Res Hall Neighborhood Declaration Form

Res Hall Neighborhood Group Declaration Form Declaration Form
A Res Hall Neighborhood Group = 3 or more people for 2 or more rooms (Max of 50 people) NOTE: Individuals must meet entire Early . Group Selection criteria to be eligible. Make sure all group members: th
• Apply for housing during the Priority Housing Application Period (April 13 -­‐20 ) • Apply to the SAME college (either College Nine OR College Ten) • Are eligible for housing (remember guaranteed affiliates w ill have highest priority) Deadline to Submit: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 by 5:00 pm! (Return to the College Nine and College Ten Residential Life & Housing Office) Contact Person:________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Date: ___________________ College applied to (9 or 10): Total Number in Res Hall Group: any members also applying to one of the following: (circle one) ILC? Rumi’s Field at C10? TGAL at C9? YES / NO Are *Signature below indicates agreement that contact person will serve as proxy and can make decisions for the group. SID Print Name (First, Last) College Affiliation UCSC E-­‐Mail Signature* (Additional spaces on back) OFFICE USE ONLY SID Totals:
College Class & Year of Entry S.L. On-­‐time App Points Notes Lottery Number:
(Use to add more res hall group members) SID Print Name (First, Last) College Affiliation UCSC E-­‐Mail Signature* OFFICE USE ONLY
SID Totals:
College Class & Year of Entry S.L. On-­‐time App Points Notes Lottery Number: