University Scholarships – Myanmar

We provide university scholarship support for highly
capable Myanmar students with strong academic
performance to attend higher education in Thailand. With
the opportunity of higher education, Myanmar youth have
better access to employment and increased options to
serve as future leaders in Myanmar, promoting tolerance
and diversity, and contributing to the development of their
University Scholarships for Myanmar
Selection Criteria:
 Strong academic performance
 Strong desire to pursue higher
 Lack of educational funding
 Committed to community support
after graduation
Despite the drastic changes which have taken place in
Myanmar since 2011, the country is not yet able to offer
quality education at the tertiary level. There are also
approximately two million migrants in Thailand who are still
considered unregistered. We award university scholarships
to students from all ethnicities within Myanmar and to
Myanmar refugees and migrants living on Thai soil. Without
financial resources, they would not be able to continue their
studies in higher education. The grants cover educational
costs such as tuition fees, school books, uniforms and
students’ living expenses.
All scholars are required to sign a grant letter/code of
conduct and an annual budget agreement. Students access
the selection process via a partner organisation or come
directly from one of the high schools we support. We then
select students by assessing submitted documentation
(university admission, essays and all required forms). A
team of three members carefully considers each
application; shortlisted candidates are then interviewed and
Contact us:
Child’s Dream Foundation
238/3 Wualai Road, T. Haiya, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand
[email protected]
Rangsit University, Bangkok
Tel. +66 (0)53 201 811
Fax +66 (0)53 201 812
selected accordingly. We provide ongoing support for
students for the duration of their studies.
Guiding Principles:
Promoting the development of the
countries from which the individuals
Educating individuals at post-high
school level
Supporting the development of the
educational system in the country of
Prioritising students that have a
positive multiplier effect (i.e.
teachers, social workers, NGO
Prioritising studies that have a direct
impact in the country when students
graduate and begin to work
Prioritising students who study in
their country of origin
Acknowledging that some students
may be forced to study abroad due
to factors such as lack of education
facilities or extreme corruption
Promoting social reconciliation
(addressing unbalanced ethnic,
gender, and/or class issues)
Supporting the education of
disadvantaged individuals (such as
those from very poor or rural
Being as objective as possible in the
student, university and major
selection process according to clear
Budget & Reporting
Our experience is that a Myanmar student studying in
Thailand in an English programme (as Myanmar students do
not know the Thai language) will cost about USD 9,000 per
year. This is an average figure that may vary according to
the type of academic study.
To ensure that the students can complete their studies it is
important that a donor commits to fund the full study path
of a student (four to five years leading to a BA/BSc, or
approximately two years leading to an MA/MSc).
One student studying for four years is USD 9,000 per year or
a total of USD 36,000 for four years. This budget is scalable
according to the number of students, i.e. ten students =
USD 90,000 per year.
We provide individual reporting on students to donors on a
semester basis.
Contact us:
Child’s Dream Foundation
238/3 Wualai Road, T. Haiya, A. Muang
Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand
[email protected]
Tel. +66 (0)53 201 811
Fax +66 (0)53 201 812