Juraj Čáp, PhD. E-mail

Personal information:
Juraj Čáp, PhD.
[email protected]
University and research working experience
2001 – still
Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin
2013 – still
The Czech Republic (Middle European) Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care:
An Affiliated Centre of The Joanna Briggs Institute
2012 – 2015
Centre for Science and Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, Palacký University,
Olomouc, Czech Republic
2008 – PhD
2000 – MA
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Philosophy
Study: Systematic Philosophy
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty
of Education
Study: Philosophy and Psychology
Research and Development grants
Human Dignity in the Context of Death and Dying, KEGA č. 006UK-4/2014
Death and the Awareness of Mortality, KEGA č. 021UK-4/2011(Slovakia)
CoThe prevalence identification and analysis of patients' aggression against nurses
VEGA 1/0217/13 (Slovakia)
Spirituality – from the theoretical background to the practical consequences.
VEGA č. 1/0215/10 (Slovakia)
TRENNS: Theory, Research and Education in Nursing in Slovak - Norwegian
Context. Project NIL-II 006. (Norway)
HUROPEL Human Rights; Older People and End of Life. University of Salford,
2011 (United Kingdom).
Support of Human Resources in Science and Research in Non-medical Health
Care at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Palacký University Olomouc
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0163(Czech Republic)
The issue of nursing diagnosis - theoretical background and application in
nursing practice APVV SK-CZ-0151-09, Ministry MEB 0810029 (Slovakia –
Czech Republic)
Organization of workshops and conferences
2014 – 2003
10th. – 5th. Scientific Conferences: Theory, Research and Education in Nursing.
Martin (Slovakia)
Membership in Scientific Organizations:
Member of the editorial board of journal: Nursing: Theory, research, education (Slovakia)
Member of the editorial board of journal: PROFEE ON-LINE (Czech Republic)
Selected publications
First or corresponding author:
Čáp, J. (2011) The awareness of mortality: the other in us? Filozofia. 66(4), 315-32.
Čáp J. (2015) A Person's Death from an Axiological Perspective: Thought Experiments. Filozofia.
70(2), 94-106.
Zeleniková R, Žiaková K, Čáp, J., & Jarošová D. (2014) Content Validation of the Nursing
Diagnosis Acute Pain in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. International Journal of Nursing
Knowledge. 25(3), 139-46.
Klugar, M., Čáp, J., Marečková, J. Roberson, D., Sirkka, A. Klugarová, J., & Kelnerová, Z.
(2014). The active aging personal strategies of older adults in Europe: a systematic review protocol
of qualitative evidence. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports,
12(11), 117-126.
Sirkka, A. , & Čáp, J. (2014). Developing scientific competences in healthcare higher education.
Teória, výskum a vzdelávanie v ošetrovateľstve, Martin: Univerzita Komenského Jesseniova
lekárska fakulta, p. 269-278 [CD-ROM]
Gurková, E., Andraščíková, I., & Čáp, J. (2015). Parents' experience with a dying child with cancer
in palliative care. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 6(1), 201-208.
Sirkka, A., & Čáp, J. (2015). Enhancing Research Competences in Healthcare Higher Education.
Profese On-line, 8(1), 30-38.
Gurková, E., Čáp, J., Žiaková, K., & Ďurišková, M. (2012) Job satisfaction and emotional
subjective well-being among Slovak nurses. International Nursing Review. 59(1), 94-100.
Gurková, E., Žiaková, K., & Čáp, J. (2011). Content validation of hopelessness in Slovakia and
Czech Republic. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Clasisications. 33(1), 33-39.
Gurková, E., Čáp, J., & Žiaková, K. (2009) Quality of life and treatment satisfaction in the context
of diabetes self-management education. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 15(2), 91-98.