The LINK Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 926 15th Street, West P. O. Box 849 Bradenton, FL 34206 Pastor David Miller Church Phone: (941) 748-3130 Church E-mail: [email protected] Church Web Page: Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Pastor David Miller E-mail: [email protected] Here we go! It is the summer of 2015 and this summer will be known around these parts as “The Summer of Change”. God is up to something here at Central. There are three ingredients to “The Summer of Change”. The first is “New Beginnings”. On June 3 we will have our first meeting for everyone in the congregation. On this night we will learn about the New Beginnings process and our expectations as we go through this process. If you are in town, plan on attending and participating. If you are not in town, please pray for God to speak loudly and for all of us to have ears (and hearts) to listen. Second, we have formed one new partnership and we are strengthening two other partnerships. We have a new partnership with Bayside Community Church and their “Adopt A Block” ministry. Every Saturday morning from 8:30am to 10:30am they offer a free breakfast in our parking lot. We are invited to join with them to not only help serve breakfast, but also to meet our neighbors and make connections. Bayside will also be a valuable connection for us as we make plans for the future. They are a ministry with many resources and they want to help us make a bigger impact for Jesus in our neighborhood. Along with this new partnership we are strengthening our current relationship with Ministries International which is the Hispanic congregation that worships in our sanctuary every Sunday night. Through this partnership we will strengthen our outreach to our local Hispanic population. Finally, we are strengthening our partnership with NA (Narcotics Anonymous) which meets every night of the week in our Chapel. There is such a need for a safe place like this for people in our community as they struggle with the all-to-real consequences of addiction in their lives. Finally, with school being out I will be working full time to lead us through “The Summer of Change”. I will be seeking God’s will for us as a church and I will be taking steps to restructure our worship, our organizational model and to build leaders who will take us into the future. I feel strongly that God brought me to this congregation to be a change agent and to help recreate this ministry from the ground up. We will change not only how we do church, but we will change who we are as a church so that we can have a greater impact in our community for Jesus. Ballard Park is going to be a better place to live because of what God does through this ministry. What can you do? I am asking everyone to be open to change. Let’s try new things, reach out in new ways and meet new people. Let’s allow God to recreate us. Let’s promise each other that we won’t allow the excuse of “We have never done it that way” to stop us from trying something new. When we have questions, let’s ask them. When we have ideas, let’s share them. And when we try something new, let’s support the change and see how it goes. We won’t get everything right the first time, but we will make progress every single day. God wants to use us to be a light in this community. Let’s not hide our light under a bucket or allow our light to be blown out by Satan. June Sermon Series: “The Journey To Be” June 7 – (Step #7) – Mark 3:31-35 – “Obedience is Thicker than Blood” June 14 – (Step #8) – Mark 5:18-20 – “Your Oikos” June 21 – Genesis 12:1-3 – “Leave” June 28 – 1 Peter 3:8-18 – “Suffer For Good” July Sermon Series: “The Journey To Be” Please visit our website to keep up to date on my new series because as of the writing of this newsletter God is still molding it! Adopt A Block We have partnered with Bayside Community Church to offer a free breakfast for everyone in our neighborhood on Saturday mornings from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM. We are one of twelve locations that Bayside’s “Downtown Ministries” uses to reach Bradenton with the good news of Jesus. We are invited to join in the fun. Come out any Saturday morning and serve breakfast, pick up garbage in our neighborhood and to meet our neighbors. God has placed us right here, right now in order to help lives be transformed by the saving grace of Jesus. Partnering with Bayside Community Church is allowing us to do just that. Things will look different… This summer you will notice something different in our sanctuary. There will be drums, keyboards and amplifiers on our platform where the pulpit and lectern used to be. We are allowing Ministries International to set up their musical equipment so that they can better minister to our local Hispanic community. Every Sunday night @ 5pm Ministries International offers a dynamic, high energy worship service in Spanish. If you haven’t attended one of their services we recommend it. You might not understand everything that they are saying, but you won’t be able to miss the presence of the Holy Spirit! Pastor David’s Installation On Sunday, July 12, during our 10:00 AM worship service, our Regional Minister, Juan Rodriguez, will be joining us to officially install David Miller as our Pastor. This will be a celebration of what God is doing in our midst, so plan on attending and bring your friends. There will be a Pot-Luck Luncheon immediately following worship. Our Website Check out our new website – It has been totally redone and not only will you be able to learn about the church, but you will also be able to keep up-to-date on the latest news from around our ministry. Future plans include a video archive of sermons. So, check it out. Bookmark it. Share it with your friends and return to it often to check out what God is doing here at Central. New Beginnings Wednesday, June 3 – Light Dinner at 5:30 PM Presentation of Report at 6:15 PM Thursday, June 4 - Light Dinner at 5:30 PM Group Leader Training at 6:15 PM Location: Fellowship Hall The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Central Christian Church Margaret Wenger, Dolphin’s View (1820 Shore Dr. South, South Pasadena, FL) Dawn Lee Thompson, Manatee Springs (5627 9th Street East, Bradenton, FL 34203) Al, Joanne, and Kelly (friends of Tommy Erwin), Angela Bedwell, Robert Blake, Clyde Boltz, Lillian Buchhold (Sibyl Hull’s mother), Joni Burnett (Special Olympics Coach), Barbarann Cordova, Arlie Dowell, Ron & Kathe Fisher (Special Olympics Coach), Megan Follows, Al Freed (friend of Sue Fitzgerald), Lori Gable (friend of Joanne Maglich), Cynthia Gibb, Richard Haines (Tanya Carpenter’s father), Sandra Hayes (friend of Joann St. Onge, Lee Hobbs, Billie Jo Laird’s sister and her family, Sherry Laird, Donna LeVan and family, Betty McKimmy and family, Robert McKinney, Evelyn Neill (friend of LaVerne Maus), Cinda Nelson, Rev. Ron Norton (First Christian, Sebring), Heath Percell (Barbarann Cordova’s eldest son), Michele Potruski & Twin Sons (friend Sue Fitzgerald), Joel Reeve (son-in-law of Hal and Millie Zug), Noel Roberts and family, Pastor Joy and Michael Rowe, Marilyn Ruffing, Henry St.Onge, Jim Swafford, Nancy and Nestor Palahnuk (Barbarann Cordova’s brother), Wendy Vanlanot, Patrick (brother-in-law of LaVerne Maus & Lesa Canterbury), Johnny Whittaker, Evelyn Yoder, and Millie Zug. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY We just found out that Gloria Taylor has recently passed away. July Continues June June 7 Diaconates: Barbara Harrell, Cinda Nelson, Christine Stevens, Jo Perani Alt. Joanne Taylor Elders: Barbarann Cordova, Dale Harrell Alt. Lee Hobbs Greeters/Ushers: Patricia Martin Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Tracie Dyr Worship Leader: Sue Fitzgerald Communion Prep: Billie Jo Laird June 14 Diaconates: Billie Jo Laird, Lesa Canterbury, Wendy Vanlanot, Patricia Martin Alt. Robert Blake Elders: LaVerne Maus, Anita Haisch Alt. Jamie Hobbs Greeters/Ushers: Robert Blake Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Patty McNaughton Worship Leader: Barbarann Cordova June 21 Diaconates: Robert Blake, Christine Stevens, Barbara Harrell, Jo Perani Alt. Joanne Taylor Elders: Erroll Eckford, Sue Fitzgerald Alt. Dale Harrell Greeters/Ushers: Christine Stevens Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Joanne Taylor Worship Leader: LaVerne Maus June 28 Diaconates: Patricia Martin, Billie Jo Laird, Lesa Canterbury, Christine Stevens Alt. Brian Knuckles Elders: Lee Hobbs, Jamie Hobbs Alt. Barbarann Cordova Greeters/Ushers: Jo Perani Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Robert Blake Worship Leader: Wendy Vanlanot July July 5 Diaconates: Robert Blake, Jo Perani, Barbara Harrell, Billie Jo Laird Alt. Christine Stevens Elders: Sue Fitzgerald, Barbarann Cordova Alt. Dale Harrell Greeters/Ushers: Billie Jo Laird Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Tracie Dyr Worship Leader: Anita Haisch Communion Prep: Evelyn Yoder July 12 Diaconates: Lesa Canterbury, Christine Stevens, Jamie McPherson, Billie Jo Laird Alt. Jo Perani Elders: Barb Abbring, Erroll Eckford Alt. LaVerne Maus Greeters/Ushers: Robert Blake Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Patty McNaughton Worship Leader: Shelly Brown July 19 Diaconates: Jo Perani, Patricia Martin, Robert Blake, Billie Jo Laird Alt. Christine Stevens Elders: Lee Hobbs, Jamie Hobbs Alt. Anita Haisch Greeters/Ushers: Jo Perani Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Joanne Taylor Worship Leader: Barbara Abbring July 26 Diaconates: Patricia Martin, Barbara Harrell, Jamie McPherson, Jo Perani Alt. Billie Jo Laird Elders: Dale Harrell, Shelly Brown Alt. Barb Abbring Greeters/Ushers: Billie Jo Laird Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Robert Blake Worship Leader: LaVerne Maus August August 2 Diaconates: Robert Blake, Billie Jo Laird, Jamie McPherson, Patricia Martin Alt. Brian Knuckles Elders: Lee Hobbs, Jamie Hobbs Alt. LaVerne Maus Greeters/Ushers: Billie Jo Laird Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Tracie Dyr Worship Leader: Christian Stevens Communion Prop: Jo Perani August 9 Diaconates: Jo Perani, Barbara Harrell, Lesa Canterbury, Wendy Vanlanot Alt. Billie Jo Laird Elders: Sue Fitzgerald, Anita Haisch Alt. Erroll Eckford Greeters/Ushers: Robert Blake Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Patty McNaughton Worship Leader: Lee Hobbs August 16 Diaconates: Robert Blake, Christine Stevens, Lesa Canterbury, Billie Jo Laird Alt. Barbara Harrell Elders: LaVerne Maus, Lee Hobbs Alt. Shelly Brown Greeters/Ushers: Jo Perani Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Joanne Taylor Worship Leader: Jamie Hobbs August 23 Diaconates: Jo Perani, Jamie McPherson, Barbara Harrell, Patricia Martin Alt. Billie Jo Laird Elders: Barbara Abbring, Dale Harrell Alt. Jamie Hobbs Greeters/Ushers: Patricia Martin Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Robert Blake Worship Leader: Shelly Brown August 30 Diaconates: Robert Blake, Billie Jo Laird, Lesa Canterbury, Patricia Martin Alt. Christine Stevens Elders: Shelly Brown, Barbarann Cordova Alt. Sue Fitzgerald Greeters/Ushers: Jo Perani Acolytes: Billie Jo Laird, Tracie Dyr Worship Leader: Barb Abbring THANK YOU FOR SERVING. If you are unable to serve please call your ALTERNATE. Any further questions please call: Patricia Martin (Chair of Deacons) 941-795-0509, Evelyn Yoder (Chair of Elders) 941-721– 0806, Barbarann Cordova (Worship Chair) 941-704-9745 or the church office 941-748-3130. Board News BOARD MEETINGS FOR JUNE & JULY Next Board Meetings Saturday, June 13, 2015 & Saturday, July 11, 2015 9:00 AM Coffee & Donuts Birthdays & Anniversaries June & July Birthdays and Anniversaries are posted on the Calendar August Birthdays 9:30 AM General Board Meeting Board Officers, Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Team Chairs it is very important that you attend the board meeting, so that the business of the Church may be conducted. 8/05 8/07 8/09 8/13 8/13 8/18 Dale Harrell Sherry Laird Jan Smith Anita Haisch Donna LeVan Lance Abbring 8/23 8/29 8/30 8/31 8/31 Al Perani Diana Taylor Jack Barnes Ed Mock Louise Ends The meeting is open to all who are interested in Central Christian Church. August Anniversaries No Anniversaries BIBLE STUDY Joy Sunday School Class ~ Sunday mornings 9:00—9:45 AM. If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, please call the church office so we can update our records. Children’s Sunday School ~Sunday morning 10:00 AM June & July Potlucks Sunday, June 7, 2015 and Sunday, July 12, 2015 Following Worship You are invited to bring a dish to share and participate in this time of fellowship. Be Sure the Church Address is Correct. When sending mail to the church, please follow this exact format. DO NOT include street address. It confuses the machines in the post office and it will be rejected. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) P.O. Box 849 Bradenton, FL 34206-0849 SUNDAY SERVICES: More Gratitude, Less Attitude N.A. Meeting every day at 6:15 p.m. June 7 — Pot Luck Dinner following Worship June 16 — Board Meeting June 21 — Father’s Day 9:00 AM — Sunday School 10:00 AM — Morning Worship Service 11:10 AM — Coffee Fellowship June 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 4 New Beginnings 5:30 PM Dinner 6:15 PM Presentation Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm 7 8 9 10 Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am Paul Riccio Birthday 14 15 Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 16 Ray & Darlene Brown Anniversary 12 23 24 Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Darlene Brown Birthday Brian Knuckles Birthday 29 Office Closed 18 Tom Dixon Birthday 22 30 6 Jacylen Brownfield Birthday 17 Saturday Office Closed 13 Board Meeting 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts 9:00 a.m. Lesa Canterbury Birthday 19 Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 5 New Beginnings 5:30 PM Dinner 6:15 PM Group Leader Training 11 Gene & Evelyn Brown Anniversary Jack & Midge Barnes Anniversaries 28 Friday Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Pot Luck Dinner Following Worship 21 Father’s Day Thursday 20 Office Closed Mike & Jan Smith Anniversary 25 26 27 Office Closed SUNDAY SERVICES: More Gratitude, Less Attitude N.A. Meeting every day at 6:15 p.m. July 4 — Independence Day July 5 — Pot Luck Dinner following Worship July 11 — Board Meeting 9:00 AM — Sunday School 10:00 AM — Morning Worship Service 11:10 AM — Coffee Fellowship July 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm 5 6 7 8 Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 12 9 13 14 15 10 Gil & Marlis Anderson Anniversary 16 Sue Fitzgerald Birthdays 17 Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 19 20 Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 26 27 Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am Hal & Millie Zug Anniversary 221 22 28 23 29 Joyce Tuller Birthday Gene Brown Birthday 18 24 25 Office Closed 30 Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Board Meeting 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts 9:00 a.m. Hal Zug Birthday Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Don Schwartz Carl Tuller Birthdays Office Closed Mary Lou Hetherington Birthday Office Closed Pot Luck Dinner Following Worship Happy 4th Of JULY 11 Office Closed Ray Brown Birthday Installation Rev. David Miller 4 Arlie Dowell Birthday Ensemble Rehearsal 5:30 pm Marilyn Ruffing Birthday Saturday 31 Office Closed Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) P.O. Box 849 Bradenton, FL 34206-0849
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