Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 St. Philip Neri Catholic Church “A Spirit of Caring and Giving” - est. 1993 Under the direction of the Rock Hill Oratory Rev. John Giuliani, C.O., Pastor 803-548-7282 Third Sunday of Easter 803-324-7744/[email protected] Deacon Jon Dwyer 803-548-2741 Deacon Steve Rhodes 803-802-4370 Deacon Frank Hartmann 803-324-0125 Parish Office 292 Munn Rd. Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: 803-548-7282 Fax: 803-547-2999 Hours: 9am-3pm Monday-Friday Webpage: Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Saint Philip Neri Rev. Dr. Joseph Pearce, C.O., Vicar 5:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am - Choir (Nursery available) 11:30 am - Children’s Liturgy of the Word, (Nursery Available) 5:30 pm - Contemporary Music Daily Mass: 9:30 am (Morning Prayer promptly at 9:10 am) Confessions every Wednesday from 7:00-7:30 pm We are a Catholic Community united to form a church family dedicated to continuing the ministry of Christ. We will strive to be examples to others through open minds, open hearts, and open arms. Third Sunday of Easter Entrance: #554 He is the Lord Preparation of Gifts: #501 Center of My Life Holy Holy: Page 14 Mystery of Faith: Page 10 #11 Lamb of God: #858 Agnus Dei Communion: #323 Bread of Life Sending Forth: #168 Jesus is Risen Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, May 3 5:30pm Nancy Currie from the Currie Family Sunday, May 4 8:00 am Jim Phalen from the Cole, Dunkle, Muraski and Strait families 9:30 am Jane & Bill Whitaker from John & Jane Guissinger 11:30 am William Dardis Jr. from the Dardis Family 5:30pm Gene Russo from Lucy Hernandez & Family Monday, May 5 9:30 am Bereavement Tuesday, May 6 9:30am George Cavanagh from the Marinelli’s Wednesday, May 7 9:30am Gene Russo from Jerry & Gail Salamone Thursday, May 8 9:30am Carl Marchetti from John & Bruna Muraca Friday, May 9 9:30 am David Norton from Jim & Linda Norton Saturday, May 10 5:30pm John Frega from Frega & Nardi Families Sunday, May 11 8:00 am Martin O’Rourke from his wife 9:30 am John Wiley from the Wiley Family 11:30 am Ann Costa & Filomena Losavio from Joni & Tom Losavio 5:30pm Special Intention of Mary Christian from Jack, Leslie and Ashley Flowers for the Altar Flowers for the Altar are in memory of Jane & Bill Whitaker from John and Jane Guissinger May 4, 2014 This week in our Parish Sunday, May 4 Hospitality Sunday 12:45p Polish Group 6:45p Confirmation I & II 6:45p The Edge Monday, May 5 Rm 103 MB PC 6:30 Bridge Club 6:30p NAMI Family Support Group 6:30p Cub Scouts 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00p Knights of Columbus Tuesday, May 6 Church-D Church-A MB Rm 103 Rm 104 10:00a Bible Study 6:00p NAMI 7:00p Parish Council 7:00p DBSA Wednesday, May 7 Rm 103 Rm 214 Church-B Rm 207 10:30a Legion of Mary 5:45p Brownies 6:30p Girl Scouts #3080 7:00p Young Adult Group 7:00p Confessions 7:15p Bells Chimes Thursday, May 8 Rm 213 Rm 207 Rm 205 Café Rm Church MR 10:00a Prayer Shawl 6:30p Special Needs Ministry 7:00p Men’s Club 7:00p Adult Choir 7:00p LAOH 7:00p St. Vincent DePaul 7:00p Men’s Emmaus Friday, May 9 Rm 103 Rm 103 Rm 203 MR Rm 213 Rm 212 Rm 210 6:30p AA 7:00p Knights of Columbus Officers 7:00p Women’s Group Saturday, May 10 Rm 214 Rm 213 Rm 209 First Holy Communion at 5:30pm, 9:30am and 11:30am Masses Sunday, May 11 6:45p LIfeTeen LTR FYI... The of Daughters of St. Paul who operates a bookstore in Charleston, South Carolina will have a booth here for the Italian Festival selling Religious Goods and will be present in the Café Room during the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday and all the day on Sunday the weekend of the festival. Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Please pray for the sick and shut-ins. Our sick list is posted on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area. Please pray for those who have died. Collection Week of 4-27-14 Year to Date Total Regular $23,127 $1,111,210 Budget $24,309 $1,069,596 Surplus/ (Deficit) ($1,182) $41,614 $36 $1,534 Mary Rodell, mother-in-law of Uncha Rodell Memorials A donation has been made to the building/Debt Reduction Fund in memory of: John Fitzgerald $20 Faith Formation Session Change/Registration Faith Formation Registration for the 2014-2015 year is under way. Forms are available on line, in the Parish office and in the church. We will also have a table in the Lobby of the Ministry Building during all class sessions where you can fill out forms. This year we will be offering a Wednesday evening session from 6:30pm-7:45pm along with our regular sessions: Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:45pm and Sunday 10am-11:15am. During the Wednesday evening session we will offer Adult classes (Bible Study, Parenting classes, Spirituality classes…) that you (or any parent) can attend in the Parish Center. We will need volunteers to teach the Faith Formation classes. We also need enough enrollment to make the session worth having. If you have any questions, you may contact Mary Harden at [email protected] or 803548-7282, #3 Special Needs Ministry Do you have a child or adult family member with a developmental disability like Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, or Autism? Are you looking for spiritual support? If so, please join us for our next meeting on Thursday, May 22, 7:00-8:00 pm in room 103 of the ministry building. We will be discussing plans to start a SPRED (special religious development) program at St. Philip Neri. This program is designed to help those with developmental disabilities discover a place where they belong and can enjoy meaningful relationships which help them realize their own giftedness and dignity. Through participation in a SPRED community of faith, our family members are better able to celebrate the sacraments and enter into the worshipping experiences of the whole Church. Please call Bettie Obi Johnson at 803-431-9055 if you have questions and I look forward to seeing you and your family at our next meeting. Children’s Bell Fund (24 env.) Tithe $ for Scholars $2,313 Capital Campaign $7,505 $567,731 Debt Reduction Pledges Rec’d $ 880,542 Payments Rec’d on Pledges $ 176,822 Construction Loan $2,498,496 Attendance 4-27-14: 2632 Tithe for 5-4-14: Special needs Students Second Collection: Building Fund/Debt Reduction Pastor ’s Pen My Dear Parishioners, A year ago we dedicated our new church. IT is hard to believe a year has gone by. In that time we have paid half a million dollars towards our debt. Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice. Economic pressures can cause interest rates to rise. I hope to down the debt as fast as possible. All proceeds from the Italian Festival will go towards the Debt Reduction Fund. I appreciate Denny Rodino, Festival Chairperson, and all those who volunteer to ensure a successful festival. I would also like to congratulate all those who are receiving First Holy Communion for the first time over the next two weekends. In Christ’s Peace, Fr. John, C.O. Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Faith Formation - Grades K-6th A special thank you to all those who volunteered their time to make this year’s Faith Formation classes wonderful. Whether it was sitting in the hallways or subbing, I thank you. A big thank you to all those who took the time to teach. Giving of your time to plan and teach on a weekly basis cannot be measured. Know you are in my prayers always and may you be blessed. Registration has begun for ALL Religious Education programs. REGISTER NOW!!! Once spaces fill, sessions will be closed. Forms can be found on line, in the church office and in the church. Please consider volunteering your time to help our children grow in the love of Christ and learn more about their faith. YES, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! For questions, contact Mary harden at 803-548-7282 #3 or [email protected] CONFIRMATION (9th & 10th Grade) Next Confirmation 1 & 2 classes are May 4th at 6:45 Please be on time. Still working on your Service Hours? May will be here before you know it. Let me know if you need help. When all hours have been completed, please turn your sheet into your teacher. Make sure your name is on it. Confirmation 2 Students: Your Saint paper and Fr. John letter were due April 6th. If you have not yet turned in your papers, please do so immediately. Confirmation rehearsal is Tuesday , May 20th at 7pm in the church. Join our Facebook page, St. Philip Neri Confirmation… great to keep up with what’s going on. The Edge (7th & 8th grade) Upcoming EDGE Nights: May 4th - all rising 7th graders are welcome to join us! Please meet in the Parish Center at 6:45 - 8:30 -- We will be having our end-of-the year bbque - munching on hamburgers & hot dogs! Come join us for fun & fellowship. Registration has started for next school year - forms can be found on-line, in the Church or in the Ministry Building. Any questions, contact Jeanette at 803984-6271 or [email protected] LIFETEEN (9th through 12th grades) LIFE TEEN EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS: OUR NEXT LIFE NIGHT IS… Sunday, May 11th. Come join us for a special Life Night presented by our graduating Seniors. Next year’s rising 9th graders are also invited to join us and see what Life Teen is all about!! Upcoming Events: Graduation Mass – Sunday, May 18th, 5:30pm. Seniors come dressed in your cap and gown. We will have a special Life Night for our Seniors in the parish center following Mass. High School CLI – July 7th-11th at Camp Kinard. For more information regarding LifeTeen, contact Johanna Pierce at 548-7282 ext. 227 or e-mail The teens of SPN made about 80 blessing bags to be [email protected] handed out to the homeless in York County through Ask to join our Facebook page, Saint Philip Neri the organization Renew Our Community. Life Teen … it’s a great way to find out what’s SPN TEENS ROCK!! happening in LifeTeen. Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Italian Festival News – Upcoming Events and Info!! Our 19th Italian Festival will be May 15th – 17th. The Festival has grown and WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please plan to volunteer for a few hours to help us have the best Festival ever. You can sign up on the Italian Festival website - and go down to the Volunteer Sign-up sections using VolunteerSpot, or the Parish website Food Lasagna and Ziti recipes and pans, and cookie recipes, will be available after all Masses this weekend. You can sign up for the day and time you would like to deliver your items. You can also sign-up manually to help at the Festival. Call Denny Rodino 803-389-0247 with any questions. Charitable Drawing. Last chance to get your FREE Early Bird bonus tickets. The Charitable Drawing is one of our IF’s largest fund-raisers. Please support our drawing by buying / selling your tickets early. Get 6 tickets for the price of 5 ($25). Return your stubs and money by April 28th and collect an Early Bird Bonus. Buy 1 book of tickets and we will add 1 Free ticket for you. Buy 2 or more books and we will add 2 Free tickets per book. When you need more tickets, call Denny Rodino at (803)-327-3643 or stop by the Parish office. Silent and Live Auctions We have received many great items – sincere thanks to all the donors. There is still time and need for more items. Sporting goods and memorabilia, art work and decorative items, golf and vacation home packages, household items, beverages of all sorts, children’s games and items, dolls and accessories, etc. are all welcome. Questions – call Kim Sobocinski 803-324-9423. Second Annual Cannoli Runs at the Italian Festival of St. Philip Neri Saturday, May 17, 2014 ***Our changes this year include Family AND Competitive Runs! *** 50% of proceeds benefit the Fort Mill Care Center Participants of all ages are welcome! 9:00 am – 9:15 am – 9:20 am – 10:30 am – 1 mile Competitive Sprint 5k Run 1 mile Family Run/Walk Kids 100 yard Dash Please help promote the Cannoli Runs to your friends and family! JOIN the Cannoli Runs Facebook group and SHARE with your friends! Preregister after mass, online at or during the Italian Festival. For more info: Dave at 803-415-1946 or [email protected]. Third Sunday of Easter Polish Group The Polish Group will be meeting on Sunday, May 4 at 1:00 in Room 103. Everyone of Polish descent is in invited to come celebrate your heritage. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING There will be altar server training on Tuesday, May 13th at 7pm in the church. This is open to all parishioners in grade 3 and up. To sign up or for more information, please contact Beth Donnelly at 803627-0116 or [email protected]. Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians We are changing our meeting date to the second Thursday of the month beginning in May! We will be meeting on May 8th at 7:00 pm in the ministry building room 213. Join our Sisters of Erin division as we learn about our Irish Heritage, give back to those in need, all the while enjoying a wonderful Sisterhood. Our motto is Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. For further information, please contact Debbie McElhoe at [email protected] or 803-412-5754. PILGRIM VIRGIN ROSARY PRAYER GROUP Come celebrate with us by praying the Rosary, with reflections on the mysteries, on Thursday, May 8 at 7:30p at the home of Chato Sison, 891 Treasure Ct., Fort Mill, SC 29708. Call 732-773-2146 for directions. If you would like to invite the Rosary Prayer Group one Thursday evening into your home please call John de Jong at 803-547-6682 or cell 704-907-9475. Men’s Club Memorial Scholarship SPN Men's Club Memorial Scholarship applications for graduating high school seniors are available beginning March 29, 2014, in the church office. Completed applications are due by Monday, May 5, 2014. Late applications will not be accepted. Special emphasis is placed on the applicant's involvement with SPN. ST. PHILIP NERI VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 16-20, 2014 From 9:00am-11:30 am Where Jesus’ Love is one of a kind. Register Now!!! We have a limited number of spaces available. Forms can be found online, in the back of the church or on the church office. Volunteers needed. Contact Mary Harden at: [email protected] or 803-548-7282 May 4, 2014 May & June Programs at the Oratory Center for Spirituality A Journey with the Church Fathers through the Rosary Part 4 of this series looking at the Rosary through the writings of the Church Fathers and others. Fr. Joe Pearce, C.O., D.Min. Saturday, May 31 Luminous Mysteries 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Cost: $40 (Lunch included) Mary, the Mother of God in the Life of St. Philip Neri A look at the role of Mary in the life of St. Philip Neri and the Oratory. Fr. Joe Pearce, C.O., D.Min. Thursday, May 8 7:00 – 9:00 pm Cost: $15.00 Visions in Faith This annual 4 day program will focus on the relationship between the Church and the World. Alice Camille Sunday, June 15 – Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Sunday, beginning at 7:00 pm; MondayWednesday, beginning at 4:00 pm. Cost: $125.00/all sessions $40.00/day $200.00 Room & Board $21.00 Supper for Commuters Please visit the Oratory website ( or contact the Center for Spirituality ([email protected] or 803- 327-2097) to register or for more information. Ancient Order of Hibernians Bishop Emmett Walsh Division Our next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Thursday May 8 at the VFW Hall located at Harris and Munn streets in Fort Mill. Membership is open to practicing Catholic Men of full or partial Irish descent. Our purpose is Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. Come and join us!! For more information, Please contact Don Buchanan at 803548-0049. Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Truly You have formed my inmost being; You knit me in my Mother’s womb. Psalm 130, vs. RESPECT LIFE THANKS MOM AND DAD FOR LIFE! On May 11, we will celebrate our Mothers; biological, adoptive, God-mothers and all those women who dedicate their lives to nurturing. On June 15, Fathers have their day. Pope Francis asks us to meditate on the irreplaceable role Jesus’ foster father and all fathers have in co-nurturing our families. At a time when family life is increasingly challenged by materialism, hedonistic pleasures, titillating media productions, “political correctness” and always active forces of evil; we more than ever need to arm ourselves with God’s grace. What can we as individuals and members of our parish family do? PRAY: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, like you we are members of the Father’s family. We pray that our family love may reflect His love in its openness to all people. May we forgive even when not forgiven, and be patient with others’ weaknesses. Jesus give us peace, unity and strength to meet the difficulties of daily living. May we use our family resource to improve the quality of life for ourselves and all people. Let us show joy in serving, for whatever we do for others, we do for You. Mary, inspire us, that our love may be strong but not possessive. Let our willingness to give depend on the needs of others rather than the cost of giving. Joseph, help us to be attentive to the Father’s will. Let us be ready, as you were, to act whenever He calls. EDUCATE YOURSELF: Access pro-Life websites, e.g. South Carolina Citizens for Life – National Right to Life –; U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops – Federal Congressional websites – and CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES ON THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL: At this writing the S.C. State Senate is deliberating the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which has already been passed by the S.C. House of Representatives. It limits abortion to babies before 22 weeks; as it has been found through fetal EEG and other objective procedures, a child does feel and react to painful stimuli. The S.C. bill is based on a similar bill drafted by the National Right to Life Department of State Legislation. Since it was first enacted in Nebraska in 2010; Kansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, North Dakota, and Texas have passed bills limiting the time frame for abortions. Please contact State Senator Chauncey Gregory: [email protected] or call: 803-283-8481 ( Lancaster office) or 803-212-6330 in Columbia, asking him to always protect unborn humans with his votes. Please contact State Representative Raye Felder: 803-547-6715 (Ft. Mill office) or 803-212-6892 in Columbia thanking her for her yes vote to the protection of unborn babies from pain as early as possible. SUPPORT ALTERNATIVES FOR OR HEALING PROGRAMS AFTER ABORTIONS: Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats offer healing and reconciliation after abortion. For schedule of future retreat dates call 803-5466010. Donate to facilities to house pregnant girls and new babies: MiraVia, the college campus based facility of the Diocese of Charlotte, N.C., P.o. box 11499, Charlotte, NC, 28220-1400. Call 704-525-HOPE for more information or St. Clare’s Home, being planned for the Diocese of Charleston, SC. As more couples struggle with infertility, adoption is promoted as the loving option. DID YOU KNOW? More than 2,000,000 families are trying to adopt, according to government statistics. If you wish to raise money for Breast Cancer research, The Avon Walk for Life, coming up in the fall, does not contribute to Planned Parenthood as do some other organizations. Contrary to belief, Planned Parenthood does not have facilities for mammography. I give You thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works. Psalm 139. vs 14. TONY ESTRADA Parishioner (803) 984-4170 Comprehensive Care for Children & Adults New Patients & Emergencies Welcome All Insurance Plans Filed for your Convenience TOTAL HOME MAINTENANCE One Call, That’s All A/C & Heating • Swimming Pools Electrical • Locks • Tile Carpentry • Plumbing MOKRIS ORTHODONTICS.COM Sheetrock Repairs • Appliance Repairs PARISHIONERS Voted Best Heating & Air Company in York County 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 Locally Owned and Operated Since 1965 St. Mary’s Parishioners — Robert, Judy and Matthew Sy Practice Areas: • Elder Law • VA Pension Benefit • Medicaid Planning • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Living Trust Making Life Easier Non-Medical In Home Care in the Comfort of your home, retirement communities, nursing home, hospital or rehab center. Employees are bonded & insured. 704-813-4789 (cell) 803-831-9929 www.HomeHelpers.CC Owner & Parishioner– Shirley MacMillan CSA “YOUR COMFORT FOR LIFE” 1010 E. White Street Rock Hill, SC Ask about Discounts on Our Maintenance Program with the 803.324.7572 Suzanne Nguyen“Win” Realtor SC/Broker NC Parishioner Craig S. Johannesmeyer Attorney at Law • Parishioner Licensed in SC and NC You will “Win” with Suzanne Nguyen! Real Estate § Wills § Trusts § Estate Planning Business Formation § Contract Review 803-984-8688 Cell 1.803.548.2898 1096 Assembly Drive Suite 310 Fort Mill, SC 29708 “Conveniently located in Baxter” [email protected] Baxter Village 1036 Assembly Drive Fort Mill, SC 29708 P: 803-396-3800 Visit: Email: John E. Peterson, Attorney Ballantyne One 15720 John J. Delaney Drive Ste 300, Charlotte, NC 28277 P: 704-944-3275 [email protected] • DR. MARK ESPINAL, Parishioner • Accepting New Patients • Implant Placement & Restorations • Invisalign Clear Braces • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns & Bridges • TMJ Treatment • Snoring / Sleep Apnea • Root Canal Therapy • Inlays/Onlays 2049 Carolina Place Drive Fort Mil , SC 29708 (Across from Baxter) 803.327.4166 803.802.7788 ORTHODONTICS for children and adults Are you 50 or older? 1741 Gold Hill Road Suite 200 Fort Mill, SC Is there a family history of colon cancer? 29708 Fax: 803.327.2086 1144-F India Hook Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29732 If the answer is yes to either of these, You need to consider colon cancer screening. To make an appointment to discuss this important topic call: Digestive Disease Associates Manchester Village (Across from TJ Maxx) Tega Cay (Directly in front of Wal-Mart) 803-324-7607 (Highway 161 beside Walmart) 170 Amendment Ave. 1700 First Baxter Crossing, Suite 102 Rock Hill, SC Fort Mill, SC $3.00 Off Any Haircut Service or FREE MVP Upgrade * Please show your bulletin to redeem offer. 001238 St Philip Neri Church (B) 803.802.2580 (803) 980-8883 (803) 802-9966 Newport (803) 327-9990 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Concrete Specialists Residential/Commercial Local family owned & operated Patios, Driveways, Floors, Overlays, Foundations, Stamped, Stained & Decorative Concrete Free Estimates Call 704-208-8790 JASON OWNED BY DEACON GREG & MAUREEN WEIGOLD 803-631-4444 Catholic Books ✟ Bibles ✟ Jewelry ✟ Statues, Consider . Sacrament Gifts ✟ Wall Art ✟ Videos Remembering Insurance Broker — NC & SC / Parishioner & Caregiver Your Parish in The only full-service, full-time Catholic store in the Midlands! Medicare, Health, LTC, Life & Annuities Your Will. Gus J Leotta Practice Specialty: Sr. Market — Know Your Options 649 St. Andrews Road (3/10 mile off I-26) Columbia, SC For further information, please call the Parish Office. 704.617.4208 • 12319 Lazy Oak Lane • Charlotte, NC 28273 803-561-9733 Loan Pham Alterations JONNA J. MORESCHI, D.M.D. Complete Alteration Service for Men and Women ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Dry Eye • Glaucoma • Diabetic Eye • Cataracts • Red Eye Parishioner Eyestrain • Headache • Lazy Eye • Glasses • Contacts Specializing in Wedding Gowns • New & Emergency Patients Seen Mon.-Fri. Browse over to at the corner of • No Referral Necessary Beaded Gowns - St. John Knits Celanese & India Hook in Rock Hill or dial us at 803.985.2020 Bus. 803 328-5100 832 Mt. Gallant Rd. 803-548-4445 2752 Pleasant Road Suite #104, Fort Mill, SC 29708 PAUL BURT, O.D., Parishioner Healthy Eyes + Exceptional Service + Quality Products Cell 803 524-4543 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Fratelli Ristorante & Pizzeria Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Classic Italian Cuisine Seafood ~ Salads ~ Pasta ~ NY Style Pizza Open Sunday - Thursday 11am-9pm Friday & Saturday 11am-10pm We Cater 803-802-4449 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 10% off your check with this ad. Expires 3/31/14 855 Gold Hill Rd, Suite 103 Fort Mill, SC 29708 Catholic, Private, Traditional & Adult Degrees Eddie & Brett Haughey, Parishioners 803-802-9091 “Tomorrow’s answer to a healthy lifestyle” The Only Catholic College of the Carolinas Home Healthcare When You Need It Available to you 24 hours seven days a week! Companion Services 803-328-2440 Personal Care Live-in Caregivers Gentle, Effective Relief for: Transportation • Auto/Sports Injuries Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping • Headaches Medication Reminders • Bed Wetting & More All Ages & Needs • Neck/Shoulder Pain Conveniently Located in Fort Mill Parishioner Owned and Operated 1-888-222-0110 • TMJ Pain • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Low Back/Hip Pain • Pinched Nerves • Fibromyalgia • Plantar Fascitis and More Auto Accident Victims Seen Same Day! We bill responsible party 2460 India Hook Rd., Suite 106 • Rock Hill, SC 29732 803-327-3327 | Jonathan M. Mitchell, DMD, PhD, MSD Parishioner of St. Anne 001238 St Philip Neri Church (A) *20% Discount to Fellow Parishioners* Painless Treatment No Twisting, No Popping, No Cracking Bill and Nicole Ross Owner/Operators Parishioner 8431 Charlotte Hwy. Indian Land, SC 29707 803-578-4142 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Third Sunday of Easter Parish Staff Ext. Email: Maria Cordova, Administrative Assistant………..225………[email protected] Sheilah Reuille, Accountant……………………….228……..…[email protected] Mary Harden, Director of Faith Formation……....226.….…[email protected] Linda Liberty, Director of Music Ministry………...245….…….…[email protected] Johanna Pierce, Life teen coordinator….……….227…[email protected] Jeanette Swint, Edge Coordinator……………………………………[email protected] Jenny Funk, Coordinator of Volunteers………..229….... [email protected] Jennifer Ross, Receptionist……………………...221………[email protected] Child Development Center Debbie Strait, Director 803-548-8789 Class Hours: 9:00 am—12:00 pm Mon. Fri. for 2,3,4 yr. olds. Building Committee Peter Baldridge, Chairperson Linda Liberty Paul Blackann Sybil Mitchell Cindy Kelly Roberta Whitaker Andy Miller Mike McCullough Finance Council Pastoral Council David Bartholomew Richard Gagnon Shelley Hawk Denny Rodino Josephine Sciacca Elizabeth Simpson Paul Heinrichs Rose Parmeter Donna Rinchisen Gene Esarove Colleen Hennessey Dawn Lopez Deacon Frank Hartmann May 4, 2014 Parish Registration: We welcome new families to St. Philip Neri. Please register as soon as possible. Registration is required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to be Sacrament Sponsors. You must be a registered, contributing Catholic member for at least three months before a certificate or school voucher will be approved. Registration forms and welcome packets are available in the Parish Office to acquaint new members with Parish life. Baptism Preparation: Baptism classes are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Please call the Parish Office for more information and to register for the class. Marriages: Arrangements should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. Bulletin Deadline: Deadline for announcements is 9 days prior to the bulletin date. Call the Parish Office or email: [email protected] The Gabriel Project for Unplanned or Crisis Pregnancy: 803-554-6088 Diocesan Office of Child Protective Services: 843-853-2130 ext. 209 Post Abortion Helpline: 877-Help 4 Me Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister: 800-921-8122 St. Vincent De Paul Hotline Emergency Assistance: 803-548-7508 Safe Environment Coordinator: Mary Harden - 803-548-7282 Adoration John de Jong 803-547-6682 LifeNotes Sal Boccio 803-322-2544 Altar Servers Beth Donnelly 803-627-0116 Legion of Mary Marie Lamparter 803-746-5198 Ancient Order of Hibernians Don Buchanan 803-548-0049 Men’s Club Rick Dunkle 803-802-3623 Bereavement Ministry Martha Went 980-225-5997 Nursery Carrie Seekings 803-802-1619 Boy Scouts Kerry Clish 704-806-7460 OICA/RCIA Church Office 803-548-7282 Cancer Ministry Mary Rapp 803-327-7705 Pet Partners Dave Eggert 803-548-6864 Careers in Transition Tony Armeni 803-802-0614 Pilgrims’ Inn Lunches Betty Adams 803-548-2875 Children's’ Liturgy Sabina Fernandez 803-802-5764 Pilgrim Virgin Statue John de Jong 803-547-6682 Cub Scouts Chris Fitzgibbon 704-942-8680 Prayer Shawl Ministry Kathie Fennel 803-328-6526 Emmaus - Men Ted Harden 803-322-7608 Respect Life Christy Brown 803-548-4817 Eucharistic Ministers Christine Charlonis 704-904-1954 Sacristan Lucy Aspiras 803-548-7283 Greeters Jim Funk 704-241-4730 Small Christian Comm. Barry & Carol Kane 803-396-2757 Home & Hospital Visit. Office 803-548-7282 Toastmasters Tim Gunnels 803-548-9937 Hospitality Noreen Muha 803-980-7062 IACYC/Italian Club Art Durazzi 803-810-2994 Italian Festival Denny Rodino 803-327-3643 Sound and Video Riley Pagett 803-322-4757 Knights of Columbus Theron Simpson, Jr. 803-548-0723 Ushers Jim Thompson 803-548-7282 Lectors Richard Hamlett 803-487-5354 Wise Owls Liz Pebbles 803-547-2518 Ladies Anct Ord Hibernians Debbie McElhoe 803-412-5754 Women’s Club Andrea Drake 704-577-2266
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