May 24, 2015 Allen Cordell Charlene Boutwell Family of Ronnie Symank Keith Shelley Morgan James Family of Betty Hardy Tommy Bass Family of BK Robinson Gary Buchanan Family of Sophie Besson Karen Goains Keri Randall Joseph Berero Sheila Harris Faye Heine Beverly Musil Brian Waggoner Don Scott David Munden Lenny Todek Ralph Cordell Kevin Nix Lee Stewart Reba Allen Sara Anglin Dolores Rivera Linda Kroll Haley Donajkowski Sally Jo Truhlar Lone Davis McLennan Deke Hall WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP MEAL Wednesdays at 5:30pm Our fellowship meals will return on Wednesdays, THIS FALL! China Spring Cares needs food for this summer. Please see list in the May Newsletter and at the church entrances. Prayer Time St. Catherine’s Virginia Reese Clifton Nursing Home Faye Heine The Regent Patsy Watson At Home Dorothy Garrett Lee Stewart Ridgecrest Buddy Roberts Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 9am in the fellowship hall May 31st: Senior Recognition: 8:30 service Matthew Aaron Garrett and Craig Marshall DeSpain Jr. will be honored. Confirmation: 11:00 service Ryland Holt, Kenny Ulibarri, Ben Perkins and Talia Finley. If you are visiting, please designate by marking “visitor”, and putting your name, address and phone number in the red pew pad. If you are interested in joining our church, please fill out the back of the bulletin and give it to Pastor Jane. Sunday Attendance 8:30: 38 ; 11:00: 77 Sunday School: 37 ; Other Groups: 167 Meals on Wheels Ministry: Volunteers:18, Clients: 13 Children’s Ministry: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is FAST APPROACHING! June 7-10, 6-8pm Ages Pre-K- 6th grades This year’s VBS theme is called Mt. Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power. We are in need of outdoor adventure props, such as climbing helmets, ropes, poles, safety harnesses, sleeping bags, hiking boots and possibly a tent. If you have any of these items you are willing to let us borrow please let me know. *** Items will be returned! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! *** Bring any snacks you would like to donate to VBS to the Children’s area! Lions Club is collecting YOUTH MINISTRIESused prescription glasses. Student Ministries- Wednesday Night Gathering, You may deposit them in 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Youth Activities Building. the collection box located Mission Trip will be here before you know it. in Fellowship Hall. Go to and click on individual registration. Follow the steps from there. United Methodist Women: collecting Health Kits for UMCOR. Lists for health kits can be found on the tables next to the bulletins. All donations are due in next Sunday, May 31st. Church fish fry: Sunday, May 31st after 11:00 service. Sign-up sheets are going around for fish fry side dishes, set-up and clean up help. If you signed up to bring food or assist next week, PLEASE check the list as a reminder to yourself. Cecilia will touch base with you this week. Mon. May 25th: Memorial Day, office closed. Some Thoughts from Pastor Jane BOOKS FOR GHANA We still have some books to ship to Ghana. In order to pay shipping costs, we will need to take a special offering. This will be done at our Fish Fry on May 31st. Please make your checks payable to the Church and designate them to go for Ghana Books. Thank you!!! ************************************************************************************************************ BUILDING UPDATE Many of you have inquired as to the state of our relocation plans. We do have a sketch (not a blueprint) from RBDR Architectural Firm for an 8,000 square feet facility, plus the necessary parking facilities. The estimated costs for it all totals at least $1.5 million. We are currently investigating options on how how we might reduce that cost without compromising our building needs. We are also investigating options on how we might fund a building project without endangering the funds needed for our ongoing ministry budget. This is a lengthy and complicated process, which involves getting estimates from many different people. When we have a building plan, and a financing plan that we believe is feasible, we will be presenting it to the entire congregation. Meanwhile, we ask that you continue to be faithful in your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness. *********************************************************************************************************** WORDS FROM PASTOR JANE By now, we have all become accustomed to waking up to cloudy skies, thunderstorms, or even tornado watches. Were I an entrepreneur, I might consider starting a boat-building business because of all the rain we continue to have, or, maybe even a mold-removal business. Investing in the sale of umbrellas and rain attire such as coats and boots might not be a bad idea, either. While we can change many things in and about our lives, the state of the weather is not one of them. We just have to make the best of things. On those days when the rain starts to dampen my spirits, I try to remember that old movie in which the actor/dancer, Gene Kelley, sang and danced in the rain. One thing that is often said about the weather is that if you don't like it, just wait a while and it will change. The same could be said about the seasons of our lives. When difficult times come our way, sometimes we just have to wade through them for a while, until they change. But, at other times, like the weather we've been having lately, those difficult times seem to come and stay, and we wonder if they are going to become our "new normal." That's when we have to find a way to make the best of things. The good news about our God is that, no matter what the ongoing state of our lives might be, God's love for us is always the same. God is there for us when skies are gray and when they are a sunny, bright blue. As a friend of mine used to say, "The sun is always shining. It's just that sometimes you may not be able to see it, but it is always there." I pray that your life's struggles are few, and that in all times, you will know of God's love for your life. For the month of May we will collect the following items: cereal, oatmeal, canned fruits and vegetables for Caritas. Please bring items to the fellowship hall. We have collected 561 lbs. so far this year. Church Staff Lead Pastor [email protected] Cell phone #: 254-931-4656 Parsonage: 254-836-4431 Choir Director/pianist [email protected] Chime Choir Director [email protected] Children’s Choir Dir. [email protected] Dir. of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Dir. of Student Ministries [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Bookkeeper [email protected] Lay Leader [email protected] Prayer Chain 254-836-1107 Jane Woodward Gail Wade Jim Hyden Jan Holt Angela Ulibarri Patrick Turkett Cecilia Boutwell Nelda Wheeler Donna Hixson Church Office P.O. Box 400 / 262 Illinois China Spring, TX 76633 Ph. #836-1107 Fax # 836-8112
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