Illegal Drugs Study Guide List 3 short- term and long

Chapter 17: Illegal Drugs Study Guide
List 3 short- term and long- term effects of the following drugs using your drug chart:
1. Ecstasy
2. Marijuana
3. Crystal Meth
4. Anabolic steroids
5. Barbiturates
Directions- Answer the following questions:
6. What is the difference between drug abuse & drug misuse? _________________________________
7. What is the scientific term for the hallucinogenic drug, mushrooms? __________________________
8. ________________________ is considered a “gateway drug” which can lead to using “harder drugs”.
9. List 3 types of inhalants: __________________, _____________________, _____________________.
10. List 3 types of hallucinogens: _________________, _________________, _____________________
11. Which type of drug can be made in a lab using cold/ allergy medicine? ________________________
Define the following terms:
12. side effect-________________________________________________________________________
13. withdrawal symptoms-_______________________________________________________________
14. drug antagonism-____________________________________________________________________
15. psychoactive drug-___________________________________________________________________
16. drug synergism-_____________________________________________________________________
17. prescription drug- ___________________________________________________________________
Match the following drug with the appropriate category/ categories:
Synthetic hormone
18. Anabolic steroids- _____________________ 19. Cocaine- __________________________________
20. Inhalants-___________________________
21. Heroin- ___________________________________
22. Ecstasy-____________________________
23. LSD- ______________________________________
24. Crystal Meth-_________________________ 25. Marijuana- ________________________________
Directions- Answer the following questions using p. 434-437
26.) What 3 general types of factors can either increase one’s risk of drug abuse or protect against it?
27. What is a protective factor? ___________________________________________________________
28. Which drug can cause the user to have a “bad trip?” _______________________________________
Directions- Complete the Reward pathway when Dopamine is released (p. 428):
The “Reward Pathway”
> The extra dopamine
> Flooding
> After a time,
Directions- Using your drug chart list 2 slang names for each drug:
29. heroin- __________________________
30. ecstasy- ___________________________________
30. cocaine- _________________________
32. crystal meth- _______________________________
33. anabolic steroids- ________________________
Directions- Answer the following questions using p. 450-452
34. What are three steps you can take to stay away from drugs?
35. List 3 alternatives to drug use (p. 452)