ITEM NO. 02 PROCEEDING OF THE ORDINARY BOARD MEETING HELD ON 18th MARCH,2015 AT 1130 HRS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CANTONMENT BOARD, JALANDHAR CANTT. RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, PRESENT _/ I - V President Vice-President Member Secretary Health Officer Commander Works Engineer Nominated Member Nominated Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Brig. RK. Mahna, YSM,SM Smt. Sneh Gupta Sh. Parshotam Lal Brig. A.K. Srivastva Sh. SC Somani, SE Col.HS Sandhu, SM Col RK Kochhar Sh. SanjeevTrehan Sh. Suresh Kumar Smt. Puneet Kaur Sh. Rajinder Sharma Sh. Bharat Atwal JANUARY, 2015 Rs. 1,23,50,316.63 Rs. 1,41,64,946.80 Rs. 2,65,15,263.43 Expenditure during the month Closing Balance as on 31.01.2015 Rs Rs. 2,11,08,049.00 54,07,214.43 Rs. 2,65,15,263.43 In this connection statement of Receipt and Expenditure and individual payment vouchers for the month of January, 2015 and is placed on the table for consideration and approval. Add. Deputy Commissioner Elected Member ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To note and approve the Receipt and Expenditure for the month of January, 2015 which is as under:- Opening Balance as on 01.01.2015 Receipt during the month of January, 2015 NOT PRESENT Sh.GirishDayalan IAS Sh.Rajinder Kumar Sonkar 2015. 02. RESOLUTION -The Board scrutinized the individual approved the monthly accounts. ------------------------------------------ Before start of the meeting the President Cantonment Board, as required under section 17 of the Cantonments Act 2006 administered oath to Brig. A.K. Srivastva , Col. H.S. Sandhu,SM , Col. R.K. Kochhar and Sh: S.C.' Somani , CWE as ex-officio / nominated members of the Cantt Board payment vouchers, considered and ITEM NO. 03 PAYMENT OF ENHANCED OF DEARNESSRELlEF TO CANTT BOARD PENSIONERS Jalandhar. The State Govt. of Punjab had granted Dearness allowance 64% to 73% w.e.f. 01.07.2009 to its pensioners vide Pb. Govt. Notification No.3/2/97 -FPI/657 dated 30.10.2009, 73% to 87% vide Notification No.3/2/97 -FPI/347 dated 03.06.2010 w.e.f. 01.01.2010, 87% to 103% vide Notification No.3/2/97 -FPI/668dated 02.10.2010 w.e.f. 01.07.2010, 103% to 115% vide Notification No.3/2/97 -FPI/282 dated 04.05.2011 w.e.f. 01.01.2011, 115% to 127% vid~ Notification NO.3/2/97FPI/764 dated 02.11.2011 w.e.f. 01.07.2011, 127% to 139% vide Notification NO.3/2/97 -FPI/44 7 dated 16.07.2012 w.e.f. 01.01.2012, 139% to 151% vide Notification NO.3/2/97-FPI/1165 dated 23.11.2012 w.e.f. 01.07.2012, 151% to 166% vide Notification No.3/2/97-FPI/2089 dated 27.11.2013 w.e.f. 01.01.2013, 166% to 183% w.e.f. 01.07.2013 and 183% to 200% w.e.f. ITEM NO.1 PROGRESS ON BOARD PROCEEDING To review the progress and action taken on proceeding of Ordinary Board Meeting held on 20.02.2015 in the office of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. 01. RESOLUTION .:- Noted and approved. Page 2 of 48 Page 1 of 48 1 01.01.2014 vide Notification No.3/2/97-FPI/601 dated 02.07.2014, the same is also admissible to the Cantt Board pensioners under the same terms and conditions as specified in the State Govt. of Punjab letters ibid. ,'_ 04. RESOLUTION - Considered and resolved that the arrears Dearness Relief be paid to CanttBoard pensionersw.e.f. 01.01.2014 to 30.09.2014 as per above said notification subject to the availability of funds with the Board. In this connection all relevant papers along with details of financial implication case file ITEM NO. 05 No.1/51 are placed on the table. It is recommended that DA to the pensioners be granted. 03.RESOLUTION- Considered and resolved that the Dearness Relief be paid to Cantt Board pensioners as per notifications of State Govt. ITEM NO. 04 PAYMENT OF ARREAR OF DEARNESS RELIEF @ 100% WEF JAN. 2014 TO SEPT. 2014. TO CANTT BOARD PENSIONERS. Reference CBR NO.08 dated 22.10.2014. 2. The State Govt. of Punjab had granted 100% DA due from 01.01.2014, w.eJ 01.12.2014 to its Pensioners vide Pb. Govt. Notification No.3/2/97 -FPI/448, Dated 09.05.2014, and was further amended vide its notification No. 3/2/97 -FPI/976 dated 14.10.2014 to make payment w.e.f. 01.10.2014 in place of 01.12.2014. According to the instructions received vide.DG DE Delhi Cantt letter No.2351/C/L&C/72(PC-Vol-111 dated 02.08.1990 , the .~ame has b~~n p~ld to the pensioners of the Cantt Board pensioners on the said terms and conditions as specified I.nthe state Govt. of Punjab letters ibid But decision for release of arrear of Dearness relief of enhanced rate from 90% to 100% w.~.f. 0'1.01.2014 to 30.09.2014 has not b~en .t.aken by the State Govt till date. It seems that State Govt. has not taken decision due to unavailability of funds. · f h C d J I dhar are now requesting vide letter dated nil that . ensioners 0 t e antt Boar a an .. 3Cantt The Board P . CCS Pension Rules 1972 and terms and conditIOns for grant of 6~n~lon~rs are governed ~n er plies mutatis-mutandis , hence, they should be antt released OR .0 d b Board penslonerst' ap to time. Since the Central Govt has paid DA@ revise y Central Govt from ime . if 2/10/2014 100% w.e.f. 01 01 2' : ioners vide Its noti Ic~tlon No .. F. No. 4 .' P&PW(G " 014 In cash to Its pens e aid accordingly Irrespective of the decision of ) dated ?9.04.2014, hence they also b P01 01.2014 to 30.09.2014 due to unavailability State G ovt regarding payment of arrears of DA from . of funds. 4 It is be made to the pensioners of the Cantt Board . b' t t recomm~nded that payment of arrear d The amount of arrears included is Rs. su jec 0 the availability of funds with the ~oar . 23,49,818,00 approximately. Budget provision eXists. 5 I thi ith case file No. 1/51 is placed on the table for . . n. IS connection all relevant papers along WI consideration. d Page 3 of 48 -~-- NON ACCEPTANCE OF DEDUCTIONS AGAINST CONSERVANCY AGREEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 AND ENTERING INTO NEW CONSERVANCY AGREEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 : FOR NOTING !DECISION OF THE BOARD. It has been reported that requirement of the conservancy services for the year 2014-15 was assessed by a Board of Officers convened under the orders of Station Commander and the recommendati~n of ~he Board of Officers were accepted by the Station Commander. Taking into account the financial effects, the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar entered into conservancy agreement with Station Commander, Jalandhar Cantt for providing conservancy services on payment of Rs.9,91, 16,870/- from March,2014 to February,2015. The agreement was forwarded to the PCDA through LAO (Army)for financial concurrence on 06/03/2014. Keeping in view the urgency and nature of work in the interest of health of the troops and sanitary conditions of the station the work under the agreement started w.e.f. 01.03.2014 pending financial concurrence. However, the items projected in the agreement were objected to by the PCDA (Western Command) Sector 9-A, Chandigarh and an arbitrary curtailment of Rs.3,74,28,432 was conveyed vide their letter No.M/II/ConsyJrc/T-81 dated 06/06/2014 asking for clarification. The reply to the objections was submitted vide this office letter NO.JCB/Acctts/1544/C, dated 12 September,2014 followed by our letter No.JCB/Acctts/Consy/173/C, dated 03 December,2014 along with a copy to the Station Commander for information. The reply submitted was not accepted by PCDA, Chandigarh and again the same objections were repeated vide their letter No.M/II/Consy JRC/T -81 dated 13/11/2014 received in this office on 09/12/2014. The matter was again taken up with the PCDA along with a copy to the Station Headquarter vide letter No.JCB/Acctts/3411/C, dated 21/0112015 bu.tthe services under agreement were continued uninterruptedly. This office has forwarded monthly bills for conservancy services from Marc.h.2014 to Jan.,2015 amounting to Rs.4 32 05 902/- to the LAO for vetting and further forwarding to the Station Headquarters for on~ard ~ubmission to the Zonal office,Jalandhar. The bills for the January,2015 amounting to Rs.34,93,252/- has yet not been approved. by the Zonal office. After making the deductions of Rs.58,68,906/from the monthly bills from March,2014 to December,2014, the Board has received balance payment of Rs.3,38,43,744/-. It is brought to the notice of the Board that deductions made .against the bills submitted are not reasonable, lawful and also against the agreement entered Into between two contractual parties Thus the deductions of Rs.58,68,906/- may not be acceptable to the Board as the Board IS providing these services to the local military authorities under special agreement approved by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Law on no profit no loss basis. The matter regarding the Page 4 of a8 ~egardingthe .closure of roads in Cantonments. There are certain instructionsl directions contained In the aforesaid GOI , MOD letter Board to take necessary decision in the matter. release of withheld amount has been taken up with the LMA/ACDA, Jalandhar Cantt and PCDA,Chandigarh but pending finalisation. In this connection all the relevant papers are place on the table. It is reported that health and sanitation of the troops in the cantonment is of prime importance and as a peculiar arrangement the Cantonment Board is the only agency in the cantt to provide municipal facilities to local military authorities under an agreement on no profit no loss basis. The requirement of conservancy services under agreement for the year 2015-2016 have been got assessed by the LMA convening a Board of officers and the same has been accepted by the competent authority of the LMA. The agreement amounting to RS.10,27,38,204.00 for providing conservancy services to the LMAs from 01.03.2015 to 28.02.2016 has been submitted by the LMA vide their letter No.130/18/CB/Consy/2015-2016 dated 22.02.2015 to the PCDA for their concurrence and the same is awaited but the current agreement is going to expire on 28.02.2015. -_ -_ 06.RESOLUTIONDiscussed the issue in detail. Shri Suresh Kumar Elected Member brought to the notic f PCB that all the files complete in all respect be made available to the members for their pe e ~ The CEO assured that as per business regulations the files will be made available to the Me~~sa . for their perusal. ers Item No. 06 continued . Due to administrative reasons the President, Cantonment Board adjourned the me ti and directed that the adjourned meeting shall be held on 20.03.2015 at 1100 hours in the Offi~~~ the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. Before start of the services under agreement approval of the Board is required. The Board could not consider the issue as the same was not finalized and now under the shortage of time the meeting could not be convened to consi~er the prop.osed agreement. It may not advisable to compromise with the sanitation of the station undergoing the health of the troops on account of such procedural requirements. Keeping is view the urgency, approval of the President, Cantonment Board under section 26 of ~he Cantonments Act,2006 for continuing conservancy services under the agreement pen~lng concurrence with the existing men and machinery the Board may consider and take appropriate decision in the matter of providing services for the year 2015 -2016 05. RESOLUTION-Considered the ~~suein detail and unanimously r~solved that th.e services .be id d t the local military authorities under agreement on no-profit no-loss basrs. The action t~e CEO to start providing services to the LMA under agreeme~t pending approval of the bY th Board is noted and approved . The Board resolved that If there are unreasonable sdamd e ti y 1 e rtal'lments by the audit authorities the same be taken up by the LMA with the CDA to e uc Ion same cu so that there is no unnecessary fmancia . I I'la bilit . settle the I I Y on the Board and the services f;~:~ ~ --_ Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. (ParshotamLal) 18.03.2015 Brig. R.K.Mahna, President, Cantonment Board,JalandharCantt. 18.03.2015 ./ ./ under the agreement are not adversely affected, ITEM NO. 06 REGARDING C!:9SURE OF ROADS IN CANTONMENTS. Reference G.O.l. ,M.OD, New Delhi vide letter No. 4(2)/2015-D(Q&C) DE, Delhi Cantt vide letter No 76/72/C/DE/2015 dated 21.01.15. dated 07/01/15 and DG sider the letter of Govt. of India , Mi~istry of Defence, New Delhi vide letter No .. 4(2)/2015To con d t d 07/01/15 and DG DE Delhi Cantt vide letter No 76/72/CIDE/2015 dated 21.01.15 O(Q&C) a e ' Page 5 of 48 Page 6 of 48 -( th ING OF THE ADJOURNED ORDINARY BOARD MEETING HELD ON 20 MARCH,2015 AT PROCEE~100 HRS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CANTONMENT BOARD, JALANDHAR CANTT. seek information from the Local military authorities in compliance Defence letterNo.4(2)/2015-D(Q&C) GOI-MOD dated 07.01.2015. Shri Suresh Kumar, Elected Member brought to the notice of the President, Cantt Board that yesterday he has noticed at the security barrier at entry to the Cantt on Bhagat Road, that military officials were checking only the civilians entering in the Cantonment but not to the army persons going on two wheelers without helmets. He suggested that the army forces should perform their duties impartially. The PCB assured the Board that he will bring their sentiments to the notice of the concerned authorities and we should also educate the general public to follow the law of land. PRESENT President Vice-President Member Secretary Health Officer Nominated Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Brig. R.K. Mahna, YSM,SM Smt. Sneh Gupta Sh.ParshotamLal Brig. A.K. Srivastva Col.HS Sandhu, SM Sh. SanjeevTrehan Sh. Suresh Kumar Smt. Puneet Kaur Sh. Rajinder Sharma Sh. Bharat Atwal Sh.GirishDayalan IAS Sh. SC Somani, SE Col RK Kochhar Sh.Rajinder Kumar Sonkar ----------ITEM NO.- 06 -------------------------- ITEM NO. 07 CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF ESTIMATES OF REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE PUBLIC WORKS I UTILITIES AND CANTT FUND PROPERTIES S.No. 0; Page 7 of 48 Name of Work Amount (Rs.) Repair to the employees quarter at C.G. Hospital 69,800/- 2 Repair to the drainage pipe with RCC slabs between Moh No. 07& 11 along Ganga Rd 52,850/- 3 Repair to the drainage pipe with RCC slabs between Mohalla No. 07 and 08 across Ganga Road 66,930/- 4 Repair to the employees quarters along Haqiqat Road 86,000/- 5 Repair and converting of open drain into underground drainage system in front of Pump House of Moh No.20 1,72,870/- ,/ ---------- . tice of the Board that vide referred letter the Govt. of India, The CEO brought t? tht~;~hlat no road in the Cantonment shall be closed by the Board Ministry of Defence have dlrec I id d wn in the section 258 of the Cantonments Act 2006. H~ without following the procedr~r~h:tl no °road under its management has been closed by the Cant further informed to the Boa Board Jalandhar. , t d Member pointed out that the Local Military Authorities have Shri Suresh Kuma: Elec e C t nment without following procedure. Sh.Sure~~ Kum~r he closed so many ~oads In t d an eOmbers to the President, Cantt Board giving specific details submitted a letter signed by e .e~; ~ Post No.5 (near village Birring) towards G.T. Road, 2) Mall of four roads namely 1) ?ctrol it e~int for Sansarpur) by putting gate, 3) Inspection Bungalow (o~ Road towards southern Side (ex p N k Road/Old Station Road] 4) Garha Subhan, Halotau, Mall road) to Rama Ma~dichowk {G~~ste~~abOundary of Cantonment, starting 'from CBP-29 and Dhina periphery road situated I dhar Cantt to Jamsher-Noormahal road, which have been touches CBP-22 and f~~ls onaut~~~ties. They further suggested the President that the Local closed by the ..Local mllita~~ uested to intimate the authority under which these roads have been military authontles may be q t of the general public. The Board unanimously resolved to ricting the free movemen close d re st i FOR The following public works and repair/maintenance are proposed to be executed. The estimates as per MES-SSR, 2010 part (ii) of the proposed work are put up for consideration and approval: NOT PRESENT Add. Deputy Commissioner Commander Works Engineer Nominated Member Elected Member --------------------------------------------------------------- to Govt of India, Ministry of -_ -_ I I ----+--_._-_._-- Repair to the sewerage system at Mohalla No. 04 1,34,600/6 r--~~~----~-~--~-----~----------------~~~-----~ 7 Repair to the streets with drains at Mohalla No. 03 49,38018 Repair to the PCC flooring to the road sides between Moh. No.01 and 5 4,07,560/- ~-+~--~~~~---~~----------~~--~~.~--I 9 Repair to the PCC flooring to the road sides between Moh. No. 05 and 09 I 4,08,1301Repair to the roof coverings of the rooms in Cantt Board Office ~ 11 Repair to the boundary wall near PGL of BhoorMandi - -h9',630!~'-'-l ---.- Page 8 of 48 830/- J 10 L. \ J -_ ~ 12 Repair to the urinal at BhoorMandi 32,970/- 13 Repair to the seweragepipe near PGL of BhoorMandi 24,630/- 14 Repair to the urinal at Cantt Board Boys Sr Sec School 48,830/- 15 Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Mohalla No.29 66,530/- 16 Repairto the streets with paver blocks at Mohalla No.01 1,03,140/- 17 Repairto the streets with paver blocks at Mohalla No.04 30,860/- 18 Repairto the streets with paver blocks at Mohalla NO.05 69,250/- 19 Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Kasturba Nagar (Ward No.l) 5,25,190/- 20 Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Mohalla NO.27 93,8501- 21 Repair to the streets with paver blocks at Kasturba Nagar (Ward No.lIl) 8,89,4901- 22 Repair works in'the Cantt Fund Property at 19 The Mall 1,97,940/- to the unauthorized occupier to demolish the unauthorized construction of the said bungalow by the Defence Estate Officer, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt. It is further recommended if the noticee further raises the unauthorized construction then prosecution under Section 247 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 may also be filed against the noticee/oc.cupier fo~ willful violation of the . 234 235 and 236 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 as the notice/occupier. sec t Ion In ,view of the above, it is recommended that the Boar d t 0 cons:ider er iIssuance of notice uon 248 of the Cantonments Act 2006 requiring the noticee/occupier to stop further un der Sec ' . tion and to demolish unauthorized construction made so far . cons t ruc.In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on th e t a ble. -_ ~ ../ -_ UTION- The Board considered the matter in detail and. resolved that notice under 08.~ES~~8 of the Cantonments Act,2006 be issued ~o th~ occupier of the Bungalow No. 07, section ttrequiring him to stop further construction without approval of the Board and to Jalandhar Can . h the unauthorized construction made so far. demolis ~ ATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATION NEAR OAK , The actual work would be got executed through Board s approved executing agencies as per the rates approved by the Board. ~ ~BUNGALOW F&G.P.C. Res No 07 Dated 13.02.2014as confirmedvide CBR No-02 dated 24 02.2014. Reference . . f manning and operation of the water supply installation near DakBunglow is The contract ~;015. As per provision of condition no. 03 ~f the contract agreement the contractor expiring on 31'submit his willingness for providing the ~erv.l~esfor another one year on the same was asked to ditions. The contractor has submitted his wllllngnes~ for the same. The Board to terms and conillingnesS letter dated 23.02.2015 of M/S Atri Enterpnses, Jalandhar Cantt t~ :xtend consider the ~ ontract for further period of one year on the same rates, terms and conditions in the above sal iScoffice letter No.JCB/E&M/3430/C dated 29.01.2015. Ter~s of the existing contract response ~ ;~.03.2015. The report of E&M Supervisor dated 29.012015 IS placed on the table. 07. RESOLUTIONConsidered and approved except items at Sr .,No 19 & S r. N o. 21 men tilone d .In th da sid Th e agen a SI e. ~ .works be got executed subject to availability of funds. The Board further res?lved that the CIVil ~rea committee should go into the details of rights, liabilities and entitlements of of Kasturba Nagar quarters as court cases ar e gOing . on In . th e Lower · hthe C occupiers rt Cou rtsan d H Ig ou. ITEM NO. 08 UNAUTHORISED CONSTRUCTION IN BUNGALOW NO. 07, JALANDHAR CANTT. Reference notice U/S 239 of Cantonments Act 2006 vide No. JCB/Engg/5/7/19/C dated 21-012015. ' The Bungalow No. 07, Jindan Road, Jalandhar Cantt is on the land bearing Survey No.125 on the Class B-3 land under the management of Defence Estate Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jala~dh~r Cantt on the Old grant terms and is outside civil area. The unauthorized occupant Dr. Dalbir Sinqh SI? L. Sh. Ajit Singh had carried out unauthorized construction in the ground floor of the above mentioned property without any permission of competent authority. The details of the unauthorized construction on the Ground floor as under:Reconstruction of brick masonary walls admeasuring 22'-0"X 9"X 10'-0"and 13'-11"X 9"X 10-0" Accordingly notice under Section 239 of the Cantonments Act 2006 has been issued vide JCB/Engg/5/7/19/C dated. 21-01-2015 requiring the noticee/occupier to stop unauthorized construction. Further a notice vide letter No.JRB-7/VOL-1I dated 23-01-2015 has also been issued Page 9 of 48 expiring ./ .•.<; .- 0 . rovision extsts under Head F (5). Budget P ctio willingness letter of M/S Atri Enterprises, Jalandhar Can~t .dated 23.02.2015 in n In this conne this office letter No JCB/E&M/3430/C dated 29.01.2~15t I~l oriqinal and Office note response t 02015 along with all r~levant documents are placed on tea e. 1 290 . dated . ction all relevant papers are placed on the table. . onne . In thiS c ION-Shri SanjeevTrehan Suggested that fresh tenders may be Invited for fair 09 RESOL.lJi the fresh rates may be lower than the exist~ngrates. The CE~ brought to the notice . petitiOn a sh t it will not be feasible to call the tenders In such a short notice hence the contract cOm Board t a be extended for a shorter duration say for penod of two months or till the execution o f the t maY agreemen reernent approved by the Board. of fresh ag Page 10 of 48 _-- .--- -- :: The Board further resolved that the contracting agency be directed to engage qualified In this connec~ion details o~ the cattle impounded, sold and sent to Gaushala, Pinajra Pole Jalandhar City, Cattle Fine and Composition Fee realized there of are as appended re~;~:'l' manpower t9 operate the installations. ITEM NO. 10 Month &Year MANNING OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATION NEAR Nos. of cattle Impounded in the pound INSPECTIONBUNGALOW Reference F&G.P.C. Res No 08 Dated 13.02.2014 as confirmed vide CBR No-02 dated 24.02.2014. Jan.,2015 The Contract for manning and operation of the water supply installation near Inspection Bunglow is expiring on 03.04.2015. As per provision of condition no. 03 of the contract agreement the contractor was asked to submit his willingness for providing the services for another one year on the same terms and conditions. The contractor has submitted his willingness for the same. To consider the willingness letter Nol IC dated 23.02.2015 of M/S International Trading Co, Jalandhar to extend the above said contract for further period of one year on the same rates, terms and conditions in response to this office letter No .JCB/E&M/3429/C dated 29.01.2015. The report of E&M Supervisor dated 29.01.2015 is placed on the table. Month &Year ./ Jan., 2015 Month &Year Budget provision exists under Head F (5). Jan., 2015 In this connection willingness letter of M/S International Trading Co, Jalandhar dated 23.02.2015 in response to this office letter No.JCB/E&M/3429/C dated 29.01.2015 in original and Office note dated 29.01.2015 along with all relevant documents are placed on the table. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 10.RESOLUTION-Shri SanjeevTrehan suggested that fresh tenders may be invited for fair competition as the fresh rates may be lower than the existing rates. The CEO brought to the notice of the 'Board that it will not be feasible to call the tenders in such a short notice hence the contract agreement may be extended for a shorter duration say for period of two months or till the execution of fresh agreement approved by the Board. The Board further resolved that the contracting By Mil. By CB Person Staff 11 9 agency be directed to engage Cattle Fine 100 B.F. Total Nos. of cattle sent to Gaushala,Jal ·City 2 22 Feeding Charges 140 Incentive (Yet to be paid) 1500 No. of cattle No. of cattle sent outside auctioned Cantt limit Nil 14 Composition Fee 5000 Income of Auction Nil Nil No, of No. of No. of cattle claimed cattle died standing by the in pound claimant Nil 6 Total 5240 Feeding Expenditure Total 11375 12875 In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 11,. RESOLUTlON~:- ~onsidered and noted the action taken. Shri Suresh Kumar brought to notlc~ that the ~alfles In Mohalla No.24, 4 , 5 and other areas are creating public nuisance and choking the drainage sy~tem. He further in~ormed that owners .of these dairies are enjoying the water stand posts at public places free as their own so these public stand posts be disconnected. 2. ShrimatiPuneet Kaur, .Elected Memberbrought to the notice .of the Board that Punjab GauSewa Commission by Punjab ~ovt is providing free services for taking ~are of stray cattle. She suggested that the Board should utilise their services. qualified 3. The CEO suggested that he will liaise with the local official of Punjab Ga S Commission and put up the details for consideration of the Board. u ewa manpower to operate the installations. ITEM NO. 11 CATTLE NUISANCE/SALE OF ANIMALS To note and approve the action of the Chief Executive Officer, Jalandhar Cantt to impound cattle in the Cantt Board Cattle pound, sell in public auction and sent unclaimed cattle outside Cantt IimitlGaushala, Pinjara Pole (Regd.) , Jalandhar City during the months of January, 2015. 4. The Vice President brought to the notice of the Board that the dog nuisance be checked as there are so many dog bite cases Shri SanjeevTrehan, Elected Member also brought to the t of the Board about the rat nuisance. no Ice 5. The Board resolved that to check cattle nuisance a dedicated team of 04 persons be Page 12 of 48 Page 11 of 48 2 deputed for the purpose. The people causing cattle nuisance be challaned and prosecuted and as per legal opinion of the Cantt Board legal advisor FIRs be filed against the violators .The cases regarding stray dogs and rats be minutely examined in the civil area committee. _ »> ITEM No. 12 »> I _L -- ---- ISSUANCE OF TRADE LICENCES UNDER SECTION 277 OF CANTONMENTS KIRYANA SHOPS, BARBER SHOPS & BEAUTY PARLOUR OF JALANDHAR ACT 2006 TO CANTONMENT _ L_ _/ / To consider the report of Assistant Health Officer, Jalandhar Cantt to issue trade licenses to 17 Kiryana Shops, barber shops and beauty parlour situated in Sadar Bazar, Jalandhar Cantt under section 277 of Cantonments Act, 2006. In this connection applications along with recommendation of AHO forwarded vide letter nO.SH031/H/2015 dated 31.01.2015 and even no, dated 04.02.2015 along with all relevant papers are placed on the table for consideration and approval of the Board. / I.------- .> .--/ .--/ 12. RESOLUTION _Considered and resolved that the proposed trade licenses be issued. CEO brought to the notice of the B.oard that the trade license be got issued in the beginning of the financial yearfor which public Will be ~ducated for applying at the earliest. He further suggested the PCB that the Health Officer. may direct the concerned authority to expedite processing of the applications. The Health Officer assured the Board that th~ process ~ill be expedited. He further brought to the notice Of.the Board that persons I~.volved In processln.g. the eatables should also ap Iy for registration With the concerned authorities under the provisions of Food Safety and St p d rds Act 2006 rules made thereunder. The Board resolved that provisions of the law be complied with ~nd process of issuance of trade licenses be expedited educating the public. --_ / / ../ /'" /' -_ I----- - -_ ,--- /'" . ITEM NO. 13 __ 1------/' HEALTH REPORl To note the Health Report and action taken for the months of August 2014, September 14 November,2014 and December,2014 under Section 131 of Cantonments 2014, Qc t0 ber 20 ' Act, 2006. . ection all relevant papers are placed on the table. In this corn . ._ Noted. The Board resolved that all out efforts be made to improve the level of 13.Reso.lutIO;the users by improving the quality of services and people participation by awaren~ss satisfaction 0 hri Rajinder Sharma, elected Member suggested that there should be ladles campaign. S ~liC places on the pattern of SulabhShauchalya. CEO brought to the notice of the washroom at pu. ions for the same have been made in the five year plans under Swachh Bharat Board that pro~~ same will be provided with the approval of the estimates by the Board. Abhiyaan and t Page 13 of 48 SmtSneh Gupta, vice President brought to the notice of the Board that the Cantt General Hospital should launch a public awareness campaign educating the general public for taking preventive steps to check spread of communicable/contagious diseases. CEO assured that the doctor will be instructed to do the same ITEM No. 14 ENGAGEMENT OF PERSONSI SAFAIWALAS FOR CLEANING OF MAIN DRAINS IN SADAR BAZAAR AND OTHER CIVIL AREA OF JALANDHAR CANTT. To consider the issue of Engagement of persons/Safaiwalas Bazaar and other civil area of Jalandhar Cantt. for cleaning of main drains in Sadar The Board is informed that this office has acute shortage of permanent staff to do the routine sanitation work. Cleaning of main drains in civil area suffering a lot due to deficiency of manpower in Sanitation Section which has further been compounded/aggravated by permanent encroachments of the drains by the general public. It is suggested that at-least 10 persons/Safaiwalas be engaged through contractor for 03 months for desalting of main drains in Sadar Bazar and other civil areas so that proper flow of main drains can be maintained. It is also suggested that the Elected Members may also be requested to educate the residents to co-operate by removing the minimum required encroachments enabling the persons deployed for the purpose of desilting these drains. In this connection report of Sanitary Superintendent is placed on the table for consideration and approval. 14.RESOLUTION -Considered and approved engagement of fifteen persons/ Safaiwalas for cleaning of main drains in Sadar Bazaar and other civil area of jalandhar Cantt through contractor / service provider on minimum wages rates for the period of three months.The Board further resolved that for proper cleanliness / desiltation of the drains the respective elected members should educate the residents to co-operate with the Board and remove encroachments enabling the staff to perform their job. The Board further resolved that there should be a public campaign to ensure that no garbage/polythene is thrown in the drains. The Health Officers suggested that wherever the drains are damaged the same be got repaired on priority. The Board approved the proposal. ITEM No. 15 HIRING OF EXPERT AGENCY FOR UPGRADING THE EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM OF CIVIL AREA OF JALANDHAR CANTONMENT AND CONVERSION OF OPEN SULLAGE WATER DRAIN AND RAIN WATER INTO UNDERGROUND SEWER AND PROPER FINAL DISPOSAL UIS 25/26 OF WATER (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF POLLUTION) ACT, 1974 Page 14 of 48 -d._. ·'=. To consider the issue of hiring of expert agency for upgrading the existing sewer system of civil area of Jalandhar Cantonment and conversion of open sullage water drain and rain water into underground sewer and proper final disposal uls 25/26 of water (prevention & control of pollution) act, 1974. The Board is informed that Cantt Board Jalandhar have been installed their own main pumping station for sewerage of BhoorMandi and Rama Mandi area which is being operated under the management of Cantt Board through a contractual age~cy an? sewerage is disposed in main sewer line of Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar for final disposal, the system is running successfully. The sewerage system of Sadar Bazaar, BI Bazaar and RA Bazaar The Board is informed that the Directorate General, Defence Estates vide letter No. 76/68/Swachh Bharat/Cantts/.DE .dated 29.09.2014 directed the Cantonment Boards to implement the Swachh Bharat campaign In the Cantonment Board undertaking special cleanliness drive during the k _/-_/-- _/-- and make arrangement to the administer Swachh Bharat Shapath 0 n 02.1 0.2014. _A- fu.rt~er Instructed the Board to make a five year plan for this purpose and cleanliness within next two months. Accordingly following action has been taken by the CanttBoard . 2. F.ive year action plan have been prepared and the same has been submitted to the PO DE Vide this office letter No. JCB/SS/SwachhBharat/2014/16/63 dated 05 feb,2015 accordin I the work has been started. water _/ .- __Jl- .r: wer system and conversionof open sullage drain and ram water m underground pipe lines and ~~ving our own mainpumpingstationfor final disposal by MES ETP/State/Municipal ETP or for the _/' _ __J' _ Board to have its own disposal and ETP. .. It is Suggested that an expert agency be engag.ed to co~duct su~vey for examinin~ the. existing In this connectionreport of Sanitary superintendent is placed on the table for consideration and ClPproval. . RESOLUTION-Considered and resolved that Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board ing technicaldepartment in this field be approached for the purpose and if they fall to do the be e in a time bound manner then other expert agencies be engaged to conduct survey for sarn. . . d onverslon of open s II . d rai t in arninlng the eXisting sewer system an c . . u age drains an rain wa er eX .. . mClin pumping station for f I d' I underground pipe lines and haVing our own ina Isposa. gy In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table for consideration and approval. sewerage and overflowing from main holes. ~assive efforts will be required for removal. . appmq 1. Cleanliness mapping reflecting existing facilities and proposal has been prepared. »>: ystem of MES. The main pumping system is being operated by the MES authority. The load on ~heexistingseweragesystem of MES is incapable to carry the sewerage. The slow flow is leading to increased siltation in sewer lines maintained by the Cantt Board resulting into back flowing of In civil area of Jalandhar Cantonment o~en surface drains ar.e existing to carry sullage m _/- is linked with sewerage nd rain water. The open flowingdrains are Ideal place of mosquitoes breeding and shelter of rats a d snakes as these drains have mostly been encroached permanently by residents for which The DGw~E ___;:.--- 16(A).RESOLUTION and approved vide approved vide CBR & Handling) Rules ~ol~~cted from the -The CEO brought the notice of the Board that five year plans were prepared CBR No. 16 dated 22.10.2014 and further ?r.ought to the notice the ste s No.1S dated 22.10.204 for compliance of Municipal Solid Waste (Managem:nt 2000. He further brought to the notic~ that the rates of user charges to be users for availing door to door collection charges which may be published inViting suggestion/objections if any from the general public. T~e Board unanimously resolved to approve the .actions t~ken so far a~~ proposed to be taken to Implement the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and In compliance of Municipal Solid W t (Management & Handling) Rules-2000. The rates of. userif charges be published in newspap er as f id l' ande on Iocal notice board inviting suggestions and objections I any or cons: era Ion of the Board . J1'- ...----- ITEM NO. 16 (B) .>.----- To consider the proposal for Conducting CleanlinesS _.../. _/. -------- University Students in association atSadar Bazar Jalandhar Cantt by GNA with CII-YI . The Board is informed that the proposal received fromSh.Su~iIS~rad, for GNA University dated 241hFeb 2015 to d Sr.~~ (Corporate Affair that the GNA University In association with CII-VI ". jalandhar con uct cleanliness campaign at Sadar Bazar In . s) cantonment Th . wants d d . e activity will b conducted by around 40-50 students who will be clean109 roads an e ucate people on cleanlne :nltlative taken by Gov\. If India under swachh Bharat Abhlyan by oisolaytnq Banners, distributin~ ~ eaflets and general lecture. SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN They further proposed 3rd March, 2015& 10th March, 2015 for the activity as proposed. 10 considerthe proceedingsof swachh Bharat Abhiyan w.r.t to direction of th e Dte. Gene ral, DEi n thiS regard. __ / Page 15 of 48 Page 16 of 48 -', the proposal but also encourage, It is recommended that the Board should no~ o~ly acceptd~o national cause of Swachh Bharat contribute and appreciate them further contribution towar 2 Abhiyan in true spirit. th t ble for perusal. ea.. . f nsuring participation by G.N.A. ESOLUTION -The Board approved the action take~hio~a~. The Board further. resolved that ~g~u· 't students in implementation of Swachh Bharat ~ y. a continuouS, meaningful and on nlverSIy . . . th Abhlyaan In the University may be requested to participate In e In this regard all relevant papers are placed on ITEM NO. 17 . CHICKEN SHOP NO.1 KNOWN AS.- 1 . LICENSING OUT CANTT FUND PROPERTIE~ STALLS NO.1 2 3 & 4 MUTTON MARKE~I OPPOSITE MUTTON MARKET JRC 2. MUTTO AR SABJI MANDI JRC 4. SHOP NO.4 MI JRC 3 . VEGETABLE STALL/SHOP NO.8 NE . SHOPPING COMPLEX, HARDYAL ROAD, JR~ . Cantt fund properties in the office f the folloWing nsider Tenders held on 02.02.2015 out for a period of three years as per T o eo tt f r licensing of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Can 0 ents Act 2006. otice under section 267 of the Cantonm ' tender n , . d n 2301 2015 in "DainikBhasker" and ubllshe 0 .' .' d t d regards were p No JCBITax/Publlcatton/3413/C ae The Tender notices in this . . ffice letter . . d Th t d were "DainikJagran" newspaper~ vide this 0 ixed on the office notice Boar. e en ers 22.01.2015. The tender notices were also aff derers. opened on 02.02.2015 in the presence of the ten -- 3 . ~'- ;- ~~~~~~~~I~~~~~hM~~~Sl~~~8rlrB08i'~d~a3rnlcdf1thhee-CCQOmITlpP0arcra3tt:ive :d have been receive Following two ten ers . _--"1 1 Chicken below t d I No.1, opposite statement is given Na~~ of Tenderer \ Rate Quo t~lJ Mutton market, S. \ (pe~on_JRC. No.. Gandhi S/o Amrish Chand, resident Rs~48,996.00 (The M.R.P. was 1 Sh. Sushi I . M ndi, JRCantt. __ .---1 __ - - -----fixed Rs.12,000/of 197, Kh_?~hand, resident of\ Rs.36,311.00 \ er month) 2 Sh. Raman ,.,e,~e!L' JJ~~C~a~nt~t. .l__ --~ . P 23 KhatikM§_r1dl, L_J_------_LL-_j_~'-t Jalandhar cantt ~ . ho No.1, opposite Mutton marke , t it It is reported that the subject Chicken S Psubject shop were called "" 16.01.2015, bU to . vacant since 16-12-2014. The tenders for th~thdraw his tendered bid. It IS recommended. h S IS Id not be finalized as the highest bidder WI th offered by Sh. Sushil Gandhi S/o Amrt cou the bid amounting to Rs.48,996/· per mO~t approdvereSidentof 197 Khatikmandi, Jalandhar Can . Chan , , fCANTT FUND PROPERT Shop J Page170 f 48 --_ Vegetable Stall/Shop No.S, near Sabjimandi, JRC. (The M.RP. was fixed Rs.3,5001· per month) i~ - ________, r'"_ No bid received. In the tenders dated 22-0S-2014, a highest bid amounting to Rs.45,575/- was received from Sh. Sat Pal S/o Pheru Ram, resident of V.P.O. Kukarpind, Jalandhar -144024 (The MRP for commence of tender was fixed Rs.14,2001- per month vide C.B.R No.22 dated 13.0S.2014). The license agreement was executed for a period of three years i.e. From 10-09-2014 to 09-09-2017. As per clause nO.14 of the license agreement, he has informed this office vide his letter dated 01-01-2015 that he will hand over the vacant possession of the said cantt fund property to the Board till 31-03-2015 (i.e. after three months) to the Board. It is recommended to call fresh tender as per old MRP i.e. Rs.14,2001- per month which was fixed vide C.B.R No.22 dated 13.08.2014. a long term basis. ? Mutton Stalls No.1,2,3&4 in Mutton market, Jalandhar Cantt __iThe M.RP. was fixed Rs.45,500/· per month.) ---------_._-_/ ':. Following three tenders have been received and the comparative statement is given below:S. Name of Tenderer I Rate Quoted No. I (per month) 1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar S/o Jagdish, resident of ' Rs.4,OOO.OO Mohalla No.30, House No.23, JRCantt. 2 Sh. Ranjeet S/o Surinder, resident of Mohalla I Rs.3,66S.00 No.30, House No.2/3, JRCantt. 3 Sh. Rakesh S/o Ramesh, resident of Mohalla I Rs.3,599.00 No.31, House No.3, JRCantt. I In the tender dated 27.10.2014, a highest bid amounting to Rs.3,500/- per month was received from Sh. Gurpreet S/o Raju, resident of 4S/10 M. H. Quarter, Jalandhar Cantt. The license agreement was executed for a period of three years i.e. 01-05-2014 to 30-04-2017. But he informed this office vide his request dated 28·08·2014 that as per clause nO.14 of the license agreement he will hand over the vacant possession of the shop(after three months) to the Board i.e. till 30-11-2014. Tenders for the said subject shop were called on 10.09.2014; 13.10.2014; 27.10.2014; 10.11.2014 and on 16.01.2015 with fixation of the MRP @ Rs.3,500/- per month for a period of three years, but no bidder came forward for any bid. It is reported that the subject shop is vacant since 30-11-2014. It is recommended to approve the bid amounting to Rs.4,OOO/·per month offered by Sh. Rajesh Kumar S/o Jagdish, resident of Mohalla No.30, House No.23, Jalandhar Cantt. hop NoA, Mini hopping Complex, Hardyal road, JRCantt. -_ -- .- - - -- - --- Following three tenders have been received and the comparative statement is given below:_-.\Rate - Quoted Name of Tenderer Sr. (per month) No. - Page 18 of 48 I ! I . ) (The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.11,350/· per month) 1. 2. 3 Sh. Sunil Sonkar S/o JugalKishor, resident of Rs.14,796.00 Jalandhar Mohalla No.4, House No.17/5, -- - -----------Cantt. Rs.12,786.00 Sh. Chetan Aggarwal S/o Pawan Aggarwal, resident of Mohalla No.15, House No.12, JRCantt. resident Sh. Bunty Slo Ramesh, Khatikmandi, JRC - of 206, Rs.11,505.00 It is reported that on 30.06.2014 a highest bid amou.nting to Rs.15,505/· per month was . df Sh A'ay Kumar S/o Sub MajNaresh Kumar, resident of 77/1, Nalwa Road, Jalandhar receive rom· . J agreement was executed for a peno . d 0f th ree years i.e. . 01 .,08 2014 t 0 I Cantt The Icense .' 31 03'.2017. After executing the fresh agreement Sh. AJay ~umar ex-licensee served a th~ee . . his application dated 16 09.2014 that he will hand over the vacant possession monthsnotice as per . of the shoptill 31.12.2014. .f ed vide this office letter No.JCB/Tax/3187/C, dated 17-12-2014 that he had He was In orm. . ssession of the shop till 31-12-2014 to the Board. Instead of handing po nt to hand over t he vacassion of the shop he requested Vide . his . letters dated 31-12-2014 and 05-0 1overthe vacant posse . t h e fma I'iza t'Ion 0f the nex t t en d er. w him to retain in the possession of the shop till 2015to allo B d 'nformed him vide letter No.JCB/Tax/3366/C, dated 08-01-2015 to hand over The oar I . . f . h' ff I tt 'Ionof the shop but he failed to do so. He again In armed Vide t IS 0 Ice e er the vacant possess, dated 1501 2015 to hand over the vacant possession .' and deposit a sum 0f xt3379/C No JCBtTa as damage ' .' Rs'23258/charges for a period 01-01-2015 to 15-01-2015 to the B oar.d Th e o~se~sionof the shop is in the hand of the Board: . . p The Board called fresh tenders for the subJ~ct shop on 13.10.2014 fiXing MRP of ~s.8,2001the fixed dated highest bid amou~t~ng to Rs.16,000/- per mont~ was received from per ~onth. On Kumar resident of VPO SOfIPlnd, Jalandhar, but she denied to take over the ApraJlta.0/0 uttam rnest money amounting to Rs.8,2001- was forfeited. possession.Henncdee~: of the subject shop were c.alled on 16-01-2015 fixing MRP of Rs.11 ,3501- per Freshte d were purchased by the different persons out of them only Sh. Ramesh Slo month.Three ten. e:~t of 206, BhoorMandi, Jalandhar Cantt was offered a bid amounting to Oaal Chand, resid th The Board vide CBR NO.10 dated 16.01.2015 reject the single offer and Rs 12 505/- per mon . '. ' 11 f h tenders with the same MRP. deCidedt~ ea re~d that fresh tenders were received on 02~02-2015 and a bid of Rs.14,796/- per It ISreport b Sh. Sunil Sonkar Slo JugalKishor resident of Mohalla NoA, House No.17/5, month was offere~. Yecommendedto approve the bid offered by Sh. Sunil Kumar. Jalandharc~ntt. I Isdr 'g'lnal tenders received from the different persons on 02.02.2015 and In fhis regar s on If' . . t t nt along with files are placed on the tab e or decision. comparatives a eme 17. RESOLUTION:-Consideredand resolved :· hest bid of Rs 48 996/· per month and further resolved that in case the hIg th approve e . , d to0 execute execute the the license li (1). '1 t d posit the required amount an agreement as Per To. essful bidder fal s 0 e suCC Page 19 of 48 terms of the tender within three days from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited and he be blacklisted. It is also recommended that fresh tenders be called with the same temporary earnest money i.e. Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousands only). (2). That Fresh tenders be called by reducing MRP @ Rs.14,200/which was fixed vide C.B.R. No.22 dated 13.08.2014. per month as per old MRP, (3) To approve the highest bid of Rs.4,000/- per month as the shop is vacant since 30.11.2014. It is further resolved that in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to execute the license agreement as per terms of the tender within three days from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited and he be blacklisted and fresh tenders be called. (4) To approve the highest bid of Rs.14,796/· per month as the shop is vacant since 16.01.2015. It is further resolved that in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the required amount and to exec.utethe license agreement as per terms of the tender within three days from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited and he be blacklisted and fresh tenders be called. ITEM NO. 18 LICENSING OUT CANTT FUND PROPERTY KNOWN AS S. SWARAN SINGH SPORTS COMPLEX, HARDYAL ROAD, JALANDHAR CANTT. To consider Tenders held on 30.01.2015 of the following Cantt fund property in the office of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt for licensing out for a period of three years as per tender notice, under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006. The Tender notices in this regards were published on 23.01.2015 in "Indian Express" and "VirPartap" newspapers vide this office letter No.JCB/Tax/Publication/3411/C dated 22-01.2015. The tender notices were also affixed on the office notice Board. The tenders were opened on 30.01.2015 in the presence of the tenderers. CANTT FUND PROPERTY:· ----- 1 Swaran S. Sports Singh Complex, road, Hardyal Jalandhar Cantt M.R.P. (The - received and thecomparative Following three tenders have been ----- statement is given below: -- Rate Quoted -Name of T enderers Sr. - - _(per _!!1O!'th) No. ----Mls Tara's Health Club (Smt. Anita -Hastir) Rs.15,100.00 1. 339, New Jawahar Nagar, Jalandhar City. -- - Page 20 of 48 J fixed was Rs.12,000/- per Rs.14,500.00 2. System Fitness Minarth Mls (Sh. G.L.Sharma) 6/13, Hukam Singh road, Rs.13,000.00 3. Amritsar. Mls Libra Health Club (Sh. Oeepak Prashar) 2426, Firozpur road, Ludhiana. month) '- - It is reported that the license agreeme~t of the ~ubject property is going to expire on 20.03.2015. It is recommended to approve the bid amou nting to Rs .15, 100/- pe r month offe red by Mls Tara's Health Club (Smt Anita Hastir), 339 New Jawahar, Jalandhar. In this regards original tenders received from the different persons of mobile t~wers for improved network coverage. It is informed that proposal for installation of towers .for Improved network connectivity in the civil area subject to the safety and security precautions and procedures laid down by the Govt. of India, MOD vide policy letter dated 12.09.2008. It is ~ecommended that the Board may consider and approve the bids given for installation of such ~oblle towers on different Cantt Fund properties for a period of three years by the different companies as approximate Rs.15 Lakh per annum will be local income from the proposals allowing installation of 04 (four) towers. on 16.01.2015, In this regards original file with all the relevant papers are placed on the table. . t t t d ffers report are placed on the table for consideration. comparative s a emen an 0 19.RESOLUTION:-Considered and uninamously resolved accept and approve the following UT10 N'.C .dered and resolved to approve th e highest bid of Rs .15,1 00/- perm onth 18.RESOL Tar~ H~~~;hClub (Smt. Anita Hastir) and further resolved that in case the successful highest bids:- o~ered by Mls osit the required amount and to execute .the license agreement as per terms of bidder falls t~ dep h d ys from the date of receipt of this letter, the temporary earnest money tender within tree . b f rf ita d she be blacklisted and fresh ten db' ers e Invited. the. deposited by her e 0 el e , (1).WATER TANK, SABJI MANDI, HARDYAL ROAD, JRC:- Considered and resolved to approve the highest bid amount of Rs.5.25 lacs per annum offered by Mls Bharti Airtel Ltd., Circle Office Plot No.21, Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park, Chandigarh-160101. ' (2). WATER PUMP, MOHALLA NO.20, JRC:- Consider~d ~nd resolved to approve the highest bid amount of Rs.5.25 lacs per annum offered by M/s Bhartl Airtel Ltd., Circle Office, Plot No.21, Rajiv ~ OF THE RIGHTS UNDER TO DISPOSE LICENSE FOR INSTALLATION OF W TOWER TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY TOWERS/PARK~~g:E~~~E CI~ CIVIL AREA OF CANTONMENT Gandhi Technology Park, Chandigarh-160101. MOBILE OF CELLULAR BOARD JALANDHAR MOBILE PHON CANTT. ~ L (3). WAER TANK, NEAR C.S.DEPOT, JRC:- Considered and resolved to approve the highest bid amount of RS.20,000/- per month/per tower offered by M/s ATC India Tower Pvt. Ltd., IT-C-6, Sebiz Square, I.T. Park, Sector-67, Mohali (Pb.) Reference C.B.R. No.14 dated 18.12.2014 (4).OPEN LAND ADJACENT TO SPORTS COMPLEX, HARDYAL ROAD, JRC:- Considered and resolved to approve the highest bid amount of Rs.16,000/- per month/per tower offered by M/s ATC India Tower Pvt. Ltd., IT-C-6, Sebiz Square, I.T. Park, Sector-67, Mohali (Pb. . t II t' f Mob'lle towers/parking of BTS (COW) was considered by the 'ssue of ms a a Ion 0 i . w of the observations . . e I d d of the President to cons:id er recen t Th vie . Board and the same was pen 't e d Inrocedural aspects to be considered by the Board. J instructions regardin st~~~r;~e anui~elines regarding Cell on Wheels forwarded (5).WATER TANK, BACKSIDE K.V.No.1, LAL KURTI ROAD, JRC:-Considered and resolved to reject the bid amount Rs.5,000/- per month offered by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. which is very by the HQ WC Q It IS mforme 24H /~ I' /03 (Lands) dated 18.09.2014 provided by HQ 91 Sub Area (Lands) letter No.57~ dat~~~6 1021.io14is the gist of detailed instructions issued by ~ovt. of I~~ia, ardln letter No.5052/R/03 'd I tt 11026/1/200510 (Lands) dated 12.09.2008 reg .9 provldl~9 Ministry of Defence VI e e ler of' th purpose on payment of rent and premium with the pnor Defence land for long term eas~. or e authorities. approval of the competent . f d th t th osal under conSI'd era tiIon was put up for consi id era tlIon of It is further In 0trme ~. e prfOP Section 267 of the Cantonments Act 2006 and Rule 8 of d under statu ory provIsions 0 . . t.hrough open the Boar rt R I 1925 for licensing out the nghts to the private ' parties the cantonmen.t_prope IY d uffes th h press advertisement and not for consideration the issUe titi n inViting sea e 0 ers roug compe 110 ase The Board is informed that no private party/agency has requ.ested for lease.Of10f for long term le th' e but local residents of the cantonment are requesting for Installatl defence lands for e purpos low. N The .Board further resolved that the permissio~.for of these towers may be granted subject to security clearance from SACFA, military and aviation authorities as required under GOI, MoD letter dated 12.09.2008 and from the Health of residents of nearby area in view of the permissible radiation limits as per TRAI guild lines. ITEM NO. - 20 LICENSING OUT CANTT FUND~RTIES OPPOSITE MUTTON MARKET J~HOP, MANDI, JRC ' KNOWN AS:- (1). CHICKEN SHOP NO.3, BEHIND CHICKEN SHOP NO.1, NEAR SABJI Page 21 of 48 Page 22 of 48 \ - ---_._-- ------ To consider Tenders held on 20.02.2015 of the following Cantt fund properties in the office of the Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt for licensing out for a period of three years as per tender notice, under section 267 of the Cantonments Act, 2006. The Tender notices in this regards were published on 06.02.2015 in "Punjab Kesri" and "Dainik Jagran" newspapers vide this office letter NO.JCBlTax/Publication/3519/C dated 04.02.2015. The tender notices were also affixed on the office notice Board. The tenders were opened on 20.02.2015 in the presence of the tenderers. - Sh. Banty 8/0 Ramesh, resident 206, Khatik Mandi, JRCantt. of Rs.13,505.00-- It is recommended to approve the bid amounting to Rs.3,8501- per month offered by Sh. sunil Kumar S/o Jugal Kishor, resident of Mohalla No.4, House No.17/5, Jalandhar Cantt. In this regards original tenders received from the different p~rsons on 20.02.2015 tive statement along with files are placed on the table for dectsion. cornpar a CANTT FUND PROPERTIES:Shop Following two tenders have been received and the comparativ e 1 Chicken opposite statement is given below:No.3, market, Mutton Name of Tenderer Rate Quoted S. JRC. No. (per month) was M.R.P. (The Sh. Sunil Sonkar 8/0 Jugal Kishor, \ Rs.15,011.00 1 fixed Rs.12,3001NoA, House resident of Mohalla per month) No.17/5, Jalandhar Cantt. 2 dance license fee and security equivalent to three months license fee and essential documents ~o ~xecute license agreement, but he failed to d? so. H~nce temporary earnest money amoun~ing R 5 0001- deposited by Sh. Surinder Kumar Vide receipt no.2167383 dated 16-01-2015 forfeited ~osp:'r ~Iause no.3 & 4 of the terms of the tender dated 16-01-2015. ESOLUTION:-Considered 20. R J hi h t bid f Rs 3 850/- per month as the license agreement has alread To approve th e Ig es I 0 ., . th . y (2)· . d 21 02 2015 It is further resolved that In case e successful bidder fails t been expire on ., . I' t 0 it th . d t nd to execute the icense agreemen as per terms of th deposl e require amoun a . t f th . t' t' I e 'th' th d f the date of recelp 0 e In una Ion etter the tempora ry ree WI tender t In d ~tYSdbromh'mbe forfeited and he be blacklisted and f~esh tenders b earnes money eposi e Y I e Jalandhar Cantt. behind Shop, Shop Chicken No.1, near Sabji mandi, JRC. (The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.9001- per month) and resolved :- To approve the highest bid of Rs.15,011/- per ~onth and further resolved that in the (1). successful bidder fails to deposit the ,re~Ulred amount and to execute th~ license nder within three days from the date of receipt of the agreemen t as per t erms of the te .' b . intimation letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by hl~ e forfeited and he be blacklisted. It is also recommended that fresh tenders be called with the temporary earnest money i.e. Rs.25,0001- (Rupees twenty five thousands only). It is reported that the subject Chicken Shop No.3, opposite Mutton market Jalandhar Cantt is vacant since is recommended to approve the bid amounting' to Rs.15,011/per month offered by Sh. Sunil Sonkar Slo Jugal Kishor, resident of Mohalla NoA, House No.17/5, '2 and called. Following two tenders have been received statement is given below:- and the comparative-- S.No Name of Tenderer 1 2 Sh. Sunil Sonkar 8/0 Jugal resident of Mohalla NoA, NO.17/5, Jalandhar Cantt. Rate Quoted month) Kishor, House Sh. Banty 8/0 Ramesh, resident 206, Khatik Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. Rs.3,850.00 of Rs.3,300.00 (per J L-I.--- It is reported that the license agreement of the shop is going to expire on 21-02-2015. The tenders were called on 16.01.2015. Two tenders were purchased by the differe(1t ersons. On the fixed date a highest bid amounting to RS.5,1501- per month offered by SI1· ~urinder Kumar S/o Late Moh~n Lal, Rio 132, R.A. Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. The bid of S~~ l inder Kumar was approved Vide CBR No.1 0 dated 16.01 :2015. It was informed to him vide tl1 l1 Sffu.r e letter No,JCB/Tax/340/C, dated 20-01-2015 to deposit the required amount i.e. one rno(1t o le Page 23 of 48 ~ eM NO. 21 ES KNOWN AS:- 1. VEGETABLE STAL NSING OUT CANTT FUND PROPERTI 05 MINI SHOPPING COMPLEX USHQP I...ICe 5 NEAR SABJI MANDI JRC 2. SHOP NPOST NO.9 NEAR DAIRY FARM HARDYAL NO.1 JRC 3. ROOM ADJACENT TO OCTROI JRC. RoAD . ,0 . 15 of the follOWing Cantt fund properties in t . consider Tenders held on 20.02.20 . ensing out for a period of thre he office cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt for IIC Act 2006. e years as per ts of the otice, under section 267 of the Canton men , ern ten d published on 11.02.2015 in "Pun'J ab . ,he ,ender notices in this rega~ds were I tter No.JCBlTax/Publicat· I 3 Kesri" and " id thiS office e Ion 530/C d t . 'k Jagran newspapers VI e ff d on the office notice Board Th t a ed "D9Inl 015 ,he tender notices were also a Ixe . e enders were 09.02.~ on 20.02.2015 in the presence of the tenderers. opene page 24 of 48 CANTT FUND PROPERTIES:- \6 I I Sh. Suraj Parkash Slo Madan Lal, resident of I Rs.3,500.00 I 114-115, RA.Bazaar, JalandharCantt. , ! I 1 Vegetable Stall/Shop No.15, near Sabji mandi, jalandhar Cantt (The M.RP. was fixed Rs.4,500/· per month.) No bid received. __-.-_.-_- .. ~--- -- 7 -- 2 Shop No.S, Mini Shopping Complex, road, Hardyal JRCantt. (The M.R.P. was fixed Rs.14,010/· per month) Sh. Mir Asif Ali Slo Mir Darvesh Ali, resident i Rs.3,200.00 of T-10, Military Dairy Farm, Jalandhar Cantt. I I It is reported that the subject property i.e. Room adjacent to Octroi post no.s, near Dairy farm, Jalandhar Cantt was licensed out to Sh. Murari Lal Aggarwal Slo Om Parkash Aggarwal, resident of 110, RA.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt @ RS.3,000/- per month for a period of three years i.e. 02.05.2012 to 30.04.2015. Following three tenders have been received and the comparative statement is given below:Rate Quoted (per Sr. Name of Tenderer month) N o. 1. Smt. Babita Wlo Rakesh Kumar, Rio 108, Rs.15,410.00 B.I.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. 2. Sh.Rakesh Kumar Rs.14,550.00 Slo Pritam Dass, resident of 168, Khatik Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt. 3 Smt. Kamla Rani Wlo Ashok Kumar, Rs.11,505.00 resident of 108, B.I.Bazaar, JRC It is recommended to approve the bid amounting to Rs.9,100/· per month offered by Sh. Amit Gupta S/o Gobind Parsad Gupta, resident of 88, R.A.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt. In this regards original tenders received from the different persons on 02.02.2015 comparative statement along with files are placed on the table for decision. 21.RESOLUTION:-Considered and and resolved :- (i).That fresh tenders be called. It is reported that the subject Shop No.5, Mini Shopping Complex, Hardyal road, Jalandhar Cantt was licensed out to Smt. Babita Wlo Rakesh Kumar, resident of 108, B.I.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt @ Rs.14,01 01- per month for the a period of three years i.e. 16.04.2012 to 15.04.2015. It is recommended to approve the bid amounting to Rs.15,410/· per month offered by srnt Babita W/o Rakesh Kumar, resident of 108, B.I.Bazaar, Jalandhar Cantt _ '--::-:'--"---Roomadjacent to Following Seven tenders have been received and the comparative 3 octroi post no.S, statement is given below:- -_ (3) To approve the highest bid of Rs.9,1 001· per. month and further resolved that in case near Dairy farm, JRC. Sr. No. Name of Tenderer (The M.R.~ fixed Rs.,· per month) 1 Sh. Amit Gupta S/o Gobind Parsad . Gupta, 1 Rs.9, 100.00 resident of 88, R.A.Bazaar, jalandhar Cantt. \ I :I ---1 Amit Kumar S/o Brij Bhushan, resident of I Rs.6,561.00 \ Mohalla No.11, House No.61, Jalandhar Canttl ' o~g: 2 TRcrt;QUoted~ \ (per month) Aggarwal, resident Jalandhar Cantt. 4 of Slo 110, O;-P~~k~~hlR~.5,665.00 0: blacklisted and fresh tenders be called. --I R.A.Bazaar'i ITEM NO. 22 TERMINATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT BY SERVING THREE MONTHS NOTICE BY T LICENSEE OF : CANTT FUND PROPERK"KNOWN AS CHICKEN SHOP N.QA. OPPOSI~ MUTTON MARKET, JALANDHAR CANTT. - \ ,j Sh. Sumit Bansal Slo Late Yash Pal, Rio Rs.4,800.00-----Mohalla No.15, House No.18, Jalandhar Cantt 1----+-----------_._- 5 the successful bidder fails to deposit the reqUired amount and to execute the license agreement as per terms of the tender within three days from. the date receipt of the intimation letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited and he be I i--3------'I-S-h-.M-u-rariLal Aggarwal ---.- (2).To approve the highest bid of Rs.15,410/· pe~ month and further resolved that in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the reqUired amount and to execute the license agreement as per terms of the tender within three days from the date of receipt of the intimation letter, the temporary earnest money deposited by him be forfeited and she be blacklisted. It is also recommended that fresh tenders be called. I Reference license agreement dated 02-09-2014. The tenders of the subject Chicken Shop No.4 were called on 22.08.2014 with fixing of MRP +.--.------_/ @ Rs.12,500/- per month . On such day a highest bid amounting to Rs.22,505/- per month was received from Sh. Pritarn Sh.Tarun Kumar S/o Ashok Kumar, resdent of \ Rs.4,800.00 Mohalla No.12, jRC \ Page 26 of 48 " Page 25 of 48 " Singh Rai S/o Late Gurdial Singh, resident of House No.6,Aladeenpur, Kukarpind, Jalandhar144024. The license agreement was executed for a period of three years. i.e. 02-09-2014 to 31-082017. As per letter dated 23.02.2015, Sh. Pritam Singh Rai, licensee informed this office that as per clause no.16 of the said reference license agreement he wants to terminate the license agreement, and as per his letter, he will hand over the vacant possession of the said cantt fund property till 31·05·2015 to the Board. 22.RESOLUTlON:·The Board considered the issue and resolved to accept the notice and further resolved that fresh tenders be called by fixing MRP of Rs. 22,505/- per month. ITEM NO. 23 TEMPORARILY CLOSURE OF MUTTON STALLS NO.1, 2, 3 & 4, SITUATED IN MUTTON MARKET, DUE TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE OF SLAUGHTER HOUSE NEAR MUTTON MARKET,JALANDHAR CANTT. Reference C.B.R. No.04 dated 05.08.2011. As per directions of the Punjab Pollution Control Board, Patiala, the Board vide referred CBR resolved to temporarily close the slaughter house, near Mutton Market, Jalandhar Cantt till the time "Effluent Treatment Plant" is constructed. The tenders of the Mutton Market were called time to time with the clause in the terms of the tender that as per CBR No.04 dated 05.08.2011, the slaughter house is temporarily closed till the time ETP is constructed, so the licensee can not slaughter any animal there. The licensee can sale mutton only. If it will found slaughtering of any animal there, action for termination of license agreement will be initiated as per rule. It has come to the knowledge that it is not possible for the licensee to sell the mutton wit~out ~Iaughtering there. . The lincense agreement of the Mutton market IS gOing to expire on 31-03-2015. It IS not not be called and the Mutton mcommended that fresh tenders for the mutton market should . market be closed·temporarily till the time E.T.P. is constructed. 23.RESOLUTION:- The Board considered the issue and resolved as under:Th t fre h t nders be calledfor the Mutton Market till the construction of the new E.T.P. (1). a, ~o res ~n of Mutton market be taken over on 31.03.2015 from the existing licensee The vac~nt possefstshlecantt Overseer Sanitary Supdtt and be handed over to the Engg Section. with asslS ance 0 ' 2 prepare estimat~s for con~truction of new E.T.P. and maintenance threreof after of the water connection of the ~jnstruction in consulatation with the Sanitary Supdtt .. · to proceed immediately for the disconnection (3) E&M Sect Ion Mutton Market. Page 27 of 48 ITEM NO. 24 OPENING OF AN ADDITIONAL BANK ACCOUNT BUSINESS WITH FACILITY OF NET BANKING. FOR ONLlNE TRANSACTION OF To consider the office note of the Tax Supdtt, regarding deposit of monthly service tax to the Central Excise Office through Net Banking. It is submitted that under the instructions of the Central Excise , Division Jalandhar monthly instalment of service tax in lieu of liability for being received with rent of Cantt Fund. Properties had been deposited till Sept. ,2014 by deposited cheque in ~avourof the department In the state bank of India, Jalandhar through Performa specified for service tax payment. practice with SBI The same was aIso deposi't ed f or th e manth of October 2014 , on the dexisting B kb . th t "Now India at Jalandhar which has been refused to receive by the cotntcherne ant fYsaymq taax shall . .. lE' e departmen e paymen 0 service In terms of the .Instructlo~s of the Centra XCIS bankin and in the event of non-payment only be made directly onlIne transfer entry through net g 18% interest shall be imposed on the due amount" . . . ount for transaction of business on line with net So, It IS recommended that afres~ Bank ~cc . b pened to enable this office to transfer banking facility in the name of Chief Execu~lve.Offl~~r av~i~ any extra payment of interest or the amount to the concerned department In time otherwise. the table for perusal of the Board. In this connection relevant papers are placed on . ue and approved that a new Bank Account be 24.RESOLUTION:· The Board considered the ISSt opened for online transactions for Service Tax and e c. ITEM NO. 25 X UNDER SECTION 111 SUB SECTION 2(b) Of EXEMPTION OF HOUSE TAX AND WAT~14.2015. THE CANTONMENTS ACT,2006 FOR TH~ . ._ "U/S 111 sub section 2(b) of Cantonments Act 20.06 Exemption of Dharamshalla/Schoo1s.• n tax, which are open to the public and from which the Board may exempt, from the payment of a Y no income is derived." '11amounts of House tax and Water tax for the period Two schools have applied for exen:ption of b~heirinstitution. List of applicants, basis of calculation 2014-2015 due to no Income is denved from 'ven below:of ARV, and their amount for exemption are gl page 28 of 48 = Sr. No. 1 2 _:Z:: of Property/House No. & Mohalla No. Manager, Bung. No.86, JRC N.D. Victor Sr. Sec., School, -- do -Bung. No.87, JRC Name Applicant :----- -::- - -- House Tax Basis of ARV ARV revised previous final Government school. ARV revised previous final Government school. on 10% of ARV due to aided -'I Total Tax, to up Water Tax 825 1,980 _-. In this connection all relevant papers in original are placed on the table. 31.3.2015 -- 2,S05 26.RESOLUTION:-Considered the issue in detail and resolved to exemption the House tax and Water tax of the properties as mentioned in the agenda side for a period of one year 2014-2015. ITEM NO. 27 ---:- on 10% of ARV due to aided 7,920 1584 6,336 ENGAGEMENT OF STAFF ON CONTRACT BASIS IN PHASE-II SCANNING AND DIGITIZATION OF OLD IMPORTANT RECORDS OF CANTT BOARD JALANDHAR. Reference PD DE WC letter No. 21/4792/UDE/WC/83 dated 07.10.2014. w.r.t DG DE letter No 56/15/DGDE/Coord/Conf. dated 30.07.2014. . ----'----- To consider the issue of engagement of Multi-tasking staff (conversant in IT) on contract basis through contractor/ service provider. In this connection all relevant papers in original are placed on the table. 25.RESOLUTION:-Considered the issue in detail and resolved to exemption the House tax and Water tax of the properties as mentioned in the agenda side for a period of one year 2014-2015. It is brought to the notice of the Board that the Directorate Western Command vide their lett under reference w.r.t. DG DE letter dated 30.07.2014 has directed to prepare of list of the left ut files and to ensure that all files coming within the laid down norms/criteria are scanned md digitized in Phase-ll to be carried out in-house & completed by 31.03.2015. an ITEM NO. 26 EXEMPTION OF HOUSE TAX AND WATER TAX UNDER SECTION CANTONMENTS ACT, 2006 FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015. In this regard the left out files pertaining to Land Records and other important record all bran h have been selected, inventoried and are being indexing which subsequently will be scanned c es diIgllze if d . and 113 OF THE Exemption of Poor persons:-"U/S 113 of Cantonments Act 2006, the Board may exempt, for a period not exceeding one year at a time from the payment of any tax, or any portion of a tax imposed under this Act, any person who in its opinion is by reason of poverty unable to pay the It is pertinent to mention here that the work of Scanni~g and Digitiz~tion in Phase-I I of abo more than three thousand two hundred files /books / registers comprising around 1,50,000 ut are to be carried out in-house and to be completed in stipulated period for which extra rna pages, .' f D' 't' l' P n POWer of five (5) persons is required for smooth functioning 0 Igl rza Ion rocess and to complete th work In time. e same." It is seen that some applicants applied for exemption of bill amount of House tax and wat~r tax for the period 2014-15 due to poverty and depend upon other people for fulfillment of their daily needs. List of applicants, basis of calculation of ARV and their amount for exemption are given below' Sr. Name No. Applicant ,y---- of Property/House No. & Mohalla No. Basis of ARV House Tax - Self occupied & 1 Smt. Poonam 16/4, Moh. NoA, residential and old Wlo Late Vijay JRC construction. Kumar Moh. Partly rented and Smt. Angoori 13,13/1, 2. self occupied Devi W/o Late No.8, JRC residential and old Shallu Sh. construction Ram _.- .Self occupied & Geeta House NO.13S/2, Smt. 3 residential and old Wlo R.A.Bazaar, JRC Kumari construction. Rama Nand - Page 29 of 48 f Water Tax .>: Keeping in view the urgency of the matter the staff for the subject issue has already been from February 2015. Hence it is recommended that five (5) persons conversant in IT be aengaged to hire on contract basis with lump sum honorarium of Rs.7000/-PM. till the completion of thPproved e Work. The expenditure on this account will be booked under budget head A-4 and bUdget pro .. exists in the raised budget estimates. VISions 1,9 47 In this connection all relevant documents are placed on the table. 27.RESOLUTION-Considered and approved hiring of required staff through provider @ of Rs. 7000/- per month. 3848- // 1,3 05 544- 1-.849=--00 -: --_ Page 30 of 48 contractor /s . ervlce :: ITEM NO. 28 REVISION OF RATES FOR HONORARUIM CANTTBOARDJALANDHAR. TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRAUTAL To consider the issue of revision of rates for honorarium engaged contractual staff in Cantt Board Jalandhar. STAFF to be paid to the engaged The Boar~ further resolved ~hat t,he mini,mum wages rates of Central Govt. be paid to the ClasS IV categories such as Safaiwala s ,Aya s,Peon / Lab. Attendant in compliance with th provisions of EPF and ESI Act! Rules. e IN or to be The Board is informed that this office has acute shortage of permanent staff in Sanitation Branch, Schools, Hospital and Office due to death / regular retirement of Cantt Board employees . ~he services of Class IV, Teaching & non-teaching staff are being taken on contract basis against the regular posts for smooth functioning of this office. The Board has engaged the contractual staff on fix categories mentioned as under, which is very low in contractual staff and they repeatedly requesting to revise the rates of honorarium to the contractual staff be revised lump sum rate of honorarium of each comparison to the work performed by the the same. Hence it is recommended that as under:- Name of Post Existing honorarium Proposed honorarium Remarks 1. Teacher for Primary Classes Master / Mistress 6000/- 8000/- Having Gradate 6000/- 10000/- Having Post-Graduate Lecturer --- 12000/- Computer Teacher 6000/- 8000/- 4. Peon 3500/- 5. Aya or Auxiliary staff 3500/- 6. Part time Mali 1500/- Minimum DC narrick rates Minimum DC narrick rates 2500/- 7. Safaiwala in Schools - 3. + B.Ed / ETT. + B.Ed. --------- 4. Having BCA / PGDCA - -I-- NSTITUTION ~ ference on the table. 28 RESOLUTION -Considered and approved the. proposed ra~e~ of hono.rarium for contra~tLJa: a staft mentioned on agenda side subject to the fulfli~ent of requisite educational and professlon t lif t' taid down by the academic authonty under the RTE Act and by other relevai'l qua I Ica ionsas ·t· Th ff . . 14 rules and instructions issued by the competent authon ies. e same be e ective w.e.f. April 20 . Page 31 of 48 OF COMMITTEES UNDER CANTONMENTS ACT,2006. . CBR No. 01 dated 13.02.2015 and of even no. dated 20.02.2015. consider the issue of formation of new Committee such as Civil Area Committee, Finan eral Purpose Committee, Building and Sanitation Committee. ce and Gel1 sequent upon the Govt. of India, MOD notification published vide SRO No.09 d Co~ 1.2014, the ordinary election of Jalandhar Cantonment Board was held on 11.01.2015 ~ed 03. eafter the names of elected members have been notified and published by the Central G nd tl1~D vide SRO No. 01( E) dated 11th Feb,2015 . ovt. , rv1 quired under section 47 of the Cantonments Act,2006 every Board constituted under . Cantonment shall appoint a Civil Area Committee (CAC) conSisting of the slectlon .' Engineer. e ected 1 2 1(1bers 0 f the Boar d , H'ealth Officer and Executive AS ~e a erJ1 rJ1 suance of clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section48 of the Canto~ments Act,2006 111rY;1I0Wing two committees to determination of matters shall be appointed by the Board :_ tl1e 1) Fin.a~ce & General Purpose Committee. ~2) Building & Sanitation Committee. Minimum DC narrick rates ed In this connection all relevant papers are P lac O ,0 ----------------- - ~ ~ SI. No 2. Shri Suresh Kumar, Elected Member suggested that i.nstead of appointing manpower through contractor the ~oard. ~hould engage the manpower directly .. The CEO suggested that the Board should obtain opinion of the Labour Law expert on the Issue till then the exi l' arrangements may go on. s Ing thiS connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 1(1 OI,..LJTION -The Board considered and unanimously resolved to appoint the eo _ 'sting of following members:rnrnlttees ~eS r cO (lSI 1) Civil Area Committee (CAC) will be comprising of ( (CWE) and all the Elected Members. Health Officer, Executive E . nglneer smt. Sneh Gupta , Vice President will be the Chairman of CAC and Chief Executive 0 . Will be the member/ secretary. ff1cer Page 32 of 48 (2) Finance & General Purpose Committee will comprising Committee will comprising as under; Chairman member member member member/ secretary (i) Sh. Suresh Kumar, Elected member as -(ii) Col. R.K. Kochhar, Nominated member -(ii) Sh. SanjeevTrehan, Elected member as -(iii) Sh.Rajinder Sharma ,Elected member as (iv) Sh. ParshotamLal,CEO . (3) Building & Sanitation Whereas, the DG DE vide its letter under reference has already directed on the subject that "no prior approval of the PD DE, the Command would be required before filling up the vacant posts by the appointing authority i.e. the Cantonment Board of the CEO as the case may be, if the vacancy has arisen within one year period. However, if the vacancy could not be processed for filling during the one year period then prior approval of Principal Director will be necessary for release of vacancy. Hence, it is recommended that the filling of posts/ vacancies be dealt in compliance of the direction of DG DE issued in referred letter. Detail of vacancies fallen vacant during the past year w.e.f.first March,2014 and before that are placed on the table. as under; (i) Brig. A. K. Srivastva, Health Officer (ii) Sh. S.C. Somani , CWE (iii) Col. H.S. Sandhu (iv) Sh.SanjeevTrehan,Elected member as (v)Smt. Punnet Kaur,Elected member as -(vi)Sh.Bharat Atwal ,Elected member as -(vii) Sh. ParshotamLal, CEO RESOLUTION -The Board considered the issue in detail and unanimously resolved to fill the posts of one Asstt. Engineer, 02 Lecturers and 11 Master/Mistress on regular basis after obtaining prior approval of the Directorate DE, as all these posts are lying vacant for more than one year. The Board further resolved that filing of the Clerical posts be kept pending in view of proposal of suspension of octroi collection by the Board. The board further resolved that the requirement of filling of the posts of Safai Karamcharis be assessed / considered separately taking into consideration door to door collection of municipal solid waste in compliance to MSW Rules and engagement of contractual agency. Chairman Ex-officio member Nominated member Member Member Member Mem ber/secretary. Sh Suresh Kumar further suggested the PCB that the committee to go into the details of the functioning of brought to the notice of the Board that the Board Management Committees (SMC) and the elected board which the school falls will automatically be the Patron recommendation to the Board as well as supervising the Board should constitute a special Cantt Board Schools . The CEO has already constituted School member of the respective ward in of the SMC which will be making functioning of school. ITEM NO. 30 FILLING OF VACANT POSTS OF SAFAIWALA'S AND OTHER CLASS IV STAFF STAFF & NON·TEACHING STAFF ETC. IN JALAHDHAR CANTT BOARD. Reference DG DE letter No. 25/Misc/C/DE/2004 I TEACHING and other class IV staff /Teaching staff The Board is informed that this office has acute shortage of permanent staff in Sanitation Branch , Schools ,Hospital and Office due to death / regular retirement of Cantt Board employees and no recruitment has been made from the last! -8 year to this eff~ct. as the prior approval of Ote. DE is required to filling of vacant posts, resulting the routine sanitation wo~k ~nd Cleaning of main drains in civil area suffering a lot due to defi?iency .o~ manpowe.r In Sanitation Section. Further the shortage of staff effect the duties of Board In proViding Education and others as provided under sub-section (iii) (v) (viii) (ix) (xiv) (xxiv) of section 62 of Cantonments Act, 2006. Page 33 of 48 REQUEST FOR PRE·MATURE RETIREMENT BY SH. INDER KUMAR VIJ, E&M SUPERVISOR OF JALANDHAR CANTONMENT BOARD. To consider the request for pre-mature retirement of Sh. Inder Kumar Vij, E&M Supervisor of Jalandhar Cantonment Board. The Board is informed that Sh.lnder Kumar Vij, E&M Supervisor has tendered his Voluntary Retirement 1 resiqnation from service by post written on an Inland letter card receive by this office on dated 16.02.2015 stating that he has some medical complications and personal problem. He further requested to grant Voluntary Retirement w.e.flst April 2015 by waive off the notice period of three month. In this regard, the instructions of Deptt. Of Personnel & Training OM No. 28034/25/87 -Ests. (A) Dated 11thFebruary, 1988 and rule 48 of CCS (penSion) Rule 1972 may referred. dated 13.01.2011. To consider the issue of filling of vacant posts of Safaiwalas & non-teaching staff etc. in Jalandhar Cantt Board. ITEM NO. 31 It is recommended that the request of Sh. lnder Kumar Vij may be accepted and the notice period beyond 31st March,2015 may be waived off and the vacancy n:ay be notified for direct recrUitment through open competition to make alternative arrangement for filling the post. 31. RESOLUTION-The Board considered and resolved to accept the request of Sh. Inder kumar Vij, E&M Supervisor for voluntary 1 pre-mature retirement and ~urther resolved to waive off notice period beyond 30th April 2015 as the Board has to make alternative arrangement. Page 34 of 48 -- --_ ._ The board further resolved that for smooth functioning of essential services of water supply and street light CEO should initiate the process of filling the post on regular basis following laid down process throug~ open competition but in the meantime one qualified E&M supervisor be engaged on contract baSISon payment of lump sum honorarium under agreement. Motion - removal of sea! imposed against un-authorised construction under Cantonm Act 2006, on temple bearmg property nO.60/1 &79,Mohalla No. 27,JRC. ents ITEM NO. 32 To consider the motion dated 05.03.2015 proposed by the Smt. Sneh Gupta, vice president other elected members to remove lopen the seal imposed on temple bearing propert N and all 79, mohalla no. 27 Jalandhar Cantt. Y 0.60/1 & ADOPTING LOGO OF DEFENCE ESTATES ORGANISATION ON STATIONERY ITEMS, SIGN BOARDS AND PUBLIC NOTICES. To consider the 18/86/Misc/ADM/DE dated the Rak~haMantri on 16th cards /slgn Boards/public directions given vide PD DE Western Command letter No. 10.2.2015 to use the logo ofDefence EstateOrganization released by Dec 2014. The log may appear on the letter pads/envelopes/visiting notices the form and colour scheme as given in the sample forwarded by the higher authority. Cantonment Board Jalandhar have already its own logo and as regards Cantonment Boards, being statuary bodies under the Cantonment Act 2006, it will be optional for Board to either adopt the logo of the Defence Estates Organization or adopt their own logo or continue with -- The Board is informed that un-authorised construction was reported in the propert b .g 60/1 & 79, ~ohalla no. 27 Jalandhar Canttby Shree Ana~?Pur Trust .and notice date~ 1:ann no. under Section 248(1) of the Cantonments Act ,2006 requIring the notice to demolish .08.~014 construction but the notice failed to demolish the same rather continued further unauthOrized construction . Hence the unauthorised construction was directed to sealed vide un~uthorised 05.02.2015 issued under Section 249 of the Cantt Act,2006. or er dated Now, Smt. Sneh Gupta, Vice President and all the elected members have moved a m t' 05.03.2015 stating therein that roof of the temple's building was in dilapidated posit' 0 Ion dated same have been replaced with the prior permission of the Cantonment Board and the trus and the to deposit the composition fee to compound the un-authorised constructions, if any. rust of ready In this connection all papers are placed on the table. the logo already adopted and in use. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table for perusal. RESOLUTION -The Board considered the issue and resolved that as the Board has alreadv adopted its logo hence it may not be viable to adopt new logo. However the official stationary used by the CEO may have the logo of Defence Estate Organisation. ITEM NO. 33 EXPENSES FOR FLOWER SHOW: 2015. It is brought to the notice of the Board that the Board is organising annual flower Show 2015 in collaboration with the local military authorities for which approximate expenditure will be about 1.6 lakh , out of which the LMA have been requested to. Contribute Rs.80,0001- . Budget provision for the contribution of the Board exists in budget estimates under head H(5) . - ITEM No. - 34 The board to consider and approve the expenditure by Jalandhar Cantt Board towards Annual 34. RESOLUTION :- Sh. Su.resh Kumar elected member brought to the notice of the B request of the persons applYing for repair was not processed by the Board for more th oard that so keeping in view the safety of the life of the devotees the management started rec an one year the building. The CEO informed the Board that the applicant could have followed th onstruction of of law for reconstruction and compiled with the requisition of notice dated 14.08.2014 eu~ue process 248 of the Cantonments Act,2006. Sh. SanjeevTrehan brought to the. notice of the p der section building is almost complete but due to its sealing the.' devotees "d are payinq their obel's ance CB that the the building known to be as KUTIA , thus the sealing IS causing avoi able inconvenie Outside devotees and the genera.1 p~bli~. All the electe? members suggested the PCB tha nCe to the should open the seal keeping In view religious sentiments and convenience of the d evotees t the CEO The CEO informed the board that the Board is not an appellate authority against the . . unde.r section 249 of c~ntonments Act,2006 to seal the ongOing unauthorised co~ctlon i~itiated keeping in view the sentiments of the Board, assured that corrective action will b structlon b the seal as an exception provided the occupier 1 noticee submit undertaking that theeytaken ut .. w'll to 0 Pen any further unauthorised construction and will apply for compOSition of unautho( I not rn k and to pay composition fee imposed by the competent authority. ISed constrUct aIone Flower Show: 2015 for various items. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. RESOLUTION -The CEO brought to the notice of the Board that Rs.70,0001- has been contributed by the 91,Sub Area for purpose. Considered and resolved that the Chief Executive Officer, is authorized to incur the expenditure by Cantt Board jalandhar on annual Garden & Flower ShOW' 2015. Page 35 of 48 Page 36 of 48 = ITEM NO. - 35 RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, To note and approve the Receipt and Expenditure for the month of February, 2015. 2015 which is as under:- FEBRUARY, 2015 Rs. Rs. Opening Balance as on 01.02.2015 Receipt during the month of February,2015 In s~ch cases of violation fine may extend to ten thousand rupees and may compounded under section 332 of Cantonments Act, 2006 by the Chief Executive Officer. Therefore, the Board should lay ?own the parameters for composition on account of failure under sub-section (1) to (3) of section 81 of Cantonments Act, 2006 and also for composition of offence committed in violation of Section 73 under, under Section 267 read with Section 268 of the Cantonments Act, 1924. 54,07,214-43 1,79,85,989-00 --------------------- ~ Rs. 2,33,93,203-43 ~--------------------Rs ~ Expenditure during the month Closing Balance as on 28.02.2015 In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table. 36.Resolution _ Sh. Suresh Kumar elected member suggested the Board that the old cases may be regularised I compounded by the CEO without any levy of any composition fee and it should be 2,06,56,530-00 Rs. 27,36,673-43 -------------------- ~ ~ Rs. 2,33,93,203-43 ~. -------------- prospective only. The CEO brought to the notice of the Board that the failure was punishable even under the provisions of old Act also so there should be composition fee for regularisation thereof. In this connection statement of Receipt and Expenditure and individual payment for the month of February, 2015 and is placed on the table for consideration and approval. 35. RESOLUTION -The Board scrutinized the individual payment sub-section (1) to (3) of section 81 of Cantonments Act, 2006 which is punishable with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees under sub-section (6) of section 81 of Cantonments Act 2006 as the person to whom the title is transferred, shall within three months after the execution of the Jnstr~ment of t.ransfer. of after its registration, if it is registered, or after the transfer is effected, required to give notice of such transfer to the Chief Executive Officer under section 81 (1) of Ca~tonments Act,200~ or the per~on on whom the title of the deceased devolves, shall give notice of such devolution to the Chief Executive Officer within six months from the death of the deceased as required under section 81 (2) of Cantonments Act,2006. vouchers, vouchers considered and After detailed discussion on the issue the Board unanimously resolved that in case of lawful transfers and inheritance the composition fee may be Rs. Five hundred for residential and Rs.One thousand for commercial land. approved the monthly accounts. ITEM No. 37 ITEM No.- 36 TO TAKE POLICY DECISION REGA..BQiliG COMPOSITION SECTION SECTION 81 OF CANTONMlliTS ACT,2006. To consider the issue of Composition REPLACEMENT OF BER VEHICLE GYPSY WITH BELERO JEEP (DIESEL). OF OFFENCE against violation made under Section Act, 1924 and section 81 of Cantonments MADE UNDgB 73 of the Cantonments The Board is informed that anybody transferring title of a land or building liable for the payment of tax were I are required to give notice of transfer under Section 73 of the Cantonments Act, 1924 which was punishable under Section 268 of th~ same act and under Section 81 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 and is punishable under section 81 (6). There are the number of residents of this Cantonment Board have not given the Notice of transfer of title for their property as provided under section 81 of Cantonments Act, 2006 or section 73 of Cantonments Act, 1924 as the case may be , In failure to comply with the provisions contained i~ --......., ...• _ C.B.R.No. 22 dated 18.12.2014 Dte office letter No. To consider the question of replacement of BER vehicle Gypsy bearing Registration No. PB08 M 4141 with Mahindra Bolero CAMPER (Non-AC)- 2WD Diesel as quoted by the authorized dealer of Mahindra &MohindraUd"M/s Raga MotersPvt.Ud Jalandhar" for purchase of Bolero CAMPER (Non-AC)- 2WD Diesel. It is brought to the notice of the Board that present Maruti Gypsy model 1995 has outlived its life and efficient performance of official functions by the Octroi, Tax and Engg. Sections the vehicle IS required to be replaced. Page 38 of 48 37 of 48 w.r.t. 30/SC/JalandharNehicleIWCIDE dated 17.07.2014. Act, 2006. Page Reference - I The Board is informed that proposal on the cited subject was sent to the Ote. vide this office letter No. JCB/8/36/05/C which was turned down by the Ote. DE, vide their letter cited under reference with the direction to make provision for replacement of existing Maruti Gypsy in the Budget Estimates 2014-15(R) and submit fresh proposal after submission of Budget Estimates 2014-15 (R). In pursuance of the direction of Ote. DE , the provision for replacement of existing Maruti Gypsy in the Budget Estimates for 2014-15(R) were made and existed under Budget head of B(1)(b).The budget has been approved by the GOC-in-C and the funds are available. Further, it is also informed that the cost of the Bolero CAMPER (Non-AC) 2WD Diesel amounting Rs.06, 16,575/- (Six lac, sixteen thousand, five hundred and seventy five only) including Insurance, Registration and temporary numberchargesetc. In this connection all relevant papers are placed on table for consideration of the Board. 37. Resolution _ Considered and unanimously resolved to purchase the proposed vehicle. TheBoard further resolved that the old vehicle be disposed off by public auction after getting the MRP approved. ITEM No. 38 NEW-ADMISSION 38. Resolution - Consideration and approved as proposed in the agenda . The Board further resolved that there should be only one section of nursery. ITEM No. 39 REVISION OF PAY SCALE OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES SUCH AS OFFICE SUPDTT ASSISTANTS/STORE KEEPER / CASHIER & TAX INSPECTORS, MID-WIVES OF CANTONMENT BOARD JALANDHAR AT PAR WITH THE REVISED PAY SCALE OF CORRESPONDING POSTS IN STATE GOVT. Reference Dte. Letters No. 15/90/A1Jalandhar/CanttlDE dated 17 07 2014 & of even no dated 10.07.2014. ' . . . To consider the issue of revision of pay scale 1 grade pay of certain categories of employees of CanttBoard Jalandhar i.e. Dec.2011. The State Govt. of Punjab has revised distinctly the pay scales of Certain categories such as SupdttGd-II, Senior Assistant and Multipurpose health worker(Female) vide Notification NO.5/10109-5FPI/958 dated 15.12.2011 , No. 5/10109-5FPI/1540,dated 23.12.2011 respectively IN SILVER OAK SCHOOL JALANDHAR CANTT UNDER RTE-ACT,2009 To consider the issue of New Admission under the provisions of RTE Act, 2009. The board is informed that the Principal Silver Oak Public School duly recommended by Principal Cant! Board Girls Sr. Sec School Jalandhar Cantt Vide her letter dated 02.03.2015 has submitted that there are 12 rooms in the Silver Oak Public School and out of the total, SIX rooms having it In this connection letter containing suggestions by Principal and other relevant papers are placed on the table for perusal of the Board. f 30 35 students and remaining SIX rooms having capacity of 20-25 students. Total capaci y 0 strength of the students as on date is 372. . h hool faces many difficulties at the time of. new admissions, hence the following action ince t e se . ma king the N ew Adrnissi . '. d i RTE Act 2009 are sugges t e d In rrussrons rn the forthcoming S as provide In ' session 2015-16 :st A e of students of Nursery Class should be 3 y~ars as on 31 March. 1. T~e admission be made as per the n01rOm~/ lald dOW(~ u~d~r the RTE Act,2009 and the 2. h tu dents ratio of 01 :35 with 10 ext ra a mission can be made as per the teac er s . t' d instructions of higher authorities), be. main arneo . . . . Time Schedule and date for Admission Forms to be Issued and deposited In the school, be 3. th specified. . I admission in nursery class be rna d e on 30 M arc h ~ve:~ year b y draw system. 4. AF~~ission in class LKG to class 5th be done only on availability of vacancies. 5. Page 39 of 48 effected from 01.12.2011. The same is also admissible to the employees of Cantt Board Jalandhar under the provision of Memorandum of Settlement and are entitled for pay & allowances at par with the corresponding posts of State Govt. on similar terms and conditions as laid down in the notification. The proposals to this effect were sent to the Ote.DE vide this office letters No. JCB/13/33/313/C dt. 26.03.2014,No.JCB/13/33/318/C, dt.27.03.2014and No.JCB/13/33/316/C,dated 26.03.2014 respectively. The Dte. DE, in turn advised to forward fresh proposals for re-designation of posts mentioned above. Since, over a period of time only the nomenclature of these corresponding State Govt. posts have undergone change usually during the pay revisions taking place from time to time an~ proposals are being prepared without linking it to what has happened in previous pay revisions which leads to extensive delay of months and at time even of years as also infructuous correspondence. Hence, the Dte. De vide its letter No.15/428/Rulling/Cantt/WC/OEI dated 27.10.2014 directed to maintain a data sheet in the proforma annexed, which will act as ready reckoner on. formulating the proposal and data sheet or the relevant part be invariably annexed while forwardmg any pay scale revision whether general or of a single post. In compliance the ibid direction, the proforma no.700 forwarded thereof has been uploaded at cbdataas required. Page 40 of 48 -. __, = To consider the applications received from different contractors/Firms mentioned below for Registration/Renewal of their firms/names for supply of Stationery and Printing articles for the year 2015-2016. Further, it is recommended that the Dte. DE be requested to accord sanction of proposals referred above in reference with the performa no.700 as the posts of Cantt Board are equated with the corresponding posts of State Govt. for the purpose of pay scale of equated post of State Govt. I~ this ~egar.dwide publication through Hindustan Times and DainikJagaran newspapers was given vide th~s offlc~ letter No. JCB/Store/ 3553/C dated 19.2.2015. The Notice was also published on the Office Notice Board for publication: In this connection all relevant papers are placed on the table for perusal of the Board. 39. Resolution - The Board considered the issued in detail and observed that the State Govt. has only changedthe nomenclature of these corresponding postswithout any change in pay scale, hence the Board approved the revised pay scales / grade pay to certain categories of employees such as Office Supdtt,Assistants/Store keeper / Cashier &Tax Inspectors, Mid-wives of Cantonment Board Jalandhar at par with therevised pay scale of existing nomenclature of corresponding posts in State Govt.w.e.f FOR SUPPLY OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING ARTICLES UNDER CATEGORY 'C' Sr. No. 1 oec.,2011. Further, resolved that proposal be forwarded to the ote. DE WC for necessary sanction of the revised pay scale/ grade pay of these certain categories of posts with reference to the performa No.700 uploaded W.r.t directions of ote. DE. WC dated 27.10.2014. 2 ITEM NO. 40 -},.__ REGISTRATION/RENEWAL OF FIRMS/NAMES FOR WASHING OF CLOTHES FOR THE YEAR 2015-1016. -~ 3 -}._ To consider the application received against this office notice No. JCB/19/19/3632/C dated 27.2.2015 for Registration/Renewal of Firms/Names of contractors as mentioned below for 4 washing of clothes for the year 2015-2016 1. Sh. Shanker 58-RA Bazar, Jalandhar Cantt. 2. Sh. Deepak 119-RA Bazar, Jalandhar Cantt 3. Smt. Jallo Devi, Outside 19-The Mall , Jalandhar Cantt -_L 5 6 7 8. In this connection relevant documents ITEM NO. 41 FOR SUPPLY OF STATIONERY M/S Gill Enterprises, 117 Anoop Nagar, Jalandhar City M/S oev Enterprises,NF-44, KillaMohalla, Jalandhar City. M/S International Trading Co., 4 - Ashok Nagar, Jalandhar City. M/S Ankur Traders /' No-130, BikeramPura. Jalandhar City. M/S A&A Enterprises,D-39 Phase-S, SAS Nagar,Mohalli. M/S Ad Station Infinity Product, CO 1988, 2nd Floor, Chandigarh. Sector 45-A, M/S Akansha Enterprises, 10/1-Mohalla No.23, Jalandhar Cantt. M/S Army Book Depot. 5, Hardyal Road, Jalandhar Cantt. ~---- In this connection all relevant papers placed on the table. are placed on the table 40. Resolution - Considered and approved. REGISTRA nON/RENEWAL OF CONSTRACTORS PRINTING ARTICLES FOR THE YEAR 2015·16. Name of the Firm applied for Registration AND 41. Resolution _ Considered and resolvedthat the registration of contractors / suppliers mentioned in the agenda side be approved for supply of all the goods by registered contractor In that particular 'C' category. It is also recommended that till the finalization of process/ approval of tenders that the articles be purchased on the sam~ terms and conditions of the year 2014-15 and e-tendering process be initiated for procurement of Stationary & printing. Page 42 of 48 Page 41 of 48 = = 42. Resolution- Considered and resolved that the registration of contractors / suppliers mentioned ITEM NO - 42 REGISTRATION/RENEWAL YEAR 2015-16. OF CONSTRACTORS FOR SUPPLY OF STORE ARTICLES FOR THE . T? consider the applications received from different contractors/Firms mentioned below for Registration/Renewal of their firms/names for supply of Store articles for the year 2015-2016 under the Byelaws enforced in this Cantonment. . In th~s regard wide publication through Hindustan Times and DainikJagaran newspapers was. given vide this office letter No. JCB/Store/ 3553/C dated 19.2.2015. The Notice was also pu~llshed on the Office Notice Board for publication and information was also given to the registered contractors: FOR NEW REGISTRATION. Sr. No. 1 2 3 in the agenda side be approved for supply of all kinds of goods by registered contractor mentioned in category 'B' under (Registration & Classification of Contractors) Bye-Laws, 1990 of jalandhar Cantonment Board. It is also recommended that the articles be purchased on the same terms and conditions of the year 2014-15 till the finalization of process/ approval of tenders and e-tendering process be initiated for procurement of Store. ITEM NO.- 43 Six lanning of NH-1 at Rama Mandi&BhoorMandi, Jalandhar Cantt. Reference C.B.R. No. 07 dated 28-4-2014. As per the CBR No. 07 dated 28-4-2014, Cantonment Board, Jatandhar had approved the revised cost of Assets of the Cantonment Board, Jalanchar at Rama Mandi, jalandhar Cantt which are coming within the PROW of the NH-1 at Rama Mandi amounting to Rs. 1,07,53,270/- but the NHAI authorities has submitted a Demand draft of Canara Bank, Ambala Cantonment vide No. 478275 dated 13.03.2015 amounting to Rs. 97,75,700/- (Ninety seven thousand, seventy five thousands and seven hundred only) This amount is less than the already approved revised cost of the Assets of Cantonment Board, Jalandhar. Name of the Firm applied for Registration M/S Ad Station Infinity Product, CO 1988, 2nd Floor, Sector 45-A, Chandigarh. M/S A&A Enterprises, 0-39 Phase-S, SAS Nagar, Mohali. Board to take necessary decision in the matter. M/S Akansha Enterprises, 1O/1-Mohalla NO.23,JalandharCantt. In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table. FOR RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION. 43. 1 M/S Arti Enterprise 3-Sadar Bazar,JalandharCantt 2 M/S InternationalTrading Co., 4- Ashok Nagar, Jalandhar. 3 M/S Gill Enterprises, 117 Anoop Nagar, BastiOanishmanda ,Jalandhar City 4 M/S RS Sales Corporation 317-Lajpat Nagar,Jalandhar City under protest as full payment has not been made by NHAI and further resolved that the office of National HighwaysAuthority of India be requested to deposit the balance amount as already been approved by the Board in respect of affected Assets of the Cantonment Board, jalandhar at Rama Mandi Jalandhar Cantt which are coming within the PROW of the NH-1 along this section. ----- - ITEM NO. 44 - - 5 Resolution - The Board considered the issue in detail and resolved to accept the money M/S Fancy Hardware Adda Bastian Road, Opp.ICIC Bank, Jalandhar City. _----- - -- --- - - - The above contractors/Firms have submitted the photocoPY of documents related to the business in this office. The report of store-keeper, Cantt Board Recommending these registration is placed on the table. EXEMPTION OF HOUSE TAX AND WATER TAX UNDER SECTION 113 OF THE CANTONMENTS ACT, 2006 FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015. Exemption of Poor persons:-"U/S 113 of Cantonments Act 2006, the Board may exempt, for a period not exceeding one year at a time from the payment of any tax, or any portion of a tax Imposed under this Act, any person who in its opinion is by reason of poverty unable to pay the same." It is seen that the above said applicant applied for exemption of bill amount of tax and Water tax for the period 2014-15 due to poverty and depend upon other people for fUlflllm~nt of their daily needs. Detail of the applicant, basis of calculation of ARV and the amount or exemption is given below:Page 44 of 48 Page 43 of 48 --_ --- Name of Applicant Sr. No. Property/House No.& Mohalla No. Smt. Nargis W/o 256, B.I. Bazaar, JRC Robin 1 Basis of ARV - House Tax Water Tax Total Tax up to 31.3.2015 405 972 Self occupied; residential and old construction. - 1,377-00 I '-- 11 Periodical services and painting to the residential accommodations AD EO Residential and DEO residence of the Defence Estates Office, Jalandhar Circle, Jalandhar Cantt. 2,67,470/- 12 Repair to streets with paver blocks at mohalla No. 31 2,.60,900/- 13 Repair and premixing of the cross road between 13 & 17, 14 &18, 15&19 and 16 & 20. 4,13,600/- 14 Repair and patch work of Jindan Road from Hoshiarpur road intersection uptoNalwa Road intersection, JRC 2,78,390/- 15 Repair to the PCC flooring of the street at RA Bazar 2,39,370/- - In this connection all relevant papers in original are placed on the table. - 44.RESOLUTION:-Considered and discussed in detail. The Board resolved that the exemption of House tax and Water tax of the properties as mentioned in the agenda side for a period of one year _- -- 2014-2015. The actual work would be got executed through Board's approved executing agencies as per the rates approved by the Board. ITEM NO.- 45 CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF ESTIMATES OF REPAIRS PUBLIC WORKS I UTILITIES AND CANTT FUND PROPERTIES AND MAINTENANCE FOR The following public works and repair/maintenance are proposed to be executed. The estimates as per MES-SSR, 2010 part (ii) of the proposed work are put up for consideration and - S.No. 1 -- 2 3 4 Name of Work -- Repair to the street with paver blocks at Mohalla No. 25.JRC Repair to the street with paver blocks at B.I. Bazar ,JRC - -_ CANTT. 2,43,290/- Ton consider the issue of the re-boring of tubewell at Rama Mandi against Oldl failed tubewell in --- 2,07,900/- Repair and converting of open drain into underground drainage system 2,33,800/- 7 8 9 - - - -------- Repair to the PCC flooring of the Patel Road sides at Mohalla No~ 29~-~TRC.-- 2,17,300/- Repair to the PCC flooring of the streetsat B.1. Bazar~jRC~-- 1,98,270/- _ --- _.- -------~I Repair to the PCC flooring of the Mool Raj Road side at MohallaNo-:-3~JRC 1,98,590/- Repair to the fencing wall of parking along the Church Road 1,13,690/-- 5,38,700/- Repair and premixing of the parking along Church Road - - R8Pa.irto the plastering works in the residential accommodatlons- of the Oefe nce 10 Estates Office, jalandhar Circle, JalandharCantt. -- -- '---- -- 1,39,530/- \_ \_ Reference CBR No. 17 dated 26.09.2014 and sanction of the competent authority conveged vide Dte. DE WC Chandigarh vide leter No. 30/SC/JRC/WC/2014-15 dated 24-11-2014 :or the execution of reboring of Tubewell at Rama Mandi, Jalandhar Cantt by the Cantt Board on Its own through executing agency on the basis of the specifications submitted alonqwith the proposal as prepared by the Panjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Jalandhar. It is informed that the Board had requested Panjab Water Supply and Se~erage Board, Jalandha.r to prepare estimates for re-boring of Tubewell at Mohall.a N~. 20 out ~Ide and at Rama Man~l, Jalandhar Cantt and the same had been submitted by this office. Now It has been n?tlced that In case of deep borened executed with the specification having proposed for re-bonn.g at Rama Mandi there are certain defects had been notice in the bore of Mohalla No. 20 outside and the same has not yet been in a successful working condition. . In view of the above it is recommended that Board may consider reviewing execution of the same pend it and approach some other agency like MES or Punjab Health Engg. Department at Jalandhar for prepareing fresh estimates if needed for re-boring of the deep tubewell. -- Page 46 of 48 Page 45 of 48 IN Jalandhar Cantt . 1,64,730/- Repair to the street with paver blocks at BhoorMandi , JRC AT RAMA MANDl AGAISNT OLD I FAILED TUBEWELL JALANDHAR 1--------- -- 6 -., Amount (Rs.) atMohalla no. 29 , JRC. 5 ITEM NO. - 46 -----------, --~-- and approved. OF TUBEWELL __ _ -- -_ 45. RESOLUTION-Considered RE-BORING approval: - .._x.., - same has not been made fictional hence same is out of use for the last more than four months " dispute of frequent reminders. The Board is informed that provisions of payment amounting to RS.14.45 lac on account of execution of work was made in the revised budged estimates for the year 2014-2015 and same has been sanctioned by the GOC-in-C. It is recommended that the pending payment may be withheld if the bore-well is not functional by 31.3.2015 and thereafter fresh provision for the same be made in the budged for the next year. In this connection all the relevant papers are placed on the table for consideration of the Board. 46. RESOLUTION-The Board considered the issue in detail and after threadbare discussion is of the opinion that the Board should not get the work of reboring executed as per exisiting specifications as the water table is going down day by day and the borewell having PVC pipes may not be a success in view of the problem being faced in rebored borewell outside Mohall No. 20. The CEO brought to the notice of the board that if the bo~rd resolved. to e~ecute the project with MS pipes then the estimates are required to be revised and which will be more than the In this connection all relevant papers along with file are placed on the table. sanctioned by the competent authority. . . Hence the Board unanimously resolved that the project should not be executed with existing specifications. The estimates be got prepared from PHE or MES and got approved at the 47. RESOLUTION-The Board expressed concern regarding unsatisfactory functioning of the borewell rebored by PWSS Board Jalandhar . The Board resolved that the PWSSB be requested to expedite rectifying the borewell so that there is no problem of potable water as the summers are approaching fast. The Board further resolvesd that pending satisfactory completion of the work earliest. part payment of Rs7.45 lacs be withheld. ITEM NO. - 47 NO OF RE BORED TUBEWELL OUTSIDE MOHALLA NO. 20 AND PAYMENT TQ ~~~Np~T~~~~~ATER ~UPPLY AND SEWERAGE BOARD. R N 25 dated 12.07.2012confirn:ed by CBR No. 02 dated 28.08.2012 and erence F&GPC o. it onveyed vide Dte. DE WC Chandigarh vide letter sanction of the competant authOr! Y c 0 2.2013. Zno.30/SC/jalandhar/Tubewel/DE, dated 2 . .' ed that as per the sanction of the Competent authority Covenyed vide The Board IS Inform xecution of the subsject work of re-boring of Tubewel at Mohalla the Dte DE referred letter the e t d to punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board Jalandhar at No.20, jalandhar Cantt was entrus e an estimated cost of Rs.14,45,OOOI-. . d vide this office letter No. JCB/30/16/2602/C dated 28.2.2013 to The work order w~s Issue supply & Sewerage Board, Division No.01, Jalandhar to t Executive Engineer, punjab ~~ ~~iS work order a cheque vide No. 302617 dated 28.2.2013 execute the work and alongwl Th work was compelted by Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage amounting to Rs.07 lacs only. e to cantonment Board, Jalandhar their office letter No. 254 Board, Jalandhar and handed ov~r I defects i.e. throwing sand particles/dirty water in the drinking dated 19.5.2014. But certain technlca were conveyed to the Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage water supply were notices and :;~:tter No. jCB/.3~/16/1372/C dated 25.8.2014 and due to thiS Board, Ja.lan.dharvide Cantt BO residence from this tubewel has bee~ ~topped. Further Chief the regular drinking water sup~IY to M supvervisor had made personal VISit to the. office of the Exec.utive Office~ alongwlt~ Ewater Supply & Board, Jalandhar requesting the PWS & Supnntendin Engineer, pU~Jab b e and make It functional. The department PWS & SB admitted SB to rectify the problems If.the e ~ater but they are of the opinion that sam~ is because of use of the defect regarding sands In th The pWS & SB has made efforts to rectify the defects but the · h 'ble motor. h19 capacity submersl page 47 of 48 , Cantonment Board, Jalandhar Cantt. (ParshotamLal) 20.03.2015 Brig. R.K.Mahna, President, Cantonment Board,JalandharCantt. 20.03.2015 / Page 48 of 48
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