The Library at SPARC Periodical holdings listed by title and subject Spring 2013 The Library at Periodical holdings listed by title This is an alphabetical list of Special Collections periodical titles and holdings. Unless otherwise noted, all titles are in the Special Collections Department. We maintain a closed stacks reading room for access to Special Collections and FIT Institutional Archives materials. All materials are paged prior to your visit: this means books and other materials are retrieved for researchers to view in the reading room and that all material is noncirculating. When scheduling an appointment you will be asked for specific titles and call numbers. The department will furnish a number of finding aids and bibliographies upon request. Please consult Research Help on the Special Collections Department website or call us for further assistance. To find complete bibliographic and holdings information, search for a given periodical title in the StyleCat Online Catalog. Please note, our holdings may be missing individual issues or groups of issues within the available date range, this occurrence is signified using the phrase “with gaps.” If you are looking for a specific issue of a magazine or journal, please search our holdings in StyleCat or call us to check availability. This list does not include many periodicals held at the FIT Library only in the Periodicals Department. See the Periodicals Department website or search StyleCat to find these titles. To make an appointment contact us at [email protected] or call 212 217.4385. Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Periodical Title Call No. 300 Blouses Détails see Blouses Détails Spec Coll TT 500 .T57 300 Détails Couture été 1939, hiver 1941 no.2, 6 Spec Coll TT 500 .T57 1000 Modelli editions 6, 9-11 Spec Coll TS 989 .M55 Ackermann's Repository see Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashion and Politics Actualité Couture aut 1958 no.50 Spec Coll TT 500 .A25 Adam: la Revue de l'Homme 1928-40, 1945-52 Spec Coll TT 570 .A4 Advance American Designer Pattern no.6160 Spec Coll TT 500 .A274 Advance Patterns see Advance Sew-easy Patterns Advance sew-easy patterns June, Aug 1942 Spec Coll TT 500 .M523 1 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Advance Styles of Ladies Cloaks and Suits spr 1903, Win 1904 v.3 no.1-6 Spec Coll TT 500 .A34 ...Advertising Arts and Crafts 1927 v.2 Spec Coll HF 5805 .A2 Advertising Cuts (Int'l Harvest Hat Co.) 1923 Spec Coll TT 665 .I54 Airmail Sketches no.4-5 Spec Coll TT 500 .A342 Album (Maison Picardie) sum 1932 Spec Coll TT 500 .M24 Album Blouses Nouvelles 1913-14, 1918 11 plates no.40-46 Spec Coll TT 545 .A43 Album d'Enfant du "Chic Parfait" été 1930 no.50 Spec Coll TT 500 .A5 Album de Bal aut/hiver 1926/27 supplement to no.9 Spec Coll GT 887 .A5 Album du Figaro 1945-52 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .A345 2 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Les Albums du Jardin des Modes 1930, 1932-1938 Spec Coll TT 500 .J32 American Album of Fur Novelties 1903-05, 1919 v.11-13, 27 Spec Coll TT 500 .A4 American Cloak Album 1904-05 v.4-5 Spec Coll TT 500 .A35 American Cloak and Suit Review 1911-1937 v.1-v.49 with gaps See also The Review, The Garment Trade Authority Spec Coll TT 490 .A6 American fashion review see The Sartorial Art Journal American fashions see The Sartorial Art Journal American Favorites [Nomend Hosiery, Inc.] spr/sum 1940, fall/win 1941/42 Spec Coll GT 2128 .N6 American Furrier Mar 1934 v.31 no.1 Spec Coll TS 1061 .A6 American Fur Designer Feb 1951 Spec Coll TS 1061 .A58 American Hairdresser Spec Coll TT 950 .A5 3 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 American Hatter Directory Spec Coll TS 2182 .A55 The American Magazine July 1877, Oct 1879 Spec Coll AP 2 .A346 American Modiste Jan. 1908 v.6 no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .A54 American Silk & Rayon Journal 1882-91, 1897-1938 v.1-10, 16-58 Spec Coll TS 1640 .A5 American Skirt Album Spec Coll TT 540 .A5 American Waist Album 1903-04 v.3 Spec Coll TT 545 .A5 The American Woman 1900 &1922 v.9 no.8, 10, 11; v.31 no.9 Spec Coll AP 2 .A4 Amos Parrish Fashion Clinic Spec Coll TT 500 .A54 The Antiques Journal Aug 1952 v.7, no.7 Spec Coll NK 1125 .A143 4 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Apparel Arts Spring 1932-Jan-Feb 1938, Oct-Nov 1938, Mar-May, JulAug, Oct-Nov 1939, Jan-Feb, Sept, Oct-Nov, Dec 1940, Mar-May, Sept, Oct-Nov 1941, Jun-Sept 1942, Jan 1944, Jan, Jul, Sept-Dec 1945, Jan-Aug, Dec 1946, May-Jun 1947, May, Sept 1948, Jul 1949, Jan & Jun 1950, Jul 1951, MayAug, Oct, Dec 1952, Jan, Apr, Jul-Aug 1953, Mar 1954, MarJul, Dec 1955, Jan 1956 Spec Coll The Architectural Forum Spec Coll NA 1 .A55 Ars Typographica 1920-26 v.1-2 with gaps Spec Coll Z 119 .A78 Art & Décoration 1897-1905, 1929-34 v.1-13 , v.55-63 with gaps Spec Coll N 2 .A45 TT 570 .A6 Art & Industry see Design for Industry Art Goût Beauté Feb-Nov.1921,Jan, July 1922,1925-33 v.1, v.2 v.5-12 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .A65 Art Amateur; Devoted to Art in the Household 1881-88 v.5-21 with gaps Spec Coll N 1 .A33 L'Art d'Aujourd'Hui 1924-26 with gaps Spec Coll N 2 .A37 5 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Art et Industrie 1948 & 1949 no.13 & no.14 Spec Coll NK 2 .A498 L'Art et la Mode 1880-81, 1909, 1911-12, 1922, 1924-28, 1930-31, 1935-40, 1949, Sept 1952, Mar 1953 loose plates: 1906, 1910, 1914 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .A68 L'Art et la Mode 1951-74 with gaps Periodicals Art in America Jan 1947 v.35 no.1 Spec Coll N 1 .A43 Art in America 1957 – present Periodicals The Art Journal 1879 v.5 Spec Coll N 1 .A5 L'Art pour Tous 1861-1906 8 folder miscellany of pages with gaps Spec Coll NK 2 .A7 Arthur’s Home Magazine 1889 Spec Coll AP 2 .L155 The Arts (London) 1946 & 1947 no.1 & no.2 Spec Coll NX 1 .A74 6 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Arts & Decoration 1925, 1938, 1940 with gaps Spec Coll N 1 .A85 Arts et Métiers Graphiques 1930-39 “Lettres -1948" no.18-67, no.22, 48 with gaps Spec Coll Z 119 .A84 Astir 1954-55 no.35-36 Spec Coll GT 2130 .A82 ASTM Standards on Textile Materials Oct 1940 Spec Coll TS 1449 .A55 Avant Garde Mar 1968, May 1968 no.2-3 Spec Coll AP 2 .A88 Bargains (Walter Field Co.) 1929, 1931, 1936-37. 1943-61 with gaps Spec Coll HF 5465.5 .U6 W18 Bayer Farben Revue 1962-63 no. 1-6 see also Farben Revue. no.7-9, 1964-65 Spec Coll TP 897 .B37 Der Bazar 1865, 1867 v.11, 13 misc. plates 1861-97 Spec Coll TT 500 .B3 7 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Beaux-arts des Modes v. 6, no.3 (May 1927) Spec Coll TT 500 .B4 La Belle Assemblée, or Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine 1806-10, 1810-24, 1825-32 v.1-7, v.1-30, v.1-15 see variant title The New Monthly Belle Assemblée Spec Coll AP 2 .B42 Beyer's Modenblatt see Deutsche Moden-Zeitung. Das Blatt der Hausfrau 1934 v.49 with gaps Spec Coll AP 30 .B66 La Blouse supplement to no.1 plates 3-24 Spec Coll TT 545 .B557 La Blouse Moderne 1949-51 no.49-51, 53 Spec Coll TT 545 .B558 Blouses choisies. hiver 1950 Spec Coll TT 545 .B56 Blouses Détails. été 1940 no.5 Spec Coll TT 545 .B564 Blouses et Jupes = Blusas y Faldas no.40 Spec Coll TT 545 .B562 8 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Blouses et Lingerie 1941, 1947-54 no.1-56 with gaps Spec Coll TT 545 .B563 Boot and Shoe Recorder 1938, 1952 v.265, 302 Spec Coll TS 989 .B7 The Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion 1842 v.1-2 Spec Coll AP 2 .B8 Bowman’s Corset and Brassiere Trade Spec Coll AP 4 .B93 British Rayon and Silk Journal see Man-made Textiles Broom: an International Magazine of the Arts 1921-23 v.1-5 with gaps Spec Coll AP 4 .B93 Broun's Nutmeg Nov-Dec 1939 v.3 Spec Coll AP 2 .B8476 Bulletin (Institut de Calcéologie) 1982 no.1 Spec Coll GT 2130 .B85 Butterick Fashion Book fall 1933 Spec Coll TT 500 .B82 9 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Butterick Fashions spr1916, Dec 1932 Spec Coll TT 500 .M523 Butterick publishing co., limited [catalogue of Butterick transfers for embroidery, braiding, etc.] See Needle-Art Byblis; Miroir des Arts du Livre et de l'Estampe 1928-29 v.7 Spec Coll Z 144 .B95 Cabinet Maker & Retail Furnisher July 1880-June 1881 v.1 Spec Coll TS 840 .C17 Cahiers Bleus 1952-54, 1958-59 no.1-13, 26 Spec Coll TT 507 .C28 Cahier des Modes aut/hiver 1948, hiver 1951 no.605, no.516 Spec Coll TT 500 .C34 California Fashion Scene win 1942-advance spr 1943 Spec Coll TT 500 .C35 Carnet de Croquis 1 issue [n.d.] Spec Coll TT 500 .C36 The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 1882, 1888-1904 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .C4 10 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Chapeaux de Paris 1946-54 with gaps Spec Coll TT 650 .C5 Chapeaux Modèles 1955-59, 1971-79 with gaps Spec Coll TT 650 .C52 Charlin (Soieries J. Charlin) summer 1934 Spec Coll TT 500 .S52 Charm 1942-58 v.64 no.5 - v.75 no.2 with gaps Spec Coll PN 1993 .Y6 Chatterbox 1901 Spec Coll AP 201 .C495 Chic Parisien 1911, 1940-49 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .C55 Chic Pratique Mar, Oct, 1913 no.20, 27 Spec Coll TT 500 .C56 Chiffons Spec Coll TT 500 .C552 The Children’s Costume Royal 1919-1924 Spec Coll TT 635 .C5 11 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 China Spec Coll TT 500 .C52 Chicago Apparel Gazette see Men's Wear Ciba Review Sept 1937-August 1954, Dec 1954-1969 no. 1-105, no. 107-no. 3 Spec Coll TP 1 .C67 Collection d’Avant Saison Manteaux Spec Coll TT 50 .C64 Collection d’Avant Saison Robes Spec Coll TT 50 .C642 Collier’s Dec 1947 v.120 no.24 Spec Coll AP 2 .C65 The Columbian Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine, Embracing Literature in every Department Jan 1844-Feb 1849 v. 1-10 no. [2] Spec Coll AP 2 .C684 Comœdia Illustré Spec Coll PN 2620 .C6 Le Conseiller des Dames et des Demoiselles; Journal d’Economie Domestique et de Travaux a l’aiguil 1850-1863 vols. 4-5, 8-12, 14-16 Spec Coll AP 20 .C6 12 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Coquette Spec Coll TT 500 .C67 Corriere delle Dame 1804-28 1 bound volume of plates Spec Coll TT 500 .C6715 Corsets & Brassieres; the Foundation Garment Review 1924-46 with gaps Spec Coll TT 677 .C61 Costume Parisiens see Journal des Dames et des Modes Le Costume Royal 1895 - May 1925 v.1 - v.29 no.8 Spec Coll TT 500 .C8 Costumes & Uniforms 1912-14 No. 1, 3, 5-9 Spec Coll TT 500 .C62 Cotton's Atheneum 1829 5 plates Spec Coll TT 500 .C672 The Court Magazine, & Monthly Critic. 1832 -1840 v.1-17 Spec Coll AP 4 .C852 Court Magazine & Monthly Critic and Lady's Magazine, & Museum of the Belles Letters, Music, Fine Arts, Drama Fashions 1838-40 v.12-17 Couture Digest de Paris see De Paris... Spec Coll AP 4 .C853 13 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Couture, Textile, Couleurs été 1962 no.15 Spec Coll TT 500 .C678 Crawford's Maternity Fashions spr/sum 1956 Spec Coll TT 500 .C74 Creazioni 1955-57, 1968 with gaps Spec Coll TS 989 .M57 Crerand’s Cloak Journal May 1911 v.39 no. 5 Spec Coll TT 500 .C745 Criterion of fashion see Toilettes Croquis Artistiques Blouses été 1937 no.11 Spec Coll TT 545 .C76 Les Croquis Charmants hiver 1938 no. 6 Spec Coll TT 500 .C757 Croquis Élégants été 1940, été 1954, hiver 1955 v.9 no.27, 33, no.516 no.517 no.523 no.524 Spec Coll TT 500 .C76 Croquis Sylvia aut/hiver 1946-47 Spec Coll TT 500 .C762 14 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Damskīĭ Mīr Spec Coll TT 500 .D22 Die Dame 1932-40 v.59-67 scattered issues Spec Coll AP 30 .D35 Davison's Textile Blue Book 1898/1899 Spec Coll TS 1312 .B6 Daytime Fashions 1942, 1955 Spec Coll TT 500 .N37 De Paris...par Viviane 1951-59 v.2-6 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D28 Decennial Index to Chemical Abstracts QD 1 .A525 Decorative Vorbilder: a Collection of Figurative Compositions: Artistic Designs of Ornamentations (American ed.) 1898, 1900, 1902, 1908-1912, 1916-1918 v. IX, XI, XIII, XIX-XXIII, XXVII-XXIX plate level inventory is available by request Spec Coll NK 1160 .D313 Dekorative Kunst Sept 1906, Aug 1911 v.8 no.12, v.17 no.11 Spec Coll NK 1160 .D27 15 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Dekorative Vorbilder 1900-29 v.11-29 scattered issues Spec Coll NK 1160 .D3 The Delineator 1883-1937 v.22-130 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D3 Demorest's Family Magazine 1870 & Dec 1872 v.7 Spec Coll TT 500 .D35 Demorest's Monthly Magazine see Demorest's family magazine. Dernières Nouveautés Haute Couture summer 1929 Spec Coll TT 500 .D46 La Dépêche Couture 1954-62, v.29-37, année no.207-393 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D365 Design... (Indianapolis, etc.) 1934-36 v.36-38 with gaps Spec Coll NK 1160 .D4 Design for Industry 1933-42 v.15-32 Spec Coll NC 997 .A1 A68 Design-Keramic Studio 1929 v.30-31 scattered issues Spec Coll NK 1 .D47 16 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 The Designer 1896, 1901-03, 1907, 1914 v.5, 14, 15, 18, 25, 39 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D4 Détails Couture (Published by Éditions d'Art) 1948-1949 no. 5, no.6 Spec Coll TT 500 .D367 Détails Couture (Published by Éditions Thiébaut) 1950-55 no.17, 21, 26, 30, 36, 41, 46, 51, 54, 57, 60 Spec Coll TT 500 .D366 Deutsche Moden-Zeitung 1936-39 v.45-48 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D48 Dobbs Hats spr 1929, 1932-33 Spec Coll GT 2110 .D6 Domestic Monthly 1883 Spec Coll TT 500 .D7 Doyle and Adolphi's Fashion fall/win 1881-82 Spec Coll TS 199 .D66 Dress and Vanity fair see Vanity fair Dresses in Review Sept 1945-Apr 1947 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D722 Oversize 17 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Dressvertising Weekly 1942-48, 1962-66, 1970-72 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D72 Oversize E. Butterick & Co. see Butterick Fashions Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly Sum 1877; Spr 1880 v.3 no.2, v.6 no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .E2 Élégance de Paris Nov 1916 Spec Coll TT 500 .E265 Les Élégances Parisiennes 1921/22, 23 no.4, no.9 Spec Coll TT 500 .E27 L'Elégant: Journal des Tailleurs 3 plates: 1849, 1850, 1852 Spec Coll TT 570 .E268 Elegante Welt 1932-39 v.21-28 with gaps Spec Coll AP 30 .E4 Elite Win 1940 no.62 Spec Coll TT 500 .E33 Elite Dressmaker and Milliner 1877 v.2 no.5 Spec Coll TT 500 .E34 18 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Les Enfants de la Femme Chic 1931-32 no.32, 34-35 Spec Coll TT 635 .E54 Les Enfants très Parisiens 1925 v.2, no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .E4 The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine 1860-1864, 1867-1879 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .E6 European Fashion Service spr 1909 Spec Coll TT 500 .E85 Excella Fashion Quarterly spr 1925, win 1926 Spec Coll TT 500 .E9 Fabrics, Fancy Goods & Notions 1907 v.41 Spec Coll HD 9951 .F3 Façon Tailleur 1920's no.240 Spec Coll TT 500 .F32 Falbalas et Fanfreluches; Almanach des Modes, Présentes, Passées & Futures (Illustrations by Georges Barbier.) 1923-24 v.2-3 Spec Coll TT 500 .F25 Farben Revue 1964-65 no.7-9 For earlier issues see Bayer Farben Revue. Spec Coll TP 897 .B37 19 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Fashion age Mar 1935, May 1935 no.8, no.10 Spec Coll TT 500 .F345 Fashion Catalogue (H.O'Neill and Co.) Fall/Win 1901-02 no. 37 Spec Coll HF 5465 .U6 O54 Fashion Digest 1938, 1947-48, 1952, 1954-55, 1959-60 v.2 no.1, v.8 no.1-2, 4, v.10 no.3, v.11 no.1, 3-4, v.14 no.2 Spec Coll TT 500 .F35 Fashion Fabrics and Ideas from Creative America 1978/79 Spec Coll TT 500 .F23 Fashion Highlights 1959-1967 with gaps Spec Coll LH 1 .C36 N34 Fashion Promenade 1940's 2 issues n.d. Spec Coll TT 500 .F3523 Fashion Service fall & winter 1923-autumn 1925, spring 1926-autumn 1926, spring 1927-Sept 1927, Nov 1927-July 1928, Sept 1928-Jan 1929, March & May 1929, fall & winter 1929-Feb 1930 Spec Coll TT 500 .F353 Fashion Show 1943 Spec Coll TT 500 .H68 20 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Fashions Art Fall 1934 v.1 no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .F52 Femina 1902-54 scattered issues from the entire run Spec Coll AP 20 .F3 La Femme Chic 1926-29 v.16-18 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .F545 Femme et la "Home" Oct 20, 1928-Dec 28, 1929 v.5 no.34 - v.6 no.44 Spec Coll TT 500 .F547 Festivals Choisis 1951 no.43 Spec Coll TT 500 .F57 Feuillets d'Art May 1919 - July 1920 no.1-6 Spec Coll N 2 .F4 Les Feuillets de Qualité 1950 no.45-46 Spec Coll TT 500 .F583 ...Le Figaro-Modes, à la Ville- au Théâtre-arts Décoratifs Jan 1903 -July 1905 no.1-31 Spec Coll TT 500 .F3 Flair Feb 1950- Jan 1953 v.1 Spec Coll AP 2 .F583 21 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Flair Annual 1953 Spec Coll AY 68 .F53 Flou win 1941 no.6 Spec Coll TT 500 .F56 Le Follet, Courrier des Salons; Journal des Modes 1837 scattered issues 1838-39 plates Spec Coll TT 500 .F6 Le Follet, Journal du Grand Monde Jan 1879 v.33 no.388 Spec Coll AP 4 .F61 Footwear Fashions 1968-81 v.68-81 with gaps Spec Coll TS 989 .F66 Oversize Formenschatz der Renaissance see Georg Hirth's Formenschatz Formes et Couleurs 1940-48 v.2-10 with gaps Spec Coll N 2 .F65 Fortune 1934-39, 1943, 1949 v.10-v.19; v.27; v.40 with gaps Spec Coll HF 5001 .F7 Fortune 1960 – present Periodicals 22 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 The Fra, for Philistines and Roycrofters 1908-15 (with gaps) Spec Coll AP 2 .F86 La France Élégante 3 volumes (19th century) Spec Coll TT 500 .F73 France Illustration Dec issues 1950-53, 1955, printemps 1946, été 1947 Spec Coll AP 20 .F695 Frank Leslie’s Chatterbox 1877-78 Spec Coll AP 201 .C201 Frank Leslie's Christmas Book 1886-87 Spec Coll AP 201 .F73 Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion 1854-1857 scattered issues 4 loose plates: 1843, 1857-58 Spec Coll TT 500 .F82 Frank Leslie's Lady's Journal devoted to Fashion and Choice Literature 1880-81 v.18-19 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .F887 Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine 1869-76 v.24,25,27,34 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .F888 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly see The American Magazine 23 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Frear's Bazar July 1875 v.2 no.4 Spec Coll AP 2 .F89 The "Fujin-Gahoa" Monthly of the Ladies Journal 1 issue (1952) Spec Coll TT 500 .F84 The Fulcrum Jan 1901 v.4 no.4 Spec Coll AP 2 .F889 Fur Fashions 1936: no. 1&2, 1936/37, 1937, 1937/38, 1938, 1939, 1940: no. 1&2, 1941: no. 1&2 v.4, no.11 v.5, no.15 v.6, no.17, 18; 19 Spec Coll TT 525 .F87 La Galerie des Modes et Costumes Français, Dessinés d'Après Nature, 1778-1787 Paris, E. Levy [1912]. Reproduction of Jacques Esnauts and Michel Rapilly publication. Library has complete run. Spec Coll GT 865 .G3 Gazette des Beaux-Arts 1942-43, 1945 v.22-24, 27 Spec Coll N 2 .G3 Gazette du Bon Ton 1912-15, 1920-25 v.1-7 Plate level inventory furnished upon request. Spec Coll TT 500 .G35 Gazette of Fashion and Cutting Room Companion May 1848- Mar 1849 v.2, no.25; v.3, no.3 Spec Coll TT 500 .G39 Gazette Rose 1872-1879 v.14 no.7 - v.22 no.24 Spec Coll AP 20 .G37 24 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Gebrauchsgraphik 1925-39, 1950-53 v.2-3, 12-16, 21-24 with gaps Spec Coll NC 997 .A1 G4 Gentleman's Magazine of Fashions, Fancy Costumes, and the Regimentals of the Army 46 loose plates: 1857-77 Spec Coll TT 500 .G45 Gentlemen's Quarterly 1957 - present with gaps Periodicals Gentry win 1951 - spr 1957 no.1-22 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .G36 Georg Hirth's Formenschatz 1879-83; 1885-86 with gaps Spec Coll N 7511 .H5 Giornale delle Nuove Mode di Francia e d'Inghilterra reprint of journal published 1786-1794 Spec Coll GT 966 .G5 Girls' and Teens' Merchandiser Apr 1946 v.1 no.3 Spec Coll HD 9940 .U4 G5 The Girl's Own Annual 1930 v.50 Spec Coll AP 201 .G46 25 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Glamour 1954; 1956; Jan-Apr, Sept-Dec 1958; Feb-Aug 1961; JuneAug 1969 Spec Coll TT 500 .G46 Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine 1841-42, 1849, 1850-66, 1868-74, 1883-96, v.22-24, 41-73, 76-88, 107-133 with gaps 19 loose plates: 1854-90 Spec Coll AP 2 .G56 Godey's Magazine Microfilm: July 1830 - Aug 1898 Periodicals Good Furniture & Decoration Dec 1929, Feb 1931-Mar 1931 Spec Coll TS 840 .G6 Good Housekeeping 1927: Jan, Feb, April, May, June and Aug Spec Coll TX 1 .G7 Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art and Fashion... 1851 v.38/39 no.1-6 Spec Coll AP 2 .G73 Grand Album de Chapeaux, Chic Parisien May 1914 no.45 Spec Coll TT 650 .G73 Grande Mode Parisienne Nov 1924, 1925 v.25 no.298, v.26 no.304 Spec Coll TT 500 .G73 La Guirlande, Album Mensuel d'Art et de Literature 1919-20 with gaps Spec Coll AP 20 .G8 26 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 La Guirlande des Mois Pochoir illustrations by George Barbier, printed by Jean Saude. 1921 v.5 Spec Coll TT 500 .G84 Handicrafter 1946, 1957 v.15 no.3, book no.58 Spec Coll TT 820 .H24 Harper's Bazaar Nov 2, 1867-May 28, 1879, July 2, 1870 – Apr 21, 1877, Jun 7, 1877-Dec 29, 1879, April 3, July 24, Sept 21-Oct 2, 1880, Jan 1, 1881, Apr 29, Jun 10 & 30,Aug 12, 1882, Jan 10-Dec 26, 1885, Feb 6-July 29, 1886, Jan 29, 1887-Dec 29, 1888, Jan 5 & 19, Feb 2, 16 & 23, Mar 2, Dec 28, 1889, Jan 4, 1890-Feb 21, 1891, Mar 1891, Jan 23 & Sept 17, 1892, Jan 7-Dec 23, 1893, Jan 6-Mar 24, Apr 7, April 21-Sept 8, Sept 22-Oct 27, Nov 10-Dec 29, 1894, Jan 5-Oct 26, 1895, Jan 4-Jun 13 & Jun 27, 1896, Jan 1-Mar 5, Mar 19-Apr 16, Apr 30, Jun 11 & 18, July 2-Dec 31, 1898, May 5, 1900-Jun 1913, May, Jul, Nov-Dec 1914, May, July, Dec 1915, Jan-Apr & Aug 1916, Jan, Sept-Oct, Dec 1917, Jan, Feb, Apr, Sept 1920, Jan, Apr, Jun, Dec 1921, Apr 1922, Nov 1923, Jan, Mar-Apr 1924, Jan-Mar, June, Sept-Dec 1925,Jan-Mar, May 1926, FebMay 1927, Jul 1928, Jan, April 1929 - Nov 1933 Spec Coll TT 500 .H3 Harper's Bazaar 1932 – present Periodicals Harper's Magazine 1862-1917 v.23-25, 37, 41, 48, 59-61, 64, 72-73, 90-91, 94, 105 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .H3 Harper's Magazine 1961 – present Periodicals Harper's Monthly Magazine see Harper's Magazine Harper's New Monthly Magazine see Harper's Magazine 27 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Harper's Weekly Aug 8, 1908 v.52 no.2694 1 plate 1873 Spec Coll AP 2 .H32 Harper's Young People 1886-89, 1891-94 v.8-10, 13-15 Spec Coll AP 201 .H2 Hat life see Men's Wear Hats 1943 -1970 with gaps v.67-95 Spec Coll TT 650 .H3 Hats and Caps at Wholesale (H.D. Pixley and Son Co.) spr/sum ca.1920 no. 36 Spec Coll TS 2190 .H32 Hats and Caps for Men, Women and Children (Panama Hat Co.) 1910-1911 Spec Coll HD 9948 .P35 Das Herrenjournal 1933, 1935-36 v.6, 8-9 Spec Coll TT 570 .H4 Hollywood Patterns no.782, 1163, 1329, 1447, 1566, 1650, 1866 Spec Coll TT 500 .H6 Home Craft & Embroidery no.2 Spec Coll TT 770 .H65 28 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Home-Maker Aug 1891 v.6 no.5 Spec Coll AP 2 .H694 Home Needlework Magazine Apr 1900 v.2 no.2 Spec Coll TT 740 .H7 Homefurnishing Arts 1933 -1935 v.1 - v.2 no.1; v.3 no.1 Spec Coll NK 1700 .H75 House & Garden 1901-40 with gaps Spec Coll NA 7100 .H6 House & Garden 1941 - 1993 with gaps Periodicals House Beautiful 1897-1920 v.2-48 Spec Coll NA 7100 .H65 House Beautiful Jan 1936 - Jun 1938; 1952 – present Periodicals Idées Blouses 1951 no.29 Spec Coll TT 545 .I34 Idées: Blouses, Jupes et Jersey de Paris hiver 1956/57 no.75 Spec Coll TT 545 .I35 29 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Idées: Blouses, Jupes, Lingerie hiver 1955, hiver 1955/56 no.59, 67 Spec Coll TT 545 .I35 Idées Blouses Lingerie see Blouses et Lingerie Idées Details Couture see Détails Couture Idées Manteaux Tailleurs see Manteaux Tailleurs Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode 1922-31 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .I3 Idées Robes hiver 1951 no.28 Spec Coll TT 500 .I33 Idées Sport see Sport L'Illustrateur des Dames Oct 1867 - Oct 1868 v.8 Spec Coll TT 500 .I55 L'Illustration; Journal Universel 1908-49 with gaps Spec Coll AP 20 .I3 L'Illustration Théâtrale ca.1907-10 v.1-5 Spec Coll PQ 1223 .I6 Ilustrirte Frauen-Zeitung 1880-81 Spec Coll TT 500 .I58 30 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Industrial Design in America 1951, 1954 Spec Coll TS 1 .U56 Innen-Dekoration Aug 1928, Jan 1929 v.39, v.40 Spec Coll NK 1700 .I5 International Poster Annual Spec Coll NC1800 .I57 International Studio 1920-21, 1924, 1930-31 v.72, 79, 105 with gaps Spec Coll N 1 .I6 Iris été 1953 no.64 Spec Coll TT 500 .I75 Jardin des Modes 1925-28, 1930-40, 1947-59, 1961-62 v.6-7, 13-19 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .J3 Jeunesse Élégante été 1927 v.2 no.3 Spec Coll TT 635 .J48 John Wanamaker Catalog 1906/1907; 1913 Jan-Feb; 1918 spr/sum Spec Coll TT 500 .J62 Jordan Marsh Co. Catalog 1890, 1897, 1924 Spec Coll TT 500 .J67 31 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Journal de la Décoration 1906 & 1913 scattered plates Spec Coll NK 1160 .J67 Journal des Dames et des Demoiselles see Journal des Demoiselles Journal des Dames et des Modes 1797-1839, 1830-1837 v.33, 37-41 17 loose plates: 1818-1832 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .J695 Journal des Dames et des Modes 1912-14 Library has complete run. Spec Coll TT 500 .J7 Journal des Demoiselles 1851-1892 v.19-60 new series: 1891-1895 v.71-75 5 loose plates: ca.1892-1902 with gaps Journal des Demoiselles et Petit Courrier des Dames Reunis see Journal des Demoiselles Spec Coll AP 20 .J76 Le Journal des Modes Sept 1887 v.20 no.233 Spec Coll TT 500 .J73 Journal für Gewerbliches Zeichnen (Journal of Industrial Art Design) no date Spec Coll NK 1560 .J69 Oversize Journal of Home Economics 1910 v.2 Spec Coll TX 1 .J7 32 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Journal of Home Economics Jan 1957, 1972 – present Periodicals Junior Bazaar (college issue) July 1946-Apr 1948 v.2 no.9 - v.4 no.4 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .J85 Juno hiver 1940 no.52 Spec Coll TT 500 .J86 Justice: Official Organ of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Dec 1990- April 1995 v.72 no.11 – v.77 no.3 with gaps Spec Coll HD 6350 .C6 J8 Knight's Penny Magazine 1834 Spec Coll AP 4 .K7 Kunst dem Volk 1941-43 v.12-14 with gaps Spec Coll N 3 .K34 Kunsten Idag 1951-55 scattered issues Spec Coll NK 8 .K93 Kunstgewerbliche Schmuckformen für die Fläche v. 8, 9, 13-16, 19, 20 Spec Coll NK 1530 .K8 The Ladies' Companion, and Literary Expositor 1841-42 v.15-16 Spec Coll AP 2 .L11 33 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Ladies' Home Journal Nov 1888, Feb 1892, May 1895, Feb, Mar, May, Sept 1897, Jan 1901, May, Jul-Nov 1902, Feb, May, Jul 1903, Jan & Sept 1904, Sept 1907, Oct 1909, Jul 1910-Jun 1911, Jan 1912-Dec 1915, Jan 1934, Apr & Oct 1938, Sept 1939, Jul 1940, Sept 1940-June 1941, July 1942, June, Nov-Dec 1945, Jan-Sept 1946, Nov 1946-Jan 1947, Mar 1947, Jan & May 1948, Sept & Oct 1949, Jan-Feb 1964 Spec Coll AP 2 .L135 "Ladies' Tailor" Fashions 5 plates: 1906-07 Spec Coll TT 500 .L325 Ladies’ World Feb 1896, July 1903 no.194, no.283 Spec Coll AP 2 .L142 The Lady's Bazar; Devoted to Fashion and Choice Literature Jan-Dec 1880 v.3 no.3 - v.5 no.2 Spec Coll TT 500 .L45 Lady’s Book Jan-June 1832 v.4 Spec Coll AP 2 .L275 The Lady's Wreath and Young Ladies' Magazine 1840 & 1 undated volume v.9 Spec Coll AP 2 .L279 Lalit Kāla Contemporary 1959-61 no.5-7, 10 Spec Coll N 8 .L3 Leslie's Monthly Magazine see The American Magazine 34 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Life Magazine May 8, 1944 Spec Coll TT 505 .A1 .A43 1944 Ligne Nouvelle de Vienne été 1961 no.115 Spec Coll TT 500 .L54 Line Description (Jantzen Inc.) 1952-53 Spec Coll GT 2077 .J35 The Living Arts Nov 1921- Sept 1922 v.1-6 Spec Coll AP 2 .L7 Look Jun 1955-Oct 1971 v.19 no.12-v.35 no.21 Spec Coll AP 2 .L79 The Lotus Magazine 1913-14 v.5, no.1-9. Spec Coll AP 2 .L83 Magasin des Demoiselles: Journal Illustré 1848-1850, 1852-1853, 1855-1868 Spec Coll AP 20 .M15 Magasin des Modes pour Familie 5 undated plates Spec Coll TT 500 .M253 35 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Man and His Clothes 1935-38 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 570 .M33 Man-made Textiles 1924-55 v.1-31 with gaps Spec Coll TS 1640 .B7 Manteaux Tailleurs no.22 (été 1950) no. 27 (hiver 1951) Spec Coll TT 500 .M25 Mārg. Pathway ca. 1947-49, 1955 v.2-3; v.20 no.3; v.46, no.3 with gaps Spec Coll N 1 .M46 Marie-Claire 1937-39 no.39-142 with gaps Spec Coll AP 20 .M37 Marie Claire (French ed.) Aut/Win 1982/1983, Jan. 1987 - Jun. 1996 Periodicals Marie Claire (English ed.) Mar/Apr 1995 – present Periodicals The Mask 1909-29 v.1-16 reprint ed. Spec Coll PN 2000 .M3 McCall Printed Patterns [complete catalog] Sept 1929, June-July 1931, July 1932 Spec Coll TT 500 .M523 36 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 McCall's (formerly The Queen of Fashion) Feb & Jun 1893, May 1903, Feb 1910, May 1912, Feb 1913, July 1916, July 1925, Jan, April, Aug & Dec 1926, Dec 1955, Jan, May 1956, March 1970 loose plates 1903, 1906-1908, 1913-1914, 1916 Spec Coll TT 500 .M2 McCall's last five years Microfilm: Oct 1960 – present Periodicals McClure's Magazine 1895-1900 v.5-10,14 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .M2 Melliand textile Monthly 1929-31 v.1-3 with gaps Spec Coll TS 1300 .M4 Men’s Modes Oct 1943 v.7, no.4 Spec Coll TT 570 .M465 Men's Wear 1929, 1929-30, 1939, 1941, Sept 1957, Feb & Nov 1958, Oct 1959, Sept 1960, Jul 1961, Apr 1962, Sept 1966 v.67 no.8-10, v.68 no.1-4, 8-10, v.86 no.9, v.91 no.5-7 Spec Coll TT 572 .M5 Meyer & Company spr/sum 1917 Spec Coll TT 570 .M48 Oversize Military Goods Catalogue 1949 Spec Coll U 800 .F66 37 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Millinery Research 1937-49 v.1-12 Spec Coll TT 650 .M5 Millinery Trade Review 1876-1932 v.1-57 with gaps Spec Coll TT 650 .H3 Millinery Weekly 1945-48 v.1-4 Spec Coll TT 650 .M52 Miroir des Modes Dec 1926 v.93 no.6 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5 Mobilier et Décoration Jul/Aug 1955 v.35 no.6 Spec Coll NK 1700 .M6 La Moda Elegante, Illustrada Periódico de las Familias (Madrid) Jan 1881 - Dec 1927 Spec Coll TT 500 .M57 La Moda Maschile Jan. 1936, Mar. 1936, Dec. 1936, Nov. 1939 Spec Coll TT 570 .M62 Moda y Linea. 1946-1959 scattered issues Spec Coll GT 2130 .M63 La Mode Artistique Jan 1901; Jan, Feb, Apr, Sept 1903 Spec Coll NC 980 .M6 38 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Modes et Manieres d'Aujourd 'hui 1912-1922 Spec Coll TT 500 .M575 La Mode de Paris hiver 1940 no.62 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5757 La Mode Enfantine. hiver 1932 no.28 Spec Coll TT 635 .M63 La Mode Illustrée 1864-1903 v.5-44 with gaps Spec Coll AP 21 .A3 M6 La Mode Pratique; Journal de la Femme et de la Maison 1891-97 v.1-6 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .M6 La Mode, revue des Modes, Galerie des Moeurs, Album des Salons 1831-36, 1839-46 Spec Coll AP 20 .M63 Modèles et Nouveautés printemps/été 1962 no. 13 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5775 Modèles Originaux, Beaux-Arts des Modes Feb 1934, Eté 1947 v.13 no.1, no.105 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5374 39 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Modeli Sezona Sept 10, 1942 no.2240 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5372 Modern Bride Fall 1949 v.1:no.1 Spec Coll HQ1 .M63 Modern Poster Annual 1928-29 v.5 Spec Coll NC 1800 .M6 Modern Priscilla May 1911, Feb-July 1915 Oct-Nov 1915, Jan-Sept 1916 Spec Coll TT 770 .A2 Modern Shoemaking International Jan 1919 v.11 no.5 Spec Coll TS 989 .M6 Modern textiles Magazine 1928-52 v.6-33 with gaps Spec Coll TS 1688 .A1 R28 Moderne Kunst ca 1890 v.3 Spec Coll N 3 .M7 Les Modes 1901-1916, 1928 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .M58 Les Modes de la Femme Chic hiver 1953 no.118 Spec Coll TT 500 .M5824 40 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Modes de la Femme de France 1919-27 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .M5826 Modes Documents 1949 – 53 no.7, 9 -13 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .M583 Modes et travaux Féminins 1920-26 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .M586 Les Modes Parisiennes 1859-64, 1869, 1872 9 loose plates: 1851-52, 1864-65 with gaps Spec Coll GT 871 .M6 Monarch Tailoring Co (catalogs) spr/sum 1900 Spec Coll TT 570 .M65 Oversize II Mondo Elegante 4 plates: 1870-72 Spec Coll TT 500 .M603 Le Moniteur de la Mode; Journal du Grand Monde 1890, 1869 no.17, no. 1-12 20 plates: 19th century Spec Coll TT 500 .M61 Montgomery Ward (catalogs) 1919 -1961 with gaps Spec Coll TS 199 .M6 41 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Monsieur : Revue des Élégances, des Bonnes Manières et de tout ce qui Intéresse Monsieur 1920-1922 vol.1, no.1,11; vol. 2., no.13,15,17-20,22-24; vol.3, no.25-27, 29-36 Spec Coll AP 20 .M65 Mrs. Stephens' New Monthly Oct 1857 v.3, no. 16 Spec Coll AP 2 .M77 M.W. Savage Co. Catalogs 1926 (Nov-Dec) 1929 (spr/sum) no date (Nov-Dec) Spec Coll TS 199 .M33 The Nation 1927-35 scattered issues Spec Coll AP 2 .N2 The Nation 1960 – present Periodicals Needle-art 1929 v.7 no.2 Spec Coll TT 771 .B85 Needlecraft 1929-32 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 700 .N4 Needlecraft Magazine 1925-29 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 700 .N4 The Neolith 1907-08 no.1-4 Spec Coll AP 4 .N3 42 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Die Neue Linie 1931-38 v.3-9 with gaps Spec Coll AP 30 .N465 New England Magazine; an Illustrated Monthly Mar-Aug 1905 v.32 Spec Coll AP 2 .N4 New Idea Woman’s Magazine Feb 1907 v.15 no.2 Spec Coll TT 500 .N532 New Masses May-June 1926 v.1 no.1-2 Spec Coll HX 1 .N4 The New Monthly Belle Assemblée 1841-51 v.14-27, 29, 35 with gaps see variant title La Belle Assemblée, or Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine Spec Coll AP 4 .N47 The New Republic Aug. 27, 1927, Sept. 18, 1935 Spec Coll AP 2 .N624 New York Fashions [published by National Cloak & Suit Co. (Women's Wear)] 1905-1908 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .N47 The New York Woman Oct 21, 1936 v.1 no.7 Spec Coll AP 2 .N42 43 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Newest Styles for Men spr/sum 1931, fall/win 1931-32 Spec Coll TT 570 .N47 La Note de Paris Mar-Jul 1951 no.38, 41-43, 46-54, 56 Spec Coll TT 500 .N65 La Nouveauté Française 1921-26 no.1-2, 4-9, 11, 13, 15-16, 18-22 Spec Coll TT 500 .N67 La Nouvelle Mode Sept 9, Nov 11, Dec 9, 1917) no.36, 45, 49 Spec Coll TT 500 .N69 Novus sum 1949, sum 1971 no. 32, no. 100 Spec Coll GT 2130 .N69 Official Catalogue [National Horse Show Association] 1935 (52nd year) Spec Coll SF 295 .N37 Officiel de la Couleur, des Industries de la Mode 1949-76 no.5-106 with gaps Spec Coll TT 507 .O42 The Order Solicitor [James H. Dunham] fall/win 1921/22 Spec Coll TS 199 .J34 Originator, Smart Fashion Hints 1945-48 v.1-12 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .O75 44 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Ornement de Couture one issue (1940s?) Spec Coll TT 552 .O7 Oscaria 1967? no.66 Spec Coll TS 989 .O75 Our players' gallery see Theatre Magazine Pages de Mode win 1932/33 no.33 Spec Coll TT 500 .P34 Pages de Mode: Enfants, Fillettes, Garçonnets été 1934 no.40 Spec Coll TT 500 .P342 Pan Paul Poiret, editor 1928 ed. Spec Coll DC 704 .P3 Paris Chic 7 plates: 1926 Spec Coll TT 500 .P284 Paris Élégant Mai 1917 no.90 Spec Coll TT 500 .P285 Paris Suggest Oct-Dec 1959 no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .P286 45 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Les Parisiennes 1903-05, 1917, 1919 v.6-8, 11, 13 Spec Coll TT 500 .P3 The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge see Knight's Penny Magazine The People's Home Journal June 1912 Spec Coll AP 2 .P42 The Peterson's Magazine 1846-89 v.9/10-96 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .P48 Petit courrier des Dames 1830,1858 v.9, 72 Spec Coll AP 20 .P41 Petit echo de la Mode 1921, 1924, 1926-28 v.43,46,48-50 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .P42 Le Petit Messager ca. 1861-67 6 plates Spec Coll TT 500 .P45 Photographie 1935, 1938 Spec Coll TR 1 .P65 Pictorial Printed Patterns Dec 1927, July 1933 Spec Coll TT 500 .P63 46 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Pictorial Review 1900-31 v.1-32 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .P6 Pictorial Review Fashion Book sum/fall 1925 Spec Coll TT 500 .P62 Pictorial Review Quarterly sum 1930 Spec Coll TT 500 .P64 Plaire: la Revue de la Femme 1946 no. 1 Spec Coll TT 500 .P67 Plaisir de France Dec 1937, Apr 1950, Dec 1953, Mar 1956 Spec Coll AP 20 .P63 Plakat Jan-Apr 1920, May-Aug 1920, Sept-Dec 1920, Jan-May 1921 Spec Coll NC 1800 .P68 Play-Pictorial 1902-12 v.1-19 Spec Coll PN 2001 .P6 Playboy: a Portfolio of Art and Satire 1919-21, 1923 v.1 no.1-7; v.2 no.1 Spec Coll N 1 .P5 Plus 1967-1986/87 no.30-no.59 scattered issues Spec Coll GT 2130 .P68 47 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Portefeuille des Arts Décoratifs Spec Coll NK 1115 .P6 Portfolio 1950, 1951 v.1 no.1-2, v.2 Spec Coll N 9 .P6 Posselt's Textile Journal 1909-23 v.4-33 Spec Coll TS 1300 .P7 The Poster and Art Collector 1898-1900 v.1-5 Spec Coll NC 1800 .P7 Priscilla Colored Cross Stitch Book 1912 no.1 Spec Coll TT 778 .C76 P75 Progressive Taylor v.22, no.1 1932 Spr/Sum Spec Coll 500 .P69 Promotional Merchandising loose pages from 1932 Spec Coll TT 500 .P7 Publimondial 1947-48, 1948-1952 no.9-11, no.13-32 Spec Coll HF 5801 .P86 Puck 1915-17 v.78-82 Spec Coll AP 101 .P7 48 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Punch 1841-64, 1870-77, 1908-12, 1927-40 most issues Spec Coll AP 101 .P8 The Purchaser Jan 1903 v.1 no.7 Spec Coll HF 5437 .P873 Puritan 1898 v.2 no.5 Spec Coll AP 2 .P95 Putnam's magazine Jan-July 1855 v.5 Spec Coll AP 2 .P97 Quadrige 1945 no. 1 Spec Coll AP 20 .Q3 The Queen; the lady's newspaper and court chronicle 1876-1924 v.59-155 Spec Coll The Queen (now Harper’s and Queen) Oct 26, 1960 (v.216 n.5428) Mar 18-31, 1970 (v.435 n.5691) Microfilm: Jan 1868-Dec 1875 Periodicals The Queen of Fashion (now McCall’s Magazine) Feb, Jun 1893 Spec Coll TT 500 .M2 Rags 1970-71 no.1-7, no. 9-13 Spec Coll TT 500 .R3 49 TT 500 .Q3 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Rayon see Modern Textiles Magazine Rayon & Melliand Textile Monthly see Modern Textiles Magazine Rayon and Synthetic Textiles see Modern Textiles Magazine Rayon Textiles Monthly see Modern textiles magazine. Ready Reference fur Industry Telephone Directory 1930 ed. Spec Coll HD 6515 .F82 R4 The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics [R. Ackerman] 2nd series v.4 (1817) 8 plates: 1809-21 Spec Coll GT 595 .R4 The Review, the Garment Trade Authority 1924-37 v.27-49 Spec Coll TT 490 .A6 Revue Artistique et Technique de l'Industrie de la Chaussure no.29, 32-33, 37-38, 40 Spec Coll TS 1000 .R4 La Revue de la Coiffure et Journal des Coiffeurs Réunis. Jan-Dec 1882 v.9 no.1-12 Spec Coll TT 950 .R4 La Revue de la Mode; Gazette de la Famille 1881 Spec Coll TT 500 .R4 50 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Revue Parisienne de Colifichets 1938/39 no.3 Spec Coll GT 2120 .R4 The Ribbon Art Book Spr 1923 v.1 no.1-2 Spec Coll TT 880 .R52 Ridley’s Fashion Magazine v.9-10 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .R52 Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus Magazine and Daily Review 1938 Spec Coll GV 1821 .R5 Robert’s Semi-monthly Magazine, for Town and Country 1842 v.2 Spec Coll AP 2 .R65 Saison-Meuheiten für die Stickerei-Industrie 6 parts bound in 1 vol. Spec Coll NK 9205 .S2 Le Salon de la Mode 9 plates: 19th century Spec Coll TT 500 .S25 Sammel-Mappe für Flächen- Decoration mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Textil-Industrie v. 2 and 4 Spec Coll NK 8805 .S12 Sarony's Living Pictures Oct 1894 v.1 no.1 Spec Coll AP 2 .S16 51 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Sarony's Sketch-Book May 1895 v.1 no.8 Spec Coll AP 2 .S162 The Sartorial Art Journal Jan-April, Jul-Aug, Oct, Dec 1909; May-Jun, Aug-Sept, Nov 1910; Oct & Jan 1911; Mar & Feb 1913; May-Jul, Oct 1914; Sept-Dec 1915; Feb-Apr 1916; Apr 1917; spring & summer 1923; May 1921; Sept 1926; Apr, May 1930; 60 plates: 1881-97, 28 plates: 1886-1898 Spec Coll TT 570 .S2 Sartorial Gazette 1914-1939 v.21-46 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 570 .S23 Saturday Evening Post Aug 28, 1909, Jan. 12, 1907, Apr. 5, 1941 v.182 no.9, v.179 no.28, v.213 no.40 Spec Coll AP 2 .S2 Saturday Evening Post Microfilm: Jan 1963 - Feb 1969 Periodicals Schuhkunst spr/sum 1964 no.54 Spec Coll TS 989 .S34 Schuhmodell 1960-61 no.15-16 Spec Coll TS 989 .S35 Scotch Woolen Mills 1927/28 fall/win Spec Coll TT 570 .S3 Scribner's Magazine 1873-1924 v.7-76 scattered issues Spec Coll AP 2 .S4 52 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Scribner's monthly, an illustrated magazine for the people (1870-81) see The Century illustrated monthly magazine. Sear’s Catalog 1897 – 1959 with gaps Spec Coll TS 199 .S43 Seiferts spring/summer1928, fall/winter 1928 - 1929, spring/summer 1933, fall/winter 1933-1934, spring/summer 1938, fall/winter 1938-1939 Spec Coll HF 5429 .6 S82 S76 Shin-Bijutsukai v. 1-5, 7,12,16,19, 21,24-28,31-32, 35-36 Spec Coll NK 1484 .A1 S5 Sicilia 1970 no.61 Spec Coll DG 861 .S563 Der Silberspiegel 1935-39 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 500 .S48 The Silhouette 1933 Spec Coll TT 507 .S646 Silhouette (Paris, France) 1951 no.240 Spec Coll TT 500 .S4825 53 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Silhouettes Enfantines hiver 1931 no.12 Spec Coll TT 500 .S483 Silk 1907-32 v.1-25 with gaps Spec Coll TS 1640 .S5 Silk and Rayon Digest 1922-37 v.2 no.11 - v.17 no.27 Spec Coll TS 1640 .S544 Silk journal see Man-made textiles Silk journal and rayon world see Man-made textiles The Silkworm 1919-1931 v.1-12 Spec Coll TS 1640 .S7 The Silver Lining [includes fabric swatches] 1924-26 v.1-3 with gaps Spec Coll TS 1300 .S54 Simplicity Patterns 1933-37; Sept 1942 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .M523 Simplicity Patterns [counter catalogs] 1961 - 84 with gaps Periodicals The Sketch...a Journal of Art and Actuality 1956-59 v.225-230 Spec Coll AP 4 .S6 54 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar 1872-1878 v.2 no.1 - v.8 no.1 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .S49 Sources: the Artistic Luxury Album winter 1955? spring 1956 no.34, no.35 Spec Coll TS 989 .S68 Sphaira spr/sum 1955 Spec Coll GT 2130 .S65 Spiegel (catalogs) 1933-59 scattered issues Spec Coll TS 199 .S6 Sport 1938-41 no.1, 3-4, 6 Spec Coll TT 500 .S65 Sport im Bild 1932-34 v.38-40 with gaps, in one volume Standard designer see The Designer Spec Coll TT 500 .S66 Standard Fashions Nov 1892 v.7, no.3 Spec Coll TT 500 .S754 Styl, Blätter für Mode un die Angenehmen Dinge des Lebens 1922-24 v.1 no.1, 3-10; v.2 no.3 Spec Coll TT 500 .S88 55 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Style Dec 1923 no.8 v.12 Spec Coll TT 500 .S89 Style for Men 1933-38 v.22-30 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 572 .S75 T.H. Nevin Co. Annual Almanac 1889 Spec Coll AY 64 .T2 Tailleuse de Paris April 1912, April 1914 Spec Coll TT 545 .T35 Tailor and Cutter 1921 -1922 v.56 - 57 scattered issues Spec Coll TT 570 .T3 Tendances de la Mode … hiver 1950 no.1 Spec Coll TT 500 .T44 Les Tendances Parisiennes hiver 1955/56 Spec Coll TT 500 .T45 The Textile Colourist 1876-1877 v.1-4 Spec Coll TP 890 .T4 Textile Recorder 1942 – 54 v. 59-72 Spec Coll TS 1300 .T4 56 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Textile Recorder Year Book: a Textile Library in Brief 1940 edition Spec Coll TS 1301 .T45 Le Théatre 1898, 1902 no.1-12, 73-84 Spec Coll PN 2003 .T4 The Theatre see Theatre Magazine Theatre Arts 1916-37 v.1, 5, 7-10, 12, 20-21 with gaps Spec Coll PN 2000 .T45 Theatre Arts 1917 - 54 with gaps Periodicals Theatre Magazine Jan-June 1926 v.43 no.1-6 Spec Coll PN 2000 .T5 Through the Ages 1924/25 v.2 Spec Coll TN 967 .A1 T53 Tobé 1934, 1938-69 Spec Coll TT 500 .F352 Toilettes June, Dec 1909 v.30 no.6, 12 Spec Coll TT 500 .T6 57 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Town & Country 1901-1940 Spec Coll AP 2 .T6 Town & Country 1941 – present Periodicals Townsend's Monthly selection of Parisian Costumes 1828? Spec Coll GT 500 .T6 Très Parisien, la Mode, le Chic l'Élégance 1923, 1925, 1928, 1930-31, 1933, 1935-36 v.4, 6, 9, 10-12, 14 loose plates: 1929-33 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .T7 Tvar 1958-70 v.20-21 Spec Coll NK 944 .C95 T9 U.S. Camera 1940-1962 scattered issues Spec Coll TR 1 .U5 Unica Rassegna Italiana Calzature 1951-63 scattered issues Spec Coll GT 2130 .U75 USSR in Construction 1930-32 v.1-3 with gaps Spec Coll DK 267 .A1 U3 58 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Vanity Fair (reprint ed.) 1913-36 v.1-45 Spec Coll AP 2 .V32 Vanity Fair 1989 – present Periodicals Verve (French ed.) 1937-49 v.1-6 with gap Spec Coll N 1 .V4 Verve: an artistic and literary quarterly (English ed.) 1937-39 Spec Coll N 1 .V414 Vie à la Campagne, Série Exceptionelle 1922-38 Spec Coll NA 7100 .V5 La Vie Parisienne 1866, 1921 Spec Coll AP 20 .V7 Vindobona Summer 1957 no.47 Spec Coll TS 989 .V55 59 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Vogue Feb 13, 1902, Jul 4-Dec 26, 1907, Dec 1, 1910, Jan 1 & April 15 1914, Mar 15, April 1, May 1, 1923, Feb 1, May 1, Jun 15, Aug 1 1925, Feb 1&15, Mar 1, Apr 1, July 1-Oct 1, Nov 1&15, Dec 15 1926, Jan 1, Feb 1&15, Mar 15-Apr 15, Oct 1- Nov 1, Dec 1 1927, Jan 1-March 15, Apr 15- Jul 1, Aug 15- Nov 24, Dec 22 1928, Jan 5-Apr 27, Sept 14-Dec 21 1929, Mar 15, Jun 7-Jul 19, Sept 1 1930-Feb 15,1931, Apr 15-May 15, Jun 15-Sept 1, Oct 1 & 15, Nov 15-Dec 1 1931, Jan 1, Feb 15, Mar 1-Jun 15, Aug 15, Sept 15, Oct 1&15, Nov 15 1932, Jan 1-Jun 1, Jul 1-Aug 15, Sept 15, Oct 15-Nov 1, Dec 1 1933, Jan 1-Feb 1, Apr 1 1934- Jan 1, May 15 1935-Mar 1 1936, Apr 1 1936-March 1 1937, Apr 1 1937-Nov 15 1937, Dec 1-15 1937-Oct 15 1939, Nov 15-Dec 15 1939 Spec Coll TT 500 .V7 Vogue 1927 - present (with gaps) Microfilm: 1950 - present Vogue (Française ed.) 1920s, 1933, 1947- 1954 scattered issues Periodicals Vogue Knitting Book Fall/Win 1951, Spr/Sum 1951 Spec Coll TT 820 .V63 Vogue Pattern Book Feb-Mar 1925; Aug-Sept 1933; April 1940, June-July 19411952 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .V717 Spec Coll TT 500 .V716 alternate title International Vogue Pattern Book International Vogue Pattern Book [Counter catalogs] 1957, 1960 – present Spec Coll TT 500 .V7172 Volume Dressvertising Weekly 1965, 1970-1972 with gaps Spec Coll TT 500 .D723 Oversize 60 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 Wanamaker Diary 1901 Spec Coll CE 97 .W3 Waverly Magazine 1856 scattered issues Spec Coll AP 2 .W3 Wiener Modelle Fall 1952 Spec Coll GT 2130 .W48 Woman's Home Companion 1897, Apr 1906, 1914, 1919, 1920, 1940 v.24 no.1, v.23 no.4, v.41 no.9, v.46 no.11, v.47 no.8, v.67 no.8 Spec Coll AP 2 .W714 The Woman's Magazine 1909-10 v.20-21 with gaps Spec Coll AP 2 .W72 Women's and Infants' Furnisher 1898-1921 v.8-54 with gaps Spec Coll HD 9969 .U5 W5 Womens Apparel Journal Apr-Sept 1941, Oct, Dec, Feb, 1941, Feb 1942 v.1 no.1-6, v.2 no.1-3, v.2 no.3 Spec Coll TT 490 .W65 Women's Reporter June-Dec 1947 v.5 no.6-12 Spec Coll TT 500 .W73 61 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by title Spring 2013 The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons 1834 v.11 Spec Coll AP 4 .W67 The Year Book of the Fur Industry 1926 Spec Coll HD 9944 .U45 Y4 Architecture and Interior Design Arts & Decoration The Decorator and Furnisher Georg Hirth's Formenschatz Good Furniture and Decoration Homefurnishing Arts Home-Maker House & Garden House Beautiful Mārg. Pathway Advertising Advertising Arts and Crafts Advertising cuts (International Harvest Hat Co.) Gebrauchsgraphik Modern Poster Annual Photographie Plakat Poster and Art Collector Publimondial Wanamaker Diary 62 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Art Advertising Arts and Crafts L'Amour de l'Art Ars Typographica Art & Décoration Arts et Métiers Graphiques Avant Garde Broom China Connoisseur Feuillets d'Art Formes et Couleurs Gazette des Beaux-Arts Gebrauchsgraphik Georg Hirth's Formenschatz International Studio Kunst dem Volk Kunsten Idag Lalit Kãla The Living Arts The Lotus Magazine Mārg. Pathway McClure's Magazine Minotaure Moderne Kunst Photographie Plakat Playboy; a Portfolio of Art and Satire Poster and Art Collector Quadrige; Pensée - art - vie - Élégance The Sketch...a Journal of Art and Actuality U.S. Camera Verve Blouses Album Blouses Nouvelles La Blouse La Blouse Moderne Blouses Choisies Blouses détails Blouses et jupes; blusas y faldas Blouses lingerie Croquis artistiques blouses Idées blouses Idées: blouses, jupes et jersey de Paris Idées blouses, jupes lingerie 2 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Business The American Business Woman Fortune The Purchaser Catalogs--Clothing Alden's H. O'Neill Jantzen Montgomery Ward Sears, Roebuck & Co. Spiegel Children's Clothing Album d'Enfants du "Chic Parfait" Chatterbox The Children's Costume Royal Les Enfants de la Femme Chic Les Enfants tres Parisiens Jeunesse Élégante La Moda Elegante La Mode Enfantine Pages de Mode: Enfants, Fillettes, Garç็onnets Silhouettes Enfantines Toilettes Women's and Infants' Furnisher Costume Design The Silhouette Decoration and Ornament Art & Décoration Dekorative Vorbilder Design (Indianapolis, etc) Design-Keramic Studio Georg Hirth's Formenschatz Journal für Gewerbliches Zeichnen (journal of industrial art) Kunstgewerbliche Schmuckformen für die Fläไche Shin-Bijutsukai Decorative Arts 3 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 The Antiques Journal Art & Décoration The Art Journal L'Art pour Tous Georg Hirth's Formenschatz Home Craft & Embroidery Tvar Design, Industrial Industrial Design in America Journal für Gewerbliches Zeichnen Dressmaking Advance Sew-Easy Patterns American Skirt Album American Waist Album Art. Goût. Beauté. L'Art de la Mode Der Bazar Butterick Fashion Book Butterick Fashions Le Costume Royal Court Magazine & Monthly Critic and Lady's Magazine... The Delineator Demorest's Family Magazine The Designer Domestic Monthly Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly Les Elégances Parisiennes Elite Dressmaker & Milliner The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine Excella Fashion Quarterly Le Figaro-Modes, à la Ville au Théâtre Arts Décoratifs Harper's Bazaar Home Needlework Magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes The Lady's Bazar; Devoted to Fashion and Choice Literature McCall Printed Patterns McCall's Magazine La Moda Elegante Modern Priscilla Les Modes Pictorial Printed Patterns Pictorial Review 4 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Pictorial Review Fashion Book Pictorial Review Quarterly The Queen; the Lady's Newspaper and Court Chronicle Simplicity Patterns Standard Fashions Style Toilettes Vogue Vogue Pattern Book Vogue Pattern Book (London, England) Embroidery see Needlework Footwear 1000 Modelli Astir Boot and Shoe Recorder Creazioni Footwear Fashions Moda y Linea Modern Shoemaking International Novus Oscaria Plus Schuhkunst Schuhmodell Sources Sphaira Unica Rassegna Italiana Calzature Vindobona Furniture Cabinet Maker & Retail Furnisher Good Furniture & Decoration Furs American Album of Fur Novelties American Furrier Shukert Fur Company Yearbook of the Fur Industry Hairdressing La Revue de la Coiffure et Journal des Coiffeurs Réunis. 5 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Hats Actualité Couture Advertising Cuts (International Harvest Hat Co.) Contemporary Modes; the Magazine of Millinery and Accessories The Designer Dobbs Hats Elite Dressmaker & Milliner Grand album de Chapeaux, Chic Parisien Hats Hats and Caps at Wholesale Hats and Caps for Men, Women and Children Ribbon Art Book Interior Decoration Good Furniture & Decoration Homefurnishing Arts House Beautiful Lacemaking see Needlework Menswear Apparel Arts Adam: la Revue de l'Homme American Gentleman Chicago Woolen Mills, Co. L'Èlégant; Journal des Tailleurs The Gazette of Fashion and Cutting Room Companion Gentleman's Magazine of Fashions, Fancy Costumes, and the Regimentals of the Army Gentlemen's Quarterly Gentry The Hat Review Das Herrenjournal Man and His Clothes Men’s Modes Men’s Wear Meyer & Company 6 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Monarch Tailoring Co. Newest Styles for Men La Nouveauté Française Seiferts The Sartorial Art Journal Sartorial Gazette Style Book for Men, Young Men & Boys Millinery see Hats Needlework Der Bazar The Designer The Englishwoman's domestic magazine Handicrafter Harper's Bazaar Home Craft & Embroidery Home Needlework Magazine Modern Priscilla Needle-Art Needlecraft Ornement de Couture Priscilla Colored Cross Stitch Book Saison-Meuheiten für die StickereiIndustrie Vogue Knitting Pattern Books Advance Sew-Easy Patterns Butterick Fashions McCall Printed Patterns Metropolitan Fashions Pictorial Printed Patterns Simplicity Patterns Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar Vogue Pattern Book Vogue Pattern Book (London, England) Political, Literary, and General Magazines The American Magazine American Woman La Belle Assemblée Literature, Art and Fashion Boston Miscellany of Literature and 7 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Fashion Broom Broun's Nutmeg Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine Charm Chatterbox Collier's The Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine The Court Magazine, and Monthly Critic The Court Magazine & Monthly Critic & Lady's Magazine The Delineator Feuillets d'Art Flair Flair Annual Le Follet, Journal du Grand Monde Fortune The Fra France Illustration Frank Leslie's Lady's Journal Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine Frear's Bazar Godey's Ladies Book and Magazine Good Housekeeping Graham's American Monthly of Harper's Bazaar Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly Harper's Young People Home-Maker L'Illustration; Journal Universal Hebdomadaire Knight's Penny Magazine Kunst dem Volk The Ladies' Companion, and Literary Expositor Ladies' Home Journal The Lady's Bazar... The Lady's Wreath The Living Arts The Lotus Magazine McCall's Magazine The New Republic The New York Woman Pan The People's Home Journal The Peterson Magazine 8 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Puck (satire) Punch (satire) The Purchaser Putnam's Magazine Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Magazine and Daily Review Robert's Semi-Monthly Magazine The Sketch T.H. Nevin co. Annual Almanac USSR in Construction Vanity Fair [original edition] Vanity Fair [reprint edition] Woman's Home Companion The Woman's Magazine Pottery Design... [Indianapolis, etc.] Design-Keramic Studio Printing Ars Typographica Arts et Métiers Graphiques Byblis; Miroir des Arts du Livre et de l'Estampe Design for Industry Sport Clothes Sport Tailoring American Gentleman The Sartorial Art Journal Sartorial Gazette Textile Fabrics Davison's Textile Blue Book Fashion Fabrics and Ideas from Creative America Melliand Textile Monthly Textile Recorder Year Book McClure's Magazine Military Goods Catalogue Mrs. Stephens' Illustrated New Monthly The Nation National Horse Show Official Catalogue New England Magazine 9 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 New Masses The New Monthly belle Assemblée Textile Industry A.S.T.M. Standards on Textile Materials American silk & Rayon Journal Bayer Farben Revue Couture, Textiles, Couleurs Davison's Textile Blue Book Farben Revue Man-Made Textiles Melliand Textile Monthly Modern Textiles Magazine Posselt's Textile Journal Sammel-Mappe für Flächendecoration... Silk Theatre Arts Theatre Magazine Silk and Rayon Digest The Silkworm; Official Publication of the Silk Association of America The Silver Lining The Textile Colourist... Textile Recorder Theater Court Magazine and Monthly Critic & Lady's Magazine… L'Illustration Théâtrale The Mask Le Théâtre Theatre Arts Theatre Magazine Underwear Blouses et Lingerie Corsets & Brassieres; the Foundation Garment Review Idées Blouses, Jupes Lingerie Women's and Infants' Furnisher Women's Fashion - 19th Century The American Magazine Der Bazar La Belle Assemblée, or Court and 10 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Fashionable Magazine The Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine The Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine Conseiller des Dames et des Demoiselles Cotton's Atheneum The Delineator Demorest's Family Magazine Domestic Monthly Doyle and Adolphi's Fashion Guide Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine Le Follet, Courrier des Salons... Le Follet, Journal du Grand Monde... La France Élégante Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion Frank Leslie's Lady's Journal... Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine Frear's Bazar Gentleman's Magazine of Fashions, Fancy Costumes, and the Regimentals of the Army Giornale della Nuove mode di Francia e d'Inghilterra Godey's Ladies Book and Magazine Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art and Fashion Harper's Bazaar Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly Harper's Young People L'Illustrateur des Dames L'Illustration; Journal Universel Hebdomadaire Illustrite Frauen-Zeitung Journal des Dames et des Modes Journal des Demoiselles Ladies' Home Journal The Lady's Bazar... Lady's Magazine Magasin des Demoiselles Magasin des Modes pour Famille Metropolitan Fashions La Moda Elegante La Mode Illustrée 11 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 La Mode Pratique; Journal de la Femme et de la Maison La Mode, Revue des Modes Les Modes Parisiennes Il Mondo Elegante Le Moniteur de la Mode... The Peterson Magazine Petit Courrier des Dames Le Petit Messager The Queen; the Lady's Newspaper and Court Chronicle The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufacture, Fashions, and Politics La Revue de la Coiffure Le Salon de la Mode Scribner's Magazine Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes Vanity Fair La Vie Parisienne Vogue Waverly Magazine The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19001910 American Cloak Album American Skirt Album American Waist Album American Woman L'Art de la Mode Bellas Hess & Co. Le Costume Royal The Delineator European Fashion Service Femina-Illustration Le Figaro-Modes, à la Ville - au ThéâtreArts Décoratifs Harper's Bazaar Ladies' Home Journal "Ladies' tailor" fashions La Moda Elegante La Mode Artistique Les Modes Les Parisiennes 12 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Pictorial Review The Queen; The Lady's Newspaper and Court Chronicle Toilettes Vanity Fair Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19101920 Advance Styles of Ladies Cloaks and Suits American Cloak and Suit Review L'Art de la Mode Bellas Hess & Co. Chic Parisien Chic Pratique Le Costume Royal The Delineator Elégance de Paris Femina-Illustration Gazette du Bon Genre La Guirlande, album Mensuel d'Art et de Literature Harper's Bazaar Ladies' Home Journal La Moda Elegante Les Modes Paris Élégant Les Parisiennes Pictorial Review The Queen; The Lady's Newspaper and Court Chronicle Vanity Fair Vogue Woman's Home Companion Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19201930 American Cloak and Suit Review L'Art de la Mode Beaux-arts des Modes Catalogs--Alden's (firm) Chic Parisien Le Costume Royal The Delineator Les Èlégances Parisiennes Excella Fashion Quarterly Falbalas et Fanfreluches... 13 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Fashion Service Femina-Illustration Gazette du Bon Genre Grande mode Parisienne La Guirlande, Album Mensuel d'Art et de Literature Harper's Bazaar Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode Le Jardin des Modes McCall Printed Patterns Miroir des Modes Les Modes Modes et Travaux Feminins La Nouveauté Française Paris Chic Pictorial Printed Patterns Pictorial Review Pictorial Review Fashion Book Pictorial Review Quarterly The Queen; the Lady's Newspaper and Court Chronicle The Review, the Garment Trade Authority Styl, Blätter für Mode... Trés Parisien, la Mode, le Chic, l Elegance Vanity Fair La Vie Parisienne Vogue Woman's Home Companion Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19301940 300 Détails Couture American cloak and Suit Review L'Art de la Mode Chic Parisien La Coquette Les Croquis Charmants The Delineator Elegante Welt Elite Fashion Age Fashion Digest Fashions Art Femina-Illustration Harper's Bazaar 14 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode Le Jardin des Modes Marie-Claire McCall Printed Patterns La Mode Enfantine Modeles Originaux Die Neue Linie Pages de Mode Pages de Mode: Enfants, Fillettes, Garçonnets Pictorial Printed Patterns Pictorial Review Pictorial Review Quarterly Promotional Merchandising The Review, the Garment Trade Authority Der Silberspiegel Sport Trés Parisien, la Mode, le Chic, l'Élégance Vanity Fair Vogue Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19401950 300 détails Couture Album de la Mode du Figaro Album de Figaro L'Art de la Mode Cahier des Modes Coats and Suits in Review Croquis Élégants Croquis Sylvia Détails Couture Dresses in Review Dressvertising Weekly Elite Fashion Digest Fashion Promenade Femina-Illustration Les Feuillets de Qualité Flair Flou Le Jardin des Modes Junior Bazaar Juno 15 Fashion Institute of Technology Library Special Collections Periodicals holdings alphabetically by subject Spring 2013 Manteaux Tailleurs Modeli Sezona Officiel de la Couleur Sport Vogue: ed. Française Women's Reporter Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 19501960 Cahiers Bleus La Dépêche Couture Femina-Illustration Les Feuillets de Qualite Flair Idées Blouses Idées: Blouses, Jupes et Jersey de Paris Idées: Blouses, Jupes, Lingerie Jantzen line description Manteaux Tailleurs Modes Documents La Note de Paris Officiel de la Couleur Paris Suggest Tendances de la Mode...Paris Women's Fashion - 20th Century - 1960Avant Garde La Dépêche Couture Dressvertising Weekly Modèles et Nouveautés Officiel de la Couleur Volume Dressvertising Weekly Women's Fashion - Germany Der Bazar Die Dame Deutsche Moden-Zeitung Elegante Welt Ilustrirte Frauen-Zeitung Die neue Linie Der Silberspiegel Women's Fashion - Japan The "Fujin-Gahoa" monthly of the ladies journal Shin-Bijutsukai 16 Highlights of the Collection Art Goût Beauté A luxury magazine published in Paris from 1920 through 1933, this is an essential reference for fashion of the Art Deco era. Numerous pochoir, engraving, and tipped-in plates display the work of Poiret, Lanvin, Drecoll, Jenny, Molyneux, Lelong, Patou and other notable Parisian designers. Published by Albert Godde, Bedin and Co., textile manufacturers, each volume also includes endpapers of textile designs. La Belle Assemblée This British women’s periodical was first published using letterpress in February 1806 and each issue was available for purchase in two sections. While the first portion offered original literature, politics, science and culture, the latter was devoted to fashion and contained the Regency era fashion plates La Belle Assemblée is known for. Information about seasonal fashions, detailed descriptions of dress worn by the elite at notable social events, as well as a section of advertisements for products ranging from rouges to the latest novels were included in each issue. The magazine incorporated a number of embellishments typically housed in 5 plates which might consist of an engraving, an original piece of music, a needlework pattern as well as two fashion plates. In tandem with changing expectations for women in society in the 1820s the publication began to focus on domestic pursuits and fashion alone. Les Feuillets d’Art The rare limited-edition periodical Les Feuillets d’Art was published jointly by Condé Nast and Lucien Vogel between the years 1919 and 1922. Vogel founded a number of luxury magazines that catered to a wealthy elite audience interested in fashion and art. Other titles in Vogel’s publishing empire include Gazette du Bon Ton and La Jardin des Modes, both of which are also held by SPARC. Delivered in two series of six, each issue contains approximately 90 unbound pages composed of double sheets with numerous tipped in illustrations including original woodcuts, engravings, lithographs, and pochoir prints. The fashion plates are characterized by the native properties of pochoir, a highly refined and labor intensive stenciling process. Pochoir prints display flat surfaces of brilliant color bound by thin printed lines. Garments are displayed on models in dramatic, sometimes narrative, situations with short captions which play on wit and taste. In addition to exquisite illustration, Les Feuillets d’Art also published original poetry, literature, musical composition, and art of exceptional interest to the early Années folles period. Better known contributors include Eduard Vuillard, Paul Signac, Anatole France, Pierre Bonnard, Robert de Montesquiou and Marcel Proust as well as SPARC favorites Andre Édouard Marty and Georges Lepape. Gazette du Bon Ton (published in the US by Condé Nast after 1920 as Gazette du Bon Genre) SPARC has a full run of this eminent fashion and lifestyle magazine; 70 issues in sixty-nine fascicles were published in Paris between 1912 and 1925 with a six-year interruption (1914-1920) due to the events and aftermath of World War I. Gazette du Bon Ton was a chronicle of developments in fashion but also featured essays, theater reviews, and society columns. The magazine’s most 17 distinguished feature were the 4-10 labor intensive pochoir fashion plates included in each issue by notable artists such as Georges Lepape, George Barbier, Pierre Brissaud, André E. Marty, Charles Martin and Edouardo Garcia Benito; all regular contributors. The plates featured not only the work of prominent fashion designers of the teens and twenties, but also ensembles straight from the illustrators’ imagination that were never physically realized. The native properties of the pochoir process—wherein flat expanses of brilliant color were applied by stencil within thin printed lines—lent a hand in establishing the look of the Art Deco era. The garments are worn by models in placed in dramatic, sometimes narrative, situations with short captions that play on wit and taste. The plates of Gazette du Bon Ton were a site of collaboration between illustrators and designers in a free exchange between disciplines of the applied arts. A plate level inventory can be furnished upon request. Journal des Dames et des Modes Named after its illustrious predecessor which was published between the years 1797 and 1839, Journal des Dames et des Modes, was created for a small privileged audience of cognoscenti. Issued between June 1912 and August 1914, this refined chronicle tells the tale of the intellectual and artistic life of the Parisian Belle Époque through colorful society columns, poetic texts, fashion reports and lavish pochoir illustrations. Notable contributors include Anatole France, Jean Cocteau, George Barbier, Leon Bakst, Umberto Brunelleschi, Paul Iribe, and Charles Martin. The watermarks on the journals own handmade paper and its small run of only 1279 copies per issue are a testament to its exclusivity. Modes et Manieres d'Aujourd 'hui This very rare art deco magazine produced only 300 copies of each of the 7 issues published between 1912 and 1922. Each volume features the pairing of a single author and illustrator including George Barbier, Charles Martin, Georges Lepape, André Marty, Robert Bonfils, Fernand Simeon. SPARC has a complete set. Pochoir Pochoir, a labor intensive hand-stenciling technique, was introduced into French publishing in the late nineteenth century. During the first two decades of the twentieth century, pochoir was in its heyday, finding full expression in an outpouring of luxury, limited-edition publications such as deluxe fashion magazines, artist books, and titles on design and ornament that were marketed to the wealthy elite. Because of the time consuming nature of pochoir production, publications employing the technique were prohibitively expensive to the average consumer, and one of the appeals of pochoir was its exclusivity. The pochoir process produces stunning illustrations with unparalleled vibrancy of color. Multiple layers of color are used to create the desired color saturation, and the creation of a single plate can take upwards of 250 different stencils to complete. During the teens and twenties, stencils were often cut from thin sheets of copper or aluminum, and each color appearing in a given print represents a single stencil. Each stencil must be meticulously aligned by the coloriste, who applies color to the paper one at a time. Each color requires its own close-cropped animal hair brush or pompon. Blotting the pompon carefully is imperative to prevent pigments—usually in the form of watercolor or gouache—from bleeding beneath the stencils. 18 In the luxury publications of the early twentieth century, pochoir was sometimes applied to mechanically-produced prints ranging from lithographs to photographic processes like collotypes; the black text and outlines in the plates of Gazette du Bon Ton have been produced by offset printing. Visually similar to Japanese woodblock prints, pochoir illustrations are generally characterized by an overall flat appearance. Tricks of perspective and shading are not native to pochoir, but in the hands of a skilled printer, a rich variety of subtlety can be affected through stippling, splatter, and gradation. The Department of Special Collections and FIT Archives holds over sixty publications that utilize the pochoir method; many of the titles are among the rarest in the world. A bibliography is available upon request. Early fashion photography Though photography rose to prominence earlier in the nineteenth century, it was the development of the half-tone printing process that enabled photographs to be mass produced alongside text. Fashion photography may have made its first appearance in the French weekly La Mode Pratique as early as 1892. These fashion photographs are heavily and uniformly retouched, leaving the original photograph to form only an armature for the final published image. The background and props in these photographs are profoundly altered. Some simplify the suggestion of furniture and props, some replace the setting with hand brushwork, and others do away with any indication of a mise-en-scene at all. These handsome images were produced with limited printed color and some were embellished by hand tinting. The accompanying commentary named dressmakers and couture houses; the photography studios and sometimes the illustrator responsible for retouching a given image are credited. The fashion photography that perhaps debuts with La Mode Pratique borrows heavily from the conventions of portrait painting and the established formula of illustrated fashion plates. Anonymous models are portrayed in full length portraits with the minimal implication of domestic interiors. These studio produced images employ a common vernacular of gestures, poses, and facial expressions. Magazines like Les Modes, which began publication in 1901, and Le Figaro- Modes (1903) expanded on this idiom. A single full length portrait continued to occupy an entire page, but these periodicals printed straightforward photographs, lending the camera’s eye for increased attention to detail and surface. The figures are posed front and center with no attempt to disguise blunt theatrical backdrops and scant simple props. In the pages of these newer magazines, photographs of fashion models, actresses, other entertainers, and high society women share dominion and can be distinguished only by the text that accompanies each. A notable personality’s name was published, whereas an image of a paid model was adjoined to include a couture house and the name of the garment she displays. In contrast to these rigidly posed studio-type photographs were photojournalists’ accounts of society events. In the pages of ladies magazines such as Les Modes, Femina, Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar the beau monde was spontaneously captured with a portable camera at the racetrack, fashionable holiday resorts, weddings, and sports outings. These snapshots of fashionable women were presented with what ranged from considerable augmentation to the most straightforward treatment: the figures were sometimes retouched enough to resemble illustration, or the background could be greatly simplified and/or removed entirely. The supplementary text gives detailed commentary on the garments and sometimes quipped on the subject’s personality as well. Couturiers’ sent paid models to mingle in fashionable crowds wearing their latest styles, and this may account for the 19 occasional unidentified subject. Luminaries of society also participated in this contrivance; some notables were given sizable abatements from couture houses if they agreed to appear in the latest styles at popular events. Media celebrity was as desirable as status and many of these “amphibians” or “jockeys” were actresses, music hall talents, and courtesans. Some say one can know the professional models in these images by their youth and slim figures and that complicity between photographer and model is obvious: it is suggested that paid models mime for the camera in a manner unbecoming to society ladies. A certain measure of reciprocity exists between portraiture, fashion illustration, and fashion photographs in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. From its inchoate early years, fashion photography was happy to utilize beauty in the form of celebrities, socialites and professional models in order to illustrate its point. SPARC holds all the periodicals mentioned above. 20
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