Issue 2 | Volume 2 | 2015 N ewsletter April SAME AIM, NEW NAME We have been called CEN IT for 24 years. Like everything in life, CEN IT has evolved and undergone transformation. And now, with the help of supportive and generous people with professional skills and useful experience, like Ricardo and the students from Universidad de las Americas, we have taken a big step forward. We want to make CEN IT a nationally and internationally known organization, and that started with changing the logo. And now we are changing our name, pending clarification of the legal process The new name ? Integrated Childhood and Adolescence Center ? reflects our expansion of services to help . ...(cont. p.2) D IRECTOR RUTH ROSERO CEN IT developed its strategic plan for 2014 ? 2017 which includes a communication plan with the goal of publicizing the work of CEN IT at a local level. Through an evaluation led by our communications volunteer Ricardo Izurieta, we realized that CEN IT was not even recognized by neighbors and communities in our area. Furthermore, we learned the name of our institution ? Center of the Working Girl ? was interpreted by many of those who visit our website as a center that promotes child labor. This is far from reality and the opposite of CEN IT?s purpose. Walk for Int ernat ional W omen?s Day GLADYS PEREZ On M arch 9, 2015, we celebrated International Women?s Day. CEN IT has commemorated this important day for 24 years to raise awareness about gender equality and the necessity to continue to support women. The event began with a march, led by the Peace Band of José M aría Velasco Ibarra H igh school, where participants walked through the Chiriyacu- Camal market to the Chiryacu shopping mall. We also had artistic and cultural presentations by the Sol de Primavera Folkloric group, the dance group Años Dorados, and poems read by CEA student M anuel Ramírez and our librarian Lorraine Crouch. We are all aware of instances in which women are victims of domestic violence across all social stratums. It is necessary to promote equal rights and the responsible exercise of those rights with freedom, in order to secure a quality of life with equal opportunity. CEN IT does its job making mothers, women and girls aware of their rights, raising their self- esteem through education and information, providing guidance and offering an opportunity to obtain a brighter future. CEN IT's vision has been to develop comprehensive strategies of empowerment focused on this vulnerable population that is still relegated of their rights, whether by the lack of knowledge or support. CEN IT also affirms its commitment to advance the development of working boys, girls and adolescents and their families? placing special emphasis on the support for women and girls? through education, biopsychosocial programs and other projects facilitating personal growth and social change. We want to thank those people, high schools, primary schools and other organizations who fight with us each day to find answers to the social problems our neighbors are still facing. Only with our strength and unity can we attain equal rights and liberty for those we serve. 1 Centro Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia (CENIT) [email protected] Issue 2 | Volume 2 | 2015 ...(cont. from p.1) working boys, adolescents, and families in vulnerable situations. CEN IT ? Centro Integral de la N iñez y Adolescencia ? is facing several internal and external changes that without doubt will require a major commitment, and will bring more attention to our main goal: eradicating child labor. PREPARATION FOR 25 YEARS SISTER O FELIA CAZ ORLA Extraordinary joy and jubilation are proclaimed on the occasion of an event of particular importance: the celebration of CEN IT?s 25 years. As an institution run by the Congregation of Sisters of the Good Shepherd, we thank God for giving us the opportunity to joyfully serve Children, Adolescents and their Family for 24 years. Thus, the year of preparation is always an opportunity to deepen faith, hope, solidarity, gratitude, rights, gender equality, and to live with a renewed commitment to the mission and vision for which it [CEN IT] was created. As such, we invite all national and foreign volunteers, sisters of the Congregation, and staff that have collaborated and continue to collaborate with the institution, to remember that on April 20, 2016, you are the main guests of honor and protagonists in celebrating together this momentous event. M ay the Virgin Dolorosa be our protector and guide. 2 Centro Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia (CENIT) [email protected] Issue 2 | Volume 2 | 2015 Training for Beaut y and Empowerment : What's the most challenging part of the project? W it h These Two Hands It would have to be the language barrier. I was having private Spanish lessons before I came to Ecuador and I have 3 hours private lessons every day before teaching the classes. I am living with a family and it helps to be surrounded by the language. I am lucky to have Christine, Jonathon and Z ach around to help with translating, but the women understand. Like I said, they teach me the words, I just do the action! L AURA W OLTON As a CEN IT volunteer, I meet so many truly inspiring people. But there is one volunteer who arrived recently that particularly amazed me. H er name is Casandra Weller. Born in Australia and with 16 years of experience in hairdressing, she has set up her own organization called With These Two H ands. With These Two H ands is a training project dedicated to empowering women by providing them with hairdressing skills, allowing them to gain a better income and provide for their families. She?s been a great hit with the CEN IT families. She shared part of her story with me during an interview: What's the most rewarding part of the project? Definitely knowing I am contributing to the improvement of someone?s life. It?s rewarding at the end of the day seeing how much they are getting out of the training. I can feel it in the hugs they give me! Where did the idea for With These Two H ands come from? While I was backpacking through South America in 2012, I met some volunteers working at CEN IT. I was asking how I could be a volunteer and they told me about Ali, who wanted to set up a hairdressing training school in the CEN IT grounds. I have always wanted to learn Spanish and return to South America. I love teaching and with the opportunity at CEN IT, I knew I had to do it! I enjoy teaching and have a love for South America so I was compelled to help. H ow did you manage to set up the project? I started by giving the project a name, a logo and a Facebook page. Then I started a scissor donations drive. I asked hairdressers to donate their old scissors, as I planned to have them sharpened and bring them for the women to use. But I did not need to; Excellent Edges Scissorsmiths donated 60 pairs of scissors and another company, Sharpline Scissors, heard about us and donated 140 pairs. From here, I started an online crowd funding campaign and organized a fundraising dinner and raised $8,000. People were very helpful in talking to me about fundraising, and setting up a ?non for profit?. I have an amazing accountant who helped me set the project up, a business consultant who helped with the website, and a writer who helped with the content on the web page and who wrote a press release, which got WT2H into the local paper. I have been really lucky that people believe in me and have helped me. Support another Women's Empowerment project of CEN IT nadenaec 3 Issue 2 | Volume 2 Centro Integral de la Niñez y | 2015 Issue 2 | Volume 2 | 2015 Adolescencia (CENIT) [email protected] N adena has also been working with the communication department at UDLA, the University of the Americas, who have been putting final touches on a new website and SUE BORN EM AN Facebook page. Recent upgrades include photos of the We at N adena are proud to have participated in the march for products? take a look at N or our Facebook page! the International Women's Day on M arch 8, because we know Thank you, UDLA, for your help.! the importance of celebrating the advances in women's rights. Welcome new volunteers to N adena, Ricardo and M alin!! We must still work hard to ensure women are involved in politics, education and dignified work. We need the awareness of society and the cooperation of all to achieve this. NEW S FROM NADENA Antonio Portilla, one of the owners of Fui Recyclado, was kind enough to hold a workshop for the women who make the earrings. With the help of the women, they developed a box that would add value to the earrings. On April 22 N adena celebrated Earth Day with an event held in the "Spiral Cafe" located in La Floresta. We had a presentation of the work of N adena and sold products. The event was accompanied by good food with music and dance from the Aché School of Dance. M any thanks to the Spiral Cafe for their support of N adena!! HOMESICK? VOLUNTEER! I Z Z IE REID The sun is shining, it?s a beautiful day, and I take a moment to congratulate myself for remembering to wear Factor 50 sunscreen. I?m marching through the market with an army of singing children: ?Sol solecito calientame un poquito?, and I notice an amused smile from the lady selling avocados and onions. Today is park day, and the beaming faces of these 2- to 5- year olds is enough to make any grown- up excited for a morning of climbing, sliding and spinning. I run to my favorite spot ? the slide ? and prepare to catch a stream of children who will soon be throwing themselves down the slope. The joy on their faces when they realize I have in fact caught them at the bottom, despite their incredible speed, is decision thinking I could handle a change like this, and wondered if I was tough enough to stay the full five months. I soon had to realize that it was all just part of adjusting ? to the scenery, the temperature, the altitude and living with new people. something that will never l eave me. This is where I belong and it?s another rewarding day for me in Rescate Camal. But it wasn?t always like this? One month ago, I arrived in Ecuador, homesick and feeling M y first day at CEN IT was a big leap forward. H aving completed orientation the day before, I was now faced with a classroom of running and playing children bombarding me completely lost: ?Why have I come here? What am I doing? This isn?t for me.? I thought I had made a ridiculous with hugs, kisses and requests for my name. ...(cont. p.5) 4 Centro Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia (CENIT) [email protected] Issue 2 | Volume 2 | 2015 ..(cont. from p.4)j We played with toys and puzzles. We cleaned our teeth, hands and face, chatted and cuddled, sang lots of fun songs and explored new topics: distance, emotions and water. And we cut and colored paper to make little pieces of art we proudly hung up on the wall. Suddenly, it all started to fit into place. M y morning in Rescate Camal now happens so naturally and I adore every single one of the children. As volunteers we?re here to play, we?re here to educate, and we?re here to give them love and hugs. I don?t know how I?m ever going to be able to say goodbye. physically available to look into the eyes of a child, a woman, a man and to offer what assistance we can ? to offer compassion. A Day in t he Life of a Healt h Team Volunt eer Close to six months of living and working with CEN IT have passed, each day full of adventure, challenges and learning. N ow I explain this time with only a brief sentence, ?Yes, it was an incredible experience,? while I inwardly dwell on the kind face of a worker in the market who has struggled with chronic hypertension for years, the inquisitive face of the CEA boy asking which food is more nutritious, corn or potatoes, the 18- year- old girl who has critical need of an eye operation. I think of the daily strength and dedication put forth by each teacher. I think of these people and I give thanks that these marvelous beings have permitted me to share in their lives for a little while . . . and with this we ?siga no má s.? L EAN N A CASTRO Today marks the fifth day after returning to the States. I am still trying to remember to put the toilet paper in the toilet bowl instead of the trashcan and I still get an unusual amount of enjoyment from the sensation of hot water flowing from the faucet. The time in Ecuador is 9: 15 in the morning. One of Clínica?s team members is preparing to take two Rosa Virginia girls to the dentist in this exact moment. She asks the teacher, ?está n disponibles Jessica y Silvia para estar atendido por la dentista?? ?Siga no má s,? Professor Fernanda says. During this time, the Clínica volunteer and the R.V. girls will perhaps discuss health themes the girls are interested in learning about, or maybe they?ll turn to more cultural topics as they wait for the dentist ? ?Está s casada?? ¿ Cómo le gusta a Ecuador?? Today is M onday, meaning that this same team member is probably hurrying to return from the dentist to CEN IT in order to help run the health education workshop. After discussing such scientific marvels such as how the body processes each food that enters into its digestive system, this volunteer will follow- up with other students regarding previously scheduled appointments. M eanwhile another team member works with the social workers to learn more about the history of a certain family and still another catches up with the market workers. COMING EVENTS Junio 14: Family Day at CENIT A day in the life of a volunteer on the health team of CEN IT truly is a grand adventure. During one day alone, we are cleaners, scribes, patient advocates, health educators, and liaisons with teachers, social workers, dentists, psychologists, gynecologist and eye doctors from the public health system. M aybe even more importantly, we are human beings Jul io 13-24: Summer Camp Jul io 10,13,16,17: Medical Brigade Jul io 28-29: Annual Evaluation DONATE: CEN IT has several partners through whom you can donate from your home country. In Germany/ Switzerland: ViaN iños; in the U.K.: SON RISA; in the USA: ECH O. If you want to donate to CEN IT directly, you can find info on our website If you have any further questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Like our facebook page at ht t p:// ecuador! 5
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