2015 Summer Ministry Guide - Website Management Center

From our Pastor…
Summer is a time of rest and play. After a busy Spring,
Summer comes right on time and gives us a way to slow
down and breathe, to enjoy family, and to unplug from
responsibilities and hectic schedules.
In Summer, schools are out. So the morning and
nighttime routine is more relaxed. There’s less pressure
on assignments, attendance and grades. There’s less
pressure on parents to remember and remind, and less
on students to achieve and perform.
Summer Ministry Guide
In Summer, plenty of other people take time
for vacations with their families. So we have
less pressure in our businesses or from our
In Summer, the rains are a welcome relief
from the heat, and the grasses are green,
inviting us to come out and play.
There are so many freedoms to explore and
enjoy in the Summer! How will you spend
this new found time?
Let’s give some of this time back to God in
worship of God, or in service to God’s
God doesn’t take a break from loving us,
caring for us, providing for us through the
Summer months.
So let’s make sure to set aside time to say
thank you to God for the beauty of the earth.
Let’s make sure to gather together for
worship and play all Summer long. Let’s use
some of the free time we’ve been given back to imagine
how to enjoy God all Summer.
This Summer’s Ministry Guide has a few ways for us to
do just that, to worship and enjoy God together all
summer long. Check your calendars, and as you plan
outings and vacations, plan opportunities to worship
and enjoy God together as the family of God that is
Oconee Presbyterian Church.
Oconee Presbyterian Church
(706) 769-4514
Physical Address:
2601 Hog Mountain Road
Watkinsville, Georgia 30677
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1377
Watkinsville, Georgia 30677
Inviting in all people… that’s our calling. The center of
our shared life with one another and with God is
Worship. We get to know one another better through
Hospitality & Fellowship events. We welcome guests
and include them in this community through Outreach.
Worship Services
Sunday, May 24, 10:45am, Sanctuary
Rev. Andy Cooke will help us celebrate the unique
appearance of the ever-present Holy Spirit among us.
Vacation Bible Adventure
Sundays, June 1 and 7, 10:45am, Sanctuary
G-Force; God’s Love in Action – Help us kick-off and
wrap-up a beautiful week of seeing and being God’s
love in action!
High School Youth Sunday
Sunday, June 14, 10:45am, Sanctuary
The High School students return from a week at
Montreat Camp and Conference Center, and lead us in
worship, song, and praise of a great and amazing God.
FAQ - Faithfully Asked Questions
Sundays, June 21 – July 19, 10:45am, Sanctuary
What questions of life, God, faith do you have?
Rev. Joel responds to the five most frequently
submitted questions from the congregation in this
engaging summer sermon series.
Fall Preview Sunday
Sunday, July 26 10:45am, Sanctuary
We welcome/commission our own Stephanie Loftin to a
year-long ministry internship among us, and preview
the Fall ministries and programs which start back in two
Back to School, Blessing of the Backpacks, Fall
Preview (cont’d.) & BBQ!
Sunday, Aug 2, 10:45am, Sanctuary
Let’s gather once more to say thank you to God for a
great summer and ask God’s blessing on our backpacks,
briefcases, and lunchboxes (and us!) as the school year
begins. Then we’ll fellowship with a Potluck BBQ! OPC
will provide the meat – you bring the sides.
The Epistle of James
Sundays, Aug 9-Sep 6, 10:45am, Sanctuary
Luther called it an epistle of straw…Others quote it
more often than the gospels. What does this letter of
James tell us about faith after Jesus? Come as we read
all 5 chapters together over these 5 weeks.
Worship, Other
Behind the Pulpit 101
Saturday June 20, 9:00 – 11:00am
Step out of your “comfort zone” and get behind the
pulpit! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Join us for a couple
of fun hours learning about your role as a “True
Minister of the church” in leading worship. A light
breakfast will be provided. This “course” is open to all
and can be used as a refresher if you’re out of practice.
If you are an old pro at this, please join us to provide
encouragement and insight!
Note: Attendance does NOT mean automatic
assignment to lead worship!
Hospitality & Fellowship
Sunday Morning Fellowship
Invite a friend
Sundays before 10:45am Worship
Join us each Sunday morning for coffee and breakfast
bites. Volunteers needed to host! Contact Patty
Bronson at [email protected].
Summer Picnic at the Pavilion
Sunday, June 7th following worship
Lunch is on us! Come eat, hang out, play kickball, toss
corn hole…whatever…with your church family and
Gwinnett Braves and Tailgate Party
Fri June 19, Time TBA
We will travel to Lawrenceville to watch a Gwinnett
Braves game. Tailgate before and fellowship during and
Wonderful Wednesday, Family Night Suppers
Beginning Wed Aug 5, 5:15pm, Pavilion
Picnic at the Pavilion to kick off Fall programs!
People attend church primarily because they are
invited, usually by a friend, co-worker, or relative. All
the other reasons why a person attends church for the
first time (website, advertisements, direct mail, signage,
etc…) combined are not as important or influential as
being personally invited.
“Invite in, All people”... Share what you love and enjoy
about the wonderful community of Oconee
Presbyterian Church!
Consider the following:
Every month, invite one person or family to attend
Worship with you.
Invite a visitor or visiting family to lunch after
Worship, listening for how they found Oconee
Presbyterian, and their experience of Worship
For the next big Fellowship event, invite one person
or family to attend with you
Summer Activities, Children
Vacation Bible Adventure – G Force: God’s Love in
Monday, June 1 – Friday, June 5, 9:00am-12:00pm
All children entering Kindergarten – 5th grade are invited
to play and learn with us all week.
Camp Buc, North Carolina
Week 1 June 15 -19 or Week 2 June 22-26
An overnight camp for elementary and middle school
children… Several from OPC have already signed up. If
you are interested in attending week 1, contact Laura
Moore at [email protected] . If you are
interested in attending week 2 contact Jennifer Sims at
[email protected]
Summer, Middle School Youth
(6th-8th grades)
P.O.Y.A. – Peace On You All
Middle school has unique challenges. Youth feel
pressure from peers, parents, and life, and are changing
fast. These times together give us safe space and a
strong center. Fun, food, study, and worship! Come
grow with us!
Summer, High School Youth
(9th-12th grades)
T.G.I.F. – Teens Growing in Faith
Fun and fellowship, highs and lows, sharing a meal,
edgy conversations on faith and life, songs and worship.
All of this is how we learn to love God and one another
as Teens Growing in Faith. Come, and bring a friend!
Special Events
Mon Jun 1 to Fri Jun 5, Help with VBA
Sat June 6 to Sat Jun 13, Montreat Youth
Conference in Montreat, NC
Sun Jun 14, Youth Sunday
Tues July 21 , Day Trip to Six Flags
Sun Aug 9, following worship, Youth Kick-Off
Celebration at the Pavilion with hotdogs/games
Sun, Aug 9, 6:00pm, TGIF resumes,
Fri Aug 21 to Sun Aug 23, Retreat to Y Camp in
Sunday Mornings, Children & Youth
No Sunday School May 24 - August 2
Sunday School Classes
Sundays, Beginning August 9, 9:45am, Classes by age
Special Events for Middle School
Mon June 1 to Fri June 5, Help with VBA
Tues July 21, Day Trip to Six Flags Trip
Sun Aug 9, following worship, Youth Kick-Off
Celebration at the Pavilion with hotdogs/games
Sun Aug 9, 5:00pm,POYA resumes
Fri Aug 21 to Sun Aug 23, Retreat to Y Camp in
Sunday School Classes
Children and Youth
Age or Grade
Infants, Toddlers(0-1)
Rooms 2, 1st Floor
Preschoolers (2-5)
Room 3, 1 Floor
Room 4, 1 Floor
Elementary (K-5 )
6th-8 Grades
9 -12 Grades
Room 8, 2nd Floor
Jittery Joe’s, Watkinsville
Adults, Sunday Morning Studies
No Sunday School May 24 - August 2
Rally Day
Sunday, July 26, 10:45am, Sanctuary
Fall programs “kick-off” on August 9. But before the
“big game,” let’s gather together for a Pep Rally, to get
us excited about what lies ahead and preview Adult
classes to be offered in August and then in the Fall.
“Making Sense of the Bible”, Rediscovering the
Power of Scripture Today
Sundays, August 9 – August 30, 9:45-10:30am, Sanctuary
An all-church, joint Adult Sunday School class will be
using the accompanying DVD and discussion-based
Adults, Summer Music Opportunities
Pickin’ and Grinnin’
Foundations in Singing Class
Wednesdays, June 3, 17, and July 1, 7:00pm
Wednesdays, July 22, 29 and Aug 5, 7:00pm
You don’t have to be Roy Clark, or even part of HeeHaw’s All Jug Band to come to this. Instead of choir, for
three Wednesday nights during the summer, we are
calling all church musicians for a jam session. Guitars,
drums, bass players, trombonists, violinists, pianists or
even if you play the kazoo! All levels of proficiency are
welcome as long as you promise to make a joyful noise!
Music director Dallas Bono will lead a 3-week class on
the foundations of singing. Have you had the secret
desire to sing but never had lessons? Do you think
you’re tone deaf because you might not sing the correct
notes all the time? Do people run in terror with their
hands over their ears when you try to sing? Then this
class is for you!
Adults, Mid-Week Studies
Women’s Group – Lily Pads
Thursdays, Beginning Aug 13, 10:30-12:00pm, Room 5
We will be reading and discussing Adam Hamilton’s
book, When Christians Get It Wrong. Contact Karen
Schofield at [email protected]
Missions, Local
ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving)
3 Tuesday, every 2 months (July 15), 9:00a-1:00p, ACTS in Bogart
Staff the food and clothing pantry, sort and assemble
items for donation. Tom Claiborne at
[email protected]
IHN - Interfaith Hospitality Network
Thursday-Friday, July 2 - 3
Shelter, meals, and support for homeless families.
Contact Nancy Ferguson Hernandez at
[email protected]
Our Daily Bread
2nd Saturday, every 2 months (June 13, August 8), 10:00am,
Church kitchen then First Baptist Athens
Serves food to hundreds of people each day… Sharon
Logan at [email protected]
Missions, Global
Summer Mission Trip 2015
Sunday July 12 – Saturday July 18th
An exciting and life changing Mission Trip for Summer
2015. OPC is returning to the Appalachia Service Project
in Jonesville, VA. The trip is open to adults and youth,
14 years and up. Cost is $310 per person. Contact: Paul
Skinner at [email protected]
Summer Picnic
Sunday, June 7th, following worship Pavilion
Lunch is on us along with Hospitality and Fellowship!
Come eat, hang out, toss corn hole, play kickball...
whatever… with your church family & friends.