May 2015 Grapevine - Christ Lutheran Church

May 2015
A monthly newsletter of
Christ Lutheran Church, Ferndale WA
I am the vine, you are the branches. - John 15:5
Spring and Summer Worship
The seasons of Easter and Pentecost at CLC will include lively worship, exciting celebrations, and some
inspiring guest preachers. We’ll encounter images of Jesus as the good shepherd, the vine, our friend, the
one who prays for us, and the one who gives us the Holy Spirit.
Make a commitment to be present in worship this spring and summer to encounter the God who refreshes
and sustains you. And invite someone to join you!
Here are some special dates to remember for worship during the Easter and Pentecost seasons:
May 3
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Bishop Kirby Unti preaching
May 10
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day, brunch between services
May 17
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Penny Magelssen preaching
May 24
Pentecost / Confirmation
One service at 10:00am, followed by a reception
May 31
Holy Trinity Sunday
Two services at 9:00am and 11:15am
June 7
Pentecost 2 / Youth Sunday
One service at 10:00am, followed by a picnic
Pastor Joel Langholz from Lutheran Campus
Ministry preaching.
One service at 10:00am continues through Sunday September 6. Blended music
(traditional and contemporary) the first Sunday of each month, June—September.
June 21
Pentecost 4
Father’s Day, pancake breakfast after worship
August 2
Pentecost 10
Outdoor worship service in the Memorial Garden,
followed by church potluck, and presentation by
youth who attended the ELCA Youth Gathering
September 13
Pentecost 16 / Rally Sunday
Two services at 9:00am and 11:15am, pancake
breakfast between services
Eighth graders Chloe Harksell and Jacob Petersen
will affirm their baptism during the service of confirmation on Pentecost Sunday, May 24 at 10:00am.
These confirmands have spent 2 years of classroom
time learning about Lutheran Catechism and Lutheran
Tradition, Biblical “ancestors”, Biblical stories and
Biblical history, the Creed, discipleship, Jesus, other
beliefs, and tough questions.
During their third year of confirmation, they have
worked with their mentors (Jacob with Joe Linn and
Chloe with John Vickery) on service projects both
inside and outside the church and discussed the 5
promises they will make on their confirmation day.
They will present their service projects to their families
and mentors at a family banquet the night before they
are confirmed.
Confirmation on May 24 will be a joyful day! Please
attend the 10:00am worship service where the
confirmands will affirm their faith and receive
special gifts from the congregation. Please stay
for the reception in the Fellowship Hall afterwards
where the confirmands will have a display board with
photos and memories of their life of faith. A basket
for cards from members of the congregation will be
located at each display.
Pastor’s thoughts on ...
...the Holy Spirit and sermon preparation.
The Holy Spirit is on our minds this month:
On May 24, we’ll be celebrating Pentecost
– the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the first
Christian church as described in Acts 2. At
the confirmation of Jacob Petersen
and Chloe Harksell on Pentecost, we’ll celebrate how the Holy Spirit came upon them
in baptism and continues to guide them in
faith. A small group of church council members is focusing on spiritual growth at CLC
by opening up a dialogue about the Holy
Spirit. And your pastor is continuing her
weekly prayers for the Holy Spirit’s insight
and direction as the shepherd of this congregation.
Someone at CLC asked me recently how
I prepare my weekly sermons. My short,
somewhat tongue-in-cheek answer was
“only by the grace of the Holy Spirit.” But
the longer, truer answer is pretty much
the same. As I explained to this member,
each step of the sermon writing process
is one in which I beg the Holy Spirit’s
Sermon writing begins for me on Tuesday
mornings when I usually attend text study
with other Lutheran pastors in the county.
We pray for the Spirit’s guidance as we
discuss the following Sunday’s texts.
down a 4-5 page draft into a 2 page
sermon manuscript.
Because the Spirit often has other
things and people for me to attend to
on Fridays, I almost always
complete my sermon writing on
Saturdays. I call it my “boiling pot”
analogy of sermon writing: my mind
and heart are like a big pot of cold
water that’s put on the stove on
Tuesdays and the Holy Spirit takes
the whole week to warm my heart
and mind up to boiling. And, honestly, most of the time my sermoncompletion-boiling-point doesn’t occur until Saturday night!
Sermon preparation from beginning
to end usually takes about one hour
for every minute of preaching (i.e.,
about 12 hours for a 12 minute sermon). Sunday mornings I practice my
sermon at home several times before
coming to church. I intentionally don’t
show up until 20-30 minutes before
the first service so I can hold as
much of my sermon in my head as possible. (If you have something other than a prayer request to share with me on Sunday
mornings before worship, it’s helpful if you wait until after the service so I don’t forget what you’ve told me nor forget my sermon!)
The rest of the week I mull over the lessons
and type up ideas as they come to me. I
daily pray for the Holy Spirit to open my
mind and heart to help me discern what
you might need to hear.
Sometimes this sermon writing process works and sometimes it
doesn’t. You will not always be fed by my sermons. But the humorous thing for me is that when I am certain a sermon fell flat
and I failed the Spirit and failed the congregation, someone will
inevitably say, “Thanks, pastor, that’s exactly what I needed to
hear today.” That is definitely the Holy Spirit at work!
Because I write my sermons best at home,
I use Fridays to pray for and
prepare my sermons. The interesting thing
is that sometimes the Holy Spirit gives me
my best insights while I’m using the Precor
machine at the gym or going for a walk, so
my Friday morning exercise routine
is also part of my sermon-writing practice.
This month we will pray for the Spirit’s guidance for two guest
preachers: Bishop Kirby Unti who will preach on May 3, and
Penny Magelssen who will preach on May 17. After knowing
her spiritual insight and learning that Penny has had experience
preaching in her former congregation, I asked her to preach
since I won’t have time to prepare a sermon due to the Synod
Assembly that Friday-Saturday.
After exercising on Fridays I’ll read paper
and online commentaries about the texts
and try to write a long draft with many ideas, then work to sharpen the focus of
the sermon. Usually I have to pare
Thank you, Holy Spirit. It truly is only by your grace that your people are fed!
Pastor Jana
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Encouragement and Blessing
Cards for sale in May
To help raise funds to get to the Detroit National
Youth Gathering, April and Autumn Boyden are
selling handmade encouragement cards. They
will be available for the Sundays in May in the
Each card sells for $5 (cash is simplest) and
comes with a pre-stamped envelope ready to
mail to someone who could use an encouraging
word, a scripture, a prayer.
Evening Bible Study Group
The Monday evening Bible Conversation group will
meet Mondays May 4 and 18.
The gatherings will be 7:00—8:30 pm at the
Jonson's home, 5997 Malloy Drive, Ferndale.
Our conversations focus on the Gospel of Mark
this year as well as some of the articles from
The Lutheran.
If you have any question about the group or need
directions to the Jonson’s home, please call Gary
or Carolyn at 384-1126.
Be old-fashioned, send “snail-mail” and help us
plan ahead for this summer trip. Thanks!
Celebration of Life Form
Upcoming Dates
June 7
Youth Sunday and Auction; Summer worship
schedule begins: one-service Sundays at 10:00am
July 15-19
ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit
August 1
Ferndale Uncorked
August 3-7
Vacation Bible School
September 13
Rally Sunday, Return to regular worship schedule
two-services Sundays(9:00 & 11:15am),
God’s Work Our Hands service day
Crafty Group
The crafters will gather Saturday, May 2, 9:00am
at the home of Carol Gahm.
All are welcome! Bring whatever your current craft
happens to be.
Please call Carol at 312-0267 for directions to her
house or information about the group.
Does your family know your wishes
for your memorial service?
CLC members who have not yet completed this form
are encouraged to do so this Easter season, as we
remember the promise of resurrection life that awaits
us after death.
This form has spaces to include your wishes and
desires for your burial (whether in the Christ Lutheran
Memorial Garden or another place) and memorial
service when you die.
Rather than thinking of this as a morbid activity, think
of it as an opportunity to help others celebrate your life
after your death with the hymns, scripture readings,
etc. you choose. No matter your age, please fill out a
form for CLC to keep on file. You’ll breathe easier
knowing you have communicated your wishes, and
your loved ones will appreciate celebrating your life
the way you wanted it to happen.
Please follow this link to the form on our website (if you are
reading the hard copy of the newsletter go to, use the “About Us” menu and
click on forms and information) and make it a goal
to return the form to the church office by the end of
the Easter season - May 24.
Sharing God’s Love with All People
News and Updates on Social Concerns
Feeding the Hungry
Our Ferndale Food Bank
Do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Thank you for remembering to support the Ferndale
Food Bank. One hundred seventy pounds of food
was donated and delivered in March helping to feed
our neighbors right here where we live.
Hebrews 13:16
Thank you for celebrating our Lord's resurrection
by giving so generously to World Hunger. The
offering collected for ELCA World Hunger on
Easter Sunday was $960! This gift helps make it
possible for the ELCA to support sustainable solutions that get at root causes of hunger and poverty
here at home and in more than 50 countries worldwide. Again, thank you for sharing and showing
your love to our neighbors around the globe.
Ferndale Community Meal
The FCM offering in March was $356 helping to
offer warm and welcoming hospitality to 148 of
our Ferndale neighbors. The delicious meals are
planned and presented with great care and it is
always a time of wonderful fellowship for guests
and volunteers. Bless you for sharing your financial
gifts to make this meal possible.
All are welcome to join us, as guests or volunteers,
on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month
from 10:00am to noon at United Church of
Ferndale, 2024 Washington Street. For more
information contact meal coordinator, Joanna
Flores at [email protected].
"Make a Joyful Noise to
Psalm 61 tells us to "Make a joyful noise to God..."
and so we did on March 29. It is a joy to watch the
little ones of CLC run around with their buckets,
happily collecting change (and more) to help our
members and neighbors through some rough
times. The next "Noisy Offering" is on May 31;
Save your change to make a Joyful Noise!
On Sunday, March 15, we heard our own Bethany
Dietrich tell us about the vital ministry of Lutherwood. We are so thankful to have this beautiful
camp "right in our own backyard". The designated
offering to support Lutherwood, was $608; thank
you for being so generous and for helping to bless
the many who are inspired and nurtured by this
Other Bank News
After closing for the school spring break, we had
an enormous crowd when we reopened. We distributed supplies to 30 families, and 2 or 3 others will
have to return next week since we emptied the
shelves of essential supplies. In March we were
able to assist 81 families, 442 individuals. We are
so grateful for the support of our congregation. The
designated offering on May 3 will be, as always, a
big help to us. And all of the donations in the bin
add so much support for our school children and
their parents. Thanks to all of you who contribute to
this outreach effort.
Quilts Dedicated
Ninety-eight quilts were blessed during worship on
April 26. The majority of these quilts will be sent to
Lutheran World Relief for distribution around the
world. The quilters meet Monday mornings in the
Fellowship Hall at 9:00am. If you have questions
or would like to join this ministry contact Elizabeth
Bishop at 384-0775.
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Please Keep in Prayer
Please continue to hold these individuals
and their families in your daily prayers:
 The loved ones of Nell Sherry and Mark
 Those dealing with life situations and
health issues including: Ariel, Martha,
Joy, Emma, Karen, Kate, Kirsten, Ray,
Ralph, Carolyn, Bruce, Amanda, Curtis,
Terry, Don, Wendy, Susan, Dave, Rod,
Kathy, Carol, Steve, Danielle, Charlene,
Andalena, Kristie, Ginger, Allison, Tony,
Dick, Kerri, Roy, Clarence, Jim, Anita,
Logan, Ray, Gwen, Lisa, Jerri, Darrell,
Lindsay, Debbie, Mike, Mrs. Sujk, Chloe,
Tammy, Rose, Esmi, Judy, Juanita, Kevin
 The homebound, and those in nursing
homes and assisted living facilities
including Kathleen and Edna
 All those who serve in the military
including Robert, David, Scott, Thomas,
Joshua, Rick, Kayhan
 Those struggling with deteriorating
health, addictions, and illnesses affecting
the mind and spirit
 Those who travel including Elisabeth
Stephen Ministry
Don’t suffer alone. Help
is available.
Sometimes we fall into a
trap where we think it’s a sign of weakness to ask
for help. So when we’re stressed, discouraged,
lonely, or sad, we try to keep our struggles hidden
and are reluctant to ask for help. However, that’s
not God’s plan. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one
another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
God wants us to care for others—and allow others
to care for us in our time of need.
If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer
alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen
Ministers who are ready to provide confidential
one-to-one care, encouragement, and support to
help you through a tough time. Find out more
about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our
Stephen Leaders: Victoria Baum (383-0382) or
Linda Osgood (201-7025). Our Stephen Ministers
are ready to bring God’s love and care into your
The next times the Stephen Ministry Prayer Station
will be made available are May 31 and June 28.
Many thanks to Victoria Baum for donating
the upright piano now in the Fellowship
The deadline for submissions to an
upcoming edition of the Grapevine is
9:00am on the 15th of the prior month.
The old piano is in storage and available to
anyone who may want it.
Please, email items to
[email protected]
or leave a copy on the desk in the office.
If interested, please contact Kurt Anderson,
chair of the Property Management Committee. You can reach Kurt at 384-5383 or
[email protected].
Individual articles exceeding 1/4 page may
be edited to fit available space .
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Learning Team Narrative of Christ Lutheran
The story of CLC is a marvelous
trip through the Grace of Christ.
We are now almost 50 years old,
getting to be a middle-aged
congregation. We were started
by the vision of Zion Lutheran
in Custer who saw the need to
expand the Love of Christ by
forming a new congregation,
Christ Lutheran in Ferndale.
Our community is becoming more
transient, yet there is a strong
“family-feel” still apparent.
According to the 2010 census,
83% of Ferndale is White, 12%
Hispanic, 3.6% Asian, 2.6%
Native American, and 1% Black.
Ferndale’s population as of 2013
was 12,343 and has grown by 8%
in the past 5 years.
We grew slowly, but steadily
and shared a pastor with Zion
until 1989. By 1998 we already
had 150 people worshiping God
together. The past years have
varied between 100 & 150. In
2001 we experienced a conflict
(as 45% of ELCA congregations
do), after which the number of
people worshiping together
dropped to about 100. Since
then we have again been growing
slowly, but steadily, and have
learned some things about how
to best handle normal conflict
when it occurs. Now this year,
since January 1, with our continued living in Christ and our sharing
his love with all people, we again
have about 150 people worshipping God together.
There is an increasing diversity of
ethnic population here, however
our congregation is still basically
The various ages of our
members include:
Builders 1925—1945
Boomers 1946—1964
Generation X 1966—1976
Generation Y 1977—1994
Generation Z 1995—2010
Generation ? 2011—2015
What do these numbers mean for
us in terms of ministry in the next
ten years?
We are known in the community
for our outreach to people in
need as we work together with
other congregations and
agencies. There are 24 other
congregations in Ferndale.
With a large increase in sports
opportunities our children and
youth are becoming highly
scheduled and so opportunities
for congregational involvement
are being challenged. Our
Christian preschool is well known
and has 74 children, of whom a
few are from families who worship
with us. Our worship includes a
number of children and youth who
play instruments and are learning
the faith through music. Our music
ministry is a real strength.
With the increased and changing
demands on our pastor, we are
developing a Stephen Ministry
program of pastoral care to meet
the needs of people going through
crisis, grief or difficulty. We love
the good pastoral ministry we are
receiving and some of us are a
bit anxious in that if we grow in
numbers the pastoral ministry
will change in order to include
more people.
This brings us to the present
and our desire to discern how
best to move forward in our
mission. Transition is always
both exciting and anxiety producing. How do we best do this? Our
Learning Team has listened to
more than 70 of our members.
Here is a summary of what was
said about our congregation.
Our people come from many areas
of Whatcom County.
We have been able to build a beautiful
campus and sanctuary.
We recognize that if we grow we will
have to organize and administer our
mission in new ways.
Some of us are concerned that if we
grow, that will change the role of the
Our youth program is strong and
We recognize that not all of our
people can worship on Sundays.
We need to know and keep our key
strengths and secure them. This frees
us to experiment, knowing we will
have successes and failures.
Technology is changing so fast, how
do we incorporate it into our learning
and serving?
Our building space is limiting what we
can do effectively. What are the most
important programs of ministry that
need adequate space?
There is more that can be said
and needs discussion. In the
weeks ahead our Learning Team
will be identifying and ranking the
barriers that are preventing us
from further growth in our mission
to “live in Christ and share his love
with all people.” We will seek
further conversation with the
congregation on these barriers
and seek consensus.
Our team then will explore the
context of the community we live
in: What is happening in our area
that impacts our understanding of
mission? We will do this using a
demographic profile, a draft statement of our calling and plan, which
we will again share with the congregation. From this our team will
develop a statement of our calling
and then recommend a plan for
our future together.
This is an exciting time as we
prepare for our future life together
in Christ!
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
CLC Preschool—Oh Dear… Where Has the Time Gone!!!
The school year is almost over for another year.
May is proving to be the busiest, happiest and
saddest month of the year!
Busiest because of all the activities we have
planned. It actually started in April with the annual
trip to the fire station. The students always look
forward to this field trip. After that, we built bird
houses thanks to Gary Jonson and friends.
Our annual Mother’s Teas are scheduled for May
5 and 6. Students, along with Mrs. Johnson, Mrs.
Eggink and Miss Angie will be working hard on a
very special gift for the Mothers.
The last family chapel times are planned for May
12 and 13. Parents are encouraged to attend and
participate in their child’s chapel time. We hope
that this last one we will have a big attendance to
share the blessings of a great school year and the
hopes for a wonderful summer.
Nearing the end of the school year, we have Bike
Day. This is probably one of the most anticipated
days of the school year. The center of the church
parking lot will be closed for the day (or part of the
day) as students “race” their bikes round and
round and up and down. After watching them in
the somewhat confined space of the playground I
can only imagine what they can do in the parking
lot. There will be other activities and prizes as well
as a celebration for all those with summer birthdays. Bike Day—this year May 19 in the morning
and May 21 in the morning and afternoon—is the
last school day for each of the classes.
Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 21,
7:00pm. This is the happy and sad time when we
see many of our students off to Kindergarten and
the beginning of the next chapter of their school
careers. We are very proud of all they have
accomplished during their time at Christ Lutheran
Preschool, but we will miss them terribly as well!
Capping the school year off is the All School
Picnic on Friday, May 22. The exact location has
not been determined yet, but it will be a fun time
for children and parents to share together before
the summer break!
Hopefully, next month we will have a lot of pictures
to share!
The Lord’s Peace be with you.
Jan Koehler, director
[email protected], 360-380-2233
Adult Education
All are welcome Sunday mornings in the conference/ cry room
from 10:15-11:05am.
May 3:
ELCA NW WA Bishop, Rev.
Kirby Unti will be with us.
Come ask your bishop anything.
May 17:
Synod Assembly Report from
our congregation representatives. (Last class until fall.)
May 10:
Please enjoy the Mothers’ Day
brunch in the Fellowship Hall
May 24:
Please join the celebration of
our confirmands in the Fellowship Hall. (Note: one service
this week at 10:00am.)
Adult Education classes on Sunday mornings will resume on Rally
Day, September 13. Watch the August and September editions of
the Grapevine for topics for the fall.
To get involved or share your ideas or wishes for Adult Ed topics
contact Dave or Jan Schlack at [email protected].
Special Music
During Worship
Sue Gault has agreed to
assume the responsibility of
organizing and scheduling
the many talented musicians
who graciously share their gifts
providing special music during
the Sunday morning 9:00am
worship services. If you would
like to provide special music
during the 9:00am traditional
worship service please speak
with Sue ([email protected]
or 380-5466 ) and she will help
find the appropriate Sunday and
the place in the worship service
for your gift.
Thank you to everyone who help
make both of our Sunday morning
worship services so very meaningful for all.
Not a Meeting Guy
by the Rev. Kirby Unti, NWWA Synod Bishop
As printed in the May 2015 edition of The Spirit
The Spirit, a publication of the Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA, is intended for
members of synod congregations and organizations.
Follow this link for a full print version of The Spirit.
I am an ENFP on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
personality inventory. This is code language for "you
will find such characters roaming the halls at Synod
Convention and rarely present in the assembly itself."
Truth be known, the first Synod Assembly that I
was present for from start to finish was last year's.
You may remember the year I was elected all the
nominees were cloistered so I can't even count 2013.
In fact there is very little of the 2013 Assembly that
I remember.
Needless to say, now that I serve in the Office of
Bishop I am expected to not only attend the Synod
Assembly but to be present in the Plenary Hall when
the sessions are in order. This has caused me more
than a little heartburn. It is right up there with being
asked to go out on the dance floor knowing I have
no sense of rhythm whatsoever.
See you at Assembly! I will be the guy up front with
the wooden hammer!
Synod Assembly—May 15 & 16
Many thanks to our Synod Assembly
voting members, Rod Schofield, Bethany
Dietrich, Ashley Linn, and Pastor Jana.
Not only am I expected to be present, I am expected
to "chair" the meeting which means I am supposed to
have some understanding of Robert's Rules of Order.
Bless Robert's heart but his rules have never been
my thing. And bless former ELCA Secretary David
Swartling's heart because he took me on last year as
his "parliamentarian project." Little did he know how
inept his student was!
They will attend the synod assembly May
15—16 in Lynnwood and report on the
assembly during the Adult Education class on
May 17 at 10:15am in the conference room.
The last guy to serve in this office is so in love with
Robert's Rules that he now is the Secretary of the
ELCA. He prides himself in being one of the first to
purchase the latest edition and can hardly wait to
read it from cover to cover. You can see the bar is set
really high in this Synod.
Northwest Washington Synod,
So this year when we gather at the Lynnwood
Convention Center under the theme "Can We Talk,"
I will do what I have done all my life: I will ask of God
the Moses question, "Who am I that I should go?"
I will take comfort in knowing that the Bible is full
of reluctant leaders from Moses, to David, to Paul.
Some might even argue Jesus. And, I will stand
before the Assembly trusting that the Spirit will
provide all that I need for that which the Spirit has
called me to do.
And I will pray that those who gather will be as gracious as those who gathered last year and together
we will experience the joy of what it means to be the
church together. I trust we will worship well, laugh
often, enter into deeply respectful conversation and
conduct the work of this Synod—to dish up God's
grace for a hungry world.
You will delight in journeying
with our very own theologian and Biblical Guide Cynthia Moe-Lobeda who will
offer us a Lutheran lens on
what it means to value the
other. Presenter Mark Lau
Branson will help us see how the use of Appreciative
Inquiry can set the table to engage our neighbors in
the pressing conversations of our times. This year
breakout sessions and an Open Space setting will
provide you with the opportunity to learn critical listening skills while exploring challenging conversations into which we are called.
M—F, 9:00am—4:00pm
5519 Phinney Ave. North
Seattle, WA 98103-5829
Phone: 206-783-9292; Fax 206-783-9833
Toll free: 844-597-0452
[email protected]
Synod Staff
Rev. Kirby Unti, bishop
Rev. Nancy Winder, assistant to the bishop
Rev. Kathryn Buffum, assistant to the bishop
Rev. Jerry Buss, assistant to the bishop &
director for evangelical mission
Margaret Spatafore, synod office administrator
Susan Berg, synod relations administrator
The Vision of the Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC
The Sunday School
would like to extend a
huge thank you to those
of you who donated
items for the Lenten
service project. With
your help we will be able to bring Christmas
to many kids at Orphanage Emmanuel in
Honduras. If you would like to learn more
about volunteer opportunities or about the
orphanage, please visit their website:
Kids For Christ
There is no Sunday School on May 24 due to
one worship service. The last day of Sunday
School is May 31, 10:15am, between the two
services. We will practice for Youth Sunday
during the first part of the hour. Following the
practice each class will have end-of-the-year
lessons and parties.
May 17:
High school KFC
May 24:
Middle school KFC
May 31:
All grades KFC— fifth graders welcome
to join the us for this last KFC of the year
June 6:
Silent Auction set up
June 7:
Silent Auction after Youth Sunday service
Youth Sunday is coming soon: June 7. This is
a time to recognize the students, teachers,
secret saints, and Sunday School helpers.
The kids will take over the service (ushering,
greeting, communion, reading, singing, etc.)
Throughout the month of May, the students
will be practicing a new song to share with the
congregation, for your listening pleasure.
Students are choosing how they would like to
take part during the service on June 7. The
service will begin at 10:00am, but we ask that
the students arrive at 9:30am, to practice the
song one last time. It is especially important
for the ushers and greeters to arrive by
Following the Youth Sunday church service,
there will be a picnic and silent auction.
Ashley Linn, superintendent
Learning Team & Bishop
The Learning Team will be meeting with
Bishop Unti when he is at CLC on May 3,
to discuss the future of the Lutheran church
and what the Learning Team should be
considering as they create recommendations
for CLC’s future.
The youth group will not be slowing down in the last six
weeks of the school year. Here is what we have
to look forward to:
May 1–2: Middle school retreat at Lutherwood
May 3:
All grades KFC
May 8–9: Whatcom GO! Night
May 17, 5:15pm: A meeting about the National
Youth Gathering in Detroit
Everyone is looking forward to Whatcom GO! Night.
We will come together in fellowship, worship and fun
with other congregations within Whatcom County.
We start at Lutherwood playing games, eating pizza
and worshiping. Then we swim at Arne Hanna Aquatic
Center followed by jumping at Trampoline Zone. The
night will finish at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
in Bellingham with more games, Netflix, and breakfast.
The silent auction is returning this year on Sunday,
June 7 after the one worship service at 10:00am.
The auction will be accompanied by a picnic. (Look for
information about the picnic in the June Grapevine and
upcoming bulletins.)
Ashley Linn, youth minister
Office Manager on
Vacation, May 18—22
Sandy Schapler will be in the office during regular office hours (M—TH, 8:30—11:30am &
12:00—3:00pm) and can help you with most
things you may need while Sam is away.
Sam will return from vacation on Tuesday May 26,
after the long Memorial Day weekend.
The church office will be closed Memorial Day,
Monday May 25.
The Vision of the Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC
Rock On! VBS, August 3—7
It’s hard to believe that planning for this summer’s
Vacation Bible School is well underway. This
month the Planning Team decided to let
everyone know what it takes it terms of People to
put on VBS. Some jobs will need to be staffed
by the same person all week, while others might
take a couple of hours one day. Many of these
jobs already have folks who have stepped up to
do them, others are still awaiting a volunteer.
Director: Oversees the program including
curriculum, scheduling, budget, volunteers,
Lutherwood staff, supplies, etc.
Janet Wilhoite is this year’s director.
Area Leads: There are 10 different areas that
need a Lead person.
Registration: Elana English
 Creates the registration documents
 Takes in registrations and creates sign-in/out
 Recruits and organizes daily volunteers for
Hospitality: __________ (your name here!)
 Organizes housing for Lutherwood Staff
 Organizes Thursday night dinner including
setting the menu, recruiting volunteers and
acquiring supplies
Opening/Closing/Music: Lutherwood staff
 In charge of opening and closing worship, and
leads music
Bible Study/Story: Lutherwood staff
 Presents the daily Bible story
 Engages campers in the story and leads
reinforcement activities
Service Project: __________ (your name here!)
 Acquires and organizes supplies
 Leads campers in the daily service project
Snack: Sharie Schofield
 Organizes daily snacks for both preschool and
day campers
 Recruits and oversees daily volunteers (two
each day)
 Ensure adequate and appropriate food and
drink daily
Pre-school: __________ (your name here!)
 Responsible for running of preschool VBS
including Bible story time, crafts and games
 Recruits and organizes volunteers
 Acquires and organizes craft supplies
Clean-up: Karen Nipges
 Recruits and oversees volunteer cleaners
(three each day)
Craft: Lutherwood staff
 Acquires and organizes supplies and leads
campers in the daily
craft project
Games: Ashley Linn
 Organizes and runs
daily games
 Acquires any needed
 Recruits and organizes
As you can see, there is a
lot to do! But much of it is already in the works.
If you have any interest in being the Hospitality Lead,
Service Project Lead, or Preschool Lead, please contact
Janet Wilhoite at [email protected]
VBS Designated Offering
In the council’s budgeting discussions this year, it was decided to not fund VBS from the general funds. This
year funding will come from specific donations. To that end, on Sunday May 17 there will be a designated
offering for VBS. The total cost for VBS each year is about $2,300 and your generous offering will go a long
way to ensuring that VBS can “Rock On!”, bringing God’s message to the kids.
Christ Lutheran Church Council Meeting
April 14, 2015
Unofficial Minutes; amended to fit available space
Present: Randy Bellville, Scott Boyden, Laura Ensch, Mary Ann Essig, Sandy Hall,
Carolyn Huggett, Pat Kuehnel, Pastor Jana Schofield, Janet Wilhoite, Kevin Wolter
Absent: Dave Schlack, Nancy Tupper, Dave Magelssen
 Sandy Hall opened the meeting with prayer.
 Treasurer’s Report and March 2015 Minutes: Motion to approve, carried unanimously.
 Pastor's Report: Available on the bulletin board across from the church office.
 Executive Committee: Discussion on treasurer and bookkeeper functions as well as software for
financial and church management software.
 Electronic Giving:
There is a desire to be able to take credit
cards at functions like the upcoming Bunco
Night, Youth Auction, and the wine tasting being held in August. The Stewardship Committee will be responsible for writing the processes for use of and responsibility for the device.
Motion: Approve up to $350 to purchase device and equipment to set up a PayPal Here
system which will enable the church to take
credit cards at events. Motion passed.
 Financial:
Treasurer / bookkeeping / accounting functions, creating a more formalized automated
system, researching the best accounting software and bookkeeping. VBS costs are not in
this year’s budget. We are depending on designated giving this year to cover costs. A Sunday special offering for VBS is coming soon.
 Devotion:
Janet: Focusing on the Holy Spirit
 Council Priorities:
Communications (Kevin): Discussed the
importance of raising awareness of changes
early and keeping people apprised.
Constitution (Nancy): Waiting to hear from
each committee chair with suggestions
on their section.
Spiritual Growth (Janet): Focusing on the
Holy Spirit and looking to God for power,
wisdom and direction first thing before
every meeting, activity, decision process,
rather than being tempted to take off on
our own power and then wind up asking
the Lord to bless activities we've already
got going and plans we've already laid out.
 Preschool Vaccine Policy:
Preschool Committee was asked to search
out and evaluate or to create a Vaccine Policy. No previous written policy was found, so a
policy was written. Later it was learned that
there was a generally accepted belief about
such a policy which differed from the new policy. Motion: To adopt the Preschool Committee’s new Vaccine Policy with an amendment
to allow for a child to be opted out due to personal beliefs. Motion passed.
The mission of
Christ Lutheran Church:
We live in Christ
and share his love
with all people.
Council Corner
It Takes a Village
to Be the Church
By Randy Bellville
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God. And the peace of
God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
It Takes a Village…Wow, a quarter of the year has
passed. Spring is in the air and the groundhogs have
emerged from their burrows. It’s time we update the
village on our finances. At the annual meeting last
November we shared a number of financial challenges for this year. Last month we communicated the
passing of the torch from Larry to Laura for treasurer
responsibilities. We have some reasons to celebrate
while keeping an eye towards a few challenging
situations on the horizon.
What do you need to know?
First let’s celebrate having maintained planned expenses below budgeted estimates for the first quarter
and as a result we received approximately $3,000
more than we spent. Thanks be to God and to those
who have worked hard to manage church expenses.
Looking forward, several key challenges lay in our
path. One challenge is the continued transition of the
treasurer role and work processes. We’re looking at
the 30-year-old financial application we have used to
Next Executive Committee Meeting: May 5, 7:00pm.
Next Council Meeting: May 12, 6:30pm.
manage finances and considering changing to a more
current computer application. We’re also taking a
close look at the differences in roles and responsibilities for a treasurer and a bookkeeper. Larry covered
both roles for us and it’s possible we will need to split
them apart moving forward.
What do we need from you?
Another challenge was our recommendation and
membership’s decision to not put Vacation Bible
School (VBS) costs in this year’s budget. Instead we
agreed VBS costs would be covered by designated
giving. You should be hearing more about requests
for designated giving and the timing for special offerings soon.
During last November’s annual meeting and again
last month in the Grapevine we asked for help from
our membership. We need several people willing
to serve on the Stewardship committee. Currently
nobody serves as a member on the committee,
which leaves any stewardship work to the Council
representative who also serves as the Council Vice
President. Kevin could really use some helping
hands so please, those who are willing, reach out
to Kevin at [email protected] and offer
your help.
Randy Bellville, council president
Send your suggestions for Council Corner topics
to [email protected] or talk to Vice President,
Kevin Wolter.
Contact the Council
Council President
Randy Bellville
[email protected]
Fellowship Committee Rep.
Sandy Hall
[email protected]
Social Concerns Committee
Dave Schlack
[email protected]
Council Vice President
Kevin Wolter
[email protected]
Parish Education Committee Rep.
Janet Wilhoite
[email protected]
Stewardship Committee Rep.
Kevin Wolter
[email protected]
Council Secretary
Nancy Tupper
[email protected]
Property Mgmt. Committee Rep.
Pat Kuehnel
[email protected]
Worship & Music Committee Rep.
Dave Magelssen
[email protected]
Evangelism Committee Rep.
Mary Ann Essig
[email protected]
Preschool Committee Rep.
Scott Boyden
[email protected]
Youth Committee Rep.
Carolyn Huggett
[email protected]
9:00 AM
Traditional Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
11:15 AM
Contemporary Worship
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
9:00 AM
Office Hours, M—TH
8:30—11:30 am & 12:00—3:00 pm,
(Closed 11:30 am—12:00 pm for lunch)
Bishop Unti preaching
9:00 AM
Bulletin Anncmnts. Deadline
1:00 PM
VBS Planning
2:00 PM
Youth Minister
Office Hours
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Preschool Comm. Meeting
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
Preschool Mothers' Teas,
Morning and Afternoon
Preschool Mothers' Tea,
9:00 AM
Traditional Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
11:15 AM
Contemporary Worship
12:10 PM
Confirmation Class
6:00 PM
KFC (grades 6-12)
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Mothers Tea
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
6:30 PM
Property Management
Committee Meeting
7:00 PM
Executive Comm. Meeting
7:00 PM
Ferndale Community Meal
Committee Meeting
9:00 AM
Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister Office Hours
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
Community Meal
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
9:00 AM
Traditional Worship
10:00 AM
Mothers’ Day Brunch
10:15 AM
Sunday School
11:15 AM
Contemporary Worship
9:00 AM
Penny Magelssen
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
Memorial Day
Office Closed
10:00 AM
Combined Worship
11:00 AM
Reception for Confirmands
6:00 PM
KFC (Middle School)
9:00 AM
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
9:00 AM
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
6:30 PM
Property Management
Committee Meeting
7:00 PM
Executive Committee
10:00 AM
Meal Served
Preschool Classes, M—F
9:30 am—12:15 pm & 1—3:15 pm
(No afternoon classes on M or F)
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Youth Committee
9:00 AM
3:00 PM
Recital (Sue Gault,
piano students)
Synod Assembly
Bike Day
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
7:00 PM
(hosted by the
Petersen family)
10:00 AM
Meal Served
High School Retreat
at Lutherwood,
through Sunday
Pr. Jana, Synod
Committee (Seattle)
7:00 PM
Preschool Committee
9:00 AM
Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister
Office Hours
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
Whatcom Go! Night
9:00 AM
Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister Office Hours
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
9:00 AM
Traditional Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
11:15 AM
Contemporary Worship
12:10 PM
Last Confirmation Class
6:00 PM
Last KFC of the year (H.S.)
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
9:00 AM
Craft Group
May 2015
10:00 AM
Pastor &
Director Meeting
9:00 AM
Announcements Deadline
2:00 PM
Youth Minister Office Hours
6:30 PM
Cub Scout Pack
Committee Meeting
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
Office manager on vacation – Sandy Schapler in the office
No Sunday School
No Adult Sun. School
A 12 month calendar is available
9:00 AM
Bulletin Anncmnt. Deadline
11:00 AM
Pr. & Youth
Minister Meeting
2:00 PM
Youth Minister Office Hours
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Preschool PEP Meeting
Preschool Bike Day
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Traditional Worship
10:00 AM
Coffee Hour
10:15 AM
Sunday School
11:15 AM
Contemporary Worship
12:10 PM
Confirmation Class
5:30 PM
Meeting for youth
going to Detroit
6:00 PM
KFC (High School)
Pentecost /
Confirmation Sunday
Pr. Jana's
Day Off
Vacation Bible School
Designated Offering
9:30 AM
Stephen Minister Group
5:45 PM
Worship Band Rehearsal
6:30 PM
Council Meeting
Pr. Jana, Synod
The Other Bank
Designated Offering
Mothers' Day
10:00 AM
Pastor & Preschool
Director Meeting
2:00 PM
Silent Auction Set-up
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
Silent Auction
CLC Fellowship Hall
Sunday, June 7, following 10:00am service
Fundraiser for Kids For Christ youth group
activities such as the National Youth Gathering
in Detroit
Possible Auction Items: Good Burger,
Clair’s, Mugshots, Dairy Queen, El Nopal,
Haggen, baked goods, our very own Kids
For Christ members, and so much more!
Help Wanted
The Sunday School needs your help:
additional teachers are needed for the 2015
-2016 school year.
Sunday School takes place between the
two services, 10:15-11:05am and the curriculum is provided as is any assistance needed. You may teach independently or have
your friend(s) teach with you. You will be
paid in treats and goodies provided by your
secret saint.
Help enrich the faith journey for the adults
of tomorrow while enhancing your own walk
with Christ today. If you are interested contact Sunday School Superintendent Ashley
Linn at: [email protected] or
360.393.6653. God Bless!
We Live in Christ and Share His Love with All People
New Bench Dedicated
On Easter Sunday a granite bench,
located near the columbarium in the
Memorial Garden, was dedicated in
memory of Drexel Wiley.
This lovely addition to the Memorial
Garden is a beautiful spot for those visiting
the garden to stop to rest, or sit and pray.
The bench was purchased with funds
donated to CLC in memory of CLC member
Drexel Wiley.
Thank you from Interfaith Coalition
Dear Friends at Christ
Lutheran Church:
and your congregation’s financial
support is essential.
Your special congregational
gifts of two getaways to Sleeping
Lady in Leavenworth and the
Hotel Bellwether helped make
this year’s Interfaith Hope Auction a success! The proceeds
from the auction help us together
provide homes, warmth and
hope for our vulnerable neighbors.
Interfaith Coalition is a community of many faiths working together to eliminate homelessness
and poverty in Whatcom County.
We do it through our member
congregations, collaborating to
fill the gaps in human services
and to meet housing and other
needs of our marginalized neighbors. The challenge is immense,
but working together, building on
our respective faiths, and finding
common ground in caring for
those who need our help, we
accomplish great things.
The generosity of your gift
is just one way your congregation supports the work of Interfaith Coalition. You have many in
your congregation who also donate auction items and attend
the benefit. Pastor Jana has
been our awesome Mistress of
Ceremonies and many members
help transport and set up the
auction items. In addition, members are faithful in their annual
donations of warm coats,
others volunteer at Our House,
CLC members (left to right)
Ariel Lennon, Lillian Huber, Linda
Anderson and Sandy Hall help set-up
for the Interfaith Auction.
Thank you for being our partner
in caring and doing. We are filled
with gratitude for your congregation as a whole, and for the individual members who share in
this hopeful work.
In faith and appreciation,
Laura Harker, executive director
Pr. Jana helped with the evening as
the Mistress of Ceremonies.
Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA
5904 Vista Drive, P.O. Box 845
Ferndale, WA 98248
Office Hours
Monday—Thursday (closed Fridays)
8:30—11:30am & 12:00—3:00pm
Sunday Worship
9:00am & 11:15am
Children (infant—5yrs) are welcome
at any time in the cry room during
worship. Our child care providers
will nurture and care for them, at
no charge.
Contact Us
Church: 360-384-1422
Fax: 925-480-5594
Preschool: 360-380-2233
[email protected]
Our Staff
Rev. Jana Schofield
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Ashley Linn
[email protected]
Assistant to the Youth Minister
John Vickery
Preschool Director
Jan Koehler
[email protected]
Office Manager
Sam Blanton
[email protected]
Preschool Teachers
Cheryl Johnson
[email protected]
Lavonne Eggink
[email protected]
Preschool Registrar
Karri Huisman
[email protected]
Letha Nungesser
[email protected]
Choir Director (Interim)
Rachel Wulff
[email protected]
Contemporary Music Director
John Vickery
[email protected]
Sue Gault
Carolyn Jonson
Inside this issue
Summer Worship Schedule
Learning Team Task Force Update
VBS Information, and ways you can help