Clitheroe & DMC Primrose Trophy Rally 25/26th April 2015 Final Instructions Welcome to the Primrose Trophy Rally. Thank you for your entry. We look forward to seeing you on 25th April. We are grateful to Truckhaven for allowing us to use their premises for the Start and Finish of this event Please remember that Truckhavens real business is overnight accommodation for wagon drivers. It is not normally a Rally venue. Wagon Drivers will be occupying the site and will probably be asleep in their cabs. We would like to use this venue again so please don’t wake them up. Please be quiet (both at the Start & Finish) Trailers should be unloaded before Noise (& before going under the barrier : if you go under the barrier and it lifts, it generates a parking ticket which you will need to pay for) Seeded Entry List This is attached. We have seeded the event using the information you have provided. Pre Start Procedure and Schedule Fuel available at Truckhaven (see map) Trailers: Can be left at Truckhaven. Noise: See Diagram The Noise Test opens at 19:00 plus your car number. On passing the Noise test you will be given your process sheet to present to scrutineering, and then to the signing-on desk. Scrutineering: Following successful completion of Noise, please proceed into Scrutineering. This is located as per map - this will be obvious. In accordance with R.18.6.5 all vehicles must carry a spill kit and this will be checked at scrutineering. Scrutineering will close at 21.15. Then please park as instructed by marshals. Signing on: as per map : Signing-on will open at 19.10 and close at 21.30. Please provide your fully completed Scrutineering Ticket, map, current MSA competition licence and club card. If you need to pay for insurance have the correct money ready (£21.53). If you have any changes to your information please contact the Event Secretary BEFORE Friday 24th April. Marshal Signing-on opens at 19.00 Competitors’ Briefing: at Signing on. This will take place at 22:15. MTC1: Located as you are leaving the car park onto the road (Car 1 = 22:01). Halfway is at Forton Services (M6 Southbound) (Car 1 = 02:00). Car 1 is scheduled to arrive back at Truckhaven at 05:19 : Please park in the same area as before & still be VERY QUIET. On leaving the finish venue, those with trailers will need to load their cars after going past the barriers (see note above) Hope you have an enjoyable nights motorsport Note : A copy of the Marshals Instructions is attached for your information Mat Kiziuk Clerk of Course Marshals instructions General notes: Many thanks for marshalling on the Primrose Trophy Navigation Rally, without your assistance this rally would not exist. In order to ensure the smooth running of the rally and to minimise confusion with results, please read and understand these instructions. If they aren’t clear then please ask, do not assume that the manner in which the Primrose Trophy rally runs it’s controls is the same as your club runs them. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE - ASK In all cases please park well out of the way of the rally cars and minimise obstruction to the road. Controls MTC (Main Time Control) TC (Time Control), Timing will be to the whole minute. except TC4 which is timed to the second Timing will be when the competitor’s time card is presented to the marshal (H64 & 76) Competitors may enter the control up to 59s before their due time and wait for their time. i.e. the competitor requires 23:05, he enters the control on 23:04. He presents his timecard , you then fill in the timecard and allow him to leave the control at 23.05. If he presents the timecard at 23:03:59 and asks for 23:05 he is early and must take 23:04 (the time at which the time card was presented) At these controls, sign for all the code boards filled in with pen prior to your control (sample timecard provided) If there are code boards that have not been filled in or filled in by pencil (all competitors have been instructed to fill in code boards using a pen), cross these through such that they cannot be filled in later – do not sign against these. Only sign for Boards that you have been asked to sign for (as per Control Location map) if previous boards have not been signed for : put a cross in that signature box IRC (Intermediate Regularity Control) At IRCs the timing can be to the whole minute and the procedure is as at a normal time control (TC), however, at the following IRCs & ERs the timing is to the second and marshals need to fill in the appropriate column on the Time Card IRC1B, IRC1C, ER1, IRC2A, ER2, IRC3A, IRC 3C, ER3, IRC4A, ER4, IRC5A, IRC5B Controls. RC (Route Check) When the cars stop at your control, sign the Code Board card for your Control and for Any Code Boards between yourself and the previous time control in the indicated box and allow them to pass on. Please bring to the Finish Your Check Sheet, Clock and any Boards If you are not going to the Finish, please wait for the closing car and give them to him Signing On, MTC6 / Breakfast Marshals Parking Rally Car Parking & Trailers Follow Arrows to Parking Area After Scrutineering QUIET Unload Rally Cars From Trailers before going under the barrier Noise / Environmental MTC 1 FUEL Scrutineering
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