CEN Identification number in the EC register: 63623305522-13 Response to the Green Paper on safety of tourism accommodation services December 2014 CEN (European Committee for Standardization) is an officially recognised organisation (EU Regulation 1025/20121) responsible for developing and defining standards at European level. These standards set out specifications, requirements and recommendations in relation to a wide range of products and services. The members of CEN are the National Standards Bodies of 33 European countries including all of the EU member states plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. CEN also works to promote the international harmonisation of standards in the framework of a technical cooperation agreement with ISO (International Organization for Standardization). European Standards are developed through a process of collaboration among technical experts nominated by business and industry, research institutes, public authorities, consumer and other stakeholders. These standards are implemented throughout all of the 33 countries covered by CEN. Q27- How would European safety standards help improve consumer safety in tourism accommodation? What would be the main drawbacks? Please elaborate your answer from both a national and a European perspective Standardization is a voluntary process based on the principles of transparency, openness and consensus amongst the different interested parties in a specific area (consumers, businesses, public authorities and other stakeholders committed to participate). Stakeholder engagement and consensus building provided by a standard that has been facilitated by an independent third-party organization and gone through a public commenting phase, bring added value and can increase the confidence of consumers. Standards are valuable tools for the promotion of best practice, increased efficiency, quality and safety in relation to goods and services. This has been confirmed 1 Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardisation http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2012:316:0012:0033:EN:PDF Avenue Marnix 17 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 2 550 08 11 - Fax: +32 2 550 08 19 – [email protected] - www.cencenelec.eu by the new Regulation on European standardization (1025/2012) which recognises the role of the European Standardization Organizations in developing standards also in the services area and provides legitimacy for the resulting standards to be used as a tool in support of European legislation and public policy. One of the biggest benefits of European Standards is their identical implementation across Europe and the obligation of National Standardization Bodies to withdraw any existing conflicting national standards. Although European Standards remain voluntary in application for service providers, this contributes to creating a level playing field and provides a common reference within the 33 countries member of CEN. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the Green Paper the area of tourism accommodation is regulated at national level in different Member States and there seem to be important differences between the existing national legislations. Without a certain level of harmonization of legislation at European level, reaching a consensus and developing a European standard in such a context may be difficult. The standard would either: need to set a high level of requirements in line with the highest safety level established by national legislation to avoid any conflicts with national regulation, which could lead to businesses not using the standards, or, if a minimum level of requirements are specified, to the non-application of the standard in those countries where national legislation sets higher safety requirements. Moreover, it should also be beard in mind that standardization is a market-driven process and that the development of standards in this field would require the support of both the consumer representatives and of the tourism accommodation sector. Q 28 – If you have examples of national standards regarding tourism accommodation safety, do you have evidence that they have helped improve safety levels for consumers In 2011, the consulting company Technopolis, at the request of CEN, carried out a study on the impact of European service standards on service providers and users. The conclusions of the study, confirm that the most widespread “major” benefits of using service standards relates to the improvements to service quality. An improved ability to meet health and safety requirements was also cited as a major benefit2. The study did not focus on the area of tourism accommodation but it confirms that standards can also play a role in helping companies to meet safety requirements in general. At national and European level there are standards related to the safety products, which support existing legislation and are relevant in relation to the safety of tourism accommodation. 2 http://www.cen.eu/cen/Sectors/Sectors/Services/Pages/Technopolis_study.aspx CEN reply- December 2014 Page 2 of 3 In the area of services, there are also national standards and other documents relevant in relation to some safety aspects of services offered within tourism accommodation and also in relation to accessibility of tourism and leisure facilities. Some examples include the UNI (Italian Standardization Body) Public Available Specification on ‘Beach services – Safety, quality, accessibility and sustainability requirements of services and amenities’ or the Austrian standard ÖNORM B 1603:2013-10 ‘Accessible facilities for tourism and leisure - Design principles’. At European and international level, the standards developed by ISO/TC 228 ‘Tourism and related services’ and CEN/TC 329 ‘Tourism services’ deal with safety aspects (e.g. wellness spas, thalassotherapy, recreational diving services, adventure tourism…) although the focus of the work of these technical committees has so far not been on tourism accommodation. Since most of the mentioned service standards are currently under development or have been developed in the last two or three years, it is difficult to have information on their specific impact. Q 42 - Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding tourism accommodation safety? The European Commission should consider a role for European standardization within the context of future EU action on safety of tourism accommodation. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, it should be highlighted that for the development of (European) standards the support of the relevant stakeholders is essential. Taking into account the existence of national regulations in this area some of the national standardization bodies member of CEN have stressed that at this stage it may only have a benefit to develop standards in this area in relation to the provision of services to people with special needs. Finally, the green paper focuses on fire safety and similar hazards although other aspects, e.g. hygienic aspects in catering facilities, may also be relevant in relation to safety of tourism accommodation. CEN reply- December 2014 Page 3 of 3
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