 is pl aced on th e ~ls~I ~o unJ~b ~s __/· ~ yEES EMPLQ__-- Th~andum __/ __./ / ---- To consider the following tenders received on 15.04.2015 for the manning, operation and complete maintenance including Chlorinator and Sodium Hypochlorite (for Chlorination purpose)of Cantonment Board Water Installation (Submersible Pump Set) near Oak Bungalow for subject contract for a period of one year. The present contract is expiring on 03rdJune, 2015. Wide publicity was made through two newspaper i.e. Dainik Bhasker and Dainik Jagran along with intimation to Garrison Engineer (East), Garrison Engineer (West), CWE Office , Municipal Corporation, Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board , Station Headquarter. In response to the NIT only 5 tenders were received and opened on 15.04.2015 opened in the presence of contractors Ch' f Executive ?tticer, Chairman of Finance Committee and E&M Supervisor Jalandhar Cantt. Comp~rati~ee statement 1s as under:- S.No Name of Firm 1. M/S International Trading Co, 4-Ashok Nagar, Canal Road , Jalandhar. 2. M/S Ad Station infinity productions, Shop No1988,llnd Floor, Sector 45A, Bu rail ChandiQarh . 3. M/S Gill Enterprises, 117 Anoop Nagar, Basti Danishmandan ' Jalandhar. 4. M/S Aditi Construction co ., House No-51 , Church Road , Jalandhar Cantt 5. M/S Gulshan Singh Ghai &Son's Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Cantt. Budget provision exist under Head F(5) / _.-/ _ / Page 6 of 26 / / Rs. 10800/-- PM Rs. 13100/-- PM Rs . 12600/-- PM Rs . 11300/-- PM ----Rs . 10250/-- PM I I -· / Page 5 of 26 Amount / Budget provision exist under Head F(5) . In this connection tender notice, tender in original , comparative statement and reasonability report by E&M Supervisor and office report along with relevant papers are placed on the table . In this connection tender notice, tender in original, comparative statement and reasonability report by E&M Supervisor and all relevant papers are placed on the table. 07. Resolution :- Considered and resolved that the lowest bidder M/S Gulshan Singh Ghai & Son's, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Gantt is not registered with the Cantonment Board Jalandhar and not eligible for tender as provided under (Registration & Classification of Contractors) Byelaws 1990 of Jalandh~r Cantonment. Hence, the same is cancelled and fresh tender be re-called by adding certain clauses . Till then existing agency should be requested to provide services as per existing terms and conditions . ____./~ ____./~ 08. Resolution :- Considered and resolved that the lowest bidder M/S Gulshan Singh Ghai & Son's, Deep Nagar, Jalandhar Gantt is not reg istered with the Cantonment Board Jalandhar and not eligible for tender as provided under (Registration & Classification of Contractors) Byelaws 1990 of Jalandhar Cantonment. Hence, the same is cancelled and fresh tender be re-called by adding certain clauses. Till then existing agency should be requested to provide services as per existing terms and conditions . _-/~ ITEM NO.OB .----/t--- TENDER: MANNING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY INSTALATION NEAR INSPECTION BUNGALOW. '----_/"--------, _ / '"-------- Reference C.B .R. No. 10 dated 20 .03 .2015 . To consider th~ following tenders received on 15 .04 .2015 for the manning , operation and complete maintenance including .Chlorinator and Sodium Hypochlorite (for Chlorination purpose) of Can.tonment Board Wate~ Installation (Submersible Pump Set) near Inspection Bungalow, Mall Road for sub1e~t contract for a penod of one year. The present contract is expiring on 30th May 2015 i.e. for the Manning, operation and maintenance of Submersible Pump set. S.No Name of Firm 1. M/S International Trading Co 4-Ashok Nagar ' Canal Road, J~iandhar. 2. M/S Ad Station · f · Sh in in1ty Productions op No1988,lind Floor , Sector 45A 8 . · 3. MIS . · ura1! Chandigarh . Gill Enterprises 117 Anoop Nagar, ' . r--:- 8ast1 Danish 4· ~ndan,Jaiandhar. House N onstruction co 0-51 ., Church R · Oad J I 5. MIS Gulsh , a andhar Cantt D an Sin h G . . eep Naga g ha1 & Son's Jaiandhar ~ antt. Amount (Rs.) Rs. 10800/--PM /'-----__.-/f 1--__./"'-------- ..--/"-------- ..--/"-------_/ .'---------- ___/' -------___/' -'-------- ___/'~~ Rs . 12900/-- PM /' ~ Rs . 12600/-- PM / / Rs . 10250/-- PM ------· / / -- In compliance to CBR No.12 dated 22-10-2014 the composition plan in R/O unauthorized construction in Bungalow No.26, the Mall, Jalandhar Cant along with the relevant documents was forwarded to the Defence Estates Office, Jalandhar Circle , Jalandhar Cantt vide this office letter No.JCB/Engg/B.No.26/1831 /C dated 28-10-2014 and requested for giving his views under Section 238 (3) of the Cantonments Act, 2006 and Station Commander views regarding re-erection as required under land policy of 09-02-1995 for the consideration of Board. The Defence Estates Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt vide his letter No.JRB-26NOL-ll/ dated 16-04-2015 and letter No.JRB-26/VOLll/ dated 20-04-2015 has intimated the view of the Station Commander and his view from land point under land policy and Section 238 (3) of the Cantonments Act, 2006. It is recommended that in the light of views of the DEO vide his letter dated 16.4.2015 the Board may consider the case for submitting the case for approval of the GOC-in-C, Western Command . In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table . ------ 09. Resolution: - Considered the issue in detail in the light of:- a) b) c) d) e) Gantt Board Resolution N0.12 dated 22 .10.2014 . Directorate DE letter No.21 /5073/2/DE/WC dated 21.01 .2015 . HQ Western Command letter No.PC-57459/14/JRC/03(8) dated 2303. 201 5 Stn Hqrs letter No .PC-122/19/Q3W dated 27 .02.2015 . Defence Estates Officer, Jalandhar letters No.JRB-26/Vol-11 dated 16 04 201 5 d dated 20 .04 .2015 . · an even no The Board is of the view that the unauthorised construction made b th building byelaw enacted by the Jalandhar Cantonment Board under the prov .Y e HOR conforms to and the views of the DEO and the Station Commander from , as req uired u isions of Cantonments Act Cantonments Act,2006 read with Clause 3( 1-B) and 3(1-D) of land polic .nder Section 238(3) of the Ministry of Defence No 1101 3/1/87/D(Land s) Vol II dated 09 021 995 Y issued v1de Govt of India, The applicant has submitted a / Page 8 of 26 Page 7 of 26 -- - Reference CBR No.12 dated 22-10-2014. ___/'"--..----- ___/' ~ Rs . 11350/-- PM UNAUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION WORK IN BUNGALOW N0.26, THE MALL, JALANDHAR CAN TT _/""-------- I . . ~id~ publicity wa~ made through two newspaper i.e. Oainik Bhasker and Oainik Jagran ~l?ng with 1nt1mat1on to Garrison Engineer (East) G . E . (W t) CWE Office Mun1c1pal Cop t' P .bW , arnson ng1neer es , · NIT on!~ ~r~~~~rs ~n~~e rec:~~:dSupply & Sewerage Board, Station H.eadquarter. In response to r~eChief Executive Officer Ch . an~ opened on 15.04 .2015 opened in the presence of contracto , tive statement is as u~der~~rman of Finance Committee and E&M Supervisor Jalandhar Gantt. Compara ITEM N0.09 _/ / = registered admission dead, building plan showing the authorised , unauthorised a~d proposed construction, undertaking to pay the composition fee as approved by the competent authority. 11. Resolution :- Considered and approved the Fuel (Diesel) consumption is 12 Km. Per litre for Mahindra Bolero Camper vehicle. The observations made by the DEO, Jalandhar in para 3 of their letter No . JRB-26/Vo~-ll dated 20 .04.2015 regarding applicability of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, instructions issued ~1 d.e letter No.217/UL&C/67/2702/D(Lands) dated 23 .03.1968 are considered and the Board is of the op~n1on that the same stands modified by Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, instructions issued v1d~ letter No.11013/'.187(D(Lands) .Vol.II dated 09.02 .1995 para (3) allowing addition , alteration , renovation and reconstruction Old Grant property outside civil area . ___/ l / The Board unanimously resolved that the unauthorised construction be compounded levying composition fee of. Rs .3,62,000/- with the approval of the GOC-in-C the command as required under proviso to sub-section 1 of Section 248 of the Cantonments Act 2006. The Board further noted that as the unauthorised reconstruction made so far and the proposed re~o~structions conforms to the building bye laws and the land policy hence resolved to sanction the building plan but the sanction of the building plan under Section 238 (1) of the Cantonments Act, 2.006 be conveyed by the CEO after receipts of the approval of the composition fee from the GOC-in-C western Command . I ______ ITEM N0.12 ------ ANNUAL CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2014-2015 t ____./------ / ------_,___ /·...____~ / '---- ______ DISPOSAL OF BER VEHICLE GYPSY WITH BOLERO JEEP (DIESEL) /~ /~ Reference C.B.R. No.37 dated 20-03-2015. regardin~~~Zt:~d~; ~~Pcommittee report dated 13-04-2015 constituted by the Chi~f Executive offic:~ resolved in the abov .doBf BER Gyp~y bearing Registration No PB 08 M 4141 for disposal purpose e sa1 oard Meeting Resolution . In this connection com ·u th t ble for consideration and ap mif ee report dated 13-04-2015 along-with file 8/41 is placed on e a prova 1o the MRP. 10. Resolution·- Cons·d . osed 1 off through seal~d tend e~red and approved the MRP and further resolved that the vehicle be disp / '------- /~ _,../ "---- / "---- / ---- / '------/ ----__/ ----- __/ --------- ~ FU EL DIE.St:.L C ONSUMPTI T ON OF NEW MOHINDRA BOLERO VEHICLE. o consider n . . Dealer of Mahindr t e intimation authorized 015 Bolero Camper is~ 2& Mahindra ltd ~f . M/~ Ra~a Motors Pvt '. Limited dated 25-03- 2 hicle Mahindra KM Per litre (I timating diesel consumption of new purchased ve OCal). In this connectio . . table for noting n ong1na1 1 tt . d on the · e er of M/S Raga Motors Pvt Ltd dated 25-03- 2015 is place Catt for the year 2014-2015 under Rule 40 of Cantonment Account Code 1924. Consolidated Accounts are placed on the table for consideration and approved . / --- / / ----- 12. Resolution :- Considered and approved. ITEM N0.13 NOTING THE CIRCULAR AGENDA To note the Agenda & Resolution by Circulation No.JCB/Budget/14-15/3764/C dated 30.03.2015. RE-APPROPRIATION STATEMENT To note and approve the re-appropriation of following amounts from one Minor Head to other Minor Head under the same Major Head of the budget estimates for the year 2014-2015 (Revised) under Rule 21 (b) of the Cantonment Account Code, 1924 approved vide referred circular agenda :TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 17,00,000.00 1,00,000 .00 4,000 .00 1,00,000.00 50,000.00 25 ,000 .00 40,000 .00 1,00,000 .00 14,00,000 .00 1,00,000 .00 8,50 ,000.00 4,00,000 .00 It is reported that budget provisions .from one minor head to another minor heads are ava ilable for re-appropri.ation in the revi~ed b~dget estimates for the yea r 201 4-2015 as approved by the GOC-inC and expenditure exceeded 1n particular heads has been made with the prior approval of the Board / / / // Page 9 of 26 The Annual /~ ~~ ____,.,..). ITEM N0.10 To consider and approve the Annual Consolidated Accounts of Cantonment Board Jalandhar ,../ / Page 10 of 26 ./ / The relevant papers along with the Revised Budget Estimates for the year 2014-2015 approved by the GOC-in-C, Western Command and the decision taken will be put up before the Board in the next meeting. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 13. Resolution:- Noted. ITEM N0.14 LICENSING OUT GANTT FUND PROPERTIES KNOWN AS:- (1).VEGETABLE STALL/SHOP N0.1~ NEAR SABJI MANDI, JRC. (2). CHICKEN SHOP N0.4, OPPOSITE MUTTON MARKET, JRC (3_1 SHOP N0.3, MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX, HARDYAL ROAD, JRC. To consider Tenders held on 07.04.2015 of the following Gantt fund properties in the office of the. Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Gantt for licensing out for a period of three years as per tender notice, under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006. "D . . The T:nder notices in this regards were published on 27 .03 .2015 in "Dainik Bhaskar" and Th:int Jag ran .newspapers vide this office letter No.JCB/Tax/Publication/37 41 JC dated 25 .03.2015 . . notices were also affixed on the office notice Board . The tenders were opened on 07 04ender · ·2015 in the presence of the tenderers. GANTT FUND PROPERTIES:r---~ 1. Vegetable Stall/Shop No.15, near Sabji Mandi Jalandhar Cantt ' (The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.4,500/- .___~month.) Following one tender has been received:- Name of Tenderer Rate Quoted (per month) Sh. Sahil S/o Baldev Raj, resident of Mahalia No.8, House No.34/3, Jalandhar ·Gantt. Rs.4,721.00 Sr. ' No . . --_,__-L~~~~--~~~--~~ It is reported th t resident of Mohallaa N~e subject shop was licensed out to Sh . Ranjit Kumar S/o Jagdish ~hander, 02 6 .05.2012 to 3o.o 4 20 / ' Hous~ No.22, Jalandhar Gantt for a period of three years 1.e. from per month. The licen~e a5 for the ~1cense fee @ Rs.4,500/-(Rupees four thousand five hundred only) Fres~ tenders for th gree~ent is going to expire on 30.04.2015. but no bidder came f e subject shop were called on 09.02.15 fixing M R p of Rs 4 500/- per month ' Rs 4 500 or an b' . · · · · ' p f M~h~ll /- Per month . Onl Y Id. Again tenders were called on 20-02-15 with the same ~R 0 f a No.8, House No . 34~3 one tender was purchased by Sh. Sahil S/o Baldev Raj, resident o Th t ' Jalandhar Gantt, but no bid was offered by him. e enders f per month . A . or the same sho 0/No.8, House ~1n only one tend P were called on 07-04-15 with fixing of the same MRP i.e . Rs.4 ,50 II 0 34 subject shop. · i3, Jalandha~~ Was purchased by Sh. Sahil S/o Baldev Raj , resident of Moh~h: . antt, and he offered Rs.4,721/- per month as License fee for 2. Chicken Sh op No 4 k mar et, JRc · , opposit Rs .22,sos1. · (The M.R p e Mutton No bid received . er rnonth · · Was fi xed =-J I I The said Cantt fund property was licensed out to Sh . Pritam Singh Rai S/o Late Gurdial Singh , resident of House No.6, Aladeenpur, Kukarpind, Jalandhar-144024, for a period of three years i.e. 0209-2014 to 31-08-2017@ Rs.22,505/- per month . As per letter dated 23/02/2015, Sh . Pritam Singh Rai, licensee informed this office that as per clause no.16 of the said reference license agreement he wants to terminate the license agreement, and as per his letter, he will hand over the vacant possession of the said cantt fund property till 31-05-2015 to the Board. The Board vide CBR No.22 dated 20.03.2015 accepted the notice of termination and further resolved that fresh tenders be called by fixing M.R.P. of Rs.22,505/- per month. Fresh tenders were called on 07-04-2015 vide publication No.JCB/Tax/Publication/3741 dated 25-03-2015, but no bidder came forward for any bid. 3. Shop No.3, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar Cantt .. (The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.13,200/per month) Following four tenders have been received and the comparative statement is given below:Sr. Name of Tenderer Rate Quoted No. (per month) 1. Rakesh Kumar S/o Pritam Dass, Rs .18,500/168, Khatik Mandi, JR Cantt 2. Sachin S/o Ramesh Lal, resident of Rs .15,500/House No.3349, Bhargo Nagar, Jalandhar 3. Narinder Kumar S/o Vijay Kumar, Rs .15,200/R/o 92, Pu ran road, Jalandhar Cantt. 4. Vikas Gori S/o Mohinder Pal Gori, Rs.14,500/645-R, New Model Town, Jalandhar. -It is reported that the said subject shop was licensed out to APRAJITA D/o Uttam Kum resident of Block-B, Officers colony, VPO Sufipind , Jalandhar-144024, for a period of three years i:· 01-11-2014 to 31-10-2017@ Rs.13,200/- per month . · · !he licensee. vide h~r letter dated 20-03-2015 served a notic~ and hand over the vacant possession of the said shop till 31-03-2015 to the Board and her security amounting to Rs .39 600/deposited vide receipt no.2160991 dated 29-10-2014 forfeited . ' Fresh Tenders for the subject shop called today i.e. on 07 .04 2015 in the office of th Cantonment Board , Jalandhar Cantt for licensing out for a period of three years as per tende . e under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 . r notice, In this regards origin~! t~nders received from the different person s comparative statement along with files are placed on the table for decision on 07.04 2015 and 14. Resolution :- Considered and resolved as under:- Page 12 of 26 Page 11 of 26 7o (1). It is seen that the bid amounting to Rs.4 ,721/- per month offered by Sh. Sahil S/o Baldev Raj, resident of Mahalia No.8, House No.34/3, Jalandhar Cantt is single offer and on lower side . Hence rejected and fresh tenders be called . (2) . Fresh tenders be called. 3 To ~pprove the highest bid of Rs.18,500/- per month and further resolved that in case the ( ). successful bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to execute the license agreement as per terms .0 f the tender within three days from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited ; he be blacklisted and fresh tenders be called . _________./ __.----/ ---- ------ ___ _____ ----__-/------- ITEM N0.15 ____./ ~!;ENSING OUT COLLECTION RIGHTS OF ADVERTISING/HOARDINGS FROM 16 OPEN SITES SPECIFIC SPACES IN JALANDHAR CANTT. - ~~ T~ consider T~nders held on .~2.04.2015 for the collection ~ights . of Advertising/H.oardings of pen sites on specific spaces in c1v1I area, Jalandhar Cantt, to licensing out for a period of three years as per tender notice, under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 . ~~ 16 0 ~~__-/ _________ _ "D . . The Tender notices in this regards were published on 12.04 .2015 in "Indian Express" and Thai~ik Jagran" newspapers vide this office letter No.JCB/Tax/Adv.Hoard/2015/54/1 dated 10.04.2015 . tened ender notice was also affixed on the office notice Board. In response to the NIT only four sealed ers were rece· d f h d Shri s . ive by due date and opened on 22.04.2015 in the presence o t e tenderers an an1eev Trehan, Elected Member. Comparative statement of rates quoted is as under:- /~ CANTT FUND PROPERTY:- /~------- 1. Licensing Collection for out rights ~dvertising/Hoard ings from 16 open sites on specific spaces in Jalandhar Cantt (The MR p · fixed R~.6 ~ ~~~ Per month) 84 -------------~ I Following four tenders have been received and the comparative statement is given below:Name of Tenderers Rate Quoted Sr. (per month) No. 1. M/s Compacta Advertisings (Sh .Hitesh Kapoor) Rs .75,412 .00 410, S.U.S. Nagar Market, AmbedkarChowk, Jalandhar City-144001 . 2. M/s Design Studia (Sh .Sumit Singhal) , 1001 -C, Rs.70,461 .00 Vrindavan Gardens, Peer Muhalla, Zirakpur140603. 3. M/s Karan Industries (Navneet Bhalla), 222 Rs.70 ,000 .00 Dr.AmbedkarChowk, BastiNau , Jalandhar, 4. M/s Planner's Consortium (Nishu Sharma D/o Rs .68,703 .00 Chander Shekhar Sharma) , inside Hotel Mayur, near Amandeep Hospital, G.T.Road , Amritsar143001. n this reg statement d .ards original t · an office report enders received from the different persons on 22.04 .2015 , comparative are placed on the table for consideration . Shri Rajinder Kumar Sharma, Elected Member suggested that Cantt Fund Properties be disposed off on lease basis for 30 years. _] __.----/ ----./ r--- 15. Resolution :- Considered and resolved to approve the highest bid of Rs.75,4 12/- per month offered by M/s Compacta Advertisings (Sh.Hitesh Kapoor) and further resolved that in case the successfu l bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to execute the license agreement as per terms of the tender within three days from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited, he be blacklisted and fresh tenders be invited. / ----------- _-/ ~ / · '-__ / '-__ ~ ------ / /~ /~ The CEO brought to the notice of the Board that Board is competent to licence out the Cantt Fund Properties through open auction I tender upto 05 years under rule 8 of the Cantonment Fund Property Rules 1925. Sh Rajinder kumar Sharma Elected member pointed out that the existing licensees should not be forced to leave I vacate rather than Board should dispose the rights in such cases through private treaty. The CEO informed that the same can be done with the prior approval of the GOC-in-C. The lease beyond five year can be given with the prior approval of the GOC-in-C. Further the Board resolved that in further Cantt Fund Properties wh ich will expire in future be given on lease for five years. Rate of rent be reviewed after three years so the agreement may be amended accordingly. ITEM N0.16 CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF ESTIMATES OF REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FOR PUBLIC WORKS/UTILITIES AND CANTT FUND PROPERTIES Reference CBR No.07 and 45 dated 20-03-2015 . The following public works and repair/maintenance had already been approved by the Board vide CBR No.07 and 45 dated 20-03-2015 but the works could not be executed in the financial year 2014-15 . The estimates as per MES SSR, 2010 part (II) of the proposed work are put up for consideration and approval. Sr.No. / . ~- 1. Repair to the employees Quarter at Cantt General Hospital /~ 2. Repair to the PCC flooring to the road sides between Moh .No.01 to 05 . 3. Repair to the urinals at BhoorMandi. Repair to the urinals at Cantt Board Boys Sr. Sec. School Repair to the streets with paver block at Moh . No.27 Repair works in the Cantt fund property at 19- The Mall Repair the premixing of parking along Church Road . -- / / / / / 4. 5. 6. 7. Amount (Rs.) 69 ,800/- Name of Work 4,07 ,560 /I I I I I I I I / 32 ,97 0/48 ,830/93 ,850/1,97 ,940/5,38,700/- The above work would be got executed through Board's approved exe t. · year. cu ing agency's rate as per the rates approved by Board ·in the cu rrent fiinanc1al In this connection all re levant papers are placed on the tab le / Page 14 of 26 Page 13 of 26 / / / _./ / ,/ ,/ / --. 7/ 16. Resolution :- Considered and approved. ITEM N0.17 CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF ESTIMATES OF REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FOR PUBLIC WORKS/UTILITIES AND GANTT FUND PROPERTIES The following public works and repair/maintenance are proposed to be executed The estimates as per MES SSR, 2010 part (II) of the proposed work are put up for consideration and approval. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. per the Name of Work Repair to the PCC flooring at streets at KhumarMandi, Jrc. Repair and converting of open drains into underground drainage system at KhumarMandi, Jrc. Repair to the PCC floorinq at Mahalia No. 14, Jrc. Repair to the drainaqe pipe at Mahalia No. 11 , Jrc. Repair to the PCC floorinq at Mahalia No. 11, Jrc. Repair and pre-mixing of Cross Road in between Mahalia No. 17 & 21, 18 & 22, 19 & 23 & 20 & 24. Repair to the Road sides with paver blocks at Mahalia No . 04 , Jrc. Repair to the PCC flooring at R.A. Bazar, Jrc. Repair to the drainage pipe at Mahalia No. 20, Jrc. Repair to the boundary wall of the parking along Church Road , Jrc. Repair to the path ways at Cantt Board School at R.A . Bazar, Jrc. Repair to the path ways at Mata Parvati School, Jrc. Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Mahalia No. 20, Jrc. Repa~r to the employee's quarter back side of Gantt Board Office , jrc. Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Mahalia No. 12, Jrc. Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Mahalia No . 04 , Jrc. Repair to the PGL at R.A. Bazar. Repair to the Sewage disposal system for the PGL at R.A . Bazar. T~e above work would In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table . Amount (Rs.) 1,26 ,000/2,68,450/- 18. Resolution:- Considered and approved. 3,34,530/29 ,300/1,71 ,830/4,69,840/- HEALTH REPORT 1,52,330/5,36 ,320/16,500/33,990/2,79 ,140/13,480/67,800/53,450/3,64,540/2,21,600/3,39,400/67,400/- be got executed through Board's approved executing agency's rate as ra es approved by Board . In this connectio II n a relevant papers are placed on the table. There are total 50 PCs in this Cantt Board office including Hospital and schools. Microsoft Office software is being used on most of these PCs for day-do-day work but this office does not have proper license for the same. Therefore, there is a need to purchase licensed Software. There are two Microsoft Office Packages suitable for office use. One is Microsoft Office Home & Business with approx cost Rs. 16,000 per PC and the other one is Microsoft Office Professional with approx cost of Rs 30,000 per PC . Validity period of these software is for lifetime. Therefore, it is suggested to the Board to consider for the purchase of the above licensed software initially for 10 PCs, Qty-09 of MS Office Home & Business and Oty-01 of MS Office Professional. The total estimated cost will be Rs.1,7 4,000/- (One Lakh Seventy Four Thousand). Budget provision exist under Head A(4) . ITEM N0.19 To note the Health Report and action taken for the months of January 2015 , February 201 S and March 2015 under Section 131 of Cantonments Act, 2006. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 19. Resolution :- Considered and approved . Shri Sanjeev Trehan , Elected Member submitted a request to the PCB regarding insanita conditions of area occupied by the MES quarters on Nalwa Road and open drain outside . Thry President C~n~on~~nt Board assured that t~e ~ecessary action will be taken on priority on the are: under LMA 1unsd1ct1on. Regarding open dram informed that action will be taken immediately by th Board in consultation with the Stn . Hqrs . e ITEM N0.20 AMENDMENT OF OLD CLERICAL ERROR IN BOARDS RESOLUTION Reference C.B.R. No. 1(iii) dated 12.10.1963. To consider the application dated 19-03-2015 from Smt. Suraksha Ran i W/O Late Sh . . Kumar, House No.34, Mahalia No.23 , .and Jal~ndhar Cantt. As per the General Land Re . n Sunnder property bearing Survey No.283/1446 1s described as House & Upper Storey No . Mgister records 34 23 Jalandhar Cantt. The holder of occupancy rights of this property are in the · in ohalla No. · Shankar Das. Board vide CSR No.1(iii) dated 12-10-1963 had approved the ~~~e · of. Gordhan. ~as plan in respect of Property No.34 , Mahalia No.22 inadvertently which should b ctionmg of Bu ilding Jalandhar cantt. e read as Moha\\a No.23, 17. Resolution·- Cons· . idered and approved. ITEM N0.18 PURCHASE OF LICENSE D SOFTWARE: MS OFFICE 2013 Page 16 of 26 Page 15 of 26 The occupier of the above mentioned property may also be required to clarify that how the above mentioned property has been devolved upon to her. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table . ·- - 20. Resolution:- Considered and approved . I ~ '------- ITEM N0.21 ~- AMENDMENT IN CANTT BOARD RESOLUTION _/ -- _/-~ -- Reference C.B.R. No.28 dated 20 .03 .2015 . _ / --- As per above mentioned CBR regarding revision of rates for honorarium for contractual staff be effective from to be read as effective from April, 2015 instead of April, 2014 . --' In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table . -- -- It is suggested that Board may consider extending the same benefit to the entitled employees on the same terms and conditions with the prior approval of the Directorate DE, Western Command . In this regard relevant papers along with Case file No.1171 is placed on the table for consideration of the Board . _/-- 22. Resolution:- Considered and resolved that the Conveyance (Transport) Allowance for Blind & Orthopedically Physically Handicap employees as mentioned in the agenda side as per the revised above said notifications after obtaining approval of the Directorate , Western Command, Chandigarh for which necessary proposal be sent to the Directorate, Defence Estates , Western Command , _ /- - - Chandigarh . . _ /- - ( the allowance from Rs. 75/-to 150/-, 150/- to 250/- , 250/- to 450/- , 450/- to 600/- PM made by the State Govt. vide their letter No. 13/294/84-SB/3404 dt. 17 .07 .1999,No.3/32001-7SS/196 dt. 03/03/2006, No.3/2110-5FP2/205 dt.21 .05.201 O, No. 3/21105FP2/1402 dt. 21.12.2014 respectively. The Directorate DE vide their Letter No.15/363/Cantt/DE, dt. 9.04.2012, pointed out that there is no proper linkage of intermediate revision of the rates which are shown above. After that the said allowance is also admissible to the deaf and dump employees vide GOl letter No. 21(2)/2011-E.ll(B) dt. 19.02.2014 . _ /- _ /- 21. Resolution:- Considered and approved. ITEM N0.22 GRANT OF TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE TO CANTT BOARD HANDICAPPED _/ EMPLQ~ (Trans~~g) 30.0 ·~ 7310 ~ Letter Nos. 1~ ~bb0106 12 2. Letter No. 3/2/2001/788/196 dt 3.3.2006 3· Letter No. 3/2/10-5FP2/205 dt 21 .5.2010 4· Letter No. 3/2/10-5FP2/1402 dt 21.12 .2011 \Jnd . &Cl7 4/5973/D 5 (O&C) dt ~r the provision of Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter No . 2~15 /c/\ the grant of Conve · ·09 ·1983 the employees of Jalandhar Cantonment Board are entitled fol for revision of C li~nce (Transp?rt) Allowance at par with the employees of state govt. The proposa M s per GOP 1 le~t~r Ni~,~~~~ ~oF~~nd and orthopedically physically handicap from Rs ~BR No 02 1205 dt 21 .5.2010 was considered and approved by the Board vi . t d to the Dte for obtaining sanction of the co mpetent authority was revision of /405/C, dt. 19.03.2012 without ta king into account the 1nterve ni ~ndJ6~,~~;~I 0 · 751- to 450/- Pde submlt·~g Page 17 of __- _/ __/ ---- _/ _/.____ _/ --_/ __ _/ 71 1 75/-PM to 150/- PM from 150/-PM to 250/- PM frorn 250/-PM to 450/- PM frorn 121 2011 450/-PM to 600/- PM from 1. LetterNo.13/294/84-SB/3404 dt14.7.1999 ------- __/'- ~ . The Board is informed that this office granted Conveyance (Transport) Allowance @75/- PM Bhnd & Orthopedically Physically Handicap employees . The last sanction of conveyance 7 Allowance .was accorded vide PD DE Western Command letter No . 15/90/A/JR/OE/56, OT . 415 7 on the basis at the rate granted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No . 25/55/C/L&C/ hich (Q&C) dated 09 .12.1985. These rates were further revised by the State Govt. for their employees w are as under: dt · 20 01 2010 DE Vide ietter ITEM N0.23 _ // / / VACANT POSTS OF CLASS IV EMPLOYEES MAZDOOR OF ENGINEERING SECTION Reference C.B.R. No.13 dated 22.10.2014. The Board vide referred resolution resolved to engage 06 workers on daily wages through contractor for three months for levelling of the various road sides and other miscellaneous works labour. The workers so engaged were providing their services to the entire satisfaction of the Cantt Overseer and their services fare further required as there is acute deficiency of workers in the Cantt Board. It is recommended that the engagement may be further be approved for a further period of three months. The relevant case file is placed on the table. 23. Resolution:- Considered and approved . ITEM N0.24 TENDERSFOR WASHING OF CLOTHES DURING THE YEAR 201 5-16 _/' / / - To consider the tender r~ceived on 24 .04.2015 from the following approved registered Washer man /Washer women fo r washing of the clothes of Cantonment Board office , Cantt General Hospital and Oak Bunglow, Jandhar Cantt. Tenders were opened on 24 04 2015 in the presence of tenders . / COMPARATIVE STAT EMENT Page 18 of 2. 6 26 / / / - -·- - - ~ I SI. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Description Bed Sheet Towel Small Pillow Cover Table Cloth Cotton Table Cloth Woolen Baby Sheet Draw Sheets Curtains Delivery Towel Blankets Gown Sh.Shanker 58- RA Bazar, Jalandhar Gantt 12/05/04/09/20/07105/12/11 /20/08/- Smt.Jallo Devi 19-Mall Road Jalandhar Gantt 14/05/50 05/10/25/12/12/15/20/20/12/- DeepakKumar 11'9-RA Bazar JalndharCantt 15/08/05/12/25/08/12/15/20/25/10/- -- - - ----- Reference C.B.R. No.15 dated 18.12.2014. - To consider the question of enhancement of honorarium of Dr. M.S. Sachdeva , Physiotherapist and Acupuncturist, Cantt General Hospital, Jalandhar Cantt. Dr. M.S. Sachdeva was engaged on contractual basis as Physiotherapist and Acupuncturist for Sparsh Centre and other patients of Physiotherapy Centre run by the Cantonment Board Jalandhar at Rs.13000/- per month (Rs.10000/- for Dr. M.S. Sachdeva &Rs.3000/- for providing a trained helper for the centre). Now Dr. M.S. Sachdeva vide his letter dated 18.03.2015 has requested to enhance his honorarium keeping in view the quantum of services provided by him as at present there are 1O to 12 special children coming in the Centre alongwith 15-20 routine physiotherapy patients. Moreover, in the past Dr.M .S. Sachdeva was providing the above services at Rs.800/- per visit including two complementary visits that comes to Rs.12800/- per month. In this connection recommendations of Dr.Madhvi Oberoi, M.O.lncharge, Cantt General Hosprtal recommending revision of honorarium from Rs ., 10000/- to Rs.12800/- per month along with all concerned documents are placed on the table. Budget provision exists under Head L (4) (a). In this connection tenders in the original and all other relevant papers are 'placed on the table. 24. Resolution:- Considered and approved the lowest rates quoted by Shri Shankar, 58 R.A. Bazar, Jalandhar Cantt as mentioned in the agenda side. 26. Resolution:- Keeping in view the expertise of the said doctor the Board unanimously resolved to enhance the honorarium to Rs 12,800/- . The MOIC to ensure proper utilisation of services of the Doctor on daily basis. ITEM N0.25 ITEM N0.27 ENGAGEMENT OF SPEECH THERAPIST FOR 'SPARSH CENTRE' CANTT GENERAL HOSPITAb JALANDHAR CANTT. REPORT OF REVIEW MEETING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF RESERVATION POLICY AND OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL I STATUTORY SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED TO SAFAl-KARAMCHARIS, HELD ON 20.04.2015 AT CIRCUIT HOUSE, JALANDHAR BY SHRI M. SHIVANNA ,THE HON'BLE CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR SAFAl-KARAMCHARIS, GOVT. OF INDIA, NEW DELHI DURING HIS OFFICIAL VISIT TO JALANDHAR. To consider the question of engagement of Speech Therapist for 'Sparsh' Centre of Cantt General Hospital, Jalandhar Cantt. To consider the report of review meeting on the subject issues held on 20 .04.2015 at Circuit House, Jalandhar by the Hon'ble Chairman, National Commission for Safai-Karamcharis , Govt. of India , New Delhi , during his official visit to Jalandhar. Dr.Madhvi Oberoi, M.O. lncharge, Cantt General Hospital vide her letter dated 27 .03.2015 h~ve intimated that there is requirement of Speech Therapist for 'Sparsh' Centre for special. and disabled children coming in the centre. The Speech Therapist would provide his/her services tw.ic~ a Wee~ for two hours per visit for special children which would improve and strengthen the existi~g services provided to special children. The approximate honorarium for hiring the Speech Therapis~ would be approx. Rs .600/- per visit. It is recommended that a qualified speech therapist be engaged fo the purpose. It is brought to the notice of the Board that the Hon'ble Chairman , National Commission fo r Safai-Karamcharis, Govt. of India, New Delhi , has visited Jalandhar on his official tour to review meeting for implementation of reservation policy and ?ther Constitutional I Statutory safeguards provided to Safai-Karamcharis and also have meeting with CEO Cantt Board Jalandhar and other representatives of Safai-Karamcharis . \n this connection all relevant documents are placed on the table. 25. Resolution-- Administrations~ c . . ?~sidered and approved subject to maximum payment pervision be done by the M.0 .1/C, Cantt General Hospital. During the meeting held on 20.04.20 15, following points have been raised and discussed in of Rs.5000/-PM. detail :I /, ITEM N0.26 I ENHANCEMENT OF SAL HERAPI ST ACCUPUNCTURIST CANTT ARY OF DR.M .S. SACHD EVA PHYSIOT ~~~;:.._;_:=..~!..,L•~- GENERAL HOSPITAL, JALANDHAR CANTT. 1. Fillin g of Vacant posts of Safai-Karamcharis - AND // Page 20 of 26 Page 19 of 26 / / The hon'ble Chairman directed that vacant post may be filled at the earliest. The CEO submitted that he will put up the issue before the Board for consideration and seek permission of the higher authorities for filling the vacant posts of Safai-Karamcharis on priority . 2. · -- Appointment of dependents of deceased Safai-karamcharis on Compassionate ground The hon'ble chairman held that so many representations have been received from the effected families to provide job on compassionate ground in Gantt Board Jalandhar so effected families be considered to comply with the Govt policy to provide compassionate appointment in its true spirit .The hon'ble Chairman directed that cases of all these appointments be considered on priority considering the indigent condition of the families of the deceased employees . ~ I - r_ - . . ·· fll 11 vacant the posts of Safaikaramcharies through open competition a) Action be m1t1ated to 1. t rounds be made as per extant rules and regulations; and appointments on compass1ona e 9 .. tract labour should comply with the requ irement of labour laws b) The contractors prov1dm~ ~on . and fresh considered tenders be invited , .. . d be provided under Medical Attendance Rules, 1944; Medical fac11it1es and a vance c) b sanctioned to the family for last rites by the CEO against the d) that advance of Rs.20,0001- e terminal benefits of the deceased employee . ~ 3. Termination of contract system under agreement on Zero percent service charges and services of Group'D' employees on contract basis ITEM N0.28 EMPANELMENTOFADVOCATES The representatives of the Karamcharis brought to the notice of the hon'ble Chairman that the Board has entered into contract on Zero percent service charges which has led to exploitation by the contractors. The hon'ble Chairman was of the view that Service provider I Contractor, who otters services at zero margins should be rejected and ongoing contracts be reviewed forthwith and the safaikaramcharis be provided with the Gumboot, Cap , Hand Gloves, Soap and Mask to safeguard them from professional hazards. 4. . . th ubject cited above , the Board informed that presently there is To consider the issue on de s Singh Sachdev is existing panel who is diligently conducting only one Advocate namely Sh .Man ee~ but he is very busy and due to increase in litigation there is the court cases on behalf of the Boar 1 The CEO has met Advocates during the normal course of necessity of more Advocates on the penantioned below is recommended for empanelment for one year duties names of the t~o ~dvocates a:s~~ ursue the Court cases on behalf of Cantonment Board in addition to the existing ad~oc~\ C rt~ubject to the condition that 50% of the fee , already fixed by Jalandhar at Trial Courts and Ois.tnc ~~ase and rest will be in due process after decision of the Court the Board to be paid in advance in eac Medical advance or Cashless medical facilities to the Gantt Board employees case. The hon'ble Chairman desired that medical advance or cashless medical facilities be provided to the Cantt Board employees . The CEO submitted that provisions of medical advance is already there in the Medical Attendance Rules and provision of cashless medical facilities will be explored . 5. ITEM N0.29 GANTT BOARDS: DIRECTIONS OF GOC-IN-C, HO WESTERN COMMAND /Amb/03(8) dated 09 .03.2015. Reference HO WC letter No. 57446 . . . . . ·ng the sarne. However, the final report of minuteson subject issue 1s still awaited and on receivi shall be placed before the Board for perusal. To consider the directions issued by the HO Western Command vide their letter under Union of Safai- year 11 posts ution.- The CEO brought to the notice of the Board that during the last one 1ved that:have fallen vac t d t0 d . sly re so an ue eath and retirement -The Board considered and unanimou ers are placed on the table . 28. Resolution:- Considered and approved . to be in The Hon,ble Chairman held that the legal heir of Safai-karamcharis always seems t Rs 20 _ suppliant position due to tight fiscal and are required assistance hence desired that at leas . · for 25 thousands be released immediately to the legal heirs of the deceased Safai-karamchans his/her cremation or last rites. 27 Res 0 \ · . Shri Kanwarjit Singh, Advocate Shri Bir Preet Kanwal Singh Chhabra In this connection all relevan t pap Advanceto the legal heirs of the deceased Safai-karamcharis for his/her crematiolJ_QI last rites. ln this connection, all relevant file I papers along with representation of Karamcharis are placed on the table for perusal of the Board . (i) (ii) reference . . .f d that GOC-in-C HO Western Command vide its letter under reference The Board is. in o_rme the various issues such as Nirmal Cantonment Best Cantonment h · d t · d1rect1ons on · · .. · as iss~e ~er ain e Taxes Shops - Vishakha Gu1del1nes , Prov1s1on of Gymnasium , Dispensary , Champ.1onsh1p , Hous . H 11 ' Water Supply , Maintenance & Repair of buildings and Better dt · d t n· 1 · · · Education Community a · . ' d further d1recte o give up a e 0 imp ementat1on of these directions during management of Funds an ents Army Commander's visit to the Cantonm . / · / Page 22 of 26 Page 21 of 26 , / / / / / / ! ?learanc.e as per laid .down procedure for a particular latitude and longitude and co-ordinate frequency muse with the local signal authority. In this regard relev an t papers are placed on the table for perusal of the Board . It is su~gested that the Boar? may allow the companies to install towers on a particular location on payment of license fee but operation of these towers may start after obtaining SACFA clearance and frequency co-ordination with the local signal authorities. P~B requested that the copies of the directions be services in the Cantonm;~mbers and they should give their suggestion for further improvement of the . n and improving the tax base and local resources. 29. Resolution:Approved the draft reply. The provided to the elected In this connection relevant file is placed on the table for perusal of the Board. ugg~s PCB further s ted that the V1shakha . MembersThe to protect th Guidelines be circulated. to the Elected Board e women rights. 30. Resolution:- The elected members requested the PCB that the Board should allow installation of towers pending SAC FA clearance at the risk and cost of the agencies. The CEO brought to the notice to the Board that in pursuance to the Board resolution No. 19 dated 20.03.2015 the office has requested the agencies to deposit the security money and obtain necessary SACFA and other clearances required under law I govt. policy but the agencies have failed to deposit the same and fulfil other requirements of SACFA clearance and frequency co-ordination before execution of the agreement. Therefore, the Board considered the matter in detail and unanimously resolved that companies be asked to deposit the requisite security equivalent to three months licence fee and installation/operation of Mobile Towers/Parking of BTS (COW) Towers will be permitted on their submission of SAC FA c\e~rance certi~icate from. t~e con:ipetent authority and after co-ordinating frequency usage with local signal Authority and obtaining their clearance. ITEM N0.30 0/~E TO DISPOSE OFF TOWERS/PARKING RIGHTS UNDER LICENSE FOR /NSTALLATON OF MOB/lg PHONE COVERAGE IN /S (COW) TOWER TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CELLULAR REA OF JALANDHAR CANTONMENT M~ Reference CBR N0 ·19 dated 20.03.2015 and CBR No.06 dated 22 .10.2014 . ermission of the Chair. ~e~n In pursuance of th bave _referred CBR dated 20. 03.2015, Mis Bharti Airtel Ltd. and. Mis ATC India Tow er Pvt. ltd. No.JCB/Tax/Mob.BTS/ g highest bidder were requested vide Gantt Board office letter 2014 3134431C· dated 25-03-2015 to deposit Rs. 2, 62, 500/- and vi de letM No .JC BITax/ Mob. BTS/ 20 7501c, dated 26-03-2015 to deposit Rs .1, 08, 0001- as secu ntY equivalent to three months Aviation Authorities as re . d se fee along with security clearance certificate from SACFA & Military quire under GOI MoD letter 12.09.2008. i1li!~'3 ITEM N0.31 OPENING OF PLAY GROUND OF CANTT BOARD SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL BOYS FOR GENERAL PUBLIC AND DEVELOPING LAL DIGGI AREA FOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES IN THE 5 responsethe to the tth at aft.erIn deposit a ab ove, Mis Bharti Airtel Pvt. Ltd, vide their letter dated 08.04.201 state d orm.ahbes, they Will a I greed security .amount with this office and completion of other required details to this office a:i to the WPC wing for necessary clearances and shall provide the necessary resolved as early as applying to WPC. They will take that up with them and try to get the issue d1smantled/removed af othss.1ble and in case the issue does not get resolved they will get such s1te/s e1r own cost. ' intirn t Whereas, M/s ATC T I CANTONMEtil It is brought to the notice of the Board that there is no proper ground available in the Cantonment area for the children for outdoor games as most of the open areas have been surrounded by residential buildings so developed into parks having pavements etc. Some open spaces have been used for commercial purposes like parking of vehicles, ve.getable/fruit market ~nd shopping complex. It is noticed that the children and even grown-ups are playing outdoor games like football and cricket in these parks leading to inconvenience to the walkers and the nearby residents and are also damaging have shallabed that the sites are b e ecom Tower corporation, vi de their Jetter dated 06.04. 2015 ce for as per 7kms and below 40 Mtrs height criteria for which SAC FA Aclearance sh II b dated 4.7.2006 and further intimated that the IDS of the said proper It . . a e provided at the time of operation of the mobile tower. WPC Wingis infor N med that as per GOI . . ication, even No. Delhi instructio . ' Ministry of Communication and IT, Deptt of and nearest Airport osm.2005 inc ns issued v1de O.M. No.K19013/13/2005-CFA dated 28.06. om the Coordinates a dthe agencies ase the towers of height less than 40mtrs and beyond 7 Kms. fr Geo· information n AMSL informat· have to apply on line with the SAC FA Secretariat prov1d1nQ of the · • · ion · Th e app icant has to accept full responsibility of correc tness 1 SA~Fautomatic O~ond cleara~es d~te~w No the greenery. It is brought to the notice of the Board that Cantt Board ~r. Sec . (Boys) School have vast grounds which are underused. It is su~gested to the Board that playing grounds of Cantonment Board Senior Secondary School (Boys) having proper bou~dary wall may be opened to the general public beyond school hours providing two pr?per gates which may ~e. ~losed during school hours and after sunset. If allowed this wall provide a big boost to the sports act1v1t1es in the area . Telecomm~~ 06 1 1026/1/20~~~ght(Lands) to the notic dated ~ of the It is b Board that as per GOI MOD policy letter 15 . d vide _/ If the Board agrees to the proposal then the Board may consider to provide a 400 Mtrs . athletic track, football , hockey, volleyball , Basketball and gro~nd for other outdoor activities may be developed by the Board . If approved the Board m~y take up with the Sports Authority of India for providin their g II experts for coaching/training of budding sportsperson of . the. are a in the gro un d. Th e overa P th th b a d management and control of these groun s m Y e w1 e nnc1pal of the School. ./ .suesACFll 2·09 ·2008 (Para 3) the service ' provider has to obtain Page 24 of 26 Page 23 of 26 / / / / ' -J quarters we should wait for the same for taking considered decision in right earnest in view of the ongoing litigation. The Board resolved to pend the issue to be considered by the CAC in its entirety. It is further brought to the notice of the Board that the Lal Diggi area bearing Survey No.339 measuring 7.72 acres and classified as Class 'C' land abutting Rishi Road is placed under the management of Cantonment Board . There are certain infrastructure of water supply of the Cantt Board in that area. It is suggested that this area may be developed levelling/filling/planting the trees on the periphery making it fit for sports activities . - -- Relevant papers are put up for consideration of the Board . ·-- -- _,-/ _,-/ 31. Resolution :- The Board considered the issue and resolved that as proposed the playground of ____,/ ....____ Cantt Board Sr. Sec. School Boys Jalandhar Cantt be opened to general public beyond school timing and entrance gate be provided on Hardyal Road and Church Road to facilitate entry exit to the general public. The overall management should be with Principal Cantt Board Boys Sr.Sec. School . The CEO is authorised to make necessary improvement and to incur expenditure . Specialised agencies like SAi or any other agencies be roped in. / ..___ . / Brig. R.K.Mahna, President, Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. 28.04.2015 . ---- ITEM NO. 32 REPAIR TO THE STREETS WITH PAVER BLOCK AND DEVELOPMENT WORKS IN KASTURBA NA GAR. Reference CBR No . 07 dated 20.03 .2015. . To consider the issues on the subject cited above . The Board is intimated that the estimates of repair to the streets with paver block in ward No . 01 and 03 was considered by the Board vide referred ~ 8 ~. ?ut the Board resolved to pend the issue for Civil area Committee to go into the detail of rights , 1 \ abilities and entitlement of occupiers of Kasturba Nagar Quarters as court cases are going on in the ower Courts and High Court. K . Now ~he Elected members of ward No. 01 and 03 namely Sh . Sanjeev Trehan and Smt. puneet baur vide their representations dated 22.04.2015 requested that the common municipal facilities should a~ exten.ded to the residents of karturba Nagar Quarter at par with the other residents of Cantonrnen~ no~ao~~ it may affec~ the health and sanitation of the adjoining area and further requested the soard to provid:ol~~-c?ns1d~r and approve the estimates pertaining to Kasturba Nagar but also requeste Lights in Kasturba Nagar. ln this regard - - _,, re 1evant papers are placed on the table for perusal of the Board . -- ~ 32. Resolution:- Sh S . hat bein9 residents of the Cantt than1eev Trehan elected member brought to the notice of the Bo~r? t f cilitieS and in sanitary condit' e Occupiers of Kasturba Nagar quarters also deserve basic rnunicipald ashould provide the facilities. ion of this area may affect nearby areas hence requested that Boar The PCB ?rought out that the . meeting and the CAC is to submit the d 8.0 ard has already been discu ssed th e issue in last Board ba Nagar etail of rights, liabilities and entitlement of occupiers of Kastu r // Page 26 of 26 /I Page 25 of 26 ~ / I /
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