1055 NORTH SILVERY LANE • D EARBORN, MI 48128 • (313) 277-3110 • F AX (313) 277-3211 • www.churchofthedivinechild.org PASTOR Rev. James Bilot ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. John Kopson PERMANENT DEACON Rev. Mr. Roger O'Donnell Rev. Mr. James Thibodeau IN RESIDENCE Rev. Thomas Urban MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM Holy Day: 6:30, 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Saturday: 3:-3:45 PM and after the 4:30 PM Mass until all are heard RECTORY OFFICE HOURS 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Mon-Wed 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thurs & Fri Closed for lunch from 12 - 1 PM MARCH 29, 2015 T he I nfant PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Church is the work of God initiated by Christ and held together by the Holy Spirit. The Divine Child Parish is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing people to the Lord and answering the call to holiness. Page 2 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Altar Server Schedule SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 (Palm Sunday) 9:30 am People of the Divine Child Parish MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 6:30 am Helen Lenore Nichols, req. by Daughter, Eleanor Maurer & Family 8:30 am Adrian Bochenek, requested by Daughter, Lori Varlesi TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 6:30 am Scherie Lew Parsell, requested by Marvin & Delphine Borycki 8:30 am Joe Mosquera, Jr., requested by Carol DeSantis WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2015 6:30 am Margaret Rivard, requested by Ed & Carl Walter 8:30 am Joseph Karvan, requested by Helen Karvan THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 (Holy Thursday) No Morning Mass 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:30 pm Eucharist Adoration 11:45 pm Night Prayer FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 (Good Friday) No Morning Mass 12:00 pm Stations of the Cross 12:45 pm Lamentations 1:30 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 (Holy Saturday) No Morning Mass, Confessions or 4:30 pm Mass 1:00 pm Blessing of Food Baskets 7:30 pm Easter Vigil SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 (The Resurrection of the Lord) 11:30 am People of the Divine Child Parish MASSES TO THE MISSIONS MAR 29 - Poor Souls in Purgatory, requested by A Friend MAR 29 - Deceased Members of the Contardi Family, req. by Mary Contardi MAR 29 - Deceased Members of the Zahoss Family, req. by Christian Contardi APR 03 - Bernadette O’Connor, requested by The Hermann Family APR 04 - Mary Ann Makowski, requested by Joe & Terry Tucker Please Pray For Our Sick Lillian Garritano Rest in Peace “Happy are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them.” (Rev. 14:13) Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the families of: Joseph Grech, husband of Judith Grech Monday, March 30 8:30 am M. Charnley & J. McMichael Tuesday, March 31 8:30 am C. Reinhardt & T. Newell Wednesday, April 1 8:30 am A. Hancock & M. Hancock Holy Thursday, April 2 The Lord’s Supper 7:30 pm P. Micallef, V. Micallef, L. Bergeron, M. Bergeron, J. Balash Good Friday, April 3 Stations of the Cross 12:00 pm L. Ciarelli, P. Ciarelli, T. Ciarelli Good Friday, April 3 The Lord’s Passion 1:30 pm N. Bustamante, Z. Bustamante, C. Fox, J. Biscaro Holy Saturday, April 4 Easter Vigil 7:30 pm P. Micallef, V. Micallef, J. Sydorchuk, H. Rich, M. Orischak Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 am D. Boccarossa, J. Balash, J. Balash, M. Balash, 9:30 am L. Bergeron, M. Bergeron, J. Moore, P. Moore 11:30 am M. Jablonski, N. Jablonski, C. Reinhardt, E. Reinhardt 1:00 pm W. Daguanno, G. Van Buhler, J. Van Buhler, M. Van Buhler The Altar Server schedule can be accessed at www.churchofthedivinechild.org and click on Ministries. EMHC/Lector Schedule Holy Thursday, April 2 7:30 pm A. Ketten, M. Redmon, B. Lewandowski, M. Schroeder Lector: R. Lewandowski Good Friday, April 3 1:30 pm J. Schroeder Lector: J. Thibodeau, C. Greco, J. Vihtelic Easter Vigil Saturday, April 4 7:30 pm C. Buchanan, A. Ketten, M. Redmon, J. Vihtelic, W. Grysko, B. Franchina, S. Franchina, K. Crombie Lector: J. Condon, K. Crombie, N. Bialy, D. Lore Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 am S. Gibb, D. Gruska, A. Culka, Y. Kertesz, J. Schroeder, M. Schroeder, B. Lewandowski, J. Reed Lector: B. Mrowka 9:30 am A. Blaha, L. Rauh, T. Rauh, R. Marek, K. Sarb, C. Mathewson, L. Dominiak, J. Gigliotti Lector: E. & R. Bridgnanan 11:30 am A. Lapshan, J. Lapshan, T. Childs, L. O’Brien, J. Vihtelic, J. Pierce, C. Ballnik, M. Hughes Lector: C. Stratton & L. O’Brien 1:00 pm D. Ginete, T. Wing, S. Camardo, J. Hartsaw, J. Cairns, M. Manchell Lector: M. Manchell Baptisms - March 22 Alexander Paul Boless Son of Stefan and Leslie (Ferry) Boless Giavanna Marie Vergona Daughter of James and Crystal (Nickerson) Vergona The Baptism class scheduled for Monday, April 13 at 7:30 pm, will be in the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room. Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Things Above from Fr. Bilot THE GREAT GIFT OF PALM SUNDAY! Our Lord triumphantly enters into Jerusalem. A man filled with confidence in the Father’s plan. A man knowing this is where he will confront the worst of human nature -- evil at its worst. A man who continues to love up to the end. No regrets. No bitterness. No grudges. He takes it all, the good and the bad, into his most sacred heart, transforms it in love, and sends it back out into the world. The message he sends out? + “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” +Thank you, Simon, for helping me carry this piece of wood that my father and I could have used to make a beautiful piece of furniture for your home. How ironic that the material of his trade (wood) would be the instrument used for his death. +A gift to Veronica for wiping his face filled with blood, sweat and people’s spit: a veil with his image. + A lesson in courage: to never give up no matter how many times you fall. Get up and trust in the Father, and he will see you through. +Forgiveness. Remember the thief on the cross? He recognized his sin and asked for not only forgiveness, but life with the Lord in paradise. What faith! (His name is St. Dismas; name is attributed to him. There is a statue of him in St. Peter’s in Rome, one of the statues in the four columns around the altar.) +Trust in God and not in the world, and victory will be ours: Eternal Life. Jesus gave us a message. Despite the difficult, sad and painful experiences of life, mostly imposed on us by other’s people sin, Jesus lived in faith, hope and love. Never rendering evil for evil. He gave himself to others freely without any ulterior motives. During this most holy of weeks, I ask you to take time, make time, to reflect over today’s Gospel. Think about God’s gift to us. What does Jesus’ life mean for me? How does Jesus’ life and death help me to strive to be the person God the Father created me to be? I truly hope that you will attend the beautiful liturgies this coming week. Holy Thursday evening is the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by quiet prayer until midnight. It is beautiful to come in the later hours of the evening and pray in the beauty of the “garden” in church. On Good Friday, come and engage in the Gospel Passion of our Lord and listen to the greatest love story one can ever imagine. Come and adore the cross and receive the Holy Eucharist that sustains us until the great joy of Easter. On Saturday, come for the blessing of the food baskets. A time to stop and reflect on how blessed we are to have food to eat. And of course, the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. Listening to the story of salvation history unfold is breathtaking. Experience the dark church being lit by the light of Christ, and our catechumens brought into the life of Christ through baptism. It is all good and holy. I so look forward to praying with you during this most holy time. In Prayer, Fr. Jim Page 3 Those preceding him as well as those following kept crying out: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!” - Mk 11:9-10 NO DAILY MASS HOLY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY HOLY SATURDAY Monday, April 6 Daily Mass at 8:30 AM Only Rectory Office Hours: Holy Thursday - 9AM-Noon Good Friday - Closed Monday, April 6 - Closed Tuesday - Friday (April 7 - April 10) 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM The Catholic Services Appeal (“CSA”) helps our Archdiocese and parishes provide ministries, programs, and services to support Catholics in immeasurable ways. To date we have raised $98,115 of our parish CSA goal of [$205,502]. This progress shows that the spirit of sacrifice and generosity abounds at Divine Child. Thank you to all of the parishioners who have participated so far. If you have not yet made your pledge, please pray about how you can help further the ministries of our CSA and consider making the most generous gift possible. With your help we will be able to meet our parish goal. If you have not received the CSA mailing, or have any questions about the CSA, please call the Rectory at 313.277.3110. Page 4 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Fr. John Kopson’s Commentary d,/^t<E͗ ! Holy Week: The Great Week We now enter into the holiest week of the year…Holy Week! Eastern Churches call this week “The Great Week,” and certainly it is. This is the Holy Week when Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, He who is God Himself, defeated sin, death, and the devil! This is the Great Week when Jesus redeemed us by His Precious Blood! If we allow ourselves to truly “enter into” this Holy Week, then this “Great Week” can be a powerful experience for each and every one of us. How can you and I truly “enter into” this Holy Week? Well, we must resist the temptation to treat this week as any other ordinary week. We must fight against the ordinariness, the mundaneness, the routineness, and the typical business that will try to creep into this Holy Week. If you haven’t already, prepare yourself for this Holy Week by going to confession. Each day turn off your TV and read the Gospel passage of the day (especially on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday). Try hard to attend (i.e. “enter into”) all of the Liturgies on these Holy Days of the Triduum (this week’s Triduum consists of 1) Holy Thursday’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 2) Good Friday’s Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, and 3) the great Easter Vigil on Saturday evening. The times of these beautiful Liturgies can be found in this bulletin.) Attempt to read the day’s Gospel before coming to Church. If you are able to, after you read the Gospel of the day, spend five minutes in silence allowing conversation between you and God (go to www.usccb.org to find the day’s readings). After attending the Stations of the Cross at our Church on Good Friday, try to watch some of Pope Francis’ Stations of the Cross from Rome on the EWTN television network. Finally, allow yourself to find joy in receiving Jesus in the Eucharist when you come to Mass at the Easter Vigil and/or on Easter Sunday. Again, if you allow yourself (and your families) to “enter into” this Holy Week, then you will have a powerful experience! Please know of my prayers for you during this Great Week. God Bless You, Fr. John SVdP CLOTHING DRIVE THIS WEEKEND March 28 & 29 Saturday, March 28 – 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday, March 29 – 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Divine Child West Parking Lot (West of Elementary School) Gently used clothing, bedding, towels and shoes In plastic bags or boxes, no hangers, please! Volunteers from the Men’s Club will be there to assist you! Fr. Bilot would like to remind you that we still need ushers for Holy Thursday 7:30PM Mass (no collection), Good Friday between 12-3PM (no collection), and a full, regular crew for the Easter Masses, especially the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 7:30PM. Also, even if you are not an official DC usher, if you are willing to help should there be a shortage of ushers at a Mass, please let one of the Ushers know before Mass. We welcome you to help! Monthly Canned Food Collection Please remember that next weekend, April 4 & 5 is set aside for our monthly canned food collection for the truly poor in Detroit’s inner city and SVdP at St. Sebastian. Please leave your donations in the gathering room. Here are list of suggested items that are most requested: Grape Jelly, Pork & Beans, Jiffy Mix, Instant Rice and Potatoes, Canned Vegetables, Pancake Mix and Tuna Fish. God bless you for your generosity! Easter Candy for Capuchin Kids This weekend, we will be collecting candy for Easter treats for the Capuchin kids at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. Bins will be in the gathering space. God bless you for your generosity! Matt Dzieciuch 278-2391 & Jim Quinn 274-0952 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan LENTEN FISH DINNER Friday, April 3 4PM - 7PM BAKED & FRIED FISH Baked & Fried Potatoes Cole Slaw or Apple Sauce Cheese Pizza, Mac & Cheese available for the kids. DESSERTS AVAILABLE Coffee-Hot Tea included: Soda and Drinks extra $1.00 We offer Coke products, Arnold Palmer tea and lemonade $7.75 ADULTS $9.75 Fresh Salmon $6.75 SENIORS $8.75 Fresh Salmon $5.00 5-12yrs old child portion Under 5 free Extra piece fried fish $1.50 Extra piece baked fish $4.00 DIVINE CHILD HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA AMERICAN RED CROSS DIVINE CHILD PARISH SPRING BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 Do a very positive thing this Easter season – DONATE BLOOD and SAVE UP TO 3 LIVES. Our parish drive is the perfect opportunity – it’s close, it’s convenient, and you get to see your friends and neighbors. Remember when you give blood you receive the satisfaction of helping others by providing precious medicine available ONLY from human donors. Blood cannot be bought, blood cannot be manufactured. If you have not donated since February 22 you are eligible. For a limited time you will be able to make an appointment online. You may log onto: www.redcrossblood.org and identify the sponsor code: divine child. You can then choose your appointment time and sign up!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!!!!! Page 5 Palm Sunday of the Lordʹs Passion ȬȱȱŘşȱ ȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱȱŚDZřŖȱȱ¢Dzȱȱ ŞDZŖŖȱǰȱşDZřŖȱǰȱŗŗDZřŖȱȱȱŗDZŖŖȱȱ¢ȱ ȱ¢ȱȱŞDZŖŖȱȱ ¢ǰȱȱřŖȱ ȱȱŜDZřŖȱȱȱŞDZřŖȱȱ ȱȱȱŗŗDZřŖȱȱȬȱȱȱ ȱŝDZŖŖȱȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ǰȱȱřŗȱ ȱȱŜDZřŖȱȱȱŞDZřŖȱȱ ȱȱȱşDZŖŖȱȱȬȱŝDZŖŖȱȱ ȱȱŝDZŖŖȱȱ ¢ǰȱȱŗȱ ȱȱŜDZřŖȱȱȱŞDZřŖȱȱ Holy Thursday, April 2 ȱȱȱ Mass of the Lordʹs Supper at 7:30 PMȱ ȱȱȱŞDZřŖȱȱȬȱŗŗDZŚśȱȱ ȱ¢ȱȱŗŗDZŚśȱȱ Good Friday, April 3 (Day of Fast/Abstinence) ȱȱȱ ȱȱȱDZȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱŗŘDZŚśȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱCelebration of the Lordʹs Passion ȬȱŗDZřŖȱȱ Holy Saturday, April 4 ȱȱǰȱǰȱȱŚDZřŖȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȬȱŗDZŖŖȱȱ ȱȱȬȱŝDZřŖȱȱ Easter Sunday, April 5 ȱȱŞDZŖŖȱǰȱşDZřŖȱǰȱȱ ŗŗDZřŖȱȱȱŗDZŖŖȱȱ RULES FOR FAST & ABSTINENCE According to the 1983 revision to Canon law, and the U.S. Bishops, rules are as follows: Abstinence - Age 14 & Older Abstinence from eating meat is to be observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday & the Fridays of Lent. Eggs, milk products, condiments made of animal fat, chicken broth, consommé, soups flavored with meat, gravies or sauces are permitted. Fast - Ages 18 - 59 Days of fast are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. One full meal a day is permitted; the combination of other meals must be less than the full meal. When health or ability to work would be affected, Canon law does not apply. If you have questions concerning fast/abstinence, please consult one of our parish priests. Page 6 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Liturgy Aids Assistants I am currently scheduling liturgy aid assistants for the Easter Day Masses. Singles, families, youth and couples are all welcome to participate in this very special ministry. It does not take a lot of time or effort- just a welcoming smile- and we reserve your seating for you. I only ask that you come to Mass at least 45 minutes early. Please complete the form below and return it to the collection basket or the rectory. You can contact me for more information or to volunteer at 313-565-5206 or [email protected] Easter Day Do you have questions about God or the Catholic faith? Do your non-Catholic and non-practicing Catholic friends and family ask you questions about God or the Catholic faith? If so, join us for The Divine Child Parish Book Group lead by Deacon Jim Thibodeau as we read and discuss the new book selection: Because God Is Real Sixteen Questions One Answer by Peter Kreeft !"#$"% 9:30 _____ 11:30 _____ Name: ________________________________________ Number Helping:______ E-mail: ___________________ Phone:_______________Best Time to Call:__________ I am also looking for helpers for Tre Ore Services on Good Friday. If you could help for an hour or two or even three, I would greatly appreciate it. Please give me a call at 313-565-5206 or e-mail me at the above address . Job Networking Group If you have lost your job or are thinking of switching careers, please join us! You may find just what you are looking for! If you would like to speak with the group facilitator and ask questions before attending a meeting please feel free to call Bob Jensen at (313) 278-0707. Our job networking group is very proud to claim that since its inception, we have placed over 500 people in some line of work. MEETING DATES: MAR 30 (Meeting in the Elementary School MPR), APR 20, MAY 4, 18, JUN 15 & 22 Meetings are from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the Divine Child High School APR Tuesday, April 14 1. Why are questions good? 2. Why do I exist? 3. Why is faith reasonable? 4. How can you prove God is Real? 5. Why believe in the Bible? 6. Why is Jesus different? Tuesday, May 12 7. Why be Catholic? 8. Why go to Mass? 9. Why be moral? 10. Why is sex so confusing? 11. Why do we have families? Tuesday, June 9 12. Why are there virtues and vices? 13. Why pray? 14. Why aren’t we happy? 15. Why is there evil? 16. Why must we die? 7:00 - 8:30pm in the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room (enter through the east doors of school building) What to do: • Purchase the book (available in paperback, audio book, Kindle and Nook) • Read the chapters prior to the session date • Come to the meeting to discuss - or - just listen • There is no pre-registration needed • Attend as many sessions as you can... please join us! Together, we seek to deepen our relationship with God through the Catholic faith. Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Page 7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament "The Blessed Virgin is eager to make Jesus in the Eucharist known to all and to group them into a Eucharistic Guard of Honor, a court of devoted adorers." St. Peter Julian Eymard Please visit our Lord in our chapel any day or time or come to Tuesday Exposition in the church from 9am to 7pm. For more information, please call Dina at 734-718-2873 or email at [email protected]. Come & Be Uplifted You’re invited to pray with the Prayer Team in the Church every Tuesday from 7:30pm - 8:30pm. Experience how the Holy Spirit’s love and power guides our intercessory prayer for the needs of our parish, Archdiocese and the world wide Church. This hour of prayer will reveal the love and mercy of God to you, deepen your relationship with Jesus and increase your appreciation for the gift of prayer. Camping with Christ! Jubilarian Mass Celebration Sunday, April 19 - at 9:30 am Mass Our Jubilarian Mass for couples celebrating their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th (and every year thereafter) Wedding Anniversary in 2015 Please fill in the form below, PRINTING clearly, and deposit in a Sunday collection basket or drop off at the Rectory Office. DEADLINE IS APRIL 10, 2013. Thank You!!! Last Name___________________________________________ Husband’s Name______________________________________ Wife’s Name_________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City_________________________________Zip Code________ Phone Number________________________________________ What year anniversary are you celebrating?_________________ This form will appear in future issues of the “Infant.” If you have any questions, please contact: the Rectory at (313) 277-3110. During the Passover in ancient Jerusalem, pilgrims camped in tents in the hills outside the city. In fact, after the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples went up to Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. As the Lord said, he had no home of his own. Many young people in our community live in difficult family situations. And a chance to get away to a Christian camp could make a huge difference in their lives. That’s why the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has operated a camp on Lake Huron for more than 90 years. Camp Ozanam is named for the founder of the SVdP, who was only 20 years old when he established this ministry to the poor. Kids 8-14 years old are eligible to attend, and there’s no cost to campers. You can learn more at: http:// svdpdet.org/need-help/camps/ Campers must be visited in advance and recommended by members of the SVdP. If you know a needy boy or girl who would like a week away this summer, contact the Divine Child Rectory Office. And the child’s need doesn’t have to be an economic one. Perhaps, a kid is dealing with chronically ill parents or another challenging situation. In any event, this is a chance for young people to take their problems to the Lord, in a restful place, away from the noise and turmoil of ever day life. Please let SVdP know if you know of a potential camper! Page 8 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Catechumen Jade Collins (right): "The RCIA program has allowed needed structure in my family's faith. It has assisted toward my goal of becoming baptized and has strengthened my relationship with God and my confidence to carry these learnings into my home and community life. This has been a great spiritual changing experience.” Catechumen Doug McElroy (left): "I joined the RCIA to help bring my family closer. Since joining, I feel that it has. My wife and daughter and I sit during some dinners and talk about what we are learning. I think this has been a good experience for me and my family." Catechumen Brianna McElroy (right): "At first, I didn't know very much about the sacraments, but now, with the RCIA, I know and have learned interesting things about God. I'm very excited to receive the sacraments and I feel very blessed that I get to do so. I know that God has a path for me because I'm going to receive his grace and I'm learning more and more about Him every day." Catechumen Shane Fugate (left): "I've grown up a Christian my whole life, however, my father is Baptist and my mother is Catholic. Because of the conflict of interest, they agreed to allow me to choose on my own denomination of Christianity I would be when I reached 16 years old. After attending Divine Child High School, I knew Catholicism was the right choice for me. Working with Mr. Horst has only reassured me in this regard. I have learned quite a lot about not only my faith, but also myself. I would like to thank Father Jim and Father John, all of the D.C community, and especially Mr. Horst for making this such a smooth journey to baptism." Candidate: Julie McElroy (right): "I feel very blessed that I am able to share these spiritual experiences with my family and have met so many wonderful and welcoming people in the D.C. community. I look forward to continuing my faith and growing with the Catholic community." Candidate Melody Zukowski (left): “RCIA has been a great experience. It has been a terrific community to grow and learn with.” Candidate Carly Woodard (right): “RCIA has been a great journey thanks to my fellow classmates, Fr. Jim, Fr. John, and Tim. The process has brought joy in the fact that it has shown me how to live a Catholic lifestyle.” Candidate Roger Schultz (left): “The RCIA class has brought me much closer in my relationship with God and my personal spirituality. Having been raised in the Christian faith (Methodist), I had a basic understanding but not true and full. My journey has brought closure in my faith.” Confirmation Candidate Jennifer Gondek (right): “I have enjoyed learning more about my faith while attending RCIA. I am excited to be confirmed the same year as my daughter, and the special bond formed from sharing this journey.” Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan ! ! ! !"##$%&'()*+,-.' !"#$%&'(")$*+,' ! !"#$%&'()%*+,(-.(%/(012234( ! ȱȱȱȱȱ ŗŖśśȱǯȱ¢ȱȱȬȱǰȱȱŚŞŗŘŞȱ ! ȱȱ ! ȱȱȱȱȱęȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱ All parishioners and their families and friends are invited to attend this very unique and highly enjoyable evening. On Tuesday, March 31, 2015, members of our award-winning Divine Child High School Forensics Team will individually present speeches in categories such as: sales, oratory, broadcasting, impromptu, extemporaneous and informative speaking. The oral interpretation of literature includes these events: drama, poetry, prose, duo & multiple interpretation and children’s storytelling. Admission is $2.00 per person. Page 9 Page 10 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan DC Elementary School News To celebrate Reading Month, Mr. Damian Hermann (High School Principal), Fr. Bilot and Fr. Kopson were all guest readers for the junior high and sixth grade students. They creatively shared their joy of reading and had the students thoroughly engaged. A special thank you to Fr. Bilot, Fr. Kopson and Mr. Hermann for taking time out of your busy week to share your gifts. We are so grateful and blessed! Emerald School Award! Fourth grade students recently completed a family history project in social studies class. One of the elements of the project was to complete a family tree. They also had to write about some family foods and traditions, an interesting family story, a comparison to somebody in their family with themselves, and how/why their family came to Michigan. The completed project also included maps and family photos. It was a great way for students to learn more about their family and heritage. With the help of Mrs. Prevost, Mrs. Garcia, and the Environmental Club, DCES has once again been recognized and awarded the Emerald Status. Thank you for all your help and remember to continue to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Page 11 Tours of our schools are available most school days. Please contact Matt Saxer, Director of Admissions, at 313-216-0891 x268 to schedule your tour. Save the Date! Vacation Bible School June 22-26, 2015 9am-Noon at Saint Anselm Parish Registration forms coming soon! Tuition Assistance Program (PSAS) How Do I Apply? The PSAS form can be obtained at the Archdiocesan website at www.aod.org. Click on Catholic Schools and then on Tuition Assistance. Forms are also available at the Rectory Office and must be completed and mailed to PSAS along with a check for $26, to cover the cost of the evaluation and processing. The Archdiocese of Detroit will notify families who qualify for the grants in July. Application Deadline: April 7, 2015. KROGER PLUS CARD Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! We encourage you to participate in the Community Rewards program by enrolling every April 1, as it will benefit Divine Child parish and keep tuition cost down. To re-register your Kroger Plus Card visit: www.krogercommunityrewards.com, click on “enroll to re-register or “apply now” if you are signing up for the first time. Divine Child’s organization number is 82709. Don’t forget to always swipe your Kroger Plus card every time you shop there! Thank you for your past support! If you should have any questions, please call the rectory office 313.277.3110. DC Parishioner & 2011 DCHS Alum, Hayley Stempien, is Honored Nationally SIOUX CITY, Iowa – The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced 2015 Daktronics Women's Basketball Scholar -Athletes and five Madonna University student-athletes were among the 255 players honored nationally. Redshirt senior Rachel Melcher (Sterling Heights, Mich. / Marian Catholic) was selected for the third time while a pair of Crusaders are making their second appearances on the team in senior Hayley Stempien (Dearborn, Mich. / Divine Child Catholic) and junior Dominique Mosby (Farmington Hills, Mich. / Mercy Catholic) while junior Molly Knoph (Livonia, Mich. / Stevenson) is making her first appearance. In order to be nominated by an institution's head coach or sports information director, a student-athlete must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and must have achieved a junior academic status to qualify for this honor. Congratulations Hayley! You make DC proud!! Page 12 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan It is with great pleasure that we announce to the Church of the Divine Child Parish Community, our parishioner students, that have achieved Honor Roll status at Divine Child High School for the second quarter of the 2014– 2015 school year. SUMMA CUM LAUDE 5.33 – 3.90 Katherine Adams Katrina Arriola Alexander Azzopardi John Balash Julia Bardelli Madison Begin Marc Bergeron Grace Bertucci Lia Bertucci John Biscaro Megan Brick Molly Broekman Martin Brown Isabella Cavataio Luke Ciarelli Timothy Ciarelli Marco Ciavaglia Liam Coleman Jessie Collins Anna Crandall Emily Crawford Aurelia Czeski Julia del Rosario Courtney Dolkowski Theresa Felice Brendan Ferracciolo Dominique Foley Lauren Fudala Kelsey Furton Claire Grabowski Mark Grabowski Alexandria Grenn Julianne Grenn Noah Hayden Matthew Jablonski Natalie Jablonski Abigail Kachinosky Christine Kakish Ashlyn Kelly Sarah Kiefer Hanna Korpics Ethan Korte Brendan Landwehr Caitlin Landwehr Meaghan Landwehr Jonathan Lapshan Ella Lawson Victoria Lebryk Nicholas Lenaghan Kyle MacLean Nicklas Malone Julia Marshall Layale Matta Dawson May Kathryn May Kevin McParlan Brandon Miotke Maria Muscat Mary Ann Myler Anna Nelson Elizabeth Nicolin Arie O'Brien Megan O'Leary Matthew Orischak Alek Papanastasopoulos Zach Papanastasopoulos Lauren Pavlak Mariel Pettinaro Stephanie Polakowski Christopher Prus Anthony Raona Dominic Raona Emily Reedy Alexander Reinhardt Charles Rich Jacob Sabo Craig Sandie Kasey Schock Andre Senerpida Sarah Sibole Samantha Soter Sara Springer Justin Stack Claudia Stoops Olivia Stoops Andrew Suchy Erin Teevens Kathleen Van Antwerp Joseph VanBuhler Isabel Vargas Noah Welker Emma West Robert West Joshua Wildauer Alyssa Witzleben MAGNA CUM LAUDE 3.89 – 3.7 Victoria Alvarez Amanda Azzi Bruce Baja Natalie Berry Hannah Brefeld Natalie Cantalino Hailey Case Kelly Case Hannah Cifaldi Susanne Constan Cayla Coury Delano Dalfonsi Troy Dolkowski Brendan Esper Joseph Fontana Nicholas Gencarelli Katharina Grenn Gabby Hancock Jack Hoover Elizabeth Johnson Diana Kakish Stephen Lietz Madeline Maziarz Kyle McCann Kaylee Persichetti Rachel Porada Adam Roberts Lauren Sandie Elyse Seitz Charlotte Singer Catherine Skidmore Nicole Supric Frank Vella Cindy Vink Evan Waszkiewicz Hailee Zahreddine CUM LAUDE 3.69 – 3.5 Francis Bechard Sarah Berry John Beuckelaere Kennedy Bingham Kayla Bonell Miranda Boulahanis Audrey Cerdan Mary Coleman Sarah Dombrowski Maria Dunn Emily Ferracciolo Christine Foley Laura Kastler Gillian Klassa Jake Kurkowski Hannah Makki Vincent Marcyan Peter Micallef Maya Mourani Simon Mourani Olivia Palise Emilie Reinhardt Trevor Renner Syra Restaino Shelby Robbins Harold Noel Tudtud Cathie Vink Mia Zuccaro Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR LOVED ONES IN THE MILITARY “Heavenly Father, protect these members of our Armed Forces. Be their constant companion and their strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. Guide them, Lord, so that they may return home safely.” Amen. MA3 Sean Abraham 2nd LT Elizabeth Aceves (Walker), RN TSgt Ronald Attard Lance Corporal Nick Armbruster PFC Keith Bizek Tony Boyd Staff Sgt David Brash Lt Colonel Louis A. Camardo II PVT Michael Dawson HN Ryan Desjarlais Lieutenant Colonel Jay Deyonke Major Kevin J. Dobzyniak PVT Brandon Ebert IT4 Perry W. Edgell V Corporal Aaron Fryer Major Joseph Johnson Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Kafka Captain Natalie Ann Korona Airman First Class Jamison R. Kucinski Lieutenant Daniel Kuriluk Captain Matthew Kuriluk Commander Ron Kuzdak Airman 1st Class Lauren LaCaprara Airman Christopher J (Seraceno) Lapinski Private Ian W. Laskey Lance Corporal Joseph Leach Major Adam J. Lytle D.D.S. Airman 1st Class Brittany Mack Captain Matthew J. Malinowski Corporal Mitchel G. Malinowski Nova Martin Staff Sergeant Christopher W. Owen Captain Aaron Peacock BM2 Claudio D. Polo BM1 Samantha Polo Airman Courtney Porter SSG London Quicci Brandon Raona Sgt Joseph Reames LT Andrew Roscoe TSgt Jeffrey M. Selonke Seaman Jannel Skiver Warrant Officer Kevin P. Sullivan Staff Sgt Matthew Taylor Major Leah Voelker Ensign Catherine Walker Sergeant Anthony Watkins Master Sergeant Randy Williams LT Col Patrick Wnetrzak LCPL Robert Wnetrzak Major Thomas Wnetrzak Please let us know if you have a family member who is serving in the military and we will acknowledge them in our weekly column. Please share the good news with us when one of the above soldiers returns home! Right to Life – LIFESPAN LIFESPAN’s 2015 Resource Book DID YOU KNOW? Each year, LIFESPAN publishes a Resource Book (“Book of Life”) which includes LIFESPAN’s history, educational information, legislative efforts, policy statements, voting statistics, suggestions for pro-life involvement, etc., all of which are funded by advertisements. This Resource Book provides extensive information about everything pro-life and is used all of around the Metro Detroit area. For as little as $10, you can contribute to this trusted resource on pro-life issues. For more information and to show your support, call LIFESPAN: 734.422.6230 Knights Notes - Fr. Patrick O’Kelley Knights of Columbus 23663 Park Street, Dearborn, MI 48125 (313) 278-5600 HAVE DINNER WITH US ONE NIGHT THIS WEEK: Tuesday: Polish Dinner by Veronicas Catering (4pm-8pm) Wednesday: Blackened Catfish by Jimmy (4pm-8pm) Thursday: Jimmy’s Famous Fried Chicken Dinner (4pm-8pm) Friday: Fish Fry by Veronicas Catering and Burgers by Jimmy (11am-8pm) Saturday: Jimmy’s ½ pound Burgers and hand cut fries (12pm-8pm) Sunday: Soul Sunday, Burgers and Music by Jimmy (12pm-8pm) BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY: Saturday, April 4, 2015 10:00 AM till 12:00 Noon; Breakfast, Photo Op with Easter Bunny, Egg Hunt, Crafts $10.00 per person; Please RSVP by March 28 Call 248 349-0490 or Email: [email protected] Limited seating. Call today. First Come First Serve Page 13 PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He show His face to you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you with kindness and give you peace. ~ Blessing of St. Francis Jolanda Karson Jeanette Reitmeyer Barbara O’Brien Michael Thomas O’Brien Bob Cuppetilli Mary Patterson Fred Wiedling Diana Shinske Ken Backiel Sandy Blair Ed Lowe Daniel Devoe James Navyac Bob Shepherd Henry Johns August French Jamie McAdam Judi & Ralph Woodward Ron Kraska Diane Brown Rita Solak Michelle DeGuzman Laura Gee Rick Loftus Marie Parker April Shaw Jim Parton Leah Becker Ruth Becker Kerri Kwilos Amando Jayme Dan Moylan Bernice Moore Ken Schaffer Steve Aschenbrenner Amy Moloney Cindy Wright Gerald Borg Michael Taylor Sally Dixon Stuart Harris Jerry Borycz Dan Kerry Addy Donahue Brian Greenlee Arlene Thomas Marco Rea Margaret Kennston Joanne LaFleur Karen Craig Michelle Bilbrey In order to keep this list current, names will be kept on the list for one month only. Please call 313-277-3110 to keep a loved one on the list. Thank you. Please pray for these young men and women who are discerning God’s call to the priesthood and religious life. Colleen Bailey, a 2007 Edsel Ford HS graduate and a parishioner, is in formation for the Miles Christi Religious order in Northville, MI. Jeffery Edmonds, a 2005 DCHS graduate and a parishioner at St. Mary, Wayne, in formation for the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Sr. Rita Clare Yoches, a 1997 DCHS graduate and former parishioner, in formation for the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R., of Steubenville. Page 14 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan AFFORDABLE FOOD ASSISTANCE Deciding between food and medicine? No one should ever have to choose! The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a benefit for eligible individuals and families, including seniors. SNAP helps you save on groceries to free up money to pay bills, for medications, and other necessities. Thanks in part to generous support from the Walmart Foundation, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) can help residents of Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties to find out if they are eligible. Make a confidential call to CCSEM today! 248-338-4250 ext. 3700. Priestly Vocations: High School Discernment Overnight Do you have questions about the priesthood? High School is the perfect time to reflect on God’s will for your vocation! On April 10-11, the Office of Priestly Vocations is offering a unique experience aimed to help young men, High School Freshman Junior, gain a better understanding of the priesthood and life as a seminarian. During this overnight event, attendees will learn about discernment, interact with seminarians, discuss a priestly calling, and spend time in prayer. For more information or to register, please visit www.detroitpriest.com or call (313) 868-7040. Readings for the Week of March 29, 2015 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wed: Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:5-8/ Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:12, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7 Next Sun: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1 -9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Archdiocesan News A Mini-Series on the Order of the Mass by Msgr. Kasza A Liturgical Moment: Penitential Act After the Greeting, the Priest and the assembly are invited to pause and reflect upon their sinfulness, asking for God’s mercy. In the years prior to the Second Vatican Council, these penitential prayers were said by the priest and altar boy at the foot of the altar. After the Council, it was decided to include a Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass in which all the participants would confess their sins to God. The Act of Penitence contains four parts: an invitation to recall our sinfulness, a period of silent reflection, a common proclamation of sinfulness (either a Confiteor or Kyrie) and the concluding prayer of “absolution” said by the priest. In either of these proclamations of sinfulness, we acknowledge that sin has both a personal and a social dimension. That is, all sin, affects our relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. Sin is pervasive; but God’s mercy is more pervasive and overwhelming. During the Penitential Act, we are invited to recall our sins of the past week and pray for God’s mercy. In so doing, we make ourselves better prepared and more receptive to participate in the rest of the Eucharistic sacrifice. For reflection: Do I truly enter into the Penitential spirit by asking for God’s mercy for my sinfulness or has the Penitential Act become merely a habitual prayer? Do this in memory of me. Annual Health Care Ministry Retreat Thursday evening through Friday afternoon April 23 – 24, 2015 Capuchin Retreat Center 62460 Mt. Vernon Rd. - Washington, MI 48094 $85 To register, contact: Joyce Hyttinen, Catholic Charities 248-548-4044 ext. 3126 or visit www.ccsem.org Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan Lennon Pregnancy Center's 18th Annual Banquet Friday, May 1 at the Dearborn Inn Doors open at 6pm Tickets are $50/person Group rate tickets available. Please RSVP in advance, no tickets will be sold at the door! Our keynote speaker this year will be the hilarious, inspirational, and motivational comedian Gordon Douglas. His comedy mixes real life stories with 'off the wall' physical comedy and his own hilarious views of life. For more information please visit gordondouglasisfunny.com. Questions? Call Ashley at (313) 277-5637 JOB OPENING: PASTORAL ASSOCIATE/RCIA COORDINATOR A full-time position assisting in the pastoral care of the parish, coordinating the RCIA process, providing leadership and coordination for a wide variety of parish ministries and services; collaborating with or directing various aspects of parish life including, for example, some liturgical functions, sacramental celebrations, adult faith formation, evangelization, and other specific ministries. College degree required with at least five years’ experience in a variety of parish ministries. Cover letter, resume, references to Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Dearborn, [email protected]. For Shut-Ins: Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with EWTN Learn more about your Faith during the holiest time of the year with EWTN's first-rate movies, documentaries, musicals, children's programs, and much more! Join in the celebration of Mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome or at the majestic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Get program details at www.ewtn.com and visit www.ewtn.com/channelfinder to find a station near you! Salvation Army Biblical Women’s Fashion Show Tuesday, March 31 from 5 to 7 p.m. 27500 Shiawassee in Farmington Hills The ladies of The Salvation Army church will model more than 25 costumes representing women from the Bible while an emcee will share history and background of each biblical figure. Tickets for the fashion show include dinner, drink and dessert. Advance tickets are available for $20, or $25 at the door. Contact Rae Lynn Harvey at 248-477-1153 ext. 12 or [email protected]. Page 15 Trivia Night Friday, April 17 at 7pm at St. Sabina 26505 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights 48127 Doors open at 6pm - Trivia starts at 7pm. Cost $8 per person and includes: 10 rounds of 10 trivia questions, popcorn & Pizza Four persons per team. Prizes: 1st $100, 2nd $60 3rd $40 Beer, Wine Coolers, Refreshments & Snacks available for purchase. 50/50 Raffle. Ages 21 and over. Call Marylou to reserve your table at 313.212.1888 or [email protected] ȱ ¢ȱȱ£ȱȱȱ ŘŜŗśśȱǰȱȱ ǰȱȱŚŞŗŘŝȱ ȱ ȱȱ¢ȱ ¢ǰȱȱŞǰȱȱŗȬŚȱǯǯȱȱȱ ȱȱǰȱȱȱȱ ǯǯȬǯǯȱȱȱȱȱ£ȱ ȱǰȱ ¢ȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱ ȱǯȱ Caroline Kennedy Library 10th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, April 18 from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. The celebration includes an open house, food truck rally, live music, and children’s activities. Free cake, popcorn, inflatable obstacle course, crafts, free book for kids, tours, Yo-yo show, Science show, Magic show, Database demonstrations and tours www.dhcl.michlibrary.org 313-791-3800. Located at 24590 George Street IN Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 Looking for your Ancestors? Sign up for an April 21 bus trip to Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. This is the second largest genealogical research library in the country. Visit the society’s website at www.rootsweb.com/~midgs. Arrangements made by Dearborn Genealogical Society. Facebook page or call Tom Koselka 734.729.7590 Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every other name. Easter Friday Pilgrimage of Eight Detroit Historic Churches On April 10, you are welcome to join Prayer Pilgrimages as we are scheduled to visit, with informative talks: Assumption Grotto, St. Bonaventure Monastery, St. Albertus, Old St. Mary's, St. Hedwig, Ste. Anne, Sweetest Heart of Mary, & St. Joseph Churches with closing 7 PM Mass. Deluxe motorcoach local departures from Oakland Mall in Troy, Levagood Park in Dearborn, & Sears Lot in Lincoln Park. Total cost per person, including full course catered meal, is $50. To reserve & more information: Michael Semaan at (248) 250-6005 or visit www.prayerpilgrimages.com. Page 16 Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan PERRY CELLINI, D.D.S., P.C. Kramar Jewelry, Inc. GENERAL DENTISTRY Hours By Appointment Emergencies Welcome 2845 Monroe, Dearborn 313-561-0500 Adams Family Home Services Handywork & Home Improvement John Adams • Senior Discounts 313-581-2443 • 313-461-2548 In all things, give God thanks Fine Diamond Setting Expert Jewelry Repairing All Shapes of Diamonds Wholesale Prices 25766 Woodward Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (1/2 mile north of 696) Call for Hours www.kramarjewelry.com FARON ROOFING CO., INC. Res. & Comm. Roofing Kitchen & Bath Remodeling 37520 Glenwood, Westland, MI Lic. #2104060860 Ins. 734-326-8321 248-968-3010 WE BUY GOLD LOGAN GLASS CO. DON’S PLUMBING 22667 Michigan Avenue • Dearborn, MI 313.563.7000 Expert Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER www.loganglasscompany.com Donald J. Wood Complete Glass Service Residential • Commercial Auto Glass 313-255-1199 TIRE DISCOUNT HOUSE Come Taste the Difference! Great Savings & Friendly Service PARISHIONER DISCOUNT NOW CATERING BAPTISMS • FIRST COMMUNIONS WAKES • ALL SPECIAL EVENTS TIRES • MAGS • BRAKES • SHOCKS • ALIGNMENTS 25751 West Warren (at Beech Daly) 6565 N. Telegraph Road Dearborn Heights (1/2 Mile N. of Ford Rd.) (313) 278-4060 • Delivery-n-Carryout www.Carieras.com 313-277-9656 Rick Bixman, President DC Alum ‘74 Bill Dombrowski KRISTA L. HAROUTUNIAN Attorney & Counselor at Law Wills • Trusts • Family Law * Free Consultation 313-278-4500 248-594-9071 Custom Painting & Wallpaper • Faux Finishes • Staining FULL SERVICE CONTRACTOR Since 1978 - Fully Insured Call LPI at 800-477-4574 or 216-325-6825 313-563-5207 Marianne L. Baran, D.D.S., P.C. Parish Member & D.C. Alumnus Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 23100 Cherry Hill, Suite 1 Dearborn, MI 48124 (313) 274-5210 www.barandds.com Senior Living At Its Best! www.OakwoodCommon.org Tour - (800) 642-4663 Schrader Collision, Inc. COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Companionship Grocery Shopping Respite Care Meal Preparation Personal Care & Much More Housekeeping Dementia Care Quality in-home Senior Care Serving The Dearborn Area Since 1940 1700 N. Telegraph, Dearborn 313-561-0650 (734) 522-9390 Parish Member 313-561-0651 www.schradercollision.com www.comfortkeepers.com Occupational Therapy All ages • All diagnoses In-Home Therapy PAINTING I N T E R I O R & E X T E R I O R Experienced & Reasonable Powerwashing • Wallpaper Removal Plaster & Drywall Repair • Deck Cleaning & Staining Free Estimates “Free, No-Obligation Consultation” for you, or a loved one. Parish Members Brian & Jade Collins GARY R. LAUSE 313-274-8321 [email protected] CollinsTherapyServices.com ACCURATE DRIVING SCHOOL Monthly Classes At Divine Child High School www.accurate-driving.com Complete Plumbing Service & Installation Backflow Certified $5 OFF Segment 1 onlyWITH THIS AD 313-268-9432 • Lic/Ins Master Plumber 800-846-9980 (313) 605-2216 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 10% Off with Ad www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/a 24545 Ford Road 5 blocks W. of Telegraph Financial Security Analysis Retirement Planning Insurance Planning/Strategies Estate Analysis/Conservation Contact: Vincent Bartolomucci Financial Services Representative, and Fellow Parish Member 800 638-1186 x121 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, One Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 L030FQEZ (exp0207) (MI)MLIC-LD 274-2350 Unbaked Pizza $8.99 with Cheese & Pepperoni offer good on Unbaked Pizza Only with coupon JOHN WOOD PLUMBING 313-278-9300 John Jacobs • 313-574-8238 Fast Professional Service Expert Sewer & Drain Cleaning Lic. Master Plumber Reasonable Rates LEE’S WALL REPAIR [email protected] Commercial & Residential LMS Housekeeping Drycleaning & Shirt Service Mon-Fri 7am-7pm • Saturday 8am-6pm Lisa Sulak, Parish Member 313-561-0672 Parish Members 313-410-2017 [email protected] $10 Off For DC Parishioners PUZZUOLI’S GOODTIME Bar & Grill (313) 561-8486 HEATING & COOLING BUY 1 CHEESEBURGER & GET 1 FREE WITH THIS AD & PURCHASE OF 2 BEVERAGES 313-277-7630 EXPIRES 06/30/2015 • DINE-IN ONLY KITCHEN OPEN 11:30AM TO 1:00 AM MON THROUGH SAT Your whole house health and comfort specialists 27553 Cherryhill 1/2 block West of Inkster Rd. DC Coupon not valid on Fridays; Also not valid with other coupons. METRO DETROIT Free Estimates-Senior Discounts Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly Services One Time Cleaning/Deep Cleaning 313-274-0005 Jon’s Licensed & Insured DEARBORN CLEANERS 2815 Monroe • Dearborn Specializing in Dust-Free Plaster & Dry Wall Repairs Small Jobs Welcome • Free Estimates 8500 Middlebelt, Westland • 734-421-5299 20200 Goddard, Taylor • 313-291-3880 Jim & Chris Puzzuoli Parish Member Family Owned for Over 30 Years AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTERS Tires • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Oil Change • Under Car Service • Custom Pipe Bending • Shuttle Avail. 14441 W. Warren, East Dearborn 584-8770 584-6060 DAVE Z’S IRRIGATION CO. Automatic Sprinkler Systems New Installations • Repairs • Winterize DEARBORN HGTS. 313-359-2646 !"#$%&'()*+&+,-.+/01-2+3-4)&)$()*+50"#+67('8()*+/01-2 Check out our rates!! United Churches Credit Union 20252 Ecorse Rd. • (313) 382-6533 www.unitedchurchescu.org !""#$%&'&()*)$%&'&+,--./0 Porches • Kitchens • Baths 313•277•7676 Plant Health Care • Disease Diagnosis Tree & Stump Removal • Pruning Fertilizing • Consulting Kevin J. Schilbe, President !"#$%&'()*&+$#',-').( www.nwconst.com Call...Terry Burke (313) 565-3092 • (313) 565-5552 www.schilbetreecare.com [email protected] “It’s All About the House” 21505 Nowlin • Dearborn, MI 48124 Vincent C. Yu, M.D. VOTED ONE OF HOUR MAGAZINE’S “TOP DOC” OPHTHALMOLOGISTS IN METRO AREA www.qualityicare.com www.laserforyou.com Follow us on Facebook Now Offering Bladeless Cataract Surgery Free Lasik Screenings • Cataract Evaluation Exams Routine Exams Performed with Convenience of Full Service Optical Shop 23550 Park St., Suite 200, Dearborn • Call 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com (313) 724-2273 Home Improvements Established 1917 Specializing In: • ROOFING • GUTTERS • DOORS • ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING & TRIM • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND CANOPIES • SKYLIGHTS VINYL WINDOWS UP TO 35% OFF McGlinch & Sons Four Generations of Dependable Service Westside 313-278-2777 Oakland County 248-987-6300 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/b Attorney At law Complete Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning MASTER PLUMBER Michael J. Wood ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON FOOT & ANKLE SPECIALIST DEARBORN ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE, P.C. 313-730-0500 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 734-427-3800 We have private apartments with all the personal amenities and medical services you’d expect, plus Mass and Rosary groups. • 3 complete meals daily • hourly visits • assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, & medication • room cleaning, laundry, concierge services • social programs • activities • and much more Call Today for a FREE lunch and tour! (734) 326-6537 3600 Campus Drive • Westland MI 48185 Visit us at: www.themarquettehouse.com RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING QUALITY WORKMANSHIP FREE EST. • LIC. • INS. SENIOR DISCOUNT PARISH MEMBER (313) 565-8366 ORTHODONTICS Independently Owned & Operated Jeff Darwish Re/Max Hall of Fame Nolan and Guest Cell (313) 999-3699 Office (313) 561-0900 Fax (313) 561-0468 CANTON, MI 48188 E-mail: [email protected] www.jeffdarwishhomes.com 23676 Park Street • Dearborn, MI 48124 (734) 981-2444 • NolanOrtho.com For Advertising Information call Terry Sweeney today! www.aligndoc.com For Divine Child members: Get up to $1000 off comprehensive orthodontic treatment 22320 Garrison, Dearborn (313) 278-8000 4'#5'*&6&'*&'.)7#08'&*#9#06&%-.&*#:&:3&%#0;#<%=*&'.5-)#+&-)#>?.-.()5-.&?@#A'B, ORTHODONTICS Flexible Financing Options - Most Insurance Accepted 23851 Ford Road • Dearborn, MI (313) 274-4800 FREE Exam and Records $300 Value - New Patients only (313) 291-1800 Preplanning and Cremation Services Available OPEN 24 HRS, 7 DAYS A WEEK 10% OFF WITH THIS COUPON Valid this location only • Not valid on any Breakfast specials • Valid 1 coupon per family TOM WALIGORSKI ROOFING Quality Materials Guaranteed Workmanship (313) 278-8953 Established Over 50 Years Patient Centered Gentle Staff (313) 928-2300 Phone: 313-253-0200 DC CIRCLE HEATING & COOLING NORWICK 23750 Goddard Every Sunday afternoon come in to see our balloon waitress from 5-8pm Also bring coupon in on Sunday and receive an additional 5% off Whether you’re interested in listing your home or buying a home I’m here to help, give me a call! 10% Parishioner Discount TAYLOR 5900 Allen Rd !!"!#$%&&'(&)*#+*,#-.#/0%*#+*#1#2&-%30%' (734) 915-0029 & Models ALLEN PARK LEO’S CONEY ISLAND PARISH MEMBER www.atozheating.com (313) 278-5100 Family Owned & Operated Brenda Goerke OL CO IR G & EPA N I R T CE EA L H LIAN All Makes TA P TO & AP 23701 Ford Rd, Dearborn 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6323 [email protected] cannot combine it with any other offers/discounts, one per family member, expires 4/30/15. ING Member of Parish PRICE ELECTRIC Team 2000 313-291-8200 313-565-3411 [email protected] 1139 Inkster Rd., Garden City, MI 48135 23550 Park St., Ste. 100, Dearborn Parish Member !"#$%#&'()*+, 734-697-1979 -+"./%.#&'()*+,& 313-565-0880 8283 N. Telegraph Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 & SON INC. 313-255-5063 Robert E. Meehan, Jr., M.D. DONALD M. RIVARD JOHN N. MIKE’S PLUMBING Lennox Dealer !"#$%&%'$#()*+$*, !"#$%&'()*%+,-%.%/*(01203 Fax (313) 278-4655 25431 W. Warren Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 313-386-6781 Duane Buono, Owner and Parishioner Located 2 Blocks North of the 50’s McDonalds ’s ncle Lou E U 11:00 AM-3:00 PM OR GERS & M HAMBUR Attorney and Counselor 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Treatment of Eye Diseases !"#$$%$&#'(&)*'+#,+&-%'$%$ A. Mateja Church Supply Extensive line of church supplies, candles and gifts for: ERIC A. PARZIANELLO Katie Yee (313) 588-8055 www.katiesappliancerepair.com (313) 730-5020 Rhonda Bifano, O.D. - Chris Bifano, O.D. 26388 Ford Rd. Communion • Confirmation • Baptism • Weddings & much more! 30762 Ford Road • Garden City, MI 48135 Hamburgers -- Sandwiches -- Breakfast (313) 914 - 7370 20% OFF with Coupon or School ID Service Available 7 Days/Week Military & Senior Discounts Insured Bifano Eye Care Planning, Transactions & Litigation 313-672-7300 www.hspplc.com [email protected] Parish Member Telephone: (734) 513-2950 [email protected] www.amreligiousgifts.com TOTAL TREE SERVICE TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL, FIREWOOD, STUMP GRINDING Insured, Senior Discounts 30 Yrs. Exp. • I.S.A. Certified Arborist Free Estimate 734-266-4015 www.4LPi.com www.frankstree.com Garage Doors Openers, Steel & Fiberglass Entry Doors Residential / Commercial / Industrial 14351 W Warren - Dearborn www.jandoor.com • 313.581.7300 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/c KATIE ZAKAR 248-669-0701 www.katiezakar.com ~ Class of ‘99 ~ 27100 Van Born Road • Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, BE READY! 313-299-9711 www.kortescollision.com Lifetime Warranty* • On-line estimating Accept all insurances Parish Member A Family Tradition Since 1964 Additions • Dormers • Garages Kitchens • Bathrooms • Concrete Roofs • Siding • Porches • Windows MOST SELECTED, MOST RESPECTED PARISH MEMBER ITALYAMERICAN.COM Lunch & Dinner Specials Banquet Facilities • Cocktails 26356 Ford Road, Dearborn Heights (313) 278-6000 In the Heights Center “Great Employment Opportunities!” Troubleshooting/Repair • New or Old Construction Code Violations • Service Updates Danny Testani, Master Electrician Call for Estimate Parish Members !"#$%&'()*)+'),-./01-'2'3%44&'()*)+',,5.565- CARPET HARDWOOD C279D(E(F2D< LAMINATE AND MORE Andrea Fitzgerald, Parish Member/Alumni [email protected] 313.283.1729 Jason Armstrong, D.D.S., 24521 Ford Road Dearborn, MI 48128 10% OFF LABOR & 1% !"#$%&!'($)*'%"' %+&',+-.)+ 313.278.6333 Contact me TODAY to find out the value of your home, how long it will take to sell and what I do DIFFERENT to get homes SOLD. !"#$%&'()*+,& Monday- Thursday 9am to 6pm Proud to support Divine Child Parish member Carl Meyers 15% OFF all dental services for new patients at the parish www.cosmeticdentistdearborn.com NO INSURANCE NO PROBLEMS! Exam, (4) XRays & Cleaning ONLY $99 WE OFFER EVENING APPOINTMENTS! NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Senior Vice President, Investments Raymond James “Feel free to call with your investment questions” Established in 1998, Hollywood Nails has been providing a wide variety of professional beauty and personal grooming services for our customers - including manicures, pedicures, waxing, etc. Asset Management Services Retirement Income Retirement Planning 401K Rollovers IRA Consolidation Annuities, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, CD’s /01,234'52/,6789':6;'<2=<'/,<664'/975189/ :744'/19'6:'3,;>42,'8324/':6;'?@ABAA'C29<'C<291'920 SUMMER & FALL HOURS: Mon - Sat 10am - 8pm WINTER & SPRING HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am - 7 pm Closed on Sundays 313-240-5099 D@DEFGFEG@HD'I'JJJB+"KKLJ""!#$MKN$K"#B)"O [email protected] 300 Town Center Dr. #100 Dearborn, MI 48126 (Parish Member - Please Support Us) !"#$%&'()"$*+(,(-++%./"0*+1(2&.3(4*$5*6(7*8(9%6:(;0%.:(<=.>"&?*@;2AB Todd’s Pharmacy Tim Sarb Parish Member COMPLETE REMODELING KITCHENS • BATHROOMS BASEMENTS • ADDITIONS !"#$"%#$%&'!() Fast, Friendly, Convenient L P P Porches • Steps Brick Pavers • Chimneys Concrete Work • Garages Roofing • Siding & Trim LICENSED & INSURED ")$)*!'%(+$,*!(,+* All Small Jobs Welcome (313) 563-5053 313-562-8337 www.homerepaircontracting.com 25871 Ford Rd. • Dearborn Heights SW Corner of Ford Rd. • Beech Daly 313-406-5279 • www.toddsrx.com • “Free Delivery” CONSTRUCTION CO. INC PA R I S H M E M B E R 3-B-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ‘daDean’ of Real Est8 KNOWLEDGE - EXPERIENCE - RESULTS !!! Dean Eveslage (313) Curran & Christie www.4LPi.com 274-1700 x263 [email protected] ‘Psalm 91’ ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0009/o
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