MEMORIALS ` First United Methodist Church In Memory of Barbara Schaaf Given by: Laraine Mizell 401 West Main Street P. O. Box 546 Claxton, Georgia 30417 (912)739-3411 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: In Memory of Ruby Tucker Given by: Laraine Mizell HONORARIA Tattnall Camp Meeting In Honor of Sherrie Phillips Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Richey OUR WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP June 28, 2015 Attendance Finances Early Worship: 61 Sunday School: 68 Morning Worship: 101 Received: $5,616.85 Needed Each Week: $7,039.16 Total Worship: 162 YTD Received: $158,011.42 YTD Needed: $183,018.16 Annual Budget: $366,036.00 OUR CIRCLE OF CONCERN Prayer Requests: Angie Bird, Iva Anne Brannen, Shirley Brewton, Morris Bryant, Charlee Casseday, Rosalyn Cox, Pat Daniel, Kathy Dasher, Karen Dillard, Rosemary Dixon, Rev. Rudolph Dixon, Curtis Downs, Dorothy Edge, Clancy Garner, Tommy Flanders, Edytha Godbee, Nina Goode, James Greenwell, Peggy Kennedy, Wes Kicklighter, Vicki Lanier, Eugenia Lewis, Gene L. Lewis, Bob Logan, Teresa McClellan, Blake Morgan, Joyce Nalley, Joe Norman, Hiram Odum, Tommy Odum, Glenn Rayfield, Mike Rogers, The Barbara Schaaf Family, Loretta Scott, Brennan Simkins, Marie Smith, Julie Thigpen, Wendel Wasdin, Brian Waters, our American troops Northspring: Anne Beasley, Shirley Hearn Camellia Nursing Home: Vivian Davis Griffin House: Dorothy Arnold CHURCH STAFF Wayne DeFore – Pastor Toney Golden – Minister of Music Betty Smith – Minister of Music Nancy Womack – Pianist Thyra Simmons – Organist Kayse Hodges - Adm. Asst. Melissa McLendon – Children’s Director Frank Strowbridge - Housekeeping Alison Boatright, Jill Griffin - MYF Directors July 12th - 19th Services at 11:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Opening Service - July 12th at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Tab Smith Rev. Jimmy Smith Please make plans to join us for a wonderful time of worship, fellowship, and renewal. Dr. Tab Smith will lead the morning worship services and Rev. Jimmy "Jim" Smith will lead the evening worship services. There will be a Gospel Sing on Saturday, July 11th at 7:00 p.m. featuring The Bland Family and Jordan's River. 2015 Backpack Ministry Update The Backpack Ministry served an average of 145 students each week during the 2014 - 2015 school year. Over 18,750 total pounds of food were sent home with the students at a total cost for the year of $3,850.00. Thank you to everyone who donated to this ministry with their time and gifts. This is a big job, but worth all the effort. Thank you again for your support. Welcome Kayse Hodges! Please join us in welcoming Kayse Hodges as our new church Administrative Assistant. First United Methodist Church Sunday, July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost PRELUDE What a Friend We Have in Jesus CHIMING OF THE HOUR Worship Begins WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Lay Leader CHORAL INTROIT This is the Day *HYMN 430 Victory in Jesus *PASSING OF THE PEACE Congregation MORNING PRAYER & LORD'S PRAYER Pastor and Congregation CHILDREN'S SERMON Mrs. Melissa with Our Children *HYMN 347 He Keeps Me Singing *HYMN 383 I Am Thine, O Lord OFFERTORY PRAYER Pastor OFFERTORY There is a Balm in Gilead *DOXOLOGY No. 95 Congregation CHORAL ANTHEM Won't It Be Wonderful There THE EPISTLE LESSON ( P. B. 185) 2 Corinthians 12:2 - 10 THE GOSPEL LESSON (P. B. 40) Mark 6:1 - 13 SERMON Pastor *HYMN 586 Trust and Obey *BENEDICTION Pastor *CHORAL BENEDICTION Amens *POSTLUDE I Will Sing of My Redeemer *Indicates to stand as you are able Live Broadcast on Cable Television Channel 7 and on Radio Stations 1470 AM and 93.7 FM The flowers in the Sanctuary this Sunday are given to the glory of God and in honor of our great Nation. THE CHURCH IN MINISTRY THIS WEEK SUNDAY, JULY 5 8:15 a.m. - Community Outreach breakfast 9:00 a.m. - Early Worship Service 9:55 a.m. - Children's Music time 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 5:00 p.m. - MYF 5:00 p.m. - Bible Study THURSDAY, JULY 9 7:00 p.m. - Praise Band practice SATURDAY, JULY 11 7:00 p.m. - Gospel Sing/Tattnall Campgrounds Christian sympathy is extended to Audrey Lewis upon the death of her mother, Barbara Schaaf , on June 27, 2015. SUNDAY SERVANTS Ushers: Jesse Denning, Chairman Eddie Oliver, Tonn Sutton Steve Lynch, Bill Boney Greeters: Teresa Curtis, Daughtrey Paulk Joan Hughes, Libby Hendrix Apostle: David Boatright Sound Technician: Casey Threatte TV Technician: Jeff Rogers Nursery: Debbie Blocker MYF Server: April Smith Counters: Patti Rogers & Gene Durrence
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