MARCH 2015 communityNews ct All community information will be available online at: The Willowbank project has been registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme. The scheme was established to promote good working relationships between contractors and their surrounding environment and local residents. A monitor from the CCS scheme will visit the site throughout the lifespan of the project and will award the site a score. Our aim is to get the Orwell Terrace Project into the very good category C scoring 35 points or above. CCG (Scotland) Ltd is the main contractor delivering a t e site of t e for er Willowbank ri ar wit an anti ipate sprea a ross o pletion ate of t e st of u ust an works will take pla e between t an t e is to st of ar new sub station will be for e wit in t e site roun s an on e onne te will lea to t e re o al of e sistin sub station is a tion will be o plete b t e ternal ilapi ation sur e s o fro p t of ar p en e t of pril r of ar between t e ours of nternal ilapi ation sur e s will take pla e a an p an on ues a st of ar ess arran e ents will be a e in epen entl of t is newsletter an for an ueries re ar in t e sur e s or to arran e a separate ti e please onta t [email protected] / 013555 75580 still cause disruption. We ilin works for t e e elop ent will be arrie out between t e apologise for any ibration onitors will be strate i all pla e to onitor potential roun buildingfutures ool buil in nitial works will in ol e t e re o al of t e trees t at line t e West rin es treet en of t e site minimise the impact of the site inconvenience. en e on t e t of pril ope of works will be blo ks in lu in t e on ersion of t e e sistin s a o o ate t e first new buil blo k on atur a appreciate that the site may ool Works are ue to o o o ation pro e t on UPCOMINGWORKS Although CCG will try hard to on the local environment, we be stu ent a t of pril to t e en of a o e ent to ensure we re ain wit in t e spe ifie para eters SITETRAFFIC Our site welfare units will be set up on Willowbank Crescent. The units are in place to accomodate all site staff during working hours. There will also be an increase in the level of traffic for the duration of the project. CCG will strive to make the impact of this as minimal as possible by installing a traffic management programme. This will be made available in a separate document. PLAYSAFE CCG would like to remind the local community that a building site can be a very dangerous place. Unauthorised access to the site is prohibited and please, especially with young children, take extra when using the surrounding roads. Communityengagement It is vital that we engage with the local community to inform them of the site activities and to provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions or raise concerns about site operations. Our site compound, as mentioned, is located on Willowbnk Crescent where our Site Manager will be based. At this stage your primary contact is our Head Office - contact information for our Site Manager will follow in due course. We will make all necessary site information available to the local community via our company website and social media channels. ALL COMMUNITY INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: NB Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0141 643 3733 buildingfutures
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